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Hồ Gia Khánh


Strategies to become a better speaker:

1. Plan appropriately:
It is the first thing we need to do whenever we have a presentation or a speech.
Brainstorming ideas and cutting off redundant ideas are really important because that helps
we to precisely present and audiences to easily understand what we are conveying. At the
beginning, we must intrigue audiences to catch their attention as starting with a headline or
fact, or telling them us true stories. However, in some cases, because of time pressure,
directly going straight to the topic is necessary. While giving speech, make sure that we are
well explaining us points.
2. Practice
Practicing is an integral part of presentation, we cannot be a successful speaker without any
practice. Firstly, we should value opportunities to speak to others. For instance, joining in
English speaking clubs or volunteering to speak at team meetings. The sooner we prepare
for us performance, the more time we have to practice, and as we practice, us words should
be spoken out loud until they sound smooth and natural. While giving talk, we can possibly
do a dummy run to help we calm and relax us nervousness.
3. Engage with us audience:
Engaging our listeners helps us feel less isolated. Avoid using words and phrases as “As you
know”, “I guess” because they are not convincing. Pay attention on how you are speaking
instead: your speaking speed, your pauses. If we can manage those, it would help us be
more confident and natural.
4. Pay attention to body language
Presentation does not just require us to talk smoothly and naturally but also demand us to
have appropriate gestures. During giving speech, we should stand up straight, take deep
breaths, look at people’s eyes, smile meaningfully, walk around, use gestures to engage our
audiences, and interact with all listeners in that room. By contrast, avoid hiding ourselves
behind the podium, leaning on one leg, or use unnatural gestures. All of that will help us to
show respect and professionalism.
5. Think positively
How we think affects how we perform. In fact, negative thinkings will lower out confidence
and increase the chances we fail. Contrary, positives thinkings will give us courage to step
ahead and confidently say what we want to.
6. Cope with nerves
Try not to think about ourselves, our nervousness, and our fear. Instead, focus on the
audience. Take deep breaths from our belly, hold for several seconds, and let it out slowly to
give your bodying oxygen, that will lessen your nervousness.
7. Watch recordings of us speeches
If possible, record our talk so we can be able to improve our speaking skills by watching it
over and over again. We should notice verbal stalls like “um”, “like” because we usually use
it in the wrong way, observe our body language as well as the way we handled interruptions
during the speech. By practicing manage those ordeals, we can be able to make progress and
become a better speaker.

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