Heat Capacities and Volumes of Nacl, MGCL,, Cacl,, and Niclz Up To 6 Molal in Water

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Heat capacities and volumes of NaCl, MgCl,, CaCl,, and NiClz up to 6 molal in water


Drpcirttnrtzt of Chrmistrv, Uni~rrsitPdr Sl~erbrookr,Shrrbrooke IQnP.). Canada J I K 2RI
Received April 2. 1981

GERALDPERROY, ALAINROUX.and JACQUES E. D~SNOYERS. Can. J. Chem. 59. 3049 (1981).

It has been claimed by Enderby and co-workers that changes in long-range order occur in NiCI, aqueous solutions at high
concentrations. To investigate the possibility of a transition. the partial molar heat capacities and volumes of NiCl,, CaCI,, MgCI,.
and NaCl were measured a n d ~ o m p a r e din water at 25°C up to 6 mol kg-'. In the case of NaCI, data were also measured at 5 and 45°C.
A slight change in slope of C,,, is observed for NiCI, around 4mol kg-' which may suggest a third or higher order transition.
However, the change is too small to support unambiguously any particular model for the high concentration region.
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Enderby et ses collaborateurs ont pretendu qu'il se produit des changements tres importants dans des solutions aqueuses tres
concentres de NiCI,. Afin d'etudier la possibilite d'une transition, on a mesure les capacites calorifiques molaires partielles et les
volumes molaires partiels du NiCI,. du CaCI,. du MgCI, et du NaCl et on les a compares dans I'eau a 25°C jusqu'a 6 mol. k g ' . Dans
le cas du NaCI, on a egalement mesure les donnees a 5°C e t a 4j°C. On a observe un leger changement dans la pente de Cp,,pour le
NiCI, a environ 4 mol kg-' ce qui suggere une transition d'ordre trois ou une transition d'ordre plus elevee. Cependant le changement
est trop faible pour servir de preuve formelle a tout modele particulier dans la region de forte concentration.
[Traduit par le journal]

Introduction reference for this purpose. If the hydration of Niii

Enderby and co-workers (1, 2 ) reported in 1974 is responsible for any anomalous behavior, then
For personal use only.

data on the neutron scattering of aqueous solutions similar trends would be expected for MgCl2. Data
of NiCl, and concluded that, at high concentration, 0" these two electrolytes are available in the
the Ni ions were arranged in a quasi-lattice and that literature. For example, data in our own laboratory
the solutions possessed a substantial degree of were reported on these two salts at low concentra-
long-range order. This unexpected conclusion has tion (10). However, it is important to compare the
prompted numerous investigations, namely, Raman properties of all these electrolytes under very
scattering (3, 4). thermodynamic measurements conditions.
( 5 ) , viscosity (6), diffusion (7), and X-ray scattering Volumes and heat capacities of NaCl have been
(8). However, the interpretation of many of these measured as a function of temperature UP to
data is subject to criticism and other explanations 3 mo1 kg-' (1 I). Many authors interested in the data
can be offered to explain the anomalous neutron of this salt have asked US to extend our measure-
scattering (9). ments to higher concentration. We therefore mea-
Of all the thermodynamic properties, heat capac- sured these properties UP to 6 mol kg-' at 5325, and
ity is probably the most sensitive to transitions in 45°C. A comparison with the 1:2 electrolytes might
the condensed state. On a suggestion from Profes- Prove to be
sor H. L. Friedman, we therefore decided to make
a careful investigation of this property up to the
region where the transitions are said to Our The techniques for measuring heat capacities and densities by
flow microcalorimetry (12, 13) and flow densimetry (14) have
flow microcalorimeter measures heat capacities been well described. and the method of calculating apparent
per unit and densities of comparable molar heat capacities (4,) and volumes (4,) are given therein.
precision are required to calculate apparent and The origin and purification procedure of the chemicals are the
partial molar heat capacities. The densities were following. NaCl (Fisher Certified) was used as such after drying
therefore measured with a flow densimeter on the under vacuum at 150°C. NiCI, (Ultra-pur Alfa Product). MgCI,
(Analar, BDH Chemicals), and CaCI, (Fisher Certified) were
same solutions. recrystallized in water at a pH of 5. NiC1, was analyzed by
It will be necessary to compare the data On NiC1, precipitation with EDTA and also by conductometric titration
with other systems where such transitions are not with AgNO, with a concentrated and with two dilute samples.
expected to occur. &(I', seems to be a good MgCl, and CaCI, were analyzed gravimetrically and conduc-
tometrically with AgN03. In all cases the analyses agreed within
0.05%. All solutions were prepared by weight dilution of the
'Present address: Laboratoire de thermodynarnique et cine- same stock solution. The uncertainty in the concentration plus
tique chimique. U.E.R. Sciences, Universite de Clermont 11, the 0.5% uncertainty in the relative change in heat capacity per
B.P. 45, 63170 Aubiere, France. unit volume limits the precision in 4, to f0.8J K-' mol-I. At
,Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. low concentration this uncertainty may increase.
01981 National Research Council of CanadalConseil national de recherches du Canada
3050 CAK J . CHELI. V O L 59. 1981

TABLEI . Apparent molar volumes and heat capacities of some electrolytes in watct
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NaCl T=25Oc
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NaCl ~ = 4 5 " ~

Results are the theoretical slopes of the limiting Debye-

The measured densities and heat capacities per Hiickel theory. are plotted against m and compared
unit volume and the derived 4 , and 4, are given in with the data of Hepler et nl. ( 1 5 ~in ) Fig. 1.
Table 1. Two sets of measurements. corresponding to
The volumes and heat capacities of MgCl,, two different stock solutions of NiCl,, agree well
CaC1,. and NaCl have been well investigated at low inside the expected uncertainty. Our data are also
concentration and need not be discussed here. On in reasonably good agreement with those of Hepler
the other hand. only one set of reliable data seems et ul.. especially at their higher concentrations. An
to exist for NiCl, (15). This electrolyte was there- extrapolation of the straight lines at low concentra-
fore studied to fairly low concentration. The values tion to infinite dilution will give the standard partial
of 4 , - A,mu2 and 4, - ACmli2,where A , and A, molal values at 25°C.
PERRON ET A L . 305 1

, = 6.20 0.05 cm' mol These plots are shown in Fig. 2 for 4, and in Fig. 3
for 4,. These functions will be discussed separately.
C,,O = -306 f 1J KF1mol-I The scatter of data points for 4, of NaCl is about
The data of all the electrolytes up to 6 mol k g 1 0.01 cm3 molF1at 5 and 45°C and somewhat higher
were fitted with eq. [I]: at 25°C. At 5" and 25°C the present data agree with
our earlier ones within 0.02 cm3 molF'. At 45°C the
difference is more of the order of 0. 10cm3 mol-I.
Recently, Rogers and Pitzer (15b) have analyzed
the literature data of volumetric properties of NaCl
where Y stands for V or C,. In eq. [l] 4,O should be over a large range of temperature and pressure.
equal to YZO,the standard value. and A, should be They proposed parametric equations to represent
the Debye-Hiickel limiting slope. However, 4, 4 , as a function of concentration up to about
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 10/24/22

varies significantly at low concentration and much saturation. These predicted 4, are systematically
less at high concentration. As a result, if and A, lower than ours, the mean deviation being 0.046 cm'
are fixed before the least-squares analysis, many m o l l . Our weights were not corrected for vacuum.
parameters are required to fit the data. A better This can cause an error of about 0.06% in m and of
extended form of the Debye-Hiickel theory would about 0.02 cm3molF1in 4,. Assuming the predicted
probably give a better fit. However. since in the
4, data are the correct ones then the probable
present case we are not interested in the high source of error in our data would be in the
dilution region, it was found simpler to treat 4," calibration of the densimeter. Dry nitrogen and
and A, as adjustable parameters like the other distilled water were used for this purpose (14).
coefficients since this allowed a very good repre- Probably aqueous NaCl solutions should be used as
sentation of all our high concentration data with a a standard instead. For the present purpose a
For personal use only.

minimum of parameters. Parameters such as A , recalculation of our data is not warranted since a
then include any specific interactions such as a maximum error of 0.05 cm3 molF1 in 4, causes a
small degree of association. negligible error in 4,.
The coefficients of eq. [ l ] are given in Table 2. Our volume data for MgCI, and CaCI, are in very
Again we stress that no physical significance should good agreement with most literature valueu (16- 19).
be given to the parameters +,O and A,. The data of Wirth and Bangert for MgC1, (19. 20)
The uncertainty in the data and a co~nparison (not shown) show a scatter of 0.20cm3 mol-I but
with the literature are best illustrated through overlap our data. The data of Vasilev et ul. (2 1 ) for
deviation plots A(+,"" - $ ~ , ( ~ l ~where ), 4,ca1cis MgCI, diverge by as much as 1.4cm3 mol-' and
obtained from eq. [I] and the parameters in Table 2. cannot be considered reliable. Their data for CaCl,
are better but still show much scatter.
It was shown in Fig. 1 that our low concentration
data for 4, of NiC1, were in good agreement with
those of Hepler er al. (15). At high concentration
(see Fig. 2) a systematic difference of 0.10cm3
molF1 is observed with the data of Stokes et ul.
(22). The agreement would be worse if corrections
such as those discussed for NaCl were made on our
data. It is therefore more probable that the obser-
rnol kg"
ved difference could be accounted for by the
uncertainty in the analyses of the NiCl, stock
solutions in both laboratories. The data of Kara-
pet'yants et al. (23) are quite different from ours
and those of Stokes r t nl.
The heat capacities are shown in Fig. 3. The
present data for NaCl are in excellent agreement
rnol k g ' with our earlier data (11) at all temperatures and
also with the recent data of Tanner and Lamb (24)
FIG.1. '4pparent molal volumes and heat capacities of NiCI,
at low concentrations at 25°C; 3:present data. low concentra- at 25 and 45°C. A difference of about 2 J M-I m o l l
tion stock solution; @: present data. high concentration stock is observed at 5°C. For CaCI, the agreement with
solution; +: ref. 150. the literature (21,25) is acceptable. With MgCI, the
3052 C A Y . J CHEM VOL. 59. 1981

TABLE2. Parameters of eq. [I] for the volumes and heat capacities of various electrolytes in water at 2joC

Solute TC 4, A1 B, CI D1 0"

NaCl 5 13.4228 2.91796 -0.088435 0.121670 -0.043552 0.007

25 17.2928 0.074893 1.658656 -0.58 1732 0.061657 0.004
45 18.5501 -0.3 10934 1.91820 -0.730121 0.0959 13 0.007
MgCIZ 25 15.0030 4.38801 0.7922 11 0.107646 -0.127300 0.02
CaClz 2.5 18.3549 4.03473 2.42792 - 1.26686 0.230971 0.03
NiCI, 25 6.8372 6.2164 - 1.05872 1.36201 -0.42965 1 0.04

Solute T"C +to Ac Bc Cc Dc 0

NaCl 5 -204.667 132.187 - 12.069 -0.92839 0.049905 0.3

25 -85.46 25.072 30.116 - 10.6986 1.16001 0.3
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45 -50.768 4.4499 31.577 - 10.8616 1.38434 0.4

MgClz 25 252.545 50.8894 36.2508 -9.63046 1 .0
CaCl, 25 -278.326 133.147 -67.3016 47.7742 -9.44019 1.0
NiCI, 25 -295.270 114.882 -33.0619 38.4626 - 10.5031 0.5
For personal use only.

FIG.2. Apparent molal volumes of various electrolytes in water. Deviation plots from eq. [I]: 8 : present data; +: ref. 11;
Vasilev e t c11. (21); *: I.C.T. (18); x : Phang and Stokes (16); A: Chen e t d l . (17); 0 :Stokes et
0: ill. (22); H: Dunn (20).

agreement is less satisfactory since the data of Discussion

Fedyainov et a l . (25) and of Rutskov (26) diverge Transitions in aqueous solutions have been well
by as much as 6 5 K-' molp'. Since the densities investigated by heat capacity measurements, espe-
from the same laboratory (21) showed large differ- cially in the case of the micellization process (27). If
ences, such disagreement is not unexpected. We the partial molar heat capacities of the initial and
could not find any reliable data for NiCl, at high final states are different and if there is a correspond-
concentration for comparison. Our scatter of points ing enthalpy change. then the transition can be
is of the order of 0.5 J M-I mol-'. considered of first order and C,,, will go through a

N a C l 25'C

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- 5.
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1 I I I I I 1 I
0 2.0 4.0 6.0
rnol kg-'

FIG.3. Apparent molal heat capacities of various electrolytes in water. Deviation plots from eq. [I]: C : present data: A: Tanner
and Lamb (24); +: Perron et (11. ( 1 1): 3: Fedyainov et a/.(25): x : Vasilev e r a / . (21): " : Ruskov (26); 0:
Ruskov (26).

hump or maximum before dropping rapidly to its from Fig. 4. At concentrations above 3 mol k g ' the
final value as the concentration crosses the transi- data for WiCl, and MgC1, level off more rapidly
tion zone. If there is no corresponding enthalpy than those for CaC1,. However, no break in these
change, C,,, will still change rapidly in the transi- I/, curves can be seen. NaCl shows less curvature
tion concentration but no hump (relaxational con- than the-1 :2 electrolytes.
tribution) will be observed. This would be a second The C,,, data are shown in Fig. 5 . The trends
order transition. A break in a C,,, curve would with NgCI. MgCI,, and CaCI, are all quite s~nooth
therefore indicate a transition-of a higher order. while C,,, of WiC1, levels off at about 4mol kg-'.
The partial molar volumes V2 and heat capacities The derivative of this curve, dC,,2/di7z suggests
G,, of the solutes were calculated in twoways: that there might be a change in slope with NiCI, at
from eq. [I] knowing that d(&m)ldm = Y, and about that concentration. However, this may also
from a plot of A($,rn)lA~?z against the mean molality. be true of CaCI, near 6 mol k g t .
The first technique is the simplest but may lead to The present data therefore exclude the possibil-
erroneous results at the concentration limits since ity of a sharp transition in aqueous NiC1, near 4 mol
the least-squares analysis may not be reliable at kg-I but not a transition of a high order. It would be
these edges unless many data points were available. of course possible to find methods of plotting our
For example, the C,,, of rare earth chlorides of data so as to show a definite break with our heat
Spedding et a l . (28), obtained by this technique, capacities (6). but unless the function has a sound
give very pronounced curvature at high concentra- scientific justification such plots are meaningless.
tions which may not be real. Ip our case both The heat capacity is very sensitive to local average
approaches to the calculation of Y2 gave the same structure but the effect of long-range ordering is
results except at very high concentrations where small. The structures proposed by Enderby rt ul.
the graphical procedure was better. The values of (1, 2) are long range and the transitions could be
V, and &a,, are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. gradual. Under such circumstances heat capaci-
The trends in V, of NiCl,, MgCl,, and CaCl, are ties, or any other thermodynamic properties, would
quite similar at intermediate concentrations as seen not be expected to change significantly. There are
3054 C A N . J . C H E M . VOL. 5 9 . 1981

aqueous NiCl,, they do not offer strong evidence

for such changes.
We are grateful to the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada for finan-
cial support and to NATO for a fellowship to one of
us (A.R.). We would also like to thank Daniel Hetu
for his help with some of these measurements.
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