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A career in law enforcement has made me feel that the job of police officers is one of the most

courageous and crucial work one can ever imagine. The job is sealed with uninterrupted pursuit of
knowledge that is essential for a successful police career. As we all know, police officers are government
officials trusted and vested with enormous power to enforce laws and maintain order in our various
communities. Among other things, the job is dangerous and stressful and in most cases, involves violent
situations that need to be prevented and put under control. Police officers often encounter many
confrontations with the public which most times results in the use of force ranging from minimum to
maximum force in order to carry out an arrest. Police officers operate under strict guidelines as to when,
where and how they use force as well as their interactions with members of the public. It is only another
law enforcement (police) officer (so to speak) who knows the trouble, danger and difficulties faced by
fellow law enforcement officers; therefore no one knows police officers and their work better than
someone who has served/went through the same process.

When one takes a deeper look into the job itself and then listen to worldwide criticism, condemnation
and perceptions about the police, all you think about is the job is occupied by dishonest and corrupt
individuals who do not care for anybody but are busy making money for themselves. Although the public
knows how dangerous the job is, yet law enforcement officers are not given the credit they deserve for
their daily sacrifices to our country

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