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2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022



Inclusive Dates February 1 - ___, 2022

Dates Hours Activities Learnings & Other Recommendations

 I watched all the  I learned that we should enhance

Day 1 / recorded lectures on organizational resilience against
Jan 31 security training skills cyber threats. Create a shift in
development employee mindset and behavior
 I completed and  In this activity, what I learned is that
submitted the posttest we appreciate properly observing
Day 2 / activity requirement the physical appearance of drawing,
Feb 1 regarding security not just human characteristics.
training skills
Development and

 In this lecture I've watched is that I

 I watched the video learned the importance on how we
lecture about Police become a great leader. I also
Leadership, Decision- learned the different style in doing
Day 3/ making, Cultural decision making and crisis
Feb 2 diversity and crisis management in the field of criminal
management. justice and in the cultural diversity is
 I answered and that how we interact with others we
submitted the posttest can build bridges to trust, respect
2,given by ma’am Milo and understanding across cultures.
thru google form

 I attended the lecture  In this topic that we lecture I learned

on Personal that in every action we do we must
Day 4/ Development by Sir put God first before we do what we
Feb 3 Fernando Padduyao have to do in order for us not to
conducted thru via repent latter. I learned also that we
zoom. must love our work so that we can
 I answered the given be respectful in front of other people
Posttest activity
regarding Personal

 Submitted my output in  In submitting outputs I learned that

posttest 3. we must submit it on time in order for
Day 5/  I performed the 30 us to value the time that day given to
Feb 4 mins-exercise us to submit the outputs.
 Submitted video

 I attend the lecture  I learned that we must always

about Personal manage our time because this is an
Day development (part important to make our work simply
6/Feb 7 2)and Time and easily.
 We are given a posttest
activity about the topic
time management
Day  I attend the webinar  In this webinar I learned that we
7/Feb 8 about the limited Face must always secure our body to be
to face orientation of sure that are healthy in order for us
IFSU to continue our studies in new face
to face learning.

Day  Physical Callisthenic  In this physical exercise I learned

8/Feb 9 that it helps to prevent any disease
and it is also help to control weight
and reduce obesity
Day 9/  Webinar about Police  In this topic I learned that we must
Feb 10 Operation by PLT always make sure that we are
Erwin T. Dopiawon responsible for maintaining public
 We are given posttest order and safety, enforcing the law,
activity about the topic and investigating criminal activities.
police operation
Day  I attend the lecture  I learned the difference about the
10/Feb about Crime procedures on how we
11 Investigation by Retired investigate crime scene and also
PLTCOL Esteban how to package all the evidence in
Dulnuan the crime scene to avoid any
 We join the virtual damage.
testimonial and  In the testimonial of the new
thanksgiving ceremony licensure criminologist I learned that
of the new licensure in everything we do we must put
criminologist God first
Day  We have virtual forum  Let us always flexible in dealing
11/Feb on Expressing with our other people even we are new to our
14 three panelist, Janice work.
P. Ph.D, our college  I learned the proper ways on how we
chairperson, Annie A. can do if we applying for an
Tumitit Ph.D,our interview.
college dean, and PCpl
Poulmar T. Magastino,
investigator from
Banaue MPS.
Day  We had our practical  What I learned on this exam is that
12/Feb examination through a we must always have netiquette if
15 video performing a we have to apply a job. I. learned
security guard job also that we must pass our exam on
interview time
Day  Reading assignment on  In this reading assignment I learned
13/Feb the function, how to deal in solving major cases
16 operations, programs, that involves high-profile suspects.
best practices of CIDG
and NBI.
 A posttest was posted
for us to answer after
the reading activities
Day 14/  I attend the virtual  They informed us again the
Feb 17 reorientation and audit schedule activities in our OJT.
on OJT course content,
basis of grading and
rubrics, Online  The PNP IAS group is applicable for
Platforms, Program of us because in our time today many
activities and schedule, PNP personnel who need to
Uniform, ID, and other discipline for their wrong doing in
concern related to OJT. their work.
 An afternoon webinar
on powers and
functions of PNP, IAS
by our speaker
 Posttest activity was
posted after the lecture.
Day 15/  I perform my physical  This the part of our OJT in order for
Feb 18 calisthenics and send us to prepare our self in the future
to my adviser. works.
 We had a webinar on
Police Community
Relation by our speaker  In this lecture I learned the other
Police Lieutenant Erwin activities of the PNP that can help
T. Dopiawon. the other community relation.
 Posttest activity was
also given to us to
Day 16/  I answer the link that  I learned that we must always on
Feb 21 was posted by ma'am submit our activity on time.
Janice P. Milo
Day17/  I attend the 2nd virtual  I virtual orientation I was being
Feb 22 reorientation, OJT and refresh again in what we going to do
course audit. in the next day.
 I do my physical  In physical exercise I learned that
calisthenics and we must always exercise every day
submitted it. to make our body always healthy.
Day 18/  I join the webinar on  I learned in this activity is that how
Feb 23 Functions, Operation, they treat the people in the traffic
Programs and best and I learned also there procedures
operation of HPG by in highway patrol group and other
PMAJ Michael functions.
Day19/  I attend the webinar on  In this activity I learned that all
Feb 24 the Functions, natural disaster are teaching us to
Operations, Program resist nothing and to just allow things
and best practices of to happen, we can't force things, we
DRRMO can't force nature and we can't force
 I join the webinar on the anything in life, we only think we can.
Functions, Operations  I learned in this activity is that the
and best practices of history of the fire service, the BFP
BFP by SFO1 Elizer G. vision and mission. I learned also the
Librado major fire incidents in the Philippines
and other procedures of the BFP.

Day 20/  I attend the lecture on  was able to learn on how they do the
Feb 25 updates in criminal criminal investigation and also the
investigation procedures.
procedures and related
court procedures by
PCPL Paul Mar T.
Day 21/  I attended the webinar  I learned the history of probation and
Feb 28 on the functions, their organizational structure and
operations, programs, other procedures on how the PPA
and best practices of can work on their organization.
PPA by ma'am Jarine
D. Lingan
 I attended the webinar  I was able to learned on how we
on communication skills communicate in other people and
and etiquettes by how we apply the etiquettes in our
ma'am Frances everyday life.
Day 22/  Orientation on  In this orientation I was able to learn the
March computer aided new kind of apps that they present even
01 application for crime though we have not yet see in personal
simulation and but we see in actual demonstration.
investigation by UC
RECPE project team
Day 23/  Webinar on functions,  I was able to learned what are the
March operations, programs functions, Program and their best
02 and best practices of practices that the PDEA was doing
PDEA in their organization.
 I attended the webinar  I learned that how the IDJ treated
on functions, the PDLs and I learned also the
operations, best functions, programs and their best
practices of BJMP by practices that the IDJ was doing in
ma'am Jurena their organizations.
Dulinayan and ma'am
FlordeLuna A.

 I Accomplish and  It makes my physical body become

submitted my PC healthy.
 Submission of WAR  We must always submit it on time.

Accomplished by: Attested by: Affirmed by:

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Sheila P. Ullupon Zaldy D. Bad-e Janice P. Milo, Ph.D

Crim Intern Team Leader OJT Supervisor/Head of

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