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The Penny Fundraiser – is it Worth the Effort?

Where do all the pennies go? They are thrown in junk drawers, in consoles
and left in purses that are out of date. This happens because alone one penny
is not worth that much, making people discard them without realizing the
true potential,

What people do not realize is that when they pool their pennies with others
it can make a substantial difference in someone else’s life.

Lots of pennies

No one thinks twice about tossing a penny or two in a wishing fountain or a

bucket labeled Penny Drive Fundraiser! After a while these pennies begin to
add up and before you realize it there will be hundreds of dollars.
The only cost of this type of fundraiser is the money that you are out for
containers.An unusual or clear container adds to the excitement as people
watch it fill up over time.

 Dog walking is the act of a person walking with a dog,

typically from the dog’s residence and then returning.
Leashes are commonly used for this. Both owners and pets
receive many benefits,[1] including exercise and
companionship.[2]Dogs are restrained by a collar around
their neck or a Harness,[3] or by simply following their
guardian with familiarity and verbal control. Commonly, the
dog is walked by the guardian or another family member,
but there are also professional dog walkers.[4]

 Dog owners can also go hiking with their dogs. Many trails
mandate that the dogs are on leash, in view of the dogs’
safety and safety of other hikers.[5]
 Matching gifts allow donors to make a larger impact on a nonprofit that
they care about. Because this leads supporters to feel more like valued
partners in your organization, it’s a great way to improve the donor
journey and keep them coming back time and time again.How does a
matching gift program work?
 Confirm that your company has a matching gifts program and obtain the
appropriate Matching Gifts Form from your employer. ...
 Complete the verification form provided by your employer, either online
or by paper, and send it to the Wikimedia Foundation.
 Matching gifts offer a win-win-win situation for each party involved—
including the initial donor, the matching company, and the nonprofit
receiving both donations. Effective matching gift fundraising increases a
nonprofit’s corporate and individual revenue and strengthens supporter
So why not organize or participate in a
community used book sale? Proceeds
 PROJECT OVERVIEW Local community from the sale can support an identified
 organizations often have a community need.A used book sale
 The proceeds from used book sales can
help provide funding for local community
specific need that can be provides affordable literature for readers
programs. Used book sales are also a
wonderful opportunity to help others in
filled through a donation of all ages and gives people the
need through the world of literature,
while meeting folks in your community
of money. In addition, opportunity to clean out their
and having fun. local libraries are often bookshelves with already-read books.
looking for more books Plus, libraries or nursing homes can add
to support their to their collection if they can use some
collection. Many of the books not sold in the book sale.
individuals are looking for
book bargains, and there
are plenty of books
collecting dust on a
bookshelf that would
make a great bedtime
read for someone else.

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