Art Is A Diverse Range of Human Activities in Crea

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Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing

expressing the author’s imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their
beauty or emotional power. In their most general form these activities include the
production of works of art, the criticism of art, the study of history of art, and the
dissemination of art.
2. Art represents reality. Representation is the use of signs that stand in for and take the
of something else. It is through representation that people organize the world and reality
through the act of naming its elements. Signs are arranged in order to form semantic
constructions and express relations. Art represents reality, since it is often depicting
or scenes from the world. An artwork can depict a scene such as a café or a restaurant, or
park or garden. So, there is a sense in which art represents the mind’s eye or what the
imagination perceives.
3. Art is an expression. The expression contained in the form is an attempt to translate the
unnamed and the unknown. Intrinsic to our existence as humans is our quest to create
meaning, and art allows that process to take place. Making meaning involves
our surroundings and marking our experiences.
4. Art serves as a means of communication of emotions. The purpose of works of art may
communicate political, spiritual or philosophical ideas, to create a sense of beauty to
the nature of perception, for pleasure, or to generate strong emotions. Art is an act of
expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations of human conditions. A fundamental
purpose common to most art forms is the underlying intention to appeal to, and connect
with, human emotion.
5. Art matters. The arts matter because they allow us to express ourselves and illustrate
world around us in a different light, helping us to gain understanding of people and
and give hope while living in this world. Art matters because it illustrates the human
6. Art is universal. Literally, art can be found in every corner of the world. Art is
and it is embedded into the way of life of the people. Exclusivity is out of bounds when
speak of arts because it is for everyone. Art is the true Esperanto, an artificial language,
one form of culture that is genuinely beyond national limitations. Art knows no barriers;
even language is a barrier in understanding it.
Example: foreign arts displayed in museums throughout the world, paintings such as the
Mona Lisa, Sistine Chapel, and photos of well-known places are readily viewed. We have
some foreign performers performing in the country.
7. Art is creation. It is the combination of already existing material elements into new
which become the realization of a preconceived idea. Both hut and picture rose in the
imagination of their makers before they took shape as things. The material of each was
already in nature; but the form, as the maker fashioned it, was new. In its essence and

compass art is the making of a

new thing in response to a sense
of need. The very need itself
creates, working through man as
its agent

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