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Name: Dennielle Jay T.

Course: BSN
Clinical area: DELIVERY ROOM
Accuracy of clinical assessment of infant heart rate in the delivery room

An international consensus statement recommends a clinical judgment of neonatal resuscitation
need and response, with heart rate being the most important indication. Recommended
Techniques.1, 3 Heart rate auscultation has been shown to be inaccurate in models. Delivery
room. We aimed to determine the accuracy of clinical assessment of heart rate by comparison
with delivery room (DR) electrocardiograms. Heart rate (HR) directs intervention during
neonatal resuscitation. Guidelines recommend assessment of HR by auscultation or palpation.
We compared the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the clinically determined HR of healthy
neonates in the delivery room. Her 23-observer clinical evaluation, randomly selected, found that
ECG heart rate was inaccurate and underestimated in 26 infants who assessed heart rate by one
of her two methods. It turned out that there is The mean difference between the HR determined
by auscultation and palpation ECG and using the methodology recommended by the neonatal
resuscitation program was 14 and 22 beats per minute, respectively.

I have learned that the accuracy of routinely applied methods varies, with palpation and
auscultation being the least accurate and electrocardiogram being the most accurate. It is
necessary or with need to take the infants heart rate correctly in the delivery room to avoid the
problem and to avoid mistakes, it must be focused and taken properly.

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