Personal Summary Fadli

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Achmad Fadli
Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20147 | +62 823 6013 9312| Islam |

I am an optimistic individual who loves exploring new places and encouraging as well. A determined
individual who enjoys people and get the details take care of. I am a forward thinking and creative, always
looking ahead to new and exciting adventures I can jump into next.

Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (2015-2019)
Bachelor of Economic : Accounting Degree – GPA 3.16 /4.00
 Graduated in May 2019.
 Deeply learned about finance statment, financial journal, tax PPh 21,22,23

PT. International Leather Works
Internal Audit (August 04, 2022- Now)
 Helped Department leaders devisi and implement remediation plans to address identified concerns
 Collaborate whit management to addres All Major risks.
 Investigated discrepancies that were unconvered during audits.

PT. Tirta Sari Murni

Internal Audit (April – July 2022)
 Investigated and resolved billing issues to maximize cash flow and minimize liabilities
 Identified, researched and resolved financial reporting and auditing issues
 Inspected accounts recevable and payable ledgers

PT. Emerald Garden International Hotel
Internal Night Audit (Oktober 2018 – July 2020)
 Posts room charges and taxes to guest accounts.
 Processes guest charges voucher and credit card vouchers.
 Post charges to the guest accounts that have not been posted or were incurred on the night audit shift.
 Checks to see that all charges are assigned to the appropriate departments.
 Monitors the current status of coupon, discount, and other promotional programs.

Technical Skills
 Microsoft Word  PMS (Property Managemen
 Microsoft Excel System)

 Critical and analytical thinking  Invertory Verification
 Fraud Reaserch  Asset Utilization
 Accounting Concepts

Organization Experience
Member of Devision Oct 2015 – Aug 2016

Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi (HMIE)

Secretarial Member Aug 2015 – Nov 2017

Training, Course and Certification

 Excel for Advance (2021) [digitalskillarea]
- Range and Named Rage, Logic Excel
- Look-up Function: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Index & Match.

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