Work Life Balance

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Appendix-1: Mapping of Questions with Objectives

Item No. Section Statements O1 O2 O3 O4
1-9 Section-1: Gender, Year of birth, marital status, no. of √
Demographic dependents, tenure in current organization, overall
Information experience, education, function/dept, role
10 I generally feel happy at work √ √ √
11 I frequently enjoy what I do at work √ √ √
12 I feel proud to work for my organization √ √ √
13 I do not generally consider my job as stressful √ √ √
14 Section-2(a) I frequently feel absorbed in my work √ √ √
15 Experience of work I feel motivated to do the best in my job √ √ √
Generally, my contributions are suitably recognized
16 and rewarded by my organization √ √ √
I see a clear link between my work and the
17 company’s goals and objectives √ √ √
18 I am overall satisfied with my job √ √ √
19 I feel free to be self at work √ √ √
20 I get the opportunity to be creative at work √ √ √
I am able to influence important decisions about my
21 work √ √ √
22 Section-2(b): I am learning new skills at work √ √ √
Functioning at work At work, I get adequate opportunities for
23 professional and career advancement. √ √ √
24 I have good friends at work √ √ √
25 I generally get along well with my manager √ √ √
26 My team inspires me to do my best at work √ √ √
I often worry about losing my job in the next six
27 months √ √ √
My good performance at work fairly increases the
28 chances of my promotion √ √ √
Disciplinary actions against employees in my
29 organizations, are generally justified √ √ √
I receive regular and constructive feedback on my
30 performance √ √ √
31 I feel trusted by my manager √ √ √
Organizational System My organization believes in developing talent and
32 people competencies √ √ √
The environment in my organization is pleasant and
33 conducive to work √ √ √
My personal values align with the organization's
34 value system √ √ √
Employees are kept well-informed about all
35 important happenings in my organization √ √ √
The work that I do, ultimately benefits the customers
36 and society in general √ √ √
37 Section-2(d): At my job, I feel strong and full of energy. √ √ √
Personal Resources At work, I am able to get support from others, when
38 required. √ √ √
I am able to deal with the important problems that
39 come up in my life √ √ √
40 I generally feel very positive about myself √ √ √
41 My work has a positive effect on my personal life √ √ √
42 I am well satisfied about everything in my life √ √ √
I generally recommend my company’s products or
43 services to a friend or a relative √ √ √
I am comfortable recommending a good friend to
44 work in my organization √ √ √
I generally praise my organization as a great place to
45 work √ √ √
I am not planning to leave my organization within
46 next 1-2 years time period √ √ √
47 I feel I am valued at work √ √ √
Section-2(e): I trust the ability of the management to steer the
48 Employee Outcomes future of the company that I work for √ √ √
Generally, managers in my organization keep the
49 promises they make √ √ √
My organization cares about the health and well-
being of its employees, as much as they care about
50 the work being done √ √ √
I generally help my co-workers through their
51 personal or professional problems √ √ √
I generally take initiatives at work, even when it is
52 not my formal responsibility √ √ √
Which company practices contribute the most to
53 your workplace happiness √
What changes you would like to see/make, to be
54 more happy at work √
Appendix -2: Introduction of the survey instrument

Request for participation in a research project

Research being conducted is purely academic in nature and in pursuance of doctoral research
program affiliated to a private university in NCR, Delhi. The purpose of the study is to measure
the “relationship between workplace happiness and employee outcomes”, and identify those
best practices that make distinct contribution to employee happiness and well-being. The study
aims to make recommendations and provide guidance on ways and means to improve employee
happiness, that will be of immense value to employees, managers, and decision makers.

Participation and Information:

Data is being collected from a random sample of employees and managers across multiple
organizations in NCR, Delhi. Participation is purely voluntary. It would take approx. 10
minutes of your valuable time to participate in this survey.
Individual responses received as part of the survey, will always remain confidential and never
shared with anyone, for any other purpose whatsoever, at any stage.

Survey Design:
In the beginning, survey consists of certain demographic questions, followed by the main
section, which primarily comprises of multiple-choice questions to understand your perception
of various work-related aspects. Please read them carefully and indicate how much you agree
or disagree with these statements on a linear scale of 1-7. Don’t take too long on individual
questions. The first answer that comes to your mind might be right one. There are no right or
wrong answers. Be as truthful as you can while responding as per your actual situation, rather
than what is desirable. In case of doubts about applicability of the questions, please give the
answer that is true for you in general or applicable most of the time.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation

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