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A Title page: This page should include title of the project, name of students along with their

Roll no., full name of the course, month and year of submission of the report.
Abstract page: Approximately 100 words. This should be a summary of what the project is
about and the outcome of your work.
Content page/Index page: This page should include the index of your report containing
relevant page numbers.
The Main Body of Project Report:
Main body of the project report should include following sections
1. Introduction: should introduce the project to the reader. This can include the aim of
the project work in brief.
2. Theory: should contain in detail theoretical background of project work.
3. Computational/experiment details
Computational work: should contain flowcharts and algorithms along with the
actual codes used in the work. The details of the computational software (name,
version) should be included.
Experimental: Table/and Images
4. Results and discussions: This section should discuss aspects of the results obtained.
5. Conclusion/Summary: The report should be concluded in one paragraph which
summarizes the project work.
6. References: should contain the references cited in the main body of the report.
All must be integrated into a single pdf for uploading.

Criteria Ratings

Working of 1 pts .5 pt 0 pts

experiment excellent partially working not working

Viva/understaning 5 pts 3 pts 1 pts

excellent good satisfactory

Calculations and 2 pts 1 pt 0pt

results excellent moderate no analysis or result

Report in given format 2 pt 1 pt

in proper format with poor quality report


Total Points: 10

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