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Mary:Before we begin our presentation,let us put ourselves into the presence of the Lord.


Heavenly father, you are the King of kings . The Lords of lords. We praise and we thank you in evrything.
Thank you Lord for this day kay gintaw-an mo pagd kami kang chance para mabuhi kag ienjoy ang mga
butang nga imo gintuga sa kalibutan. Forgive us from our sins and please guide us on this day Lord. May
your holy spirit be with all of us agud makareport kami kang manami kag mayad.Thank you for this place
oh Lord.Give us knowledge and Wisdom,this we pray in Jesus holy mighty name amen.

Mary: Goodmorning sir,goodmorning our fellow clasmates. I am Mary Isabel Nicolas.

Angeline: I am Angeline Manlanat together with our leader Eric Dwyne Recopuerto and encoder Pearl
Jade Pangarotan

Mary: And now lets proceed to our presentation. The effects of poverty in the educational achievements
of the sebastehanons during covid19 pandemic crisis.

Slide 1:Angeline

Angeline: what is the study all about?The study is about the effects of poverty in the educational
achievement of the sebastehanon's during the pandemic crisis year 2019-2021.Poverty has been tackled
by many agencies that it is one of factors which affect student's communication skills ,
assessments,abilty to concentrate as well as their academic performances. In all countries,poverty
presents a chronic stress for children and families that may interfere with successful adjustments to
development task including school achievement. We would like to tackle how these factor affect a
student's education in different aspects.

Slide2: Mary

Mary: What are the issues/problems in the context of the study? Financial capability of parents is very
significant in their children's educational achievement especially during at the time of crisis. Covid 19
pandemic hit the community,many lost their jobs and poverty rate increased.Lately it become one of
the perrenial problem causing high absences and dropouts. It directly affects academic achievement due
to lack of resources available for the students success.

Slide 3: Angeline
1. There are many studies that were conducted regarding poverty and education but least of it focus on
poverty and educational achievement of students during pandemic crisis year 2019-2021. Poverty,
which forms a specific culture and a way of life, is a growing issue in the Philippines. It affected child's
development and educational outcomes beginning in the earliest years of life, both directly through ,
mediated , moderated and trasactional process.

2. Patrice L. Engle and Maureen M. Black(2008) stated that the link between poverty and low academic
achievement has been well established. Low income children are at increased risk of leaving without
graduating. Institute of Child Health and Human development early child care research network has
shown that children in chronically impoverished families have lower cognitive and academic
performance and more behavior problems than children who are not exposed to poverty, partially
explained by a lack of stimulating behaviors and home experiences among low-income families.

Slide 4:Mary

The study aims to determine how poverty affect a students academic performances in terms of
participation, how they join in a group activities, how they socialize to build relationship within the
school. Assessments, this includes students written exam and quizes. Learning skills, how fast they can
catch up and understand the lessons,how long they can remember and recall, and how they will apply it
in their everyday lives. Poverty was a growing issue right from the start but as Covid 19 pandemic hit the
community,it got worse.Since its modular learning and online classes, technology are highly needed and
they cannot afford it.Especially those students whos been living in remote areas where there's no
internet connection.

Slide 5:Angeline

Poverty not only affects a student's academic achievement but also thier mental, physical, spiritual,
social, and emotional well being. In terms of. Mental, does students also experienced mental stress?
dissapointments? nor excitements?. Due to poverty,does students experienced malnutrition and high
risk of diseases? Does their spiritual belief also changed?are they poor in communicating,socializing and
building relationship with others? In terms of emotional,are they emotionally unstable resulting to being
a short tempered?

Slide 6:Mary

The result of the study will serve as a factor for the local government officials,professional
educator ,curriculum planners,administrators and future reseachers in contemplating programs that will
help students subdue poverty. This will be a way to know the struggles of students and in order for the
goverment officials to develop, establish programs and plan of action that will help the students achieve
the best education in order for them to learn and change their life outcomes.
Slide 7:Angeline

Mary: so what is the focus of the study?

Focus: The focus of our study will be the effects of poverty in the educational achievement of the
Sebastehanons during covid-19 pandemic crisis.

Mary: Who will be the respondents?

Respondents: The respondents will be 7 students of St.Blaise high school whos parents capability to
provide their financial and basic needs are very low especially those who live in remote areas .

Reseach Environment:The study will be conducted within the Sebaste community.


Instrument: We will conduct a depth interview with the respondents.

Slide 9:Angeline

Utilization of the findings: The study will benefit the different sectors of the society namely,
government,families,educators and future researcher.This will serve as basis of the government officials
to determine the most appropriate program that will surely help the vulnerable ones. In addition, this
will unite the people to be one in the government. This will give importance to educational achievement
of students and for the families to realize how important it is to change their outcomes nor futures.
Educators will also benefit in this study because this might give ideas about students different behaviour
in school and for them to create school plans that'll give consideration to students.

Slide 10:Mary

Design: We analyzed our research title and came up with a method design,qualitative research using a
indepth interview in order to give detailed and descriptive data.

Respondents: We decided to interview at least 5-7 respondents. As mentioned earlier, our aim is those
who lived in remote areas.


Instruments: We will use cellphone and researcher made guide questionnaire. Cellphone will be used as
a recorder to record the answers of the respondents as we conduct our interview. Researcher made
guide questionnaire will be the basis of our interview. It will guide us on what to ask that will contribute
in our study.


Data Analysis:

We will analyzed the data through descriptive, comparative and correlation analysis.We will determined
the cause and aftermath of it. We will compare how poverty worsen when pandemic hit the community.

Ethical Consideration:

The researcher must observe the following

• We will secure the informed consent of the respondents. They will be informed of their participatory
in the study will be voluntary and they have the right to withdraw if they feel uncomfortable in the
process of gathering information.

Slide 13: Angeline

•They will be assured of full confidentially. No information that discloses the respondents' identity will
be release or published with out specific consent.

• The materials that contained the new information derived from the respondents will be destroyed by
manual shredding after data processing.

"To build a nation,build a school.

Possible Questions:

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