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I love
myself! Everything will
be better!

I believe in
I am myself!

Truth expressed without compassion can easily be hurtful.

Compassion expressed without honesty becomes delusional.
Ultimately to create a healthier world, truth needs to be
joined with compassion when relating with ourselves as well
as with others.

Notice Your
In-times of failure or challenge, noticing
your self-talk can help you replace it

with self-compassion. Instead of saying
things like “I’m such an idiot!” you might
say “I had a moment of
absentmindedness and that’s okay.”

When your emotions are overwhelming,

Write Yourself
write a letter to yourself as if you were

a Letter
writing to a friend. It might feel strange at
first, but your comforting words will help to
normalize the situation rather than blow it
out of proportion

Develop a Self-Compassion
Phrase RUse a mantra or a phrase that you can turn to in
challenging situations, so you can deal with them
calmly and with grace. Dr. Kristin Neff, a self-
compassion researcher, uses the mantra “This is a
moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May i
be kind to myself in this moment; may i give myself
the compassion i need.”

Make a Daily Gratitude

List Write down 5 things you feel grateful for
every day, or are proud of having
accomplished. This may sound overly
simplistic, but this extremely short
exercise can produce powerful and long-
lasting results

althea roma villas


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