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Adventures in Eberron

A Guide to Every Published Eberron Adventure

Compiled by
Jared Smith
e r s i t y
r a ve Univ
M o r g y g r o unds

r t y o f e U n iversi
Prop ill sound if remov e d f r om th Thanks to:

Echohawk for their Eberron Collector’s Guide

n a l arm w &
A The TSR Archive
The Eberron Wiki
Adventure Lookup
the Eberron fan community
Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt
everyone who has written an adventure in Eberron

Adventures in Eberron
First published 16 Zarantyr 998 YK

version 2.40
10 Zarantyr 1000 YK
10 December 2023

Raat shi anaa, roo. Kaas shi anaa.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. Images courtesy of Wizards of the Coast, used with consent.

All other original material in this work is copyright © 2021 by Jared Smith, and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Table of Contents
Adventures by 157
Adventures by Writer 163
Adventures by 173
Adventures by 179
Adventures by 185

Adventures are listed alphabetically.

Page Title Page Title Page Title
8 Against the Lightning 15 Blood in the Wine 22 City of Monsters
8 Apocalypse Gnoll 15 Boneyard Brewery 22 Cogs on Fire
8 Are You Down with Dhakaani? 15 Boromar Ball 23 Cold Spell in Frostfell
9 The Arterial Manse 16 Brave Soldiers 23 Congratulations, You’re a Winner!
9 Asati Tumble 16 The Breath of Dragons 23 The Corruption Under Stormheel
9 Assistants Urgently Needed! 16 Broken Stone 24 A Costly Truth
10 At Death’s Door 17 Burning Keep 24 Council of Roaches
10 The Aundairian Job 18 Cairn of Stone Hearts 24 Covenant of the Khybermarked
11 Back to the Mud 18 The Callestan Clash 25 A Crimson Carol
11 Baerand’s Way 18 The Cannith Code 25 Crisis of Faith
11 Ban’Na 19 The Cannith Schematica 25 Crypt of Crimson Stars
12 The Banners of Breland 19 Catacomb of the Fallen 26 The Curious Incident of the Dog
12 Barreling Forward 19 Celestials Among Us in the Night Land
12 Barrow Bound 20 A Century of Ashes 26 Curtain Call
13 Beyond Grief 20 Chamber Made 27 Daelkyr & Dragonshards
13 Big Trouble in Little Karrnath 20 Chasing Shadows 27 Dancing with the Fury
13 Big Trouble in Little Seaside 21 Chimes at Midnight 27 Dark Fugitive
14 Blackwater Redux 21 Choir of Angels 28 Dark Lantern
14 Blades of Terror 21 Chrome on the Range 28 Dark Portents
14 Blind Man’s Hunt 22 City of Blood 28 The Darkest Heart
Page Title Page Title Page Title
29 A Darkness from the Stars 41 The End of the Viper’s Tail 53 Friendship in the Wilderness
29 The Darkness Within 41 Encounters in the Mournland 53 From Dust
29 Dead for a Spell 41 Endgame 1: First Strike 53 The Fruit of Memory
30 The Dead of Night 42 Endgame 2: Last Stand 54 The Gain of Thrones
30 Deadly Airship Crash 42 Escape from Grea Tower 54 Gambit at Dreadhold
30 Dear Hunter 42 Escape from Riedra 54 Gathering at Gatherhold
31 Death in Darguun 43 Escape from the Cyre 1313 55 Get the Message
31 The Deathless Skies of Cyre 43 Espionage in Grellreach 55 Ghost Town
31 Deep Below Sharn 43 Estranged Tower 55 The Good Die Young
32 Deep Space Vine 44 Expedition Everice 56 Gold Rush in Mror
32 Defense of First Tower 44 Expedition to Khyber 56 The Goose of the Golden Eggs
32 The Delirium Stone 44 Eyes of the Lich Queen 56 Graduation Day
33 Departure from Skydock Six 45 The Fall of Kasshta Keep 57 Grasp of the Emerald Claw
33 Desolate 45 Fallen Angel 57 The Graywall Incident
33 Desolate Endeavor 45 Fallen Colossus 57 Greater the Fall
34 Diamond 46 The Fallen Mad 58 Gulgo-13
34 Dino World 46 Fallen of Sharn 58 Gumshoe Graduation Day
34 Distress Call 46 Fate, Interrupted 59 {Hack}: Coven
35 Divine Inspiration 47 A Few Good Gnolls 59 Happy-Go-Lucky
35 Divinity Within 47 Fiend Incursion? 59 Haruuc’s Tomb
35 The Double-Cross 47 Fiendfall 60 The Harvest of War
36 Double Immiscibility 48 The Final Tribute 60 A Heart in Mourning
36 The Dragon Below 48 Finale in Fire 60 Heart of the Forbidden Forge
36 Dragon Me to Hell 48 Finding a Home 61 Hell’s Heart
37 Dragonmark of the Dwarves 49 Finding the Way 61 Help With Retrieval!
37 Dragonshard Sundown 49 Fire in the Heart of Madness 61 The Hidden Colony
37 Dragonshards Shipment 49 Fired & Forgotten 62 A Holy Visit
38 The Dread Machine of Rokxek 50 Flight of the Magpies 62 House Hunting
38 Dream Eater 50 Flying Fear 62 House of Madness
38 Dreams of Salvation 50 Foggerkar 63 Hundred-Shard Stash
39 Dreams of Undeath 51 Forbidden Knowledge 63 The Hunt for Red Wyvern
39 Dulces Airship Pirates 51 Forbidden Prophecy 64 I Have Reservations
40 Eberron Gothic: Curse of the 51 The Forge 64 If At First
Thornwood 52 The Forgotten Forge 64 Into the Depths
40 Edge of the Mists 52 Forgotten Relics 65 Into the Great Beyond
40 The Elves of Alfmyr 52 Freely Given 65 The Iron Titan
Page Title Page Title Page Title
65 It Was a Dark and Sooty Night 77 A Looming Darkness 89 Murder Mystery on the Lightning
66 Jack of Daggers 77 Lord Bucket Rail
66 Journey to Salvation 78 Lost in Dreams 89 Murder on the Eberron Express
66 Judgment of Iron 78 The Lost Temple of Tiamat 89 Murder on the Halcyon
67 Jungle Secrets 78 The Lover’s Potion 90 Murder on the Orien Express
67 Jurassic Ark 79 The Mabar Conspiracy 90 My Undying Heart
67 Just One Drink 79 The Mad Mage of Xen’drik 91 Native Intelligence
68 Kaarver Estate 79 MagicPunk: The Heist 91 Necklace of Death
68 Kashakanta 80 The Manor of House Hippocampi 91 Neon Knights
68 Keep on the Shadowfell: Eberron 80 March of Madness 92 The New Dawn of Lastkeep
Conversion 80 March of the Colossus 92 The Night Land
69 A Keye Without a Locke 81 The Mark of Prophecy 92 Night of Shadows
69 The Khyber Heart 81 Marked Man 93 Night’s Gambit
69 Khyber’s Children 81 The Maze of Shattered Souls 93 Nightfall on Sorrowdusk
70 Khyber’s Harvest 82 Mere of Shattered Souls 93 Nightmare on the Mournland
70 The Killing Blade 82 Midnight in Moonlight Grove Express
70 King of the Heap 82 The Missing Schema 94 Nightmares of Salvation
71 The Korranberg Affair 83 Mission Infernal 94 Nine-Pin Pontra
71 The Kundarak Job 83 The Mokron Toch Gladiators 94 No Ticket
71 K’zzal 83 Monkey Wrenches 95 No Way Out But Through
72 Lair of Minartis 84 Monsters’ Ink 95 Noble Savages
72 The Last Day of Sharn 84 The Morblud Den 95 None Left Behind
72 Last Hiss 84 More Than Meets the Eye 96 Nothing to Lose But Your Chains
73 Last Stand at Copper Canyon 85 The Most Dangerous Game 97 Of Fumes and Fortunes
73 The Last War 85 Mote in the Eye of Chaos 97 Off the Rails (I)
73 The Last Word 85 The Mourn Identity 97 Off the Rails (II)
74 Legacy in the Clouds 86 The Mourning After 98 Old Scores
74 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 86 The Mourning Outpost of Cyre 98 Once by Ice, Twice by Madness
74 Letters from the Heart 86 Mournland Salvage 98 Once Upon a Time in Q’barra
75 Lhazaar’s Truth 87 Murder in Korunda Gate 99 One Way to Murder
75 Light Fingers, Heavy Hand 87 Murder in Morport 99 The Only Docent Thing to Do
75 The Light Keeper 87 Murder in Oakbridge 99 Out of Space and Time
76 Lights from the Ashes 88 Murder in Salvation 100 Pariah
76 Live Another Day 88 Murder in Skyway 100 Parliament of Gears
76 Living Legend 88 Murder in the Hot Springs 100 Perfect Timing
77 Long Way Home 101 Pilgrims of the Grave
Page Title Page Title Page Title
101 Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire 115 Scales of War 126 Song of the Sky
101 Pirates of Carey Bean 115 Scandal at Saffron Heights 127 The Sorcerer’s Tome
102 Pit of the Fire Lord 115 A Scandal in Sharn 127 Special Delivery
102 A Plague Upon Your Houses 116 Scheme Starmote 127 Spirit Train
102 The Plot in Northmarket 116 School of Hard Knocks 128 Steel Elysium
103 Price of Progress 116 Searching for Secrets 128 Steel Shadows
103 Price of Protection 117 Secrets Below 128 Stokes’ Irregulars
103 Price of Virtue 117 The Secrets of the Missing 129 Stonefire
104 Principal of the Matter Researcher 129 Storm Over the Howling Peaks
104 Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant 117 Secrets of the Trade 129 Stormrider Slept Here
105 The Queen with Burning Eyes 118 The Seeds of Revolution 130 A Strange Awakening
105 The Queen with Burning Eyes (II) 118 Seekers of the Ashen Crown 130 Surprise Visitor
105 Queen Mishann’s Revenge 118 The Seer’s Ruin 131 Taming the Hydra
106 Quoth the Raven 119 Servants of the Past 131 Tarnished Reputation
107 Race Through Q’barra 119 Shaazarak 131 Taste NRG9000
107 A Race to the Sea 119 The Shadowflame Affair 132 Tatters of the Titan Scroll
107 Racing Midnight 120 Shadows of the Last War 132 Temple Heist
108 Rain Drops 120 Shadows Over Stormreach 132 Temple of the Scorpion God
108 Reclaiming a Forge! 120 Shards of Galifar 1 133 Tension in Thaliost
108 Red Dawn 121 Shards of Galifar 2 133 Tensions Rising
109 Red Talon’s Lair 121 Shards of Galifar 3 133 Terror in the Deep
109 Reflections of the Delirium Stone 121 Shargon’s Rage 134 Test of Mettle
109 Reflections of the Multiverse 122 Sharn: City of Blood! 134 Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
110 Ride the Lightning 122 A Shattered Mind’s Maze 134 Things Falls Apart
110 Riding the Rail 122 The Shifting Scales 135 The Third Protocol
110 Rime or Reason 123 Shortcut Through Dal Quor 135 Thirst for Blood and Stone
111 The Rising City 123 Siberys Scramble 135 Three Sheets to the Wind
111 Rolling Thunder 123 The Silver Flame of Eston 136 Tides of Danger
111 Ruins of Madness 124 The Silvered Edge of Twilight 136 To Live Among You
112 Rumors of the Beast 124 Sins from the Last War 136 To Spawn the Churning Discord
113 Sabotage Over Lake Cyre 124 Sins of War 137 Tomb of Tomes
113 The Sahuagin Stone 125 Siren’s Whelk 137 Torkka Island
113 Salvage Inspection 125 Six Stones 137 Treachery on the Line
114 Sands of Fate and Fortune 125 Skybridge Skirmish 138 A Trek in the Shadows
114 The Saviour of Sharn 126 Skyfall 138 Tribe Obliterated
114 Scales of Power 126 Snail Tale 138 The Troubles in Talenta
Page Title Page Title
139 The Trouble with Pirates 151 Wheel of Pain
139 Trust No One 152 When in Doubt, Charge
139 Turn of the Page 152 Where the Dead Wait
140 The Twentieth Lash 152 A Whisper in Your Mind
141 Undead Dawn 153 Whispering Shadows
141 Under Siege 153 Whispers Behind the Door
141 The Unexpected Gate 153 Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade
142 An Unforeseen Fate 154 Wildnight on Juniper Street
142 The Untouchables of Sharn 154 With His Dying Breath
142 Up in Silver Flames 154 Wrongs and Punishment
143 Utility Contract for Sharn 155 Zarit’s Laboratories
144 The Valenar Pack 155 Zombie Commando
144 Vanishing Corpses!
144 Vengeance in Graywall
145 Visions of Salvation
145 A Voice in the Crowd
145 Voice in the Machine
146 Voice of the Obsidian Idol
146 Voyage of the Golden Dragon
147 The Waiting Game
147 Warforge Ziggurat
147 Warforged or Warforged Unknown
148 The Warlock’s Box
148 Weathering the Storm
148 Web of Spies
149 The Weird Case of Zephyr
149 Welcome to Sharn
149 Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins
150 Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis
150 Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath
the Well
150 What Awakens Below
151 What Rough Beast
151 What’s Past is Prologue
Against the Lightning Apocalypse Gnoll Are You Down with

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 4 Party Level: any

Author(s): Will Doyle Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Alan Patrick
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Against the Lightning Appears in: Apocalypse Gnoll Appears in: Encounters in Sharn
An assassin’s trail lures the characters into The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency This story follows the adventurers
a lethal deathtrap. But who wants them of Breland’s military. The characters travel throughout their time in Sharn with en-
dead... and why? In the City of Towers, the to the Shadow Marches to help fight off counters appropriate for 3rd, 5th, and 9th
person holding all the answers is usually an insurgency of gnolls. level characters as they unravel a mystery
the one holding the dagger to your back. with the goblin Stab.
A “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 4 of 10
“Embers of the Last War” part 5 of 11 “Possession is Nine-Tenths” part 2 of 4

The Arterial Manse Asati Tumble Assistants Urgently

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Stuart Broz Author(s): Samantha Flynn Author(s): Christian Eichhorn
Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): Fernia Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Appears in: Planar Pockets: Fernia, the Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After
Demon Wastes Sea of Fire: The Featherfalls Dark
Immortal lovers make their home in a
macabre demiplane accessible from the
Demon Wastes.

At Death’s Door The Aundairian Job

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Patrick Dunning Author(s): Craig Shackleton
Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): Aundair
Appears in: At Death’s Door Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #147
A dungeon crawl that takes place almost A powerful artifact lies deep in the vaults
entirely in the upper chambers of the Lair of a House Kundarak bank. Can the PCs
of the Keeper. steal it without getting captured in the
“Convergence Manifesto” part 10 of 13

Back to the Mud Baerand’s Way Ban’Na

Party Level: 19 Party Level: Party Level: 2

Author(s): Andy Dempz Author(s): Griffin Fredette Author(s): Jarrod Taylor
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Location(s): Valenar
Appears in: Back to the Mud Appears in: Adventures in Scouting: Appears in: Ban’Na
In the ruins of Making, the Lord of Blades Khorvaire Cadets Journey to a forgotten island off of Vale-
hammers out an army of steel to conquer Take a troop to the original home of the nar’s coast seeking a relic from ages
the Five Nations of Khorvaire. With the Cadets. past- a mysterious item crafted by dirge
Oracle of Bones at his side, he knows all singers during the reign of the Empire of
plots against him before they can be en- Dhakaan! Can the adventurers peel back
B acted. He cannot be defeated---unless, of the enigmas of the long-lost island, or will
course, his enemies have their own Oracle. the denizens make a monkey out of them?
Optimized for APL 19, this is the third in
a quartet of adventures, the Flames of War

“Oracle of War” part 19 of 20

The Banners of Breland Barreling Forward Barrow Bound

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 8

Author(s): Ferret Foundry Author(s): Carl Nelson Author(s): Cameron Day
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): Zilargo
Appears in: The Banners of Breland Appears in: Barreling Forward Appears in: Barrow Bound
After an expedition into the Mournland A dangerous artifact from the Mournlands The remains of an ancient hobgoblin
reveals that it may be safe to approach the bound for nefarious purposes is on board daimyo from the Dhakaani Empire has
Glowing Chasm, adventurers are tasked and it’s the party’s job to get in, grab the been discovered in a museum in Kor-
with braving the twisted horrors of the artifact, and get out. No one knows for ranberg, and you have been dispatched
Mournland in search of banners from six sure what it is but they’re not the only by your clan leaders to recover his body.
B Brelish platoons who never returned from ones after it. Upon doing so, you make your way back
war. But it seems like the Mournland itself to the ceremonial barrow where he shall
has different plans for the heroes. Will it be laid to rest, only to be waylaid. Is it
even let them leave? simply angry bandits looking to sell the
corpse at a sideshow, a rival clan, or some-
thing more sinister?

Beyond Grief Big Trouble in Little Big Trouble in Little
Karrnath Seaside

Party Level: Party Level: 3 Party Level: 8

Author(s): Jackson Adams Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Darguun, Droaam Location(s): Thrane Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Beyond Grief Appears in: Big Trouble in Little Karr- Appears in: Seaside Salvage
What lingers in Merwin Wood? What has nath After witnessing a procession of appari-
The Herald offered? What are the secrets Detective Dowd recruits the adventurers tions, the characters are caught between
of the astral visitor? A group of adventur- to stop the murders. rival gangs fighting for control of Seaside.
ers will have to brave an eldritch gauntlet Set in and around the ruins of Seaside,
to find out. “Momento Mori” part 3 of 3 a harbor town along the coasts of the
B Mournland.

“Oracle of War”

Blackwater Redux Blades of Terror Blind Man’s Hunt

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 7 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Lysa Chen Author(s): David LoTempio
Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): airship, Breland Location(s): Thrane
Appears in: Blackwater Redux Appears in: Blades of Terror Appears in: Blind Man’s Hunt
Drugs dull the damages of the Last War; What secret cargo is House Cannith hid- Something hunts the moors around a
gold fuels the fires which might ignite the ing in an airship bound for Wroat? A sim- blind lord’s manor in Thrane. He calls on
next. A band of ragtag mercenaries must ple heist at 30,000 feet turns deadly when the Diggers’ Union to stop the devilry be-
venture into the putrid swamps of the a new threat rises out of the Mournland! fore it attracts the attention an inquisition
Shadow Marches to topple the drug lords of the Silver Flame.
B of Droaam. To achieve their goals, they “Embers of the Last War” part 7 of 11
may have to leave something of them- “Mark of Heroes” part 6 of 15
selves behind; in the heart of darkness.

Blood in the Wine Boneyard Brewery Boromar Ball

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Luke Robinson Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): Bill Benham
Location(s): Aundair Location(s): Salvation Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Blood in the Wine Appears in: Saving Salvation Appears in: Boromar Ball
The characters arrive at the Summervine Salvation’s tavern owners ask you to recov- The trail of a stolen letter leads the char-
Vineyard in central Aundair, and discover er stockpiles of ale from the ruins of the acters to an extravagant party thrown by
it needs their help! Several people have Bakker Farm and Brewery. Sharn’s most powerful criminal family.
gone missing and they’ve closed off a por- At this ball, the wrong dance step means
tion of the vineyard, characters will need “Oracle of War” death!
B to investigate what caused these people to
disappear and put a stop to it! Whilst in- “Embers of the Last War” part 2 of 11
vestigating, the characters find red-capped
mushrooms dotted around the vineyard,
and hear a rhythmic, ponderous thumping.

Brave Soldiers The Breath of Dragons Broken Stone

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 9

Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Marco Michelutto Author(s): Ginny Loveday
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Q’barra Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: Brave Soldiers Appears in: Shard Wars Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The
Demon Wastes
“Covenant of Light” part 4 of 12

Burning Keep

Party Level: 9
Author(s): Alan Tucker
Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The
Demon Wastes

Cairn of Stone Hearts The Callestan Clash The Cannith Code

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 3

Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Ashley Warren Author(s): James Haeck
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Cairn of Stone Hearts Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: The Cannith Code
A fight-club-meets-street-carnival episode. To crack a secret code, the characters
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 5 of 12 trace the gnome who formulated the
cipher. When they learn he’s been impris-
oned in a high-security compound, they
launch the jailbreak of the century to bust
C him out.

“Embers of the Last War” part 3 of 11

The Cannith Schematica Catacomb of the Fallen Celestials Among Us

Party Level: 3 Party Level: Party Level: solo 7

Author(s): M. T. Black Author(s): Mohit Sadhu Author(s): John Stancil
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Breland, The Mournland Location(s): Thrane
Appears in: The Cannith Schematica Appears in: Catacomb of the Fallen Appears in: Celestials Among Us
Beneath the perilous wastes of the Mourn- Monsters crossing the dead-gray mist have A statue of a Celestial woman with uplift-
land lies an abandoned magical workshop been harassing the town of Vathirond. ed arms arrives in Flamekeep and brings
housing a priceless artifact. Bizarre mon- Now the same monsters are coming from with it mystery, intrigue, and potentially
sters and malevolent forces lurk within, non-Mournland. How can this be? A new devastating events.
so only the most resourceful heroes will threat is emerging that attempts to bring Celestials Among Us is a solo 5th edition
C prevail! the wasteland of Mournland ....outside. Dungeons and Dragons adventure for 7th
Can the characters discover the source Level.
of the Mournland monsters? And are the Venture through the city of Flamekeep
monsters the only thing coming OUT with a companion named Valhorn. Unravel
from the Mournland? the mysteries of a newly arrived monu-
ment and save the city from catastrophe.

A Century of Ashes Chamber Made Chasing Shadows

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Bianca Bickford Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Paul Benfield
Location(s): Sharn, Xen’drik Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Breland
Appears in: A Century of Ashes Appears in: Chamber Made Appears in: Chasing Shadows
The adventurers seek out a trusted sage of A notorious spy races across Breland with
Morgrave University to help them un- “Crimson Codex” part 10 of 12 stolen military plans. Determined adven-
lock the mysteries of the Oracle of War, turers must defeat corrupt officials, face
but their studies risk upsetting powerful danger on the streets and outwit the hos-
forces. Morgrave is said to be a beacon of tile forces of a foreign power if they are to
C knowledge shining from the city’s tallest catch the thief and safeguard the nation’s
towers, yet the adventurers soon learn that secrets.
it can also be a deep pit of corruption.
“Shadows of Breland” part 0
“Oracle of War” part 5 of 20

Chimes at Midnight Choir of Angels Chrome on the Range
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 9 Party Level: 13

Author(s): Nicolas Logue Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Christopher Bagg
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #133 Appears in: Choir of Angels Appears in: Chrome on the Range
The brilliant (if somewhat eccentric) de- Warforged are falling ill inside the Mourn-
tective Viktor Saint-Demain has put more “Covenant of Light” part 9 of 12 land! Answer a canine construct’s call for
criminal masterminds behind bars than help and meet Hasp and Knuckle, two
any three other inqusitives. But when the warforged pacifist salvagers who have
master sleuth fails to get the recogintion been stricken ill by a mysterious affliction.
C he deserves, he sets out to prove to Sharn You will navigate strange flora, dangerous
that they can’t live without him. and mutated fauna, and a Cannith artifi-
cer’s dark guilt in order to put things right
“Chimes at Midnight” part 1 of 3 again (or, as right as they can be inside the

“Oracle of War”

City of Blood City of Monsters Cogs on Fire

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 0

Author(s): Nicolas Logue Author(s): Elven Tower Author(s):
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Dungeon magazine #154 Appears in: City of Monsters Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany
A wealthy elven antiquities dealer named This adventure showcases the versatility A goblin hoping to join the criminal
Varan Starseeker, vexed at the mysterious of urban adventures in Sharn, to the low- organization Daask has gained access to
disappearances of several of his servants, est warren of Sharn and into an open-end- an authentic brooch of the acolytes of the
hires the adventurers to get to the bottom ed mass battle in the tunnels below the Silver Flame in Sharn. If he passes it on to
of the cryptic events plaguing his estate. city. The ultimate section entails defeating Daask, they could gain access to forbidden
C the creature behind the Daask, an evil places and steal, murder, or worse.
group of monsters in Sharn.
“Broach Poacher Mysteries” part 2 of 3
“Sharn” part 3 of 3

Cold Spell in Frostfell Congratulations, You’re The Corruption Under
a Winner! Stormheel

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Ed Possing
Location(s): The Frostfell, The Mourn- Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Thrane
land, Salvation Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: The Corruption Under
Appears in: Knuckleheads & Other Such A chase through the skies. Stormheel
Curiosities: A Travelers’ Guide to Icewind Travelers are disappearing on the trade
Dale road between Aruldusk and Olath, north
This adventure takes place in the town of of Angwar Keep in the nation of Thrane.
Salvation, in the Mournland, and in the A domineering Captain of the Guard at
C Frostfell, the northern polar region of Angwar Keep hires the adventurers to
Eberron. uncover the cause. But, if the heroes aren’t
careful, they may join the ranks of the
“Oracle of War” missing. For just west of the trade route,
in the fringes of The Burnt Wood, an al-
chemist is raising a giant from the dead.

A Costly Truth Council of Roaches Covenant of the
(3e) Khybermarked

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Michael Barnes, Rich Marflak Author(s): Elven Tower Author(s): Tim Hitchcock, Jaye Sonia
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: A Costly Truth Appears in: Council of Roaches Appears in: Covenant of the Khyber-
New leadership within the Crimson Co- This adventure showcases the versatility marked
dex has brought the animosity within the of urban adventures in Sharn, from the Murder is no stranger to Sharn. When
organization to conflict. With so many lowest and more dangerous parts of the suspicions fall upon the wayward scion
foes striking at the Codex, and the Proph- city, the lower wards and The Depths, to of a powerful house, the adventurers join
ecy hinting at disaster, the Serpents of the highest and most exclusive neighbor- a race to reveal the motives behind the
C the Crimson Codex may be all that stand hoods in the upper wards and the Skyway. madness. Is he the cause of the tragedy
between stability and chaos. that befell his family, or is the tragedy the
“Sharn” part 2 of 3 cause of the grisly turn of events?
“Crimson Codex” part 7 of 12 As the adventurers struggle to track down
a killer, they forebodingly unveil a deeper
evil driving his seeming madness. Is the
macabre murder and skinning of Baswell
d’Cannith only the beginning? Does Eber-
ron lie on the cusp of a new War of the

A Crimson Carol Crisis of Faith Crypt of Crimson Stars
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 12 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Andy Collins, James Wyatt
Location(s): Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Talenta Plains
Appears in: A Crimson Carol Appears in: Crisis of Faith Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #123
Ebon’ezar ir’Scrüge, a mean and heartless 5th Edition Conversion Guide: 5e
corpse dealer, has decided to shed the last “Covenant of Light” part 2 of 12 conversion
of his humanity by becoming an everlast- Rumors of an Eberron dragonshard of
ing lich. His sole employee, the warforged enormous size and power have reached
Ratchet, is afraid of being sacked if his the ears of Tophran Damilek, one of
C boss become a tireless undead creature Sharn’s wealthiest citizens. Unfortunately,
capable of working without rest. The ad- the shard seems to be concealed within
venturers must try to save Ebon’ezar’s soul a trap-laden temple-tomb, a tomb itself
(and Ratchet’s job) before the nights of located below a village of cruel halfling
the Long Shadows come to an end. nomads and their dinosaur pets.

“Oracle of War” “Shards of Eberron” part 1 of 3

The Curious Incident Curtain Call
of the Dog in the Night

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Tan Lou Ee Author(s): Robert Adducci, Keith Baker,
Location(s): The Mournland Wayne Chang
Appears in: The Curious Incident of the Location(s): Sharn
Dog in the Night Land Appears in: Curtain Call
There’s a lost dog in the Mournland and A paying job in Sharn to find out what
its owner is paying good coin to retrieve happened to a missing noble turns into a
it. Easy job easy pay, right? myriad of street chases, personal grudges,
Zodor Tarev has asked you to find a dog, spy agencies, cultists, and charlatans as
C no questions asked. But when the dog you take an exciting tour through the City
appears to be more than just a mere mutt, of Towers.
can the salvagers bring it to heel and es-
cort it back to its owner? “Fear Reveals Truth” part 1

“Oracle of War”

Daelkyr & Dancing with the Fury Dark Fugitive
Dragonshards (3e)

Party Level: Party Level: 17 Party Level: 7

Author(s): James Chapman Author(s): James Chapman Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): Q’barra Location(s): Aerenal, airship Location(s): Stormreach, Xen’drik
Appears in: Daelkyr & Dragonshards Appears in: Uncaged: Goddesses Appears in: Dark Fugitive
A horror mystery has begun to consume After experiencing a vision from the Fury, A fortunate chance has revealed the loca-
this lawless mining town deep in the our heroes awaken to find their airship tion of a war criminal wanted on countless
jungles of Q’Barra. Can a group of outlaws plummeting out of the sky as people acts of cruelty and barbarism. Seeking to
discover the truth behind The Lost Pros- across Eberron lose their will to live. They mend the growing rift between the Cove-
pectors or will they simply profit off of the must embrace their passions to stop the nant of Light and the Church of the Silver
D town’s demise? one behind this disaster, but they are Flame, the faction’s leaders send their best
This book contains a fleshed out Western driven by passions of their own, namely, and brightest on a mission into the heart
themed setting with its owns means and REVENGE. of Xen’drik itself. Will the jungle swallow
motives, along with a full map and a mys- them, never to be seen again, or is this the
tery adventure that can be run there. dark fugitive’s last stand?

“Covenant of Light” part 7 of 12

Dark Lantern Dark Portents The Darkest Heart
(4e) (3e) (3e)

Party Level: 6 (roughly 4th level in 5e) Party Level: 13 Party Level: 9
Author(s): Craig Campbell Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Gary Affeldt
Location(s): Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Xen’drik
Thrane Appears in: Dark Portents Appears in: The Darkest Heart
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #214 The oracles speak of a time of darkness Tales of a massively large dragonshard
An agent of the King’s Dark Lanterns has that is at hand. Now is the time for the draw the attention of the Cabal and you
stolen a cache of gold from the Brelish Cabal to move, but they will need allies if have been dispatched to retrieve it from
exchequer. Hunt him down, retrieve the they are to see their foul plans through. If the ruins of a giant’s mountain tomb to
gold, and thwart whatever else the rogue not friends, then allies of convenience will bring it back in time to cement a new
D agent is plotting. have to do. alliance with unexpected allies.

“Cabal of Shadows” part 12 of 12 “Cabal of Shadows” part 9 of 12

A Darkness from the The Darkness Within Dead for a Spell
Stars (4e)

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 7 (roughly 5th level in 5e)
Author(s): Sadie Lowry Author(s): Sven Truckenbrodt Author(s): Christopher Perkins, Scott
Location(s): Aundair Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches Fitzgerald Gray
Appears in: A Darkness from the Stars Appears in: Shard Wars Location(s): Sharn
When the researchers of the Starpeaks Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #206
Observatory are put in danger by a crea- A lost spellbook holds the key to unlock-
ture nesting under the mountains, the ing a conspiracy that could shed new light
characters must delve deep into the cav- on the Day of Mourning and reignite the
erns to root out the threat. Nightmares Last War.
D wrack them as they descend, and the
source, the great astral dragon slumbering
in the depths, has a secret of its own.

The Dead of Night Deadly Airship Crash Dear Hunter

Party Level: 11 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 0

Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s):
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Breland
Appears in: The Dead of Night Appears in: Korranberg Chronicle 1: Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany
A tragedy in the darkest hours of the night Headline Quests Wes Velern waited all day from his perch
calls the attention of the four factions to A quest that comes as a player-handout of in a jungle tree within the King’s Forest
the heart of the city. A dark wound in the a Korranberg Chronicle headline. Face the as the golden light of sunset made its way
ground threatens to engulf Stormreach soldiers of the Lord of Blades! west. At long last, a large yellow-bellied
in the terrible power of Death itself if it stag crossed in front of him. This gift
D cannot be closed. Will those sent into the from the gods would allow him to make
abyss emerge alive or will they fall victim his special healing jerky and feed his fam-
to the Dead of Night? ily for days. He readied his crossbow, and
with a single bolt, his prey fell. As he read-
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 10 of 12 ied his kill for travel, a lonely howl broke
the jungle’s song. Minutes later, growls and
snarls blanketed the clearing from every
direction. A single wolf broke formation,
emerging from the tree line and into the
clearing alone. He had done them a favor,
and now they wanted to collect their meal.
An hour later, in the small town of Hilt’s
Ford, north east of Sharn, a tired, blood-
soaked hunter emerges from the bushes,
dragging a dead stag, clutching a knife in
his other hand, with howls heralding his
arrival from a distance.

Death in Darguun The Deathless Skies of Deep Below Sharn
(3e) Cyre

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Kevin Lawson, Author(s): Sadie Lowry, Amber Litke Author(s): Craig Graue
David LoTempio, Location(s): The Mournland, airship Location(s): Sharn
Rich Marflak, Shawn Merwin, Appears in: The Deathless Skies of Cyre Appears in: Deep Below Sharn
William Muench, The party will face the eerie arcane The party wakes up in an ancient dungeon
Charles Peacock wasteland that is the devasted Cyre, fight cell, deep below the city of Sharn. They
Location(s): Darguun echoes of the Last War, face an undead have no idea how they got there, and they
Appears in: Death in Darguun admiral and his airship crew, and face off see cultists leading other prisoners away.
The nation of Darguun seeks to reestab- against a monstrous undead leviathan in a Will the players confront the nefarious
D lish the glory of the ancient Dhakaani thrilling airship escape and encounter. cult, or flee with their lives?
Empire, but internal strife and outside
influences threaten to tear the goblinoid
nation apart. Into the maelstrom walk a
group of adventurers, tasked to retrieve a
Khyber dragonshard that may or may not
even exist.

“Mark of Heroes”

Deep Space Vine Defense of First Tower The Delirium Stone

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Christopher Bagg Author(s): Elven Tower Author(s): Keith Baker
Location(s): The Mournland, Salvation Location(s): Breland Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Deep Space Vine Appears in: Defense of First Tower Appears in: The Delirium Stone
Citizens of Salvation are acting oddly or The adventurers must solve a terrible The city of Sharn is built on a foundation
disappearing, and the characters must event that happens on the House Orien of shattered dreams and forgotten wars.
discover what is going on before an inva- lightning rail. But then will have some Now, your service to the Diggers’ Union
sion of alien forces from The Mournland time to relax and have fun in the many will bring you face to face with the most
eradicates the population. events and fun things that happen in the terrible chapter in Sharn’s past, as you
D festive town of First Tower. Then the seek to recover an artifact from the hid-
“Oracle of War” adventurers must find a way to fight or den depths: the deadly Delirium Stone.
negotiate with an orc tribe that claims a
section of the land as theirs. “Mark of Heroes” part 7 of 15

Departure from Desolate Desolate Endeavor
Skydock Six (3e)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 7

Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Ed Chivers Author(s): Chris Lindsay
Location(s): Sharn, airship Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: Departure from Skydock Six Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Appears in: Desolate Endeavor
The illustrious explorer Angelica Estrella Demon Wastes In a demon-infested wasteland stands
d’Sivis has planned a journey around all an ancient House Orien watchtower.
of Khorvaire in attempts to create a map Mah’vara d’Orien believes that tower
more detailed and magnificent than any houses a powerful portal that could link
created before. She has hired the adven- the dead city of Desolate with civilization.
D turers to join in her journey. Together, you She’s hired you to find it.
will travel on the Celeste Noir around the
continent of Khorvaire in fifty days, stop- “Mark of Heroes” part 10 of 15
ping at various cities and points of interest
to rest, refuel, and explore.

“Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 1 of 9

Diamond Dino World Distress Call

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Mexican Dice Author(s): Celeste Conowitch Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Diamond Appears in: Dino World Appears in: Saving Salvation
Diamond is an adventure of intense drama Explore an abandoned dinosaur theme Sheriff asks you to find an underground
and deadly suspense; the players will have park in search of your quarry…but beware! message station to send a distress call to
to make use of their instincts in order to Predators of all sorts stalk the crumbling the outside world.
survive. ruins and toppled tourist attractions of
Dino World. “Oracle of War”
“Oracle of War”

Divine Inspiration Divinity Within The Double-Cross

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 3

Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Oliver Clegg Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Divine Inspiration Appears in: Divinity Within Appears in: Encounters in Sharn
Suspicious rumours of disappearances A woman walks into the adventurers of-
“Covenant of Light” part 1 of 12 herald the manifestation of a disturbing fice, begging for help... but all is not what
new trend led by a Blood of Vol priestess. it seems.
This small dungeon should provide a short
diversion as the characters wade through
D a sea of gratuitous violence. Bloody awful
messes, innocent civilians getting in the
way and causing a ruckus, dubious ethical
choices, lots of RED, no, seriously, it will
ruin your clothes, RUIN them.




Double Immiscibility The Dragon Below Dragon Me to Hell

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 16 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Will Doyle Author(s): Bianca Bickford Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Location(s): The Mror Holds
Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: The Dragon Below Appears in: Dragon Me to Hell
An assassination in a potion factory. Dare you enter the Creeping Nave? The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency
of Breland’s military. The characters must
In the depths of Valaara’s sanctuary, the rid the Mror Holds of a dragon infesta-
Order of the Emerald Claw harnesses an- tion.
cient engines of destruction to wage war
D on the surface world. Only the Oracle of “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 6 of 10
War can stop them now - if the adventur-
ers can get it to work! Optimized for APL
16, this is the third in a trilogy of adven-
tures, the Engines of War storyline.

“Oracle of War” part 16 of 20

Dragonmark of the Dragonshard Sundown Dragonshards Shipment

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 4

Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Alex Clippinger Author(s): Elven Tower
Location(s): The Mror Holds Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): Breland
Appears in: Dragonmark of the Dwarves Appears in: Dragonshard Sundown Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 1
The Celeste Noir has departed Gatherhold A saloon brawl leads to a chance encoun- Diana d’Orien wants to transport a large
and is speeding towards the Mror Holds, ter with Silas, a crossbow-slinging wan- shipment of assorted dragonshards from
the mountainous home of the dwarves. derer looking to hire. A miner-baron has Sharn to Starilaskur. She knows that her
seized control of a mining community and trip is no secret and will attempt to be
“Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 7 of 9 its profitable dragonshards. ready for any unplanned contingencies.
D The best she can do is to hire the best
mercenaries gold can buy.

The Dread Machine of Dream Eater Dreams of Salvation

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 15 Party Level: 3

Author(s): David Morris Author(s): Celeste Conowitch Author(s): Fynn Headen
Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): The Talenta Plains Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 4 Appears in: Dream Eater Appears in: Dreams of Salvation
A necromancer plans to use the magic of Across Eberron, the spirits of the dead stir Something’s not right in the realm of
Long Shadows to bring a permanent Man- as the Order of the Emerald Claw draws dreams. You’ve felt the call. Help is need-
ifest Zone to the Shadow Marches. back the veil to Dolurrh. To avert calami- ed at Salvation Hotel. What’s wrong?
ty, the adventurers must cut a deal with an
infamous bonecaster of the Talenta Plains “Oracle of War”
D - the Dream Eater - and her pack of loyal
tyrannosaurs. Optimized for APL 15, this
is the second in a trilogy of adventures,
the Engines of War storyline.

“Oracle of War” part 15 of 20

Dreams of Undeath Dulces Airship Pirates

Party Level: 1 Party Level:

Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck Author(s): Liam Carr
Location(s): Thrane Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Dreams of Undeath Appears in: Dulces Airship Pirates
Much of the Eberron lore portrays the The Dulces Airship Pirates will take you
Blood of Vol as straightforward villains, whirling through the airspace of Sharn
but need that be so? The common people at speeds fast enough to forget the ques-
simply believe divinity comes from the tionable morality of “reclaiming” valuable
blood within your veins, and revere intel- Last War artifacts for Dulces Brothers and
D ligent undead as blessed martyrs who have Co. from the people who probably were
given up their divinity to continue serving the archeologists who found it in the first
the community. This adventure imagines place! If your players got the guts, they can
what it’s like to be on the other side of a meet the Dulces Brothers in the Deaths-
holy war against the undead. gate Guild on Middle Tavick’s Landing in
Sharn at their earliest convenience.
“Momento Mori” part 1 of 3

Eberron Gothic: Curse Edge of the Mists The Elves of Alfmyr
of the Thornwood

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 1 Party Level:

Author(s): Stuart Broz Author(s): Christopher Robin Negelein Author(s): Anahita Asudani
Location(s): Thrane Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): The Lhazaar Principalities
Appears in: Eberron Gothic: Curse of Appears in: Edge of the Mists Appears in: The Elves of Alfmyr
the Thornwood Strange things have been going on at the The Shadow Schism occurred after the
On a journey to Arythawn Keep at the Vathirond lightning rail station. A simple Great War between House Thuranni and
edge of the Mournland, the adventur- favor for some easy coin becomes much House Phiarlan. Mark of the Shadow
ers stop for the evening in the Thranish more trouble that it’s worth for the party elves were torn apart, animosity bubbling
village of Brightdawn where they discover with secret organizations trying to kill between the two groups for ages. Now,
E that there are dark secrets hidden in the them and the very fabric of reality being they make bids for power once again. In
wilds nearby... toyed with. a swirling web of lies, manipulation, and
anger, the need for heroes has never been
more pronounced.

The End of the Viper’s Tail Encounters in the Endgame 1: First Strike
(3e) Mournland (3e)

Party Level: 13 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 13

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: The End of the Viper’s Tail Appears in: Encounters in the Mourn- Appears in: Endgame 1: First Strike
The draconic Prophecy says that all things land The Table, a mysterious consortium from
come full circle. All of the Codex’s exper- A collection of 40 scenes set in Eberron’s across the waves, has come with only one
tise, knowledge, and talent—and the help Mournland. Each is suitable for either a goal - complete dominion over Storm-
of friends new and old—will be needed short encounter, a hook idea for a longer reach. With the city’s defenses still broken
in the face of impending destruction. But adventure, or simply just useful unsettling by the recent pirate attacks, it falls to
E will any of it matter with the larger threat atmosphere-setting pieces. the city’s four strongest factions to de-
that sweeps toward Stormreach like a tidal fend their home. But when the horizon
wave? is choked by the sails of a fleet so vast it
dwarfs the sea itself, can anything survive
“Crimson Codex” part 12 of 12 their deadly first strike?

“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 11 of 12

Endgame 2: Last Stand Escape from Grea Tower Escape from Riedra
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 13 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Imogen Gingell
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Wroat Location(s): Sarlona
Appears in: Endgame 2: Last Stand Appears in: Escape from Grea Tower Appears in: Escape from Riedra
The Table, a mysterious consortium from It’s just another day in the Diggers’ Union, A Riedran deserter has come to the adven-
across the waves, has come with only one as you climb the steps to the top of Grea turers with a simple request—save her lost
goal - complete dominion over Storm- Tower. Why is everyone looking at you love from the control of the Inspired and
reach. With the city’s defenses still broken strangely? Is that a knife hidden in your bring her safely back to Khorvaire.
by the recent pirate attacks, it falls to friend’s sleeve? Rat poison in the dining
E the city’s four strongest factions to de- hall gruel? Venomous snakes in your bed?
fend their home. But when the horizon Why is everyone trying to kill you and
is choked by the sails of a fleet so vast it how are you going to escape from Grea
dwarfs the sea itself, can anything survive Tower?
their deadly first strike?
“Mark of Heroes” part 12 of 15
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 12 of 12

Escape from the Cyre Espionage in Grellreach Estranged Tower

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Márcio “Zakkariasz” Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Nathan Bond
Location(s): Ravenloft Location(s): Darguun Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Escape from the Cyre 1313 Appears in: Espionage in Grellreach Appears in: Estranged Tower
The Mists of Ravenloft encroach once Angelica asks the characters to find a A wizard tower has been located in the
again, bringing the electrical terror called goblin artificer lying low in the backwa- Mournlands; this could be a great find.
Cyre 1313. Trapped inside the Mourning ter Darguunian village of Grellreach and Now is a great time to adventure into the
Rail, will the party be able to uncover the stealthily extract him, claiming that he Mournlands and find this tower to salvage
mystery of the elusive Last passenger and can help her use a mapmaking device she all you can.
E escape? Or will they meet their end to the salvaged from the Ciel Rouge.
horrors that lurk inside the moving iron “Oracle of War”
prison? Can they evade the strange crew “Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 4 of 9
and their ominous leader, The Inspector,
or they will become unwilling passengers
on an eternal trip to nowhere?

Expedition Everice Expedition to Khyber Eyes of the Lich Queen

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Mark Spezzano Author(s): Jeremy Melloul Author(s): Stephen Schubert, Tim
Location(s): Everice Location(s): The Demon Wastes Hitchcock, Nicolas Logue
Appears in: Expedition Everice Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Location(s): Argonnessen, The Lhazaar
Following a traditional acorn-hunt in Demon Wastes Principalities, Q’barra
Breland’s Faded Forest, a local orphan girl Appears in: Eyes of the Lich Queen
from the town of Mistmarsh has disap- A simple expedition to explore an an-
peared without a trace. Clues point to a cient jungle temple, and then a search for
sinister portal leading to the hostile south the Dragon’s Eye artifact, but the Clou-
E pole of Eberron. Will the PCs brave the dreavers and the Emerald Claw think the
perils of the icy realm and bring the girl adventurers already have it. Lady Vol’s
back unharmed from a cabal of cannibalis- deadly cat-and-mouse game leads the char-
tic ogres? acters from the wilderness of Q’barra to
the wild coasts of the Lhazaar Principali-
ties and the soaring peaks of Argonnessen.

The Fall of Kasshta Fallen Angel Fallen Colossus
Keep (3e)

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 4

Author(s): John V. Mkitarian Author(s): Keith Baker Author(s): Jon Ciccolini
Location(s): Sarlona Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: The Fall of Kasshta Keep Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #117 Appears in: Gold Edition of Eberron:
A One-Shot adventure for groups that 5th Edition Conversion Guide: 5e Rising from the Last War
want either a short story with a few Conversion Adventurers must plunge into the dreaded
branching options, or a starting point for a Years after one of the floating towers of Mournland to retrieve a docent network.
Sarlona based campaign. the Godsgate district collapsed, the slum
is now home to the ravers, bestial scav-
F engers barely clinging to the shreds of
humanity. Now, a band of ravers searches
Godsgate for remnants of a broken stat-
ue, pulling the characters into a plot that
could destroy Sharn itself.

“Fallen” part 1 of 3

The Fallen Mad Fallen of Sharn Fate, Interrupted
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 10

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Kevin Lawson, David Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): Sharn LoTempio, Shawn Merwin, Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Encounters in Sharn William Muench, Charles Appears in: Fate, Interrupted
Can the characters find a cleric of the Sil- Peacock
ver Flame who went missing in the under- Location(s): Sharn “Covenant of Light” part 10 of 12
belly of Sharn? Appears in: Fallen of Sharn
In the dim light of dragonshards, the char- Fallen is one of the most dangerous neigh-
acters uncover something evil. borhoods in the City of Towers. A patron’s
F What happened to the cleric of the Silver sister is among the twisted squalor of
Flame? The characters are about to find shattered glass and souls; can the heroes
out. find her before it is too late?

“Fallen” part 2 of 3 “Mark of Heroes”

A Few Good Gnolls Fiend Incursion? Fiendfall

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 12

Author(s): Sean Fleming, Kevin Tatroe Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Kayla Bayens
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: A Few Good Gnolls Appears in: Korranberg Chronicle 1: Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The
Headline Quests Demon Wastes
“Blackwheel Company” part 8 of 12 A quest that comes as a player-handout
of a Korranberg Chronicle headline. Blast
your way into a gargantuan portal worm!

The Final Tribute Finale in Fire Finding a Home

Party Level: 17 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Richard Green Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Nathan Bond
Location(s): Breland Location(s): The Demon Wastes, airship Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: The Final Tribute Appears in: Finale in Fire Appears in: Finding a Home
SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN THE The Celeste Noir reaches the landing pad of Brought together by Kalli Alran the group
STATE OF NEW CYRE a House Cannith facility in the Labyrinth. is now established as a Salvage Crew.
While being a recognized Salvage Crew
Prince Oargev of New Cyre knows the lo- “Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 9 of 9 is fine and dandy, but no Salvage Crew is
cation of the secret Cyran creation forge, worth it’s salt without a base of opera-
F but a grim litany of recent disasters has tions. This is the perfect time to establish
shaken his throne: plague, treachery, re- this base since many new locations have
cession, and insurgency. This intelligence been sighted in the Mournlands.
could buy him a chance to rebuild anew,
but who’ll be his highest bidder?

Optimized for APL 17, this is the first in a

quartet of adventures, the Flames of War

“Oracle of War” part 17 of 20

Finding the Way Fire in the Heart of Fired & Forgotten
(3e) Madness

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Eric Williamson Author(s): Tamela Bangs, Greg Marks Author(s): Imogen Gingell
Location(s): The Mror Holds Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Finding the Way Appears in: Fire in the Heart of Madness Appears in: Fired & Forgotten
A dwarf is seeking the secret of his birth- The Cabal of Shadows has grown suspi- As new members of the Clifftop Adven-
right and he needs the Diggers’ Union’s cious of a man named Suroth Morellu. turers’ Guild, the characters are tasked
help. Can you help him find the way? They send the PCs to investigate. Are with collecting an artifact, tied to the fires
there suspicions mere paranoia or does of Fernia, from an artificer in the deep
“Mark of Heroes” part 4 of 15 Suroth hold a secret which might even forge districts of Sharn.
F play a part in the Prophecy?
“Convergence Manifesto” part 1 of 13
“Cabal of Shadows” part 4 of 12

Flight of the Magpies Flying Fear Foggerkar

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Marco Michelutto Author(s): Davide Milano Author(s): Christian Eichhorn
Location(s): airship Location(s): airship Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Flight of the Magpies Appears in: Flying Fear Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After
Your party is employed by a famous band This adventure takes places on the flying Dark
of sky mercenaries to do a simple job: find ship Oceanus, an elemental flying vessel of
out which airship will be transporting a the Lyrandar family which is offering trav-
mysterious prisoner. eling services to 25 normal passengers, the
player’s characters… and someone else. A
F journey on a ship like this one seems safe:
what could possibly go wrong?

”Shadows of the Fiend” part 1 of 4

Forbidden Knowledge Forbidden Prophecy The Forge

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): Dave Knighton
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Forbidden Knowledge Appears in: Forbidden Prophecy Appears in: Korranberg Chronicle 1:
PCs’ patrons discovered a crucial piece Headline Quests
“Crimson Codex” part 2 of 12 of information! An ancient underground Rumors of a creation forge in the Mourn-
ruin hosts a very important fragment of land igniting within striking distance of
the Draconic Prophecy: the Next War Breland have reached the King’s Citadel.
starting date! The party is hired in order Previous attempts to confirm these ru-
F to access the place and retrieve it, but the mors have been fatal.
Chamber Observers are totally against the
‘lesser species’ messing with the Prophecy,
and therefore used their powerful magic
powers in order to turn some very parts of
the Prophecy itself into deadly guardians,
like the dread Draconians...

The Forgotten Forge Forgotten Relics Freely Given
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Keith Baker Author(s): Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: The Forgotten Forge 3.5 Appears in: Eberron: Rising from the Appears in: Freely Given
or Last War Choices made and allegiances freely given
Eberron Campaign Setting (3e) by the Diggers’ Union, place the city of
5th Edition Conversion Guide: An Sharn in a terrible danger. Those respon-
Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide sible are tasked to set things right before
It begins with a corpse. A warforged the full extent of the Diggers’ involvement
F assassin, a mysterious blank book, and an is made clear and the face of Sharn is
offer from a House Cannith heir leads the changed forever. A sequel to The Delirium
adventurers into the depths of Sharn. Stone.

“The Forgotten Forge” part 1 of 4 “Mark of Heroes” part 8 of 15

Friendship in the From Dust The Fruit of Memory

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 14 Party Level: 2

Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Andy Dempz Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Darguun Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Breland
Appears in: Friendship in the Wilderness Appears in: From Dust Appears in: The Fruit of Memory
Angelica asks the characters for help Deep beneath Metrol, the Order of the Bulwark, a valiant warforged serving King
putting together teams for a reconnais- Emerald Claw is excavating the ruins of a Boranel of Breland, inspired the king to
sance mission she’s performing within the haunted daelkyr sanctuary. Sulring Mro- speak on behalf of warforged rights at the
Darguun wilderness. ranon knows a sage who can provide vital Treaty of Thronehold. What if Bulwark
information about the dig site, but there’s had never made an impression on the king
F “Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 3 of 9 a catch — they’ve not been seen for over a and the warforged were never freed? What
century. dark future lies in this alternate branch of
“Oracle of War” part 14 of 20
”The Branches of Time” part 2 of 3

The Gain of Thrones Gambit at Dreadhold Gathering at Gatherhold

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): David Christ Author(s): James Haeck
Location(s): Breland, Thrane Location(s): The Lhazaar Principalities Location(s): The Talenta Plains
Appears in: The Gain of Thrones Appears in: Gambit in Dreadhold Appears in: Gathering at Gatherhold
The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency An inspired killer claims to know the mys- The characters have a rare opportunity to
of Breland’s military. In the first adventure tery of the Sarlonian puzzle orb, but he’ll relax in Gatherhold’s pubs, recover in the
of this campaign, the Lanterns investigate only share such knowledge upon release city’s inns, and shop in its famous open-air
the assassination of Breland’s most famous from Dreadhold prison. The Diggers’ markets.
general and it leads them to a rebel faction Union has sent you secure his release.
G within Thrane. “Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 6 of 9
“Mark of Heroes” part 5 of 15
“Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 1 of 10

Get the Message Ghost Town The Good Die Young

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 3

Author(s): James Introcaso Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): lightning rail, Sharn Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Xen’drik
Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: Ghost Town Appears in: The Good Die Young
A lightning rail chase. Rumors abound of a town in Cyre un-
touched by the Mournland. The truth is “Covenant of Light” part 3 of 12
much stranger than anyone imagined.

”Oracle of War”

Gold Rush in Mror The Goose of the Graduation Day
Golden Eggs

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): Pete Cotton, Adam M.
Location(s): The Mror Holds Location(s): Q’barra Fulmer
Appears in: Korranberg Chronicle 1: Appears in: The Goose of the Golden Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Headline Quests Eggs Appears in: Graduation Day
A quest that comes as a player-handout of The characters explore a small under- This takes place in the Demon Wastes
a Korranberg Chronicle headline. Become ground complex inhabited by the wicked and serves as an introduction to the
contaminated by dubious dragonshards. servants of Rhashaak the cursed dragon Ghaash’kala (“Ghost Guardians”) and their
in order to retrieve the Goose, an ancient war against the Lords of Dust.
G magic item able to regularly produce Eber-
ron dragonshards.

Grasp of the Emerald The Graywall Incident Greater the Fall
Claw (3e) (3e)

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 7 Party Level: 11

Author(s): Bruce R. Cordell, Bill Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Author(s): August Hahn
Slavicsek Tim Sech Location(s): Stormreach
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Droaam Appears in: Greater the Fall
Appears in: Grasp of the Emerald Claw Appears in: The Graywall Incident
5th Edition Conversion Guide: An A simple smash and grab mission turns “Covenant of Light” part 11 of 12
Expansion and 5e Conversion complicated, as Diggers find themselves
Deep in the jungles of Xen’drik, a relic of on the run from Xor’chylic, the Mind
great power has lain hidden for thousands Flayer governor of the Droaam city. Can
G of years. Race against time and the nefar- you escape the city before your gray mat-
ious agents of the Order of the Emerald ter nourishes the local lord?
Claw to locate the relic.
“Mark of Heroes” part 11 of 15
“The Forgotten Forge” part 4 of 4

Gulgo-13 Gumshoe Graduation

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s):
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Gulgo-13 Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany
The entrance to a forgotten laboratory, A worried mother contracts the upstart
Gulgo-13, has recently been discovered by detective agency where the characters
a scavenger from Salvation, who is look- moonlight to search for her son, a Mor-
ing for eager mercenaries and salvagers to grave University student who hasn’t been
help him plunder the riches. seen or heard from in several days. This
G “Garryman here. During one of my strolls represents the character’s final exam to
in the northwestern Metrol area, I hap- full- time gumshoes.
pened upon a curious structure. A met-
al door, hidden away in a mountainous
region. Yellow letters above the entrance
read Gulgo-13. Meet me in the Gray
Beyond as soon as possible, I won’t go
in there alone! Unless you are still green
behind your ears, then go play in your

”Oracle of War”

{Hack}: Coven Happy-Go-Lucky Haruuc’s Tomb

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 13 Party Level: 7-8 (roughly 5th level in 5e)
Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Scott Moore Author(s): Craig Campbell
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Darguun
Appears in: {Hack}: Coven Appears in: Happy-Go-Lucky Appears in: Haruuc’s Tomb
A cyberpulp and technoir adventure, fea- A much-loved figure from Salvation has Lhesh Haruuc, Darguun’s goblin king, was
turing techno hags and virtual realities. gone missing in the Mournland, apparent- been entombed in an ancient natural cav-
Exploring the mind of a forged is danger- ly while searching for a massive hidden ern set in the side of a large hill. A great
ous. Who knows what awaits you in the hoard. Is there still a chance to bring one set of stone double doors was constructed
depths of their imagination. Just hope (or possibly both) of them back? Or has at the mouth of the cave to seal within
H they’re not particularly interested in hor- luck finally run out? the cavern the dead king and the treasures
ror stories or Sharn politics. with which he was buried.
“Oracle of War”

The Harvest of War A Heart in Mourning Heart of the Forbidden

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 7 (roughly 5th level in 5e)
Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): Chad Justis, Aaron Killeen Author(s): Luke Johnson
Location(s): Karrnath Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Darguun
Appears in: The Harvest of War Appears in: A Heart in Mourning Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #167,
Somewhere on the front lines of the Last A dungeon crawl and survival adventure Dungeon Magazine Annual
War, the inventor of the sentient war- that takes the party through the mists into Many Cannith creation forges were lost on
forged, Aaren d’Cannith, wanders the the strange and dangerous Mournland. the Day of Mourning, but a rogue artificer
battlefields. Can a band of time travelers has uncovered one of those that pursued
find Aaren in the branches of time before “Convergence Manifesto” part 11 of 13 some of the most experimental and dan-
H he vanishes from history and recover a gerous research during the Last War.
secret that can save the warforged of the
distant future?

”The Branches of Time” part 1 of 3

Hell’s Heart Help With Retrieval! The Hidden Colony

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 5 Party Level:

Author(s): Nicolas Logue Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Raff Marshall
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s):
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #151 Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After Appears in: The Hidden Colony
In this chilling visit to Sharn’s sanitarium, Dark Save the town of Crossroads from a ter-
a final showdown is brewing in the dark, rible fate! A preventive closure has been
depraved depths of the asylum, and if the decreted in Crossroads. A misterious
adventurers aren’t up to the task, the cha- sickness of unknown origin is affecting its
os inside the walls of Hell’s Heart could inhabitants, and the few that survive, act
H erupt to engulf the city. like if they were dead. While the carava-
neers are losing patience, awaiting to cross
“Chimes at Midnight” part 3 of 3 one of the most important road posts in
the region. The aid is on the way.

A Holy Visit House Hunting House of Madness

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 10

Author(s): Ashley Warren Author(s): Fynn Headen Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: A Holy Visit Appears in: House Hunting Appears in: House of Madness
When the Church of the Silver Flame Residential pricing is just insane in Salva- Aehion Hayttear, decedent of the Dream-
visits Sharn’s finest inn, it’s a chance for tion. Why pay anything when you live on breaker, has fled Wroat in possession
the characters to infiltrate and ask hard the edge of a barren wasteland just full of of the Delirium Stone and threatens to
questions. But they’re not the only ones housing opportunities? become one of the greatest threats since
looking for answers. the Aberrant Lords of old, despite having
H ”Oracle of War” been slain by the Diggers’ Union once
“Embers of the Last War” part 6 of 11 already. Now you must end the threat that
you began, before madness finds its way

“Mark of Heroes” part 14 of 15

Hundred-Shard Stash The Hunt for Red

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Author(s): Igor Comunale
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Sharn, Stormreach
Appears in: Oracle of War: Salvage Bases Appears in: The Hunt for Red Wyvern
and Missions Theft! House Lyrandar has been robbed
The characters search for a stash of drag- of its latest prototype airship! Selar d’Ly-
onshards in a hidden Cannith Warehouse. randar is looking for brave adventurers to
hunt down the thief: the infamous Red
“Oracle of War” Wyvern!
In this adventure you will find:
- an adventurous thief hunt from the city
of Sharn to Stormreach
- a chase between two continents, a story
that confronts players with moral choices:
duty or justice?
- about 5 hours of investigation, action,
intrigue and adventure
- a story of pulp action and revenge

I Have Reservations If At First Into the Depths

Party Level: 0 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s):
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): ship, underwater
Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany Appears in: If At First Appears in: Into the Depths
In just eight hours, Pavilion, a high-end The characters start off in the small un-
dining club in the Silvergate neighborhood “Crimson Codex” part 8 of 12 charted town of Murkwell on the Cliff ’s
of Upper Tavick’s Landing, is set to have End coast of Khorvaire. They will fend
its opening night. If Lathai d’Medani has off a raid from sahuagin, then undertake
his way, it will be a disaster. Pavillion is the an ocean voyage that ends in catastrophe.
I dream of Majoria d’Ghallanda, and to pro- They wake up underwater in the wreck-
tect her considerable investment, she con- age of a warforged colossus sunk during
sidered security services brokered by both the Last War, and colonized by kuo-toa.
Lathai Medani and Ilcarthon d’Deneith. The players must clash with the sahuagin
House Deneith, with its deep ties to the again, defending the kuo-toa’s home. As
district, won the day. Now Lathai hopes to a reward (or last ditch resort) the players
teach Majoria that House Deneith isn’t up travel to an undersea cave riddled with
to the challenge of defending against the puzzles and traps, defending a cache of
subtler threats Sharn has to offer. magical pirate treasure.

Into the Great Beyond The Iron Titan It Was a Dark and Sooty

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 9

Author(s): Nicholas Reed Author(s): Will Doyle, James Introcaso, Author(s): Alan Patrick
Location(s): The Mournland Shawn Merwin Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Into the Great Beyond Location(s): Breland Appears in: Encounters in Sharn
Brave the dangers of the Mournland in Appears in: The Iron Titan This story follows the adventurers
this introductory Salvage Mission. Cultists of the Emerald Claw reanimate a throughout their time in Sharn with en-
warforged colossus and turn it against Sal- counters appropriate for 3rd, 5th, and 9th
”Oracle of War” vation. The scavengers in town must work level characters as they unravel a mystery
together to disable the titan limb-by-limb with the goblin Stab.
I and save the outpost from annihilation.
They are aided throughout by the Oracle “Possession is Nine-Tenths” part 4 of 4
of War, which provides vital tactical advice
alongside cryptic verses from the Dracon-
ic Prophecy.

“Oracle of War”

Jack of Daggers Journey to Salvation Judgment of Iron

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 10

Author(s): Ginny Loveday Author(s): Chris Lindsay Author(s): Richard Green
Location(s): lightning rail, Sharn Location(s): Breland Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Jack of Daggers Appears in: Gold Edition of Eberron: Appears in: Judgment of Iron
Caught between House Phiarlan and a Rising from the Last War The Brelish army advances into the
criminal syndicate, the characters delve Mournland in a doomed assault on the
into the city’s underworld to discover “Oracle of War” enclave of the Lord of Blades. A massacre
who’s hiring killers for their dirty work. is almost guaranteed – but the adventurers
Things get out of control fast – and what have other goals in mind. Amid the horror
J could be faster than a high-speed lightning of war, they attempt to spring the artificer
rail? Sulring Mroranon from his prison.

“Embers of the Last War” part 4 of 11 “Oracle of War” part 10 of 20

Jungle Secrets Jurassic Ark Just One Drink

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 3 Party Level: any

Author(s): Robert Wiese Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Christopher Walz
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn, The Talenta Plains Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Jungle Secrets Appears in: Jurassic Ark Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 2
The adventure begins with the PCs al- The third installment of the Tales of the Wildnight can be a dangerous time to be
ready deep within the jungles of Xen’drik, Dark Lanterns series has the characters on the streets. Thankfully, there are still
and it takes them even farther into unex- facing off against velociraptors that are those within the city of Sharn willing to
plored terrain, offering a window into the airdropped into Sharn. They investigate a offer their hospitality...or do they?
history of the giant-drow conflict and the local crime syndicate and end up going on
J remnants of the quori invasion. an adventure to the Talenta Plains.

“Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 3 of 10

Kaarver Estate Kashakanta Keep on the Shadowfell:
Eberron Conversion

Party Level: solo 6 Party Level: 14 Party Level: 1

Author(s): John Stancil Author(s): Christopher Walz Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarlane
Location(s): Breland Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): Karrnath
Appears in: Kaarver Estate Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #155
After being recruited to examine disap- Demon Wastes (Requires a copy of Keep on the Shadow-
pearances in the town of Galethspyre, fell)
your investigation leads you to the enig-
matic and secluded mansion known as
Kaarver Estate. Behind the foreboding
K walls of the estate, secrecy and peril await.
Will you be able to unravel the mystery of
House Kaarver? Or will you vanish along
with the inhabitants of the neighboring

A Keye Without a Locke The Khyber Heart Khyber’s Children

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Logan Smith Author(s): Nors Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Location(s):
Appears in: A Keye Without a Locke Appears in: The Khyber Heart Appears in: Khyber’s Children
A warforged thief named Locke and his Pits the adventurers against The Lords of
sister Keye are talented thieves in the Dust, a nebulous, dark, and secret faction “Cabal of Shadows” part 3 of 12
Lower City of Sharn. However, Locke that seeks to restore Eberron to a primor-
took on a brave job and attempted to steal dial plane of existence. In Eberron there
from a club owned by one of the lead- is a collection of items that may aid The
K ing criminal organizations in Sharn, the Lords of Dust in their conquest. It is up
Boromar Clan. When he never returned, to Adventurers to put an end to the cabal’s
it became clear that he was caught. Locke evil machinations.
doesn’t have much time before those
duplicitous gangsters make him disappear ”Oracle of War”
for good.

Khyber’s Harvest The Killing Blade King of the Heap

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Keith Baker Author(s): Robert Adducci Author(s): Will Doyle
Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Khyber’s Harvest Appears in: The Killing Blade Appears in: Encounters in Sharn
5th Edition Conversion Guide: As the embers of the Last War ignite A junkyard showdown.
5e Conversion across the City of Towers, House Deneith
A trek across the Shadow Marches leads enlists the characters to uncover a ter-
weary travelers to Blackroot, a quiet rorist base of operations and storm the
village of ramshackle huts nestled among compound before it’s too late.
K the darkwood trees. Here, orcs and hu-
mans live in peace. However, all is not “Embers of the Last War” part 10 of 11
well. Something evil has crawled up from
below, threatening to devour the village
and its denizens.

The Korranberg Affair The Kundarak Job K’zzal

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Christian Eichhorn
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: The Korranberg Affair Appears in: The Kundarak Job Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After
One of Sharn’s most influential figures is Dark
“Crimson Codex” part 5 of 12 hiding something… inside a House Kund-
arak vault. To acquire the answers they
need, the characters must break into one
of Sharn’s most secure locations AND get
K out alive.

“Embers of the Last War” part 8 of 11

Lair of Minartis The Last Day of Sharn Last Hiss

Party Level: 11 Party Level: 7 Party Level:

Author(s): Troy Taylor Author(s): Sven Truckenbrodt Author(s): Rene Rodriguez
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Droaam, The Mournland
Appears in: Masterminds of Sharn Appears in: The Last Day of Sharn Appears in: Last Hiss
A wild ride through time and space, on a Snake Nee’rok is transforming. Only Sora
quest to save the characters’ lives—and Teraza, one of the powerful Daughters of
the whole of Sharn. Teeming with mind Sora Kell in Droaam, can help. Will he be
flayers, giff, gith, and time travel—this ad- able to get help in time or will the trans-
venture is sure to mess with your brain— formation take place before the adventur-
L and not just because the mind flayers want ers’ very eyes?
to pry it out of your skull!

Last Stand at Copper The Last War The Last Word

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 20 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Stacey Allan Author(s): Will Doyle, Laura Thompson Author(s): Anne Gregersen
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Cyre Location(s): Breland, Wroat
Appears in: Last Stand at Copper Can- Appears in: The Last War Appears in: The Last Word
yon In this Epic event, the Lamannian Triune Guided by prophecy, the adventurers
Sinister forces hunt for salvagers, drag- hurls the adventurers back in time on a seek out a spy operating in the heart of
ging captives to their scrapyard lair; but mission to unlock the hidden secrets of Wroat’s Royal Court. The Oracle of War
Copper Canyon hums with strange and the Oracle of War. In the blasted mud has linked him to a great turning point in
unpredictable magic... can you defeat the of the Cyran front line, the adventurers Khorvaire’s future, but he’s embedded in
L evil which festers at its heart and escape confront old enemies and new foes in a deep cover and difficult to reach.
its rusty confines unscathed? desperate mission to acquire the Oracle’s
arcane codex before the rift pulls them “Oracle of War” part 6 of 20
back to the future! This four-hour Epic
event is optimized for APL 20. Notes in
the adventure allow for it to be used as a
single-table event as well.

Legacy in the Clouds The Legend of Sleepy Letters from the Heart

Party Level: 12 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Jacky Leung Author(s): S. J. Twining Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Eyes Unclouded Appears in: The Legend of Sleepy Hol- Appears in: Letters from the Heart
A scholar is rumored to know the way to low A member of House Vadalis is looking for
reach an ancient sky fortress that be- A schoolmaster vanishes in an isolated someone to pen her letters of affection to
longed to the giants of Xen’drik, known farming community in the Towering Wood a royal prince. The search for a ghostwrit-
as Himingard, the Garden in the Clouds. of the Eldeen Reaches, while an ages-old er leads to new revelations and love that
Race across the mysterious continent and curse is reawakened and an enchanted for- transcends time and space.
L determine the fate of not just the floating est burns under the hooves of nightmare.
castle, but also the fate of the Five Na-
tions of Khorvaire.

Lhazaar’s Truth Light Fingers, Heavy The Light Keeper

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 8

Author(s): Nausicaä Enriquez Author(s): Joshua C. Kelly Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): The Lhazaar Principalities Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Lhazaar’s Truth Appears in: Light Fingers, Heavy Hand Appears in: Seaside Salvage
In the lawless pirate archipelago of the A war-scarred artificer runs a gang of pick- The spirit of a fallen kalashtar is fused to
Lhazaar Principalities, a gargoyle lays out pockets in Zarash’ak. He is a cruel master a lighthouse, creating a powerful psionic
a deal before a group of brave adventurers, and his thralls would like to see him done beacon that lures unsuspecting victims to
to enter a wizard’s tomb on the storied isle away with, that’s where you come in. their doom. Set in and around the ruins of
of Trebaz Sinara and retrieve a priceless Seaside, a harbor town along the coasts of
L artifact called Lhazaar’s Truth. The adven- the Mournland.
turers must contend with wild spirits, wild
beasts, a dead wizard’s sense of humor, “Oracle of War”
and the ruthlessness of those who seek
the artifact...

Lights from the Ashes Live Another Day Living Legend

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Juan Francisco Pereira Author(s): Dave Knighton Author(s): Will Brolley, Mark
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Droaam Navarre-Jones
Appears in: Lights from the Ashes Appears in: Live Another Day Location(s): Darguun
Political tensions after The Last War, the Provost Nigel Faurious’s continued planar Appears in: Living Legend
moral objection of some to Karrnath’s research has uncovered a reference to a The characters, members of the Clifftop
decision to use armies of soulless zombies, sapphire amulet and a map with general Adventurers’ Guild, have been tasked with
the discovery of a solid (mineral) form of directions to the entrance of the Shining acquiring the Chains of Mur’taal, an arti-
gas known as Gray Mist, new religious Valley deep within the Graywall Moun- fact tied to Thelanis, from Darguun.
L sects, special suits to survive in the ruins, a tains.
“ticket to ride” the Lightning Rail, amaz- “Convergence Manifesto” part 4 of 13
ing discoveries in Cannith laboratories in- “Convergence Manifesto” part 2 of 13
cluding unique items, and above all, three
final bosses, each with their own personal-
ity, background and interests.

Long Way Home A Looming Darkness Lord Bucket

Party Level: duet 1 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 9

Author(s): Iain Skylar Twining Author(s): Ukulele Bard Author(s): Travis Woodall
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Karrnath Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Long Way Home Appears in: A Looming Darkness Appears in: Lord Bucket
Mazaan is a goblin magewright struggling Many seek to recreate the extinct Mark When word reaches Breland that the Lord
to survive in Sharn after the hundred year of Death for their own purposes. Rumors of Blades is plotting an attack, the outpost
war ravaged the continent of Khorvaire. have been brewing about a team of arcane of Salvation becomes the first line of de-
Guide Mazaan home with his hard-earned scientists in Loom Keep creating an artifi- fense. In preparation for war, the Brelish
pay, avoiding cutpurses, shady figures, and cial version of the mark, leaving those who army enlists the adventurers to secure the
L hungry predators, and make it to Fallen wish to keep the mark extinct on edge. outpost, serving under the vainglorious
with your wages to pay your room and General Karol Tyresh; a buffoon known to
board to the medusa-proprietor of the his troops as “Lord Bucket.”
Stone Sister — or end up a life-like sculp-
ture in her garden of stone. “Oracle of War” part 9 of 20

Lost in Dreams The Lost Temple of The Lover’s Potion

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Nausicaä Enriquez Author(s): Ben Rowe Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches Location(s): Aundair
Appears in: Lost in Dreams Appears in: The Lost Temple of Tiamat Appears in: The Lover’s Potion
The player characters are sent to retrieve Famous heroes have summoned a group Paulus and Diana are two apprentice
a powerful artifact, the Mind’s Eye, the of up-and-coming adventurers to handle a alchemists who are secretly in love with
petrified eye of a kalaraq quori. side quest to recover the Orb of Dragon each other. When a renowned knight
Command from a long forgotten temple threatens to get between them, Paulus
“Convergence Manifesto” part 12 of 13 to Tiamat, god of chromatic dragons, resorts to drastic measures. Can you save
L while they tackle the main quest of their Paulus, Diana, and the people of Arcanix
own adventure. Eager to please their from a giant mistake?
icons, the adventurers agree and delve into
the ever-shifting ancient temple — which
will test their wits, their daring, and their
strength in equal measure!

The Mabar Conspiracy The Mad Mage of MagicPunk: The Heist

Party Level: 18 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Nicholas Reed Author(s): Travis Legge Author(s):
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: The Mabar Conspiracy Appears in: The Mad Mage of Xen’drik Appears in: MagicPunk: The Heist
The party is sent into the Mournland, Deep in the jungles of Xen’drik, embedded A swashbuckling adventure. Steal from the
drawn to a crashsite by Great House poli- in the side of a mountain stands the tower rich and powerful!
tics and elven conspiracy. of the Mad Mage Xeffon. Though his
various servants can be found flowing in
”Oracle of War” and out of the tower on a daily basis, the
M elusive wizard has not been seen in many
years. Some say he no longer lives, while
others postulate that he is locked up in
his laboratory, tinkering with magics that
could alter the face of Eberron!

The Manor of House March of Madness March of the Colossus

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 14

Author(s): Pete McDonald Author(s): Andrew Bishkinskyi Author(s): Imogen Gingell
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Shadow Marches Location(s): Xen’drik
Appears in: The Manor of House Hip- Appears in: March of Madness Appears in: March of the Colossus
pocampi Having discovered a Xoriat artifact hid- An ancient power stirs beneath the jun-
On the outskirts of Sharn, your party are den in a complex guarded by Gatekeeper gles of Xen’drik. Will our heroes rise to
hired to investigate the disappearance of druids, Provost Nigel Faurious tasks the the challenge? Or will they be crushed
a missing heir to an ill-fated merchant adventurers with recovering the Spiral beneath the weight of a 400 ft. construct?
house. Upon entering the mansion, they Well. Awaken the slumbering construct, climb
M get more than they bargained for as the to its summit, and do battle with a pilot
occupants of the house weren’t exactly “Convergence Manifesto” part 8 of 13 frozen in time!
what your adventurers had in mind!

The Mark of Prophecy Marked Man The Maze of Shattered
(4e) (3e) Souls

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 15 (roughly 10th level in 5e)
Author(s): Keith Baker, James Wyatt Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): James Wyatt
Location(s): Cyre, Sharn Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: Eberron Campaign Guide Appears in: Marked Man Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #177
5th Edition Conversion Guide: Velrith d’Tharashk and his elite company The Ghaash’kala guard the Labyrinth,
conversion (Party Level 2) has disappeared while trying to retrieve an preventing anyone from entering or leav-
When the heroes stick their nose where artifact which may be involved in the dra- ing the Demon Wastes lest the taint of evil
it doesn’t belong, they accidentally create conic prophecy. It’s up to the characters to spread to the world beyond...
their worst enemy. investigate.
“Blackwheel Company” part 3 of 12

Mere of Shattered Souls Midnight in Moonlight The Missing Schema
(3e) Grove

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1

Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Karl Kreutzer Author(s): Elven Tower
Location(s): Stormreach, Xen’drik Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Mere of Shattered Souls Appears in: Midnight in Moonlight Appears in: The Missing Schema
Grove This introductory adventure showcas-
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 4 of 12 Asked to investigate a quiet forest village es the versatility of urban adventures in
plagued by a growing madness, the adven- Sharn, from the lowest and more danger-
turers are drawn into its dark past. Will ous parts of the city, the lower wards and
the adventurers break a family curse and The Depths, to the highest and most ex-
M damn the village or let it prosper knowing clusive neighborhoods in the upper wards
its awful truth? and the Skyway.

“Sharn” part 1 of 3

Mission Infernal The Mokron Toch Monkey Wrenches

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Dimitri Zanella Author(s): Eran Arbel
Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): Darguun Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Mission Infernal Appears in: The Mokron Toch Gladia- Appears in: Monkey Wrenches
The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency tors House Cannith employs independent con-
of Breland’s military. The characters travel ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT? tractors to enter a secret lab, and destroy
to the Demon Wastes in this conclusion to Darguun is a dangerous land, led by mon- the research and its future. Another group
the Tales of the Dark Lanterns campaign. sters who celebrate violence in all its will hunt down the actual scavengers and
forms. eliminate the spells themselves. It is an
M “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 10 of 10 infiltration mission in hostile territory
The Twelve Skulls arena - the infamous which includes some investigation, maybe
Mokron Toch - opens the cruel games of a bit of socialising, and some quick dun-
Midsummer. geon-crawl elements. It is designed for
multiple possible endings.
And you are there!


Defeat any enemy that stands before you

or die to the delight of the crowd.

This adventure, set in Eberron, is played

entirely in Rhukaan Draal, the capital of
Darguun and more precisely in the Twelve
Skulls Arena (the Mokron Toch). You are
prisoners, slaves and death row inmates
fighting to please the public in the stands.

“Dar Menace” part 1

Monsters’ Ink The Morblud Den More Than Meets the

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Alexander Laferriere Author(s): DonewithDeserts
Location(s): Droaam Location(s): The Talenta Plains Location(s): The Talenta Plains
Appears in: Monsters’ Ink Appears in: The Morblud Den Appears in: Troubles in Talenta
The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency The adventurers are called upon to inves- A hidden oasis in far Talenta suffers a
of Breland’s military. The characters are tigate and recover a valuable debt from disruption.
sent to Droaam to investigate the disap- The Den run by Cyre during the war.
pearance of Breland’s ambassador.

M “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 8 of 10

The Most Dangerous Mote in the Eye of Chaos The Mourn Identity
Game (3e)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 5

Author(s): S. J. Twining Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarland Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Karrnath Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: The Most Dangerous Game Appears in: Mote in the Eye of Chaos Appears in: The Mourn Identity
Marooned on a rugged and isolated jun- A member of House Vadalis has gone The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency
gle island, surrounded by raging seas and missing, and divination has determined of Breland’s military. The characters are
hostile sea devils. Stranded and bereft of she has been kidnapped by the dark and sent to the Mournlands to discover its
even the simplest of weaponry, the adven- mysterious Children of Winter. Can you secrets once and for all.
turers must survive challenging and un- save the girl before she is sacrificed within
M settling encounters in perilous wilds and an unholy grove deep in the heart of the “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 7 of 10
blasted landscapes, teeming with savage Gloaming?
creatures—while fleeing a mad Karrnathi
general, a disgraced and bloodthirsty “Mark of Heroes” part 9 of 15
veteran of The Last War and master of the
hunt in, The Most Dangerous Game.

The Mourning After The Mourning Outpost Mournland Salvage
of Cyre

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Andrew Bishkinskyi Author(s): Cole M. Bonnema Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck
Location(s): Ravenloft Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Dread Metrol: Into the Appears in: The Mourning Outpost of Appears in: Mournland Salvage
Mists Cyre House Cannith has a simple task for you:
An 8- to 12-hour starter adventure for a Venture into the ruined ex-nation of Cyre travel to their enclave of Forgehome and
party of four to six 1st-level characters, and discover the fate of those left behind. retrieve a few magical items for them.
who advance to 4th level by the adven- You’ll be paid well for the task, and any
ture’s conclusion. It is set in Dread Metrol other things you find along the way are
M and serves as an introduction to this Do- yours for the taking. There’s just one
main of Dread. This can be the beginning catch: Forgehome is in the Mournland.
of a longer campaign in Dread Metrol, or And none of the living members of Can-
the characters can return to their plane of nith know what horrible experiments they
origin - or another Domain of Dread - at were working on there.
the end of the adventure.

Murder in Korunda Gate Murder in Morport Murder in Oakbridge

Party Level: 5 Party Level: solo 5 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Az Copey Author(s): Eric Gutierrez Author(s): Uri Kurlianchik
Location(s): The Mror Holds Location(s): Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Murder in Korunda Gate Appears in: Murder in Morport Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #129
When three bodies were found with The head of The Fortuna Syndicate, Re- The PCs match wits with a brilliant assas-
severe burn marks around thier necks, it zuk Valdur, has been seeing a decrease in sin driven insane by the accidental death
was clear the city guard were out of their profits in the Eastgate district. He brings of her daughter years ago. To solve this
league. Inquisitives were called in to solve you in to investigate the source while he dark murder mystery, the PCs must use
the case... ventures out to the city of Sharn to com- their perception and intellect along with
M A one-shot noir adventure in the world of municate with the Boromar Clan, in hopes their arsenal of spells and abilities.
Eberron. The party will take on the role of they’re not part of the problem.
inquisitives investigating strange murders
in one of the seedy backstreets of Korun-
da Gate, a city on the border of the Mror
This adventure is for four level 5 players
and is expected to take around 4 hours.
It is a great introduction to Eberron for
DMs and players alike. It includes:
* An exciting mystery to solve across four
* Three vicious new monsters to fight
* An optional bonus scene involving a high
speed rooftop chase

Murder in Salvation Murder in Skyway Murder in the Hot

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 8

Author(s): Fynn Headen Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Salvation Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Murder in Salvation Appears in: Murder in Skyway Appears in: Seaside Salvage
Jeremek, the alchemist, has been mur- On a dark and stormy night, the char- A sulfurous hot spring resort becomes
dered! Who did it? Find out in this adven- acters discover a dead body in Sharn’s the site of a string of disappearances, and
ture! wealthiest district… just as the Sharn adventurers are hired to investigate. Set in
Watch arrives! To clear their names, and around the ruins of Seaside, a harbor
“Oracle of War” the characters must hunt the real killer town along the coasts of the Mournland.
M through the mean streets of the City of
Towers. “Oracle of War”

“Embers of the Last War” part 1 of 11

Murder Mystery on the Murder on the Eberron Murder on the Halcyon
Lightning Rail Express

Party Level: Party Level: 6 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Ty Da Author(s): Orla ní Dhúill Author(s): Justice Arman
Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): airship
Appears in: Murder Mystery on the Appears in: Murder on the Eberron Appears in: Gold Edition of Eberron:
Lightning Rail Express Rising from the Last War
A simple whodunnit for the lightning rail. Murder on the Eberron Express is a charac- There’s a bit of dirty business upon the
A construct of silverware and other vari- ter driven murder mystery, confined on a luxurious airship The Halcyon. Can your
ous knick knacks (Animated Armor Stats) moving lightning rail, where the murderer players solve the mystery before it’s too
commits a crime aboard the lightning rail changes each time you run it. late?
M and kills a man’s wife.

Murder on the Orien My Undying Heart

Party Level: Party Level: 11

Author(s): Tristan Jacobs Author(s): Tom “Evhelm” Donovan
Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): Karrnath
Appears in: Murder on the Orien Ex- Appears in: My Undying Heart
press High above Karrnath, the adventurers
A detective agency finds themselves present the Oracle of War to the Insti-
aboard the lightning rail when a murder tute of the Twelve. The dragonmarked
takes place, and it is up to them to find houses promise security, but dead eyes are
out who the culprit is. watching from the dark. In this nation
M of storms, the drums of war are beating

“Oracle of War” part 11 of 20

Native Intelligence Necklace of Death Neon Knights

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 4

Author(s): David LoTempio, Shawn Author(s): Troy Taylor Author(s): Christian Eichhorn
Merwin Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Location(s): Xen’drik Appears in: Masterminds of Sharn Appears in: Neon Knights
Appears in: Native Intelligence

“Crimson Codex” part 3 of 12

The New Dawn of The Night Land Night of Shadows
Lastkeep (3e)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Matt Butcher Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Gary Affeldt, Andrew Moore
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: The New Dawn of Lastkeep Appears in: The Night Land Appears in: Night of Shadows
Isolated on the southern shore of Cyre, The brokers of Salvation pay good coin
the inhabitants of Lastkeep have been for artifacts scavenged from the haunted “Cabal of Shadows” part 5 of 12
sequestered in the tower for months. battlefields of the Mournland. In this nest
Short on food and supplies, they must of cutthroats, daring explorers gather to
break their isolation and venture out into carve their destinies from the ruins of
N a world changed forever by the Mourning. Cyre. They’ll need all the help they can
get: it’s no secret that most scavengers
don’t survive their first expedition in the

“Oracle of War” part 1 of 20

Night’s Gambit Nightfall on Sorrowdusk Nightmare on the
(3e) Mournland Express

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Imogen Gingell Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Anthony Turco
Location(s): Karrnath Location(s): Location(s): lightning rail
Appears in: Night’s Gambit Appears in: Nightfall on Sorrowdusk Appears in: Nightmare on the Mourn-
This heist adventure that takes place al- land Express
most entirely at Fort Bones. “Xen’drik Expeditions” part 9 of 12 This one-shot, horror-themed adventure
is set on the lightning rail of the world of
“Convergence Manifesto” part 6 of 13 Eberron! Will your party of adventurers
be able to rescue an innocent before it all
N comes crashing down!?

Nightmares of Salvation Nine-Pin Pontra No Ticket

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 0 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Fynn Headen Author(s): Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Sharn Location(s): lightning rail
Appears in: Nightmares of Salvation Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany Appears in: No Ticket
The Dreaming Dark has shifted a section A corrupt gnome scoundrel has stolen an The dusk hag Beltrudelgald has stolen a
of Dal Quor into the Mournland: The insignia of the Silver Flame from one of priceless copy of the Deviant Celestia and
Nightmare Pit. You have had a dream, their acolytes, Silindra Sloan, and she con- is fleeing to Karrnath via Lightning Rail.
calling you to go down into the pit and tracts the upstart detective agency where Can you catch up with her and retrieve
stop the evil within, before it is too late. the characters moonlight to retrieve it the book?
N without drawing attention.
“Oracle of War” “Mark of Heroes” part 3 of 15
“Broach Poacher Mysteries” part 1 of 3

No Way Out But Noble Savages None Left Behind
Through (3e) (3e)

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 6

Author(s): K. Meza Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Chris Groves, Kevin Tatroe
Location(s): The Mournland, lightning Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Xen’drik
rail Appears in: Noble Savages Appears in: None Left Behind
Appears in: No Way Out But Through
Five years ago the Mourning took place. “Covenant of Light” part 8 of 12 “Blackwheel Company” part 6 of 12
The nation of Cyre was engulfed in a
heavy, grey mist, transforming everything
within it. Few were able to escape and
N it sent the entire nation into a state of
shock. A scar upon Khorvaire, a place
twisted by magic, the Mournland is rarely
traveled, until now. Ready to send their
first lightning rail ride into the Mourn-
land, a House Orien representative has
asked to meet the party to have them act
as guards for the train.
In this 4-6 hour adventure, your party will
be faced with the onset of madness, wild
magic, many enemies, and a betrayal that
House Orien did not see coming.
This adventure is meant for four to five
8-10th level players and includes tables,
area effects, and multiple combat sce-
quences taken outside of the lightning rail.
Enter the Mournland at your own risk!

Nothing to Lose But
Your Chains

Party Level: 3
Author(s): Sean Tadsen
Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Nothing to Lose But Your
A new movement is growing among the
magewrights - organization, with promises
of better working conditions, better pay,
and a community to fight on their behalf.
N But not everyone is happy about this.
Powerful factions in Sharn oppose this up-
setting of the status quo, and others seek
to bend the movement to their own ends.

Of Fumes and Fortunes Off the Rails (I) Off the Rails (II)

Party Level: 3 Party Level: Party Level: 5

Author(s): Tim Mangan II Author(s): Kyle Carty Author(s):
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Of Fumes and Fortunes Appears in: Off the Rails Appears in: Oracle of War: Salvage Bases
A poisonous cloud hovers over Lower Part of the way through their lightning and Missions
Menthis. The area has been quarantined rail journey an airship flies overhead and The characters journey to a wrecked light-
until the cloud dissipates or an antidote pirates burst into the luxury train. They ning rail to search for salvage.
can be found. But a rich and powerful are after a powerful magical artifact be-
noble wants his daughter out – and he will ing transported to a distant museum and “Oracle of War”
O not tolerate the bureaucratic nonsense of will stop at nothing to obtain it. Can the
the Sharn authorities. adventurers stop the dastardly Captain
Aminda Brigandine?

Old Scores Once by Ice, Twice by Once Upon a Time in
Madness Q’barra

Party Level: 20 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Will Doyle Author(s): Kayle Bayens Author(s): Davide Quatrini
Location(s): Salvation Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s): Q’barra
Appears in: Old Scores Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Appears in: Once Upon a Time in Q’bar-
The adventurers return to Salvation as Demon Wastes ra
champions, but old scores remain to be Miners discovered several Eberron drag-
settled. The Oracle of War holds the key onshards in the Wyrmwatch mine, and the
to Eberron’s future and whoever claims it cruel Khundar’aashta of House Tharashk
will become master of their own destiny. used an eldritch Metaphysical Bomb to
O It’s time for the final reckoning. Opti- open a Dolurrh manifestation zone just
mized for APL 20, this is the conclusion inside the mine, turning all workers into
of a quartet of adventures, the Flames of undead monsters! Elder Nevillom, head of
War storyline. Wyrmwatch, needs your help to give peace
to the miners and to have the mine back!
“Oracle of War” part 20 or 20

One Way to Murder The Only Docent Thing Out of Space and Time
to Do

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Roman Penna Author(s): Anthony Alipio Author(s): Josh Heath, Travis Legge
Location(s): lightning rail Location(s): Valenar Location(s):
Appears in: One Way to Murder Appears in: Eyes Unclouded Appears in: Out of Space and Time
It was supposed to be a simple escort mis- Deep in the Blade Desert, in the wake of a One day, in the Village of Turnkey, a War-
sion on the lightning rail. But when Lord terrible windstorm, the sands that shape a forged like artifact stalks into town. The
Stazav’s decoy is murdered, they have large dune suddenly shift, cascading down golem is clearly ancient, but much of its
limited time to find the murderer before and revealing a metallic structure beneath. design is reminiscent of the House Arcanis
the diplomat suffers the same fate. Could it be one of the famed warforged Warforged. The key difference? The goblin
O colossi, lost on the Day of Mourning? script that wraps around the body of the
immense figure. The strange golem stops
feet outside of the village and becomes to-
tally immobile. Can the adventurers solve
the mystery behind this strange golem?

Pariah Parliament of Gears Perfect Timing

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Ian Hawthorne Author(s): Derek Myers, Laura
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Mournland Hirsbrunner
Appears in: Pariah Appears in: Parliament of Gears Location(s): Karrnath
On the edge of the Mournland, tensions Appears in: Perfect Timing
“Blackwheel Company” part 10 of 12 are rising between the frontier folk and Provost Nigel Faurious has tasked the
renegade warforged loyal to the Lord of Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild with retriev-
Blades. When salvage workers start to go ing an artifact, this time from Daanvi, the
missing, the Brelish army sends the ad- Plane of Perfect Order.
P venturers into the Mournland to mount a
rescue. “Convergence Manifesto” part 5 of 13

“Oracle of War” part 8 of 20

Pilgrims of the Grave Pirate’s Bounty and Pirates of Carey Bean
the Isle of Fire

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Kyle Fontenot, D. G. Landre- Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt
neau Location(s): The Lhazaar Principalities Location(s):
Location(s): Karrnath Appears in: Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle Appears in: Pirates of Carey Bean
Appears in: Pilgrims of the Grave of Fire The Dark Lanterns are the covert agency
A gala turns to violence as echoes of the A trip by sea to Newthrone turns into a of Breland’s military. The characters are
Last War come to haunt those who have harrowing adventure on the high seas as sent to assassinate a rising pirate who is
tried to escape their past. There is intrigue pirates attack! Pirates, cannibals and bur- disrupting trade routes.
as history is uncovered, and danger as an ied treasure await those will to make the
P old menace rises with a familiar face when trek into the interior of the Isle of Fire! “Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 5 of 10
a friend of a noble family turns to betrayal
and starts a chain of events that leads to “Mark of Heroes” part 2 of 15
uncovering dark secrets left behind by
Karrnath’s war efforts.

“The Emerald Legacy” part 1

Pit of the Fire Lord A Plague Upon Your The Plot in
(3e) Houses Northmarket

Party Level: 8 Party Level: 9 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Andy Collins, James Wyatt Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Ferret Foundry
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #125 Appears in: A Plague Upon Your House Appears in: The Plot in Northmarket
A madman hidden deep below Sharn plans Are a string of random robberies in
to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. “Blackwheel Company” part 9 of 12 Northmarket all that they seem? Can the
Can a band of heroes reach him in time to party figure out what’s going on before it’s
save the city from conflagration? too late?
A fun, investigative adventure filled with
P “Shards of Eberron” part 3 of 3 unique locations designed to introduce
the party to the Northmarket district
of Sharn, while also serving as a detailed
backdrop for players to use as a ‘home
base’ throughout their entire campaign.

Price of Progress Price of Protection Price of Virtue
(3e) (3e) (3e)

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Pieter Sleijpen Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Price of Progress Appears in: Price of Protection Appears in: Price of Virtue
A paranoid professor needs a few Diggers
“Blackwheel Company” part 2 of 12 to guard an artifact. The pay is well over “Covenant of Light” part 6 of 12
the norm and the dangers the professor
perceives are likely all in her head; it’s easy
money - maybe too easy.
“Mark of Heroes” part 15 of 15

Principal of the Matter Prophecy’s
(3e) Unwitting

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Shawn Merwin
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Principal of the Matter Appears in: Prophecy’s Unwitting
“Blackwheel Company” part 1 of 12 The PCs are framed for a murder. While
dodging authorities, they must find proof
of their innocence. But, this will require
them to find the powerful Stormrider. Can
P they stay alive long enough to be success-

“Crimson Codex” part 1 of 12

The Queen with Burning The Queen with Burning Queen Mishann’s
Eyes Eyes (II) Revenge
(3e) (same title but
new adventure)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 8

Author(s): James Wyatt Author(s): S. J. Twining Author(s): Bum Lee
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #113 Appears in: The Queen with Burning Appears in: Seaside Salvage
Descend into the ruined undercity to face Eyes (II) When Salvation appears to be flooded,
the legacy of the daelkyr, aberrations from A rash of disappearances near The City the heroes must defend their base from a
the evil plane of Xoriat, and come face to of the Dead has the population on edge vengeful ghost ship and its crew. Set in and
face with the Queen with Burning Eyes! and the Deathsgate Guild has a standing around the ruins of Seaside, a harbor town
contract to investigate. Avoiding rival along the coasts of the Mournland.
Q Clifftop Guild agents, boneyard ghouls,
and the lich-priest Gath rumored to haunt “Oracle of War”
Halden’s Tomb, the party must follow
clues to locate a perilous excavation site
— and find the secret passage to the lair
of The Queen with Burning Eyes.

Quoth the Raven

Party Level: 8
Author(s): Nicolas Logue
Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #150
Terror grips the city of Sharn. A serial
killer stalks the streets and catalogues
his slaughter in the annals of the city’s
newspaper, to the delight and horror of its
readers. To catch this elusive criminal, the
Q PCs must match wits with an old adver-
sary. Even beaten, scarred, and impris-
oned, Viktor Saint-Demain is determined
to have the final word.

“Chimes at Midnight” part 2 of 3

Race Through Q’barra A Race to the Sea Racing Midnight

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 8

Author(s): Jon Ciccolini Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Q’barra Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Gold Edition of Eberron: Appears in: Seaside Salvage Appears in: Racing Midnight
Rising from the Last War An ambitious member of House Orien has Recent allies provide the opportunity to
Welcome to the jungle. Riches await… if been transformed into a sahuagin baron infiltrate the pirate alliance that attacked
you can fight your way out. and holds grand races through a valley Stormreach but time grows short and
of death. Set in and around the ruins of night comes.
Seaside, a harbor town along the coasts of
R the Mournland. “Cabal of Shadows” part 8 of 12

“Oracle of War”

Rain Drops Reclaiming a Forge! Red Dawn

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 2

Author(s): David Morris Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Matthew Jarmak
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Aundair
Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 1 Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After Appears in: Red Dawn
A simple job offer never goes as planned Dark You are the last survivors of your order,
and the assassin has the lead. A chase and the world is ending. Can you escape
through the rooftops of Sharn. the wreck of your secret order’s monas-
tery, journey across the mountains in win-
ter, search the mountain valley to unlock
R the cipher, and discover how to rebuild
the world? Or will your frozen bodies join
those of your fellows?

Red Talon’s Lair Reflections of the Reflections of the
Delirium Stone Multiverse

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Location(s): Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Wroat
Appears in: Red Talon’s Lair Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: Reflections of the Multi-
Its previous name lost in the mists of A heist-in-progress. verse
time, Red Talon is the head of one of the A body in the Wroat Diggers’ Union
innumerable Cults of the Dragon Below, dormitory heralds strange things afoot in
one especially dedicated to the physical Breland’s capital. The twisted path to dis-
transformation of its own members into covering the killer pits adventures against
R reflections of Khyber the Underdark drag- the machinations of a creature of destiny,
on. Culprit of countless crimes, like thefts, shunted academics, and something from
smuggling of dragon parts and dozen of farther beyond the known multiverse.
killings, Talon and its Dragonflesh Graft-
ers must be confronted in their subter- “Mark of Heroes” part 1 of 15
ranean lair in order to free Eberron from
their menace!
Red Talon’s Lair is a dungeon optimized
for four 5th-level characters set in Eber-
ron, populated with dragon-themed mon-
sters from Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons.

Ride the Lightning Riding the Rail Rime or Reason

Party Level: 13 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Davide Milano Author(s): Christopher Wissel Author(s): David Morris, Anthony Turco
Location(s): Cyre Location(s): Breland, lightning rail Location(s): The Frostfell
Appears in: Ride the Lightning Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #143 Appears in: Rime or Reason
This adventure is set in the Day of 5th Edition Conversion Guide: 5e Provost Nigel Faurious needs the Hoar-
Mourning, in Cyre, and the characters will conversion frost Flower, an artifact found inside an
try to escape the catastrophic event that Lightning rail rides in Breland are never icy spire near the eastern side of Icewhite
will annihilate the nation. as relaxing as they should be, especially Island, to make his Convergence Manifes-
when the coach is being used to transport to a reality.
R a monolith hauled from the mysterious
depths of Xen’drik. “Convergence Manifesto” part 3 of 13

The Rising City Rolling Thunder Ruins of Madness

Party Level: 16 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Will Doyle, Tony Porteous Author(s): Will Doyle, Tony Porteous Author(s): Davide Milano
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): lightning rail Location(s):
Appears in: The Rising City Appears in: Rolling Thunder Appears in: Ruins of Madness
In this Epic event, an army of symbi- The adventurers infiltrate the royal light- This adventure takes places in a myste-
ont-enhanced soldiers guards the Em- ning rail train to steal a ledger belonging rious island where a strange population
erald Claw as they excavate the daelkyr to the king’s brother, Kor ir’Wynarn. With lives in secret and adventurers have landed
sanctuary beneath Metrol. To get past war brewing between Breland and Thrane, after the crash of the airship Oceanus.
them, the adventurers need a diversion. A Lord Kor rides north to Sword Keep to Will the adventurers be able to come back
R gang of scavengers camped in the city are defend the border—but scheming forces home with the other people with them on
willing to help, but they have their own intend to strike him down before he gets the airship?
demands—a long list of them, in fact! there.
“Shadows of the Fiend” part 2 of 4
This four-hour Epic event is optimized for “Oracle of War”
APL 16. Notes in the adventure allow for
it to be used as a single-table event as well.

“Oracle of War”

Rumors of the Beast

Party Level: 6
Author(s): Andrew Walker
Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches
Appears in: Rumors of the Beast
A harrowing adventure in the Eldeen
Reaches. The adventurers will face a series
of choices and challenges before squaring
off in an epic battle with the titular beast.
This adventure is loosely based on the
R Beast of Gévaudan, a legendary monster
that terrorized 18th-century France.

Sabotage Over The Sahuagin Stone Salvage Inspection
Lake Cyre (3e)

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 3

Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Fynn Headen
Location(s): The Mournland, airship Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Sabotage Over Lake Cyre Appears in: The Sahuagin Stone Appears in: Salvage Inspection
The characters are pit against the most Salvation has been through a lot lately.
frightful enemy that an airship’s crew can “Cabal of Shadows” part 1 of 12 The Emerald Claw attack, rumors of a
face: the airship itself—and a saboteur. warforged army gathering, so much chaos.
This has drawn the attention of Breland.
“Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 5 of 9 They are sending an inspector to ensure
S everything is up to code!

“Oracle of War”

Sands of Fate The Saviour of Sharn Scales of Power
and Fortune

Party Level: 6 Party Level: solo 4 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): Paul Bimler Author(s): Daniel Phillips
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Q’barra
Appears in: Sands of Fate and Fortune Appears in: The Saviour of Sharn Appears in: Scales of Power
The story begins with you deep in study Embark on a journey to the town of Deep-
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 6 of 12 in the Morgrave University Library. Then, water, Hope. An emerging settlement
a mysterious figure slips you a letter and in Hope, Q’Barra. The mining town is
disappears before you can discern their brimming with potential amid the rush
identity. Let the adventure begin... for precious dragonshard mining, but all
S is not well. Tribes of savage ‘scales’ are
robbing and attacking prospectors, ten-
sions are rising and, amongst the growing
unease, The Lords of Dust wish to exploit
the situation to free a dangerous demon,
trapped below the town lake.

Scales of War Scandal at Saffron A Scandal in Sharn

Party Level: 18 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Alan Patrick Author(s): Steven Rhodes Author(s): Logan Smith
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Aundair Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Scales of War Appears in: Scandal at Saffron Heights Appears in: A Scandal in Sharn
AT MY SIGNAL, UNLEASH HELL! While enjoying a relaxing break in the Iago d’Jorasco made a mistake twenty
The united forces of the Five Nations Stormhome resort of Saffron Heights, years ago. He thought he buried that
march into the Mournland to wage war on heroes are drawn into a global conspiracy secret, hid it behind a beautiful family and
the Lord of Blades. West of the Glass Pla- that could rock the peace established by admirable job. However, he’s worried that
teau, they’re met by an army the likes of the Treaty of Thronehold! someone will soon reveal that secret, and
S which hasn’t been seen since the heights Scandal at Saffron Heights is a murder he’s taken drastic steps to preserve his
of the Last War. Let battle commence! mystery adventure. idyllic life. And someone hired the party
Optimized for APL 18, this is the second to stop him and rescue a dinosaur.
in a quartet of adventures, the Flames of Sharn Nights Detective Serial No. 1: A Scandal
War storyline. in Sharn is an adventure for 1st to 4th-level
characters that introduces them to the
“Oracle of War” part 18 of 20 complex, dramatic, and action-packed
world of Sharn, the City of Towers.
This adventure is inspired by the Sherlock
Holmes story A Scandal in Bohemia.

“Sharn Nights Detective Serial” part 1

Scheme Starmote School of Hard Knocks Searching for Secrets

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 9

Author(s): Mark Spezzano Author(s): Alan Patrick Author(s): Travis Woodall
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Scheme Starmote Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: Searching for Secrets
A half-orc professor has invented a bold This story follows the adventurers Sharn’s undercity, the Cogs, hides a dev-
new way of harnessing magic dust from throughout their time in Sharn with en- astating secret that could reignite the
the Ring of Siberys by creating an elemen- counters appropriate for 3rd, 5th, and 9th Last War. As agents of the Lord of Blades
tal-powered flying machine. But now the level characters as they unravel a mystery tighten the noose around the characters’
professor and his ornithopter have gone with the goblin Stab. necks, the characters search for the en-
S missing in the wilds of Xen’drik. Can the trance to a hidden forge.
PCs rescue him from ruins and ancient “Possession is Nine-Tenths” part 3 of 4
adversaries before it’s too late? “Embers of the Last War” part 9 of 11

Secrets Below The Secrets of the Secrets of the Trade
Missing Researcher

Party Level: 10 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 5

Author(s): M. T. Black Author(s): Joe Raso Author(s): Taylor Catron
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Zilargo Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Secrets Below Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 6 Appears in: Secrets of the Trade
In a secret lab beneath the city, the char- A young researcher from the Library of A company comprised of excoriate ar-
acters face mechanical horrors and an Kor-ranberg has gone missing while docu- tificers has been cutting in on House
even more dangerous truth. To survive, menting rumors of the Day of Mourning. Cannith’s business and using the house’s
they must make a choice that impacts all A colleague fears the worst. proprietary designs. The house needs your
of Khorvaire! party to break into the headquarters of
S the group and recover the design sche-
“Embers of the Last War” part 11 of 11 matics and return them to their rightful
owners. They’ll need to be stealthy... or
they can smash up the place. Their patron
doesn’t seem to mind how the job gets
done, he just needs it done.

The Seeds of Revolution Seekers of the The Seer’s Ruin
Ashen Crown

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): Chris Sims, Scott Fitzgerald Author(s): Joe Raso
Location(s): Aundair Gray Location(s): The Demon Wastes
Appears in: The Seeds of Revolution Location(s): Sharn, Six Kings, Greywall Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The
A rogue time traveler from the far future Appears in: Seekers of the Ashen Crown Demon Wastes
plans to incite the warforged servants to A secret agency known as the Dark Lan-
turn against their masters. It is part of a terns hires the player characters to recover
deadly conspiracy that threatens to ignite fragments of the Ashen Crown, an artifact
a devastating conflict between sentient left behind by a goblin empire and sought
S constructs and humanity. Can a group of by various agents of evil.
heroes root out the seeds of the warforged
uprising before it is too late?

“The Branches of Time” part 3 of 3

Servants of the Past Shaazarak The Shadowflame Affair

Party Level: 17 Party Level: 8 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Author(s): Cat Evans Author(s): Davide Milano
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): The Demon Wastes Location(s):
Appears in: Oracle of War: Salvage Bases Appears in: Wisdom and Warning: The Appears in: The Shadowflame Altar
and Missions Demon Wastes The adventure takes place in a mysterious
The characters explore a tower in the temple, recently risen in the island of Du-
Mournland that hides secrets and salvage. rast, where the characters can find some-
thing to repair their ship and come back
“Oracle of War” home – if they survive! Will the adventur-
S ers be able to save the people that was on
the airship with them?

“Shadows of the Fiend” part 3 of 4

Shadows of the Last War Shadows Over Shards of Galifar 1
(3e) Stormreach (4e)

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 2 (roughly 1st level in 5e)
Author(s): Keith Baker Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s):
Location(s): Darguun, The Mournland, Location(s): Stormreach Location(s):
Sharn Appears in: Shadows Over Stormreach Appears in: Shards of Galifar 1
Appears in: Shadows of the Last War On a covert mission to Cyre, an agent of
5th Edition Conversion Guide: An “Cabal of Shadows” part 2 of 12 the Silver Flame discovered a strange drag-
Expansion and Conversion Guide onshard. She has since dreamed of four
Lost within the ruined House Cannith similar shards buried in the other nations
citadel of Whitehearth in the Mournland, of Khorvaire.
S is the key to constructing a terrible magic
weapon. Agents of the Emerald Claw will “Shards of Galifar” part 1 of 3
stop at nothing to recover the ancient

“The Forgotten Forge” part 2 of 4

Shards of Galifar 2 Shards of Galifar 3 Shargon’s Rage
(4e) (4e) (3e)

Party Level: 3 (roughly 2nd level in 5e) Party Level: 4 (roughly 3rd level in 5e) Party Level: 7
Author(s): Author(s): Author(s): Brian Mackey
Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Stormreach, airship
Appears in: Shards of Galifar 2 Appears in: Shards of Galifar 3 Appears in: Shargon’s Rage
On a covert mission to Cyre, an agent of On a covert mission to Cyre, an agent of Sailors say that a bright new day rolls in on
the Silver Flame discovered a strange drag- the Silver Flame discovered a strange drag- every tide. But when darkness and dire fog
onshard. She has since dreamed of four onshard. She has since dreamed of four cloak the coming of a deadly fleet, will the
similar shards buried in the other nations similar shards buried in the other nations city of Stormreach survive to see another
of Khorvaire. of Khorvaire. dawn? The heroes and villains of Xen’drik
S are in for the longest night of their lives...
“Shards of Galifar” part 2 of 3 “Shards of Galifar” part 3 of 3
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 7 of 12

Sharn: City of Blood! A Shattered Mind’s The Shifting Scales

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 11 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Alex Clippinger Author(s): Alana Abbott Author(s): Brian Hendershot
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Q’barra
Appears in: Sharn: City of Blood Appears in: A Shattered Mind’s Maze Appears in: The Shifting Scales
Warforged private detective Steel-Eye When one of the Codex’s most valuable The Adventurer’s Guild in Sharn has
Dixon has caught a case, just not in a resources is stolen, the best of the Crim- assigned the adventurers a contract with
manner he’s accustomed to. After begging son Codex are called upon to get it back. House Tharashk to investigate mining
for his help, a would-be client has turned Their answers will be found within a maze losses in Q’barra. As they begin the inves-
up dead. Stranger still, multiple murders of ruins, where the dangers lurking could tigation, the group will find House Tha-
S across Sharn could also be connected. Can lead to madness... or death. rashk is not mining where they are sup-
the characters uncover the truth in the posed to, and some of their dragonshards
City of Towers? “Crimson Codex” part 11 of 12 are being sold to pirates. The pirates are
not really pirates, and some of the mining
staff is not really who they claim to be.
There is something bigger at work. It’s up
to the adventurers to work together, sur-
vive, and try to put all the pieces together
to complete their contract.

Shortcut Through Siberys Scramble The Silver Flame of
Dal Quor Eston

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 6

Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Chris Hopper Author(s): Brian Hamilton
Location(s): Dal Quor, airship Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Shortcut Through Dal Quor Appears in: Shard Wars Appears in: The Silver Flame of Eston
The characters use the Planar Transpositor The divine wards of the Church of the
to enter the Plane of Dreams. Silver Flame’s vaults in Eston above an
entrance to Khyber remain intact, but
“Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 8 of 9 they are left undefended from the machi-
nations of the daelkyr. Now, the Church of
S the Silver Flame has called upon the Dig-
gers’ Union to assist them in the recov-
ery of the dangerous artifacts contained
within the vaults.

The Silvered Edge of Sins from the Last War Sins of War

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 4 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Ed Chivers, Will Brolley Author(s): DonewithDeserts Author(s): Davide Quatrini
Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches, Location(s): The Talenta Plains Location(s): Aundair
Thrane, lightning rail Appears in: Troubles in Talenta Appears in: Sins of War
Appears in: The Silvered Edge of Twi- Undead entities from a brutal campaign The characters are hired to arrest a mu-
light during the Last War still control an old tant Aundairian giant, a wicked creature
The characters arrive in Thaliost, a city Cyran hillfort. The fort is near a major responsible for the extermination of Brel-
rife with unresolved tensions from the caravan trail, close to the town of Gath- ish prisoners during the Last War.
Last War. Through danger and discovery, erhold. Interested parties want to resolve
S the party will discover that the Lamma- the hillfort’s dangers.
nian artifact they were sent to escort back
to Sharn has been stolen. They’ll have to
track down the thief.

“Convergence Manifesto” part 7 of 13

Siren’s Whelk Six Stones Skybridge Skirmish

Party Level: 0 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Author(s): ‘Imi Author(s): Justice Arman
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany Appears in: Six Stones Appears in: Gold Edition of Eberron:
On the trail of the Silver Flame acolyte Starting life as a novice adventurer isn’t Rising from the Last War
brooch, the characters seek a hobgoblin easy - experienced adventurers are always Someone is haunting the nightmares of a
known as “the Admiral” in a Cliffside sweeping the jobs right out from under young scholar, leading to mayhem on the
bawdy house called the Siren’s Whelk. your players’ noses. But when a beggar bridges of Sharn.
They must pose as performers to gain ac- turns up at a tavern having lost his father
S cess to the place, and then get the brooch to a group of criminals, someone’s gotta
off the Admiral without being caught. do something, even if it means standing
up against one of the most dangerous
“Broach Poacher Mysteries” part 3 of 3 crime syndicates in the city...

Skyfall Snail Tale Song of the Sky

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Imogen Gingell, Patrick Author(s): Fynn Headen Author(s): Stacey Allan
Dunning, Jarrod Taylor, Ed Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Sharn
Chivers Appears in: Snail Tale Appears in: Song of the Sky
Location(s): Sharn The Shield of the Traveller has a mission, The orphan Sky Blue lives with her awak-
Appears in: Skyfall and you’ve been picked to do it! Old Salty ened seagull companion in the eaves of
Characters must race across Sharn’s di- is a creature that has lived in the Gray Sharn’s highest buildings and survives
verse districts in a battle of wits and weap- since before the Day of Mourning. Your by stealing scraps from the tables of the
ons, locating artifacts linking the 13 planes job is to kill it and bring back its shell! city’s nobility. According to the Draconic
S and disabling the Convergence Engine Prophecy, this humble thief is destined to
before it is too late. “Oracle of War” guide Breland’s future. The adventurers
must get to her before her rivals – if they
“Convergence Manifesto” part 13 of 13 can catch her!

“Oracle of War” part 7 of 20

The Sorcerer’s Tome Special Delivery Spirit Train

Party Level: 9 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 11

Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Travis Woodall Author(s):
Location(s): Aundair Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland, lightning
Appears in: The Sorcerer’s Tome Appears in: Encounters in Sharn rail
The Dark Lanterns are the covert agen- When a courier turns up dead in the Appears in: Oracle of War: Salvage Bases
cy of Breland’s military. The characters streets, it’s up to the characters to figure and Missions
infiltrate the University of Wynarn to who did the deed. An abandoned Cannith facility holds rich
steal a tome that will help them defeat the rewards. Too bad a ghost lightning rail is
demons. the only way inside.
“Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 9 of 10 “Oracle of War”

Steel Elysium Steel Shadows Stokes’ Irregulars

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 7 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Keith Baker Author(s): Jason Mead
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Cyre
Appears in: Steel Elysium Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #115 Appears in: Stokes’ Irregulars
Evil brews in the messy guts of Sharn, 5th Edition Conversion Guide: Steel The events of the Day of Mourning are
the undercity known as Khyber’s Gate. Shadows 5e Conversion Guide defining for the history and politics of
A transcended warforged named Radix A killer is stalking the warforged of Sharn. Eberron. This adventure aims to con-
amasses an army of warforged shells by Some say the murderer is a vengeful spirit, front a group of adventurers directly with
transplanting their souls into freshly cast, while others blame human bigotry and the catastrophe in Cyre and throw them
S mortal bodies. A small grain of sand in fear. Can the adventurers expose the truth right into the action. The adventure is
Radix’s gearbox might yet save Sharn from that lies hidden in the depths of Sharn? designed for a group of 3 to 5 individuals
a devastating attack. who are traveling in Cyre at the end of the
Last War with a small militia and become
involved in conflicts with various powers.
It is to be understood as a kind of pro-
logue or prelude to a larger campaign that
follows the adventure. At the end of the
adventure, the party will find itself in New
Cyre, from where they can travel through
post-war Khorvaire.

Stonefire Storm Over the Howling Stormrider Slept Here
Peaks (3e)

Party Level: 13 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 9

Author(s): Rich Lescouflair Author(s): James Haeck Author(s): Alana Abbott
Location(s): Thrane Location(s): Zilargo, airship Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Stonefire Appears in: Storm Over the Howling Appears in: Stormrider Slept Here
The light of the Silver Flame shields all Peaks
who bathe in its glory, but also casts deep From atop the high-flying Celeste Noir, all “Crimson Codex” part 9 of 12
shadows. When heretics in the fortress the little tyrannies of Zilargo seem worlds
city of Flamekeep emerge from the dark, away. All that matters are the skies, the
the Cathedral of the Silver Flame becomes mountains…and that storm looming over
S the last bastion in a citywide conflict. the peaks. Strap in, things are going to get
“Oracle of War” part 13 of 20
“Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days” part 2 of 9

A Strange Awakening Surprise Visitor

Party Level: solo 8 Party Level: 3

Author(s): John Stancil Author(s): Nathan Bond
Location(s): Breland Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: A Strange Awakening Appears in: Surprise Visitor
After awakening in an unfamiliar location After a narrow escape from the Fireweave
on your journey to Wroat, you quickly try Bazaar, the group needs a place to rest on
to make sense of your current condition the way back to Salvation. While resting
and discover all of the forces at play, both in their Salvage Base the characters come
good and evil. Which side will you choose? to find out that they are not done with
S Will you be a blessing, or a curse? the Blades just yet. Will the characters be
able to survive another assault from these
infamous warforged.

“Oracle of War”

Taming the Hydra Tarnished Reputation Taste NRG9000
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 9 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Kevin Tatroe Author(s): Christian Eichhorn
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Taming the Hydra Appears in: Tarnished Reputation Appears in: Taste NRG9000
Following the Shargon Strike attack by A cyberpulp and technoir adventure, fea-
the pirate fleet things look grim. With “Blackwheel Company” part 5 of 12 turing the gorb collective and fizzy drinks.
the weather still out of control and ships Nothing good ever came from the sewers.
unable to get to Xen’drik easily, supplies We are not about to change that now.
have become increasingly rare and the
T hopes of the city’s survivors grow bleaker
by the day. The factions ally to bring relief
to Stormreach.

“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 8 of 12

Tatters of the Titan Temple Heist Temple of the
Scroll Scorpion God

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Dave Coulson Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): James Wyatt, Andy Collins
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Location(s): Xen’drik
Appears in: Tatters of the Titan Scroll Appears in: Temple Heist Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #124
A strange summons sends a party of A Temple of The Keeper is a place filled An insane villain plots ruin deep beneath
heroes on the search for remnants of a with riches, able to rival with Kunda- the city of Sharn. In order to save the city,
stone-like scroll broken up long ago, but rak banks and Boromar troves! For such the PCs must find the one thing that can
others also seek the prize. Finding the Ti- reasons, parties of adventurers can find stop him, an enormous Siberys dragon-
tan Scroll puts the characters in the path interesting ‘visiting’ one of them while shard hidden somewhere in the jungles of
T of danger, action, excitement, and towards searching for treasures, but performing a the lost continent of Xen’drik.
a greater mystery waiting to unfold. heist in such a dark and dangerous place
is something hard also for the most expe- “Shards of Eberron” part 2 of 3
rienced rogue, even for one with a lot of
debts to repay...

Tension in Thaliost Tensions Rising Terror in the Deep

Party Level: any Party Level: 4 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli Author(s): Ryan Smalley Author(s): Richard Duryea, Allison
Location(s): Thrane Location(s): Aundair Larrabee
Appears in: Lawyers and Laws of Eber- Appears in: Dungeon Magazine #136 Location(s):
ron! Resources for Legal Thrillers in An airship carrying vital secrets has gone Appears in: Terror in the Deep
Eberron down in the Starpeaks. Now the PCs must Enter a prototype submarine under the
Tension in the Thrane-Aundair border! race a sinister necromancer through a lab- command of Vorj Helmworth. But beware
Will the flames (no pun intended) of war yrinth of treacherous canyons to retrieve of what lerks in the depths of the ocean.
ignite anew? Will the diplomats and law- the information before it falls into the Can you maintain this one of a kind craft
T yers of the States involved avoid conflict? wrong hands. But the dolgrims that cur- and escape the terror of the deep in time?
rently live there have other ideas.

Test of Mettle Thelanis: The Moonlit Things Falls Apart
(3e) Garden (3e)

Party Level: 7 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Mickey Tan Author(s): Az Copey Author(s): August Hahn
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Thelanis Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: Test of Mettle Appears in: Thelanis: The Moonlit Gar- Appears in: Things Falls Apart
Hold the outpost. That one bridge... that den The leader of the Covenant of Light - Sir
one corridor. Hold it at all costs. What The trees bend, twist and rearrange them- Xandrin Corvalis - is to stand trial for
little remains of the Blackwheel special selves as the sun fades, replaced by a single the murder of his own wife. The PC’s will
operatives forces are airdropped in on a massive moon hanging high in the sky. You need to perform their own investigation.
dragonshard export depot. It will be up to find yourself somewhere altogether differ- Is the knight innocent or guilty?
T a small group of elite Blackwheel opera- ent with a new moon, bigger more gnarled
tives to rally the remaining guard of Annex trees, everything more vibrant with color “Covenant of Light” part 5 of 12
and repel the attackers until House Dene- in the bright moonlight. The bold browns,
ith forces can arrive. purples and blues around you don’t feel
real, more like something from a beautiful
“Blackwheel Company” part 7 of 12 painting. Yet here you stand...

This is a one-shot adventure though one

of the twisted fairy tale baronies of Thel-
anis. In it, the players find themselves in
a strange land seeking an item they know
little about. They will encounter a village
whose people have been turn to shrubs,
be shunk down to a 20th of their size in a
garden of tiny trees, fight a tree which is
also a beholder, and come face to face with
the Lady in Shadow herself.

The Third Protocol Thirst for Blood Three Sheets to the
and Stone Wind

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 10 Party Level: 5

Author(s): M. T. Black Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Jeffrey Pannell
Location(s): Salvation Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: The Third Protocol Appears in: Thirst for Blood and Stone Appears in: Three Sheets to the Wind
The Oracle of War has been recovered The Cabal seeks to restore their allies in Hired to retrieve a particularly unstable
from the Mournland. Its creators re- the Hand of Stalwart and raise an army of tome of multiplanar research from the
spond by activating the third protocol, cloud giants to be used against the grow- University, characters get a chance to
an instruction to recover the device and ing pirate threat. The first step will be to encounter rare creatures, explore the city,
eliminate all who know of its existence. As overcome the madness that affects them, wrestle with making deals and a crime
T night falls, a posse of assassins step off the and for that the Children of Xoriat have syndicate, and more! Players will need to
lightning rail with orders to raze Salvation stepped forward with a ritual requiring move quickly and think on their feet if
to the ground and retrieve the Oracle. the hearts of four individuals tied to the they want to stop the next dangerous enti-
elements. You are sent to claim the first. ty from emerging.
“Oracle of War” part 4 of 20
“Cabal of Shadows” part 10 of 12

Tides of Danger To Live Among You To Spawn the Churning
(3e) Discord

Party Level: Party Level: 13 Party Level: 10

Author(s): Davide Milano Author(s): August Hahn Author(s): Greg Marks
Location(s): Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Eldeen Reaches, light-
Appears in: Tides of Danger Appears in: To Live Among You ning rail
The adventure begins with the characters The storm has passed but in its wake, the Appears in: To Spawn the Churning
repairing their crashed airship and taking Covenant of Light stands weakened and Discord
the route to home, filled with gold, new wanting. In answer to this dire need, an
passengers and dangerous entities. The offer of aid comes from a most unexpect- “Mark of Heroes”
coasts of Khorvaire are in sight – are they ed source on the eve of what may prove to
T near enough? be its final day. Can the whispered pledge
of support be trusted? Does the faction
“Shadows of the Fiend” part 4 of 4 really have a choice?

“Covenant of Light” part 12 of 12

Tomb of Tomes Torkka Island Treachery on the Line

Party Level: 4 Party Level: solo 10 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): John Stancil Author(s): Jay Africa
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): Sea of Rage Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Tomb of Tomes Appears in: Torkka Island Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 3
Marooned on a secluded island in the Sea The christening of a new cable-car and
“Crimson Codex” part 4 of 12 of Rage, you discover yourself in a brutal docking platform during the anniversary
environment from which there seems of the Treaty of Thronehold is all the talk
to be no escape. Will you be capable of in the upper city. All is not well, howev-
overcoming the perils and fleeing Torkka er, as rumors of an assasination circulate
T Island? Or will you succumb to the hor- around the scene the night before. The
rors ahead and make this remote rock situation proves even more complicated
your final resting place? when the christening cememony’s pur-
pose is brought to question. The Festival
of Thronehold draws near. Will you act
against or for the assassination?

A Trek in the Shadows Tribe Obliterated The Troubles in Talenta

Party Level: 5 Party Level: 5 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): DonewithDeserts
Location(s): Location(s): The Talenta Plains Location(s): The Talenta Plains
Appears in: A Trek in the Shadows Appears in: Korranberg Chronicle 1: Appears in: Troubles in Talenta
As reported in Exploring Eberron, House Headline Quests Intrigue surges between several Dragon-
Orien is always searching for Khyber A quest that comes as a player-handout marked houses, The Twelve, and a halfling
Demiplanes able to bypass the Mourn- of a Korranberg Chronicle headline. Ride tribe. In this long, stand-alone adventure,
land! Baron Kwanti d’Orien’s explorers barely tame dinosaurs! details and motivations incrementally
finally found a shadow pocket able to reveal themselves and the fallout could be
T quickly connect Thrane and Karrnath, explosive.
but the passage is narrow and infested by
monsters! A party of brave heroes is need-
ed to open the passage, restoring one of
the communication routes abruptly inter-
rupted by The Day of Mourning...
A Trek in the Shadows is a dungeon opti-
mized for four 5th-level characters set in
Eberron, populated with horror-themed
monsters from Van Richten’s Guide to

The Trouble with Pirates Trust No One Turn of the Page
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 4 Party Level: 2 Party Level: 6

Author(s): Brian Mackey Author(s): Wayne Chang, Keith Baker, Author(s): Shawn Merwin
Location(s): Stormreach Anthony Turco Location(s): Stormreach
Appears in: The Trouble with Pirates Location(s): Sharn Appears in: Turn of the Page
Appears in: Trust No One
“Blackwheel Company” part 4 of 12 House Tarkanan and the Trust have em- “Crimson Codex” part 6 of 12
broiled the Sharn underworld in a silent
war, the result of which has dire conse-
quences for Zilargo. The characters must
T fight their way through assassins, aberrant
dragonmarks, information brokers, and
fancy parties in this conflict between
shadow organizations.

“Fear Reveals Truth” part 2

The Twentieth Lash

Party Level: 13
Author(s): Sean Fleming, Kevin Tatroe
Location(s): Xen’drik
Appears in: The Twentieth Lash

“Blackwheel Company” part 12 of 12

Undead Dawn Under Siege The Unexpected Gate

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Tyler Leonhardt Author(s): Bum Lee Author(s): Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Location(s): Breland Location(s): Salvation Location(s):
Appears in: Undead Dawn Appears in: Saving Salvation Appears in: The Unexpected Gate
In this sequel to The Gain of Thrones, Save your salvage base and the people of The adventurers are instructed by the
the Dark Lanterns are sent to New Cyre Salvation from marauding gangs of mu- Digger’s Union to aid Glankas Korari,
to monitor the situation there. A riot tants and outlaws. the dwarf responsible for clearing the
breaks out and a comrade is assassinated. way for the Union to settle its debt with
Through investigating they find out about “Oracle of War” the Banking Guild. The adventurers are
U a dangerous plot against the king. transported to Korari Island, the place
some of them helped Glankas discover a
“Tales of the Dark Lanterns” part 2 of 10 few months past. There they are informed
that the portal had been activated, and
that Glankas and an expedition of dwarves
entered the inky-black gate to explore far
off Frostfell. They have yet to return.

“Mark of Heroes”

An Unforeseen Fate The Untouchables of Up in Silver Flames

Party Level: Party Level: Party Level: 2

Author(s): James Dodds, Kathleen Author(s): Marco Beccaria Author(s): Gregory Hallenbeck
Harrington, Andy Headley, Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Thrane
Christian Zeuch Appears in: The Untouchables of Sharn Appears in: Up in Silver Flames
Location(s): The characters are part of an investiga- When the characters are arrested and
Appears in: The Adamantine City of tive unit of Sharn Watch, known as the charged with arson and murder, they must
Tarondir Untouchables, which fights organized discover what’s really going on with this
crime. It is a tribute to the crucial scenes crime.
of a masterpiece movie of the 80s, The
U Untouchables, whose story, set in Chicago “Momento Mori” part 2 of 3
during the Prohibition years, is transposed
in Eberron, and from the gangster movie
context in a fantasy setting.

Utility Contract for

Party Level: 1
Author(s): Thomas Boulton
Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: Utility Contract for Sharn
The Sharn Council is letting the utilities
contract for another five-year run. Every-
one expects it to go to House Cannith,
who has held the contract since the days
of Galifar. This year is different; however,
U House Cannith is weakened by the events
that ended the last war and simply cannot
demand the same level of respect it has
in the past. The dragonmarked houses
are unhappy with the decision and have
been working to influence the counsellors
who will make the final decision. A pair-
ing of one of the great merchant houses
of Sharn, Westinghouse, and a brilliant
engineer, Nictas of Darguun, threatens
to undo the hard work of the Houses. If
the contract is let to a Darguun goblin, it
will significantly boost independent trade
activities and boost the prestige of Lord
Westinghouse and Dargunn, whilst low-
ering the standing of the dragonmarked

The Valenar Pack Vanishing Corpses! Vengeance in Graywall

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 6 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Alfredo Tarancón Author(s): Christian Eichhorn Author(s): Richard Gubitosi
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Droaam
Appears in: The Valenar Pack Appears in: Sharn: Notice Boards: After Appears in: Vengeance in Graywall
The Boromar Clan has been working on Dark After experimenting on the characters
a smuggling conspiracy involving Valenar during the Last War, the necromancer
awakened animals. The characters will Cayna Lornath is on the run in Graywall,
find themselves facing the smugglers and the city of monsters. She wants to conduct
trying to put a stop to their operation. a ritual to the Grim King and become a
V powerful undead. Can the characters stop
her before she sacrifices their long-lost

Vengeance in Graywall is a five-hour ad-

venture inspired by the adventure Keith
Baker ran at many conventions.

Visions of Salvation A Voice in the Crowd Voice in the Machine

Party Level: 3 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 2

Author(s): Fynn Headen Author(s): Alan Patrick Author(s): Will Doyle
Location(s): Salvation Location(s): Sharn Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: Visions of Salvation Appears in: Encounters in Sharn Appears in: Voice in the Machine
People in Salvation are dying of fright. This story follows the adventurers The adventurers head deep into the
You’ve been having strange dreams. Some- throughout their time in Sharn with en- Mournland to rescue a missing salvage
thing is wrong with the sleeping world. counters appropriate for 3rd, 5th, and 9th team. In the heat of battle, they unearth a
What is it? level characters as they unravel a mystery strange device from the ruins: the Oracle
with the goblin Stab. of War. This machine knows all the secrets
V “Oracle of War” they need to overcome their enemies—if
“Possession is Nine-Tenths” part 1 of 4 only the adventurers can figure out how to
operate it!

“Oracle of War” part 2 of 20

Voice of the Obsidian Voyage of the
Idol Golden Dragon

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Dave Coulson Author(s): Nicolas Logue
Location(s): Aundair Location(s): Sea of Storms, Stormreach,
Appears in: Voice of the Obsidian Idol Xen’drik, airship
The death of a mysterious stranger on Appears in: Voyage of the Golden Drag-
the streets of Fairhaven draws a band of on
adventurers into a tangled web of danger Even before the luxurious airship The
and intrigue. The winding path laid out Golden Dragon embarks on its maiden voy-
before the heroes brings them into the age, nefarious pirates, thieves, and sabo-
V orbit of the Wayfinder Foundation and teurs conspire to defame, steal, or destroy
its dying founder, but what secrets is the it. Resourceful adventurers are needed to
old explorer hiding? And what is really up protect the ship and its passengers, but
with the strange obsidian idol? can they uncover the secret enemy lurking
in their midst?

The Waiting Game Warforge Ziggurat Warforged or Warforged

Party Level: 12 Party Level: 3 Party Level: duet 6

Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): William the Scribe Author(s): Bob Carnicom
Location(s): Aundair Location(s): Breland Location(s): Thrane
Appears in: The Waiting Game Appears in: Warforge Ziggurat Appears in: Warforged or Warforged
Narcy of Xandrar offers safe haven in the At a small outpost outside of Moonwatch, Unknown
towers of Arcanix, but even she can’t fore- a dozen warforged are constructing a The character wakes up to their memory
see the coming storm. Across the centu- ziggurat to reside in and create a defensive cell missing and a friendly mechanical
ries, dead hands move their puppets in a outpost. The warforged Queen needs the hound attentively following them around.
grand conspiracy to control the Draconic players to clear out the abandoned factory The character travels through the Imistil
W Prophecy. They predicted the Oracle of of the autonomous tools and retrieve the Forest and the foothills of Eberron in
War’s creation, and now their agents lie in warforged bodies. search of their memory cell...before it is
wait for the day they can seize it for them- lost forever.
selves. That day is today.

“Oracle of War” part 12 of 20

The Warlock’s Box Weathering the Storm Web of Spies

Party Level: Party Level: 5 Party Level: 0

Author(s): Jennifer Hawkins Author(s): Jarrod Taylor Author(s):
Location(s): Location(s): The Lhazaar Principalities Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: The Warlock’s Box Appears in: Weathering the Storm Appears in: Morgrave Miscellany
When an engineer’s daughter is left per- Provost Faurious has procured an Aether- Vin Thelrin waited in Lower Dura, near
manently bedridden by a new disease, he vane, an astrolabe-like instrument tied the secret entrance to a series of tunnels,
first turns to this own skill, and then to to Kythri that’s used to navigate manifest at dawn, like he had agreed to. His ally,
the powers of a mysterious Voice to try zones.It must be retrieved from pirates. and fellow Dark Lantern, Almar Benn,
to help her. The end result is the con- was to pass off information to him on the
W struction of a box-like megastructure of “Convergence Manifesto” part 9 of 13 activities of the Jungle Boys in the King’s
moving rooms... and many rooms contain Forest before Vin was to set off for Wroat,
grotesque experiments and treacherous but Almar had yet to return. Vin’s faith
terrains! in Almar assured that he would wait just
a couple days longer, but he, of course,
couldn’t go after his comrade himself and
risk compromising either of them. In a
snap decision, Vin puts his trust in a de-
tective agency, hoping the promise of coin
for a week’s worth of work would ensure
their speed and silence.

The Weird Case of Welcome to Sharn Well of Woe 1: The
Zephyr Godefroy Journey Begins

Party Level: 2 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1

Author(s): Davide Quatrini Author(s): Jared Smith Author(s): Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Xen’drik
Appears in: The Weird Case of Zephyr Appears in: Welcome to Sharn Appears in: Well of Woe 1: The Journey
Godefroy Four short encounters that can be added Begins
The characters investigate about professor to any adventure in Sharn. A young mem- “When Thelanis falls on the dusk of the
Zephyr Godefroy, a Morgrave University ber of the Boromar Clan invites the char- Slayer’s jungle, a fire alights in a woe’s well.
teacher, who suddenly took a sabbatical acters into a risky money-making scheme. Forever extinguished, the dreamer awak-
period and consequently decided not to An infamous Karrnathi warlord arrives as ens and the pariahs rise.” This small frag-
W leave his apartment anymore. ambassador. Two dragonmarked houses ment of Draconic prophecy means many
get caught in a love triangle. Exotic beasts things to many people, but the members
from Xen’drik get loose. of four factions race to enact their will on
it and unlock its true meaning.

“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 1 of 12

Well of Woe 2: Breaching Well of Woe 3: The What Awakens Below
Thelanis Wall Flame Beneath the Well
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: 1 Party Level: 1 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Chris Lindsay Author(s): Shawn Merwin Author(s): DonewithDeserts
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): The Talenta Plains
Appears in: Well of Woe 2: Breaching Appears in: Well of Woe 3: The Flame Appears in: Troubles in Talenta
Thelanis Wall Beneath the Well A naturalist from a famous university
“When Thelanis falls on the dusk of the “When Thelanis falls on the dusk of the studying Talenta fauna has crossed an ethi-
Slayer’s jungle, a fire alights in a woe’s well. Slayer’s jungle, a fire alights in a woe’s well. cal line and magically awakened a mindless
Forever extinguished, the dreamer awak- Forever extinguished, the dreamer awak- creature. The university and family have
ens and the pariahs rise.” This small frag- ens and the pariahs rise.” This small frag- lost contact with the naturalist’s research
W ment of Draconic prophecy means many ment of Draconic prophecy means many party and fear the worst. Secrets, answers,
things to many people, but the members things to many people, but the members and the naturalist are to be found.
of four factions race to enact their will on of four factions race to enact their will on
it and unlock its true meaning. it and unlock its true meaning.
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 3 of 12
“Xen’drik Expeditions” part 2 of 12

What Rough Beast What’s Past is Prologue Wheel of Pain

Party Level: 6 Party Level: 0 Party Level: 5

Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Alan Patrick Author(s): Troy Taylor
Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Sharn
Appears in: What Rough Beast Appears in: What’s Past is Prologue Appears in: Masterminds of Sharn
When the Iron Watch captures a pirate This adventure uses six level 0 pregener-
with useful information, agents of Cabal ated characters and takes place during the
must swing into action for a jailbreak and final days of the Last War. At the end of
then keep him alive long enough to dis- the adventure, the player characters are
cover everything he knows. retired and become NPCs for the other
W “Cabal of Shadows” part 6 of 12 adventures in the storyline.

“Embers of the Last War” part 0 of 11

When in Doubt, Charge Where the Dead Wait A Whisper in Your Mind

Party Level: 11 Party Level: 3 Party Level: 7

Author(s): Kevin Tatroe Author(s): James Introcaso Author(s): Bruce Wood
Location(s): Stormreach Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): The Mournland
Appears in: When in Doubt, Charge Appears in: Where the Dead Wait Appears in: A Whisper in Your Mind
On their way back to Salvation, the ad- When you hear a faint whisper in your
“Blackwheel Company” part 11 of 12 venturers are ambushed by a large force head of an urgent plea for help will you an-
of undead and forced to seek shelter in a swer the call? What if answering puts you
ruined cottage. As the dead close in from all at risk? What rules and laws exist in the
all sides, the survivors turn to the Oracle Mournland mists?
W of War for a lifeline. Only this time, things
don’t play out as expected...

“Oracle of War” part 3 of 20

Whispering Shadows Whispers Behind the Whispers of the
Door Vampire’s Blade
(3e) (3e)

Party Level: Party Level: 7 Party Level: 4

Author(s): Paul Benfield Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): David Noonan
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Location(s): Sharn, Thrane, Zilargo
Appears in: Whispering Shadows Appears in: Whispers Behind the Door Appears in: Whispers of the Vampire’s
A poisonous cloud hovers over Lower The Hand of Stalwart Reverie is the Cabal Blade
Menthis. The area has been quarantined of Shadows’ secret impregnable fortress 5th Edition Conversion Guide: A Re-
until the cloud dissipates or an antidote in the heart of Stormreach; or is it? The mix and 5e Conversion Guide
can be found. But a rich and powerful Cabal is not alone in the dark and some- A member of the Brelish spy network has
noble wants his daughter out – and he will thing else whispers, just on the other side stolen a powerful magic sword and gone
W not tolerate the bureaucratic nonsense of of the door. rogue. In pursuit of the fugitive are opera-
the Sharn authorities. tives from a number of other factions.
“Cabal of Shadows” part 7 of 12
“Shadows of Breland” part 1 “The Forgotten Forge” part 3 of 4

Wildnight on Juniper With His Dying Breath Wrongs and Punishment
Street (3e)

Party Level: any Party Level: 11 Party Level: 3

Author(s): Elven Tower Author(s): Greg Marks Author(s): Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli
Location(s): Sharn Location(s): Xen’drik Location(s): Salvation
Appears in: Khyber Khronicle Volume 2 Appears in: With His Dying Breath Appears in: Wrongs and Punishment
Explore the Wildnight festivities of Juni- The Cabal is close now to reviving their When a war criminal excoriate threatens
per Street within the city of Sharn. cloud giant allies, all that remains for to wreck havoc in Salvation and attack a
Sublime to complete his ritual is to recov- Brelish war hero, heroes will rise up to the
er the heart of air. You are sent to a most occasion and defend the Code of Galifar
unlikely corner of Xen’drik to retrieve it, and innocents, and bring pending justice
W but its owner will defend it with his dying once and for all. But can they be sure that
breath. they are doing the right thing or that they
are not getting embroiled into an inter-
“Cabal of Shadows” part 11 of 12 national or mystical conspiracy, or worse,
when all is not usually what it seems in

“Oracle of War”

Zarit’s Laboratories Zombie Commando

Party Level: Party Level: 3

Author(s): J. D. Hindsight Author(s): Davide Quatrini
Location(s): The Mournland Location(s): Karrnath
Appears in: Zarit’s Laboratories Appears in: Zombie Commando
A short dungeon for Eberron campaigns, It’s the Last War, and you are on the
set in the House Cannith Enclave in the field! Spies on your side discovered that
Mournland, for a final battle between your Karrnathi Necroscientists successfully
BBEG or just a short dungeon to give your developed a new prototype of zombie, a
players some magic items. The arcane lab- biological warfare weapon able to spread
Z oratories of Zarit, a silver dragon working plagues among enemies and civilians! Your
for House Cannith. special team is needed to access the secret
laboratory in which the monster is kept in
order to destroy it before series produc-
tion starts! A really tough goal to achieve...

Where in the World?
If you are trying to find an adventure based on where it is set, Many other adventures are on the continent of Xen’drik. Only a
each one is separated by where it takes place by continent, then few have taken place on the other continents of Aerenal, Argo-
area, then city. The majority of adventures are set on the conti- nessen, Everice, the Frostfell, and Sarlona.
nent of Khorvaire. There are lists for the other planes, airships and the lightning rail.

The World of Eberron

Adventures by Location
Aerenal Khorvaire Breland - Greywall
• Dancing with the Fury • Seekers of the Ashen Crown
• The Aundairian Job Breland - Salvation
Argonnessen • Blood in the Wine • Boneyard Brewery
• A Darkness from the Stars • Cold Spell in Frostfell
• Eyes of the Lich Queen • Dark Lantern • Deep Space Vine
• The Lover’s Potion • Distress Call
• Red Dawn • Dreams of Salvation
• Scandal at Saffron Heights • Estranged Tower
• The Seeds of Revolution • Finding a Home
• Sins of War • Lord Bucket
• Expedition Everice
• The Sorcerer’s Tome • Murder in Salvation
• Tensions Rising • Old Scores
• Voice of the Obsidian Idol • Queen Mishann’s Revenge
The Frostfell • Salvage Inspection
• The Waiting Game
• Surprise Visitor
• Cold Spell in Frostfell • The Third Protocol
• Rime or Reason • Under Siege
• Blades of Terror
• Catacomb of the Fallen • Visions of Salvation
• Chasing Shadows • Wrongs and Punishment
• Dark Lantern
• Dear Hunter
• Defense of First Tower
• Dragonshards Shipment
• The Final Tribute
• The Fruit of Memory
• The Gain of Thrones
• The Iron Titan
• The Last Word
• Undead Dawn
• Warforge Ziggurat

Adventures by Location
Breland - Sharn • Get the Message • Nothing to Lose But Your Chains
• Against the Lightning • Gumshoe Graduation Day • Of Fumes and Fortunes
• Are You Down with Dhakaani? • {Hack}: Coven • The Queen with Burning Eyes (II)
• Assistants Urgently Needed! • Hell’s Heart • Pit of the Fire Lord
• Boromar Ball • Help With Retrieval! • The Plot in Northmarket
• The Callestan Clash • A Holy Visit • Price of Protection
• The Cannith Code • House of Madness • The Queen with Burning Eyes
• A Century of Ashes • The Hunt for Red Wyvern • Rain Drops
• Chimes at Midnight • I Have Reservations • Reclaiming a Forge!
• City of Monsters • It Was a Dark and Sooty Night • Reflections of the Delirium Stone
• Cogs on Fire • Jack of Daggers • Quoth the Raven
• Congratulations, You’re a Winner! • Jurassic Ark • The Saviour of Sharn
• Council of Roaches • Just One Drink • A Scandal in Sharn
• Covenant of the Khybermarked • A Keye Without a Locke • School of Hard Knocks
• Curtain Call • The Killing Blade • Searching for Secrets
• Dead for a Spell • King of the Heap • Secrets Below
• Deep Below Sharn • The Kundarak Job • Secrets of the Trade
• The Delirium Stone • K’zzal • Seekers of the Ashen Crown
• Depature From Skydock Six • Lair of Minartis • Shadows of the Last War
• Diamond • The Last Day of Sharn • Sharn: City of Blood
• Divinity Within • Letters from the Heart • Siren’s Whelk
• The Double-Cross • Long Way Home • Six Stones
• Double Immiscibility • MagicPunk: The Heist • Skybridge Skirmish
• Dulces Airship Pirates • The Manor of House Hippocampi • Skyfall
• Fallen Angel • The Mark of Prophecy • Song of the Sky
• The Fallen Mad • The Missing Schema • Special Delivery
• Fallen of Sharn • Monkey Wrenches • Steel Elysium
• Fired & Forgotten • Murder in Oakbridge • Steel Shadows
• Foggerkar • Murder in Skyway • Taste NRG9000
• The Forgotten Forge • Necklace of Death • Tatters of the Titan Scroll
• Forgotten Relics • Neon Knights • Three Sheets to the Wind
• Freely Given • Nine-Pin Pontra • Treachery on the Line

Adventures by Location
• Trust No One Darguun Droaam
• The Untouchables of Sharn • Beyond Grief • Beyond Grief
• Utility Contract for Sharn • Death in Darguun • The Graywall Incident
• The Valenar Pack • Espionage in Grellreach • Last Hiss
• Vanishing Corpses! • Friendship in the Wilderness • Live Another Day
• A Voice in the Crowd • Haruuc’s Tomb • Monsters’ Ink
• Voyage of the Golden Dragon • Heart of the Forbidden Forge • Vengeance in Graywall
• Web of Spies • Living Legend
• The Weird Case of Zephyr Godefroy • The Mokron Toch Gladiators
• Welcome to Sharn • Shadows of the Last War The Eldeen Reaches
• What’s Past is Prologue • The Darkness Within
• Wheel of Pain • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
• Whispering Shadows The Demon Wastes • The Lost Temple of Tiamat
• Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade • The Arterial Manse • Midnight in Moonlight Grove
• Wildnight on Juniper Street • At Death’s Door • Rumors of the Beast
• Broken Stone • The Silvered Edge of Twilight
Breland - Six Kings • Burning Keep • To Spawn the Churning Discord
• Seekers of the Ashen Crown • Desolate
• Desolate Endeavor
Breland - Wroat • Expedition to Khyber Karrnath
• Escape from Grea Tower • Fiend Incursion? • Dark Lantern
• The Last Word • Fiendfell • The Harvest of War
• Reflections of the Multiverse • Finale in Fire • Keep on the Shadowfell: Eberron Con-
• Graduation Day version
• Kashakanta • A Looming Darkness
Cyre (pre 994YK) – • The Maze of Shattered Souls • Mote in the Eye of Chaos
now known as the Mournland • Mission Infernal • My Undying Heart
• The Last War • Once by Ice, Twice by Madness • Night’s Gambit
• The Mark of Prophecy • The Seer’s Ruin • Perfect Timing
• Ride the Lightning • Shaazarak • Pilgrims of the Grave
• Stokes’ Irregulars • Zombie Commando

Adventures by Location
The Lhazaar Principalities • Hundred-Shard Stash The Mror Holds
• The Elves of Alfmyr • Into the Great Beyond • Dragon Me to Hell
• Eyes of the Lich Queen • Judgment of Iron • Dragonmark of the Dwarves
• Gambit at Dreadhold • Last Hiss • Finding the Way
• Lhazaar’s Truth • Last Stand at Copper Canyon • Gold Rush in Mror
• Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire • The Light Keeper • Murder in Korunda Gate
• Weathering the Storm • Lights from the Ashes
• The Mabar Conspiracy Q’barra
The Mournland (post 994 YK) – • The Mourn Identity • The Breath of Dragons
formerly known as Cyre • The Mourning Outpost of Cyre • Daelkyr & Dragonshards
• Back to the Mud • Mournland Salvage • Eyes of the Lich Queen
• The Banners of Breland • Murder in the Hot Springs • The Goose of the Golden Eggs
• Big Trouble in Little Seaside • The New Dawn of Lastkeep • Once Upon a Time in Q’barra
• The Cannith Schematica • The Night Land • Race Through Q’barra
• Catacomb of the Fallen • Nightmares of Salvation • Scales of Power
• Chrome on the Range • No Way Out But Through • The Shifting Scales
• Cold Spell in Frostfell • Off the Rails (II)
• The Curious Incident of the Dog in • Parliament of Gears The Shadow Marches
the Night Land • A Race to the Sea • Apocalypse Gnoll
• The Deathless Skies of Cyre • Sabotage Over Lake Cyre • Blackwater Redux
• Deadly Airship Crash • Scales of War • The Dread Machine of Rokxek
• Deep Space Vine • Servants of the Past • Khyber’s Harvest
• Edge of the Mists • Shadows of the Last War • Light Fingers, Heavy Hand
• Encounters in the Mournland • The Silver Flame of Eston • March of Madness
• Fallen Colossus • Snail Tale
• The Forge • Spirit Train
• From Dust • Voice in the Machine
• Ghost Town • Where the Dead Wait
• Gulgo-13 • A Whisper in Your Mind
• Happy-Go-Lucky • Zarit’s Laboratories
• A Heart in Mourning
• House Hunting

Adventures by Location
The Talenta Plains Zilargo • Legacy in the Clouds
• Crypt of Crimson Stars • Barrow Bound • The Mad Mage of Xen’drik
• Dream Eater • The Secrets of the Missing Researcher • March of the Colossus
• Gathering at Gatherhold • Storm Over the Howling Peaks • Marked Man
• Jurassic Ark • Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade • Mere of Shattered Souls
• The Morblud Den • The Most Dangerous Game
• More Than Meets the Eye • Native Intelligence
• Sins from the Last War Sarlona • None Left Behind
• Tribe Obliterated • Price of Progress
• The Troubles in Talenta • Escape from Riedra • Sands of Fate and Fortune
• What Awakens Below • The Fall of Kasshta Keep • Scheme Starmote
• A Shattered Mind’s Maze
Thrane • Siberys Scramble
• Big Trouble in Little Karrnath Sea of Rage • Tarnished Reputation
• Blind Man’s Hunt • Temple of the Scorpion God
• Celestials Among Us • Test of Mettle
• The Corruption Under Stormheel • Thirst for Blood and Stone
• Dark Lantern • The Twentieth Lash
• Dreams of Undeath • Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins
• Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thorn-
Xen’drik • Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis
wood Wall
• Cairn of Stone Hearts
• The Gain of Thrones • Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath the
• A Century of Ashes
• The Silvered Edge of Twilight Wall
• Chamber Made
• Stonefire • What Rough Beast
• A Costly Truth
• Tension in Thaliost • With His Dying Breath
• Dark Fugitive
• Up in Silver Flames
• Dark Portents
• Warforged or Warforged Unknown
• The Darkest Heart
• Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade
• The End of the Viper’s Tail
• The Good Die Young
• Grasp of the Emerald Claw
• Ban’Na
• If At First
• The Only Docent Thing to Do
• Jungle Secrets

Adventures by Location
Xen’drik – Stormreach • Things Fall Apart Airship
• Brave Soldiers • To Live Among You
• Choir of Angels • Tomb of Tomes • Blades of Terror
• City of Blood • The Trouble with Pirates • Dancing with the Fury
• Crisis of Faith • Turn of the Page • The Deathless Skies of Cyre
• Dark Fugitive • When in Doubt, Charge • Depature From Skydock Six
• The Dead of Night • Flight of the Magpies
• Divine Inspiration • Flying Fear
• Endgame 1: First Strike Dal Quor • Murder on the Halcyon
• Endgame 2: Last Stand • Sabotage Over Lake Cyre
• Fate, Interrupted • Shortcut Through Dal Quor • Shargon’s Rage
• A Few Good Gnolls • Storm Over the Howling Peaks
• Fire in the Heart of Madness • Voyage of the Golden Dragon
• Forbidden Knowledge
• Grasp of the Emerald Claw
• Asati Tumble
• Greater the Fall Lightning Rail
• The Hunt for Red Wyvern
• The Korranberg Affair • Barreling Forward
• Mere of Shattered Souls Thelanis • Dragonshard Sundown
• Night of Shadows • Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden • Murder Mystery on the Lightning Rail
• Noble Savages • Murder on the Eberron Express
• Pariah • Murder on the Orien Express
• A Plague Upon Your Houses • Nightmare on the Mournland Express
• Price of Virtue Ravenloft
• Escape from the Cyre 1313 • No Ticket
• Principal of the Matter • No Way Out But Through
• Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant • The Mourning After
• Off the Rails (I)
• Racing Midnight • Off the Rails (II)
• The Sahuagin Stone • One Way to Murder
• Shadows Over Stormreach • Riding the Rail
• Shargon’s Rage • Rolling Thunder
• Stormrider Slept Here • The Silvered Edge of Twilight
• Taming the Hydra • To Spawn the Churning Discord

Adventures by Writer
Alana Abbott Anahita Asudani Paul Benfield
• A Shattered Mind’s Maze • The Elves of Alfmyr • Chasing Shadows
• Stormrider Slept Here • Whispering Shadows
Christopher Bagg
Jackson Adams • Chrome on the Range Bill Benham
• Beyond Grief • Deep Space Vine • Boromar Ball

Robert Adducci Keith Baker Bianca Bickford

• Curtain Call • Curtain Call • A Century of Ashes
• The Killing Blade • The Delirium Stone • The Dragon Below
• Fallen Angel
Gary Affeldt • The Forgotten Forge Paul Bimler
• The Darkest Heart • Khyber’s Harvest • The Saviour of Sharn
• Night of Shadows • The Mark of Prophecy
• Shadows of the Last War Andrew Bishkinskyi
Jay Africa • Steel Shadows • March of Madness
• Treachery on the Line • Trust No One • The Mourning After

Anthony Alipio Tamela Bangs M. T. Black

• The Only Docent Thing to Do • Fire in the Heart of Madness • The Cannith Schematica
• Secrets Below
Stacey Allan Michael Barnes • The Third Protocol
• Last Stand at Copper Canyon • A Costly Truth
• Song of the Sky Nathan Bond
Kayla Bayens • Estranged Tower
Eran Arbel • Fiendfell • Finding a Home
• Monkey Wrenches • Once by Ice, Twice by Madness • Surprise Visitor

Justice Arman Marco Beccaria Cole M. Bonnema

• Murder on the Halcyon • The Untouchables of Sharn • The Mourning Outpost of Cyre
• Skybridge Skirmish

Adventures by Writer
Thomas Boulton Taylor Catron Celeste Conowitch
• Utility Contract for Sharn • Secrets of the Trade • Dino World
• Dream Eater
Will Brolley Wayne Chang
• Living Legend • Curtain Call Andy Collins
• The Silvered Edge of Twilight • Trust No One • Crypt of Crimson Stars
• Pit of the Fire Lord
Stuart Broz James Chapman • Temple of the Scorpion God
• The Arterial Manse • Daelkyr & Dragonshards
• Eberron Gothic: Curse of the • Dancing with the Fury Igor Comunale
Thornwood • The Hunt for Red Wyvern
Lysa Chen
Matt Butcher • Blades of Terror Az Copey
• The New Dawn of Lastkeep • Murder in Korunda Gate
Ed Chivers • Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
Craig Campbell • Desolate
• Dark Lantern • The Silvered Edge of Twilight Bruce R. Cordell
• Haruuc’s Tomb • Skyfall • Grasp of the Emerald Claw

Liam Carr David Christ Pete Cotton

• Dulces Airship Pirates • Gambit at Dreadhold • Graduation Day

Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli Jon Ciccolini Dave Coulson

• Tension in Thaliost • Fallen Colossus • Tatters of the Titan Scroll
• Wrongs and Punishment • Race Through Q’barra • Voice of the Obsidian Idol

Bob Carnicom Oliver Clegg Ty Da

• Warforged or Warforged Unknown • Divinity Within • Murder Mystery on the Lightning Rail

Kyle Carty Alex Clippinger Cameron Day

• Off the Rails (I) • Dragonshard Sundown • Barrow Bound
• Sharn: City of Blood

Adventures by Writer
Andy Dempz Patrick Dunning Elven Tower
• Back to the Mud • At Death’s Door • City of Monsters
• From Dust • Skyfall • Council of Roaches
• Defense of First Tower
Orla ní Dhúill Richard Duryea • Dragonshards Shipment
• Murder on the Eberron Express • Terror in the Deep • The Missing Schema
• Wildnight on Juniper Street
James Dodds Tan Lou Ee
• An Unforeseen Fate • The Curious Incident of the Dog in Nausicaä Enriquez
the Night Land • Lhazaar’s Truth
DonewithDeserts • Lost in Dreams
• More Than Meets the Eye Christian Eichhorn
• Sins from the Last War • Assistants Urgently Needed! Cat Evans
• The Troubles in Talenta • Blackwater Redux • Shaazarak
• What Awakens Below • Deadly Airship Crash
• Fiend Incursion? Ferret Foundry
Tom “Evhelm” Donovan • Foggerkar • The Banners of Breland
• My Undying Heart • Gold Rush in Mror • The Plot in Northmarket
• Gulgo-13
Will Doyle • {Hack}: Coven Sean Fleming
• Against the Lightning • Help With Retrieval! • A Few Good Gnolls
• Double Immiscibility • K’zzal • The Twentieth Lash
• The Iron Titan • Neon Knights
• King of the Heap • Reclaiming a Forge! Samantha Flynn
• The Last War • Steel Elysium • Asati Tumble
• Old Scores • Taste NRG9000
• The Rising City • Tribe Obliterated Kyle Fontenot
• Rolling Thunder • Vanishing Corpses! • Pilgrims of the Grave
• Voice in the Machine
Griffin Fredette
• Baerand’s Way

Adventures by Writer
Adam M. Fulmer Eric Gutierrez • Things Fall Apart
• Graduation Day • Murder in Morport • To Live Among You

Imogen Gingell James Haeck Gregory Hallenbeck

• Escape from Riedra • The Cannith Code • Big Trouble in Little Karrnath
• Fired & Forgotten • Depature From Skydock Six • Dreams of Undeath
• March of the Colossus • Dragonmark of the Dwarves • Encounters in the Mournland
• Night’s Gambit • Espionage in Grellreach • Ghost Town
• Skyfall • Finale in Fire • Mournland Salvage
• Friendship in the Wilderness • Up in Silver Flames
Craig Graue • Gathering at Gatherhold
• Deep Below Sharn • Sabotage Over Lake Cyre Brian Hamilton
• Shortcut Through Dal Quor • The Silver Flame of Eston
Scott Fitzgerald Gray • Storm Over the Howling Peaks
• Dead for a Spell Kathleen Harrington
• Seekers of the Ashen Crown August Hahn • An Unforeseen Fate
• Brave Soldiers
Richard Green • Cairn of Stone Hearts Jennifer Hawkins
• The Final Tribute • Choir of Angels • The Warlock’s Box
• Judgment of Iron • Crisis of Faith
• Dark Fugitive Ian Hawthorne
Anne Gregersen • The Dead of Night • Parliament of Gears
• The Last Word • Divine Inspiration
• Endgame 1: First Strike Fynn Headen
Chris Groves • Fate, Interrupted • Dreams of Salvation
• None Left Behind • The Good Die Young • House Hunting
• Greater the Fall • Murder in Salvation
Richard Gubitosi • Mere of Shattered Souls • Nightmares of Salvation
• Vengeance in Graywall • Noble Savages • Salvage Inspection
• Price of Virtue • Snail Tale
• Visions of Salvation

Adventures by Writer
Andy Headley Matthew Jarmak Allison Larrabee
• An Unforeseen Fate • Red Dawn • Terror in the Deep

Josh Heath Luke Johnson Kevin Lawson

• Out of Space and Time • Heart of the Forbidden Forge • Death in Darguun
• Fallen of Sharn
Brian Hendershot Chad Justis
• The Shifting Scales • A Heart in Mourning Bum Lee
• Big Trouble in Little Seaside
J. D. Hindsight Joshua C. Kelly • Boneyard Brewery
• Zarit’s Laboratories • Light Fingers, Heavy Hand • A Crimson Carol
• Distress Call
Laura Hirsbrunner Aaron Killeen • The Fruit of Memory
• Perfect Timing • A Heart in Mourning • The Harvest of War
• Letters from the Heart
Tim Hitchcock Dave Knighton • The Light Keeper
• Covenant of the Khybermarked • The Forge • The Lover’s Potion
• Eyes of the Lich Queen • Live Another Day • Murder in the Hot Springs
• Queen Mishann’s Revenge
Chris Hopper Karl Kreutzer • A Race to the Sea
• Siberys Scramble • Midnight in Moonlight Grove • The Seeds of Revolution
• Under Siege
‘Imi Uri Kurlianchik
• Six Stones • Murder in Oakbridge

James Introcaso Alexander Laferriere

• Get the Message • The Morblud Den
• The Iron Titan
• Where the Dead Wait D. G. Landreneau
• Pilgrims of the Grave
Tristan Jacobs
• Murder on the Orien Express

Adventures by Writer
Travis Legge Amber Litke Brian Mackey
• The Mad Mage of Xen’drik • The Deathless Skies of Cyre • Marked Man
• Out of Space and Time • Nightfall on Sorrowdusk
Nicolas Logue • Pariah
Tyler Leonhardt • Chimes at Midnight • A Plague Upon Your Houses
• Apocalypse Gnoll • City of Blood • Price of Progress
• Dragon Me to Hell • Eyes of the Lich Queen • Principal of the Matter
• The Gain of Thrones • Hell’s Heart • Shargon’s Rage
• Jurassic Ark • Quoth the Raven • The Trouble with Pirates
• Mission Infernal • Voyage of the Golden Dragon
• Monsters’ Ink Tim Mangan II
• The Mourn Identity David LoTempio • Of Fumes and Fortunes
• Pirates of Carey Bean • Blind Man’s Hunt
• The Sorcerer’s Tome • Death in Darguun Rich Marflak
• Undead Dawn • Fallen of Sharn • A Costly Truth
• Native Intelligence • Death in Darguun
Rich Lescouflair
• Stonefire Ginny Loveday
• Broken Stone
Jacky Leung • Jack of Daggers
• Legacy in the Clouds
Sadie Lowry
Chris Lindsay • A Darkness from the Stars
• Desolate Endeavor • The Deathless Skies of Cyre
• Journey to Salvation
• Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis

Adventures by Writer
Greg Marks Jeremy Melloul Marco Michelutto
• Congratulations, You’re a Winner! • Expedition to Khyber • The Breath of Dragons
• Dark Portents • Flight of the Magpies
• The Double-Cross Shawn Merwin
• Endgame 2: Last Stand • Chamber Made Davide Milano
• Escape from Grea Tower • Cold Spell in Frostfell • Flying Fear
• Fire in the Heart of Madness • Death in Darguun • Ride the Lightning
• Freely Given • The End of the Viper’s Tail • Ruins of Madness
• House of Madness • The Fallen Mad • The Shadowflame Altar
• Khyber’s Children • Fallen of Sharn • Tides of Danger
• Murder in Skyway • Forbidden Knowledge
• Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire • If At First John V. Mkitarian
• Racing Midnight • The Iron Titan • The Fall of Kasshta Keep
• Reflections of the Delirium Stone • The Korranberg Affair
• The Sahuagin Stone • The Kundarak Job Andrew Moore
• Shadows Over Stormreach • Native Intelligence • Night of Shadows
• Taming the Hydra • The Night Land
• Thirst for Blood and Stone • Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant Scott Moore
• To Spawn the Churning Discord • Sands of Fate and Fortune • Happy-Go-Lucky
• Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins • Tomb of Tomes
• What Rough Beast • Turn of the Page David Morris
• Whispers Behind the Door • The Waiting Game • The Dread Machine of Rokxek
• With His Dying Breath • Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins • Rain Drops
• Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath the • Rime or Reason
Raff Marshall Wall
• The Hidden Colony William Muench
Mexican Dice • Death in Darguun
Pete McDonald • Diamond • Fallen of Sharn
• The Manor of House Hippocampi
K. Meza Derek Myers
Jason Mead • No Way Out But Through • Perfect Timing
• Stokes’ Irregulars

Adventures by Writer
Mark Navarre-Jones Juan Francisco Pereira Stephen Radney-MacFarland
• Living Legend • Lights from the Ashes • The Graywall Incident
• Keep on the Shadowfell: Eberron Con-
Christopher Robin Negelein Christopher Perkins version
• Edge of the Mists • Dead for a Spell • Mote in the Eye of Chaos
• No Ticket
Carl Nelson Daniel Phillips • Reflections of the Multiverse
• Barreling Forward • Scales of Power • The Unexpected Gate

David Noonan Tony Porteous Joe Raso

• Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade • The Rising City • The Secrets of the Missing Researcher
• Rolling Thunder • The Seer’s Ruin
• The Khyber Heart Ed Possing Nicholas Reed
• The Corruption Under Stormheel • Into the Great Beyond
Jeffrey Pannell • The Mabar Conspiracy
• Three Sheets to the Wind Davide Quatrini
• Forbidden Prophecy Stephen Rhodes
Alan Patrick • The Goose of the Golden Eggs • Scandal at Saffron Heights
• Are You Down with Dhakaani? • Once Upon a Time in Q’barra
• It Was a Dark and Sooty Night • Red Talon’s Lair Luke Robinson
• Scales of War • Sins of War • Blood in the Wine
• School of Hard Knocks • Temple Heist
• A Voice in the Crowd • A Trek in the Shadows Rene Rodriguez
• What’s Past is Prologue • The Weird Case of Zephyr Godefroy • Last Hiss
• Zombie Commando
Charles Peacock Ben Rowe
• Death in Darguun • The Lost Temple of Tiamat
• Fallen of Sharn
Mohit Sadhu
Roman Penna • Catacomb of the Fallen
• One Way to Murder

Adventures by Writer
Stephen Schubert Mark Spezzano Laura Thompson
• Eyes of the Lich Queen • Expedition Everice • The Last War
• Scheme Starmote
Tim Sech Alfredo Tarancón
• The Graywall Incident John Stancil • The Valenar Pack
• Celestials Among Us
Craig Shackleton • Kaarver Estate Sven Truckenbrodt
• The Aundairian Job • A Strange Awakening • The Darkness Within
• Torkka Island • The Last Day of Sharn
Chris Sims
• Seekers of the Ashen Crown Sean Tadsen Alan Tucker
• Nothing to Lose But Your Chains • Burning Keep
Bill Slavicsek
• Grasp of the Emerald Claw Mickey Tan Anthony Turco
• Test of Mettle • Nightmare on the Mournland Express
Pieter Sleijpen • Rime or Reason
• Price of Protection Kevin Tatroe • Trust No One
• A Few Good Gnolls
Ryan Smalley • None Left Behind Iain Skylar Twining
• Tensions Rising • Tarnished Reputation • Long Way Home
• The Twentieth Lash
Jared Smith • When in Doubt, Charge S. J. Twining
• Welcome to Sharn • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Jarrod Taylor • The Most Dangerous Game
Logan Smith • Ban’Na • The Queen with Burning Eyes (II)
• A Keye Without a Locke • Skyfall
• A Scandal in Sharn • Weathering the Storm Ukulele Bard
• A Looming Darkness
Jaye Sonia Troy Taylor
• Covenant of the Khybermarked • Lair of Minartis Andrew Walker
• Necklace of Death • Rumors of the Beast
• Wheel of Pain

Adventures by Writer
Christopher Walz James Wyatt
• Just One Drink • Crypt of Crimson Stars
• Kashakanta • The Mark of Prophecy
• The Maze of Shattered Souls
Ashley Warren • Pit of the Fire Lord
• The Callestan Clash • The Queen with Burning Eyes
• A Holy Visit • Temple of the Scorpion God

Robert Wiese Márcio “Zakkariasz”

• Jungle Secrets • Escape from the Cyre 1313

William the Scribe Dimitri Zanella

• Warforge Ziggurat • The Mokron Toch Gladiators

Eric Williamson Christian Zeuch

• Finding the Way • An Unforeseen Fate

Christopher Wissel
• Riding the Rail

Bruce Wood
• A Whisper in Your Mind

Travis Woodall
• Lord Bucket
• Searching for Secrets
• Special Delivery

Adventures by Level
Duet (1 player, 1 DM) Level 1 Solo Level 4 Any Level
• Long Way Home • The Saviour of Sharn • Are You Down with Dhakaani?
• Just One Drink
Duet (1 player, 1 DM) Level 6 Solo Level 5 • Tension in Thaliost
• Warforged or Warforged Unknown • Murder in Morport • Wildnight on Juniper Street

Solo Level 6 Level 0

• Kaarver Estate • Cogs on Fire
• Dear Hunter
Solo Level 7 • I Have Reservations
• Celestials Among Us • Nine-Pin Pontra
• Siren’s Whelk
Solo Level 8 • Web of Spies
• A Strange Awakening • What’s Past is Prologue

Solo Level 10
• Torkka Island

Adventures by Level
Level 1 • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow • Utility Contract for Sharn
• Blackwater Redux • Lhazaar’s Truth • The Valenar Pack
• Boneyard Brewery • The Lover’s Potion • Voice of the Obsidian Idol
• Chasing Shadows • The Mark of Prophecy • Welcome to Sharn
• The Corruption Under Stormheel • The Missing Schema • Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins
• Covenant of the Khybermarked • The Mokron Toch Gladiators • Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis
• Curtain Call • The Morblud Den Wall
• Death in Darguun • The Most Dangerous Game • Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath the
• Depature From Skydock Six • The Mourning After Wall
• Desolate • Murder in Skyway
• Distress Call • Murder on the Halcyon
• Divine Inspiration • Necklace of Death
• The Dread Machine of Rokxek • The New Dawn of Lastkeep
• Dreams of Undeath • The Night Land
• Edge of the Mists • Out of Space and Time
• Encounters in the Mournland • Pilgrims of the Grave
• Escape from the Cyre 1313 • Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire
• Fired & Forgotten • Principal of the Matter
• Flying Fear • Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant
• The Forge • The Queen with Burning Eyes
• The Forgotten Forge • Rain Drops
• Forgotten Relics • Reflections of the Multiverse
• Friendship in the Wilderness • Ruins of Madness
• The Gain of Thrones • The Sahuagin Stone
• Gumshoe Graduation Day • A Scandal in Sharn
• The Harvest of War • Shards of Galifar 1
• Hundred-Shard Stash • The Shifting Scales
• Into the Great Beyond • Six Stones
• Journey to Salvation • Stokes’ Irregulars
• Keep on the Shadowfell: Eberron Con- • Storm Over the Howling Peaks
version • Taste NRG9000
• The Khyber Heart • Tatters of the Titan Scroll Under Siege

Adventures by Level
Level 2 Level 3 • Nightmares of Salvation
• Ban’Na • Assistants Urgently Needed! • Nothing to Lose But Your Chains
• Boromar Ball • Big Trouble in Little Karrnath • Of Fumes and Fortunes
• Crisis of Faith • The Cannith Code • Perfect Timing
• Espionage in Grellreach • The Cannith Schematica • The Plot in Northmarket
• Finding a Home • Council of Roaches • Salvage Inspection
• Forbidden Knowledge • Diamond • Scales of Power
• The Fruit of Memory • Divinity Within • The Secrets of the Missing Researcher
• Khyber’s Harvest • The Double-Cross • The Seeds of Revolution
• Letters from the Heart • Double Immiscibility • Shards of Galifar 3
• Light Fingers, Heavy Hand • Dragonmark of the Dwarves • Sharn: City of Blood
• Live Another Day • Dreams of Salvation • Shortcut Through Dal Quor
• No Ticket • Expedition to Khyber • Snail Tale
• Once by Ice, Twice by Madness • Finding the Way • Special Delivery
• Price of Progress • Flight of the Magpies • Surprise Visitor
• The Queen with Burning Eyes (II) • Gathering at Gatherhold • Terror in the Deep
• Red Dawn • Get the Message • Treachery on the Line
• Rime or Reason • The Good Die Young • Vengeance in Graywall
• Sabotage Over Lake Cyre • Graduation Day • Visions of Salvation
• Seekers of the Ashen Crown • Gulgo-13 • A Voice in the Crowd
• The Shadowflame Altar • {Hack}: Coven • Warforge Ziggurat
• Shadows of the Last War • House Hunting • Where the Dead Wait
• Shadows Over Stormreach • Jurassic Ark • Wrongs and Punishment
• Shards of Galifar 2 • King of the Heap • Zombie Commando
• Skybridge Skirmish • Khyber’s Children
• Tides of Danger • Living Legend
• Trust No One • Marked Man
• Undead Dawn • Midnight in Moonlight Grove
• Up in Silver Flames • Monkey Wrenches
• Voice in the Machine • The Mourning Outpost of Cyre
• The Weird Case of Zephyr Godefroy • Murder in Salvation
• Native Intelligence

Adventures by Level
Level 4 • The Troubles in Talenta • K’zzal
• Apocalypse Gnoll • What Awakens Below • The Mad Mage of Xen’drik
• Barreling Forward • Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade • MagicPunk: The Heist
• Blind Man’s Hunt • The Manor of House Hippocampi
• Brave Soldiers Level 5 • March of Madness
• The Callestan Clash • Against the Lightning • Murder in Korunda Gate
• Dark Lantern • The Aundairian Job • Murder in Oakbridge
• Deep Below Sharn • Blood in the Wine • Night of Shadows
• Defense of First Tower • The Breath of Dragons • Off the Rails (II)
• Dino World • A Century of Ashes • Once Upon a Time in Q’barra
• Dragonshard Sundown • Chimes at Midnight • One Way to Murder
• Dragonshards Shipment • City of Monsters • Pirates of Carey Bean
• Estranged Tower • Cold Spell in Frostfell • Race Through Q’barra
• Fallen Angel • A Darkness from the Stars • Reclaiming a Forge!
• Fallen Colossus • The Darkness Within • Red Talon’s Lair
• Finale in Fire • Deadly Airship Crash • Riding the Rail
• Fire in the Heart of Madness • The Delirium Stone • Scheme Starmote
• Gambit at Dreadhold • Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thorn- • School of Hard Knocks
• The Iron Titan wood • Secrets of the Trade
• Jack of Daggers • Expedition Everice • Siberys Scramble
• A Looming Darkness • Eyes of the Lich Queen • Sins of War
• Mere of Shattered Souls • The Fall of Kasshta Keep • Steel Elysium
• More Than Meets the Eye • The Fallen Mad • Tarnished Reputation
• Mournland Salvage • Fallen of Sharn • Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
• Neon Knights • Forbidden Prophecy • Things Fall Apart
• Night’s Gambit • Freely Given • Three Sheets to the Wind
• The Silvered Edge of Twilight • Ghost Town • A Trek in the Shadows
• Sins from the Last War • Gold Rush in Mror • Tribe Obliterated
• Tensions Rising • Haruuc’s Tomb • Weathering the Storm
• The Third Protocol • Help With Retrieval! • Wheel of Pain
• Tomb of Tomes • A Keye Without a Locke
• The Trouble with Pirates • The Korranberg Affair

Adventures by Level
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
• At Death’s Door • Blades of Terror • The Arterial Manse
• Cairn of Stone Hearts • City of Blood • The Banners of Breland
• A Darkness from the Stars • A Costly Truth • Barrow Bound
• Deep Space Vine • Crypt of Crimson Stars • Big Trouble in Little Seaside
• Dragon Me to Hell • Dark Fugitive • Congratulations, You’re a Winner!
• Fiend Incursion? • Dead for a Spell • The Curious Incident of the Dog in
• Foggerkar • Desolate Endeavor the Night Land
• The Goose of the Golden Eggs • Escape from Riedra • Escape from Grea Tower
• Grasp of the Emerald Claw • The Graywall Incident • A Few Good Gnolls
• A Heart in Mourning • Heart of the Forbidden Forge • If At First
• A Holy Visit • The Last Day of Sharn • The Kundarak Job
• The Hunt for Red Wyvern • Last Stand at Copper Canyon • The Light Keeper
• Into the Depths • Lost in Dreams • Monsters’ Ink
• The Last Word • The Mourn Identity • Mote in the Eye of Chaos
• The Lost Temple of Tiamat • The Seer’s Ruin • Murder in the Hot Springs
• Murder on the Eberron Express • Shargon’s Rage • No Way Out But Through
• Nightmare on the Mournland Express • Skyfall • Noble Savages
• None Left Behind • Song of the Sky • Parliament of Gears
• The Only Docent Thing to Do • Steel Shadows • Pit of the Fire Lord
• Price of Virtue • Temple of the Scorpion God • Queen Mishann’s Revenge
• Rumors of the Beast • Test of Mettle • Quoth the Raven
• Sands of Fate and Fortune • The Unexpected Gate • A Race to the Sea
• Scandal at Saffron Heights • Voyage of the Golden Dragon • Racing Midnight
• The Silver Flame of Eston • A Whisper in Your Mind • Reflections of the Delirium Stone
• Temple Heist • Whispers Behind the Door • Rolling Thunder
• Turn of the Page • Shaazarak
• Vanishing Corpses!
• What Rough Beast

Adventures by Level
Level 9 Level 11 Level 14
• Broken Stone • The Dead of Night • From Dust
• Burning Keep • Greater the Fall • Kashakanta
• Choir of Angels • Lair of Minartis • March of the Colossus
• The Darkest Heart • My Undying Heart
• It Was a Dark and Sooty Night • A Shattered Mind’s Maze Level 15
• Lord Bucket • Spirit Train • Dream Eater
• A Plague Upon Your Houses • When in Doubt, Charge
• Searching for Secrets • With His Dying Breath Level 16
• The Sorcerer’s Tome • The Dragon Below
• Stormrider Slept Here Level 12 • The Rising City
• Taming the Hydra • A Crimson Carol
• Fiendfell Level 17
Level 10 • Legacy in the Clouds • Dancing with the Fury
• Asati Tumble • The Waiting Game • The Final Tribute
• Chamber Made • Servants of the Past
• The Deathless Skies of Cyre Level 13
• Fate, Interrupted • Chrome on the Range Level 18
• Hell’s Heart • Dark Portents • The Mabar Conspiracy
• House of Madness • The End of the Viper’s Tail • Scales of War
• Judgment of Iron • Endgame 1: First Strike
• Jungle Secrets • Endgame 2: Last Stand Level 19
• The Killing Blade • Happy-Go-Lucky • Back to the Mud
• Lights from the Ashes • To Live Among You
• The Maze of Shattered Souls • Ride the Lightning Level 20
• Mission Infernal • Stonefire • The Last War
• Nightfall on Sorrowdusk • The Twentieth Lash • Old Scores
• Pariah
• Price of Protection
• Secrets Below
• Thirst for Blood and Stone
• To Spawn the Churning Discord

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
• The Aundairian Job • Forbidden Knowledge • Price of Virtue
• Blind Man’s Hunt • The Forgotten Forge • Principal of the Matter
• Brave Soldiers • Freely Given • Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant
• Cairn of Stone Hearts • Gambit at Dreadhold • The Queen with Burning Eyes
• Chamber Made • The Good Die Young • Quoth the Raven
• Chimes at Midnight • Grasp of the Emerald Claw • Racing Midnight
• Choir of Angels • The Graywall Incident • Reflections of the Multiverse
• City of Blood • Greater the Fall • Riding the Rail
• A Costly Truth • Hell’s Heart • The Sahuagin Stone
• Crisis of Faith • House of Madness • Sands of Fate and Fortune
• Crypt of Crimson Stars • If At First • Shadows of the Last War
• Dark Fugitive • Jungle Secrets • Shadows Over Stormreach
• Dark Portents • Khyber’s Children • Shargon’s Rage
• The Darkest Heart • The Korranberg Affair • A Shattered Mind’s Maze
• The Dead of Night • Marked Man • Steel Shadows
• Death in Darguun • Mere of Shattered Souls • Stormrider Slept Here
• The Delirium Stone • Mote in the Eye of Chaos • Taming the Hydra
• Desolate Endeavor • Murder in Oakbridge • Tarnished Reputation
• Divine Inspiration • Native Intelligence • Temple of the Scorpion God
• The End of the Viper’s Tail • Night of Shadows • Tensions Rising
• Endgame 1: First Strike • Nightfall on Sorrowdusk • Test of Mettle
• Endgame 2: Last Stand • No Ticket • Things Fall Apart
• Escape from Grea Tower • Noble Savages • Thirst for Blood and Stone
• Eyes of the Lich Queen • None Left Behind • To Live Among You
• Fallen Angel • Pariah • To Spawn the Churning Discord
• Fallen of Sharn • Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire • Tomb of Tomes
• Fate, Interrupted • Pit of the Fire Lord • The Trouble with Pirates
• A Few Good Gnolls • A Plague Upon Your Houses • Turn of the Page
• Finding the Way • Price of Progress • The Twentieth Lash
• Fire in the Heart of Madness • Price of Protection • The Unexpected Gate

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
• Voyage of the Golden Dragon • Dark Lantern
• Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins • Dead for a Spell
• Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis Wall • Haruuc’s Tomb
• Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath the Wall • Heart of the Forbidden Forge
• What Rough Beast • Keep on the Shadowfell: Eberron Conversion
• When in Doubt, Charge • Khyber’s Harvest
• Whispers Behind the Door • The Mark of Prophecy
• Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade • The Maze of Shattered Souls
• With His Dying Breath • Seekers of the Ashen Crown
• Shards of Galifar 1
• Shards of Galifar 2
• Shards of Galifar 3

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
• Against the Lightning • Chrome on the Range • Double Immiscibility
• Apocalypse Gnoll • City of Monsters • The Dragon Below
• Are You Down with Dhakaani? • Cold Spell in Frostfell • Dragon Me to Hell
• The Arterial Manse • Cogs on Fire • Dragonmark of the Dwarves
• Asati Tumble • Congratulations, You’re a Winner! • Dragonshard Sundown
• Assistants Urgently Needed! • The Corruption Under Stormheel • Dragonshards Shipment
• At Death’s Door • Council of Roaches • The Dread Machine of Rokxek
• Back to the Mud • Covenant of the Khybermarked • Dream Eater
• Baerand’s Way • A Crimson Carol • Dreams of Salvation
• Ban’Na • Crypt of Crimson Stars (with conver- • Dreams of Undeath
• The Banners of Breland sion guide) • Dulces Airship Pirates
• Barreling Forward • The Curious Incident of the Dog in • Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thorn-
• Barrow Bound the Night Land wood
• Beyond Grief • Curtain Call • Edge of the Mists
• Big Trouble in Little Karrnath • Daelkyr & Dragonshards • The Elves of Alfmyr
• Big Trouble in Little Seaside • Dancing with the Fury • Encounters in the Mournland
• Blackwater Redux • A Darkness from the Stars • Escape from Riedra
• Blades of Terror • The Darkness Within • Escape from the Cyre 1313
• Blood in the Wine • Deadly Airship Crash • Espionage in Grellreach
• Boneyard Brewery • Dear Hunter • Estranged Tower
• Boromar Ball • The Deathless Skies of Cyre • Expedition Everice
• The Breath of Dragons • Deep Below Sharn • Expedition to Khyber
• Broken Stone • Deep Space Vine • Fallen Angel (with conversion guide)
• Burning Keep • Defense of First Tower • The Fall of Kasshta Keep
• The Callestan Clash • Depature From Skydock Six • Fallen Colossus
• The Cannith Code • Desolate • The Fallen Mad
• The Cannith Schematica • Diamond • Fiend Incursion?
• Catacomb of the Fallen • Dino World • Fiendfell
• Celestials Among Us • Distress Call • The Final Tribute
• A Century of Ashes • Divinity Within • Finale in Fire
• Chasing Shadows • The Double-Cross • Finding a Home

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
• Fired & Forgotten • Hundred-Shard Stash • Lhazaar’s Truth
• Flight of the Magpies • The Hunt for Red Wyvern • Light Fingers, Heavy Hand
• Flying Fear • I Have Reservations • The Light Keeper
• Foggerkar • Into the Depths • Lights from the Ashes
• Forbidden Prophecy • Into the Great Beyond • Live Another Day
• The Forge • The Iron Titan • Living Legend
• The Forgotten Forge (with conversion • It Was a Dark and Sooty Night • Long Way Home
guide) • Jack of Daggers • A Looming Darkness
• Forgotten Relics • Journey to Salvation • Lord Bucket
• Friendship in the Wilderness • Judgment of Iron • Lost in Dreams
• From Dust • Jurassic Ark • The Lost Temple of Tiamat
• The Fruit of Memory • Just One Drink • The Lover’s Potion
• The Gain of Thrones • Kaarver Estate • The Mabar Conspiracy
• Gathering at Gatherhold • Kashakanta • The Mad Mage of Xen’drik
• Get the Message • A Keye Without a Locke • MagicPunk: The Heist
• Ghost Town • The Khyber Heart • The Manor of House Hippocampi
• Gold Rush in Mror • Khyber’s Harvest (with conversion • March of Madness
• The Goose of the Golden Eggs guide) • March of the Colossus
• Graduation Day • The Killing Blade • The Mark of Prophecy (with
• Grasp of the Emerald Claw (with • King of the Heap conversion guide)
conversion guide) • The Kundarak Job • Midnight in Moonlight Grove
• Gulgo-13 • K’zzal • The Missing Schema
• Gumshoe Graduation Day • Lair of Minartis • Mission Infernal
• {Hack}: Coven • The Last Day of Sharn • The Mokron Toch Gladiators
• Happy-Go-Lucky • Last Hiss • Monkey Wrenches
• The Harvest of War • Last Stand at Copper Canyon • The Morblud Den
• A Heart in Mourning • The Last War • More Than Meets the Eye
• Help With Retrieval! • The Last Word • The Most Dangerous Game
• The Hidden Colony • Legacy in the Clouds • The Mourn Identity
• A Holy Visit • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow • The Mourning After
• House Hunting • Letters from the Heart • The Mourning Outpost of Cyre

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
• Mournland Salvage • Perfect Timing • Secrets Below
• Murder in Korunda Gate • Pirates of Carey Bean • The Secrets of the Missing Researcher
• Murder in Morport • Pilgrims of the Grave • Secrets of the Trade
• Murder in Salvation • The Plot in Northmarket • The Seeds of Revolution
• Murder in Skyway • Queen Mishann’s Revenge • The Seer’s Ruin
• Murder in the Hot Springs • The Queen with Burning Eyes (II) • Servants of the Past
• Murder Mystery on the Lightning Rail • Race Through Q’barra • Shaazarak
• Murder on the Eberron Express • A Race to the Sea • The Shadowflame Altar
• Murder on the Halcyon • Rain Drops • Shadows of the Last War (with
• Murder on the Orien Express • Reclaiming a Forge! conversion guide)
• My Undying Heart • Red Dawn • Shards of Galifar
• Necklace of Death • Red Talon’s Lair • Sharn: City of Blood
• Neon Knights • Reflections of the Delirium Stone • The Shifting Scales
• The New Dawn of Lastkeep • Ride the Lightning • Shortcut Through Dal Quor
• The Night Land • Riding the Rail (with conversion • Siberys Scramble
• Night’s Gambit guide) • The Silver Flame of Eston
• Nightmare on the Mournland Express • Rime or Reason • The Silvered Edge of Twilight
• Nightmares of Salvation • The Rising City • Sins from the Last War
• Nine-Pin Pontra • Rolling Thunder • Sins of War
• No Way Out But Through • Ruins of Madness • Siren’s Whelk
• Nothing to Lose But Your Chains • Rumors of the Beast • Six Stones
• Of Fumes and Fortunes • Sabotage Over Lake Cyre • Skybridge Skirmish
• Off the Rails (I) • Salvage Inspection • Skyfall
• Off the Rails (II) • The Saviour of Sharn • Snail Tale
• Old Scores • Scales of Power • Song of the Sky
• Once by Ice, Twice by Madness • Scales of War • The Sorcerer’s Tome
• Once Upon a Time in Q’barra • Scandal at Saffron Heights • Special Delivery
• The Only Docent Thing to Do • A Scandal in Sharn • Spirit Train
• One Way to Murder • Scheme Starmote • Steel Elysium
• Out of Space and Time • School of Hard Knocks • Steel Shadows (with conversion guide)
• Parliament of Gears • Searching for Secrets • Stokes’ Irregulars

Adventures by Edition
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
• Stonefire • Voice of the Obsidian Idol
• Storm Over the Howling Peaks • The Waiting Game
• A Strange Awakening • Warforge Ziggurat
• Surprise Visitor • Warforged or Warforged Unknown
• Taste NRG9000 • The Warlock’s Box
• Tatters of the Titan Scroll • Weathering the Storm
• Temple Heist • Web of Spies
• Tension in Thaliost • The Weird Case of Zephyr Godefroy
• Terror in the Deep • Welcome to Sharn
• The Third Protocol • What Awakens Below
• Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden • What’s Past is Prologue
• Three Sheets to the Wind • Wheel of Pain
• Tides of Danger • Where the Dead Wait
• Torkka Island • A Whisper in Your Mind
• Treachery on the Line • Whispering Shadows
• A Trek in the Shadows • Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade (with
• Tribe Obliterated conversion guide)
• The Troubles in Talenta • Wildnight on Juniper Street
• Trust No One • Wrongs and Punishment
• Undead Dawn • Zarit’s Laboratories
• Under Siege • Zombie Commando
• An Unforeseen Fate
• The Untouchables of Sharn
• Up in Silver Flames
• Utility Contract for Sharn
• The Valenar Pack
• Vanishing Corpses!
• Vengeance in Graywall
• Visions of Salvation
• A Voice in the Crowd
• Voice in the Machine

Adventures by Storyline
Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days series Broach Poacher Mysteries trilogy Convergence Manifesto series
1. Depature From Skydock Six 1. Nine-Pin Pontra 1. Fired & Forgotten
2. Storm Over the Howling Peaks 2. Cogs on Fire 2. Live Another Day
3. Friendship in the Wilderness 3. Siren’s Whelk 3. Rime or Reason
4. Espionage in Grellreach 4. Living Legend
5. Sabotage Over Lake Cyre Cabal of Shadows series 5. Perfect Timing
6. Gathering at Gatherhold 1. The Sahuagin Stone 6. Night’s Gambit
7. Dragonmark of the Dwarves 2. Shadows Over Stormreach 7. The Silvered Edge of Twilight
8. Shortcut Through Dal Quor 3. Khyber’s Children 8. March of Madness
9. Finale in Fire 4. Fire in the Heart of Madness 9. Weathering the Storm
5. Night of Shadows 10. At Death’s Door
Blackwheel Company series 6. What Rough Beast 11. A Heart in Mourning
1. Principal of the Matter 7. Whispers Behind the Door 12. Lost in Dreams
2. Price of Progress 8. Racing Midnight 13. Skyfall
3. Marked Man 9. The Darkest Heart
4. The Trouble with Pirates 10. Thirst for Blood and Stone Covenant of Light series
5. Tarnished Reputation 11. With His Dying Breath 1. Divine Inspiration
6. None Left Behind 12. Dark Portents 2. Crisis of Faith
7. Test of Mettle 3. The Good Die Young
8. A Few Good Gnolls Chimes at Midnight trilogy 4. Brave Soldiers
9. A Plague Upon Your Houses 1. Chimes at Midnight 5. Things Fall Apart
10. Pariah 2. Quoth the Raven 6. Price of Virtue
11. When in Doubt, Charge 3. Hell’s Heart 7. Dark Fugitive
12. The Twentieth Lash 8. Noble Savages
9. Choir of Angels
The Branches of Time trilogy 10. Fate, Interrupted
1. The Harvest of War 11. Greater the Fall
2. The Fruit of Memory 12. To Live Among You
3. The Seeds of Revolution

Adventures by Storyline
Crimson Codex series Fallen trilogy Momento Mori trilogy
1. Prophecy’s Unwitting Servant 1. Fallen Angel (with conversion guide) 1. Dreams of Undeath
2. Forbidden Knowledge 2. The Fallen Mad 2. Up in Silver Flames
3. Native Intelligence 3. Big Trouble in Little Karrnath
4. Tomb of Tomes The Forgotten Forge series
5. The Korranberg Affair 1. The Forgotten Forge
6. Turn of the Page 2. Shadows of the Last War
7. A Costly Truth 3. Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade
8. If At First 4. Grasp of the Emerald Claw
9. Stormrider Slept Here
10. Chamber Made Mark of Heroes series
11. A Shattered Mind’s Maze 1. Reflections of the Multiverse
12. The End of the Viper’s Tail 2. Pirate’s Bounty and the Isle of Fire
3. No Ticket
Fear Reveals Truth series 4. Finding the Way
1. Curtain Call 5. Gambit at Dreadhold
2. Trust No One 6. Blind Man’s Hunt
7. The Delirium Stone
Embers of the Last War series 8. Freely Given
1. What’s Past is Prologue 9. Mote in the Eye of Chaos
2. Murder in Skyway 10. Desolate Endeavor
3. Boromar Ball 11. The Graywall Incident
4. The Cannith Code 12. Escape from Grea Tower
5. Jack of Daggers 13.
6. Against the Lightning 14. House of Madness
7. A Holy Visit 15. Price of Protection
8. Blades of Terror • Death in Darguun
9. The Kundarak Job • Fallen of Sharn
10. Searching for Secrets • The Unexpected Gate
11. The Killing Blade • To Spawn the Churning Discord
12. Secrets Below

Adventures by Storyline
Oracle of War series • Finding a Home Possession is Nine-Tenths series
1. The Night Land • Ghost Town 1. A Voice in the Crowd
2. Voice in the Machine • Gulgo-13 2. Are You Down with Dhakaani?
3. Where the Dead Wait • Happy-Go-Lucky 3. School of Hard Knocks
4. The Third Protocol • House Hunting 4. It Was a Dark and Sooty Night
5. A Century of Ashes • Hundred-Shard Stash
6. The Last Word • Into the Great Beyond Shadows of the Fiend series
7. Song of the Sky • The Iron Titan 1. Flying Fear
8. Parliament of Gears • Journey to Salvation 2. Ruins of Madness
9. Lord Bucket • The Khyber Heart 3. The Shadowflame Altar
10. Judgment of Iron • The Last War 4. Tides of Danger
11. My Undying Heart • The Light Keeper
12. The Waiting Game • The Mabar Conspiracy Shard Wars series
13. Stonefire • Murder in Salvation 1. Siberys Scramble
14. From Dust • Murder in the Hot Springs 2. The Darkness Within
15. Dream Eater • Nightmares of Salvation 3. The Breath of Dragons
16. The Dragon Below • Off the Rails (II)
17. The Final Tribute • Queen Mishann’s Revenge Shards of Eberron trilogy
18. Scales of War • A Race to the Sea 1. Crypt of Crimson Stars
19. Back to the Mud • The Rising City 2. Temple of the Scorpion God
20. Old Scores • Rolling Thunder 3. Pit of the Fire Lord
• Big Trouble in Little Seaside • Salvage Inspection
• Boneyard Brewery • Servants of the Past Shards of Galifar trilogy
• Chrome on the Range • Snail Tale 1. Shards of Galifar 1
• Cold Spell in Frostfell • Spirit Train 2. Shards of Galifar 2
• A Crimson Carol • Surprise Visitor 3. Shards of Galifar 3
• The Curious Incident of the Dog in • Under Siege
the Night Land • Visions of Salvation Sharn trilogy
• Dino World • Wrongs and Punishment 1. The Missing Schema
• Distress Call 2. Council of Roaches
• Dreams of Salvation 3. City of Monsters
• Estranged Tower

Adventures by Storyline
Tales of the Dark Lanterns series
1. The Gain of Thrones
2. Undead Dawn
3. Jurassic Ark
4. Apocalypse Gnoll
5. Pirates of Carey Bean
6. Dragon Me to Hell
7. The Mourn Identity
8. Monsters’ Ink
9. The Sorcerer’s Tome
10. Mission Infernal

Xen’drik Expeditions series

1. Well of Woe 1: The Journey Begins
2. Well of Woe 2: Breaching Thelanis Wall
3. Well of Woe 3: The Flame Beneath the Wall
4. Mere of Shattered Souls
5. Cairn of Stone Hearts
6. Sands of Fate and Fortune
7. Shargon’s Rage
8. Taming the Hydra
9. Nightfall on Sorrowdusk
10. The Dead of Night
11. Endgame 1: First Strike
12. Endgame 2: Last Stand

Raat shan gath’kal dor.


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