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BC 3 Name:

Monotonic Sequences
Monotonic sequences are sequences that are (essentially) increasing or decreasing. That is,
either a1 ≤ a2 ≤ a3 ≤ ... or a1 ≥ a2 ≥ a3 ≥ ... Sometimes, we make the distinction between
monotonic and strictly monotonic sequences. In a monotonic sequence, equality between terms
is not allowed. That is, a1 < a2 < a3 < ... or a1 > a2 > a3 > ...
A sequence is bounded if there are real numbers K and M such that K ≤ an ≤ M for all n.
(HH P.466)

(1) Which of the sequences below are monotonic? (List the letters to indicate the sequence.)

(2) Which of the sequences below are bounded?

(3) Which of the sequences below are convergent?

1 (−1) n+1
an = bn = sin(n) cn =
n2 n

dn = 2n en = (−2) n f n = (0.9) n

3n n3
g n = (−0.9) n hn = jn =
n3 3n

⎛ 1⎞ 3+ sin(n) cos(nπ )
mn = ⎜ 1+ ⎟ pn = qn =
⎝ 3n ⎠ n n2

2n3 + 1
rn = 3 sn = arctan n tn = n 4n
5n + 3n2 + 2

IMSA BC 3 Monotonic.1 S13

(4) Give an example of a sequence for each of the conditions listed below, if possible.

(a) monotonic, convergent

(b) not monotonic, convergent

(c) not bounded, monotonic, convergent

(d) bounded, not monotonic, divergent

(e) not bounded, divergent

Remember: bounded and monotonic guarantees convergence, and convergence guarantees

bounded (so (c) above is impossible, even if not required to be monotonic!)

IMSA BC 3 Monotonic.2 S13

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