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Dear friend,

Hi! How are things going? Hope all is well. It’s a bit rough wasn’t it? Haven’t seen each
other in person since the last two years. Things had come and gone but at least we still talk. I
really do appreciate that we have the time to text and call, but I wish we can find the time to see
each other for real like face to face. The thing is, I’ve been feeling down lately. I’m not really
depressed or anything, but with how things had been going around for the last two years, it just
seems never ending… and I don’t know how to cope with the new normal. I am worried that
things may not be like how they used to be. So, I’m just wondering, if you have time, but no
pressure really, can we at least meet up? Anytime you’re free, save a weekend for me, my friend.
I just wanted that old sense of familiarity that I lost since the pandemic started, at least someone
who knew me very well, before all this craziness happened. Thanks a lot. Really appreciate it. 😊

Sincerely, Rijshan

P.S. By the way, I have been fully vaccinated against the virus, hope you are too 😊

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