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Chapter Sub

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No. ch. no.

Company Certificate

Institute Certificate

Declaration from Students



Executive Summary

1 Research Methodology

1.1 Literature Review

1.2 Objective of the study

1.3 Scope of the study

1.4 Research Design

1.5 Sampling

1.6 Data Collection Method

1.7 Beneficiaries of the study

1.8 Limitations of the study

2 Industry Profile

2.1 Indian financial service industry

2.2 Different financial products

2.3 Concept of Mutual Fund

2.4 Role of SEBI in mutual funds

2.5 History of mutual fund industry

2.6 Association of mutual funds in India (AMFI)

2.7 Asset Management Company (AMC)

2.8 Mutual fund operational flow chart

2.9 Current scenario of Indian financial industry

2.10 PESTEL Analysis of Mutual Fund

3 Company Profile

3.1 Introduction of ABSL

3.2 History of ABSL

3.3 Vision of ABSL

3.4 Mission of ABSL

3.5 Values of ABSL

3.6 Awards & Achievements of ABSL

3.7 Company Key Info

3.8 SWOT Analysis

3.9 Competitors of ABSL

3.10 Functional Departments of ABSL mutual funds

3.11 Products offered by ABSL mutual fund schemes

3.12 Structure & Hierarchy of ABSL

4 Introduction of Topic

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Meaning of mutual fund

4.3 Concept of mutual fund

4.4 Advantages of mutual fund

4.5 Disadvantages of mutual fund

4.6 Investment options available with investor

4.7 Characteristics of Mutual funds

4.8 Table showing difference between mutual funds and

other investment avenues

5 Analysis & Interpretation


5.0.1 Age

5.0.2 Gender

5.0.3 Education Qualification

5.0.4 Occupation

5.0.5 Annual Income


5.0.6 Relationship between Annual Income and the

percentage of one’s saving

5.0.7 People investing in mutual fund, their Annual Income

and Percentage of their savings

5.0.8 Relationship between age and people’s perception

towards Financial Literacy is Mandatory for investing
in Mutual Fund

5.0.9 Analysis on People investing in mutual fund and

AMCs they have preferred

5.0.10 Relationship between type of mode people prefer for

different AMCs

5.0.11 Analysis between investing money annually in

Mutual fund with which preferred scheme

5.0.12 Duration of investment and get expected return by

investing in Mutual Fund


5.0.13 Relationship between annual income and percentage

of savings of people

5.0.14 Relationship between Occupation and their

investment in mutual fund

5.0.15 Relationship between education of people and their

nature of investment

5.0.16 Relationship between age of people and their risk

bearing capacity
5.0.17 Relationship between gender and percentage of
savings of people

5.0.18 Relationship between age of people and their

agreeableness on having financial literacy for
investing in mutual funds

5.0.19 Relationship between marital status of people and

their percentage of savings

5.0.20 Relationship between Gender of people and their risk

bearing capacity

5.0.21 Relationship between annual income of people and

their Nature of Investment

One Sample Test

5.0.22 Preference towards Mutual Funds with Age

5.0.23 Relationship between occupation and satisfaction

level regarding different factors

6 Findings

7 Recommendations

8 Conclusion


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