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No. Acad.l23! /53 February 02, 2023

The Annual Sports Meet CITIUS' 2022-23 of the Institute is going to be held from 3 rd to
5th February, 2023. The inaugural ceremony is scheduled on 3rd February, 2023 in the
The competent authority of the Institute on recommendation of Prof. In-Charge
(Physical Education & Sports) and Dean (SW) approved that, the classes on the day of 3 rd
February, 2023 will be rescheduled in such manner, that all the classes be conducted before
02:00 PM.
This will enable all the students, faculty & staff to attend the inaugural ceremony of
CITIUS' 2022-23.
In view of above, the duration of class period is reduced from 55 minutes to 35
minutes. The classes on the day of 3rd February, 2023 are rescheduled as below:
Period Timings
15t 08:30 AM to 09:05 AM
2nd 09:05 AM to 09:40 AM
3rd 09:40 AM to 10:15 AM
4 th 10:15 AM to 10:50 AM
5 th 10:50 AM to 11 :25 AM
6 th 11 :25 AM to 12:00 Noon
7th 12:00 Noon to 12:35 PM
8th 12:35 PM to 01:10 PM

This notice is issued for information and necessary action at the end of all the

Copy to: ­

1. AR to Director for kind information of the Hon'ble Director

2. All Deans
3. Head of all teaching Departments/Coordinator of Schools.
4. PTO (Workshop)/Associate Dean (Examinations)/Assistant Librarian
5. Chief Warden (Hostels)
6. Prof. In-Charge (Physical Education & Sports)
7. Prof. In-Charge (CCN) with a request to upload the same on the Institute website
8. PS to Registrar for kind information of the Registrar
9. Notice Boards (I nstitute & Hostels)

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