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S. No. of Question Paper : 7725

Unique Paper Code : 2321101 F-1

Name ofthe Paper ·: Colonialism in India [DC-1.1]

Name of the Course : B.A. (Hons.) Political Science

Semester : I

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Wr!te your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be

used throughout the paper.

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Attempt any four questions ..

All questions carry equal marks.


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I. What is imperialism ? Critically examine Lenin's theory of imperialism.

2. Discuss the impact of British colonialism on civil administr~tion in India.

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( 2 ) 7725

3. Examine British economic policies pertaining to Indian agiculture and discuss their impact.

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4. Critically examine the British claim of colonial rule in India being a civilizing mission.

5. Were gender issues adequately addressed during the British colonial rule m India ?


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6. What did education system· designed by the colonial administration for India seek to

accomplish ? Examine its consequences.

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7. Discuss the causes and consequences of the rebellion of 185 7.

( 3 ) 7725

8. Write short notes on any two of the following

(a) The post-colonial perspective .on colonial rule. in India;

(b) The ~e-industrialization debate;

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(c) Politics of the census;

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. (d) Tribal resistance.

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7725 3 9,500.

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