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D3 pila Qadls (@ the raw materials used in the manufacture of Portland (o gaillijgall Cxtautll dels 4 dostual ala! slgall 1 Lime (Coo) 2- Silica (S:02) 3- Alumina (AIZ03) & Lron oxide (Fe203) @ The relative proportions of these oxide compositions are responsible for Ge sig} asi! cbSpal dygiall util caiousill yailoall de yitill a Inflvencing the various properties of cement The rate of cooling — aysill Jaso 3. Fineness of grinding yabllelio Pre ro-te=ofzcoolingaaffect the degree=oferystallizortion and thesomount=of=0morphousmateriakpresert in the cooled clinker — syall SiSII 56 Sagagall Syglizall ye Saal! dyaSg yolutll days le ayyatll Jasco s38) @/ Four compounds are vsually regarded as the major constituents of cement *Cuauilll duunsyll cligSall Bale HLSyo dayl j295 be (35) 2- (C25) 3- (3A) a - (CHAP) Pr the percentage of the main composition of cement can be calculated according to thesGogue=equasions eGonsatlaleoshlaig cxiouil Gnasyll algal! Aygtall dusill bas yay Zb_palas yesk OGRE hich is normally present in the largest amount, oceurs as small equidimensional colourless grains alasill diglusio yolll Syubio Ug. 955 « dead p.5b Sule 1995 “On cooling below 1250 °C, i+ decomposes slowly » ‘F cooling is not too slow remains unchanged eld Bay Gala aypalll 13] Sg « clay Jlaty C° 1250 yo Jal day) aypill aie OBB: is known to have three forms. digsishiislilal 1 a-C25, which exists at high temperatures, inverts to the B-form at about MSO °C. 2° 1450 yllgs sic. B J] Llais 9 dulle Syl) cary 48 19990 2- B-C25 undergoes further inversion to y-C2S at about 610 °C. C? 670 dyly> 42)3 58 Y-C2S J! Jgrizg yulSoil! gardy Usually Cli! ggill 040 ue (C3A: forms rectangular crystals, but C3A in frozen glass forms ar amorphous interstitial phase. polio yxé LUsld Yas tonal alajll go C3A YS). didaiuin cigly 29 Cuar. is really @ solid solution ranging from C2F to CGAZF, byt the description CHAF is a convenient simplification. Cauuling Lous C4AF 1219 C6A2F 9 C2A gus agli: ho 9a |@/ minor compounds — agli cakSsoalo Mg0, TIOZ, Mn203, K20 and Na20. * 20eancdNa20, known the alkalis(about GuttleB%by weight of cement). CEMENT) ul yo Wekdeatizas Jig eagglll -s ddps00 K20 and Na2O 23 pola Geil "react alkalis with the silica causing imenengeminacolumes epallapiabalilagads Keluull go clylall Joli * The imenensenimmphemadlialis has been observed to affect the seseeingstme ond the rohenofathexquinaoiagstmergth CoimmnilhsigimeabaiSh Ji209 cxptillncnig 1c 555 ealaghiilindaaani $03 : form low percentage of cement weight. 503 comes from the gypsum added (2-6% by weight) during grinding of the clinker to commtrolpeststimemtime , and from the impurities in the raw materials eciigniamd J] SiS gabe clitl (yjglb7 6-2 ) gusall doLd| yo 3h cual yj9 yo dadin uni [Si lil slgall 458 Sag>gall allpaull yong aenald ‘@/ Usin the optimum percentage of sum is very important g P P 9g gy? y imp’ becavse — Adlll olauill Loe age qual yo all aul pladzusl, re regvlatesthe speed of the chemical reactionsin the early ages. ashesSil ealeladll desu alais a Prevent the local concentration of the hydration products. Cbyill wlaital ,axdgalll j.5)ll pio @ The necessary gypsum content increase with the increase of Sul go pill pauall spina alais /em 23 poles Gedl Qe: present in the cement by |-4%, which comes from the magnesia compounds present in the raw materials. -plall algal 44 Bagagall Lasuizall OLSy0 yo ih sillyZ 4-1 day Cail 55 gag90 “When the magnesia is in amorphous form, i+ Hag=rorharmtuh vefhect on the concrete. *lighabunds . yohitoyab [Sub 25 Lansizall ypS, Losic HLayall le ghar CPhertanep compounds such as TIOZ , Mn203 , P20S represent HENPOPTRREE. Gietoragm@niPAANANg weatm -y915 cs, TIO2 . Mn203 .P2OS Jin «gpl dugild GLAyo "C35 3 94% , C25 419%, C3A 11%, CHAF 49% bas HossormLgnition(erOeD) I+ is the loss of the cement sample Weight when it expose to the red temperature (a+ 1000°C). (C 1000 atic) clyaall 3;)all dayal adyy03 sic Caw ie 439 yladd 9d: yladalhddas * loss in weight comes from losing water slall glad yo ile gjall lads "The maximum loss on ignition permitted by Lraqi specification no. & is\M% by weight. -ojpll ya ga &dlyall ddolgall 6 a agautall flexi 8 sdall adil aall Insolubleresidves Tt is that part of cement sample that is insoluble in HCI. wthyglSsyasall yer 8 ylagall Yplall pet Catal dige yo ejall ull ai] yhgilhabpiiyae lylay» (+ I+ comes from the unreacted silica in kiln illsindlcbicallyaéelS 4 Loe The maximum permitted is GB 9 4,3l,all Adsolgall .,8 lg agamall ghgill alall ye claldall yo adil sall 23 poles Gail Hydiroctionsofscememten T+ is the reaction of cement with water to form the binding material. Gayl Blo yu9 Sd) clall go cuiawi) clas ai) /aciaurlhelayi» presence of water she silicates (C35 and C2S)and alvminates (CZA CHAF) products the hydrated cement paste Cployill cilazi JSG Coliznglilla( C25 9 C3C) cilKeLuull GIB elall ag>9 55 @/ there are two ways in which compounds of the type present in cement can react with water. slall go cuinw ill eo Agagall goill yo LS 0 log Jclazi ol Sa) ylidyb dia “etn the first, 0 direct addition of some molecules of water takes place — clall cilisja! utile dala! yo cris5 2 The second type of reaction with water is hydrolysis gollall Jlaall yo a3 @ The progress of hydration of cement can be determined by different methods such astute dalzio Syl ciauill culos asi asi ySa1 1. Measurement of the a mount of Ca(0H)2 7. The measurement of heat of hydration. dloll 85 yuld B. The specific gravity of the paste xgall jcoill atl! ML The amount of chemically combined water bikers Syl elall duos = The amount of un hydrated cement present ST é Strength of the hydrated paste dbyll dissall 895 .

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