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Exceptional Leader

Exceptional leaders are the ones who stand up for their people and support them when they are
experiencing their most challenging moments. They also encourage and push their people to take on
bigger challenges.

Exceptional leaders treat you as you deserve to be treated: With dignity and respect. They don't
strike you down with belittling comments and never intentionally try to place you in an embarrassing
or demeaning position in front of others, whether colleagues or clients. They show a genuine interest
in and concern for others. They ask you, "How are you?" or "How's your family?" And then they listen
and express genuine concern.

Exceptional leaders always find time to express their appreciation for their team's work and have this
unique ability to inspire and motivate people to believe in something beyond their own limiting

A leader is someone who…💥💥💥

1. Sees the big picture

2. Thinks strategically

3. Focuses on the future

4. Sets the vision

5. Displays a strong business acumen

6. Sets the direction

7. Strives for continuous improvement

8. Sees a cross-functional, cross-organizational view

9. Thinks critically

10. Focuses on the customer

11. Possesses strong interpersonal skills

12. Communicates with transparency

13. Sends clear messages

14. Speaks in an impactful way

15. Delivers effective speaking presentations

16. Gives open, honest, and direct feedback

17. Listens to understand

18. Asks the right questions at the right time

19. Breaks down complex information into simple terms

20. Interacts comfortably with people at all levels

21. Stays positive and constructive during difficult conversations

22. Finds middle ground and a path forward

23. Manages crises and conflict with ease

24. Goes above and beyond

25. Focuses on results

26. Likes to succeed

27. Drives results

28. Gets things done

29. Stays goal-oriented and solution-focused

30. Acts decisively

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