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faa ore nod EE 06-B: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS ~On-kmp Fundamentals 2 Op-imp Parameters 2 opamp Crewts COMPANION REVe: 0 E603, EE6 04 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER = aoperational amplifer, or op-amp, isa very high gain differenial ampifier with high input Impedance and low output mpadance ~ pial uses of the operational amplifier are to Provide voltage amplitude changes (amplitude and polarity), escllators, filer circuits, and many types ofinstrumentaton circuits + non-inverting input output inverting Input (Op-Amp symbol 6) PERCE Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review Operational Amplifiers RAC STS TE Atypical value of open loop voltage gain ‘or 2741 op ampis A. 100, 5.05 ©. 200,000. D. Nore ofthe above. Refer to Fig. 10-25-5-A9. Determine the ‘output voltage ofthe circuit shown: Fe 1025809 A-3v Be3y c-7¥ Dery What is the maximum signal frequency that can be used in an op amp having a spesiied slew rate of 0.5 Vipsec? The ‘maximum output votage desired's §V. 419 Kez .32.4r 8. s00 He D.IMH= A difference amplifer as shown in Fig, 22-5-9.015 has 2 inputs vi=SV and v 3 V.IR1=10 EO and R2=100 0, find the cutput voltage. EE U6. Operational Amplifiers EQUIVALENT cIRCU ae ROAM. BLOCK DIAGRAM: VIRTUAL GROUND IN OP-AMP. = a very important crinciple used in Op-amp circuit analysis ~ it states that the alfferenial input votage is zero, meaning V. = V. = itseems that the two inputs are short-circuited but, actualy not = mere Is even no current naw rom V. t0V. GG] PERCDE Learnhud ELECTRONICS The non-inverting and inverting inputs of ‘an op-amp have an input vottage of 15, mV and tmy respectively. Irine op amp has @ common mode vollage gein of 10 and a differential-mode gain of 10, 000, what eis ouput vltage? sv 50125V, 5.0125 mv 25.0125 V 2 poor for to Fig. 14.9-6-R12, determine the value of RF (assuming that all have the same value) Fig 40.6812 A. 25 ohms 8.50 kohms ©. 250 konms 500 konms ‘The veltage between the input terminals of an ideal op amp is A. Zero 8. Very small © Very large . Equal to the input veltage Calculate the output ofset vetage of an inverting amor using op amp with an input offset current of 10 nA. The cicuit is having an input resistance of 10 kohms and a feedback resistance of 100 konms, AOI my 8.10.0 my ©.1.0mV 1000 mv ICT Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod MODES OF OPERATION = Differential Mode Operational Amplifiers 8. An opamp inverting amplifier user {eecack resistor of 100 kone and input 2 Gommon-Mede resistor of 10 kohms. Ifthe op amps input offset voltage is 2.0 mV. aporaximate the DIFFERENTIAL MODE amplifier output cffset voltage due to this input offset vetage In the diferential mode, etter one signalis applied to an | 210 mv ’nput withthe other input grounded or two epposite- aay. polarity signals are applied to the inputs Cea: D2 mv DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 10. Refer to Fig. §-22-15-A4. Determine the cutput voltage ofthe ideal op-amp “=Ma-Ve ifferertiator in the figute for the ‘marguar-wave Input shown, ‘COMMON MODE a In the commen mode, two signal voltagse ofthe same AX ht hase, frequency, and amolitude are applied to the two puts. A22nv COMMON INPUT Dany ‘ c22V Ye=5 a+ Ya) paay 11. Determine the input impedance of the ampiner shown n Fig. 12-10-9-A5. The FOTAR OUTPUT. VOLTAGE cp-amp aia sheet QE Zn 20, Zaye = 759 and open loop gain of Since any signals applied ‘o an oo-amp in general have both in-phase and out-ot phase components, ihe 200.000. reauiting output can be expressed as: B, 9 out a fis Row Vo = Anup +AcuVe where Vo = output voltage (v) difference voltage (V) Ve = common volage (V) Aga = differental ~ mode gain (unitlese) ‘Acq’ = common — mode gain (anitless) A‘ 5 ©. 17.202 Monms D. 17,282 Monms 6) PERCE Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review ELECTRONICS 4 E06 412. The input and output voltages of a Foam Sanaa ee ag network are 16V and 8 V respectively. If input impedances are equal, fnd the voltage gain. 4-6 dB B.>645 ©2348 D+ 3B, Operational Amplifiers 18. A certain radio recewer delivers an output power of 36 W. What power ‘eutpul would be requited fo preduce a power gain of 104? 436W B72W .36W DW 14. Caleulate the output offset voltage ef an inverting amplifier using ep amp with an Input ofset current of 10 9A The cicut Js having an input resistance of 10 kohms anda feedoack resistarce of 100 kobms. CMR Rag 401 mV B.10.0mV 10 mv sieve D. 1000. mv ‘Agu = differential — mode gain 416. Determine the common-mode gain of an ‘op amp that has 2 differential volage gain of 190%10°3 and a CNRR of 90 dB. 4125 Bara ©. 124 Da7s ‘Agu = common — mode gain CNR = common — mode rejection ratio GG] PERCDE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod 2\S-EE U6: Operational ampifins _§ Ave 18. Compute fr the oupu of transistor fog SR= Fe SR= 2thneeVoip) amar with an input votage af 3 V input esifor of 65 Kohms and. an ppvoxte vale oxo near 0 nA ae miasmv Sk stew rate Sees Yo = charge In output vo Eronaaiag Seay 47. WV1=2V, R1= 47 KO, and R2 = 24 Vows) = peak value of output voltage aol mee wines ov PSRR AV; wheres : Yigg = change ininputoffet voltage ‘ayy = change in supply voltage afore a A +0.026mA 50.426 ma C+ 4.26mA D426 ma 16. Itis known through experiment that that the input bias currents at the non- inverting (Ib=) and invering(ib-) mpuis of 3 certan op emp is 109 nA ana 80 nA, respective. Determine te op amps input offset current. A200 Bana ©.20na D. 180 9a, 410. An amplifir raisee tho power love of te 5 pW input signal by 30 dB. Vihat is the cutput power? A 150.0 5 SmW c.15mw B33 uN 6) PERCE Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review GG] PERCDE Learnhud 5 fies OUTPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE the vllge present inthe ouput when the inns terminal) ae grounded poRraNT EquarioN Rp Voo die to Vios = Nios (1+ 5°) Ry Voo dite toes = sR ia Toon eiGuiomictiolags Cy Vos = input offest voltage (V) Rp = feedback resistance (0) Ry = input resistance (2) igs = input offset current (A) IcT Fa 23. 24 ELECTRONICS a circu hae a voltage-ampiifestion factor of 20, then the valtage gain ie: A 13.48, 5.2048, ©.25 08, 0. a0 05, Refer to Fig. 16-20-8-£72, Determine the cutout voliage for the amolifer shown Fig 10229) Atgav 5.150 mv cst mv D. 500mV When of these i mccrrest for an cperatona anpiner? 2 tthas aig vttage gain ©: ties dros couple amp . Nf only useful fer amplivng AG sonais On It was originally designed to perform mnaltematcal operons ‘A.gain of 15 dB in 2 circu means that: ‘A. The output sionals stronger han the input. B. The input signal is stronger than the output The input signal is 15 times as strong 2s theoutput D. The outputsignalis 15 times as stiong as the put An ep-amp has again bandwidth product of 15 NH2 Determine the bandwiath of op-amg when Ao. = 500 AOHZ B15 kez 6.30 ez 150 Mie Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod EME INVERTING AMPLIFIER +p! ~~ NONANVERTING AMPLIFIER twee VOLTAGE FOLLOWER 6) PERCE Learnhub AN cE Operational Amplifiers 25. The voltage gain of a votage buffer is 1 ° a Ss 28 vollage summing amplifier has ‘several inputs and several outputs ‘several inputs and one cutput ‘one input and several outputs fone input and one output 27. The output vaitage of a voltage tuler is vith the input voltage ‘in phase ©. 45" out or phase . 00° out of phat D. 480° out ofphase 28. Determine the bandwidth cf the amplifier shown in Fig 14:2-8-R21. The op-amp have an open-loop votiage gain of 100 (68 anda unity gain bandwidth of 3 Wrz Awe Fig 14-2-8-R21 ADA KHe 5a SKrE ©. 62.0 RHE D 81 SkHe ICT Integrated ECE Review 8 EE U6. _ “nM VARIATION OF SUMMING AMPLIFIER 4. BASIC SUMMING/ADDER 2. AVERAGING AMPLIFIER 3. SCALING ADDER 4 DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER GG] PERCDE Learnhud IcT ELECTRONICS 28. Calculet the output voliage forthe circuit in Fig. 2.8.14.Mé, when VI =25 Vand v2=225, t o ‘ } i Des x. ney 30. In an. instrumentation ampliier, the culput votiage Is based on he times a scale factor ‘A. summation ofthe te inputs B product ofthe two inputs ©. difference between the two inputs D. None ofthe above 34. If opposite polarity inputs of same magnitude wil be applied to sn ideal op amp the resulting ouput voltage will ne A 2A, BOSAM, CAM bo Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod ‘CASCADED AMPLIFIERS = ampliers connected in series MixAr Ay = Aj XA XAg XX Ay Aran) = Acany + Azan) ++ Anas) 6) PERCE Learnhub AN cE Operational Amplifiers 32. Determine tho output veltage of the reuit in Fig. Fi 4-12.07 10(V2—Vi) 102-1) —rowv'— v2) ‘None ofthe above 38. Refer to Fig 11-5-5-A14. Find the input impedance of the crcuit given that the op-amp has the folloving parameters: 100,000 and Rig = § MM and Rous = son. Fig 11.5-5-A14 A. 2kohms ©.25 ohms B 4komhs 50 ohms 34. For the circuit shovn in Fig. 15-5-9-A5, find the maximum operating frequency. ‘The slew rateis 0.5 Vis 480 kHe 337 kHe 15.9 RHE 38.7 KHE Integrated ECE Review 10 INTEGRATOR ~ an op-amp integrator simulates mathematical integration, which is basically @ summing process that determines the total area under the curve of a function >L. aay wea DIFFERENTIATOR an op-amp differentiator simulates mathematica diferentiaton, which is a process of determining te instantaneous rate of change of a tuncion oe vit = te, LOGARITHMIC AMPLIFIER ~~ allog amplifier is formed by connecting a transistor (or diode) as the feedback element an Qa) tee -savin(Y) >t ANTILOG AMPLIFIER = an antiog ampliferis formed by connecting a transistor (or diode) as the input element, to Ricans (=*57) + + GG] PERCDE Learnhud 38 38 37, ELECTRONICS Determine the inputimpedanco of an op amp veltage follower amplifies. The op. amp data sheet gives 2), =2 Hn. 2 75.0 and open loop aain of 200,000. 4.20.00 Ma B 49.000 Ma ¢. 200.000 Ma . 400,000 Ma Determine the output impedance of an op amp voltage follower amplifier. The op- amp data sheet gives Zig = 2MA. 2, 75.8 ard open loop gain of 200,000. 4.038103 Bossc0~30 0300 D030 ‘The rate of change of the output voltage inthe gven cui ofFig.2-5-9.A1 equals Fig. 2. AAD mV/ ue BSVius covus D. 40 Vips ICT Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod IMSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER i f i 6) PERCE Learnhub AN cE Operational Amplifiers _11 38. Refer to Fig. 15-2-€-A11. Calculate the input voltage F the final output ie 10.08 V ole] af pl» fp Fig. 152-6411 A -105V. 50525 c.0163V ba2Vv 38. For the circuit shown in Fig. 2-19-45-A8, determine the output voltage # the input ‘goes trom 0 V to 10.V in 6.4 s. Assume the input voltage changes at a constant rate 2a — A025V 5 +055V 6-025 D.-055V 40. What circuit produces an output that approximates the area under the cure of an input function? A. Integrator ©. Dimerentator ©. summing ampitier D. Comparator ICT Integrated ECE Review GG) PERC oe Learnhub 2 S— EE 06-3: Operational Amplifiers (OP AMP IDENTIFICATION CODE 4. LETTER PREFIX 2. CIRCUIT DESIGNATION 3. LETTER SUFFIX 4. WILITARY SPECIFICATION CODE LETTER PREFIX = usually consists of? or 3 liters that identity the manufacturer CIRCUIT DESIGNATION {consists of to 7 numbers and letters = identify the type of op amp ancits temperature range NOTE: For temperature range + Commercial 6) -0°¢ 1070" ‘© Industrial (D :-25°C to 95°C © Mltary (M)=-55°C to 125°C LETTER SUFFIX = Tor2 letters identifies the package style that houses the op amp cio MILITARY SPECIFICATION CODE = Used only vinen the partis for nigh relabtty aoplicatons IcT Barron od 41. In selectin an op-amp, which of the following CMRR value is most desirable? 55008 5 10040 © 20 a8 D. 1068 42. Suppose that an op amp has a slew rate of 05 Vis. Whatis me largest sinusoidal signal amplitude thal can be reproduced without distonion at a frequency of 20 ke? A as8v 5.525V ©.1220V D.t8a4v 43. Caleulate the output volage itt = V2 700 mV inFig. 18-7.02.64 D.2v 44. A steady voltage of -1.0V'is applied to an op amp integrator having component values of R=100 KO and G = 10 UF. The value of the output volage 19 ms afer ppiying the input veltage is: A-stomv 5 -imv ¢.-10nv D.Hmv Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod 6) PERCE Learnhub AN 45. 48 a 2 43, cE Qperational Amplifiers _13 What ithe use ofthe compensation capacitor in op-amp? A Improves the amolifcaton of op-amp 8 Decreases the slew rate of op-amp C. Increases the bandwidth of o-amp D. Op-amp acts as all pass fiter In Fig, 23.82.84, what is the votage gain in dB of the amplifer shown? Fig. 23-8-2-M4 A008, 5 16008, 240 a6 0.32048 Votage gain of 1,00,000 is equivalent to erry 5 100008 ©. 10038) © soa In an &-pin 741 op amp IC, whatis pin # 37 A Inverting input 3 Outbut Nor inverting input D. Positive supaly Which of he folowing electrical characterstes Is net exnisite by an Ideal op-amp? A. Infinite volage gain 2. Infinite bandwiath C. infinite output resistance D Infinite slew rate ICT Integrated ECE Review Barron od 50. Cascaded amplifiers tolal decbel gain is equal to ‘A. The sun of the indiviual gains B. The product oF the individual gains ©. The difference ofthe individual gains D. The quetient cf the individual gains 14 St. In Fig. 8-12-7-A1, calculate the output voltage if Vt = 33 mV and V2 = 2mv. 330 ka ; 52. In anidealop-amp, which is not tue? A. Open loop voltage gain s infinite B. Input resistance is innit ©. Slew rate is ininite D. CMRR is 22r0 58. How many op-amps are requited to implementthis equation? Ra RarRey Re Ms ® ® GG) PERC oe Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod 6) PERCE Learnhub AN 54 ss. 30 57. cE Operational Amplifiers _18 In acetain four-nput summing ampier, al me input resistors and the feedback resistor has a value of 2.2 kQ. IFallthe input volages are 2V, whats the gain ofthe amplifier? 42 BH c-1 D.-2 “his ciouitie an example of a(n) A de voltmeter B display driver C. instrumentation ampitier D. None ofthe above ‘An op-amp iniegrater has a scuare- ‘wave input. The output should be A. asine wave B. atriangle wave ©. asquate wave D. pure de. 4A diference amplifier has ? inputs Vi=5 V and V2=3V If 21=10%ilo.0hms and R2=100 klo-chmrs, find the voltage at the positive input terminal ofthe ep- amp. 424T7I B.2772v ©. 2277 D.27270 ICT Integrated ECE Review ELECTRONICS 16 EE 06-8: Qperational Amplifiers SR An op amp has a gain bandwidth product of 15 [62 In an pin 741 op ampiC, what is pin # (MHz, Find the operating bandwidth for a closed- a i ‘ (0p gain o rverting input see 2 sane B tek C. Non inverting input © 30K D.Postive supply © 460 WHE 63. The output votage of a patcular op- 59, The highest possible input resistance is achieved amp increases 8V in 12ms in response nee to asteo voltage on he input. The slew rateis ‘A inverting amplifier B.noninvering ampiier 415 ime © diferent empier B O66 Vins D vatage follewer ©. 95 vims 0.075Vins 80. Calculate the cutput of the fiststage op-amp when SEEN ear 64. In Fig. $-12-3-04, determine the cutput voltage forthis circu with a sinuooidal sie is input of2.5 mV. 200 ka [ | 25 mv $ t Fig. 66-14.012 A105 AAV 8 0.075V 80.1259 6.008 c.o25v Daz D.0125v 61. To convert a summing amplifier toan averacing _|85._The feedback path in an ideal op-amo ampitier, integrator consists ofa ‘A allinput resistors must be a different value Avtesistor B the ratio RUR must equal the reziprocal ofthe capacitor number of puts C. transistor the ratio RER must equal the number of inputs D. resonant ckeuit D_ answers (a) and (b) GG] PERCDE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review faa ore nod 6. The feedback path in an op-amp antlogarthmic amplifier consists of a A transistor B. capactor © diode D. resistor 67. InFig.6-10-12-84, calulate me input vortage tne final output is 10.08 V. 68. The frequency at which the open-loop gain is equal to iscaled ‘A the upper erica frequency B the cutof frequency .he notch trequenc) D. the unty-gain frequency 69. The input stage of every op amp isa A Difterentil- amplifier. 8. Push-pull amplifer. ©. Common-base amplifier. D. None of the above, 6) PERCE Learnhub AN cE Qperational Amplifiers _11 70. InFig. 23-8-2-M4, whatis the voltage {gain ofthe amplifer shown? “fs eo Fig. 23-8-2-8 416.008 8 2090 © 180 cfm D.=320 een 71. An ideal ampitier snouts have: A bigh input curent 2. zero affect C._ high output impedance D._ moderate gain 72. The input onset current equals the A average of wo base currents B callactor currant eividad by the current gain C. difference between two base-emiter voltages D. diference between Iwo base currents 73. Another name fora unity gain amolifer 4, difference amplifier B. comparator single endes D. voltage follower ICT Integrated ECE Review GG) PERC oe Learnhub EE 06-8: Operational Amplifiers 74. Anoninveting closed loop op-amp crcut ‘generally has a gain factor less than one B greater than one © ofzere D equal to one 75. Calculate the output voltage it V4 = inFig. 18-7.02.64 Fo, 18-7026 AY B-2Vv cv Dav IcT Barron od For more practice questions, you can use the Toloving: + @Loamning Portal App, RBV-POM 0 EE6.03-6.04 + @ECT REVIEWER App (PERCBCOK) © Section 5.1 COMPANION REVs (Review By Video) E603; EE6.04 @ Viral Learnnub (tips: / May also be available @ our YouTube channel, Percdc Learnhub Integrated ECE Review

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