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I/N Item Number Quantity count unit price Total Count Bal 2011

1 ASMA-MC-3000 93,405.0000 27.8 2,596,659.00
2 ASMA-MCX30 791,247.0000 27.96 22,123,266.12
3 ASMA-RCX70 494,094.0000 26.08 12,885,971.52
4 ASMA-60X70 1,194,645.8000 23.2 27,715,782.56
5 ASMA-80/100 358,516.5900 20.5 7,349,590.10
Total quantity 2011 → 2,931,908.3900 Total quantity 2012→
Total Total balance of 2011→ 72,671,269.30
VARIANCE of 2011
Quantity Unit Price TOTAL 2012 COUNT and 2012
- 93,405.00
393000 27.9565 10,986,904.50 398,247.00
396750 26.083 10,348,430.25 97,344.00
730.8 12.6854 9,270.49 1,193,915.00
45203.47 - 313,313.12
TOTAL BALNCE OF 2012 → 21,344,605.24

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