Shreyash Raj-A039-The Great Trial

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English I-May 2021

Sample Analytical Summary-Assignment-Internal Assignment

Full Name: Shreyash Raj
Roll Number and Division: A039


On the eve of 10th March 1922, Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi along with Shanker Lal
Banker was arrested from Sabarmati ashram and later brought forward the court for his trial.
Gandhi was arrested for the charges of sedition for the articles he has published in his newspaper
Young India. The Superintendent of Police, Ahmedabad, the first witness, produced the Bombay
Government's authority to lodge a complaint about four articles published in Young India, dated,
15th June 1921, entitled "Disaffection a Virtue"; dated the 29th September, "Tampering with
Loyalty"; dated the 15th December, "The Puzzle and Its Solution" and dated the 23rd February
1922, "Shaking the Manes". Those articles have a long history of dissatisfaction with the British
government and its policies. The story of Gandhi begins in South Africa where for the very first
time he witnessed discrimination against Indians when he was thrown out of the first class of
train because he was non-white, following the incident he witnessed discrimination when he
applied for the practice as a lawyer and a lot of people have opposed for the same, later when he
came to India in 1915 in his initial years he only fought for untouchability and later for different
causes, naming Champaran Satyagrah, Kheda Satyagrah, Khilafat, and Non-Cooperation

This was an open and avowed challenge to the Government and an attempt to inflame the masses
of the Indian people including the sepoys, to throw off their allegiance, and destroy the
government. No government could ignore this sort of sedition, proceeding from a man of such
stature as Gandhi had by that time acquired over the masses of India

After The great Trial, Gandhi was asked to make his statement before his sentence is
announced and he started by acknowledging the great efforts and arguments put forward
by the advocate-general and he pleaded guilty. Gandhi stated that he had no disaffection
towards anyone but he certainly does not like the government which has done more harm
than good to this country. He further criticized the Rowlatt Act which in his words "a law
designed to rob people of all freedo m", he said that it is very unfair to not provide justice
or convict someone without a chance of fair trial. Gandhi also mentioned that how in early
English I-May 2021
Sample Analytical Summary-Assignment-Internal Assignment
Full Name: Shreyash Raj
Roll Number and Division: A039

days he helped the British government whether it was , London or South Africa and even in
India, how he persuaded people to join the military for the first world war but later how
the government has acted in order to completely harm Indians is not appropriate. Gandhi
even lambasted the Sedition rule by saying that it takes one's right to show disaffectio n
which should be given as aright and then proudly said that all those who have been
charged under this section were great patriots and so it is his honor . He mentioned that he
always preaches non-violence and he takes complete responsibility for what has happened
in Chauri Chaura incident.

The trial in itself is very remarkable not only because of the accused and the effect he has
on the masses but also due to its impact on the officials working for the British
government, both Indians and Britishers. The trial is also famous for the calm dignity and
utter absence of any acrimony, conflict, or denunciation on the part of either the accused, the
judge, or the prosecuting counsel. It is nearly the only political trial within the history of Indian
distress which reflects credit on all parties concerned. It stands out completely different from the
past trial alluded to by the judge. This kind of calmness, reasonableness, limitation, and balance,
is all the more momentous when we consider the nature of the subversion which incited the
indictment, the identity of the blamed, and the winning political air.

The statement was a masterpiece by Gandhi, through his statement he questioned both the British
officials as well as Indian officials who work for the British government, he made them realize
their working ideologies and how they are very far from treating everyone with equality. He
made his message very clear that he is not satisfied with the government and he knew that he was
playing with fire and if set free he will do it again.

But when we observe the statement of Gandhi from a lawyer's perspective and not emotionally,
we can see that the judgment given was very correct and Gandhi qualified for the offence of
sedition under Section 124A of IPC. Through his papers, Gandhi brought mistrust, disaffection,
and hatred towards government established by law, and the same was stated by the judge while
giving the verdict, he stated that he judged Gandhi none other than but as a man of law and law
is no respecter of person. Later Gandhi was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment.

More Information/Analysis
English I-May 2021
Sample Analytical Summary-Assignment-Internal Assignment
Full Name: Shreyash Raj
Roll Number and Division: A039

Harmik Vaishnav, said, “This trial showed the world that the British law was weak, and they
were on the wrong side. It was a trial not on the standpoint of law, but on the standpoint of
morality. The way he admitted to the charges, and gave logical arguments for everything, while
insisting on the importance of morality is perhaps something only Gandhi could do..."

The tone of this trial that lasted 100 minutes was such that it didn’t seem like a trial or even an
argument. All parties, the lawyers, the AG, the accused and the judge maintained the decorum of
the court throughout and even though, the political situation of the country was tense, no
untoward incident took place after or during the proceedings. As the judge left the court, as
Naidu recalls the “slow procession moved towards him in a mournful pilgrimage of farewell,"
and friends and followers surrounded Gandhi—some touching his hands, others falling on his
feet. Bidding everyone goodbye with smiling faces, Gandhi and Banker were taken out of the
Court to the Sabarmati Jail.



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