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ao RNS ~ Thermodnamics 4 THERMODYNAMICS Thermodynamics the branch of physics that deals ‘ith the conversions from one to anciher of various forms of energy and how these affect temperature, pressure, volume, mechanical acon and work Kinds of Thermodynamic system] > CLOSED SYSTEM also known as Control Mass is a system consisting ofa fixed amount of mass, and no maza ean cress te boundary That is no mass can enter or leave a closed system. However, energy n the form of heat or work can cross ine boundary > OPEN SYSTEM alee known 22 Control Volume 's asystem in which massis alowed to cress ‘he boundary > ISOLATED SYSTEM is a systemin which nether mass nor energy i allowed to cross the boundary lL Properties of a System A property is any quantity, which serves to descibe a system. Itcan be divided into twe general woes > Intensive property is one, which does not depend on the mass ofthe system > Extensive property is one, which depends on ‘he mass ofthe system Temperature is a measure ofthe intensity of heat of a substance Conversion Formulas: a NTT Ia metalic objects heated, is density generally A increases B decreases fluctuates randomly D. remains the same ‘The temperature of a gas measures the: [A number of caloies of nest present B. average kinetic enemy of the particle n the gas © exact number of pantcies in ne gas D potential energy ofthe gos A specific property is also ‘Aanexiensive property Bothe product of two extensive property © an amount of mabe dependent property D_aniniensive property ‘Whict of the following san intensive property? Atemperature mats Beneray D. volume Assystem isin itthere is no ‘change in pressure al any point of the ‘system with time ‘A thermal equiorium B mechanical equiibsum phase equitrium D chemeal equilibrium Gh PRC e Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review RNS — Thermachnamics ear Temperature Change AR=AT, AT=AT, 5 9 AT= 54% AT,= ZAM = a Mass Density of a material is defined as the mass per unitvolume of the material Weight Density or Specific Weight of a material is defined as the weight per unit volume ofthe material Specie Volume he volume z nit mass ‘Speci Gravity or elatve density of a substance is the tatio of the densiy ef the substance to the density of ‘Some standard substance. The standard is usually water at 40°C forliquids and soles, while for gasses, itis usualy alt, Q0 What is he density of air under stangare condition? At2hint 1.0K Bat kim? D.1.8 kim? A rise in temperature of 20 Kelvin degreesis equal to arise of A206 C58 Bec D290 The area of thermodynamics ‘concemed with the measuring of thermal properties is called wat? Achemometries Bealorimaty © psychometrics D.therozconomios ‘who inventea me barometer? A Torrico . Rutretfors Bavogadre D Becquerel What pressure is indicated by a barometer? ‘Aabsoute ©. vacuum Baatmospheric —D. gage Gh PeReoe Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review ao RNS - Thermodmamies _3 Pressure is defined as the force per unt area P=peh Where P=Pressure p= Density (kai) ‘O= gravity (mis!) f= height (m) AzArea Absolute pressure isthe total pressure exerted on he system Gauge pressure isthe amount ny which the absolute Pressure exceeds almespheric pressure Pag = Pag +P, "euge Pose = Poon Parra 1am =10125Pa 01.325 KPa 013 ber (013x10° éynesiem? 4.7 Ion? 30 mmHg 60 torr 9.92 ing mm Poe Pascal's Principle states thatthe pressure applied to a Confined fui increases the pressure throughout by the Same amount PERCE Learnhud A 30m verlcal column of tule (density 1878 tgin*) is locatec where 19-9.65 mpe’. Find the preseure at the base of he column ‘A584.57 kPa B753.47 kPa gat 436, 32 kPa D.543.68kPa On 2 day when te barometer reads 755 mmHg, a fre proseure gage reads 204 kPa, The apsolute pressure in the tie is: A100 kPa 1.54 mig 5.208 ka 2.29 mig ‘The pressure atthe bottom of a water tank that has a heiaht of 15 mis AlsTAS KPa C. 119.78 kPa B14s13kPa =D. 130.78KPa Solutions here... ICT Integrated ECE Review Thermodimamics ear Ml Gas Laws ‘The absolute pressure P of nklomoles of gas contained ina volume V ie related tothe abeciute temperature T by where: R= universal gas constant P = absoute pressure ‘T= absaute temperature ‘n= number of moles n= mM Values of Rin diferent units: R= 8314 JmoLK R= 1.995 BTUmoe'R R= 1545 f-b/molR R= 00821 almLimolK At constant iemperature and number moles, the vome of gas vaties inversely wih the pressure. Atconstant pressure and number ef moles, the volume of ‘an ideally Behaving goo ie diteoly proportional te the Kelvin temperature “The pressure ofa fxed amount of asat a fixed volume is directly propertionalto its temperature in Kelvin Gh PERC DG Learnhub IcT Q.44 Five moles of water vapor at 100°C and {alm pressure are compressed isobaricaly to fomn liquid at 100°C. The process is reversiole, and the ideal gas laws apply. Compute the volume. A123 iter ©. 199 ter B 153 ler D163 iter 45 3.0 10m of ar are contained at 2 25 Psi and 100°F. Given that Fyr= 53.35 ‘elbtibr.'F, whats the volume of the ‘container? Ate c.249nt Bis4n D.205n Q49 How many mots ot an ideally behaving cae occupy 400 ters. at 0.821 atm and 200K? ‘A20moles ©.10 moles B15moles D.25 moks ‘At one atmosphere, a cylinder with movable piston contains 2300 milliters of gas. If the pressure is increased to § atmospheres and the temperature remains unchanged, vitals the new volume ofthe gas? ‘10,000 mi ©. 1000 mit B.400 mil 4000 ml Solutions here... Integrated ECE Review ao RNS ~ Thermodmamies _6 AB The total pressure of the three gas components in a certain mixture is 5$ klopascals. I P4=20.0 kPa and Poo7S KPa, what is the parti Dressure of gas C7 A275 ipa ce B37siPa D.102 kPa ‘The total pressure of a mixture ofideal, nonreactive dgassesis the sum of the partial pressures ofthe ‘component gases PoP, Bre, Solutions here... arial pressure of component gases ‘At equal velume, under the same pressure and temperature conditions, gases contan the same number where: of molecules molecular weight jas constant 1V. Processes ‘A processis any change that a system undergoes from ‘one equilibrium state to another ‘A reversible process is one that's performedin such a vay that atthe end ofthe process, both the system and the loca surrcuncings can be tesiored to their tial Slates. A process that does noi meet these requirements in paid fo be irever Eh PERCE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review Thermodimamics ear —————————————— ypes of Processes} 1. sobarte process is process caues out at. constant pressure 2. Isevolumic process also known as isemetic 0 isochoric process is a process carried out at constant volume. 3. Adiabatic process is one wich noheat or ther energy is transferred to or from the system @_Isentropic process is an adiabatic process in which there is no change inthe system entropy. b. Throtting process is an adiabatic process In hich there is no change in the eystom enthalpy bur forwhich there is a signifeant pressure rep. 4. Isothermal process is a process carried out at constant iemperatuc. [A polytropie process is one that oveys the poytropc equation of state Where P = pressure 1 =0; lsobaris process V = volume n=; lsofemal process ppolytopic exponent n=’ entropic process n==;leometrie prosoes \V. Heat and Entropy Heat isa form cf transferied energy that arises from the random motion of molecules 1. Conduction mode of transier in which heat transfer takes place from molecule fo molecule through a body or through bodies in contact Convection — tranemissien in which th transfor ig dueto the mation of malecules of the medium. 3. Radiation — mode of vansferin which ihe neat ‘ranefor takes place without any intervening Gh PERC DG Learnhub 2.20 In extraterrestial space, heat is transferred by Accengucton =. Aer B B.convection D radiation 21 It indicates that the rate of heat conduction in a direction Proportinnal to the temperature {grade in that decfon ‘A. Fourere Law of Heat Conduction E. Fourer’s Law of Heat Convection ©. Fourer’s Law of Heat Radiation D. Fourer’s Law of Heat Absorption 2.22 Winich of the following cannot be measured by 2 thermometer? Asensoleheat —C.latentheat E.boling point —_D-freezing point eal which causes a change in temperature of a substance. Asensoleheat ©. specif heat E.latent heat D. specife heat ‘Solutions ner. ICT Integrated ECE Review RNS - Thermodmamies _T Jaze A 200 piece of atminun (9021 ihestase afte syolemumtiout charging fe tmperaure. | Hewmuch te oes the almirur melt Ria cass Op = FD pane pen pre cue Latent Heat of Fusions the heatnecessay to change a {9.25 water is being heated by a 1500 w inuerscmcacsimantatnowenion (> ele gaye wee M5 oo tui osote asa temeliy pa {Gnperaure ofa tne water Latent Heat of Vaprizations the heatreauies» |a.26- one dagram of water (@=4.2Klkg: change aunt mass ot asuostanes romaqu we vapar [S28 Ove Mona of water (4-2 Kk ts Hy = 840calg «970 BTUMD = 2057 kk MireK o 754K Brak ak Enna Somtions neve... Sensible Heat s he amount of heat necessary to change the temperature ofthe system without changing its phase Q,=mcAT Specific Heatis the amount of heat required to raise the ‘temperature of tom of the substance by 1 °C. For water and ice Ge callg-°C c= 05 calg-°c The Total Heat entering a substances the sum of the heat that changes the phase the substance (latent heat) {and the heat that changes the temperature of the Substance (sensible heat) r= 2, +9. Eh PERCE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review 8_RNS—Thermodimamice a Absolute entropy is a measure of the eneroy that is no longer available to perform useful work within the current ‘environment. Other definition is that its the measure of ‘andamness” or “disorder cf the system Where ane ntropy (JK) eat () T= temperature (Kk) ‘Change in Entropy Isobaric Process AS=mc, (2) 7, \T Change in Entropy Isometric Process AS=mC, tol 2 Fi, ‘Change in Entropy Isothermal Process ‘Change in Entropy Adizbatic Process AS=0 ‘specific heat constant pressure (C1= specie neat constant volume 71, 12 = tomporaturo Relationship of C; and Cy C,=C,4+R ee ee] ear 1-27 Which ofthe folowing is a measure of atsorser? A.Enhapy ©. Entropy BEnerar D Inertia 1-28 Compute the entropy change of a 5g of water at 100° az changes 10 steam at 100°C under standard pressure A303 JIK ©. 40.4 4K B215JK D327 0K 10.29 For a cettain eal gas 8 fttbmbOR and ke=!.09, what are the Values of cp and c,? ‘A.0.538 BTUNER, 0.285 BTUNb°R 5.0.538 BTUNDR, 0.368 BTU R 60.401 BTUMb-R, 0205 BTUNBR 0.401 BTURb°R, 0.368 BTUNS R 10.30 There are 1.36 kg of gas, for which R37 Jkgk and e125, that Uundeige @ nonllow constant volume process from py = 551-5ékPa and t 60 % top» = 1655kP2. During the process the gas is internally sfined and there are also added 105.5 ki of heat. Determine the change of entropy. 5.283 kuIK c.8 731K 2.253 KUIK D.§.472 KIK Solutions tre... Gh PERC DG Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review RNS ~ Thermodinamies i Enthalpy and Internal Energy |@.31 Find the change in internal energy of Som of oxygen gas when the temperature changes from 100°F to 120°. (¢.=0.157 BTUNom-"R) The intemal energy (U) of asystem isthe tlal energy A105 BTU ©. 15:7 BTU content ofthe system. tis te sum of the kinetic, B47 BTU D.16eB7U potential, chemical, electrical, ruciear, and all aller Terms of energy possessed by the atoms and meleculas [@.32 fa eystem abeorbe 500 cal of heat ofthe system: the same time does 4D0J of work, find the change in internal energy of the aa system. AzsK carn Enthalpy represents the total useful energy of a e27k Dat substance. Useful eneray consists of two parts. 1. The intemal energy, U 1-33 Steam at 1000 IbtM pressure and 2. Flow energy also known as flow work, pV 300°R has a specific volume of 6.5 ‘htm and 2 spectic enthalpy of 9800 (HEUspy IbEfifom. Find the intemal energy per pound mass of steam ‘4.2500 lot-filom 5.3300 lot-flom 6.1500 ior rtom TRS 1.3400 lof-ftom 10.34 A 24tlouram block of metal with a spectic heat of 100. joules per kelogram per xetvin fals. trom rest though a distance of 100 meters to the Earh’s surface. if haf of the potential energy lost by the falen black is converted to internal energy of the block, the temperature change ofthe black is most nearly. VIL. Laws of Thermodynamics IHtwo systems are in thermal equilbrium. they must be at the same temperature. I both systems are in thermal cequitbrium with athid system, then they are in thermal equitbrium wit each other. Fret Low of Thormodynamics statement ofthe law of conservation of energy. It slates that:“Ifan amount of heat fous into a sysiem, ireninis energy must appedt = ereased nema! Atk ©. 10% ‘nergy forthe aystom and/or work dono by the ayctom 55K 0.25 Where AQ = heat fow into asystem AU = change in internal anergy of the ayetom AW = p AV (wark done by the system) Note: The work done by a system (alV) positve If he system ‘thoreby loose anergy to to eurrourdings. Whon the surroundings do work on the system so as to ge t energy, AWis a negative quanity. Eh PERCE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review ear 10_RNS — Thurmodsnamics First Law Equation for Isoberic Process Note: For anisovolumic (also caled iscchoric or sometic) process, any heat flow inte the system appears at increased internal enorgy of the eyatom First Law Equation for Isothermal Process > Heat eneray fous spontaneously from hotter to colder objec, but not vice vers > No heat engine that cycle consnuously can change allits input energy to useful wore > Ifa system undergoes spontaneous change, it will change in such 2 vay thatits entropy vil Increase or, a best, remain constant EE ‘The absolute eniropy ofa pure substance approaches zefo as the absolute thermodynamic temperature approaches zero PERC G Learnhub |a-35 A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top boundary. ‘The gas is heated and expands from a volume of 0.04 m3 to 0.10 m3 at a ‘constant pressure of 200kPa. Find he Werk done on the system At6 kd C. 12h B 10K D.20ki 1-36 what is the work done for a closed reversible Isomete system? Azer ©. postive B negative D infin 10.37 It is 2 very hot day You are in a ‘special ltchen, in that there are no ‘exis and the walls of thi hlchen are thermally very well insulated. If you ‘open the reftigeraior door, the room vil eventualy: A.codl of remains the same Cheat up Dexplode lSoutions here, ICT Integrated ECE Review ao RNS ~ Thermodmamies _11 vin cycies ‘cycle is a series of processes thal eventually brings the system back to is original condition, Es The thermal efficiency of @ power cycles defined as the ratio ofthe useful work output fo the supplied input energy. The Carnot cycle is the mest effiient power cycle. The effiiency of Camot cycle the maomum possible for any power cycle. Process 1-2: Isothermal Heat Adcition Process Process 2-3. isentropic Expansion Process Precess 34 Isothermal Heat Rejection Process Precess #1: Isertropic Compression Process, Efficiency Equation Effciency is increased by rising the temperature 7), at which neat is added or by lowering the temperature T, at which hea is rejected PERCE Learnhud 1cT 10.38 A steam engine operating between a boiler temperature of 2205C and condenser temperature of 35°C delivers Bhp. its effiency is 30% of that for a Camot engine operating between these temperature limits, how many calories are absorbed each secord by the boiler? A105 kal’ ©.12.7 kealls 14.4 Kealls D165 kcas 19.30 The ideal recersible Camot cycle involves four basic processes. What type of processes are they? Acai sofermal B.A adiabatic (C Two adiabatic and two isotropic .Twe isothermal and two isentropic 1Q-40 A certain refigerator compartment has a temperature maintained at °C. ‘This wae done by removing heat from it at a rate of 300kiImin. If the Teftigerator requires an input paver of 3KW, what & the coeficient of perfomance ofthe reigerator? ALS? c367 5233 D412 1.44 Compute the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine operant botwcon tho temperature limite of 90°C and 300°C? A368 55% ©. 76.4696 34.72% D. 45.74% lSottions here... Integrated ECE Review Process 1.2: |sentropic Exoansion Prosess 2-3: Constant Pressure Rejaction of Heat Process 3-4: Adiabatic PUMP Process 4-1: Cenotant Preseuro Addition of Heat Te Process 1-2:Isentropic Compression Process 2-9: Isometric Heat Addition Prosess 3. Isentropie Expansion Process 4-1 Isometric Heat Rejection Proness 1.2: Isentropic Compression Process 2.3: Isobaric Heat Aedition Process 3-4: entropic Exoansion Process 4-1. Isometnc reat Rejection SE Process 1-2: Isentropic Compression Process Process 2-3: Constant Pressure Heat Addition Process Proseee 8-4: lsontropic Expansion Procose Proness 4-1: Constant Pressure Heat Rejection Prozess i analogous to Camot eyslo operation only that this cycle eperates in counter clockwise direction or in reversed order. Process 1-2: Isentropic Expansion Proveee 2.2: lecihermal Heat Absorption Process 3-4: Isentropic Compression Process 4-1: Isohhermal Heat Re‘ecton Coemctent ot Pestommance (COP) Qe Ts COP Wat Tar. Gh PERC DG Learnhub ear la-s2 A cycle consisting of one constant ‘procoure, one constant volus and {wo isentropic processes is known as A Camoteycle ©. Stiring cyde B Ote cycle D. Diesel cycle State that the thermal efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between the same two reservoirs are the same, and that np heat engine is more efficient than 2 reversible one operating between the same wo ‘A Throtte principle 8 Otto principle ©. Camet principle D. Kalvin principle joss The state of an ideal gas is changed In four diferent steps AB, BC, C-D, D-+A, The gas Is moved trom the ‘stste Cfo the atste D ‘sothermally. During which process is rno work done by the cas? AASB c.c40 Beoc 3.8 {An ideal gas is taken through a closed path 1-2—3—4—1. What is the net work done by ine gas? A6pv c.apy B.9Pv >. SPY |Solutions here... ICT Integrated ECE Review RNS - Thermodmamics _13 ex Answers to this exercise will be posted. B. Decreases and the molecular mass 4. Acchange of phase from vapor to solid, ©. mMereases and the molecuar mass ‘without passing the liquid state is called: femains the same B. deposition D. condensation remains the same ‘zero? ‘i " C. Greater, and the number of molecules AL OK .273K is greater rage kinefc eneroy of a A eee. Gimet orem mann bret owas ola | 8 Cpetice Bo Eh PERCE Learnhud ICT Integrated ECE Review ear 14 Thermodimamics 12. As the temperature of 2 lqua 18. How many independent propertes are Jneroases, is vapor proscure required to complately fe the A Decreases equilium state cf 2 pure gaseous B. Increases compound? ©. Remains the same Ao 1 D. Cannot be cetemnes 52 D4 13. IF1 mole of Ha) at STP is compared to 20. I airs ata pressure, p, of 3200 Ihre a He(q) at STP, the volumes of the and at a temperature, T, of 800 R, what {gases wil be found to be is the specific volume, v? (R= 53.3 ft ‘A. Equal, and meirmasses unequal lotiom-R, and alr can be modeled as an B. Equal, and feir masses equal ideal gas) © Unequal, and theirmasses unequal A 1353 im 10338 D. Unequal, and their masses equal B. 11.23.09R0m D.233380¥bm 14. The temperature above which 2 gas 21. Which of the folowing is tue for water ccan no longer de liquefied & known as at a reterence temperature were th ‘enthalpy ie zero? [A Fusion point A. intemal eneroy is negative B. Critical point B._Entiopy isnon-zero ©. Vapotization point C._ Specific volume is zero D. D. Triple point ‘Yapor pressure Is zero 15. Which term represents the change of 2 22, Itstates that i to bodies are in thermal substance fiom the liquid phase to the equllbsium with a thie body. they are ‘gaseous phase? also in thermal equilibrium with each A. Condensation oer. B. Sublimaton A. First law of thermodynamics ©. Vaporization B. Zeroth aw of thermedynamics D. Fusion ©. Third law of thermodynamics D. Second law of thermodynamics 16. The number of Joules per gram requiiea to met ice at is meting pont 23. Pressue below atmospnenc pressure je calod ar called: A. Sublimation A. Absolute pressure B. Heat of vaporization B. Vacuum pressure ©. Vapor pressure ©. Standard pressure D. Heat of sion D._ Reference pressure 17. Which change of phase represents 24. The movement of sclvent molecules fusion? through a semipemeable membrane A. Gas to liquid ©. gas to soié from a. region of lower solute B. Soidto que ——_D-iquid togas, concentration to a region of higher solute concentrations called 18, Under what condition ie mate A. Vaporization osmosis conserved in Mid tow? B. Sublimation D. condensation ‘The flow is baratropic ‘The flowis isentropic “The now's aaianatc Itis always conservedin fuid flow Gh PERC DG Learnhub ICT Integrated ECE Review 25. The pressure applied to confined nud inefoases the prossure throushout by the same amount. This is dest known Pascat' principle ‘Archimedes principle Terrcelis principle Amacats law 26. A device used to measure small and ‘moderate pressure aimerences is called A. Hygremeter . manometer BR Nozzle D difuser 27. A simple steam engine receives steam from the baller at 189°C and exhausts ‘ecty into me air ati00'C. What is the upper lint ef ite effcicncy? AL 178% 15.7% B 215% 0.143% 28. Atmospnent pressure Is measured by a device calle A. Barometer C.thermometar B. ManometerD. coniometer 29. The difference between the absolute pressure and tne cal almospnenc pressure is called the: A. Relative oressure B. Gauge pressure C. Vacuum pressure D. Stancaré pressure 30. A liquid that ie about to vaporize ie callee A. Saturated vapor B Plasma ©. Supetheated vapor D. Saturated liquie 31. A vapor that is about to condense is callec A. Saturated vapor 2. Phhoma © Supetheated vapor D. Saturated liquie Eh PERCE Learnhud RNS ~ Thermodmamics _18 32. ALa glen pressure, he temperature at ‘whieh pure eubetanco chengoe phaoee is called Critcal temperature Saturaion temperature ripe point Kinaling temperate pope At 2 given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance changes phase is called Criteal pressure Saturaton pressure Absolute pressure Vacuum pressure pomp 34. The amount of eneigy absorbed during moting ard is equivalont to the amount of eneray released during freezing is called A. Latent heat of vagorzation B. Meling energy C._ Latent heat offusion D. Specific heat 36. The amount of eneigy absorbed during vaporization and is equivalent to the amount of energy releases ducing condensation is called: A. Latent heat of vagonzation B. Meting energy C._Latentneat offusion D. Specific heat 36. A process during which there is no heat transfer is called ‘A. Isentropic process 5. Isomnermal process c D Adiabatic process Isometic process 37. A process curing which the entropy remains constant is calle: ‘A Isentropic process B Isothermal process ©. Adiabatic process D. Isometic provess ICT Integrated ECE Review 16 36. 39 40. Thermodimamics ‘The transfer of energy from tne more ‘onorgotie particloe of a eubstance fo tho adjacent ess energetic ones as a result of interaction between paricles is callee Convection ©. radiation ‘Conduction . emiasion ‘The transfer of energy between a sold surface and the adjacent fluid that is in ‘motion, ang M involves the comoined ‘effects of conduction and fuid mation fs alee Convection ©. radiation Conduction D. emission ‘The tanster_ of energy cue to me ‘oniscion of lectromagnotic waves (oF photons) is called Convection. radiation ‘ConduetionD. emission “The ate under the process curve on a LV diagram represents the boundary Temperature ©. enemy Pressure D. work unng actual expansion ana compression process of gases, pressure ard volume are often related by PV" = C, where a and C are constants. process of this kind 18 calec Teontropis ©. polyroric Isochoric D. adianatc The idealized surface that emits radiaton at a maxmum rateis called 2: Blackbody ©. Absorber Emitter D. Radiator In what form can energy cross the boundaries of a closed system? ‘sound Heat Magnetic waves D. Light Gh PERC DG Learnhub ear 45. A device tat increases ne veloaty of & fig at the oxponee of proscure is called A. Wozle ©. Pressure es B. Diffuser D. Manometer ranger 46. A device that increases the pressure of 2 fui by slowing it doun is calle A. Wozzle © Pressure exchanger B. Diffuser D. Manometer 447. The highest temperature which can be mozourod by a mercury thermometer A. 100°C c.357°C B. is7C D.257°C 48, A thermometer reads 50 degrees on 2 folé January day in New Delhi, The reading ison the scale A. Fahrenheit C. absolute B. Centigrade D Celsius 48. When a gas fled in a closed vessel is heated through 1°C, is pressure increases by 0.4%. Then inital temperature of gas was A. 250K ©.250°¢ 5 2500K 28 50. In which of the folowing processes of heat transfer partes of the medum ate notinvolved? A. Conduction ©. convection B. Radiation D-none of these Eat. For more practice problems, you ean use PMN, EAS: * Section Thermodynamic Systems and Propertes + Section Heat + Section 58 Enifopy, Enthelpy & Internal Energy + Seetion 5.7 Laws of Thormedynamica + Section 58:59 Thermodynamic Processes & Cycles + Seotion 5.10 Gas Laws ICT Integrated ECE Review

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