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AusRock 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining


Paper Number: 29

Pillar Recovery Adjacent to Stabilised Rockfill at the Ballarat

Gold Project
B L Sainsbury1, D P Sainsbury2, J Western3, P E Petrie4 and V Mutton5
1. Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Castlemaine Goldfields Limited
10 Woolshed Gully Drive, Mt Clear, Victoria, Australia.

2. Principal Geotechnical Engineer

Mining One Consultants
Level 9, 50 Market Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

3. Underground Project Co-ordinator

Castlemaine Goldfields Limited
10 Woolshed Gully Drive, Mt Clear, Victoria, Australia.

4. Senior Mining Engineer

Castlemaine Goldfields Limited
10 Woolshed Gully Drive, Mt Clear, Victoria, Australia.

5. Senior Technical Services Engineer

PO Box 554, Nowra, NSW, Australia.

Remnant rib pillars at Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd.’s Ballarat Gold Project have been sterilised by the
placement of loose rockfill in production stopes. The application of selectively injecting low viscosity grout
into the backfilled stopes to form a stabilised material has enabled recovery of the previously sterilised
pillars. This paper outlines the engineering design, quality control and quality assurance program
implemented to ensure the safe and efficient recovery of the rib pillars. The successful program included
laboratory testing, numerical exposure stability modelling and in situ monitoring.

At the Ballarat Gold Project, resources have been sterilised within the Llanberris Compartment due to the
placement of loose rockfill adjacent to rib pillars. Potential exists for the recovery of these high grade pillars
through injecting low viscosity cement grout into the loose rockfill to form artificial Stabilised Rockfill (SRF)
adjacent to the rib pillars. A similar pillar recovery technique has been used to recover sill pillars at the
Crusader Mine in Western Australia (Sainsbury et. al., 2007) and Cracow Mine in Queensland (Potts et. al.,

The Ballarat Gold Project is located in the city of Ballarat, approximately 100 km due west of Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia. A combination of stoping methods are used to recover narrow vein gold mineralisation
(generally 2-5m width) with an annual production target of 50,000 oz. The mining operation extends
approximately 4.7 km north of the portal reaching a maximum depth of 695 metres beneath the city of
Ballarat, as illustrated in Figure 1.

FIG 1 Ballarat Gold Project – existing underground workings beneath existing surface

Typical ore zones consist of a stockwork of quartz veining or massive quartz lobes hosted within inter-
bedded sandstone, siltstone and shale sediments. The quartz can be highly fractured, particularly
surrounding major geological structures, and can resemble sugar cubes in intensely fractured zones. Gold
resources have been defined within the Victoria, Llanberris, Sovereign and Britannia compartments and
these will form the principal mining fronts through 2014/2015.

Development of the Llanberris Decline commenced in 2011 at approximately the 550m Level. The LLB638
and LLB648 Levels were first accessed during 2012. Initial stopes on the LLB648 Level were designed
using a modified Avoca (or continuous fill) stoping method. Empirical estimates based on Mathews Stability
Chart (Mathews, 1981) determined a 21m panel length for the initial void, with subsequent firings of
approximately 6m. However, during development of the initial void, when the open span was 11m, significant
hangingwall failure occurred to within 2m of a permanent vent drive access (LLB638VD) – as shown in
Figure 2. The stope was immediately backfilled with loose rockfill and mining continued along strike with a
modified span length of 13m and installation of cablebolts in the hangingwall. Vertical rib pillars
(approximately 3-5m width) were left in the stoping horizon to provide hangingwall stability.

FIG 2 Llanberris as-built mining geometry on the LLB638 and LLB48 Levels

Reconciliation of the grades and tonnes post mining of the stoping panel suggested that a significant
resource was sterilised within the rib pillars. As a result, a conceptual plan was developed to recover the
pillars by injecting low viscosity cement grout into the loose rockfill to form artificial SRF pillars that would
provide support to the loose rockfill during extraction of the pillar material.


FB200 High Yield Grout

Stabilised rockfill is produced by injecting a low viscosity cementitous material into waste rock to produce an
exposable backfill material. FB200 has been developed by Orica (formerly Minova Australia Pty. Ltd. and
Fosroc Chemfix Pty. Ltd.) for the backfilling of voids around underground structures and the consolidation of
broken strata. It is primarily used in the coal mining industry for ventilation control. FB200 cement grout is
based on a calcium sulphoaluminate cement which forms the mineral ettringite (CaO.Al2O3.SO3.32H2O) on
reaction with water. The material can be placed at a water / powder ratio of between 2:1 and 4:1 to produce
a dimensionally stable cement grout, unlike General Purpose (GP) Portland cement which would exhibit
excessive shrinkage at the same ratios.

Sainsbury et al (2003) have previously used FB200 to stabilise rockfill to enable the extraction of crown
pillars at the Crusader Mine, Australia. Figure 3 illustrates a stable 5m wide horizontal (overhead) exposure
of SRF after sill pillar recovery.

FIG 3 View from beneath stabilised rockfill sill pillar at the Crusader Mine ( after Sainsbury et al

At the Ballarat Gold Project, vertical rather than horizontal SRF exposures are planned during extraction of
the remnant rib pillars.

Laboratory Characterisation of Stabilised Rockfill
To minimise the technical risks associated with the construction of artificial FB200 stabilised rockfill rib pillars,
a basic series of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) laboratory tests were conducted to investigate the
strength and behaviour of the stabilised rockfill matrix. Test results completed for the Ballarat Gold Project
were compared to previous laboratory testing completed by Sainsbury, Cai and Thompson (2001) whereby
the influence of sample size and shape, particle size distribution, curing time, water quality, cement : water
ratio and confinement were considered.

The laboratory results for stabilised rockfill at the Ballarat Gold Project are consistent with results previously
published by Sainsbury et al (2001), as illustrated in Figure 4a. The optimum UCS obtained in the laboratory
using FB200 cement grout is 4.45 MPa with a strength of 2 MPa achieved after 14 days curing. The full
stress-strain response of Ballarat Gold Project SRF is illustrated in Figure 4b. During the early stages of
loading, cracking of the cement bonds was clearly audible. With increased load, the sample entered the
brittle/ductile transition phase where the rockfill particles were observed to rotate and interlock. In the post-
peak phase, the interlocking particles were observed to begin crumbling in a controlled manner while the
sample maintained approximately 80% of its peak load.

FIG 4 (a) Compiled strength testing of FB200 stabilised rockfill (b) Stress-Strain behavior of
Ballarat Gold Project stabilised rockfill

In order to determine the minimum required width of the artificial stabilised rockfill pillars, development of a
numerical modelling methodology was essential in understanding the behaviour and failure mechanisms
associated with the vertical exposures after extraction of the remnant rib pillars. The artificial stabilised
rockfill pillars were required to be of sufficient strength to minimise dilution to the adjacent pillars and prevent
the inrush of uncemented backfill and water in previously mined stopes. They must also be strong enough to
provide acceptable ground conditions for driving over during backfilling operations.

3D Polyhedral Distinct Element Method (3DEC)

A three-dimensional polyhedral distinct element modelling method (3DEC) was used to represent the in situ
behaviour of the stabilised rockfill exposures at the Ballarat Gold Project. This modelling approach allowed a
detailed representation of the filling process resulting in the most accurate initial stress distribution. In
addition, based on the ability to represent varying particle shapes and sizes, an accurate representation of
the initial rockfill porosity can be achieved, along with the resulting friction, interlocking and dilatational
response when mobilised. The surrounding rockmass can also be simulated as a strain-softening material
that conforms to as-built wireframes.

FIG 5 (a) Typical size and fragmentation of waste rockfill at Ballarat Gold Project. (b) Simulated
rockfill material in 3DEC

A series of simulated UCS and triaxial loading experiments were conducted in 3DEC to calibrate the block
and contact material properties to match the stress-strain response recorded in the laboratory. Figure 6
illustrates the calibrated (blue) and laboratory (green) stress-strain response for the 2 MPa Ballarat Gold
Project SRF material.

FIG 6 Calibrated and observed SRF material response

The material properties used to calibrate the SRF response are presented in Table 1. In order to simulate the
inherent variability caused by the simple sump mixing system, the contact cohesion and tensile strength has
been simulated with a normal distribution.

TABLE 1 Calibrated large-scale 3DEC block and contact properties

Simulated Block Properties Contact Properties

UCS (kPa) E (GPa)  kn (GPa/m) ks (GPa/m) c (kPa)  (deg.) t (kPa)

2020 50 0.2 80 40 1500 +/- 100 25 750 +/- 25

A series of large-scale (pillar-size) numerical investigations were completed to determine (a) the minimum
required stabilised pillar width to provide stability during extraction of the pillars and (b) provide guidance
regarding the engineering risks associated with product penetration issues.

Figure 7 provides a view of the single pillar model that was constructed. Filling of the two adjacent stopes
was simulated by placing the loose rockfill in 2m layers to ensure representative internal stress distribution
within the fill mass. To simulate the delayed injection and hydration of FB200, the contact cohesion and
tensile strength was set to zero during the filling process and later modified to the calibrated strength

FIG 7 3DEC Model Geometry

Figure 8 presents the response of a series of analyses conducted to assess the performance of the vertical
SRF exposures after remnant rib pillar recovery. As expected, without any SRF, inrush of the loose rockfill is
expected to occur during extraction of the pillar. A 3m skin of SRF material on either side of the pillar is
sufficient to retain the loose rockfill and remain stable after pillar recovery. Due to the low viscosity nature of
the FB200 grout it is not possible to create the SRF in such a precise manner and simulations of poor FB200
penetration were also conducted (not shown here). The as-built SRF pillar geometry (discussed in
subsequent sections) were also simulated and were shown to retain the loose rockfill and remain stable after
pillar recovery.

FIG 8 Simulated response of SRF vertical exposure stability during remnant rib pillar extraction


The engineering design for the pillar extraction included the development of a parallel drive on the lower
LLB648 extraction level and crosscutting over to the two pillar locations. Development of the cross-cuts
required break-through into and advance through the original LLB648NOD that had been filled with loose
rock fill. A total of 90m of waste development; 49m in the parallel extraction drive and 41m between three
cross-cut drives was completed over approximately one month. The underground development completed
as part of the pillar recovery project is presented in Figure 9.

Upon breakthrough to the existing lower LLB648NOD, the waste rockfill material was left in place to minimise
disturbance to the hangingwall and subsidence up on the LLB638 Level. This material would be stabilised
and later bogged from the drive prior to the pillar production blast. The hangingwall was cable bolted from
the lower LLB648 crosscut extraction drive and LLB638 VD to provide additional hangingwall stability during
bogging and backfilling operations. A plan and section view of the development completed is provided in
Figure 9.

FIG 9 Development of the parallel drive and cross-cuts on the LLB648 Level

Drilling and Placement of Injection Holes
Injection holes for the placement of FB200 product were designed from the upper LLB638VD. Assuming a
lateral flow of 1m for the grout, an injection hole ring spacing of 2m was determined. Rings for each of the
stopes were offset by 1m from the edge of the remnant rib pillars. A total of two injection hole rings were
designed on each side of the rib pillars. The injection hole ring location and typical injection section plan is
provided in Figure 10. Each of holes in the ring was staggered to ensure any blockages would not cause
major penetration issues.

FIG 10 Plan and typical section view through stope/s showing the injection hole placement

In addition to the FB200 injection holes, monitoring holes were also designed (as shown in Figure 10) to
provide additional information regarding the penetration of product within the stope. These would also
provide additional fill points during the pumping operations if required.

Track-mounted diamond drill rigs were used to drill 76mm (NQ2) holes through the hangingwall and loose
rockfill material in the stopes. In order to maintain the stability of the hole prior to placement of the injection
pipe, the hole was drilled without the inner tube. Once the hole reached the required depth the bit was
cleared using a spear attached to a wireline. The injection pipe was fed inside the drill string, and the drill
string then retracted over it, leaving the injection pipe in the hole. 1.5m stickup was left on each of the
injection pipes to couple to the outlet hose from the pump/hopper set up. A total of 900m was drilled

between each of the panels to be stabilised at an average rate of 18m/shift. Figure 11 provides some
photographs of the installation process of the injection holes.

FIG 11 Injection pipe installation

The injection pipe consisted of 40mm outside diameter polypropylene pipe with holes drilled at 250mm
intervals. The holes formed the exit points for the grout. A modified drill press was used to streamline the
pipe perforation process. Barbs were cut into the end of the pipe to hold it in place while the drill rods were
retracted. Due to the large variance in the final as-built geometry of the stopes, each of the injection holes
and pipes were individually designed and labelled.

Seal Placement
Due to the low viscosity of the cement grout required for the penetration of the rockfill void spaces, a two
stage grout curtain was designed to prevent the flow of product beyond the backfilled stope. First, fibrecrete
was sprayed over the exposed waste backfill exposed in the LLB648NOD crosscuts. Tekseal (a product from
Orica) was then pumped into the lowest injection pipes in each injection ring to provide an initial
seal/retardant at the base of the intended grout curtain. Some product leakage was observed through the
fibrecrete during the pumping process however this was minimised through the use of fast setting grout that
was applied to rags and held over the leakage points for approximately 30 seconds. It was found that the
FB200 set as long as its movement was retarded for a short period of time.

Pumping of FB200
A 3 tonne capacity steel hopper was used to feed 1.2 tonne bulka-bags of FB200 product to the twin mixing-
pumping units. A Volvo L60 wheel loader with a jib was used to position the bag above the hopper and an
internal spike within the hopper perforated the bags reducing dust and the requirement for operators to work
at heights. Two electric powered placer pumps were used to mix and pump the grout via 40mm polypipe to
the injection holes. FB200 requires a short specific interval between mixing and placement to allow complete
hydration and mixing. Consistency in the time period was achieved by pumping the grout through 100m of

40mm polypipe prior to placement. Pumping rates averaged 10-11 bulk-bags/shift with one pump operating
and 15-18 bulka-bags/shift with two pumps operating simultaneously.

FIG 12 FB200 pump set-up

Quality Assurance / Quality Control

FB200 quantities were calculated for each of the injection holes based on as-built CMS pick-ups of each of
the stopes and an estimated average porosity of 30% within the backfilled stopes. For each ring and hole,
the number of bulka bags to be injected was specified along with the expected height of the FB200 after the
completion of pumping. Two adjacent rings were pumped alternately with a maximum of 3 bags being
placed into an injection hole at any one time. By limiting the amount of product that was pumped into
individual holes without a break, layers of FB200 could build up within the stope through a short-term curing
process. The filling strategy also included pumping into the lowest hole on each ring and gradually working
up the ring – filling up the stope. If the holes filled prior to the full bag limit being placed, these left-over bags
were added to the target amount in the overlying hole. During the filling activities each of the injection holes
and monitoring holes were dipped to ensure that product placement was being achieved at the
right/expected locations. Based on these measurements, a FB200 fill profile could be established. At the
completion of each shift, the fill profile was reassessed and the fill priority re-established.

Development Engineering Controls
Significant investment in the underground development commitment and purchase of product required an
aggressive schedule of works to be completed. Approximately 3 months were scheduled to complete the
development, stabilisation measures (grout injection) and production drilling. Some of the engineering
controls put in place to minimise the engineering risk associated with each of these elements are
summarised in Table 1.

TABLE 1 Engineering Risk Matrix

Risk Engineering Control

Development of the parallel extraction drive and Development designed at minimum size 4.5m x
cross-cuts through poor quality rock mass. 4.5m and stepped out west to take advantage of
Geological logging around the Llanberris 638/648 slightly better ground conditions.
Levels provides RQD’s 10-20.

Instability of permanent mine infrastructure and Hangingwall cables installed from top and bottom
over-break / dilution during pillar extraction. accesses.
Previous stoping in adjacent panels resulted in
Numerical modelling completed to understand the
significant hangingwall over-break.
final extraction subsidence profile.

Inrush of loose rockfill at the LLB648 drawpoint Remote operations used to bog the pillar and
from the adjacent stopes if the stabilisation during pillar backfilling operations.
measures don’t work.

FB200 penetration through the stope backfill. A level of redundancy built into the injection hole
QA/QC program implemented. Frequent
monitoring of FB200 fill levels in all injection and
monitoring holes.

Potential for water in adjacent stopes causing Dewatering activities completed from both the
inrush during bogging, restricting penetration of LLB638 and LLB648 Levels to minimize water
FB200 product and/or increasing water accumulating in the stopes.
content/decreasing stabilised rockfill strength.
Remote operations used to bog the extraction level.

Accurate and effective placement of grout curtain in A fibrecrete seal placed on the backfill rill pile at
the base of the stope to restrict flow of FB200. each of the cross cuts to provide secondary backup
to the primary Tekseal seal placement.

Keeping the injection holes open for grout tube Diamond drill rigs (rather than percussion) used to
placement. Previous production drilling in the area restrict damage to hangingwall rockmass.
proved to be challenging with cave-ins common.
Drill casing retracted over the top of the grout
injection tube that was placed down the centre after
hole reached target depth.
Poly pipe modified on end to grip into backfill and
resist movement during casing retraction.

Durability of the poly pipe (i.e., crushing and High strength PN 12.5 40mm polypipe used.
deformation of the pipe during placement).

Production Schedule Slip A specific underground project co-ordinator was

enlisted to co-ordinate tech services and operations
and maintain control of the schedule and logistics.

Post pumping and stabilisation, the fibrecrete and backfill rill piles in the LLB648 NOD / Crosscut
intersections were bogged revealing the first exposures of SRF. Inspection of the vertical stabilised rockfill
exposures within the LLB648 crosscut provided good confidence in the performance of the SRF prior to the
pillar production blast. Within the exposure of the stabilised rockfill, the FB200 could be seen in layers and
minimal dilution was observed during production drilling. A view of the initial vertical SRF exposure in the
cross cut immediately in front of Pillar 1 is provided in Figure 13.

FIG 13 Initial exposure of SRF within the original LLB648 Level during bogging of the cross-cuts
and exposure of the pillars

A cavity survey of the remnant pillar void conducted after mucking of the ore confirmed minor hangingwall
overbreak but no yielding of the SRF exposures. The pillar hangingwall overbreak was of a similar extent to
the original stopes on either side of the remnant pillars. Figure 14 provides a view of the vertical SRF
exposure after extraction of Pillar 1A from the LLB638 Level.

FIG 14 SRF exposure after extraction of Pillar 1A

After the cavity survey was completed the void and associated crosscut were immediately filled with loose
rockfill prior to extraction of next pillar.

Reconciliation of the grade and tonnes recovered through each of the pillars concluded that significant
economic benefit was gained by implementation of stabilised rockfill at the Ballarat Gold Project. In addition
to the 100% recovery of the planned ounces, the hangingwall over-break contained estimated mineralisation
that was only identified during drilling of the grout injection holes. A summary of the design and as-built
tonnes and grade for each of the remnant rib pillars are provided in Table 2.

TABLE 2 Design versus reconciled grade and tonnes for each of the pillars extracted

g/t tonnes ounces

Pillar 1A Design 37.01 1011 1320

Pillar 1A Reconciled 20.97 2210 1635

Pillar 1 Design 13.54 900 430

Pillar 1 Reconciled 8.7 2347 720

Two remnant rib pillars were formed between backfilled stopes in the Llanberris LLB648 Level. The
extraction of such rib pillars has traditionally resulted in significant dilution and loss of ore. Investigation of
the geomechanical criteria for the safe and efficient extraction adjacent to stabilised rockfill has led to the
successful extraction of two rib pillars. Reconciliation of both of the pillars provides recovery of 125% and
170% for Pillar 1A and Pillar 1 respectively. Laboratory testing of the strength and deformation
characteristics of stabilised rockfill material and the numerical investigation of the failure mechanisms and
behaviour of exposures have solved the technical risks associated with the proposed extraction method.

The authors of this paper would like to thank the personnel at the Ballarat Gold Project; Darren Watkins
(Mining Manager) and Lance Faulkner (General Manager) for their support during the execution of the pillar
recovery project, the technical team for their input and assistance and most importantly the underground
personnel who from the outset were engaged and interested in a successful project outcome.

Mathews, K.E, Hoek, E., Wyllie, D.C and Stewart, S. 1981. Prediction of stable excavation spans for mining
at depths below 1000m in hard rock. Report No. DSS Serial No.OSQ80-00081, DSS File No.
17SQ.233440-0-9020, 43 p.

Potts, L, Mutton, V and Joyce, D, 2012. Pillar recovery at Cracow gold mine using grouted consolidated
mullock, in Proceedings Narrow Vein Mining 2012 , pp 179-184 (The Australasian Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy: Melbourne).

Sainsbury, D., Cai, Y. and Thompson, B. 2001. Investigation of the Geomechanical Properties of Stabilised
Rockfill. Minefill 2001: Proc. 7th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill. SME Colorado.

Sainsbury, D., Cai, Y., Hebblewhite, B., Finn, D., Whitford, J. and Berry, M, 2003. Investigation of the
geomechanical criteria for safe and efficient crown pillar extraction beneath stabilised rockfill at the
Crusader Mine. ISRM 2003–Technology roadmap for rock mechanics, South African Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, 2003.


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