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What compelled you to pick up this book? How long have you been dealing with these issues? How
often do they come up? Why now – what made you decide that it was time to take action?

I decided to pick up this book because I wanted change in my behavior especially in handling
stress and anxiety.

I have been dealing with these issues long before. Perhaps I became conscious about all of these
when I started my journey in the seminary. Inside the seminary I have given all the opportunity to reflect
on myself, on the things that needs changing especially on my behavior.

These issues come up occasionally but when they arise, they cause a lot of trouble on my side.
Usually, I become anxious when there is an anticipated risk to be done. I will keep on thinking about it
even on my spare time. It also affects in the performance on my other duties. On some occasions, my
energy or vigor drops which affects everything around me. I become disinterested on some things which I
usually like. It affects my interaction with the people around me. it always occupies and penetrates in my
mind even before going to sleep and even first thing in the morning after waking up. And it affects my
whole day. Sometimes, I feel hopeless that I cannot control my mind from worrying.

I know I have to seek help as early as now that I am still under formation so it may not bring any
risks and harm in my future ministry, as one seeking to become a missionary priest in the future. I know I
have to be healed so that I can effectively give myself to others.


Please take a moment to consider your own strengths. What are you good at? What do the people who
know you best appreciate about you? Write your response in the space below. If you draw a blank,
consider asking someone who cares about you what they see as my strengths.

Personally, I think one of the strengths that keeps me going is my persistence in prayer. Most of
the time when I am blank what to do in certain occasions, I just pray. Surrendering everything to Him


I’d like you to think about how your life is going, including the ways anxiety and depression may be
affecting things. I’ve chosen six areas that I routinely assess as a psychotherapist. We’ll consider each of
these areas in turn. Take your time. The work you’re doing this week is as important as anything you’ll
do in this program.


What’s going well in your relationships? Where do you struggle? Is your family going through any major
stresses? Is there a family member who’s having a hard time, and who might be affecting the whole
family dynamic? Are there family members you’re missing, who have moved out of your life either
through death or for other reasons? As much as you love your family members, do you crave more time
alone? You might also consider how your family relationships affect your anxiety and/ or depression.
Alternately, what effects have your anxiety/depression had on your family?

I think everything is going well in my family now. There are no major stresses, aside from
grinding hard everyday in order to earn a living in sustaining the needs.

One thing maybe that affects the family dynamics, as I have heard from my parents, is the
situation of our eldest brother. Considering his age now, he still not settled. No permanent job. No
personal plans. All of these things make my parents make my parents worry. On myself, I also am
worried about my brother but not totally disturbed about. It doesn’t make really a toll on my side.

This time I could say, my relationship to my family does not really affects or contributes on what
I am going through right now.

Living away from my family, I am not able to share my situations much to them, especially on
the things I am going through because as much as possible I don’t want disturb them and make them
worry about me.


Do you have a strong group of friends? Do you get to spend as much time with them as you’d like? For
example, have friends moved away or have your relationships changed for other reasons? Have your
anxiety and depression had an impact on your friendships?

As of now, I am with my community of brothers. I am able to interact freely with them. I got to
talk to them whenever I want.

Before I have this circle of friends in the community whom I am close with. We hang out a lot
and most of the time I am with them. But for some reasons now, and for personal decisions, we parted
ways. This would mean its not like before anymore, the closeness and the vibe are not anymore, the
same. Maybe for boundary’s sake. Because I would admit we have crossed some boundaries before due
to our closeness and attachment. In a way, on a personal level, I was attached to them. Always seeking
for their company. To the point somehow in some occasions, it became one of the reasons of my anxiety.
Others things are neglected because of it.

That’s why for now, I am slowly distancing myself from them, to work on my attachment issues.

I remember last semester, in one of my anxiety episodes. I somehow withdrawn myself from my
friends and community. and I know it made an impact on the relationship and in the whole dynamics of
the community.


Take some time to consider your own deepest source of meaning and purpose. What moves you? What
are your passions? Do you experience enough beauty in your life? Do you have a clear sense of
connection to what’s most important to you?
I anchor my sense or source of meaning and purpose in my calling and to the One who called. I
was able to surrender everything. I abandon my job and left my family to heed the call. This is how
important my calling now. Everything that is happening in my life now, I always view it line with what I
want – in how it connects and relates to my calling.

I could consider my connection to my inner self as one my passions. My connection to myself

drives me to decide on whatever to do next. I always give time to silent reflection and introspection
especially dealing with major events in my life.

Looking back on how my life turned and how my life is doing right now, in connection to my
calling and to the purpose I believe I must fulfill, I was able to appreciate the beauty of it.

Everything is clear to me now. From the things I want to the future I envision. I think I’m on a
right track now, to the place God wants me to be.


Do you deal with any chronic health issues, like high blood pressure or diabetes? Do you worry about
your physical health? What is your relationship with your body like?

As for now, I don’t suffer any health issues. And its not really an issue on my part. I believe I have
a strong immunity to common illnesses.

I always listen to my body. Especially when it comes to its demands like rest and activation.


Do you get regular physical activity that you enjoy, or does exercise feel like an unpleasant chore? Are
there forms of movement you like, such as dancing or walking with friends, that don’t feel like
“exercising” at all?

I don’t have any regular exercise routine but I view exercise as important . and several days a
week, we do our community sports.

But I enjoy dancing and walking around the seminary on a daily basis. Every day, I make it a
point to walk around the house, especially in doing my daily devotionals, like rosary and chaplet of the
Divine Mercy.


What role does alcohol or other mood-altering substances play in your life? Have you had any problems
with drug or alcohol use? Has anyone given you a hard time about it or told you to cut down?

I occasionally drink but I don’t have any problem with drugs and alcohol.

Consider any issues you may have related to food. Do you routinely eat out of boredom or to change
your mood? Do you ever struggle to eat enough, either because you’re uninterested in food or you fear
“getting fat”?

When I am stressed, I usually crave for food but most of the time, I am stressed I don’t feel like
eating. I just shut and sleep. Or when having meal time, I only eat small.

At some point, I wish I could eat better to improve my weight. But not really an issue.


Poor sleep makes everything more difficult. How have you been sleeping? Too much? Too little? Any
problems falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you often wake up long before your alarm, unable to fall
back asleep? Consider anything else that might affect your sleep—kids, pets, neighbors, a partner who
snores, a demanding work schedule, etc.

I don’t have any problem with sleeping. I have enough sleep unless there are times that demands
to sleep late at night, but that is only occasional. But there are times I got to sleep late because of
scrolling my social media. I lose my control when I start to hold my phone navigate my social media

There are times I wake up earlier than my alarm. But I don’t have any problem falling back to


What do you like to do in your free time? Are you constantly “on” or are there times when you can
relax? Are there things you’d like to do more? Think about the last time you felt relaxed—what were you
doing? Do you enjoy certain hobbies and pastimes? Or do your hobbies feel like a second job rather than
restorative downtime? Have anxiety and depression affected your enjoyment of and participation in
hobbies and pastimes?

In the seminary, I usually spend my free time alone. I spend time with myself, something walking
around the house, writing entries in my journal, writing poems, reading, scrolling my social media feeds
listening to music and do things beyond my responsibilities.

If given the chance, I would like to spend more time writhing poems and publishing in several

The last time I felt relaxed was actually last vacation break. Since it began. I was with my family
for vacation. I was able to help them in our mini store. I got enough time to write in my journal, reflect,
write poems and interact with my other friends.

I consider my hobbies as a restorative downtime. They somehow give me the time to recharge
and refreshen my mind and unload and vent out my thoughts.

I remembered last time I was triggered by my anxiety. It affected my doing things I usually loved.
I just wanted shut down myself and escape the realities of life by sleeping most of the time.

Are you able to take care of your daily responsibilities? Are there any issues between you and your
partner or roommate(s) about how chores are divided? Write any relevant issues below.

I am thankful enough to be able to be mindful of my responsibilities in the community. Conflicts

and occasional unfulfilled tasks in the community are normal. The only issue I have with regards to
responsibilities in the community is on not being mindful of others in their duties and not acting upon on
some reminders.


1. Feel less anxious and manage well my stress

2. Eat well
3. Interact more with the brothers
4. Discipline with regards to cellphone usage
5. Get enough sleep
6. Get time to exercise

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