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1. What should every country do to become information rich?

“Digital divide” terminology: “the gap between those people who have Internet access and those
who do not” Collins English Dictionary(2003).

Information is a commodity which is bought and sold.

Information Rich stands for a new elite within the information society. information rich is the
one who gains access to information throughout new technologies and therefore participate
actively to the social, political, cultural and economical life.

They are involved into

 acquiring and processing information

 using web 2.0 online applications,

 producing personalised journals on community platforms

 ,elaborating group discussions in forums with a certain level of knowledgeable


 acting at manager levels

 protagonists of this ever-growing information and technology society

Information poor cannot access computers and Internet resources and therefore are
disadvantaged, falling into a an unequal position compared to the information rich.

"The limit is the sky” would be a perfect slogan on our planet where every active user would
have become information rich.

As a result one country can become information rich by doing those things:-

 Have good access to infromation especially online

 Educate how we can use and actively participate in technology to get infromation in live
country people like mobile phone, computer , socail media and other
 Expand idea of technology.
 The country needs to become developed interms of economy and technology.
 The country should be industralised.
 Introducing children to ict beginning from kindergarten
 The government has to be more concerned and allocate budget for the ICT sector.

2. How can make speed up a slower computer?

Slow computer is inconvinient for doing our regular tasks on it. If our computer becomes stuck
and complicated we can speed it up by these method.

 Freeing up disk space

Computer can be slow if not much space is left on the drive.Here are a few quick ways you can
free up some space:

 Uninstall any unnecessary or unused software; many computers come with

programs you might not use.
 Delete files you no longer need.
 Use an external storage for larger files and media.
 using some built-in tools
 Defragmenting your hard drive
 Adding more RAM
Because (If you don't have enough RAM, your computer will slow down quite a
bit when you have too many programs running).
 Updating your drivers

Drivers are basically programs that tell your computer how to use these devices. If
these drivers are out of date, they can slow down your computer and prevent these
devices from functioning properly. If this happens, they need to be updated.

 Managing startup processes

 Checking for viruses and spyware
The best way to prevent and deal with them is to use antivirus software.

3. Write and explain advantage and disadvantage of satellite communication.

Satellite communication is transporting information from one place to another using a

communication satellite in orbit around the Earth.
Advantages of satellite communications
➨It is used for mobile and wireless communication applications independent of location.
➨It covers wide area of the earth hence entire country or region can be covered with just one
➨It provides wider bandwidth based on SCPC or MCPC allocation types.
➨It co-exists with terrestrial microwave line of sight communication.
➨It is easy to install and manage the ground station sites.
➨It does not incur much of the costs per VSAT site.
➨It is used for voice, data, video and any other information transmission. Satellite system can be
interfaced with internet infrastructure to obtain internet service. It is also used for GPS
applications in various mobile devices for location determination.
➨It is easy to obtain service from one single provider and uniform service is available.
➨It has small fading margin on the order of about 3dB.
➨It is used in wide variety of applications which include weather forecasting, radio/TV signal
broadcasting, gathering intelligence in military, navigation of ships and aircrafts, global mobile
communication, connecting remote areas etc.
➨LEO and MEO satellite types have lower propagation delay and lower losses compare to GEO
satellite. This will help them to be used for global coverage.

Disadvantages of Satellite Communication

➨Satellite manufacturing requires more time. Moreover satellite design and development
requires higher cost.
➨Satellite once launched, requires to be monitored and controlled on regular periods so that it
remains in the orbit.
➨Satellite has life which is about 12-15 years. Due to this fact, another launch has to be planned
before it becomes un-operational.
➨Redundant components are used in the network design. This incur more cost in the installation
4. When sudden power failure occurred UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) works as a power
back up. These UPS are used to protect computers, data centers from loss of current works.
When power failure happened it makes beep sound to notify the user and it gives back up power
supply for 15 – 20 minutes (This depends on the UPS). During this time user can save their
current tasks and shut down the computer properly. But if the computer needs to be work even in
a power failure generator needs to use. Currently, the companies, offices, and shops are using
both UPS and generators.

To prevent computers from high voltage current or electric shock, a fuse is used in computer
plugs. These fuses are used not only computers but also we can see them in many home
appliances. The main electricity supply contains a set of fuses as well. All these precautions are
taken to protect your home appliances. You can ask from parent’s other home appliances
contains the fuses.

4. How preventing computer from electrical power problems?

5. Explain possible problems that may occur with power supply and the use of

stabilizers and UPS.

6. Discuss the use of defragmenter and disk cleanup to improve hard disk


7. Explain the concept of data compression and give some example.

8. What is spreadsheet? Describe IF condition with AND or OR in Excel 2010.

7 Explain the concept of data compression and give some examples.

Data compression is the process of encoding, modifying or converting the bit structure of data in such
way that it consumes less space on disk. It enables reducing the storage size of one or more data
instances and sending quickly over a network or the internet.

Data compression is also known as source coding or bit rate reduction.

Data compression has wide implementation in computing services and solutions, specifically Data
communications, data compression work through several compressing techniques and software
solutions that utilize data compression algorithms to reduce data size. a common data compression
technique replace and remove repetitive data elements and symbols to reduce the data size. Data
compression for graphical data can be lossy and lossless compression.

Lossy is derived from the word loss which defines the primary objective of this technique which is
deliberate discarding of some data in the process. This method filters and discards needless and
redundant data to reduce the amount of data being compressed and later being executed on a

Lossless compression involves compressing data in such way that the original data set is fully
reconstructed upon reversal of compression.

This is in contrast to lossy compression where some data maybe lost in the reversal process.

8, what is spread sheet and give examples of IF conditions AND, OR ….

Spread sheet is a tool (computer program) that is used to store, manipulate, analyse and display
information in a two dimensional grid data in the form that it can be searched, stored, calculated and
used in variety of charts and graphs.

Spread sheet is generally designed to hold numerical data and short text, strings. What makes this
software program unique is the ability to calculate values using mathematical formulas and the data in

The IF function is one of the most popular functions in excel and it allows us to make logical comparisons
between a value of what we expect. If statement can have two results, the first is if the condition given
id true, the second one is if the statement is false.

It is used to test for specific condition.

Syntax= IF (Logical test, [value is true], [value is false])

If it’s needed to test multiple conditions it is possible to combine AND, OR and other logical functions.
Even though these functions can be used on their own, it is much more common to see them paired
with IF functions.

AND –returns true if all arguments are true and returns false if one or more arguments are false.

Syntax- =AND (C1, C2)

When combined with IF - = (AND (C1, C2), V.T, V.F)

OR-returns true if at least one of the arguments is true, returns false if all the arguments are false.

Syntax-=OR (C1, C2)

When combined with IF -=IF (OR (C1, C2), V.T, V.F)

NB: - It is possible to test for 1-255 conditions in these functions.

5, Explain possible problems that may occur with power supply and the use of stabilizers and UPS.

Power supply:-is a device that provides components with electric power. The power supply unit
converts main AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a computer are
generally located in rear of the computer case, along with at least one fan.

These are common cause of power supply problems

 voltage and current issues at the input and output-maybe above or below needed
 reversed polarity-means the outlet has been wired incorrectly, altering the flow of electricity
 Temperature issue-problem can be caused when temperature drops (causing the system to
work under a big load and stress do to the melts contraction which can cause the parts to fail)
or get to high (can cause the supply to overheat which leads to system failure and certain
component damage).
 missing external components-like an external switch located at the rear of the unit

These are the problems caused by the above reasons

1. voltage spike or sustained overvoltage

2. momentary or sustained reduction in input voltage
3. noise, defined as a high frequency transient or oscillation, usually injected into the line by
nearby equipment
4. instability of the mains frequency
5. harmonic distortion: defined as a departure from the ideal sinusoidal waveform expected on
the line.

Use of stabilizer and UPS

Stabilizer-it’s main use is to provide constant voltage to a load even during voltage fluctuations. It also
recognizes the voltage fluctuations in the utility and regulated it internally to a consistent range of
output voltage.

UPS-(uninterruptible power supply) is used to protect

critical loads from utility-supplied power problems, including
spikes, brownouts, fluctuations and power outages.

The primary role of any UPS is to provide short-term power when the input power sources fails.
However most UPS units are also capable in varying degrees of correcting common utility problems
6, Discuss the use of defragmenter and disk cleanup to improve hard disk performance.

Defragmentation is the process of finding and consolidating fragmented files.

Disk defragmenter consolidates the fragments (the scattered files on your hard disk) to one location
and recognizes them as contiguous files.

As a result-

 Window accesses files faster

 New files are less likely to be fragmented
 The drive’s operation will speed up

Disk cleanup- helps to free up space on your hard disk, creating improved system performance. Disk
cleanup searches your disk and then shows temporary files and unnecessary program files that can
safely delete.

Disk cleanup gets rid of files you no longer need, creating more space. If you run backup, it won’t copy
these dead files so backups will run faster

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