Project Managment Domain-ASMCI and OE

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Annex I.

1: Sample list of probing questions for project management domain, knowledge area processes, process groups and project management organizational enablers

Capability level Step/stage of improvement Level of implementation of the stage/step

1- Partially and 2- Partially but 3- Fully, but 3- Fully and
0- Not inconsistently consistency inconsistently, consistently
implement for implemented for implemented implemented implemented
Best Practice Project Project - Knowledge Project - Organizational Ad hoc (not outcomes of a outcomes of a for outcomes of for outcomes of for outcomes of
ID Knowledge area Best practices assessment questions (Sample) Brief best practice description Domain Area Processes Process Group Enabler standardized Standardize Measure Control Improve best practice best practice a best practice a best practice a best practice.
Does the organization have put in place strategy when expanding into new
work areas (both geographically and type of construction works)? Expanding into new area of work or geography needs critical vetting
Does the organization have put in place strategy when expanding in size Substantial increase in scope of work might overwhelm the organization's system.
(considerable expansion form existing size)? Progressive increasing size is recommended.
The manual/guideline should provide the procedures to be followed in initiating,
Does the organization have a project management manual/guideline?
planning, executing, monitoring/controlling and closing of projects
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to phases Construction projects have four phases and two/three transitions. The techniques of
of projects? executing process may vary by phase
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to project Construction projects have four phases and two/three transitions. The techniques of
phase transitions? executing process may vary by transition
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to the In construction project delivery, the client-consultant-contractor coalition efficacy
practices of trilateral governance of project? affects project performance
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to the Construction uses standard conditions of contract such as FIDIC contract suites and
practices of neoclassical construction contracts? PPPA's standard conditions
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to standard Construction uses standard bidding documents and procedures such as PPPA's standard
bidding documents bidding document suites
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to the
different delivery strategies used in construction works? Construction uses different delivery approach (DBB, DB, CM, PPP)
Does the organization have its processes and competences tailored to
Construction has industry accepted codes, manuals, specifications, norms
different standard or practices (codes, manuals, specifications, etc.)?

Does the organization have its 'head office' organizational setup and policy
Construction firms may be organized in different setups
tailored to respond to the needs and efficiency of project delivery?

Does the organization have its 'head office' - project link and policy tailored
Project-firm interactions affect project performance
to respond to the needs and efficiency of project delivery?
Overall Construction Project Management

Does the organization have established organizational project management

Overall project management policy and capability improvement strategy

Construction project management processes (likely grouped under the initiation,

Does the organization have established project management processes
planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing groups)

Does the organization have developed project management process execution Different templates of process executions (scope identification, time duration,
templates tailored to its needs estimation, cost-breakdown, etc.)

Does the organization have developed project management process execution

Different tools including software can be used in optimizing the processes executions
facilitation tools (such as software) tailored to its needs

Does the organization have a process to attract and develop talent and The competence and ethical/professional conduct of the project human resource is
competence important performance factor

Does the organization have a process in place to assure its financial The project financial accounting system and its interactions with project physical
soundness performance

Does the organization have a process in place to assure its overall

The overall project performance monitoring and evaluation system

Does the organization have a process and facilities for project management
The acquiring, collecting, categorizing, storing, etc. of lessons learned from projects
knowledge management?

Does the organization have a leadership and commitment to cultivate

Project culture: The values, beliefs, traits, norms of project working groups
conducive and high performing culture and norm?

Does the organization have a mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers/ The relationship with suppliers and subcontractors (long term mutually beneficiary Vs
subcontractors? consistently changing supplier)

Does the organization track and manage key stakeholders? Key stakeholders (banks, insurance firms, etc.) management

Does the organization track and respond to environmental factors? The tracking and adapting to the national business context

Professional conduct and ethical disposition of the entire work crew and the
Does the organization have processes to ensure ethical practices?
organizational hierarchy

Does the organization have a process in place to nurture and protect its
Organizational reputation cultivation
performance reputation?

Does the organization have established the project ownership process? Responsibilities to overall project performance

Does the organization have established procedure for inter-project resource

Enterprise resource sharing

Does the organization have an entity responsible for instilling and nurturing
Entity to instill and nurture OPM
project management capabilities?

Does the organization have a put in place procedure for monitoring of

Project Initiation

upcoming project (for contractors and consultants) or the need to incept new Procedure to start projects (clients) or tender in projects (contractors/consultants)

projects (for clients)?

Does the organization have standard project initiation documents setting out Procedures that set the details of investigations to be conducted before engaging into
procedures of initiation projects
Does the organization have a methodology in place to prepare project charter Quality assurance should include all ranges of project works: Office work, construction
(including TORs)? works, maintenance departments, supply/stoke management, HR, etc.
Does the organization have defined procedures whether or not to engage in Decisions to start/engage in projects. Strategy alignment and feasibility (technical or
project works (review criteria of engagement)? otherwise analysis)
Does the organization have standardized best practice-based planning Different techniques and detailed outputs are expected for the different phases (and
procedures for each phase of construction projects? transition) planning
An activity is a unit of task for which resources are assigned and productivities are
Does the organization have a procedure to critically define the scope of the determined. It should include the mobilization, camp/project establishment, project
project and convert them into activities to be executed? administration, etc. It shouldn't be equated with bill (BOQ) items
Does the organization have a defined procedure to set quality standards and
Quality assurance should include all ranges of project works: Office work, construction
assign responsibility for quality assurance of the execution of each activity
works, maintenance departments, supply/stoke management, HR, etc.
and overall project works?

Does the organization have a guideline in establishing project organization

setup and staffing (including line of communication, responsibility Project organization and staffing is important for good performance
Construction Project Planning

assignment matrix, etc.)?

Does the organization have experience (lessons learned) databased and best The procedures to be adopted for execution of each activity (including interruption
practice-based methodology determination procedure for each activity, times), interaction between activities, quality assurance procedures, supply management
activity interaction and overall project management? procedures, performance monitoring procedures, etc. ,
Does the organization have database-based (and best practice-based) resource The methodology and the resource assignment should be vetted together. All resources
assignment and planning procedure (crew size, availability needed for the execution on an activity (and overall project interaction and
(in-house/insourcing), productivity, etc.)? management) shall be identified and assigned
Does the organization conduct detailed schedule development based on
The schedule for activities, resources and cost should clearly indicate all details as
accepted best practices and to the detailed required to guide the project's
execution (for activity, for resources, for overall project)?
Does the organization have clear procedure of cost planning (at resource (by
name or plate number or type of material) level, at activity level (activity total The cost of each resource (on the project), each activity and overall project should be
and each resource cost per activity) level, at work package level, and overall established.
project level)?
Does the organization determine cash flow needs on pertinent time basis The cash outflow schedule (by resource, activity, subcontractor, or project) should be
(weekly, monthly, etc.) for each level (for resources, for activity, for overall established to the organization payment period (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) It should
project)? also be sensitive to the accrual mechanism (front payment, proportional and back
Does the organization have a procedure for risk assessment and in project The assumption and decisions made in the planning should be risk assessed to check
planning? their variabilities and impacts
Does the organization have a procedure to synchronize the competing The different components of the plan should be synchronized
planning factors and vet their viability?
Does the organization cross-review the plan with other organizational factors
The project plan shall be reviewed to cross-check with organizational overall setup and
and prior decisions (e.g.. comparing activity planned cost with tendered
decisions. For example tendered price Vs planned price
The plan is nothing if every effort to execute as planned is not exerted
Does the organization show the commitment to execute as planned?


Does the organization supply resources (machineries, materials, staffs) to


Acquire, transport and supply as planned

execute as planned?
Does the organization communicate with projects to ensure execution as
Leadership and communication to ensure execution as planned
Does the organization provide proactive advise to ensure performance? High level follow-up and guidance to ensure performance

Does the organization has standardized best practiced based project tracking The overall project monitoring and evaluation system of the organization (including
and controlling procedures of its construction projects? automation and software based analysis and reporting)
Does the organization has devised processes, setup structures and allocate The organization's appreciation of the importance of performance tracking, measuring,
Construction Project Monitoring and Evaluation

resources for project monitoring and evaluation ? evaluating and taking corrective action
Are the organization's processes and procedures of monitoring and evaluating
The breadth and depth of the organization's performance monitoring and controlling
detailed and tailored enough to collect accurate data and analyze/evaluate it to
reflect performance on projects?
At operation level, monitoring should be operation (by day, by station of work, etc.). At
Are the organization's performance evaluation procedures categorized enough
project level, monitoring by activity. At higher level, monitoring could be by work
to reflect detailed/summary of performances by each level of consumption?
package level. Available best practice based templates can be used.
Are the organization processes and procedures of monitoring and evaluating The format should clearly indicate status of machine (up/down times, under
detailed and tailored enough to collect accurate data and analyze/evaluate it to maintenance/idle, etc.), causes of being down,/idle, productivities of operations when
reflects machineries productivities (by each plat of machine)? up (along with causes of abnormal productivities), etc. Templates can be used
Are the organization processes and procedures of monitoring and evaluating
The format should track state of the material resource, rate of consumption per unit
detailed and tailored enough to collect accurate data and analyze/evaluate it to
produced , causes of abnormal consumption, etc. Templates can be used
reflects material resources consumption?
Are the organization processes and procedures of monitoring and evaluating The format should clearly indicate status of working hour/idle hours, causes of being
detailed and tailored enough to collect accurate data and analyze/evaluate it to idle, productivities of operations when working (along with causes of abnormal
reflects human productivities (by name/ by team)? productivities), etc. Templates can be used
Does the organization have a risk monitoring procedures to identify, analyze Risk register and analysis should be conducted to devise a response to the possible risk
and manage risks? and its impact.
Are the organization's tracking, measuring and evaluation system accessible Project monitoring and controlling should collect accurate and adequate data, store it
enough to adequately inform performances and serve as basis of accessibly, analyze it in such form that they accurately depict reality and inform
improvement? corrective action.
Activity, machineries, human resources, materials, etc. status and progress reporting
Does the organization have a reporting procedures that traces accountability?
procedures should be devised to trace accountability.
The project closure document shall establish the processes, responsible parties and
Project Closure

Does the organization have setout procedures of project closure? procedures to be following in closure of projects

Does the organization has a tracking and signaling procedure in place for Project operation winding down is an important issue as it might entail machineries and
project resources winding down? unused materials demobilization, repatriation (or even dismissing) of employees, etc.

Does the organization have final performance accounting procedures? Completion performance evaluation(both technical and financial)
Does the organization have procedures in place to conduct lessons learned Lessons learned report, when critically devised, will inform improvement for
report , compile and store lessons learned? subsequent project works
Does the organization have setout procedure for contract audit and closure Contractual audit and contract closure
Does the organization have established the " Identify Project Stakeholders"
Identify project key stakeholders other than the project coalition
Key project performance and initiation criteria made basis of planning and performance
Does the organization have established “Develop Project Charter” process?
Integration Management

Does the organization have established the “Develop Project Management Synchronized, comprehensive and critically developed project plans are important basis
Plan” process? of performance
Does the organization have established the “Direct and Manage Project
Directing and managing the project works is through which project works are delivered
Work” process?
Does the organization have standardized “Perform Integrated Change Integrated management and change management is important as part of the plan-do-
Control” process? monitor-act cycle
Does the organization have establish the “Monitor and Control Project Monitoring, measuring, evaluating project works and devising corrective action is
Work” process? important project plan-do-monitor-act cycle
Does the organization have established "Project Performance Reporting"
Performance reporting to the respective hierarchies is important
Does the organization have established the “Close Project or Phase” process? Systematic project winding down and closure is important
Does the organization have instituted integration management knowledge The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
management processes? in integration management issues makes the knowledge management processes
The scope management manual should provide discretions of the procedures to be
Does the organization have instituted scope management manual followed in scope planning, management and monitoring and evaluation. It should be
detailed to provide operational guideline
Project scope management demands critical analysis of project contract documents
(particularly for the construction stage) and needs experience in the type of the
Does the organization Established the “Plan Scope Management” process?
construction work. Appropriately qualified personnel and time should be allocated for
the job

Project requirements are normally stipulated in the contract documents. Critical analysis
of the TORs, the Drawings, Specifications, the Employer's Requirements, etc. is
Does the organization Established the “Collect Requirements” process?
Scope Management

needed. In addition, experience in codes, standards, manuals, specifications, norms and

the organization's operation methodologies is also important
The scope of the works (item of work in activity types) and quantity of the work (in
Does the organization Established the “Define Scope” process?
appropriate units) shall be established. Contracts are the best starting point.

Work breakdown structures (WBS) provide a systematic hierarchical breakdown of the

Does the organization Established the “Create WBS” process? works to the activity (or even operation) level. Experience in the area of the project
nature is important

It is important the work scopes are defined to the required (activity, work package,
operation, etc. level) and volumes/quantities are established accurately. Validation of
Does the organization Established the “Validate Scope” process?
the scope of the works and ensuring that the execution of the said activities to the said
quantities will deliver the said project is important
Construction projects generally have "variation approval" procedures. For internal
control purposes, however, it is important that a scope of works tracking, measuring
Does the organization Established the “Control Scope” process?
and analysis scheme is devised. Scope control should be appropriately detailed (e.g.. by
station, by floor, etc.)
Does the organization have instituted scope management knowledge The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
management processes? in scope management issues makes the knowledge management processes
The quality management policy should stipulate the quality targets/motto of the
organization (such as zero tolerance policy) and provide guidelines for devising project
Does the organization have instituted quality management policy and manual
specific quality management plans. It should stipulate organization wide quality
Quality Management

improvement (including certification such as ISO) the organization adopts

In construction works, generally, contract stipulate the quality standard of the execution
Does the organization Established the “Plan Quality Management” process? of the works. The critical review of these quality standards and devising a compatible
working methodology needs experience, competence, time and resources (effort).
Quality assurance involves devising a system that stipulates procedures, guidelines
Does the organization Established the “Perform Quality Assurance” process?
manuals etc. and capacitating performing personnel to execute jobs as prescribed
Quality control involves inspecting, supervising, etc. of works to ensure that executed
Does the organization Established the “Control Quality” process?
works are accordingly to standards
Does the organization have instituted quality management knowledge The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
management processes? in quality management issues makes the knowledge management processes

The stakeholders management manual should provide the procedures to be adopted in

devising a project specific stakeholders management plans and guidelines in
Does the organization have stakeholders management policy and manual?
stakeholders management techniques to be adopted. It should also establish the
Stakeholder Management

hierarchies of escalating stakeholders related issues

Does the organization Established the “Plan Stakeholder Management” Stakeholders management should be planned with methodologies for identifying and
process? managing stakeholders (templates and recommendations) devised

Aside from the three coalition members, construction works generally have multiple
individual and institutional stakeholders. Key stakeholder identification and
Does the organization Established the “Identify Stakeholders” process?
establishment of their interests is important. For an organization/project, stakeholders
could be categorized as internal or external
Does the organization Established the “Manage Stakeholder Engagement” The actual engagement and management of stakeholders and their interests is important
process? for successful delivery of projects.
Does the organization Established the “Control Stakeholder Engagement”
The tracking and controlling of stakeholders interests and engaging with them
Does the organization have instituted stakeholders management knowledge The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
management processes? in stakeholders management issues makes the knowledge management processes
The organization's risk management policy should provide the procedures to be
followed in devising risk management plans. It should also stipulate the organization's
Does the organization have a risk management policy and manual? risk tolerance as well as the hierarchical decision making (clearances) required in
planning/implementing risk responses. The manual should provide detailed procedures
to followed in devising project specific risk management plans
Planning for risk management involves devising the procedures, templates and
Does the organization established the Plan Risk Management process? techniques to be deployed and allocating the appropriate resources and competence for
Risk identifications, through risk identification techniques such as documents analysis,
Does the organization established the Identify Risk process? brainstorming, expert judgment, assumption analysis, ishikawa diagram, etc. should be
Risk Management

conducted to identify risks. The Pareto principle may be used to focus on critical risks.
Does the organization established the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Qualitative risk analysis such as risk ranking (significance index), fuzzy logic, direct
process? judgment, risk mapping (probability-impact), etc. will help categorize risks
Quantitative risk analysis include the simulation modeling, sensitivity analysis, decision
Does the organization established the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
tree analysis etc. It helps establish sensitivities to risks as well as contingencies. An
integrated time-cost analysis is the recommended approach for construction projects
Based on the risks analysis, the risk response should be planned and responsibilities,
Does the organization established the Plan Risk Responses process?
contingencies and conditions for triggering contingencies etch established.
Risks should be tracked and the devised risk response mechanism initiated and
Does the organization Implement Project Risk Responses? implemented with hierarchical decision of approval on implementing the response.
Tracking risk factors, risk indicators, risk impacts, etc. is important for both triggering
Does the organization Monitor Project Risks? the risk response plan and devising a revised plan
Controlling risks involves analyzing risk events, causes and impacts to revise the risk
Does the organization established the Control Project Risks process? response plan by devising the corrective/improvement action
The collection, compiling and storing of project cost management lessons learned
Does the organization have a risk knowledge management processes? reporting and project risk management tracking data creates an important database for
The organization's procurement policy should clearly stipulate the hierarchies of
decision in procurement, the organization's general guidelines, etc. and should be in line
Does the organization have instituted procurement policy and manual?
with procurement laws (for public entities public procurement laws). The operation
manual should provide the detailed descriptions of the procedures to be followed
Planning for procurement involves multiple processes including identifying possible
Does the organization Established the “Plan Procurement Management” suppliers, preparing procurement documents, deciding on procurement approach etc.
process? For public clients, procurement laws and regulations considerably inform the
procurement procedures to be adopted

Does the organization Established the “Conduct Procurements” process? Conducting procurement involves the actual task of executing the procurement plan
The procurement processes should be monitored and controlled to ensure the
Does the organization Established the “Control Procurements” process?
procurement objectives
The closing of the procurement would be the purchase/delivery of the goods and the
Does the organization Established the “Close Procurements” process?
signing of the contracts, as appropriate
Does the organization have instituted procurement management knowledge The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
management processes? in procurement issues makes the knowledge management processes
The manual should provide operational guidelines for devising project specific
Does the organization have communication management manual?
communication plan

Does the organization Established the “Plan Communications Management” Planning for communication involves devising the communication hierarchy, methods

process? of communication and responsibilities for communication

Does the organization Established the “Manage Communications” process? Managing communication involves executing the communication itself

Does the organization Established the “Control Communications” process? The efficacies of communications should be monitored and evaluated

Does the organization have instituted communications management The acquisition, collecting, compiling storing in accessible forms of knowledge gained
knowledge management processes? in communications issues makes the knowledge management processes
The manual should operationalize the time management procedures to be followed in
Does the organization have time management manual? time management. The manual could be part of the overall project planning and
management manual as opposed to a separate manual
Construction project scheduling is a taxing task. Appropriate resources (competent
Does the organization Standardize the “Plan for Scheduling” process?
personnel, software, time, etc.) and database should be used.
Activities should be broken down to the level that a given operation's method of
Does the organization Standardize the “Define Activities” process?
production, resource assignment and productivity is accurately determined

Activity sequencing is primarily a methodology decision (excluding mandatory

Time Management

Does the organization Standardize the “Sequence Activities” process? sequences). The system should optimize between activity sequencing, interruption,
resumption, etc. to optimally plan the works

Activity duration estimation is just a computation of work volume and crew

Does the organization Standardize the “Estimate Activity Durations” process? productivity. Work volume computation should be contingent on nature of work
(volume changes from bulk to loose and compaction) and possible wastes
Schedule development should be critically established. Competent software with reach
Does the organization Standardize the “Develop Schedule” process? database is helpful. However, the schedule should be envisioned as executable plan as
opposed to software output
Does the organization Standardize the “Estimate Activity Resources” Resource optimization (including leveling) and adjusting schedule to resource
process? mobilization schedule is important
Schedule control by resource, by activity, by work package, by subcontractor or overall
project is needed by different hierarchies of the project/organization. The tracking,
Does the organization Standardize the “Control Schedule” process?
measuring, evaluation/analysis and devising corrective action system designed should
ensure optimum and smooth operation
Time management related knowledge management processes of acquiring, collecting,
Does the organization have instituted knowledge management procedures for
compiling and storing in accessible forms of knowledge/data for improvement is
time management?
important part of the process

The organization's policy should reflect the organization's priorities in retaining talents,
Does the organization have human resource development policy manual developing talents, motivational schemes and the overall human resource development
scheme including hiring, coaching, experiencing, training, educating, etc. of employees.

Human resource need (both number and talent) establishment, the devising of
Does the organization Established the “Plan Human Resource Management”
alternative to acquire the need and devising plan of executing it needs experience,
network and time
Project team acquisition has both technical and legal (human resources) aspects. It also
Does the organization Established the “Acquire Project Team” process?
may have a contractual dimension of the need to hire local personnel
Project teams should be lead, cultivated and motivated to achieve a high level of
Human Resource

Does the organization Standardize the “Develop Project Team” process?

performance and sense of dedication

Projects are implemented through people. The competence, professional ethics and
Does the organization Standardize the “Manage Project Team” process? dedication of the project team is important factor in performance. Establishing a
cooperative and performing norm is important function of the project manager

"Project team work their way out of job". Projects are meant to end. The organization
Does the organization Established the “Dispend Project Team” process?
should have a system in place to gradually reduce work repatriate the project workforce

The acquisition, collecting, compiling and storing of human management knowledge

Does the organization have a procedure in place to acquire, collect, compile and human resources performance tracking data (quality, consumption history, etc.)
and store knowledge in accessible formats for human management? provides crucial database for improvement

The manual should provide operational guidelines for devising project specific
materials management plan
Does the organization have material management manual

Overall material management plan should layout the organization's overall material
requirement identification, source selection (supply management), quality control,
purchasing procedures, logistics and transportation, storage and stock management and
monitoring utilization.
Does the organization have an overall project material management plan?
Does the organization have a procurement, supply & logistics department Supply, procurement and logistics management personnel competence, network and
staffed with competent professionals who can implement the material ethical conduct is important capacity in material supply management
selection ,procurement & delivery process for a project
Material requirement plan establishment (both quality, quantity and schedule of
Does the organization produce detailed and accurate project material
delivery) is the basis of material management. The schedule should cater for possible
requirement plan including material schedule?
lead times between order and supply.
Does the organization have project material selection (alternative material Material type (alternatives) selection procedures and producer (supplier) selection are
types) and source (alternative sources) selection procedures in place ? important precursor of materials purchase and delivery
Does the organization keep list of trusted suppliers for project material Supply management, including possible line of credit, is important construction
procurement? material management practices
Quality control of supplied materials (through tests to confirm satisfaction of
Does the organization have a procedure to ensure material quality before specification, producer certifications, supervising engineer inspection, etc.) is important
purchasing? before ordering bulk purchase
Material Management

Procurement policies (when to conduct competitive tendering, selected comparison or

direct purchase) as well as procedures to be followed in each approach would help
Does the organization have project required material procurement policies instill transparency and accountability also ensuring value for money.
and procedures (that are not wasteful)?
Material ordering specifications and contract terms (such as INCOTERMS) would
Does the organization have efficient material ordering procedures? assist in avoiding mistaken delivery
Does the organization have devised context dependent material purchase Material purchase payment procedures (including Letter of Credit) and trusted
payment approaches and experiences? international transactions systems
Does the organization have a project material delivery (transportations) Material transport, including international transport and custom clearance, should be
options setout in its plan? setout and their efficacy and applicability vetted
Does the organization arrange for proper facilities for storing material at Store/warehouse keeping (preferably with automation to tag materials/spare parts) and
central & project level (like warehouse & store along with store keeping- check stock levels will facilitate decision making. Web-based stock monitoring and
property handover formats) handover auditing systems are better best practices.
Material efficient utilization (at project level) include accurate determination of volume
Does the organization have a monitoring & controlling plan for efficient of material needed to planned (daily, weekly, etc.) of work and monitoring of utilization
project material utilization? of the material for the purpose intended.

Does the organization have a proper material wastage minimization Waste minimization techniques (including possibilities of using by-products,
plan/mechanism? drawings/specifications production to minimize waste, etc.) should be implemented
Accountable tracking of material order/purchase, delivery, store keeping and intended
Does the organization have a stock management plan (including stock amount purpose consumption with organization material handover formats is important in
inventory and devised material handover)? ensuring accountability
Modern material management tools such as like e-procurement, online delivery status
Does the organization use modern technology & software tools to monitor monitoring, automated store keeping, web-based material/stock recording, etc.
the material order, delivery, storing and utilization process? facilitate ease of material management and inventory recordings

Keeping track (or having access to such institutes that do) of prices and material
Does the organization have a database for list of construction materials, sources will facilitate the organization tendering, planning and purchase of materials
material price & source of materials?
The acquisition, collecting, compiling and storing of material management knowledge
Does the organization have a procedure in place to acquire, collect, compile and materials performance tracking data (quality, consumption history, etc.) provides
and store knowledge in accessible formats for material management? crucial database for improvement
The heavy equipment management policy should include conductions for equipment
access decisions (buy/rent/lease), equipment asset management plans (maintenance, up
keeping (and overhaul), storing, etc.) equipment disposal, etc. The policy should also
Does the organization have a project heavy equipment management policy include organizational structure for machineries management. The manuals should
and manual (s)? provide operating guidelines of each processes of equipment management
The selection of the type of equipment to buy/lease depends on many factors
(workload/type, familiar with the machine (in operation/maintenance), spare/after
Does the organization have a procurement, supply & logistics and
maintenance department staffed with competent professionals who can purchase support, price, availability, etc.). The organization's construction ,
machineries, supply/procurement/logistics departments should have the experience and
implement the machineries selection ,procurement & delivery, maintenance
and utilization process for a project/organization? competence to make the right decisions
The management of machineries as asset is important function in construction
Does the organization have established (and competently staffed) machineries (contractor) firms. The organizational setup for the management of machineries is
management organizational wing important organization level decision
The construction machineries requirement establishment should analyze the
Does the organization have a heavy equipment requirement establishment existing/expected workload and type, company available machineries workload and
procedures? status, the market options for buy/rent, etc.
Does the organization have a list of suppliers for a project heavy equipment The list of trusted suppliers (and brands of machineries) will facilitate decisions on why
procurement & rental services machineries to buy/rent and from which source
Does the organization have a project required heavy equipment The machineries insourcing procedures should enable achieve transparency,
procurement/rental procedures accountability and value for money (the prices, operation of the machines, etc.)
Heavy Equipment Management

Does the organization have a project heavy equipment transportation The transportation and mobilization of heavy machineries (including international
procedures transport and customs clearing, etc.) should be considered in project planning
The property utilization of machineries is dependent on the machine condition itself, the
work conditions, the operator capacity, the maintenance procedure and capacity, the
Does the organization have a monitoring & controlling plan for proper project overall project management efficiency (logistics supply like fuel, work sequencing,
heavy equipment utilization etc.)
Does the organization have a proper maintenance facilities for the Machineries preventive maintenance and breakup repairs are important capacities in
maintenance of project heavy equipment at central & project level construction works
Does the organization have a procedure for machineries replacement analysis Replacement analysis of machineries to establish their economic, profit and physical
and decision life as well as alternative comparison and informed decision making is important
Does the organization have a proper heavy equipment spare stock Spare part management (preferably assisted with ERP warehouse stock keeping
management procedures system) would facilitate the supply of spares
The system so devised should enable to determine up/down times, reason for
Does the organization have a proper methodology to monitor & control downtimes, working/idle times, reason for idle times, productivities while working and
project machineries performance reason for working below expected, etc.

The whole chain of machineries operations, machineries breakup, machineries breakup

Does the organization have a proper system (including assigned competence diagnosis, spare part supply, machineries maintenance should be managed for efficient
personnel) that can collect project heavy equipment performance & project machineries utilization
status to provide feed-back and resolve issues resolving issues
Does the organization uses modern technology & software tools to monitor
the project heavy equipment- performance & management process ( such as Automated performance (and fuel and oil consumption systems) monitoring systems
would provide good database for improvement
GPS run monitoring systems)?
As projects windup, it is important that machineries are slowly demobilized without
Does the organization has a procedure (signal) in place to identify the need to
significant wasteful idleness
reduce project machineries and demobilize them?
Does the organization have a database for list of construction heavy Keeping track (or having access to such institutes that do) of prices and machineries
equipment purchasing/rental price & source of supply /rent sources will facilitate the organization tendering, planning and purchase of machineries
Does the organization set strategic policy & procedure with regards to The registering, tracking and condition update of machineries (preferably in ERP setup)
equipment classification, tracking, and conditions up keeping (equipment will enable make accurate decision and analysis on the machineries expected
history jacket)? performances and replacement analysis
Equipment fillet management, including decision to allocate for different projects,
Does the organization have a close enterprise wide heavy equipment (fleet)
should be systematized to achieve the best output form the fleet
management plan?
The acquisition , collecting, compiling and storing of equipment management
Does the organization have a procedure in place to acquire, collect, compile knowledge and equipment tracking data (maintenance history, productivity history,
and store knowledge in accessible formats for equipment management? etc.) provides crucial database for improvement
The manual should stipulate the procedures in cost estimating, budgeting, cash flow
Does the organizations have a cos management manual? determination and cost overall management. It should serve as basis to prepare project
cost management plan
The procedure should tailored accurately estimate cost of resources (on a given activity
Does the organization have a procedure to “Estimate Costs” of projects?
or overall project), cost of activity and cost of work packages and projects
Does the organization have established procedures for the “Determine The budget assignment could be tailored to specific resources (to an employee or plat
Budget” process? numbered machinery) or activity or overall project
The cash outflow schedule (by resource, activity, subcontractor, or project) should be
Cost Management

Does the organization have established procedure for cash outflow (expense) established to the organization payment period (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) It should
determination process also be sensitive to the accrual mechanism (front payment, proportional and back
The procedure should track, measure, analyze costs and causes of discrepancy from
Does the organization Standardize the “Control Costs” process? plan and devise corrective measure. The frequency of analysis should be decided to
quickly trace big discrepancies
The cost control procedure should be equivalent to the detailed level of cost plan (by
Are the organization's cost control system tailored to each resource (by name resource name (plat No of dozer) Vs resource type (dozers), by activity, by subcontract,
or by plat number or by material type), activity, overall project? by work package, by project, etc. depending on cost of controlling, detailed level of
tracking, measuring, analyze and devising corrective action is recommended

Does the organization have established procedure the implement corrective

Once corrective actions are devised, they should be implemented with sensitivity

The collection, compiling and storing of project cost management lessons learned
Does the organization have a project cost management knowledge
reporting and project cost management tracking data creates an important database for
management procedures in place? improvement
The financial management manual should operationalize the processes of financial
Does the organization have financial management manual? management adopted by the organization
The planning of project financial management involves the establishment of project
cash flow needs, identification of sources of funds (Advances, IPCs, Final Payments,
claimable sources from project or loans and other sources), the establishment of time
Does the organization have established the “project financial management frame and procedures for processing of income sources and real sing funds to projects,
plan” process? etc.
The collection and establishment of financial requirements involves the determination
of financial needs of the project (or resource or activity or subcontractor, as necessary)
Does the organization have established the 'Collect Project financial along with cash flow, the determination of he conditions for income for funding's (from
management Requirements process' ? contracts, from load conditions, etc.), etc.
Validating financial management involves confirming the validity of both the expense
Does the organization have established the 'validate project financial and income side of the financial management processes and procedures adopted and
management process' ? checking their efficacy in delivering as planned.
The management of the financing of the project including tracing financial expenses
Does the organization have established the 'manage project financial and ensuring they are used for intended purposes as well as tracing finance sources to
management process' ? ensure that finances are released as planned
Does the organization have established the 'control/monitor Project financial Tracking financial expenses as well as sources, evaluating the actual delivery to the
management process' ? plan and taking proactive corrective action is important for smooth project running.
Does the organization have established the 'close project financial
Financial closing involves the auditing of financial expenses
management process'?
The organization's financial policy should stipulate the procedures in the management
of finances, the accountability tracing procedures, possible engagement needs with
Project Financial Management

financial sources, etc. It may be accompanied by a financial management manual. The

policy and the manual should be in line with the prevailing financial laws and
Does the organization have a company financial management policy regulations
Assessing the projects financial plan and its viability along with possible risks is
important. Sources of finances should be objectively and critically vetted and risks of
Does the organization have project financial viability assessment
delay (or not materializing) should also be critically vetted
The financial accounting standards, preferably contingently designed software based,
Does the organization have project financial accounting standards system & shall follow accepted standards in project financing, accounting and auditing. It should
procedures also be strictly in accordance with the financial law of the country.
Does the organization have a transparent and accountability tracing project A transparent project financing, accounting and auditing procedure is important to trace
financial procedures budgets and instill accountabilities
Does the organization maintain a comprehensive, and accurate project The financial history of projects (by detailed accounting units) is important precursor to
financial history ? evaluate the financial status of the project
Does the organization have a consistent project financial reporting system A consistent organization wide project accounting and reporting system will
& procedures standardize the financial management
The devising of backup plan for potential financial plan misdelivery is important in
Does the organization have a comprehensive plan on how to respond to the project financing. The impact of shortage of finances in project works and the
project financial risks ? disruption and idleness cost it induces is significant.
Determining budget of projects (and among different projects) and prioritizing is
Does the organization have established the “Determine Budget” process? important in financial allocation and management
Does the organization have project financial risk monitor & risk control Financial risk monitoring, analysis and devising corrective action based on the risks is
procedures important function
Does the organization have project financial accounting recording system & A standardized project accounting system will facilitate project financial coding and
procedures analysis as well as filtering and flagging of problematic areas.
The reporting procedures of financial tracing and expenditure accounting shall provide
Does the organization have project financial reporting system & procedures appropriate information for the relevant parties
Does the organization quantify resources & people needed to achieve project The allocation of the appropriate resources and competent personnel for financial
plan management
Does the organization have a procedure of periodic financial performance The use of internal (or external) auditing of projects (as it is done for organizations) is
evaluation and auditing procedures important as it would enable align astray procedures and ensure accountability
Financial management aids such as financial management software based on
standardized project based accounting systems would enable coordinate organization
Does the organization use financial management software
wide projects and their accounting
Lessons learned report collecting, compiling and storing in accessible formats is
Does the organization have procedures for updating lessons learned in important for continuous learning and improvement
project financial management
Organizational safety policy are starting points of safety procedures. Policies can be
developed form available best practices. Policies should include the organization's
safety czar structure within the organization and the procedures through which specific
project based safety management plans are developed. The policy should be inline with
Does the organization have a company safety policy prevailing safety regulations.
Safety manuals should indicate the safety procedures to be employed in execution of
Does the organization have a project safety implementation & management each activity and the enforcement of same. They can be adopted form best practices in
manual safety procedures in construction works and safety regulations
The safety management plan should include the safety provisions associated with each
operations, procedures of operations or safety, procedures of ensuring safety
requirements (such as safety officers), resources needed for safety, timeline of
Does the organization have a project safety management plan implementation of safety, procedures of monitoring of safety related issues, etc.
The first aid and emergency safety requirements of construction works are often
Project Safety Management

stipulated in contracts. Even if they are not, they should be extracted from best practices
Does the organization abide strictly by project emergency provisions and included within the project's safety management procedures
Safety trainings and inductions are important component of construction works safety
management. Attendance of training and induction should be certified before
assignment to work. Some work items (such as handling of explosives) may demand
Does the organization have a safety training plan for project personnel safety certification form authorities
Does the organization have all the required Personal Protective Equipment's Provision of safety wears and enforcing their use at project sites. Checklist of each PPE
for every type of project activities needed and availability of stock should be maintained
Does the organization have project emergency evacuation drill-area and Emergency evacuation routes should be posed at all times and should be kept free of
design sketch which is posted in the project site obstruction
Does the organization have project safety risk register & risk control Risk and safety registering format should be filled and reported
Does the organization have project safety reporting & safety improvement Safety reporting regime, including for concerned authorities, should be instituted
Does the organization have project general safety resources (fire fighting Emergency and first aid kits/resources and personnel should be made accessible to the
apparatus, first aid kits, ambulances, first aid clinic, health personnel, etc.) project site
Project safety monitoring and auditing system should be instituted to evaluate the
performance of the general safety procedures and the response readiness of the
Does the organization have project safety auditing system emergency response procedures
Does the organization have a monitoring & controlling system of the project The organization should track performances of safety management procedures
safety management process instituted and evaluate their conformance to safety need and make corrective action
Does the organization have workmen insurance cover for the project Insurance of personnel for hazards and workplace emergencies may be stipulated in
personnel contract provisions.
Collecting lessons learned and updating safety management toolkits and procedures is
Does the organization have safety project management updates important.
The organizational environmental policy should provide stipulations for the procedures
to be followed in planning project environmental management plans, stipulation to
consider environmental measures into project tendering, commitment to allocate
resources, etc. The policy should also be in line with the prevailing environmental and
Does the organization have company environmental management policy social legal requirements
Project Environmental Management

The manual provides the kits of procedures to be followed in implementing

environmental mitigation measures by different working conditions. It serves as source
document to be adapted to site specific environmental management plan. It can be
Does the organization have a project environmental and social impact prepared from best practices and in line with the regulations in environmental and
assessment (ESIA) and environmental management plan (EMP) manual safety issues in the area of work
The environmental management plan should provide precludes and resources for
conducting environmental (and social) impact assessment (ESIA) for the project,
devising environmental mitigation measures, and developing site (location) specific
Does the organization have a project environmental management plan environmental management plan
The procedures could include payments associated with the implementation of specific
Does the organization have procedures in place to ensure the implementation environmental measures, the allocation of adequate resources and attention for
of project environmental management plans environmental issues, allocation of environmental responsible personnel, etc.
Monitoring of the implementation and efficacy of environmental management plan
instituted for the project and devising corrective action is needed. Checklists of key
Does the organization have environmental management procedures checking environmental and social monitoring procedures ( including camp area health and social
& corrective action implementation facilities) should be adopted
The tracking, measuring and evaluating of environmental issues and reporting
hierarchies as well as escalating the issues to even the concerned authorities is a
Does the organization have project environmental issues tracking and procedural issue that may help insure implementation of adequate environmental
reporting procedures mitigations
Does the organization have procedures to update project environmental Collecting lessons learned and updating environmental management toolkits and
management knowledge procedures is important

The manual should provide the operation procedures of the organization's

contract/claim management. It should serve as basis of devising a project specific
contract/claim management plan
Does the organization have a contract/claims management manual?
The claim management plan should devise the follow-up of project contractual issues,
monitor project issues, discharge project contractual procedural requirements (such as
Does the organization have established the “project claim and dispute giving notice, keeping contemporary records, submitting interim claims, etc.), and
management plan” process? compiling and submitting clams. It also defines dispute resolution procedures.
Collecting claim management requirements involves revising contract issues,
Does the organization have established the collect project claim/dispute highlighting claim inducing issues (to avoid claims), and preparing claim procedures.
management requirements process ? Managing claim involves the actual execution of the claim
The contract stipulated dispute resolution procedures shouldprocedures and managing
also be collected.
Project Claim Management

Does the organization have established the manage claims or disputes dispute issues. Management dispute may depend a pre-requisite of satisfying the
process ? contract stipulated dispute resolution procedures (such as selecting and assigning
Does the organization have established the monitor and control project DREs). the efficacy of the implemented claim and dispute management system and
claim/dispute management process ? making corrective action
Does the organization have established the close project claims /disputes Claim/dispute closure involves finalizing the claimable/disputed issued and auditing the
process ? processed and filling the cases
The contract management policy should establish the procedures, organizational setup,
the resources (and competence personnel) needed for conducting the contract
Does the organization has a contract management policy and procedure management of the organization. Claim submission formats, time requirements and
Contract should also beshould
start with clear review of the terms on the bidding
documents (including the drawings and specifications) and making adjustments for
such items. It should also be view in the context of the project's approved Programme
Does the organization established the "idding ” and "planning" assessment (and hence the Programme developed should be devised to accurately guide
process? operations).
The three most important things in contract administrations are 'records, records and
records' FIDIC. It is important that timely (contemporary) and accurate records of
Does the organization keep detailed project claims record ? project pertinent issues are kept.
It is a recommended practice that contemporary records (and claims) are submitted
Does the organization submit compile and submit claim timely from time to time as issues arrive. The practice of global claim is highly discouraged.
Does the organization implement continuous monitoring of issues related to Monitoring issues related to claim and executing protective measures to avoid claim is
claims an important claim management process
Proper documentation of claim issues and their resolution will help keep database of
Does the organization have a project claim documentation system ? interpretation of issues.
The design management manual should stipulated the procedures to be followed in
design management. It should also entail checklists in checking the quality of the
design processes and design products (reports, drawings, specifications, quantities,
contract documents, etc.). The manual should also provide a guideline to balance
Does the organization have a project design management manual? creative design and follow-up of existing design standards/manual

Design works, as technical issues, need competence personnel, quality procedures,

facilities (investigation, surveying, etc. facilities) design tools (such as design software),
interaction platform (office spaces or virtual spaces) , etc.
Does the organization have quality design input platforms (facilities)?
The design management plan should establish the scope of the design and design
processes to be followed, the responsibilities and interactions (including platforms of
interactions) of professionals, the quality assurance measures of both processes and
Does the organization have a standardized project design management plan products of the design, the time schedule of deliverables, etc.
The design requirement (design brief) establishment and validation will determine the
breadth and depth of the design processes. It is important that the design requirements
are accurately (from employer's belief as well as engineering principles and
Project Design Management

standards/manuals) determined. Templates could be used to critically establish the

Does the organization have a project design requirement identification and design requirements. The need to standardize and the neat to be creative should be
validation procedures and templates? balanced
Managing concept design entails managing the concept design technical processes,
ensuring quality of the processes and the outputs as well as delivering the outputs
within the constraints of time and cost. Technological uses such as 3d modeling, walk
Does the organization manage concept design process in virtual simulations, etc. will facilitate interactions with non technical clients
Managing the preliminary design processes is managing the technical processes, the
technical personnel and other resources to ensure a quality process and output within
Does the organization develop a preliminary design management procedure
the time and cot constraints
Managing the detailed design processes is managing the technical processes, the
technical personnel and other resources to ensure a quality process and output within
Does the organization develop a detailed design management procedure the time and cot constraints
This should entail follow-up of processes, review of documents, checking of
compatibility with need and site, review of constructability, cross-checking of design
Does the organization have project design quality assurance system/ components, etc. Some of these quality assurances could be done using software such
procedures? are BIM

The design processes tracking, measuring and evaluating procedures to devise a

corrective action for any design factors that are not according to plan (or that needed
improvements form plan)
Does the organization have project design reporting system & procedures
The process includes closing design issues and confirming that design are as stipulated
in the requirement and are in accordance with engineering principles as well as provide
Does the organization have a close design processes creative and economic optimality

Design management related knowledge management processes of acquiring, collecting,

Does the organization have instituted knowledge management procedures for compiling and storing in accessible forms of knowledge/data for improvement is
design management? important part of the process. As a knowledge intensive endeavor, design creates
critical knowledge that would facilitate the organization improvements
's ( use
0 to 4
ng PMI- Level of
OPM 3) implementati 1- 2-
Partially Partially 3- Fully, 4- Fully
on of the and but but and
Project Management Domain - Organizational Enablers -Assesment Questions ( Rating 0-4 ) stage/step inconsist consiste inconsist consiste

Portfolio - Knowlegde

Program - Knowlegde
ently ny ently, ntly
Best Practice ID

Program - Process

Project - Knowlegde
Portfolio - Process

SAM Question

Program Domain
Portfolio Domain

Project Domain
Best Practice

Best Practice
impleme impleme impleme impleme


Area PMBOK v5

Project - Process
0- Not nted for nted for nted for nted for

División FO



implement outcome outcome outcome outcome
Rating for outcomes s of a s of a s of a s of a

Scale (0- of a best best best best best
The organization provides 4) practice practice practice practice practice.
Does your organization “Staff organizational project management
Competency Staff Organizational Project Management
1400 Human Resources Organizational Project Management With with an adequate workforce with the Portfolio Program Project
Management With Competent Resources The
Competent Resources”? rightorganization establishes
level of competence foraeach
Competency Does your organization “Establish Project Establish Project Manager Competency process to ensure
project-related project managers
1430 Human Resources Project
Management Manager Competency Processes”? Processes have sufficient knowledge and
The project managers understand
Competency Does your organization “Facilitate Project experience.
The organization
5190 Human Resources Facilitate Project Manager Development stakeholder needs,ensures
impacts to Portfolio Program Project
Management Manager Development”? manager
the overall development.
Competency Does your organization “Manage the environment, organizational
7105 Human Resources Manage the Holistic View of the Project Portfolio Program Project
Management Holistic View of the Project”? structures both formal and informal,
Competency Does your organization “Manage the politics,managers
Project and uses emotional
effectively manage
7115 Human Resources Manage the Environment intelligence to understand and Portfolio Program Project
Management Environment”? project
The environment.
organization provides project
explain others’ action and attitudes.
Competency Does “The Organization Manages Self The Organization Manages Self managers the ability to effectively
7125 Human Resources Program Project
Management Development”? Development manage and develop their
The organization’s project managers
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Competency in Initiating a
7135 Human Resources demonstrate their competencies in Project
Management Competency in Initiating a Project”? Project
The a project. project managers
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Competency in Planning a
7145 Human Resources demonstrate their competencies in Project
Management Competency in Planning a Project”? Project
The a project. project managers
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Competency in Executing a
7155 Human Resources demonstrate their competencies in Project
Management Competency in Executing a Project”? Project
Does your organization “Demonstrate executing
Project a project.
managers are able to
Competency Demonstrate Competency in Monitoring
7165 Human Resources Competency in Monitoring and Controlling a demonstrate their competencies in Project
Management and Controlling a Project
Project”? monitoring
Project and controlling
managers are able toa project.
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Competency in Closing a
7175 Human Resources demonstrate their competencies in Project
Management Competency in Closing a Project”? Project
closing managers
Project a project. are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Communicating
7185 Human Resources demonstrate their communicating Portfolio Program Project
Management Communicating Competency”? Competency
Project managers are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate
7195 Human Resources Demonstrate Leading Competency demonstrate their leading Project
Management Leading Competency”?
Project managers are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate
7205 Human Resources Demonstrate Managing Competency demonstrate their managing Project
Management Managing Competency”?
Project managers are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Cognitive Ability
7215 Human Resources demonstrate their cognitive ability Project
Management Cognitive Ability Competency”? Competency
Project managers are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate
7225 Human Resources Demonstrate Effectiveness Competency demonstrate their effectiveness Project
Management Effectiveness Competency”?
Project managers are able to
Competency Does your organization “Demonstrate Demonstrate Professionalism
7235 Human Resources demonstrate their professionalism Project
Management Professionalism Competency”? Competency
Provide continuous mentoring to
Competency Does your organization “Provide Mentoring project managers on organizations
9120 Human Resources Provide Mentoring to Project Managers Project
Management to Project Managers”? The organizationhas
project management processes.
Does your organization “Establish Career
Competency Establish Career Pathfor all progressivecareer paths
5620 Human Resources Path for all Organizational Project Portfolio Program Project
Management OrganizationalProject ManagementRoles fororganizational
Management Roles”?
projectmanagement relatedroles.

Does your organization “Establish Strong Sponsors actively participate in

1450 Sponsorship Cultural Establish Strong Sponsorship Portfolio Program Project
Sponsorship”? supporting the project.
Does your organization “Establish Executive The executivesstrongly support
5340 Sponsorship Cultural Establish ExecutiveSupport Portfolio Program Project
Support”? theproject managementprocess.
Does your organization “Establish Project sponsors are competent in
8990 Sponsorship Cultural Establish Competent Project Sponsors Project
Competent Project Sponsors”? project sponsorship.
The organization applies processes
Organizational Project Does your organization “Tailor Project Tailor Project Management Processes
1460 Tecnological in a manner
Project that isknow
Managers relevantthe to each
goals Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Management Processes Flexibly”? Flexibly
Organizational Project Does your organization “Know Inter-Project The plans of all projects
organization selects related to of
a core set
1670 Structural Know Inter-Project Plan their own
project projects. This
management allows them
techniques to Project
Management Policy and Vision Plan”?
to explore
which alternative
it adapts ways to
and evolves avoid
Organizational Project Does your organization “Adhere to Project Adhere to Project Management conflicts
2090 Tecnological time. Thewhile still satisfying
organization goals.
also permits Project
Management Policy and Vision Management Techniques “? Techniques
The techniques to be tailoredproject
encourages based
Organizational Project Does your organization “Encourage Risk upon
3070 Tecnological Encourage Risk Taking teamsthe specific
to take needs of
calculated the that
risks Project
Management Policy and Vision Taking”? project. project performance.
The organization educates its
Organizational Project Does your organization “Educate
5180 Cultural Educate Executives executives on the benefits of Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Executives”?
The organization project management.
establishes an
Organizational Project Does your organization “Establish Internal Establish Internal Project Management The organization encourages
5240 Cultural internal community that supports Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Project Management Communities”? Communities membership of external
Does your organization “Interact With project management.
Organizational Project Interact With External Project communities that support project
5250 Cultural External Project Management Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Management Communities management
The organization expertise. Theseacan
Organizational Project Does your organization “Customize Project Customize Project Management include
generally professional
accepted project associations or
5260 Tecnological initiatives.
The organization integratestothe Project
Management Policy and Vision Management Methodology”? Methodology management methodology meet
Does your organization “Integrate Project Integrate Project Management project management
organizational methodology
Organizational Project with
5270 Tecnological Management Methodology with Methodology with Organizational Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision strategic, operational, and tactical
Organizational Processes”? Processes
Organizational Project Does your organization “Recognize Value of processes.
The organizationrecognizes thevalue
5490 Cultural Recognize Value ofProject Management Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Project Management”? of projectmanagement.
The organizationdefines andapplies
Organizational Project Does your organization “Define Project
5500 Cultural Define ProjectManagement Values projectmanagement visionand values Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Management Values”? People in differentroles and
within theorganization.
Organizational Project Does your organization “Collaborate on functionsthroughout
5520 Cultural Collaborate on Goals Project
Management Policy and Vision Goals”? theorganizationcollaborate to
Organizational Project Does your organization have an “OPM defineand
The agree on
organization hascommongoals.
a leadership
7005 Cultural OPM Leadership Program Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Leadership Program”? program for their OPM managers.
Organizational Project Does your organization “Educate The organization educates
7015 Cultural Educate Stakeholders in OPM Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Stakeholders in OPM”? stakeholders
Educate in OPM.
employees on cultural
Standardize estimating so that there
Organizational Project Does your organization have a “Cultural diversity and empower
is consistency them for
in the percentage
7025 Cultural Cultural Diversity Awareness Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Diversity Awareness”? working
applied to insimilar
a multi-activities,
Organizational Does your organization have “Estimating environment.
Estimating Template/ Tools Established consistent
Design andrisk
adopt factors
7305 Project Management Tecnological Template/ Tools Established for Use Across for Use Across Organization also provides aprocesses
management foundation to for Program Project
Organizational Organization”?
Does your organization “Accommodate similar meaningand
accommodate forcomply
Accommodate organization’s approved collected
frameworks during
and and
8900 Project Management Tecnological Organization’s Approved Frameworks and The organization has created a risk- Portfolio Program Project
frameworks and governance structures governance structures approved
Methodology Governance Structures”? after project
aware culture, execution.
advocating that theby
Organizational Project Does your organization “Create a Risk- the organization, such as CMMI,
8940 Cultura Create a Risk-Aware Culture portfolio,
ITIL, COBIT. programs, and projects are Portfolio Program Project
Management Policy and Vision Aware Culture”? Develop
Organizational less riskytemplates
when more forrisks
are being
Does your organization address “Developing Developing Project Management adopted
The project management
organization promotes the
8960 Project Management Tecnological Portfolio Program Project
Project Management Templates”? Templates Knowledge
adherence to Areas to standardize
the Project
Organizational Does your organization “Encourage Organization establishes special
Managementmanagement practices.
8980 Project Management Structural Adherence to Project Management Code of
Encourage Adherence to Project interest groupsCode of project
for the Ethics and
Management Code of Ethics Professional Conduct
management community to improve
to share
Organizational Ethics”?
Does your organization “Establish Project project quality, deliverables and
Establish Project Delivery Tips and project delivery
quality. tips and
provides techniques
9040 Project Management Cultural Delivery Tips and Techniques Special Portfolio Program Project
Techniques Special Interest Group with respective
guidelines for the colleagues.
Organizational Interest
Does Group”?
your organization “Establish Project
Establish Project Management Template The organization
management will invite
templates speakers
to allow
9050 Project Management Tecnological Management Template Tailoring to present
The relevant
controlled topics
customization to
of the
a standardized Project
Tailoring Guidelines
Organizational Guidelines”? project
templates management
amended community.
basedto onhelp
Does your organization have a “Consistent project approach.
9160 Project Management Structural Consistent Project Orientation Process prepare
The result new of team members to along
this prioritization Project
Project Orientation Process”?
Organizational perform
with the their work prioritization
objectives according to the
Does your organization “Use Mathematically Use Mathematically Sound Methods for project defined process and plan.
9180 Project Management Tecnological produces ratio-scale relative benefit Portfolio Program Project
Sound Methods for Prioritization”? Prioritization
Techniques for each project candidate so they
can be compared meaningfully.
Objectives of projects include
Project Success Does your organization “Include Strategic Include Strategic Goals Into Project
1540 Cultural explicit strategic goals in addition to Project
Criteria Goals Into Project Objectives”? Objectives
time, cost, and quality.

The organization has a formal

Does your organization “Record Project
1590 Resource Allocation Human Resources Record Project Resource Assignments process
The for assigning
organization’s resources to
project Portfolio Program Project
Resource Assignments”?
Does your organization “Provide Competent projects and recording
management community assignments.
Provide Competent Organizational
5220 Resource Allocation Human Resources Organizational Project Management sufficient competent resources to Portfolio Program Project
Project Management Resources The organization utilizes resources
Resources”? manage organizational project
Does your organization “Establish Resource Establish Resource Allocation and in an optimized manner matching
9060 Resource Allocation Recursos Humanos Portfolio Program Project
Allocation and Optimization Processes “? Optimization Processes available resources with project and
The organization
program needs. provides adequate
Does your organization ensure that
9150 Resource Allocation Human Resources Specialists are Shared Between Projects staffing with specialized resources, Portfolio Program Project
“Specialists are Shared Between Projects”?
sharing them between the projects.

The organization provides project

Project Management Does your organization “Provide Project
5200 Human Resources Provide Project Management Training management training appropriate for Portfolio Program Project
Training Management Training”? The organization
all roles within theprovides
project hierarchy.
Project Management Does your organization “Provide Continuous continuous training in the use of
5210 Human Resources Provide Continuous Training Portfolio Program Project
Training Training”? tools, methodology, and deployment
of knowledge.
Organization includes the project
Does your organization have “Project management case studies in the
Project Management Project Management Case Studies
9100 Human Resources Management Case Studies Included in project management induction Project
Training Included in Induction Program
Does yourProgram”?
organization ensure that “Project programdevelopment
Career to ensure success and
of staff key
Project Management Project Management Training is Mapped to
be are made available.
9110 Human Resources Management Training is Mapped to Career Project
Training to Career Development Path The organization
supported establishes a
by trainings.
Development Path”?
Project Management Does your organization “Establish Training Establish Training and Development training and development program
5300 Human Resources Portfolio Program Project
Training and Development Program”? Program to improve the skills of project
The organization uses a project
Management Does your organization “Establish Common Establish Common Project Management
5280 Structural management framework for all Portfolio Program Project
Systems Project Management Framework”? Framework
phases of a project.
Management Does your organization “Certify Quality Independent bodies certify the
5320 Structural Certify Quality Management System Portfolio
Systems Management System”? quality management system.

Does your organization “Establish The organization has determined

Organizational Establish Organizational Project the appropriate organizational
7045 Structural Organizational Project Management structure to support organizational Portfolio Program Project
Structures Management Structure
Does your organization “Adopt Adopt
Organizational Adopt Organizational Project
7055 Structural Organizational Project Management management structure across the Portfolio Program Project
Structures Management Structure
Does your organization “Institutionalize organization. the organizational
Organizational Institutionalize Organizational Project project management structure
7065 Structural Organizational Project Management Portfolio Program Project
Structures Management Structure across the organization.

The organization uses and maintains

Project Management Does your organization “Collect OPM a formal
The organization
uses the OPM
7325 Structural Collect OPM Success Metrics system to
success metrics
the Portfolio Program Project
Metrics Success Metrics”?
performance of
Project Management Does your organization “Use OPM Success portfolio, program, and project
7335 Structural Use OPM Success Metrics Portfolio Program Project
Metrics Metrics”? management
The organization ensures thatand
against plans, OPM
Project Management Does your organization “Verify OPM improve realization
7345 Structural Verify OPM Success Metric Accuracy and benefittotothe
of benefit theorganization.
organization data Portfolio Program Project
Metrics Success Metric Accuracy”?
Thevalid and accurate.
organization continuously
Project Management Does your organization “Analyze and Analyze and Improve OPM Success
7355 Structural improves its OPM data collection Portfolio Program Project
Metrics Improve OPM Success Metrics”? Metrics
The use processes.
project team defines key leading
Project Management Does your organization “Define Key
8950 Structural Define Key Leading Indicators indicators critical to the success of Project
Metrics Leading Indicators”?
the project.

Knowledge The organization collects and shares

Does your organization “Capture and Share
3030 Management and Structural Capture and Share Lessons Learned lessons
The learned from
organization has projects,
a mechanism Portfolio Program Project
Lessons Learned”?
Knowledge programs, and portfolios.
for the storage, retrieval,
Does your organization have a “Project
7365 Management and Structural Project Management Information System dissemination, Portfolio Program Project
Manage- ment Information System”? Organization
and reportingdocuments case studies
of organizational
Does your organization “Document Project Document Project Management Case project
for management
all projects completedinformation.
to ensure
8970 Management and Structural Project
Management Case Studies”? Studies all successes and
Organization has challenges
dashboardsare for
Does your organization “Establish Executive Establish Executive Summary recorded. that summarize project
9010 Management and Structural Organization has created consistent Portfolio Program Project
Summary Dashboards”? Dashboards progress with clear
organizational projectindicators
Knowledge Does your organization “Establish
Establish Organizational Project project status.
reporting standards to ensure
9030 Management and Structural Organizational Project Management Portfolio Program Project
Management Reporting Standards repeatable quality reporting of
PMIS Reporting Standards”?
projects, programs, and portfolios
for all stakeholders.
Organizations adopt organizational
Does your organization “Achieve Strategic Achieve Strategic Goals and Objectives
project management as the means of
7405 Strategic Alignment Cultural Goals and Objectives Through the Use of Through the Use of Organizational Portfolio Program Project
The organization’s
organization performs goals
Organizational Project Management”? Project Management
Does your organization “Analyze Value objectives.
performance analysis against the
8910 Strategic Alignment Cultural Analyze Value Performance The organization Portfolio Program Project
Performance“? performance of itsestablishes
refines process to assess
the strategy and account
Does your organization “Assess the Assess the Realization of Proposed The organization captures benefits
8920 Strategic Alignment Cultural the realization of proposed Portfolio Program Project
Realization of Proposed Benefits”? Benefits enterprise risk (market, financial,
of their portfolio, programs, and
Does your organization “Establish Enterprise Establish Enterprise Risk Management business
projects. and environment) and
9000 Strategic Alignment Cultural theirorganization
impact on reviews the Portfolio Program Project
Risk Management Methodology”? Methodology The
strategy and portfolio, programs,
Does your organization “Establish Strategic strategy, current conditions and
9080 Strategic Alignment Cultural Establish Strategic Alignment Framework and projects. Portfolio Program Project
Alignment Framework”? results
The OPMandsystem
the portfolio
Does your organization “Report OPM components
from accordingly.
the completion of projects and
9130 Strategic Alignment Cultural Report OPM Performance to Strategy Portfolio Program Project
Performance to Strategy”? the realization
Review of benefits
and report back
strategic to the
Does your organization “Report Project Report Project Program Strategic strategy
of project ofand
the program
9140 Strategic Alignment Cultural and their importance to portfolio Portfolio Program Project
Program Strategic Performance”? Performance
performance. assess the performance of
Does your organization “Use Formal project(s) or phase(s) in relation to
9200 Strategic Alignment Cultural Use Formal Performance Assessment Portfolio Program Project
Performance Assessment”? business case used during initiation.

The PMO is using benchmark data

Does your organization “Benchmark PMO Augment traditional financial
8930 Benchmarking Structural Benchmark PMO Practices and Results to comparewith
measures its achieving
benchmarks andfor
current Portfolio Program Project
Practices and Results”?
Does your organization “Incorporate state to other PMOs.
performance in relationship with
Incorporate Performance Benchmarks customers, key internal processes,
9090 Benchmarking Structural Performance Benchmarks into Balanced Portfolio Program Project
into Balanced Scorecard System The organizationidentifies
and learning and
Does your System”?
organization “Benchmark BenchmarkOrganizationalProject
growth using balanced
externalstandards scorecard
againstwhich they
2190 Benchmarking Structural Organizational Project Management ManagementPerformance system. Portfolio Program Project
Performance Against Industry Standards”? AgainstIndustry Standards

Does your organization “Establish The organization establishes

Establish Governance Policies Across the
9020 Governance Structural Governance Policies Across the governance policies
The organization across the
establishes a Portfolio Program Project
Does “?
your organization have a “Consistent Consistent Project, Program, and organization.board over all the
9170 Governance Structural Project, Program, and Portfolio Governance Portfolio Governance Across the portfolio, program, and project Portfolio Program Project
Across the Enterprise”? Enterprise processes across the enterprise to
optimize business value.


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