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he interviewee’s relation to the interviewer: Grandmother

The interviewee’s name: Asharani saran

The interviewee’s age: 68
The interviewee’s profession : retired

The interview started with a pleasant good morning to the interviewee and then the 1st question
was asked to the interviewee: what does friendship mean to you? The interviewee answers the
question with a wonderful thought; friends are the one who keeps you away from danger and
stops you to go in the wrong path.friendship is a strong bonding between two people no matter
what the age,religion,cast is.That bonding which is trustful and true.the interviewer then asked
the 2nd question that is it important to you to have friends? Yes,very much answers the
interviewee quickly. Friends are the most important thing in your life, we should always
remember that when is against you or they leave you, your friends are the one who will always
support you no matter what,hence it is very important to have friends in your question
asked was; how did your friendship look when you were young? In my young age friendship
was very pure and natural. It was playing all the time. The best and most memorable antiques
are old friends.interviewee became emotional and said i still miss my old friends a lot cause they
were the most important part of my life. Then the interviewer continued the interview with the 4th
question, what does your friendship look like now? Friendship now is more mature and religious.
Now I have very few friends compared to before because some of my friends are living with their
children out of the country or state and some of them are old enough that they are not able to
join us,answered by the interviewee.5th question asked was what did your friendship look like
when you were young? The interviewee answered with very interest and excitement; till age 13
it was playing all the time,at that time there was no tension about school and studies and all it
was only playing. We usually preferred outdoor games over indoor ones. After becoming a
teenager my activities with friends totally changed. I loved shopping and traveling with my
friends.what activities do you do with your friends now? Interviewee says now my friendship is
more religious and activities we do now are a lot of kirtan [ kirtan is basically a get together of
ladies where everyone sings and dances together mostly they sing songs about god and

The interviewee consented to her video being taken and acknowledges that it will be uploaded
online. The interview was held on an offline platform. It was held at 3:00 in the afternoon.The
interviewee was thanked for their time and the interview ended.

There is a lot of difference in my and my grandmother’s friendship. That’s because of the

generation and age. Her friendship now is more indoor, chatting, religious where as my
friendship is very active,more of outdoor and many more friends compared to her [that’s maybe
because of the age group of her] at their time they use spend whole day with friends because
they had no other option but for us its opposite, we are less with are friends cause most of us
prefer staying at home and watching netflix.

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