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Nama : Tedi Kurniawan, S.Pd.

No UKG : 201503295405
Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris-PPG
LPTK : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
NIM : 22222299155
Tahun : 2022

LK 0.1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri – Modul 2

Judul Modul English For Personal Communication
Judul Kegiatan Belajar 1. Personal Letter
(KB) 2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi Learning Activity 1: Personal Letters
yang dipelajari A. Definition of Personal Letters
A personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of letter
which concerns personal matters. It is sent from one
individual to his/her friends, relatives, parents, etc.
Personal letters may help you to maintain and build
personal relationship with them..

· B. The General Structure of Personal Letters:

1. Writer’s address
2. Date of writing
3. Salutation
4. Body
5. Closing greeting
6. Signature
7. Sender’s name

· C. Social Functions
To strength the bond of the relationship between the
two parties of the personal letter.

D. The Language Features:

1. Focus on exchanging personal current news,
feelings, and conditions
2. Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past
3. Use of date and address
4. Informal greetings or salutations

Learning Activity 2: Invitation

A. Definition of Invitation
An invitation is a written or verbal request inviting
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
someone to go somewhere or to do something.

Written invitations can be in the form of letter or card

which are printed on paper or sent via mail or email. An
invitation letter is a document that presents a formal
request for the presence of an individual, a group of
people or an organization at an event.

An invitation may be formal or informal, and it can also

be in the printed form or soft file sent via email.

B. Generic Structure
Invitation Letter
1. Invitee/ Receiver
2. Body of Letter
a. Subject
b. Day/Date
c. Time
d. Place
3. Inviter/ Sender

Office’s Formal invitation letter

1. Heading
2. Greeting/ Salutation
3. Recipient
4. The Content of Paragraph
5. Formal Phrase of Invitation
6. Reason of Invitation
7. Complimentary sign
8. Sign off
9. Sender

Event’s Formal invitation letter

1. Host
2. Guest
3. Day
4. Date
5. Time
6. Venue
7. Formal phrase of invitation
8. Reason of invitation
10.Date of RSVP
11.Dress Code
12.Special Note
General Formal Invitation letter
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1. Sender’s Name
2. Sender’s Address
3. Date and letter’s sender
4. Attachment/Enclosure
5. Reference/subject
6. Reciplent’s name
7. Reciplent’s address
8. Salutation
9. Letter’s body
10.Activity’s date and Time
11.Activity’s Address
12.Special Instruction ( dress code, seats position, etc )
13. Complimentary and signature

Informal invitation letter

1. Written in letter form, informal format
2. Writen in first person
3. Salutation is ‘dear’ +name
4. Complimentary close “yours sincerely
5. Date of writing the invitation is given
6. Sender’s Address appears on the left hand side
7. Various tenses used to suit the sense

C. Social Function
Asking or requesting some one to go to a place do
something or participate in certain event.

D. Language features
 Formal Invitation using preset tense
 Informal using various tenses.

Learning Activity 3: Announcement

A. Definition of Announcement
An announcement is a statement made to the public or to
the media which gives information about something that
has happened or that will happen.

The announcement of something that has happened is

the act of telling people about it. An announcement in a
public place, such as newspaper or the window of a shop,
is a short piece of writing telling people about something
or asking for something

B. Generic Stucture
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
Spoken Announcements
1. Purpose of Announcement
2. Detailed Information
- Receiver
- Announcer
- Day
- Date
- Time
- Place
- More Information
Written Announcements
1. Purpose of Announcement
2. Detailed Information
- Day
- Date
- Time
- Place
- Receiver
- Sender
- More Information

C. Social Function
Giving certain people some information of what has
happened or what will happen.

D. Language features
1. Simple present tense, Simple future, No
2. Date, time, and place Event

Learning Activity 4: Advertisement

Advertisment is a paid, non personal communication
laying emphasis on promotion and visual as well as oral
presentation of the sales message.

Generic Structure
1. Purpose
2. Name of product/ Service/ Event
3. Target Reader/ Users

Social Function
1. Giving an information
2. To influence or to persuade
3. To give the impression
4. Communication tool
Language features
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1. Coinage
2. Comparative and Superlative adjective
3. Compound word
4. Simple sentence
5. Imperative sentence
6. Disjunctive clause

2 Daftar materi yang Learning Activity 1: Personal Letters

sulit dipahami di 1. The Closing of personal
modul ini 2. The Conclusion:
How to make the conclusion of the personal letter.

Learning Activity 2 Invitation

1. Types of Formal Invitation Letters
2. Generic structures of different Formal Invitation

Learning Activity 3: Announcement

1. Type of Spoken Announcement
2. Type of Written Announcements

Learning Activity 4: Advertisement

Language Features
1. Compound word
2. Disjunctive clause
3 Daftar materi yang Learning Activity 1: Personal Letters
sering mengalami 1. The Language features:
miskonsepsi The use of tenses related to feeling, conditions,
sometimes not suitable, need to memorize the change
of verb and the adjectives
2. The Language Features:
Inappropriate use of colloquial language.

Learning Activity 2 Invitation

1. The difference of Formal and Informal Invitation
2. Generic Structure: Receiver is not with specific

Learning Activity 3: Announcement

1. The difference of Announcement and Notice
2. The difference of Announcement and
Learning Activity 4: Advertisement
1. Advertisment used for bad propaganda
2. Advertisment made with bad design

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