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Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges

Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City, Philippines
Website: www
Telephone Number: (083) 301-1927 Telefax: (083) 552-3624



Name of Student


Name of Professor

RMMC is an institution of innovative development and excellence.

"Vision is the fundamental force that drives everything else in our lives"

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges is an institution of innovative development

and excellence it ensures the development of the institution and create its originality to
achieve the quality education that everyone desires. Many understand that vision has a
very important role in school improvement. The lack of a compelling vision for schools
continues to be a major obstacle in any effort to improve it. Without vision a school
cannot make that dream for their learners into reality. It is very clear what we all want in
education which are students to be successful, develop their skills and a passion to be
life-long learners, and to apply their learnings into the world to be a better person and
contributing citizens. The purpose behind establishing a shared vision of Ramon
Magsaysay Memorial Colleges is to put it simply, effective and have an originality in the
school premisses. I personally agree on the above vision because schools must evolve
and have their originality and to keep up with the development of the learners that
surround them.

A ‘vision’ is a clear statement of what the school is trying to achieve so that all
stakeholders – teachers, students, their families and community members – are working
together. It is about looking forward and seeking to motivate and unify everyone to
achieve the very best for the students. The vision needs to capture the aims of a school
in its particular context, and guide and inform the preparation of a school development

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges (RMMC) graduate school is committed to

realize human potential through holistic education strategies, including integrated
learning formats and community interactions, Professors and instructors can help
students or professionals to develop a strong sense of self, as well as promote lifelong
happiness and success. By pursuing a master’s degree in education, teachers can
advance their knowledge of holistic education and other innovative learning concepts.
Holistic education is based on a learning philosophy that brings a number of benefits to
students, teachers, schools, and communities. Students are empowered to improve
their educational outcomes and gain the life skills necessary to take on a successful
professional career.

The ultimate goal of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges is to have a

successful organization and all structures are continuously being evaluated for their
effectiveness in regards to student accomplishment. RMMC also emphasized education
in holistic approach. It serves many purposes. Through holistic education, it will ignite
individual with the responsibility of developing and maintaining a just socioeconomic
system, it also empowers students to broaden their society and it also takes up a sensible
and sensitive approach towards utilization of resources. As a result, a teacher is the
driving force behind the educational system, while students are the primary participants in
the learning process.

The Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges sees to it that every student can have

their access to quality, equitable, and the complete education that they deserve. It is
also discussed in its mission the ideal setup for quality education. As a student of
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges, I believe that the school has doing their best for
us to acquire the knowledge and the holistic education they implemented.

Learning never ends and it goes through a constant change. With the changing
demands of learning, teachers must equip themselves with the different innovations in
order to address the needs of each learner. I, for instance have enrolled myself in the
graduate school program of RMMC with the goal in mind to apply my learnings to create
methods and strategies that will benefit the learners, the school and the community. I
will also uphold the goals of our department to realize its mission to give a holistic
education to the learners. That is how I believe I can apply the mission, vision, goals
and objectives of RMMC as a future graduate of its graduate school program.

Upon hearing the word statistics, I always have goosebumps not because I am

excited but for the reason of this subject scared me so much. As I studied statistics all

throughout this course it appeared to be a useful tool which I can apply in areas of statistical

analysis. However, the part of learning statistics is much more important. Having knowledge

in statistics for every learners and teachers is very essential. So, it is recommended that

people from all fields be given the necessary statistical skills.

To sum this up, gaining quantitative skills which we can apply and work on in many

ways, I must say this course is not just teaches numbers but helps us solve a problem in

real life situations. In this regard, I had hoped to gain more knowledge that I can use in the

future. I had also wanted to learn more in interpreting results, collecting and analyzing data,

and drawing conclusions. This course is very essential to us because it has a big

contribution in our daily lives.


Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis,

interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data and also it is a collection of
quantitative data. It can help you develop the ability to think about the structure of data,
hypotheses, and the significance of data samples. The skill sets you develop and
employ in a statistics class can be applied to a wide range of academic disciplines.

Every day, we gather weather data, consider how to dress and what to bring
outside, and make plans based on that knowledge. As a result, we present it to other
people by demonstrating our actions and how we arrange our plans. We will interpret
this as accomplishing the actual thing. We make a mental list of how we would do things
similar in the future after taking notice of what we accomplished.

Statistics is the study that deals with the collection and analysis of data. It is
mostly used to keep records, calculate probabilities, and provide knowledge. Through
numbers and other quantitative information, it aids us in gaining a somewhat deeper
understanding of the world. As a result, we can see how statistics are applied in our
daily lives. We won't be able to forecast when the most recent storm will arrive without
records and formulae. When an earthquake occurs, we won't be able to take the
appropriate safety measures. In this way, statistics provide us with forewarning so we
can better prepare for emergencies.

We can benefit in numerous ways from statistics. One benefit is that it will
increase your knowledge of numbers, including how to solve and calculate them as well
as how to interpret and use them in daily life. Additionally, it can support us in the many
job paths we want to take. Students who are familiar with probability and statistics may
find it easier to use these as evidence in their research.

In the quick-paced world of today, statistics is becoming increasingly important in

the field of research; it aids in the gathering, processing, and presentation of data in a
quantifiable manner. Given that most individuals are unfamiliar with these two
disciplines of statistics, it can be difficult to determine if a study uses descriptive or
inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are those that describe the population, as their
name implies.

Descriptive Statistics is that branch of statistics which is concerned with

describing the population under study and summarize the characteristics of a data set
while To summarize sample, it describes the data that is already known.

Inferential statistics is a type of statistics, that focuses on drawing conclusions

about the population, on the basis of sample analysis and observation. It allows you to
test a hypothesis or assess whether your data is generalizable to the broader
population. It makes an effort to draw a conclusion about the population that goes
beyond the evidence at hand.

For me, its more easy to use the descriptive than the inferential since, the
descriptive is just describe the information collected. While the Inferential, it is making
decision about the population, prediction and drawing a conclusions but they are both
significant in statistics.

Levels of measurement, also called scales of measurement, tell you how

precisely variables are recorded. In scientific research, a variable is anything that can
take on different values across your data set (e.g., height or test scores). Using the four
levels of data measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio, it helps us identify the
what data will be collected and what must we do in the data collected. For example in
the Nominal, what must we is just categorize the data, in Ordinal we categorize and
rank the data, in interval, we categorize, rank and infer equal interval and in Ratio is we
categorize and rank the data, in interval, we categorize, rank, infer equal interval
between neighbors data points and there is true zero point.

In Statistics, data collection is a process of gathering information from all the

relevant sources to find a solution to the research problem. It helps to evaluate the
outcome of the problem. The data collection methods allow a person to conclude an
answer to the relevant question In collecting data it is very important to know if it is
accurate, how it is gathered and how we can make conclusions to it. As a teacher, it is
very important to us in collecting data and presenting it most specially in making our
report in school. For example, about the personal data of pupils, we must ensure it that
the data that we encoded in their report card and in form 137 is aligned to the Birth
Certificate of the pupils.

Frequency distributions are visual displays that organize and present frequency
counts so that the information can be interpreted more easily. Frequency distributions
can show absolute frequencies or relative frequencies, such as proportions or
percentages. The function will calculate and return a frequency distribution. We can use
it to get the frequency of values in a dataset. In financial modeling, frequency can be
useful in calculating the frequency of a value within a range of values. We may
complete our task more easily by using the frequency distribution, both graphical and
textual. To better do calculations, we can distribute the data in a table.

Using graphical representation is very important because it is a form of visually

displaying data through various methods like graphs, diagrams, charts, and plots. It
helps us in sorting, visualizing, and presenting data in a clear manner through different
types of graphs.

And using textual presentation of data means presenting data in the form of
words, sentences and paragraphs. It helps us to present and explain about the data
presented. For example in the Graphical and frequency distribution, to be able to
present the data we can use text/word to show/ explain the meaning of data presented.

Measures of Central Tendency


Mean provide a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data

with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution. To calculate

the mean, add up all of the data points and divide that result by the total number of data

points. Why do we use the mean? The mean is where we list all numbers and find the
middle point. We use mean, the mode and the average. The mode is finding the most

popular number. For instance when listing test scores the teacher will find the score that

is the most common and call this the “middle” or “mode” point. Average is adding all the

numbers together and then dividing by the amount of numbers added. One of the most

effective measure of “Center” of the data. This is simply the arithmetic average of the

values of a variable. While the arithmetic mean is often used to report central

tendencies, it is not a robust statistic. It is greatly influenced by outliers (values that are

very much larger or smaller than most of the values). When describing a set of

numbers, it is convenient to use just a single number to represent that set. This

representative number or “average” sits somewhere in the middle of the set somewhere

between the lowest and the highest number.

Whether we choose the mean, median or mode as the average depends on the

nature of the set and which measure most truly represents that set. For example, if one

number is much more frequent than any other then the mode may give the most

accurate representation of that set otherwise you would avoid the mode.

The mean is the most useful mathematical representation of a set because it

takes every score into account and can be used in other statistical formulas.


he median is the middle value in distribution when the values are arranged in

ascending or descending order. The median divides the distribution in half (there are
50% of observations on either side of the median value). In a distribution with an odd

number of observations, the median value is the middle value. Oftentimes you will want

a single-number summary of a distribution of numbers. Say you want to know what a

typical house sells for in your area, or how long your typical commute is. You'd want a

number that represents the "center" of the distribution. The default measure of centrality

is the mean, but when the distribution is skewed, the median will better match to the

intuitive meaning of "middle". The median is simply the point where 50% of the data is

above and 50% is below. It's a good, intuitive metric of centrality that is good at

representing a "typical" or "middle" value. The median is less affected by outliers and

skewed data than the mean, and is usually the preferred measure of central tendency

when the distribution is not symmetrical.


The mode is the measure of central tendency that identifies the category or score

that occurs the most frequently within the distribution of data. In other words, it is the

most common score or the score that appears the highest number of times in a


I understand how to organize, and present data. In data representation, I use

measures of central tendency such as mean, mode, and median. Mean, median, and

mode are the three sorts of "midpoints." There are many "midpoints" in statistics, but

these are the three most prevalent in my view, and they are undoubtedly the three you

will face in your pre-measurement lectures if the issue arises.

The most essential step in finding the mean, median, and mode is keeping track

of which "average" is being used. Simply keep the following in mind: middle value

mode: middle worth mode: middle worth mode: middle worth mode: middle worth mode

frequently imply: traditional importance of " average " I've used the term "average" in a

variety of situations. The arithmetic mean is a particular meaning of "average" that

entails taking all of the qualities into account and then ranking them by the number of

attributes. I used the more pleasant word since the presumably more familiar with the

notion of "average" than with "measure of central tendency."

Measure of Position/Location

Using measure of location to see where a certain data point or value falls in a

sample or distribution. A measure can tell us if a value is normal, unusually high, or

abnormally low. Positional measurements are used to quantify quantitative data that

falls on a numerical scale. On rare occasions, measures can be applied to ordinal


In specifically, three metrics of position are examined: percentiles, deciles, and

quartiles. I took in these three referenced measures of position that are strongly

associated with one another, albeit they may differ in how they are used to agree on

what is required in a given situation. Quartiles split data from a position request into four

equal pieces. The first, second, and third quartiles are the qualities that separate each

portion, and they are denoted by Q1, Q2, and Q3, respectively.

The lower quartile Q1 represents the value of the variable beneath which 25% of

the instances fall. The data's middle score is Q2. The value of the variable underneath

is in the higher quartile Q3.The value of the variable in the upper quartile Q3 is the value

below which 75% of the cases fall.

There are a total of nine deciles. These divide the appropriation's ordered

upsides into ten equal pieces. Recognize that D5 is the data's middle score, which
corresponds to the next quartile. When dealing with a large number of characteristics or

quantities, deciles come in handy.

Percentiles are the characteristics that split a set of data into 100 equal pieces.

P1, P2, P3 …P99 denote certain characteristics. P50 is the data's midpoint score in

percentiles. Percentiles are calculated for data sets that are exceedingly large.

In general, the measure of position is important in statistics, and especially in

research, because it helps determine where a certain examination or test result


Quartiles are used to calculate the interquartile range, which is a measure of

variability around the median. The interquartile range is simply calculated as the difference

between the first and third quartile: Q3–Q1. In effect, it is the range of the middle half of the data

that shows how spread out the data is. What have you learn about quartiles?

In statistics, quartiles are three points that divide the data set into four equal groups.

Each group represents the one-fourth of the data set. First quartile (Q1), also known as lower

quartile, splits the lower 25% of data. It is the middle value of lower half.

To compute the median, we cut off the data into two groups with equal number of points.

Thus the middle value that separates these groups is the median. In a similar fashion, if we

divide the data into 4 equal groups now instead of 2, the first differentiating point is the first

quartile, the second differentiating point is the second quartile which is the same as the median

and the third such differentiating point is the third quartile


Decile facilitates categorisation of data sets and observations into samples for

convenience of analysis and measurement. The data set is divided into ten equal parts

and will contain nine data points. The purpose of deciles is to determine the largest and

smallest values based on a metric. It is very important to understand the concept of

decile because it is widely used in the field of portfolio management to assess the

performance of a portfolio. The ranking helps to compare the performance of an asset

with other similar assets. The decile method is also used by the government to

determine the income distribution or level of income equality in a nation. This method of

dividing data is used as part of many statistical and academic studies in the fields of

economics and finance.


Anytime that a set of data needs to be broken into digestible chunks, percentiles

are helpful. Percentiles tell you how a value compares to other values. The general rule

is that if value X is at the kth percentile, then X is greater than K% of the values. A

percentile is not a percent; a percentile is a value (or the average of two values) in the

data set that marks a certain percentage of the way through the data. Suppose your

score on the GRE was reported to be the 80th percentile. This doesn’t mean you scored

80 percent of the questions correctly. It means that 80 percent of the students’ scores

were lower than yours and 20 percent of the students’ scores were higher than yours.
Measure of Variation, Skewness and Kurtosis


A summary statistic that captures the degree of dispersion in a dataset is known

as a measure of variability. Variability can be measured with the range, the interquartile

range and the standard deviation/variance. In each case, variability is determined by

measuring distance. The distance between the data points and the center is defined by

measures of variability. Variability is discussed in the context of a value distribution. A

low dispersion value indicates that the data points are tightly clustered around the

center. They tend to fall further apart when there is a lot of dispersion.

Variability may be seen in any situation. Every day, the time it takes me to go to

work changes. When I order the same dish at a restaurant several times, it isn't always

the same. The pieces that come off an assembly line may appear to be similar, yet their

lengths and widths are somewhat varied.

 The range of a dataset is the difference between the largest and smallest values

in that dataset in the biggest and smallest data values. The range is the easiest

measure of variability to register.

Most inferential statistics use variability as both a descriptive metric and an

important component. Variability is a measure of how well any single score or sample

represents the complete population in the context of inferential statistics. The range,

interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation are four often used measures of

variability. Variability refers to how far apart data points are from one another and from

the distribution's center. Measures of variability, like measures of central tendency, it

provides descriptive statistics that summarize your data. The measurement of variability

or the dispersion of data is an essential application of statistics. The standard deviation

and range, for example, are two measures of variability. The standard deviation is a

measurement of how far data deviates from the mean or average score. The standard

deviation might be beneficial for analyzing test results in the classroom. This can

demonstrate how to calculate data in a very straightforward manner.


The range generally gives you a good indicator of variability when

you have a distribution without extreme values. When paired with

measures of central tendency, the range can tell you about the span of the

distribution. In getting the range in statistics we must get the difference

between the high data and the lowest in the given data so that we can get
the answer. It is easy for us to get the range because it only identifying the

highest and lowest data.


For educators, the standard deviation may be a useful tool. When analyzing

study test results, the standard deviation can be quite useful. A large standard deviation

might indicate to teachers that the class grades were significantly different from the

mean. A small standard deviation might reflect anything that contradicts the first.

Teachers might make the assumption that with a small standard deviation, pupils

grasped the subject consistently when analyzing test results. With such a large standard

deviation, the instructor may assume that there is a wide range of student knowledge of

the topic being examined.

Therefore, Patience and dedication were developed in me as a result of this

course. I learned how to take and create time for my studies after our lecturer covered

the measures of variability with us. It was a wakeup call for me when we were given a

lot of formulas and ideas to comprehend. During our lecture with our professor, Ma’am

Marianne Sarmiento, and while working on my report, I realized that every one of us is

unique, with distinct characteristics, capabilities, and ability to solve problems.

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