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The interviewee’s relation to the interviewer: Mother

The interviewee’s name: Swapna Shetty

The interviewee’s age: 46
The interviewee’s profession: Service

The interviewer greeted the interviewee and started off the interview with the first question being
what friendship meant to them. The interviewee answered that it is a bond between two people
where they can openly share their thoughts and feelings. Also that friendship is a
companionship that is very important to have in life. The next question asked was is it important
for you to have friends. The interviewee responded that with a yes stating that it is very
important for her mental wellbeing. It is a relationship where you can vent out with no judgment
and a space where you can seek advice. The next question was what did friendships look like
when the interviewee was younger. Friendship for the interviewee when she was younger was
simply playing with friends and having fun. They would feel free around each other and knew
they could always count on each other if they ever needed help with something. The
interviewee’s friendships now are more laid back. Since she and her friends have very tight and
busy schedules, it is difficult for them to meet up. Hence they dont see each other often. The
next question was what activities did the interviewee do when she was younger. Some of the
memorable activities she would do when she was younger were studying and playing together
with her friends and sharing food with each other. The next question was what activities she
does with her friends now. Whenever she gets to meet up with her friends, they catch up on
what's going on in their lives and also reminisce about their schooling days. The last question
asked was what advice would the interviewee like to give to the new generation. Advice the
interviewee would like to give to the younger generation is to have a lot of friends and friends
from different backgrounds. This is important so that you can get different perspectives or
opinions on whatever you are seeking advice for. Having good networking skills can also get
you somewhere better in life. It is also important to have a good relationship with everyone so
that you can make good memories to share with other people who come later in your life.

The interviewee consented to her video being taken and acknowledges that it will be uploaded
online. The interview was held on an online platform called Zoom. It was held at 4:30 and the
duration was 4 minutes. The interviewee was thanked for their time and the interview ended.

My friendships and my parents’ friendship right now are comparatively different. This is mainly
because she and her friends work, which is why it is very difficult for them to meet up as they all
have busy schedules. However, for me, I see my friends at school everyday and we get to make
tons of memories together.

Friendship had greater importance for my mother when she was my age. This is because they
would always be together. They would study together, play together, go out together. They all
also lived close to each other so she had only one group of friends. Whereas for me most of my
friends live in different parts of the city. Which is why I have two main groups of friends. One
group of friends who live close to me and the other who are my classmates.

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