Vocabulary#2 (People-Idioms) 2

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Idioms/Words/Phrases to describe people:

1- I know that you do not like your job very much, but I
wish you would stop complaining about it all the time. Do
not be such a/an moaning Minnie!

2- Alan is an excellent and intelligent manager who runs

the department well and deals effectivelywith any
problems that come up. Everyone agrees that he is
a/an smart cookie/tough cookie. A clever person who
makes good decisions and good at solving problems in
difficult situations

3- We were having a wonderful evening until Anne joined

us. Why does she have to be so negativeabout everything
all the time? She is such a/an wet blanket/killjoy!

4- Do not be such a/an chatterbox! If you concentrated

instead of speaking all the time, you would get more
work done.

5- If you want some help, ask Imelda. She is always
happy and willing to help out: she is a real 
eager beaver/live wire! (active and hard working)
6- My science teacher, Mr. Burton is a real slave driver.
Yesterday he made us work for six hours without a break,
and would not let us leave until 7 o’clock.

(a person who makes others work very hard)

7- Auntie Rose is such a/an busybody. I wish she would

stop interfering in my private life.

8- If someone's a barrel of laughs, they are always joking

and you find them funny.

Ex: ------- is a barrel of laughs; he often cracks hilarious

jokes that keep everybody in stitches.

9- Fast-talker
A fast talker is someone who is good at persuading
people to do what he wants. A fast-talker can convince
people to believe things that are not true or do things
that they would not normally do. 
Example: When I went to the car dealership, I wanted to
buy a small compact car. When I left, I had purchased a
van. The salesman was a real fast-talker!
11- Fuddy-duddy (only people)/out of the ark (things )
A fuddy-duddy is someone who has old-fashioned ideas
and is extremely conservative.
Example: Old Mr. Smith’s ideas are typical of the 1950s.
He’s an old fuddy-duddy; he even drives an out of the ark

12- Accident-Prone: a clumsy so lots of accidents happen

to them.

- The girl was so accident-prone that she managed to

sprain just about every muscle in her body!
- You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if she returns from
the camping trip with another broken bone–she was born

13- Pernickety (placing too much emphasis on trivial or

minor details; fussy, fastidious, or highly detail-oriented;
giving too much attention to small details that are not
important in a way that annoys other people)

..... She’s very pernickety about her food.

..... He's very pernickety about neatness.

14-VOLATILE: a person who losses his or her temper

easily and suddenly. People who suffer from mood
swings (sudden change in mood; changing easily from
one mood to another.

Someone who is volatile can quickly become angry or


No one likes to hang out with Larry anymore because of

his volatile mood swings; you can never say when he flips
out and starts behaving arrogantly.

...a highly volatile person

15- Loose cannon

An unpredictable person who may cause damage if not
kept under control.

16 – A dare devil:  person who enjoys doing dangerous

A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower
Bridge today.

17- Someone who reads books or

Armchair watches TV programmes about
traveller other places and countries, but
doesn't actually travel anywhere,
is called an armchair traveller.
 A surprising number of
adventure books are bought by
armchair travellers.

18-dressed Someone dressed up to the

up to the nines is wearing very smart or
nines glamorous clothes.
Caroline must be going to a party
- she's dressed up to the nines.

19-Chirpy =cheerful

The chirpy nurse with her bubbly personality was able to make
the sick old man laugh through his illness. 

20-A bubbly personality

someone who is very happy, perky, and often optimistic
21-A ray of sunshine
A happy person who makes others happy; to be warm,
kind, bright; someone who is a delightful to be around

22- UPBEAT pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic;

marked by cheerfulness or optimism; with/in a positive

An upbeat person is a positive thinker and believes there

are always good answers to everything.

An upbeat person is usually in a good mood and is always

seeing the good side to most things. An upbeat person is
a more social person with others and makes others
around them feel better about themselves.

To be upbeat is to look on the bright side of things and to

be happy.
Synonyms: optimistic; happy; cheerful; expecting the
best in this best of all possible worlds

23-Aworry wart= someone who worries a lot, especially

about unimportant things and in a way that annoys other
Ex: My mother’s such a worrywart that if I don’t call her
every day, she starts imagining I’ve been killed in a
horrible accident.

24-Mouse potato=A person who spends most of his/her

free time using the computer and does not have an active
way of life.

25-Scatter brain= a person who tends to be disorganized

and lacking in concentration /they often forget things
and are unable to organize their thoughts properly.

You know me –I’m such a scatterbrain; I can’t remember

where I had placed the tickets for the concert.

26- Squeamish= a person who gets easily disgusted

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