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ARAHAN 1. Kertas mi mempunyai I (SATU) soalan yang dibahagikan

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1TIT 10 13

Read the following five reports that appeared in local newspapers.

Report 1

River in Kajang overflows again

The Star, 24th April 2015

THE Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) had to deal with fallen trees and clear up various parts
of Kajang yesterday after the town was flooded following a downpour on Wednesday evening.

The heavy rain caused Sungai Jelok to overflow and the surge of water gushed out onto the
streets of downtown Kajang making several roads impassable to traffic.

The parking lot next to the Kajang market as well as the commercial area nearby Jalan Jelok 3,
Jalan Bukit, Jalan Tun Abdul Aziz and Jalan Semenyih were flooded with water levels reaching

Water levels subsided some 20 minutes later.

"It rained for an hour and water levels rose to ankle-length but receded in 20 minutes. One of
the trees fell on a surau.

"The flood was not as serious as previous ones," he said.

It had been reported that the flood mitigation project included widening and straightening
Sungai Jelok, building an additional upstream water tank and an allocation of RM550,000 to
address flood-related issues.

Report 2

Flooding in Kajang aggravated by poor drainage, 21st January 2015

When the announcement came that the Sungai Jelok to be widen, expectation among the
Kajang folks was high that the infrequent but regular flooding of surrounding areas will be

But alas, that was not to be. Flood comes as usual after sudden heavy downpour.

The recent flood was one of the worst seen by the Kajang folks and the trend set to continue.

One of the major cause for the flooding is the drainage system through out the residential area
could not cope with the sudden heavy downpour.

In order to cope with the flood, Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) has mooted plan to build
several retention ponds to help ease flooding in the town at the cost of RM 1 million.

According to a report in The Star, former MPKj president Datuk Hassan Nawawi Abd Rahman
said that the Selangor Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) was upgrading Sungai Jelok
by deepening the river.

Report 3

High rainfall, low bridgescaused Kajang flood

The Sun Daily, 7th December 2011

An unusual amount of rain on Friday, low bridges and an incomplete flood wall along Sungai
Jelok in Kajang, had all combined to cause one of the country's worst flash floods in decades.

Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) water resources management and hydrology
division director Hanipa Mohd Noor said a 200 metres section of the flood wall could not be
completed as traders along there were still in the midst of negotiations to move out.

He said the issue has been going on for a year and urged the Selangor state government to settle
it soon so the wall could be completed.

He added that it would take six months to finish constructing the flood wall once the 21 traders
there were relocated.

"If that section of the wall was completed, the flood wont be as severe as what happened,!! he
told reporters after attending the opening ceremony of the 3rd International Conference on
Managing Rivers in the 21st Century yesterday.

On the rainfall, he said 80 milimetres of rain was recorded in two hours during the downpour,
which reportedly started at 3pm.

"This is very high as the normal amount of rainfall is about 40mm," he added.

The flash flood in the sleepy town known for its satay caused an estimated RM2.4 million in
damages with 61 businesses recording losses of between RMI,000 and RM250,000.

Businesses and towns people were caught off-guard by flood waters which rose rapidly.

In some places, the water level reached up to one meter high and inundated a large part of the
town, leaving people there stranded in their homes and offices.

No fatalities were recorded but Selangor Fire and Rescue department personnel rescued nine
people, three of them senior citizens, who were trapped in the waters.
TTTT 10 13

Report 4

DID: Rubbish in drain can cause floods

The Star, 61• December 2011

PETALING JAYA: Do not throw rubbish into drains, rivers or roads as it can have a disastrous
effect during the current rainy season.

Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) flood management division director Datuk
Zainor Rahim Ibrahim said clogged drains and rubbish-filled rivers could increase the chances
of flash floods as the water could not flow smoothly.

"When the water flow is not smooth, it causes rivers and drains to swell and overflow,
especially during a downpour when there is an increase in the amount of water in a short time.

The heavier rainfall during the current rainy season. Zainor said, could cause flash floods even
in non low-lying areas, especially if drains and rivers were clogged.

Thinor Rahim, who visited Kajang yesterday after it was hit by flash floods, said initial findings
showed that water flow in Sungai Jelok was constricted.

"The water was not flowing freely. There were some constrictions, including rubbish that
clogged up water passage in the river and the town's drains," he said, adding that the effects of
development had played a part.

The Kajang town flash floods, which occurred after a three-hour downpour on Friday evening,
caught many by surprise with water levels rising to as high as lm in some areas.

Property and vehicles were damaged with some businesses reporting huge losses.

Several measures, he said, were being taken to improve the river flow and reduce the
constrictions, including raising flood walls.

Report S

Kajang residents want an end to flood woes

Thestar, 17 January

A TWO-hour downpour caused the worst floods in 10 years in Taman Desa Kekwa, Sungai
Chua, Kajang recently.

Retiree Leong Hon Chee said the floods were caused by poor drainage and compounded by
further development in Sg. Chua.

"Now there is too much development in the area but the drainage system has not been upgraded
and this caused the floods," said Leong. He said the only alternative now was to channel the
water to bigger monsoon drains to alleviate the flood problem in Taman Desa Kekwa and
Taman Desa Kiam-bang.

"The existing drainage system is too narrow and shallow, thus causing a backflow."

"This is the first time that we are experiencing such flooding which brought all activities to a
standstill" added Leong.


According to the reports, there are four factors that had all combined to cause flash flood in
Kajang. They are

a. Unusual amount of rain

b. Clogged drainage system
c. Low bridges
d. Incomplete flood wall

Identify and explain one effect manifest from each factors (cause). Use the conventional

Cause Effect
(20 Marks)

Expand your answer in (i) into a complete Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) by

a. Putting the causal relationship identified in (I) into a coherent whole and clearly
label all reinforcing and balancing loops.
(15 Marks)

b. Identify dangles that act as drivers for all reinforcing loops or goals for all
balancing loops and clearly mark them in your CLD.
(8 Marks)
c. Clearly mark a Limit To Growth archetype in your completed CLD. What will
be its pattern of behaviour?
(7 Marks)

iii. Your CLD must consists of several reinforcing loops and balancing loops.

a. Identify one vicious loop from your CLD.

(5 Marks)
b. Discuss how that vicious loop can be turned into a virtuous loop.
(10 Marks)
c. Identify one balancing loop from your CLD.
(5 Marks)
d. Discuss the stability the balancing loop seeks to achieve.
(10 Marks)
e. Explain how that stability can be achieved.
(10 Marks)

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iv. Assuming that the months of April and December received an unusual amount of daily
rain water during late afternoon, sketch the Behaviour Over Time Graph (BOTG) for
water level in Kajang only for the months of April and December. Take into account
the fact that the flood subsided after 20 minutes.
(10 Marks)


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