Tied and Spiral Columns

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Design of Columns

Column – is a structural member that is subjected to an axial compressive loads. It is a compression member

Short Compression Block or Pedestal – if the height of the column is less than three times its least dimension.
It maybe designed without reinforcement. Maximum permissible compressive strength is 0.85  fc’ where  =0.70
(NSCP 2001). If the compressive strength is greater than this value, then the pedestal will be designed to have

Short Column – if the rc column fails due to initial material failure. The load of a short column depends on the
dimension and the strength of the material of which it is made.

Long Columns – if the length of the column is increased, the chances that it will fail by lateral buckling will be

Column loads can be

1. axially loaded

2. eccentrically loaded

Types of columns:

1. Tied Column(square or rectangular in cross-section) – the reinforcement is composed of longitudinal bars(main

bars) and lateral ties.

2. Spiral Column – the reinforcement is composed of longitudinal bars enclosed by

closely spaced spirals.

3. Composite Column – the reinforcement is composed of structural steel shape encased

in concrete reinforced with both longiltudinal and spiral reinforcement.

ACI Specs:

1. Tied Columns

steel ratio g = 0.01 to 0.08

minimum number and size of bar = 4 – 16 mm
Use 10 mm lateral ties for main bars smaller or equal to 32 mm and 12 mm for

main bars larger than 32 mm.

Spacing of tie bars

d.1. not more than 16 times the bar diameter

d.2. not more than 48 times the tie bar diameter

d.3. least dimension of the column.
When there are more than 4 vertical bars, additional ties shall be added so that

every longitudinal bars will be held firmly in its designed position, no bar shall be

more than 150 mm from such laterally supported bar.

The reinforcement for tied column shall be protected by a concrete cover ing cast

monolithically with the core from which the thickness shall be not less than 40

Radius of gyration, r = 0.30 times the overalll dimension of the member in the

direction under consideration.

2. Spiral Coilumn

spiral ratio, g = 0.01 to 0.08
Minimum number of bars = 6 – 16 mm
Minimum size of spiral bar = 10 mm
Clear spacing between spiral (pitch of spiral,S) should not exceed more than 80

mm and not less than 25 mm.

Ratio of the volume of spiral reinforcement to the volume of concrete core

Ag fc’
s = 0.45 [ ------ - 1]--------(ACI Code)
Ac fy

s =--------(actual)
Dc S
Radius of gyration, r = 0.25 times the diameter of the column.

3. Slenderness ratio, Lu/r

when Lu / r is less than 34 – 12 M1/M2, the effect of slenderness ratio is neglected and

the column is safe in buckling. M 1 is the smaller end moment and M 2 is the larger end

when Lu / r is greater than 34 – 12 M1/M2 the effect of slenderness ratio is considered.
4. Minimum eccentricity, e
Tied column, e = 15 + 0.03h
Spiral column, e = 15 + 0.03h

5. Po = service load

Pu = ultimate load

Pn = nominal load

Pu =  Pn ( = 0.70 for tied column and  = 0.75 for spiral column)

Pn = 0.80Po for tied column

Pn = 0.85Po for spiral column

Design of axially loaded columns:

1. Calculate the ultimate column loads.

2. Design the size of the column.

3. Determine the number of longitudinal bars and the spacing of the tie bars using ACI specs.

4. Check the capacity of the designed section.

5. Check the slenderness ratio.

6. Draw the details of the column section.

Derivation of column formula:


Po = service load
Pc = force of concrete

Ps Ps = force of steel

Design an axially loaded column to carry an axial load of DL = 1070 kN, LL = 980 kN. The column has an
unsupported length of 2.2m and carries no moment. Use fc’ = 27.5 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. Design considering
a. tied column b. spiral column

Tied Column, square::

1 .Ag =-------------------------------------------------------= D2
0.70(0.8) [ 0.85fc’ (1 -g) + gfy ]

Where: Pu = 1.4 (1070) + 1.7(980) = 3164 kN

Assume g = 0.015

Ag = 193 166. 52 mm2

D = 439.51mm
D = 440 mm
2. As = g Ag = 0.015 (440)2 = 2 904 mm2
Using 25 mm dia. main bars:
N = As/A25 = 5.92
Say: N = 6bars
Actual g:
g = As/Ag = 6(/4)(25)2/(440)2
g = 0.01521303261 (ok)

3. Capacity of the column (allowable capacity = compressive force)

Pu = Ag { 0.7(0.8) [0.85fc’ (1 - g) + gfy] } note: use actual values
Pu = 3180.15kN  3164 kN (safe!)

4. Design the lateral ties (tie bars)


a. S = 16(25) = 400mm
b. S = 48(10) = 480mm
c. S = 440mm
Therefore use
S = 400mm

5. Check for slenderness ratio, L/r

L/r = 2200/0.30(440) = 16.67  34 – 12 (M1/M2) = 34 – 12(1) = 22 (safe in buckling)

6. Details (Redraw and label the drawing in step 1)

Spiral Column:

1.Ag = ------------------------------------------------------ = /4 ( D2) where Pu = 3164 kN
0.75(0.85) [ 0.85fc’ (1 -g) + gfy
Ag = 193 166.52 mm2

Where: Assume g = 0.015;fc’ = 27.5MPa; fy = 415MPa

2.D = 439.51mm
D = 440mm (round-off value to the next whole number which ends with zero)
3.As = g Ag = 0.015(/4)(440)2
As = 2280.80 mm2
N = no of 25mm main bars =As/A25 = 2280.80/(/4)(25)2 N=6 bars

Actual g = As/Ag (must be within 0.01 – 0.08 )

g = 6(/4)(25)2/(/4)(440)2
g = 0.01936983471 (ok)

4.Pu = Ag [0.75(0.85){ (1 - g) + g fy) } ] where g = actual value from number 4.

Pu = (/4)(440)2[0.75(0.85){ (1 – 0.01936983471)0.85(27.5) + 0.01936983471(415)} ]10 -3
Pu = 3001.14 kN < 3164 kN (not safe!)
Increase the size of the column, D = 460mm
Pu = 3764.44kN 3164kN (safe)

(If Pu < 3164kN, then increase D.)

Activity to be passed today May 21, 2022to the LMS.


Design an axially loaded column to carry an axial load of DL = 1080 kN, LL = 1000 kN. The column has an
unsupported length of 2.5m and carries no moment. Use fc’ = 20.7 MPa and fy = 345 MPa. Design considering
b. tied column b. spiral column

Pitch of spiral s, ( 25mm ≤ s ≤ 75 mm )and Spiral ratio,s
Ag fc’
s = 0.45 [ ------ - 1]--------(ACI Code)
Ac fy
s = 0.45 [ { (/4)(460)2/(/4)(380)2 } – 1 ] 27.5/415
s = 0.01387715511

4As (Dc – ds)

s =------------------(actual)
(Dc)2 s
4(/4)(10)2 ( 380 – 10)
0.01387715511 = -----------------------------------
(380)2 s
s = 58mm (ok)

Where : Dc = Diameter of Concrete Core = D – 2d’ = 460 – 2(40) = 380mm

ds = dia. of spiral bar =10mm
d’ = 40mm
4. Details: Label the drawing below.



S = 58mm

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