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IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

Practical 2
AIM : Prepare Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document for
College Festival Organizer.

Software Requirements Specification document with example

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document that describes the nature of a
project, software or application. In simple words, SRS document is a manual of a project
provided it is prepared before you kick-start a project/application. This document is also
known by the names SRS report, software document. A software document is primarily
prepared for a project, software or any kind of application. There are a set of guidelines to be
followed while preparing the software requirement specification document. This includes the
purpose, scope, functional and nonfunctional requirements, software and hardware
requirements of the project. In addition to this, it also contains the information about
environmental conditions required, safety and security requirements, software quality
attributes of the project etc.

What is a Software Requirements Specification document?

A Software requirements specification document describes the intende purpose,
requirements and nature of a software to be developed. It also includes the yield and cost of
the software. In this document, flight management project is used as an example to explain
few points.

Table of Contents :

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Project Scope
1.3 Definition
1.4 References

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Features
2.3 User Classes
2.4 Operating Environment
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. System Features
3.1 Functional Requirements

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces
4.2 Hardware Interfaces
4.3 Software Interfaces
4.4 Communication Interfaces

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

5. Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance requirements
5.2 Safety Requirements
5.3 Security Requirements
5.4 Software Quality Attributes

6. Data Dictionary


1.1 Purpose

This System Requirement

Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

manage the events in the

party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

about the system and its

functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

related to event to the user in

very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

events According to the

users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

requirements of the software.

This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

provide the readers and users

about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

event .The main purpose of it

provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

will take the users

requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement Specification (SRS) aims to provide the readers and users
information about the system and its functions and specifications describes the data,
functional and behavioural requirements of the software. This software is designed to
manage the festival in the college. This will take the users requirements for about
festival events According to the users requirement it estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole event .The main purpose of it provide services related to event to
the user in very optimize cost.

1.2 Project Scope

Festival Event creation and registration system, end user will have the ability to
either create or register for festival events at college campus, with management of
the system. The system will have separate access for users.

1.3 Definition

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

SRS: Software Requirements Specification. A detailed document listing the

requirements for making the software described in this plan.

SRD: Software Design Document. A detailed document listing expectations and

plans for the design of the software described in this plan.

1.4 Reference



2.1 Product Perspective

The software will be a new independent product, that it, it is not a component of
another program. It is intended for the administration of the management and other
concerned users. The product will import its data from My SQL Database and
use the PHP for its integrated development environment. This information can only
be accessed by the staff members and the manager/supervisor aside from the
developers. All the forms used in the product follows a clear and logical structure.
Errors will be minimized through the use of drop-down buttons and command buttons
to eliminate the excessive use of text input. Management of data includes
searching, adding, modifying and deleting.

2.2 Product Features

 Admin user can search event, view description of selected event, Add event
Update event, Delete event.
 It shows the activity flow of eEditing, Adding and Updating of video.
 User will be able to search and generate report of Volunteer, College, Student.
 All objects are such as (Event, Video, Student ) are interlinked.
 Its shows the full description and a flow of Event, College, Student, Volunteers,

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

2.3 User Classes

College Festival Organizer class diagram describes the structure of college festival
organizer classes, their attibutes, operations and the relationship among objects. The
main class of College Festival Organizer College, Student, Event, Event Manager,
Audio, Volunteers

College Class: Manage all the operations of the college

Student Class: Manage all the operations of the student
Event Class: Manage all the operations of the event
Audio Class: Manage all the operations of the audio
Volunteer Class: Manage all the operations of the volunteer

2.4 Operating Environment

The essential program in a computer that maintains disk files, runs applications,
and handles devices such as the mouse and printer.
Operating environment for the College Festival Organizer system is as listed below.
▪ distributed database
▪ client/server system▪ Operating system: Windows.
▪ database: sql+ database
▪ platform:

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

1. The system will be on a

preselected server, and must
comply with the technology
and spa
ce limitations of that server.

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

2. Additional functionality
may be created, and the use‐
cases comprise the four most
urgent and essential bits of
functionality for the system.
3. None of the usecases can
work without the others – this
all part of one cohesive
in which classes are shared so
that use‐cases may assist other
4. There are technology
limitations – both in terms of
working with the server, and in
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

ng withwhat is available to us.

Microsoft Project, Microsoft
Visio, IBM Rational Archite
ct, and MySQL, among other
programs, will be used to
assist us with the project.
1. The system will be on a preselected server, and must comply with the technology
and space limitations of that server.
2. Additional functionality may be created, and the use‐cases comprise the four most
urgent and essential bits of functionality for the system.
3. None of the usecases can work without the others – this all part of one cohesive
program in which classes are shared so that use‐cases may assist other use‐cases.
4. There are technology limitations – both in terms of working with the server, and in
working withwhat is available to us. Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, IBM
Rational Architect, and MySQL, among other programs, will be used to assist us with
the project.


3.1 Functional Requirements

This program designed to assist managers, event organizers, firms, and other users
whose line of business deals with College Festival Organizer to manage their
participants data in an orderly manner. It shall perform the following functions:
1. Protect the database of the firm by requiring a correct and
2. Registered username and password.
3. Facilitate a step-by-step process of entering, organizing, retrieving, modifying and
deleting data from the database without the need to go the database itself.
4. Add new user information easily.
5. Provide an option for users to update information.
6. Delete existing user information.
7. Present a list of participant codes representing existing users.
8. Display user information in an organized manner for easy understandability.

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6


4.1 User Interfaces

The interface of the software will provide options for a relatively easy data input
processes text-boxes that will be properly labeled. It will also have a user-friendly
view of the whole system with simple and easy undertaking of action-driven
processes as command buttons are functionally labeled. With all these, target
users of this software will relatively find it not difficult to use it.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

▪ Windows.
▪ A browser which supports CGI, HTML & Javascript.

4.3 Software Interfaces

1. Language PHP
2. Database My SQL
3. Server XAMP
4. Editor Sublime

4.4 Communication Interfaces

This project supports all types of web browsers. We are using simple interface for
the festival details.


5.1 Performance requirements

The steps involved to perform the implementation of college festival database are as
listed below.

The E-R Diagram constitutes a technique for representing the logical structure of a
database in a pictorial manner. This analysis is then used to organize data as a
relation, normalizing relation and finally obtaining a relation database.

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▪ ENTITIES: Which specify distinct real-world items in an application.

▪ PROPERTIES/ATTRIBUTES: Which specify properties of an entity and
▪ RELATIONSHIPS: Which connect entities and represent meaningful
dependencies between them.

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5.2 Safety Requirements

Different information is
entered into the database
such as information about
the different caterers,
suppliers and participants.
Mismanagement of
information might cause
participant dissatisfaction
that will eventually lead to
profit loss, only because of
mistakes on giving
information. In line with

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

this, the organizer should

always double check which
suppliers are available.
Different information is entered into the database such as information about the
different users, volunteers(suppliers) and students(participant). Mismanagement of
information might cause participant dissatisfaction that will eventually lead to profit
loss, only because of mistakes on giving information. In line with this, the organizer
should always double check which suppliers are available.

5.3 Security Requirements

The organizers have respective accounts with password that enables only the
organizer/s to login onto the system. Passwords are required so that no one else can
access the system or database. In the case of the administrator, he/she needs to
have the adequate knowledge about maintaining databases should the system
encounter problems. Because the participants and suppliers themselves provide
the information entered into the database, there should be very little problems about
the information entered. However, the organizer should always triple check
every information given. Security systems need database storage just like many other

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

▪ AVAILABILITY: There can be a change in the festival list and information stored
in the database.
▪ MAINTAINABILITY: Software can be easily repaired if a fault occurs.


Login Table : This table stores Login_id, Login_role_id, User_pass, Login_username

as User’s login form.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

Login_id Number Not Null User id for login procedure

Login_role_id Number Not Null User role id for login procedure
User_pass Varchar Not Null User password for login procedure

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

Login_username Varchar Not Null User name for login procedure

User Table : This table stores User_address, User_mobile, User_id, User_name,


Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

User_address Varchar Not Null Unique id generated for every customer

User_mobile Number Not Null Mobile No.
User_id Number Not Null User id
User_name Varchar Not Null User name
User_email Varchar Not Null User Email Address

Permission Table : This table stores per_id, per_role_id, per_module, per_name.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

per_id Number Not Null Permission ID

per_role_id Number Not Null Permission Role ID
Per_module Varchar Not Null Permission Module
Per_name Varchar Not Null Permission Name

Roles Table : This table stores Role_id, Role_name, Role_des.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

Role_id Number Not Null Role ID

Role_name Varchar Not Null Role Name
Role_des Varchar Not Null Role Des

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

Student Table : This table stores Std_mobile, Std_email, Std_id, Std_name, Std_pass
as Student’s Details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

Std_mobile Number Not Null Student’s Contact No.

Std_email Varchar Not Null Students’s Email Add.
Std_id Number Not Null Student’s ID
Std_name Varchar Not Null Student Name
Std_pass Varchar Not Null Student Password

Event Table : This table stores Event_id, Event_des, Event_name, Event_type,

Event_venue as Event’s Details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

Event_id Number Not Null Event ID

Event_des Varchar Not Null Event Des
Event_name Varchar Not Null Event Name
Event_type Varchar Not Null Event Type
Event_venue Varchar Not Null Event Venue

Volunteers Table : This table stores Vol_email, Vol_mobile, Vol_name, Vol_add,

Vol_id as Volunteer’s Details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

Vol_email Varchar Not Null Volunteer’s email address

Vol_mobile Number Not Null Volunteer’s contact no.
Vol_name Varchar Not Null Volunteer’s name
Vol_add Varchar Not Null Volunteer’s Address
Vol_id Number Not Null Volunteer’s ID

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

College Table : This table stores College_id, College_name, College_des as

College’s Details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

College_id Number Not Null College ID

College_name Varchar Not Null College Name
College_des Varchar Not Null College Des

▪ Windows.
▪ A browser which supports CGI, HTML & Javascript.

Event creation and

registration system, end
user will have the ability to

either create or register for

events at locations of their
choosing, with of the system
falling into the uGather
team’s hands. The system
will have separate
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

access for end‐users and the


uGather team. Added to the

SRS Document is the
specific use‐

Event creation and registration

system, end
user will have the ability to
either create or register for
events at locations of their
choosing, with
management of the system
falling into the uGather team’s
hands. The system will have

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

access for end‐users and the

uGather team. Added to the
SRS Document is the specific
Event creation and registration
system, end
user will have the ability to
either create or register for
events at locations of their
choosing, with
management of the system
falling into the uGather team’s
hands. The system will have

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

access for end‐users and the

uGather team. Added to the
SRS Document is the specific
Event creation and registration
system, end
user will have the ability to
either create or register for
events at locations of their
choosing, with
management of the system
falling into the uGather team’s
hands. The system will have

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

access for end‐users and the

uGather team. Added to the
SRS Document is the specific
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to

IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

manage the events in the

party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cos
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

about the system and its

functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

related to event to the user in

very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

events According to the

users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
provide the readers and users
about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

requirements of the software.

This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
event .The main purpose of it
provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize cost.
This System Requirement
Specification (SRS) aims to
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

provide the readers and users

about the system and its
functions and specifications
describes the data, functional
and behavioural
requirements of the software.
This software is designed to
manage the events in the
party. This
will take the users
requirements for about party
events According to the
users requirement it
estimate how much cost are
coming in the whole
IU2041050112 SEUML SEM: 6

event .The main purpose of it

provide services
related to event to the user in
very optimize co


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