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Answer all the questions in this section

1. (a) Give two effects of the revolution of the Earth on its Orbit. (2 marks)

2. (b) The diagram below shows the structure of the Earth. Use it to answer






(i) Name the parts marked P, Q and R . (3mks)

(ii) State two characteristics of the Earths oceanic crust (sima). (2mks)

3. a) State two conditions necessary for formation of a fog. (2mks)

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b) State three factors that determine the amount of solar radiation, which reaches the surface of the earth.

4. a) Explain the relationship between Geography and geology. (2mks)

b) State three reasons as to why the shape of the earth is spherical. (3mks)

5 The diagram below depicts the structure of the atmosphere. Study it and answer the
questions that follow.
Height in kilometers




(i) Identify the marked parts.

X (1mk)
Y (1mk)
Z (1mk)
(ii) State any two characteristics of layer marked X above. (2mks)

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(iii) List three importance of the carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere. (3mks)

6. a) what is folding? (2mks)

b) with the Aid of a well labelled diagram, show a simple fold and on it mark and name.

i. A Limb
ii. Crest
iii. Syncline.

C i) Differentiate between orogeny and orogenesis (4mks)

ii) Give four orogenies known during fold mountain building. (4mks)

a) Name four types of faults. (4mks)

b) Highlight any three resultant features of faulting (3mks)

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c) With the aid of a well labelled Diagram, explain how Rift valley was formed by Tensional forces.

d) Explain ways in which faulting is of significance to human activities. (6mks)

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