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LCS Reflection Jayden Sint-Jans College

My tasks: My task was to be a back-up editor and the cameraman for most of the segments in our
video. I didn’t really communicate because i am pretty akward on that point and I think I have to
learn to be more social at some point. Overall, I think it went well with a little struggle and

My most memorable learning experience is probably teamwork, because these assignments were
probably the assignments that I had to communicate and plan the most, so not only I can film, but
also everyone else. I did learn to make last minute adjustments because of sudden things that
happened in the planning of us three.

What went wel? I think the communication between us three went really well, although we didn’t
really communicate much with the students in India. That is something I will have to improve for the
future. I also think the first zoom meeting went a little akward because the only one that spoke was
Chris and the Indian students. I would want to improve that aswell and I think it went okay for the

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