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Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Centrul

Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare 

Etapa județeană/sectoarelor municipiului București a olimpiadelor naționale școlare

- 2020 

Probă scrisă 

Limba engleză 


• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.  

• Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu. 
• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. 


I. Read the paragraph below and do the tasks that follow. (20 points) 

Wilson was nine years old and living in Washington, D.C., he got excited about the idea of 
expeditions to far-off jungles to collect the sorts of things he saw in National Geographic. He 
decided he would do some expeditions to a park, and he began collecting whatever he could fit 
in a bottle. Originally, he wanted to collect flies but could not get the appropriate equipment 
during those years due to World War II. As he got older he began researching ants. 

Over time, Wilson's collections have grown tremendously. Are they valuable? Wilson realized 
that many occasions arise when people need unexpected things and as the body of information 
on the natural world grows, scientists will have unexpected needs. “For instance, someone 
might say, 'What I need for my work is an ant that hunts underwater and walks around 
submarine fashion and then comes out and goes back to a dry nest. Does any such thing
exist?'  It turns out, yes!” In fact, he says, there is an ant, called the submarine ant, that goes  
underwater to get food in the Nepenthes plant. More recently Wilson has been working with 
younger ant specialists, and they are discovering new ant species at every mountain site. 
Currently only about ten percent of ant species are known, so there is still much work and 
exploration needed. 

A. Answer the following questions, according to the text. 8 points 

1. When did E.O. Wilson get interested in ants? During the World War II.
2. Why couldn’t Wilson collect flies as a boy? Because  he didn’t have the appropriate
3. What did Wilson realize about the scientists’ needs? That those needs are very unexpected. 
4. Who has Wilson been working with lately? He has been working with younger specialists.

B. Choose the right synonym for the words given below, according to their meaning in
the text. 6 points 
1. appropriate: a. near b. suitable c. true d. correct 2. tremendously: a. effectively b.
threateningly c. terribly d. enormously 3. currently: a. actually b. presently c. often d. usually 

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a IX-a secțiunea B Pagina 1 din 3 

Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Centrul
Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare 

C. Rephrase the following sentences so as to preserve the meaning. 6 points 

1. As he got older he began researching ants. 
By ……the time he got older……………….., he had begun researching ants.  
2. “Does any such thing exist?” he asked. 
He asked ……if such thing existed……………….. . 
3. They are discovering new ant species at every mountain site. 
New ……aunt species are being discover….. mountain site. 
II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. 10 points 
You might not think of the ant as a great 1.___warriours___________( WAR), but in fact army
ants exemplify the fighting spirit. They are not solitary 2._____fighters________ (FIGHT).
Instead, they  battle together in swarms of more than a hundred-thousand which only makes
them more  3.___fearce_______( FEROCITY). Army ants use strategies many prey cannot
tolerate. They do not  permit anything to stop them, and as a group can inflict fatal attacks. In
turn, their enemies have  developed strategies to avoid attack. One is to fake their
4._appearence_______(APPEAR). Army ants  have poor vision, so, for example, an insect
might become still, 5.________(ESSENTIAL) 
persuading the army ants that they are a stick or vegetation. The life of an army ant is violent.
However, even though they are 6.____killers_______(KILL), these  ants are important for the
environment. They turn soil and organic matter, and help to provide 
7.___habitats_________(HABIT) for other species. For these reasons,
8.___environmentalists________(ENVIRONMENT) urge governments to protect their army ants
so the ants will  protect the environment. 
9._____Fortunally______(FORTUNE), there are now a number of charities who are working to
raise  10.____awaeness______(AWARE) of this issue. 

III. Translate the following text into English. 10 points 

După ce am ajuns acasă mi-am dat seama că mă gândisem la toate, afară de lucrul cel mai  
important: locul unde se va adăposti prietenul meu. Îmi vorbise de o cabană în munţi, dar 
trebuia găsită această cabană şi trebuia să ajungem la ea înainte de a se lumina de ziuă ca să 
nu atragem atenţia. Planul nostru părea copilăresc: trebuia să urcăm pe munte cărând o duzină 
de pături în spinare, cu merinde, fără să ştim încotro ne îndreptăm, riscând ca prietenul meu să 
se oprească după câteva sute de metri, pentru că nu mâncase de o săptămână. 

After I got home I realized that I had thought about everything, except the most important
thing: the place where my friend will have a shelter . He told me about a … in the
mountains, but I had to find this … and I had to get to it before the sunset/ daylight in
order not to stand out. Our plan seemed childish: we had to climb the mountain carrying
a dozen of blankets, with food, without knowing where we are headed, risking that my
friend would stop after a fer hundred of meters because he hadn’t eaten in a week.
Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. 
There is certainly no denying that, while a holiday or trip to another country leaves you with a 
sense of longing and excitement, moving to another country is something entirely different. 
Speaking from experience, one of the most worrying questions that plays on everyone’s mind is 
always: how will I make friends?! What’s more is that this concept of ‘making friends’ becomes 
even more daunting when a foreign language is thrown into the mix. What if people think you’re 
boring because you can’t contribute to the conversation? What if your jokes don’t translate very 
well and your sense of humour is non-existent? What if you make a horrific grammatical
mistake  that terribly offends somebody? The answer: music. 
It is a long-known fact that music creates bonds. For good reason, many people have fallen in 
love or established lifelong friendships based on a mutual appreciation for a band or genre.
One  of the many benefits of our globalised society is the overlap in music tastes that exist
across  cultures: chart music, especially within Europe, is often the same (N.B.: unsurprisingly, 
everybody in the world loves Ed Sheeran). No matter who you are, or where you come from, 
everyone listens to music in some way.

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a IX-a secțiunea B Pagina 2 din 3 

Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Centrul
Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare 

So: you’ve met people, you’re making friends, but you’ve only just overcome the ‘small talk’ 
stages of these friendships. The next bit can sometimes be tricky. But, I always find, as soon
as  someone breaks the ice with the age-old ‘what type of music do you listen to?’ the
language  barriers seem to fall away. Music is something that everyone can speak passionately
about. It is  also something where differing opinions create interest, not conflict. 

Music is one of the most important forms of self-expression and individuality, but, above all, it is 
a means of communication. Let’s also not forget that glowing sense of pride you feel when you 
introduce someone to a new song that they like (despite the fact that this then makes you super
protective of that song: ‘but I heard it first!’). Music is a universal language that everyone can 
understand, and one that everyone enjoys understanding. Whether you’re playing, singing or 
just listening, your mother tongue and cultural background become unimportant; so if you’re 
ever at a loss for something to say, say it with music. 

I. For each question decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text. 10

1. When moving abroad, music can help you  

A. decrease the level of stress. 
B. boost your linguistic skills. 
C. form friendships. 
D. avoid awkward situations 

2. According to the text, one benefit of the globalised society we live in is related

A. widespread access to remote cultures. 

B. the overlap in music tastes that can be found elsewhere. 
C. the opportunity for economic growth. 
D. mutual appreciation for any band. 

3.The writer says that music may break down barriers since 
A. people listen to it on a daily basis. 
B. it can help you overcome shyness. 
C. there is no conflict of interests. 
D. people tend to speak with excitement about it. 

4.The author claims that music is the primary form of  

A. knowledge. 
B. communication. 
C. entertainment. 
D. relaxation. 

5. Music can be regarded as a universal language because 

A. you can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries. 
B. you can express only emotions of happiness and sadness. 
C. you can convey social status. 
D. it enables you to understand other people. 

II. Starting from the text, write a narrative-descriptive essay about your first live concert 
experience. (180-200 words) 50 points

The sun was shining brighter than always. Me and my best friend were ready to get off
the train that took us to our first live concert in Rome. We jumped from our seats with
excitement and we took a cab to our hotel. The concert started at noon so we had
enough time to check in. Our room was a cheap but a classic one. We hadn’t expected
for it to be as big as it was and the new blue sheets with a floral pattern definitely took us
by surprise. The windows had a view directly to the city center and we could almost see
the stage.

Time passed by very quickly and we found ourselves waiting impatiently in a queue. The
time seemed to pass slower and slower but we got to our seats in the end. The stage was
illuminated by hundreds of blinding lights. The singers were dressed in sparkling outfits
and they sang better than I could ever imagine. Their voices sounded as clear as crystal.
After the seemingly short, three hour concert, we were so tired that we fell asleep
without changing our dirty clothes.

Probă scrisă la limba engleză clasa a IX-a secțiunea B Pagina 3 din 3 

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