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The World War II was a global war of unprecedented scale and devastation.

The conflict began in Europe

on September 1, 1939, and ended on May 8, 1945. This war was especially devastating for women and
children; in fact, it's estimated that more than 80% of all civilian deaths during WW2 were caused by the
Nazis. The war involved the central powers of Germany, Italy, Japan and Bulgaria, as well as the allies
Britain, France, USA and the Soviet Union. This conflict resulted in the death of more than 60 million
people, including civilians and military personnel.

The effects of the war were felt by women and children across Europe as they were forced to leave their
homes or face arrest by the German authorities. In Poland alone, over 2 million women were sent to
concentration camps where many of them died due to poor living conditions.

The children in this time period were also affected by the war; many who survived did not come out
unscathed. Many children lost their mothers during WW2 as well as many others who had been
displaced by the fighting and died from starvation or disease which was spread through overcrowding at
refugee camps.

The period after World War II saw an increase in divorce rates as many couples who had been married
during the war decided to separate due to financial hardship caused by inflation or unemployment rates
which rose after Germany’s defeat at Stalingrad in 1943."

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