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Jonrnnl of Canine Det cloprncnt & Rcscalch 200g

\irl. (5) 7- l0


. Nagarr, GN.purohirr and J.S.r\Iehtal

r..lcpartmcnt of Animal Rcproduction
c,vniiccorogy ancr obstctrics
cotcgc of'\'crcrinary' and Animar scicnc.-, timnci-
i:+ 00r (Rai.)


Rclrospcctivc ada oI thc bitcltcs (rr= I (r'1) prcscu tccl to f h.c

oul.oor gynaccorogy anrl obsrcrrics
bcrrvccrr 9n-i to 2005 rvas donc- Thc
t 'ctcrinar.1.'
i.''.rnr ri.,j,,.;;;r;;r:;;;iacia
(rr= | T), psuccr'prcgn.rrc;- (rr=*Ji. preg,rarrcy,tirrirl ('= r g). vrrgi'ar rrruors
,-.11r",.. i;;;l;'r;;;,,.rr'(rr*_52). ancsr^rs (n*r())
lt.JB9l, 10.3(r?/0. ir.!tlt. 2s.lg.a,31.j9,o,(i.()9?,;and
3'65?i tc'spcctii'cl-t'' The brceds ol'birchcs prr'serrrc,.t
i'cluc[.cl cernrarr sircphcrcl. por,g,r.rrriar,
Danc' D<lbfitttlttt attd rto'ctescript br.-eds. Ar'orrgst cre;rt
rlrc d,vsrocia cascs,.lcrinc incrtia was rhe
ctlnlntorlcll causs tltat was tr.eatcd bv ilrjections
of.orvtocin irrr-:0 lu. im), calciulrr gluconale ancl
rlcx{rt'rsc, ir'losr bircrrcs t.1615r) s.fibring tioru
;r\0,,,r,,:, o|agr arrd courd tre
trcatc(j by irriectiolrs of'prostitgllndin. Howevcr.
a high".;.i;i,;;r;"s-,,,1..u*
lictirrcncl,(22i53i ol'bitchcs hacl ro be
oy.tcr;rtcd bculrrsc o{'rrolr rcsponse ro {hcfapy
ol rclapscs. a t.c,r, (iil2i bitcJrcs clicd cluc 10 tittal
pcrit0nitis dti'ilig or alicr'surgerv. Trlr'sr'isslbL-
r'ugirral ru*Ll' wirs the co'r'r0ncst ( ili
ltuttor lb lltrl cd bi, liLu onra {.lr | 7.} arrd Ipcma (2,, I 7 l7) vaginal

Kc1'\1',rrls: Ilitt:ir carrirrcs, incidcnrc, rc;lrocluitrvc, rrisortiers.

fhc tluc incidcrrcc of rcproducrivc disordcrs Vctcro mcdical rccor-ds of the birchcs prcscntccJ
II l11 canlncs continuc to be sparscly to f hc vctcrinary obstctrics and gl,naccology
dcscribcd possibly bccausc of a Iargc nunrbc.r
clinics br.rwecfl l98i to 2005 we rc scrccncd
of brr-cds, a srrrall numbe r ofbrccding kcnncls
fbl thc type ofproblcm, therapics givcn and th!.
ancl a rclucfant-c of kcnncl orvncrs in clisclosin,r
outconrc of thc thcr.apy,. Rctt.ospcctit,c scrutiny
tlrc incjdcricc of problcrrs. N.1ost of' rhl o1'thc nrcdical records of'rhc bitches (n: l6a)
inlonlatiou cin rcprlrcluctivc problcrns havc rcvcalcd that nrost bitchcs (36.5?,o) r"vcrc fii:rl rhc cascs prcscnted tcl thc rcftrral rc:fcrrrt:d tirr. pliysiolosic rcasons incluctins
ccnirLr (Gatrdorro bt ul .,1993, Bcnnur et ql._
in c I ud.i g, prcgnancy diagrrosis, prcven
2001a: .loscph u a\.,20A5; purohir arrd lr.{chra,
r r
tion oi
nusirttrancc or brccding advice (rotal 25.096).
:006). This paper dcscribes the rclariye Bitchcs brought lbr cstrus relbrcnce werc
ticrlircncics of rcproductivc disordcrs in bitchcs sivelr
advicc t-:n thc basis of r,aginal .ytoiog.r,.
1;rcscrrlcct to thc dt-.pitr.trncnt of vctcrinary Prcgrrancl,cranrinarion could bc ilonc rv;th hrgh
obstctrics and gy,naccology bctu,ccn l9g5 to efficacy fi'onr rhc ycar ?001
100-i ('Lrtrlc I ). ryhen
ul trasonography bccanrc available. pr:evious
iPh.D. Schollr.. jAssi.stant
Profcssor (Sclt-.ctron scrlc)
Jorrrnal of Claninc f)ei,clopmcnt & Rcscarch 200g

lr.'prlrfs (Gandotrir ct al., 1993; Joscph ct al.. trcatcd with t0-20 ItJ of ox.v-tocin (lnj.
?00-5; Purohit and |r.tchra, 3006) also showcd Svntocir:on, Sardoz ludia.). _s- l0 nrl iv of calciunr
that nrtlst ccrturrroul)' bjtchcs rvcrc re lcrrecl to gluconatc (calciurn sandoz, Sandoz India) antl
rcfcrral ccntrcs tbr phvsiologic conditions 200-500 rnl of 5910 dcxtrosc. Whcrr rhis therapy
inclurling plcgl)ancv diagnosis and brccding tailcd to dclivcr all thc pups, oxytocin u,as
aclvicc (33.7 % and ?B.29zii rcspcctivclv, Joseph rcpc'atccl but a spasrnolytic (Inj.Strtasmo-
ct al , 3005). Proxyvon, 2-5 nrl im) u,as administerccl
conconritantly to avoid utcrinc spasrn. -lwo
Aruongst tltcr palhological conditions thc nrost Csrrran Shcphcrcl bitchcs did not deliver prrps
conrnlon disordc't' \\,as p),omctra (3 1.7%). r'r'cn altr'r such a tlrcrapy- and had to bc- givcn a
llitchr:s rvith a histor y ofpyomctra rvcrc having prostaglanrlin (lnj Prostodin t?5 gtg im) ro
a histoly o{t higli rcmpcrature, r,aginal pus dclivcr thc rcmaining pups. lJterinc incrtia lras
dischargc and a conctlmitant vonritiorr not bccn pl*,iousll,dcscribcd to be thc conrmoncst
fc)^poncling f o rcrutirrc antienrctic thc.rapy. 'l-hc cirusc ol'd-r,s(ocia in thc bitch (Darvclid and
agu o{'thcsc bitclics rvas bcnl'ccn 8- l0 vcars Lindc-f orsbcrg. 1994; Rarnangolicr al.. 3004)
rirr(l orr thcrapv witlr cithcr 12.5 irg im of a and a coriconritanr usc of a spaslnoly,tic rvith
priistaglnnciin ( I nj.Prostodin. Astra-Zcncca, rcpcatcd oxytocin Iras bccn prcviously
lndia) for 2-.i da1's or, a progcstcronc rcccptor slrggc'stcd lDricr. 1998: Purohit and Sharrna.
lrluckcr, nril'cprisronc l0Q-200 mg orally clail;. 2004) howsvsl, a dosc ofprostaglandin has not
tbr -l-7 days alongwith antitriotics, nlosr bitchcs bcerr suggcstcd previously but rvorkcd rvcll in
lccovcrcd. I'lowcver', in 42.3,on {22i52) bitchcs non-r'csp{lnding bitchcs probabl,v bccause of
ovaritl-hi,stcrcc{ollty \!.as done duer fo non- dcad ft'tuscs prcscnt.
rcsi)onsc to thc|apy or rclapscs. Prcvious
rcltotfs (Gandorla ct al.,1993: purohit and I'hc incjcicncc of d.vstocia rccordcd in thc
l\4chtlr, 2006) hevc shorvrr a sirlilar incidericc prcscnt stud1, is sirnilar to previous strrdics
trl'pvomctl'.r iu rccord analysis at thcil rcfcrral ((iaudcr, I 98,5; Lindc-liorsbcrg arid Encroth.
ccntrcs. A high rrrcidcnc(, of p,"-onrctra in agcd 3000; IJcnlur cl al., 2001a, Z00lb: Dcka err
bitchcs is knorvrr to bc cxistcnt becausc of the al., 2003; Purohit itnd (iaur, 2004; Mchta ct
proiongcd cKposurc of thc bitches to al.,? {J0-5 ; P ur ohi t and I\.1 chta, 200 6). Likcu,isc
cicvarcd lcr,cls ol'progcstcronc. poor lactcal tttal ansalca cncountcred in the prcscnt study
dlainirgc and pool brecding managcment has bccn prcviously rccordcd (Sharnra ct al..
([)r'cicr'. 1998). -I']rc usc of progcstcrone 2001J.
rcccptor blockcr iu urcrinc clcarauce havc trccn
sirnilarlv shou'u to bi.. cffcctivc ilr a rr.ccnt strrdv 'l'hc propoltion of birchcs tbr chronic
1 K tilasckal t:l tt1.,2006) post n,hi:lping lracrnorrhaqc (sub involution of
placcnral sitcs, SIPS) rvas -i.65%. Orriv
percent iicclLrcncics of bitchcs Lrrought firt. synrp ton la t ic t hcrapl, incl uding mifcpris tonc and
dy.'stocia u'*s i 1.5So..i' lvitlr uterinc incrtia bcing crgot tablcts c;r vitamin C tablcts werc given
tlrc cnrnurolesf causc of dirstocia. flitr-hcs rvith olallv to thcsc bitchcs rvirh litrlc improvcnlent.
utcrinc incltia lracl.a histol'y.,oilailuLc of tbtal Jhc ou'ucls rcfuscd for laparotorny and
dclivcry or a history otdclivcry of l-2 pups with crrrc t tagcr ol- ovario-hystcrcctolny r.vhich ar c f hc
strbsctlucnt lailrrrc of pup dclir.cry. Bitchcs wcrc suggcslr,-d thcrapics (Drcicr, |998) howcvcr
Jorrrnnl ofi (.lanirrc Dci,cloprucnt & Rcscarch 200g

1'rrblc ll Ileprorluctit.e disordcrs in bitchr.s (Cases prc)-cutrrcl

gp.n ae collll.v clinics l gttS-2{}0S). ilf I.cteritr:rr).ol)stctrirs and

Iteprrrilrrcrivc rondlf
Tntnl numbcr Pert:cnt {2f
-.{ *.-.--...--"".....-'...".-- )
- t'ltlrlilgi"i[-*: 0f t:art's of totrrl
P J i!('il r)
lltr uu ir rl tr ,.,

I)rcr:rtl,nc1 riitrunosi; c,tl.u: l9 r L,i8

t.clit.clrc,: . ruisilllr:nug
4l ai r)

60 j(r.jti
8 J'.,,il*ktgi*',
I )t'slociu
'll1st:.irrc .

. IclalcrrLphyrtn.tlr t4 ti.5 i
I:efiil ilnts:rrcl 0l
' (.) lltcr:i 0l 0.60
Vagirtal tunt(rr.\ 0? r.t I

l,\jolll d tt.!t tt 10..3 6

A llc:itt uli -if .ll.i7
s,ll) s I
l0 06^Qt)
Tot;rl (t4 l,.r.f:
*_-.-._...-_..,..,..,._...I I

Clirntl Torll1.-f nni i {i-,

I t00

fbtrr bitchcs (4,i6) recovcrcd spontancously

Sawyer, Irrdia) 5- I0 rnq for 3_ l0 days rvith
\\'hcl'cas, onc bitch died due to cxccssivc a
goocl rcsponsc. Thc incidencc and
iracnrorrhaqc and ollc hitch was thcrapy of
ltol rcf-crrcd thesc ts,o conditions in thc prcscllt study
lra c k. is
sirrrilar to pl.cvious rcports (Candotra
ct al..
'l'hc proportion 199-j; Joseph ct al.. 2005; pur:ohir and
of bitchcs prcscntcd wirh a ?006 ).
history o1: vi:ginal rnlnors was l0. .}60,,o rvith
tfansltiissiirle vencrcal tumclr bcing il]osr
con)nton ((t4,7,t,,1.. I I/i7) that rvas ircatcct Bcnnur'. S.. Krishuas\r.antv: A..Honnappa.T.C
succcss{itIly with vjircristinc sulfatr: as cicscribcd .i?{)t) l a). Faclors inlluencing incictcncc
prcviousl), (Purohir cr al., 2004; purohjt, 200:). <l]:stocia ilr thc bilch. trrdialr J. Alrrrn
'l'lrc Rcprod, 22t2t: lfi l -ttr3.
othcr.tuntors cncolJntcrcd wcrc fibronra
(23.5%;4,rt7) and liporna ,l1j6%.2/17). Bcrrnrrr,S . Krishtr.lrsrvlnry. A.,llonnirppa, T.G.
Thc (10{} I b). Studics on c;rrrses and
licqucncy ot r.aginal turnors and thcir. thcrap.v trc:rtnrent
ol'd.t,slocia in clnirrcs. Indian J rlrrirn
\vls silnilar tr) l.rrcviorn reports (Chauclhan,and Ruprod. l3(2): | 84- [i(,.
llao, 1982; "l'clla cr al.. ?004; purohit et al . Cira udltir r1,.C: an<l Racr,Nl. R. K.( I 9u2).
Cirrta i n cal r ne
2004). rrcoplasrrr cncorrrrlcrctJ in Arrdhr:a pradcsh.
lndiln \jcr I 59: l U()- 1 02.
D;rrvrjid, A.W and Linde_Forsbcrg,C.( l994).
I-hc pr oporlion oi'bitc:hcs l.cfLrrcd to the clinic l)1,srocia in biich. i\ retrospcctiv.c sludv
t]l' psrrCtlOprcultanc)r and ilnqstfus rvtls I I . Sgo,i) ol llj2 case s. .l.Snrall Anirrr prac. 1.5: .l{}l-
irrld 6.099ir rospccrr\/cly. Birchcs tbr.both thc 40 :-.

conditiolis wcrr- ttc&fcd with an oral antiprolactin Deku,l{.\,1.. PuntJir. R.K.. Srivlstava. O.p antl
dru g bronr rlcr),ptinc (Tab. proc tinal. Bidcilc.- Li.K.(200i).Srrrvcv ot' rcprodqclivc
disordcrs in bi{chcs. .XlX Anrrual
Jonnralof Canirrc l)r,\,cloplncnt &
Rescarth ZO0S

(.onvorlion lrrtJ Nlr tiontl

ulrrrelll Synrposiurn on
rcpt:odrrctivc tcchnologics I.llrtionll syrnltosiuut iltrd I ?11, annrral
{or conl'crcucc ol. l.{AVR, B -i kr rr cr.
irnprovclnelrr of ljvesrock pioctticrion
irr Cornpcndiunr of'Abstracrs.ppl4i
lndiir. l?_?4 Augusr Kolkati \\,csr
tsengal _
Purohii.(j i'j and Gaur, i\.I.(2004).
pp Ft,CJ-()? di";o;i. anct irs
Drc.icr, H.K.(I ggtl;.Iltrprodrrctivc problcrns jrr ril{}ililgerI)ttrt in bitclrcs ailcl quc,tn.
thc A
i)ilclr. \ragitra I Di sclrarge.l rr : Gor.rrrtrn.N. rci.ieu,..l Cnninc Dcr. Res. c:yo_iOrt.
T Purohir,(j.N nnci Sharnra,A.(l(i04).
Eds., Ctlrniirc,\lcriicinc anO Dystocil irr
ftrcrapuerics. Lrirchcs drrc to rrtcrinc irrcrlia.
r,|acti,,\ ull Scir.rrcc., L,.K. J.ianine
G rtrr Jrrtra, \i !.., l)r'ablrakar. S.. Singla. \r. D*,. Res, l:22-24
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I:.S arrd Shaarrna,R.D. ( I 991 h ].J.. S harnta. A,,Ca u r.M lrrd Rarr i,S. C004 ).
l. Incirlellce o f. Yngrinnl runtors irr birches.
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Clrrdcr,D.A.( I 9851. Rctrosp".ctii.;
\jr-.t .I. ?0: .:l(?. Purohit.C.N.(100i). Sonrc fircts aborrl
r;;,cl'..,'of f :t{ caninc
cascs ol' c;rrrine tlvstocia. J.Arrrer. Ir.urrsnrissiblc venercaI Iunlor.,4,nnrraI
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t200d), rrrcdicaI lcrrrrination oipr.gno,,c1. ._
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blocl:cr. Irrcjj:rn J. Anirl. Reprcl o.2]{l):62- l.(l()0:l). prolonge cl iurcrvll bctrr,.cen
(t3. prir.lurition ol'norrrrlllir.c pups
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Lirclc-gorstjcr$.t J.Snmll Anint prrc. 45t5); :iq-'S.1.
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A[rrrorrrr;ilitics irr pre.gnanc"y. p;rrturiliorr
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l: .57.
Vcrerirrirrv I ntcrrra i Mscl
Tclla.iv1 A.. Aztla.O O and Tai*0.\rl).
ic ine. Fitih editiorr tiuoqf ,

\rol.3ppt5l7-t8. Courple'te rcgrcssiorr ot. transrrrissible

fvlclrt;r,J.S und prrrohir, C.N.. Carg.N. r,elrercal [ul]lors (l'VT) irr Nigcriun
Caur,M. ciogs rvitir r.,irrcr:istine rr'iltrt* cl*l,no-
St1;rrnr,.Arirr.l Rarhore, i s. iit,i,sr.
Rc.plnductivc disordc.s in rirc bitcl,.
i J renp-v. Aii.. J. B io !{ed. Rcs, :i:,i ii_ i j s


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