Assignment #3 - Salesforce & Drip Campaign - MGMT6066 CRM - A Management Approach

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Assignment Introduction and Learning Goals

In this assignment,
you will be doing a
deep dive into
Trailhead and apply
what you learn in
developing an email
drip campaign. 

The purpose of this

assignment is three-

Expose you
to trailhead
and apply
practices and
tactics for
Expose you
to the omni-
within CRM.

You will complete a Trail in their trailhead environment, and based
on your learnings from that trailhead and class you will complete a marketing drip
campaign plan. 

This plan needs to take into consideration segmentation and create a campaign
that will assist in nurturing relationships through the customer journey and assist in
conversations of online sales. 
In your plan, what will be your overall recommendation for a new plan of action for
your team? What does the content look like at each stage of the drip campaign?
This plan will include content develop that speaks directly to your customers and
that is linked between mediums (and for each mediums). You will design a
campaign and include all content examples for each stage. 

You should have all the tools needed to create this plan on your own.  Please limit
your report to 8-10 PPT Slides max (including your customer journey mapping
diagram and content examples).

Course Learning Outcomes Addressed

Create a CRM email marketing campaign to nurture leads through the

customer journey. 

Communicate marketing information persuasively and accurately in written,

graphic and interactive media formats to persuade customers at every stage
of the customer life cycle 
Evaluate the impact of using different marketing strategies for a product
concept, good or service, on the finances, ROI, business goals of an

Assignment Value

This assignment is worth 20% of your overall grade in this course.

The grading rubric is below.

This assignment is an individual assignment due Tuesday, July 26 by 11:59 p.m.


Assignment Instructions

This is a progressive deliverable. You will not be awarded a grade for Phase 2 unless
you have completed Phase 1. 

Phase 1: Each and every student will complete "Learn Marketing Best
Practices Trail" training in Salesforce Trailhead. 
Phase 2: Create a report which outlines a recommended drip email

Phase 1: Salesforce Marketing Best Practices Trailhead 

Step 1:

Pre-Work: Getting Signed Up for Trailhead. If you already have a

trailhead account please skip this step and move on to the next step. 

Please download the PPT slides to guide you in signing up: SALESFORCE

Step 2:

Once you are logged onto Trailhead, please find the "Learn Marketing Best
Practices" Trail. 

See image below for what you are looking for: 

You will complete this Trail, that includes 8 badges, and will take roughly 4 hrs 50
mins/+2,500 points to complete. **REMINDER THAT EVERY STUDENT MUST
COMPLETE THIS ON THEIR OWN.** Once you complete the trail, you will receive a
completion badge. You want to save that to your Salesforce Profile and also add it
to your Linkedin Profile (See next step). 

Step 3: 

Save your Trail Certificates to your personal LinkedIn site. These should be saved
under Licenses & certificates. 

**Please click here for additional instructions on how to link to the LinkedIn site.** 

Create a post and share your completed courses on LinkedIn. Make sure that you
tag your professor - Jen Brennan and Kinlin School of Business when you post. 

Step 4: 

Submit a screenshot of your Trailhead profile page with the all your completed
badges showing as achieved. Your screen shot must have your profile details
visible. Please also include a link to your trailhead profile and a screenshot
documenting your certificate posted on your LinkedIn Account. 

As well, in the submission box please also include the your Trailhead Profile URL
for your professor to verify your badges.
Submit completed screenshots to the FOL Dropbox “Marketing Best Practices

Here is an example of a screenshot:

Marks are allocated to each step. Please see rubric below. 

Phase 2: Drip Campaign Plan  

Based on your learning from the SF Trailhead Trail, you will create a report outlining
a multi-step, multi-channel and multi-tool email drip campaign. You will be creating
your recommended drip campaign outside of the BUT please
construct your mapping plan so that it follows the parameters and
suggestions that you learned about in this Trailhead module.

Step 1:

Please ensure that you have completed Phase 1 before proceeding to Phase 2. 
Please note: this is an individual assignment. 

Step 2: 

You will be designing a nurture campaign for HOME DEPOT (based on your case)
and that will assist in the conversations of online sales. 
Step 3: 

Now, you're going to create your PPT Slide Deck to identify each of the following

Use the report template provided to ensure that you have each element (see
below). Here are the elements within the report: 

Part 1: Company & Plan Overview

Provide a brief company background and where they are in their
customer centric strategy (reference week 1 or week 2 material
Identify and describe a relevant customer segment to target.
Segmentation should be based on CRM segmentation criteria. 
Identify at which point in their customer journey you will be
introducing this multi-step CRM campaign.

Part 2:  Workflow Map

Create a high-level rough plan for your small workflow campaign,
At least 2 channels (email, social, mobile, web), etc. 
Include the goal of the workflow campaign and all
Includes at least 3 successive steps in this workflow
campaign, include timing, and triggers that prompt that next
Create a diagram showcasing all the steps within the
workflow, including all possible next actions and decision

Part 3: Communication Examples

You are going to provide at least TWO communications (Email
focused) example content pieces. 
Each piece of content should include: 
Purpose of the communication and its  relevance to the client
Customer behavior that triggers this communication
Timeline between trigger and communication
Measure of Success for this communication
Justify your Subject line and its relevance
What is personalized and why? 
What is your dynamic content & why?
What is the Call to Action
Report Template & Examples 

Example of a drip campaign flows to use as a reference: 

*Here is the report PPT template to download:

SalesForce Drip Campaign Template.pptx

Assignment Instructions

Here is a checklist of things to watch out for:

1. No title page, no bibliography, no introduction, no conclusion.  This is a

professional report – just get to the meat of the data + recommendations. 
You can precede a section like the one above with an underlined paragraph
2. No bullet points. This is a professional marketing plan and report, which
means I expect you to analyze and explain all your reasoning. Be concise but
make sure you explain the “so what”.
3. Include lots of visuals ONLY when they are needed to illustrate what you’re
talking about and when they ADD value.  A chart will not help me see that
any better.  But if you’re talking about a slow growing trend over time that is
best visualized, then you could put it in a chart.
4. Charts, graphs, screenshots, etc… must be labelled AND referred to in the
body of the report.  Don’t thrown in charts and expect me to figure out their
5. Your drip campaign diagram/map needs to be detailed with a number of
different paths depending on “YES” and “NO” criteria. Ensure that is detailed,
easy to reach and labeled appropriately. Colour-coding is recommended.
6. Screengrabs from other applications/interface are messy.  Create your own
custom charts and graphs.
7. Make it meaningful.  That’s the most important thing you can do.  Ensure
that you’re tying your recommendations and implications back to the data.
8. Restrict your report to 8-10 PPT slides, with 1.5 line spacing, in PPT format

 The grading rubric is below.

Additional Resources Trailhead
email Marketing: More Important than Ever, Jennifer Daly, Jan. 12, 2017,
retrieved Oct. 4, 2017 from
Top email Marketing Blunders (2015), published by Marketo.  Top-Email-

Due Date

Please reference the course outline for due dates. 

How to Submit your Assignment

Please submit your assignment via the Submissions tool in FOL under "Assignment
3". Please ensure that you are using APA reference (Turnitin will be activated).

Please use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Marks will be
deducted for poor quality work. 

Grading Criteria

Please review the rubric details here. 

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