JigokuCake - The Age of Pigs (2nd. Ed.)

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No copyright.

I did not write this book to make money, I wrote it out of pure spite for
the people running this country into the ground and trying to enslave us.

Do whatever you want with this book. Share it, print it, burn it…
whatever. I don’t care. Attribution is appreciated, but considering I’m
writing this under a pseudonym, it’s fairly superfluous.

Published by Spiral Seas, in the United States of America.

Second edition 2022.

INTRODUCTION: A Brief Anecdote

OR The Kyle Rittenhouse Story

In 2021, Americans were on the edge of their seats
watching the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse was 17
years old back in 2020, when he was forced to shoot several
members of an angry mob of rioters in self defense during
the infamous “Black Lives Matter” riots of that Summer.
The riots in question were in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and
broke out shortly after the police shooting of a man named
Jacob Blake. Blake had visited an ex of his, who he had
sexually assaulted in the past, prompting a call to the police.
Upon the arrival of the officers, Blake acted aggressive and
belligerent before going to his car to retrieve a knife. He
would be shot seven times in the back, leaving him paralysed.
The details of this event mattered little to the rioters,
of course, as they simply viewed it as a reason to let loose
their built up sadism and resentment onto the general public.
They torched local businesses and beat people in the streets
while shouting various obscenities, with the mainstream
corporate media running defense for them the entire time.
Outlets like ABC news called it the “Kenosha Unrest,” while
others like CNN called the violence “protests” and the rioters

This was all despite the fact that mainstream news
outlets shamed anti-lockdown protestors for merely leaving
their houses mere weeks earlier (and would continue to do so
throughout the rest of the year). “Are Protests Dangerous?”
asked the New York Times in a headline. “What Experts Say
May Depend on Who’s Protesting What.” In the article, they
quote an epidemiologist by the name of Catherine Troisi,
who stated “I certainly condemned the anti-lockdown
protests at the time, and I’m not condemning the protests
now, and I struggle with that… I have a hard time articulating
why that is OK.” [1]
It seemed that, in this new decade of American
history, freedom of speech would be determined by what
cause that speech supported. Welcome to the new normal.
After witnessing the first night of chaos, Kyle
Rittenhouse went to Kenosha with some of his associates to
help protect the local businesses. They were armed with
rifles and ended up patrolling a local lot after being asked by
the owner. After separating himself from the others to put
out fires, Kyle was threatened and chased by a man named
Joseph Rosenbaum, a convicted child molester who had
recently been released from a mental hospital.

[Note: Why was this man at these so-called protests, his bag of
medication still in-hand? I have heard it suggested that mentally ill
people are planted into protests to stir up violence, but I haven’t
seen concrete proof of this as of yet. There are, however, other
suspicious circumstances surrounding the riots that we will cover
later in these essays.]

Regardless, Rosenbaum attacked Kyle in an attempt to

steal his firearm and was shot by Kyle at close range, killing
him. Kyle fled and was soon pursued by many more rioters.
One attacked Kyle with his skateboard, after which Kyle shot
him in the chest. Another drew a pistol and pointed it at Kyle
before having his arm blown open by Kyle’s rifle. This man,
Gaige Grosskreutz, would later testify against Kyle
Rittenhouse during the 2021 trial and admit to pointing his
weapon at the boy, dismantling much of the prosecution’s
case in an instant.
Kyle managed to escape his pursuers and later turned
himself into the police. The entire incident had been filmed
by onlookers and posted to the internet for all to see. It was
an extraordinary set of circumstances, and the story
dominated the headlines for the next week, accompanied by

various analyses of the video footage, mostly by right wing
Those on the left wing, however, managed to avoid
most of the video footage. Instead, they largely believed the
mainstream media’s dishonest headlines and insane Twitter
chatter without doing any more digging whatsoever. They
were convinced that Rittenhouse was simply a murderer who
was looking to kill people.
Many also assumed that the individuals who he shot
were black (they were not) and that Kyle was a white
supremacist (he is not). Joe Biden who, at the time, was a
presidential candidate, would actually accuse Kyle of being a
white supremacist in an advertisement, and faced no
consequences for the blatant lie.
He would also make this same claim unprompted,
along with an equally untrue accusation that Rittenhouse was
part of a militia, during an interview with CNN’s Anderson

Cooper: The president has not talked

about the shooting of Mr. Blake. He’s
talked about violence at protests in
the wake of it. I’m wondering why you
think that is that he hasn’t actually

addressed it? There’s obviously a lot
we do not know about the circumstances
around it, but the video, obviously,
has been out there.

Biden: Well look, I don’t know enough

to know whether that 17-year-old kid —
exactly what he did. But allegedly
he’s part of a militia coming out of
the state of Illinois. Have you ever
heard this president say one negative
thing about white supremacists? Have
you ever heard it?…

Once again, Joseph Biden would not only avoid any

consequences for this, but would even win the presidential
election later that year.
Regardless of the apparent mainstream consensus at
the time, Kyle Rittenhouse would go on to be declared not
guilty on all counts once he was given a fair trial in front of a
jury of his peers. This sent the mainstream media into a
“The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is American madness
incarnate” read the headline of an article from the
oligarch-owned propaganda rag The Washington Post. In the

body, they complained that Rittenhouse would have been
killed if he were black, so it would only be fair and equitable
that Rittenhouse be robbed of his right to self defense from a
violent mob of pedophiles and violent offenders:

“We hide behind the law, social mores

and assumptions about the capacities,
moral and otherwise, of those we treat
unjustly. This allows us to find our
way around the evidence that reveals
we are not who we say we are. We
contort ourselves to evade the
obvious: that no Black teenage boy
stalking around a protest with a
semiautomatic rifle, no Black teenager
who kills two people and leaves one
seriously injured, would be treated,
no matter what the law says about
self-defense, like Rittenhouse. He
would be dead.”[2]

Luckily, in America, trials are decided using rights

and hard evidence rather than race-baiting
pseudo-intellectual word salad… for now, at least.
NBC news would also publish a similarly vile Op-ed
entitled “Kyle Rittenhouse sobbing on the stand is what’s

wrong with America,” referring to an incident where Kyle
had a post-traumatic breakdown while giving his testimony
on the stand. They would later change this title, likely
because of how cartoonishly cruel it sounds. In the article,
they write:

“The truth is that too many white

Americans probably see themselves in
Rittenhouse — afraid of anyone,
whether white or of color, who wants
to live in a more equitable country —
even if some don’t want to say so out
loud… Rittenhouse’s story is a
microcosm of what America is facing, a
perilous journey toward becoming
something the world has never known: a
fully functioning multiracial,
multiethnic democracy..”[3]

To the mainstream corporate press, it was very

important to examine the Rittenhouse incident through a
critical racial lens. This was crucial, because a view of the
actual fact and video evidence showed Kyle to be a
well-meaning teenager who was put in a tough situation, and
only shot at the people who were attacking him directly.

The race-based critical view allowed the writers to
escape these facts entirely and turn Rittenhouse into an
avatar for “whiteness” and oppression. In that sense, it was
perfectly reasonable to act as cruel as they wanted towards
him, and to wish that he would be locked up for the rest of
his life. This is part of why “Critical Theory” is so beloved by
the Globalist political establishment and American
intelligence community (this is another topic I will expand
upon later in this series).
Still, the most baffling moment of the trial would pass
by largely unnoticed, drowned out by a tsunami of inane
media fear mongering and partisan bickering. During a
presentation by the prosecution, they revealed
never-before-seen FBI footage from the riots. This prompted,
at least in the dissident right spheres of social media, some
confusion and anxiety.
According to a report by the Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel, the prosecution had called an FBI technician by the
name of Brandon Cramin, who was not shown on camera for
obvious reasons. Cramin admitted that he’d been flying 8,500
feet above Kenosha in an aircraft for two hours on the night
of the Rittenhouse incident and had taken video with a

special infrared camera, the feed from which was also
streamed to FBI officers on the ground.
District Attorney Thomas Binger, in charge of
prosecuting the Rittenhouse case, played a portion of this
video for the jury (the video was not shown on the public web
stream). Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense attorney, Mark Richards,
stated that he would need to file further information requests
with the FBI, since his previous requests had been rejected
and he had, on one occasion, been told that the rest of the
video “no longer exists.”
“I can't believe the FBI is doing surveillance of
multiple homicides and gets rid of the video,” Richards said.
“That's preposterous.” The judge in the trial, Bruce Shroeder,
would later describe the situation as “cloak and dagger stuff”
and threaten to strike the testimony from the record. [4]
All of this revealed multiple new aspects of the Kyle
Rittenhouse Kenosha incident that shed a whole new light on
the events. Not only had the FBI apparently been quietly
watching the carnage unfold in Kenosha, without making any
moves to save American citizens from arson and mob
violence, but they’d also allegedly “lost” some important
evidence that could have potentially helped prove

Rittenhouse’s innocence. To top it all off, we only know about
all of this because they stepped in to help get Kyle convicted.
It was obvious that the Federal Bureau of Intelligence
had chosen a side in all of this, and it had allied itself with
violent criminals, mentally ill pedophiles, and
Anarcho-Communist extremists against the common
American citizen. This, of course, leads us to the obvious
question: Why?!
The Kyle Rittenhouse case will go down in history as a
point at which many different conflicts in American society
would collide, setting off a spark that would light the entire
nation ablaze. In this series of essays, I hope to explore these
various conflicts and several others, as well as the bigger
picture, and figure out why all of this is happening to us.

Here are just some of the topics that will be discussed:

- Globalism and the push towards Authoritarianism

- Medical tyranny
- Psy-ops and subversion techniques
- Mass surveillance and the expansion of the
intelligence agencies

- Riots and violent crime
- Corporate media cover-ups
- Critical Theory
- “Queer Theory”
- “Clownification Theory”
- Government distraction tactics
- And much more

With few exceptions, these essays will consist of

information largely gleaned from public sources. If I am
unable to verify a claim with sources, I will let you know.
Some pieces will be written by me in a blog style, just
like this one, while others may be mostly made up of excerpts
from other writers or repurposed versions of my older works.
I hope this will give the series a lot of variety and make it
interesting as well as informative.
I thank you all very much for reading, and hope you
will continue on this strange journey together with me.





https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/11/03/f bi-

PART I: The Long March Towards

OR How Our World Was Captured by a

Twisted Corporate Elite

With this next piece, I want to cause a bit of whiplash
by dramatically shifting focus outward. I decided to do this in
order to prove a very important point; that being that the
efforts and plans of those at the very top of the American
(and global) socioeconomic hierarchy can affect the lives of
individuals in potentially cataclysmic ways. In between
shadowy meetings in skyscrapers, backroom bribery, and
tech company team meetings, regular people are on the
ground suffering.
During the height of the pandemic in 2020, the World
Economic Forum, a well-monied think tank made up of
oligarchs, media moguls, journalists, and tech overlords,
drew an incredible amount of attention to itself thanks to a
video it released on Twitter. The video opened up with a now
infamous stock video of an ethnically ambiguous smiling
man, paired with a caption reading “You’ll own nothing, and
you’ll be happy.”
The video was based on a 2016 article written by
World Economic Forum contributor Ida Auken and
published on Forbes. It described a theoretical
corpo-Communist society in which everything is rented and
people live in hive cities in which all living space is shared.

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I
say, ‘our city,’" it began. “I don't own anything. I don't own a
car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any
The article goes on to state that everyone in this
“utopia” will use public transportation, and most day-to-day
decisions will be determined with the help of advanced AI.
The narrator actually states that “the algorithm” knows
him/her better than they know themselves, a statement that
should send chills down the spine of any chronic social
media user.
Of course, the article takes some time to critique its
own vision, at one point stating “Nowhere I can go and not
be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think
and dream of is recorded.” While certainly extreme, it’s easy
to see this kind of surveillance in the future, especially in the
data-saturated world of 2022.
Still, the article ends with an affirmation that this way
of living is “much better than the path we were on” and
bemoans all of the lives lost before people “realized they
could do things differently.” [1]

So, why am I bringing this to your attention? This is
just the inane ramblings of some writer associated with a
random think tank that the average person pays little
attention to. That’s nothing to panic over, right?
Well, panic?... No, I wouldn’t advise that. Panic never
helps make anything better. But I do believe we should all be
concerned, as the World Economic Forum is taken quite
seriously by the people who matter: the billionaires,
corporate CEOs, politicians, and mainstream media.
In fact, many politicians have gotten their start
through the World Economic Forum’s “Young Global
Leaders” program. These include both Republicans like
Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw and Democrats like Pete
Buttigieg, the current Secretary of Transportation, as well as
other politicians around the globe.
In fact, Klaus Schwab, the eccentric leader and
figurehead of the World Economic Forum, admitted during a
public talk in 2017 that members of his organization had
taken over the governments of countries like Canada and

“What we are very proud of now, the

young generation like Prime Minister

Trudeau, President of Argentina and so
on… We penetrate the cabinets.
Yesterday I had a reception for Prime
Minister Trudeau, and I know that half
of his cabinet, or even more than half
of his cabinet, are actually Young
Global Leaders of the World Economic
Forum… It’s true in Argentia, it’s
true in France now, with the president
[being] a Young Global Leader.”

With what appears to be an open ideological capture

of entire governments going on around the world, one would
think that the news media would have a lot to say on the
matter. However, you would be wrong to assume such a
thing. Instead, most mainstream news outlets have been very
uncritical of the World Economic Forum, with many outlets
even teaming up with them to help publish their Globalist
Reuters was one such company. Their CEO is even a
member of the World Economic Forum (this is no secret.
Their members are listed publicly on the World Economic
Forum’s website). After some outrage was generated by the
Twitter video I mentioned above, Reuters actually stepped up
to the plate to “debunk” the idea that the organization was

planning for a Corpo-Communist future where nobody
owned anything. “Fact Check-The World Economic Forum is
not planning to take your possessions,” read the dishonest

“The false claim has been made in a

Facebook post that lists dystopian
scenarios – you own nothing, you get a
monthly allowance, you’re told what
you can and can’t do – as ‘the goal of
the WEF.’” [2]

A common tactic for so-called “fact checkers” like

these is to take the most extreme possible interpretation of
something and fact check that, as opposed to any more
nuanced and balanced interpretation that could be easily
gleaned by a regular person.
Of course “taking possessions” isn’t the stated goal of
the World Economic Forum, but the scenario in the article
was still presented as a positive vision for the future from
someone who was appointed as a spokesperson for the
organization; one that is implicitly worth working towards.
This kind of interpretation is perfectly rational, and to state
otherwise is basically gaslighting.

During the disastrous lockdowns of 2020, The World
Economic Forum launched a new initiative called “The Great
Reset.” The aim was to take advantage of the economic,
social, and governmental damage of the pandemic and
lockdowns to rebuild the world into their own vision of the
future. As ghoulish as it sounds to leverage such atrocities to
your own advantage, this initiative was proudly trumpeted
throughout corporate media. Time Magazine even partnered
with the World Economic Forum to put out a series of essays
and puff pieces as a form of promotion for it.
You may be wondering how exactly this “Great Reset”
is meant to be enacted. According to an article from August
of 2020, it is meant to be accomplished using four “building

1. “A Change of Mindset,” aka social engineering. The

World Economic Forum and members of the “Davos
Group” who attend the annual meetings largely view
human nature as malleable. Because of this, they
believe humanity can be reshaped to be more
compliant and all-around Communistic, thinking of

the collective before themselves in an insect-like

2. “Creating New Metrics,” aka social credit. This part

of the initiative includes concepts like “ESG scores,”
which I will expand upon later in this essay. While
these are largely inflicted upon large corporations
right now, I’m confident that it will eventually be
expanded to individuals in a manner similar to China’s
“social credit” system.

3. “Designing New Incentives,” aka implementing a new

social order. The aim of this “building block” is to
combine the first two in order to encourage obedience
to the new world order. This is done by rewarding
those who follow the new rules and punishing those
who don’t, which can be accomplished both socially
(“cancel culture” and general ostracization) as well as
institutionally (via banking systems and the “impact

4. “Build Genuine Connection,” aka mass social media
censorship. This includes the elimination of online
anonymity (under the guise of combating violent
extremism and trolling) in order to help implement
the new social order described above. [3]

Of course, this is all described by the World Economic

Forum’s propagandists in the glossiest of terms to make the
concepts easier to swallow, but I’m fairly confident that my
decoding here is accurate, given what I’ve seen from
corporate America and the banking cartel.
Speaking of Banks, I should elaborate on a few things
from the list above, namely “ESG” and the “Impact
“ESG,” standing for “Environmental, social, and
Governance,” is essentially what was described in the second
building block. It’s a metric that supposedly measures the
ethical or moral performance of a company, rather than the
economic performance, with the “ESG” scores that are
formulated by various NGOs and investment banks ranging
from 0 to 100. The three main categories can be described as

1. Environmental: Making environmentally-conscious
decisions. This is the most substantial of the three
and, while it can actually result in positive change
once in a while, it usually amounts to companies doing
the bare minimum while outsourcing the dirty stuff to
places like China. Nike is a good example of this.

2. Social: The most damaging of the categories. This

prompts companies to consider their “social impact”
while going about their business. The glaring problem
is that most corporations aren’t known for their ability
to prompt positive social change (although the
opposite is occasionally true, especially when China is
involved). This means they usually adopt philosophies
like Critical Race Theory and Postmodern gender
ideology and force it upon their consumers for easy
ESG points, resulting in people generally becoming
more divisive and toxic.

3. Governance: Transparent corporate governance and

an emphasis on equity. Like the “Social” axis of ESG,
this isn’t something that corporations can accomplish

with ease. Corporate structures are always
hierarchical, and transparency can sometimes be
detrimental to the bottom line. The result is more
pandering to intersectionality through
pseudoscientific “implicit bias training” and the
bringing in of unqualified diversity hires.

Despite the obvious issued with all of this, ESG has

been championed by NGOs like the World Economic Forum
and other powerful institutions for years now, with the hope
being that it will form the basis of “The Impact Economy,” a
parallel economic environment that rewards “good” behavior
and punishes the “bad.” The name comes from the idea that
everyone on earth has a certain “impact” that can be
measured and corrected as needed. You can see the word
appear on the “investor relations” section of almost every
corporate website.
Despite all of the lofty promises, ESG appears to have
improved conditions in America very little. After taking
office in 2021, Joe Biden promised to phase out oil in favor of
clean and green renewable sources of energy. While we’ve
seen very little in the way of “green energy,” we have seen
sharply rising fuel costs thanks to the Biden administration

encumbering the energy sector with lethargic government
bureaucracy. MacIver Institute’s Dan O’Donnell described
the situation like this in a 2022 article:

When… the stated goal of a President

is to “end the oil industry,” it can
use its regulatory power to do just
that, and so dramatically slow the
lease approval process that it becomes
impossible for said leases to be used.

That is precisely what has happened

over the past year. Leases by the
thousands are being held up by
environmental regulators, and those
that aren’t are facing lawsuits from
environmental groups who have the
tacit approval of the Biden
Administration. [4]

Combined with ruinous levels of inflation, oil prices

are ravaging both regular Joes and businesses alike. At the
same time, climate activists are more manic than ever, and
are still constantly insisting that the world will end within
the decade if climate tyranny isn’t imposed on every last
human being.

Have the environmental mandates implicit in ESG
resulted in any substantial change? It certainly doesn't seem
that way. If my pocketbook is anything to go by, it may have
actually made my quality of life worse. And that isn’t even
taking the issue of China, still the world's most notorious
polluter, into account.
Likewise, the “social” and “governance” dimensions of
ESG seemed to have only spread more resentment and
toxicity through American culture. It seems every single
piece of American entertainment now needs to carry some
amount of racial grievance or some message regarding
gender norms. Everything is filtered through the cultural
Marxist lens of race and gender, and this trend has only
increased as corporations have been compelled to hire in
more “diverse” individuals and fill their HR departments
with equity commissars.
In 2020, during the height if the Black Lives Matter
“racial reckoning” (as media outlets loved to call it for some
reason) Tablet Mag analyzed the frequency of the words
“race” and “racism” in news articles from 1970 to 2020 using
four different mainstream outlets: The New York Times, The

Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The Los Angeles
While all of the outlets had increased their usage of
the words several fold after 2011, the New York Times and
Washington Post were the most shocking, with increases of
over 700% and nearly 1000% respectively. This era has been
dubbed “the Great Awokening” and, while the product of
many different factors, it was undeniably spurred on by the
popularization of ESG. [5]
Despite the fact that this excessive focus on race has
helped absolutely no one, corporations seem to be all in on it.
In 2021, a research group called Global Industry Analytics
estimated that the market for “Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusivity” (or DEI) training was around $7.5 Billion
globally, and projected that it would more than double to
$15.4 Billion by the year 2026. [6] “Anti-Racist” writer and
speaker Ibram K Kendi alone was allegedly paid up to $20,000
per talk in the year 2020. These are the kinds of numbers
we’re dealing with. [7]
Countless dollars and man hours have been poured
into this cause of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” yet to

what end? Has anything changed significantly? I can think of
at least one this: the Populist Left.
You may have noticed a very specific year mentioned
in the above description of the news article study from Tablet
Mag. 2011 was the year where the “Occupy” movement
spread across America, and brought left-wing Populist
sentiment along with it.
Even more so than the 2008 election of the (it was
thought at the time) Populist left presidential candidate
Barack Obama, Occupy Wall Street and its various offshoot
protest movements electrified the America left and drove
them into action. In this sense, ‘The Great Awokening” can
be viewed as a sort of ruling class answer to the Occupy
One of the benefits of having a decent-sized body of
work is that I can avoid retreading old ground by simply
digging through my own archives for appropriate passages.
The following is a description of the Occupy movement and
its downfall taken from a piece I published in December of
2021 called “What the Hell is Happening to the Socialists?” It
is presented with only slight modifications to grammatical

errors and clumsy sentence structure, as well as a few
annotations, which are bolded and enclosed in brackets.

If I could describe Occupy Wall Street (or just

“Occupy” for short) with a single sentence, it would be “tons
of populist energy with no direction.” They had an immense
amount of public support and huge turnouts to the various
associated rallies and protests around the country. They even
had a punchy catchphrase to highlight income inequality: “We
are the 99%.”
It was impossible to ignore the Occupy movement in
the early 2010s. However, it never seemed to bring about any
real fundamental change to the country, and fizzled out just as
quickly as it appeared.
There were a lot of reasons for this, mainly that there
was no real actionable goal one could point to that, if
accomplished, would render the movement obsolete. The
central sentiment was “income inequality is bad and needs to
change,” and everything else was basically an afterthought. [If
I recall correctly, there were lists of demands and/or goals
that were drafted by various occupy-associated groups,
but nothing that gained prominence in the movement.]
Another factor that led to the movement’s decline was
the introduction of (you guessed it) identity politics. The most
notable of this would be the “Progressive Stack,” which is
based on the concept of Intersectionality and applies a value
to one’s speech based on how many marginalized identity

markers they can claim. [We would later see this re-emerge
within the BLM resurgence of 2020, particularly in the
“CHAZ” or “CHOP” autonomous zone that formed at
Seattle’s Capitol Hill.]
A revealing YouTube video uploaded in 2015 entitled
“'Progressive’ stack SJW behaviour ruined Occupy Wall
Street” shows a moment where this is implemented among an
Occupy splinter group for the first time. Here’s how the
conversation plays out:

Speaker: I just want some people to be aware of-

Of what’s going on is that they do things by a
consensus, which means everyone- Everyone
gets to be heard.

[Jazz hands from the crowd]

Speaker: And the way people speak at their

general assemblies is there are facilitators that
keep a stack, which means a list of people who
would like to speak… In New York, they used
something called a Progressive Stack, which
means if you have your name on the list and you
come from a traditionally marginalized
background; race, gender, ethnicity, ummm…
Anything that is traditionally marginalized, you
get bumped up the list.

[Excited whoops and more jazz hands]

Speaker: So this means umm… We want to be

able to hear what everyone has to say. Also, one
of the things stressed at Occupy Wall Street is
the “step up, step back.” This means people who
have been privileged all their lives… Ummm,
mainly white men, white women even, people
who have been privileged need to realize that
they need to step up and step back if they have
already said what they have to say.

[Man raised hand in protest]

Man: Um… I think it doesn’t matter what their

general background is because, you know, the
majority of us are already, you know, part of the
marginalized class of people. So it wouldn’t
matter, because more people under that
marginalized group would get to speak
anyways. And I think a- a…

[People begin to grumble and look at him


Man: What?

[Another speaker comes up to the podium]

Speaker 2: Something we need to identify off

the bat, um… When we talk about privilege,
we’re talking about access to institutional
power, okay? Things that come from your skin
color… your sex… your class, okay? And these
are things you need to be aware of. Now you
have privilege over people at different levels.
You may have less privilege than other people
umm, depending on who you are. Yes, we need
all these marginalized groups, but some of us
are far more marginalized than others. We need
to be respectful of that and realize there are
some people who, way before now, have lost all
their privilege, and we need to help restore that.

[Crowd applauds]

It’s understandable that the man who spoke up would

be confused about this situation, as he was still operating off
of the original guiding ethos of the Occupy movement.
The catchphrase was “we are the 99%” after all, with
the underlying message being that the common man can rise
up against the obscenely wealthy and put a stop to the
growing income equality. This “progressive stack”

accomplishes the opposite, serving only to fracture the
previously unified “99 percenters” into different subgroups to
fight amongst themselves.
You can also see a spark of anti-white sentiment in the
speeches. It’s worth noting that most of the participants in
Occupy Wall Street were white, meaning the introduction of
an Intersectional lens would cause most of the protestors to
view themselves not as victims of an unfair system, but
instead as the benefactors. Why bother protesting at that
These concepts certainly didn’t originate with the
Occupy movement. They had been festering in the bowels of
Academia for decades at this point, and had spread like a
mind virus to the kinds of people who were already primed to
accept it (mainly Leftists who were concerned about issues of
After the dissolution of Occupy Wall Street, much of
the populist sentiment would vanish, only returning a decade
later under the right-wing banner of Trumpism. Left wing
attempts to regain their previous Populist momentum would
fall flat time and time again, with the various electoral failures
of Leftist favorite Bernie Sanders and groups meant to discuss
topics like Socialism inevitably falling into identity politics
hell. [Obviously, when compared to the Occupy movement,
America-first Trumpism had certain defenses against
identity politics, with the most notable being a strong
all-inclusive American identity and a disdain for political

correctness. It also managed to capture the Boomers in a
way that Bernie Sanders couldn’t.]
In late 2019, an example of this took social media by
storm as right wing spheres discovered video footage of the
recent Democratic Socialists National Convention. Within the
various talks and speeches was much squabbling over
pronouns and “gendered language,” as well as one person
complaining about “sensory overload” from audience

I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter

to the minimum? I'm one of the people who's
very, very prone to sensory overload… There's a
lot of whispering and chattering going on. It's
making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, I
know we're all fresh and ready to go, but can we
please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It's
affecting my ability to focus.

The video instantly made the DSA the laughing stock

of the American political sphere, and they've had a reputation
as ineffectual whiners ever since. The phrase they used to
issue complaints, "point of privilege," has also been used as a
meme by right wing Twitter users over the past couple years.

[End of excerpt]

In summation, well-monied global powers (which
include large corporations, NGOs, massive banks and
investment firms, and governmental institutions) were able to
use all of the techniques described above to successfully take
control of the American corporate environment and
neutralize the threat of growing left-wing Populism. As of
now, there are relatively few major threats to the Globalists
and their banking cartel, especially now that they were able
to remove Donald Trump from the presidency, which was a
joint effort by the same entities listed at the beginning of this
Conspiracy theory? Hardly. Time Magazine ran a
glowing piece about the effort entitled “The Secret History of
the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” which
bragged about the formation of an anti-Trump alliance of big
business and leftist NGOs:

There was a conspiracy unfolding

behind the scenes, one that both
curtailed the protests and coordinated
the resistance from CEOs. Both
surprises were the result of an
informal alliance between left-wing

activists and business titans. The
pact was formalized in a terse,
little-noticed joint statement of the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO
published on Election Day.

The influence this partnership had on the election was

staggering in breadth in scope. They managed not only to
change election laws at the last minute, but also “recruited
armies of poll workers” (their words, not mine) and pressured
social media companies into censoring the pro-Trump
opposition and generally anything that made their candidates
look bad. Whether or not this includes the infamous Hunter
Biden laptop story is not stated, but the prospect seems
The amount of activist groups and NGOs involved
wasn’t negligible either, with the Time Magazine piece
stating that “more than 150 liberal groups, from the Women’s
March to the Sierra Club to Color of Change, from
Democrats.com to the Democratic Socialists of America ''
had joined the coalition. Many had armies of “activists” who
were ready to mobilize and cause chaos in the streets at a
moment’s notice.

Later in the article, the so-called “architect” of the
Corpo-Leftist partnership, a man named Mike Podhorzer,
recalled calling off the mobilization of their network after
election day for fear that playing their hand at that crucial
moment may sabotage their efforts. He specifically mentions
the “Anarcho-Communist” network Antifa by name, stating
“Wednesday through Friday, there was not a single Antifa vs.
Proud Boys incident like everyone was expecting.” [9]
The unification of government and corporate force is
nothing new, of course. As I stated earlier, NGOs like the
World Economic forum are constantly astroturfing new
candidates and placing them in administrations around the
globe. It’s almost an American tradition, in fact. For example,
the Council on Foreign Relations has been one of the most
influential forces in American politics since its inception an
entire decade ago.
They originally served directly under President
Woodrow Wilson as an advisory group, but would later
become a private think tank made up of academics,
bureaucrats, politicians, and wealthy corporate executives. As
one would imagine, they also had many connections to other
powerful institutions, including secret societies.

William Cooper would detail these connections in his
1991 book “Behold a Pale Horse.” While many claims Cooper
made in his writing were not confirmed to be true, I feel it
would be remiss to not include at least this passage for you to

The CFR is one of the most powerful

semi-official groups concerned with
America’s role in international
affairs. It is controlled by an
elect group of men recruited from
the Skull and Bones and the Scroll
and Key societies of Harvard and
Yale, which are both chapters of a
secret branch of the Illuminati…
The members of the order make up
the Executive Committee of the
Council on Foreign Relations after
undergoing initiation into the
Order of the Quest, also known as
the JASON society. [10]

While most of you are likely familiar with the

“Illuminati” referred to here by Mr. Cooper, I will offer a
brief description for the uninitiated. The Illuminati is a vast
web of secret societies, some older than others, who believe
themselves to be enlightened, or rather “illuminated.” This

gives them both a mental and spiritual sense of superiority
over the rest of civilization. As such, they believe themselves
to be the rightful rulers of what will eventually become a
one-world utopian government.
At the very top of this web are a very select few elites
who have gained the trust of the others through initiation.
Included in this are members of The Bilderberg Group, as
well as The Davos Group, aka the minds behind The
Economic Forum. Much, if not all, of what we’ve discussed in
this essay has, at one point, passed through the hands of
these powerful and shadowy entities, and we have all felt
their influence one way or another.
So now that the opposition is out of the way, and what
remains is largely controlled, what exactly is this all leading
towards? What kinds of plans does this Corpo-Leftist
public-private partnership have in store for us going
forward? We will explore this line of questioning further in
the next essay.











[10] Cooper, William. Behold a Pale Horse. Flagstaff AZ,

Light Technology Publishing, 1991

PART II: A Tale of Medical Tyranny

OR How You Lost All of Your Freedoms

In 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation published a
collection of whitepapers entitled “Scenarios for the Future
of Technology and International Development.” In it, they
included a hypothetical scenario called “Operation
Lockstep,” with the subtitle “A world of tighter top-down
government control and more authoritarian leadership, with
limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.“ This
particular thought experiment featured the global spread of a
fictional respiratory virus and the various governments’
reaction to it. [1]
While I’m not against simply republishing their entire
piece on principle (who else is reading decade-old
whitepapers other than us dissidents?) There may be legal
ramifications of doing such a thing, and it would likely be
quite boring for you anyway, as NGO whitepapers tend to be
extremely lacking in flavor.
Instead, I will use bullet points to summarize the
results of their report step-by-step. I believe you will find
much of it to be quite familiar.

1. In 2012, a “virulent and deadly” influenza strain passes

from wild geese to humans, resulting in a new

pandemic that is deadlier than H1N1. This virus
infects roughly 20% of the world’s population and kills
8 million in the first seven months, including young
and healthy adults.

2. Global economies collapse, with supply chains and

manufacturing coming to a complete stop.

3. The United States, along with many third-world

countries, are ravaged by the disease due to lax
restrictions, while China comes out the best thanks to
strict authoritarian lockdowns and hard border

4. Countries around the world institute mask mandates,

temperature checks, and passport systems, which stay
around and even intensify well after the pandemic has

5. In order to counter the virus, the economic

catastrophe, growing restlessness and violence, and

protect the environment, global leaders seize more
power, turning the world into a prison planet.

6. Most citizens gladly accept this state of affairs and all

of the restrictions and tracking that come along with
it, trading freedom for safety.

7. By 2025, people begin to grow tired of the rampant

authoritarianism, resulting in “sporadic pushback”
that challenges the “neat order that the world’s
governments had worked so hard to establish.”

While there are downsides to this scenario listed in

the report, most notably a lack of technological innovation
and entrepreneurship, these are weighed against positives,
like more safety, better overall health, and a cleaner
John Hopkins Center for Health Security would also
run their own hypothetical scenario detailing a deadly
respiratory virus in 2017. In their report, the fictional virus
was named “SPARS,” and the thought-experiment placed
much more emphasis on how medical and governmental

institutions can sufficiently convey their messaging to the
Unlike Operation Lockstep, this report, entitled “The
SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028, A Futuristic Scenario for
Public Health Risk Communicators,” went through great
lengths to discuss experimental medications and, most
notably, an emergency-use vaccine (named “Coravax” in this
scenario). [2]
At the end of each section, it included questions that
would need to be answered by professionals. The following
are some examples:

● How might federal health authorities

avoid people possibly seeing an
expedited SPARS vaccine development and
testing process as somehow “rushed” and
inherently flawed…

● How might federal health authorities

respond to critics who propose that
liability protection for SPARS vaccine
manufacturers jeopardizes individual
freedom and wellbeing?

● What are the potential consequences of

health officials over-reassuring the

public about the potential risks of a
novel SPARS vaccine when long-term
effects are not yet known?

● Despite the uncertain science about the

link between Coravax and the reported
neurological symptoms, why should health
officials still communicate with
compassion and genuine sympathy toward
those in the vaccinated population who
experience medical issues subsequent to
being vaccinated?

● Given the uncertain long-term safety

profile of the Corovax vaccine, why are
both science and sympathy necessary when
communicating about a possible
correlation between vaccination and
adverse events?

In 2020, a virus eerily similar to those described in

these hypothetical scenarios swept the globe. China was the
place of origin for this disease, which was popularly called
the “Wuhan Coronavirus” at the time. Just as described in
Operation Lockstep, China was the first to lock their
population down, and they did it hard. Videos of people
being captured by police or even welded into their homes

spread across social media, much to the show of those across
the ocean.
Ironically, at this time many in the American
Democratic party, who would later become the biggest
proponents of lockdowns and unconstitutional health
mandates, dismissed panic around the mysterious new virus
as mere xenophobia. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi gave
interviews on TV where she encouraged people to visit

“You should come to Chinatown.

Precautions have been taken by our
city. We know that there is concern
about tourism and traveling all
throughout the world, but we think
it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and
hope that others will come.”

“That’s what we’re trying to do today

is say ‘everything is fine here,’
because precautions have been taken
and the city is on top of the

“All I can say is I’m here, and we’re
safe and sound, so many of us coming
here...” [3]

Democratic mayor of New York city, Bill DeBlasio,

would also downplay the virus on multiple occasions, and
even told people “go about your lives” and “go about your
business.” He would play the same “Xenophobia” card as
Nancy Pelosi and his fellow Democrats in February of 2020
by also instructing them to visit Chinatown:

We’re in Flushing today to embrace

Asian-American owned small businesses
and say to all New Yorkers: New York
City’s Chinatowns are open for

Another New York politician by the name of corey

Johnson would echo this sentiment, proudly proclaiming:

It is important to support the Chinese

community in New York City.
Unfortunately many businesses and
restaurants in Chinatown, Flushing and
Sunset Park are suffering because some
customers are afraid of the
coronavirus. But those fears are not

based on facts and science. The risk
of infection to New Yorkers is low.
There is no need to avoid public
spaces. I urge everyone to dine and
shop as usual. [4]

As the virus, now officially named “COVID-19,”

inevitably reached other countries and the scope of it became
more widely known, politicians would immediately shift
towards authoritarianism, enacting lockdowns, curfews, and
“social distancing” requirements for entire counties.
Businesses were forcibly shuttered, people were arrested for
going to the gym or beach, and dissent on the internet
became more and more censored. Everything had moved so
quickly that many people found themselves stunned and
confused, unable to properly process what had just
Up until that point, such extreme measures and
authoritarianism had seemed impossible in a country as free
as The United States of America. Yet it arrived nonetheless,
and without even a hint of pushback. Operation Lockstep’s
predictions had indeed come true, and everyone was now
worse off because of it.

The SPARS scenario would also prove to be extremely
prescient, as the rollout of experimental vaccines caused a
great deal of problems. While they were advertised as being
95% or 96% effective, this claim would be proven false very
quickly as states began to reopen and the vaccinated began
falling ill at rates similar to those who chose to forego the
shot. Many terrible side effects also cropped up, with some of
them potentially fatal. The most notable of these were blood
clots (more common in women) and myocarditis, a type of
heart inflammation (more common in young men).
Despite this, the vaccination campaigns pushed
onward. By this point, the manufacturers of the injections
already had complete legal immunity in regards to damages
inflicted by their products, so there was no worry that people
may take action against them. The opposite seemed to be
true. Rather than worry about these ill effects, the
governments instead chose to begin mandating the
experimental treatments.
This resulted in millions of people either taking them
against their will, or losing their jobs due to these
unconstitutional regulations, which were laundered through
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

by the Biden administration to avoid legal trouble. Much to
my disbelief, these unlawful mandates eventually were struck
down by the Supreme Court, although this was well after the
damage had been done, and the victims received nothing in
the way of reparations.
It seemed that the free country of the United States
wasn’t so free anymore. However, other countries were
worse. Places like New Zealand and Australia implemented
“zero COVID” policies, and their citizens were forced to stay
home in “quarantine” indefinitely.
In Australia, protesters were brutalized by police and
intimidated at their homes for protesting these insane
measures. People were arrested by the hundreds, with over
250 being arrested over the course of just a single day at an
August 2021 protest in Sydney. [5]
Perhaps the most egregious in their medical tyranny
was Canada. In the early months of 2022, a convoy of truckers
occupied the capital city of Ottawa in protest of vaccine
mandates. They blocked off the streets with their trucks and
filled the air with honking, much to the frustration of the
pro-lockdown and pro-mandate citizens there.

In retaliation, Canada froze the bank accounts of
those participating (and even just donated to) these protests.
Crowdfunding website GoFundMe pulled the plug on a
campaign to raise funds for the protests after it had already
reached $10 Million. When an alternative site called
GiveSendGo stepped up to the plate to facilitate the
crowdfunding, the Canadian government declared the
donations to be criminal activity, which forced the site to
refund all of the money that had been given to it. [6] [7]
For the coup de grace, the Ottawa police arrested all
of the protesters and cleared out the streets in an act of
unprecedented tyranny. “I was waiting for them to take me
away,” said a trucker named Csaba Vizi in an interview with
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. The Romanian-born Canadian
recounted his brutal encounter with the police:

In that moment, the police officers-

They start to punch me with those
sticks. They were yelling to me, ‘Go
back! Go back!’ And I just told them,
‘Hey, I’m the driver… They drag me in,
they lie me down on my belly, and I
don’t- I don’t recall how many were on
top of me… I felt like I was beaten,

but I took it like a man… They broke
my body a little bit, but not my
spirit. [8]

The justification Prime Minister Trudeau used for this

iron-fisted power grab was something called the
“Emergencies Act,” a law passed in 1988 meant for
countering terrorism, but was only used once since being
signed into law. You read that correctly. The only time it was
ever used was to destroy a blue collar anti-mandate protest.
Despite all of this disgusting authoritarianism, the
anti-COVID measures still had a great deal of public support.
Early on in the lockdowns, people in New York would shout
at passers by from their windows, demanding that they stay
inside and cower as well. People washed their groceries and
practically bathed themselves in disinfectant. Those who
broke any of the commandments were scolded and shamed
by the mainstream media, with some even being arrested.
Social media was flooded with posts espousing the
virtues of compliance and praising other countries, most
notably China, for their quiet and obedient populace. People
changed their profile pictures to display bumper-sticker
phrases like “stay home, save lives” or “we’re in this

together!” Anyone who so much as questioned the
practicality of these lockdowns was immediately dismissed as
a “grandma killer” who had no concern for human life.
There was one particular video that stuck in my mind
for a long time. It was a phone recording that had been
passed around Twitter, and depicted people dropping trash
bags of water onto pedestrians below. One post that featured
this video went viral, and included the caption “bin bag and
water. Should of stayed in quarantine,” followed by some
cry-laughing emojis.
Despite the fact that this kind of retaliation has the
potential to seriously injure or even kill someone, most of the
replies were supportive of the act. “Can’t tell you how much
I’ve been laughing at this!” one user posting under the name
“Will Bate” gleefully chimed in. “A full bin bag of water must
of absolutely wrecked landing on there head!” [note: typos are
theirs, not mine.]
“About time people took action against these teens all
flourting the distancing rules,” another user named “Luke
Brown” added. “They are all tits.” It’s worth noting that there
was no substantial confirmation that the video was taken
during quarantine. However, the response to such a video is

illustrative of just how diseased the average person’s mind
had become within just the first month of pandemic
One of the most ridiculous facets of the American
public’s subversion was the worship of Dr. Anthony Fauci,
Chief Medical Advisor to the President and director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. As the
spokesperson for the federal government’s COVID response
team, he was placed front and center in press conferences,
interviews, and even full-length documentary puff pieces (one
of which was even produced by Disney).
There were action figures, bobble head dolls, and
plushies made in Tony Fauci’s likeness, and easily-influenced
middle aged women all across the country were calling the
vaccines “fauci ouchies” [note: I did not make this up]. Even
when it was discovered that Dr. Fauci had ties to EcoHealth
Alliance, the non-profit that helped fund the virology lab in
Wuhan which may have been responsible for COVID’s
creation, his popularity among the general public failed to
wane. To this day, I’m still shocked and appalled at this
particular series of events.

With the rushed release of the experimental vaccines,
the pro-lockdown crowd would stay just as bloodthirsty as
they were at the very beginning. Anyone who so much as
raised a question about the efficacy or safety of the vaccines,
or even simply opposed governmental mandates around
them, was smeared with the terms “anti-vaxxer” or “science
denier.” Even Dr. Robert Malone, a well known scientist and
one of the creators of the mRNA technology used to make
the vaccines, was not immune to such dishonest labels and
smear tactics when he raised his doubts about the utility of
the mandates.
“The Latest Covid Misinformation Star Says He
Invented the Vaccines,” proclaimed a hit piece from The New
York Times. [9] This was a claim that Dr. Malone had never
made, yet the smear machine formerly known as “the paper
of record” didn’t seem to care. Jeff Bezos’ personal rag The
Washington Post joined in on the corporate media dogpile,
adding “His claims and suggestions have been discredited
and denounced by medical professionals as not only wrong,
but also dangerous.” They fail to sufficiently elaborate on this
ridiculous and histrionic claim. [10]

[Note: Some of you readers in the future may not remember this too
well, but the term “misinformation” was not very commonly used
in the news media. It was only popularized once the government
and its sycophants began using it as a way to denounce the
opposition to their COVD policies without having to elaborate.]

Ex-president of Planned Parenthood and Washington

Post columnist Leana Wen would openly proclaim her
support for universal vaccine mandates and the
criminalization of those who resist. Keep in mind that this
was in August of 2021, well after the potentially fatal side
effects of the shots were known.

… Vaccination cannot be perceived as

an individual choice. Instead, we need
to equate it much more so to drunk
driving. You can drink in private –
that's your choice – but you can't
just decide to get behind the wheel
because you feel like it and don't
think you'll get hurt. We have laws
against drunk driving, since
individual choice to undertake a
dangerous public activity cannot

override the need to protect the
public from deadly harm. [11]

Even worse was an op-ed for the LA Times, which ran

under the headline “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ deaths is
ghoulish, yes - but necessary.” This title was hideous enough
on its own, but an often overlooked fact about this particular
piece was that its original title, which revealed the true
extent of the outlet’s sadism, was still in the URL for the
article upon its publication. It read “why shouldn’t we dance
on the graves of anti-vaxxers?”
This kind of cruelty and hatred wasn’t relegated to
American news outlets, of course. On August 26th of 2021,
Canadian newspaper “The Toronto Star” ran the following
statement on its front page in large bold font:

If an unvaccinated person catches

it from someone who is vaccinated,
boohoo, too bad. I have no empathy
left for the wilfully unvaccinated.
Let them die. I honestly don’t care
if they die from COVID. Not even a
little bit. Unvaccinated patients
do not deserve ICU beds. At this
point, who cares. Stick the
unvaccinated in a tent outside and

tend to them when the staff has

Even prominent left wing figures who once

championed freedom would align themselves with this kind
of thinking. A notable example of this is Noam Chomsky,
who claimed in an interview that the only right way to handle
the unvaccinated was to “remove them from society.” When
the interviewer pressed him on this and asked him how these
people would get food once they were banished, Chomsky
replied that it was “their problem.”
And just like that, the Operation Lockstep predictions
came to fruition. Just like the whitepapers said, people
around the world not only tolerated their own oppression,
but came to love it. They clung to it like a safety blanket and
cursed anyone who even threatened to take it away. The later
predictions also came true, however, and certain contingents
of people grew tired of their chains.
In early 2022, John Hopkins University released a
meta-analysis of studies regarding the COVID lockdown
measures, which found that the difference they made in net
mortality, when taking into account both lives potentially
saved from COVID and those lost as a byproduct of the

lockdowns, was around 0.2%. This lit the internet on fire, and
those who had opposed the medical tyranny on principle
since the very beginning and had been thoroughly demonized
because of it now found themselves vindicated. [12]
As of the writing of this essay, all American cities
(outside of some extremely blue areas) have realized their
COVID restrictions saved very few people, if any, from the
disease, and have even made things worse in some regards,
and have thus gotten rid of said restrictions. When the mask
mandate for public transportation was finally repealed mere
days before the writing of this essay, videos were posted
online of passengers in airplanes cheering and gleefully
removing their masks.
Despite their lack of scientific backing, many are
clinging to the restrictions, particularly those of a left wing
persuasion. Media outlets put out attempted takedowns of
the aforementioned study, as well as fear mongering pieces
about the potential damage that could result from the
country’s liberation.
Social media users were also very quick to express
their disapproval. “In defiance of the mask mandate removal,
I'm double masked and bringing some sass to the airport,”

said a supposed Epidemiologist named Emily Ricotta. Along
with this, she uploaded a photo of herself wearing the two
masks, which were improperly fitted and likely making no
difference whatsoever.
The Biden administration is currently putting up legal
challenges to the repeal of both the mask and vaccine
mandates. These are currently going through the courts, and
we may not know the outcome for some time. However, the
fact that the federal government is putting so much effort
into sustaining these useless and cruel laws while putting
none towards helping people through our current economic
woes is extremely discouraging.
While it is certainly great to have most of our
freedoms back, we have been both mentally and economically
ravaged by the lockdowns and mandates. Children have been
hit the hardest, which is ironic considering they are the least
at risk from COVID-19 infection. UNICEF published a press
release in October of 2021 regarding these deleterious effects
where it described an international survey it had conducted
with Gallup.
“A median of 1 in 5 young people aged 15–24 surveyed
said they often feel depressed or have little interest in doing

things,” the piece stated. “According to the latest available
data from UNICEF, globally, at least 1 in 7 children has been
directly affected by lockdowns, while more than 1.6 billion
children have suffered some loss of education.” Describing it
as “loss of education” is putting it mildly in my opinion, as
many children are now years behind where they should be
education-wise. The mental impact of the lockdowns and
other measures on children should not be underestimated.
Mask mandates also took a significant toll, with the
speech abilities of children being set back by years.
Conservative writer Daniel Horowitz consulted his speech
therapist sister on this issue and he shared her insight in a
Twitter thread which read as follows:

The speech issues I see with three and

four year olds that have been masked
I’ve never seen before in 22 years. So
much low muscle tone, drooling,
unusual articulation errors on early
developing sounds… This kid’s whole
mouth area was chapped from the drool
accumulated around the mask. She can’t
achieve lip closure for the B M and P

sounds because her lips are so

Even if the kids were not masked, all

of the adults are masked, and the
children can’t see the oral motor
movements made by the adults. They
don’t know that to produce a B sound
the lips have to come together. One
child today didn’t realize that you
have to put your tongue behind your
teeth to produce a T sound. This is a
typically developing child in all
other areas. These types of
articulation errors are usually seen
with children who have neurological
impairments or syndromes with
associated speech and language
impairments. I’ve never had so many
referrals in my life for young healthy
children with such severe articulation

In truth, we may not know the full ramifications of

this cognitive stunting and mental health decline until
several decades have passed (if we’re ever truly able to grasp
it at all). If I had to guess, we will eventually see all of this

mental stunting and deterioration result in increasingly
severe crime waves, higher suicide rates, and overall lower
amounts of societal trust, social cohesion, and interpersonal
communications. Birth rates will lower even further, and
many will be stuck on medication and therapy for the rest of
their lives, reliant on the assistance of big pharma and the
government to survive.
Pandemic measures also led to one of the most
massive upward wealth transfers in history, with American
billionaires accumulating a collective $1.7 trillion in net
worth since the pandemic was declared in March of 2020.
Meanwhile, millions of Americans lost their jobs or had to
shutter their small businesses. Here are some of the people
who benefitted the most from this historic transfer, alongside
their new net worth (numbers as of March 2022):

● Tesla CEO Elon Musk: $234 billion

● Amazon CEO JEff Bezos: $165 billion
● Microsoft founder Bill Gates: $130 billion
● Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett: $118 billion
● Google co-founder Larry Page: $114 billion
● Google co-founder Sergey Brin: $109 billion [14]

It’s not just corporate CEOs who benefitted from all of
this. Big pharma also managed to rake in billions, much of it
through government contracts. In May of 2021, Oxfam
International published an article about the “9 new
billionaires” who had been created through pandemic
pharma profits. They are as follows:

● Stéphane Bancel, Moderna’s CEO: $4.3 billion

● Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech: $4
● Timothy Springer, a founding investor of Moderna:
$2.2 billion
● Noubar Afeyan, Moderna’s Chairman: $1.9 billion
● Juan Lopez-Belmonte, Chairman of ROVI: $1.8 billion
● Robert Langer, a founding investor in Moderna: $1.6
● Zhu Tao, co-founder and chief scientific officer at
CanSino Biologics: $1.3 billion
● Qiu Dongxu, co-founder and senior vice president at
CanSino Biologics: $1.2 billion
● Mao Huihua, co-founder and senior vice president at
CanSino Biologics: $1 billion [15]

Again, these people were heavily enriched through
government contracts, which meant their obscene wealth
came directly from the pockets of the American taxpayers.
Over the past couple of years, several multi-trillion dollar
bills were rubber-stamped through the American law-making
bodies, with many American citizens being largely unaware.
The first of these bills was “the CARES Act,” a $2.2
trillion bill signed on March 27th of 2020. This bill was
considered necessary by most, since it was meant to counter
the disastrous effects of the lockdowns. However, there was
more contained within it than the $1,200 stimulus checks
received by most American citizens. There were also millions
of dollars in “payroll protection loans,” which companies
didn’t have to pay back, as well as a $58 billion giveaway to
airline companies.
President Biden would later sign a $1.9 trillion bill in
2021 called “The American Rescue Plan.” While it also
offered Americans another payment ($1,400 this time), it had
a ton of spending crammed inside that had nothing to do
with fighting COVID, including $28 billion to “transit
agencies,” $11 billion to airports and airplane manufacturers,
and $3 billion to “communities under economic stress.” [16]

Small government conservative Senator Rand Paul
would go on to condemn the bill in very strong terms on a
news channel called ABC 13, WKBO:

That bill is going to be done with

only democrat votes, and it’s going to
be $2 trillion of borrowed money. And
what that means is it dilutes the
value of the money that you have. So
your currency becomes worthless, and
eventually, prices will rise, and
ultimately leads to the boom and bust
cycle. [17]

Another trillion-dollar bill would be signed into law

later that year, this time touted as an “infrastructure plan.”
This bill was even more widely opposed than previous ones,
especially since it contained massive amounts of spending
aimed at things unrelated to infrastructure. One of these was
immigration, which the white house defended as being part
of “human infrastructure.” Money also went towards “climate
justice,” which meant it was likely funneled towards
well-connected corporations.
A few baffling segments of the bill included stricter
monitoring and reporting regulations around

cryptocurrencies and similar investments, as well as
regulations forcing vehicle manufacturers to include
alcohol-level monitoring technology in every vehicle within
the next three years [18]. According to the new law, said
technology would be required to do the following:

● Passively monitor the performance of a driver of a

motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that
driver may be impaired; and prevent or limit motor
vehicle operation if an impairment is detected;

● Passively and accurately detect whether the blood

alcohol concentration of a driver of a motor vehicle is
equal to or greater than the blood alcohol
concentration described in section 163(a) of title 23,
United States Code; and prevent or limit motor vehicle
operation if a blood alcohol concentration above the
legal limit is detected.

● Or a combination of the two.

Even more insane was the way the Biden white house
chose to advertise this bill, which is by claiming that it would

cost zero dollars… Yes, they actually did that. Some people
even fell for it too. “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero
dollars,” the presidential Twitter account tweeted back in
September of 2021. “Instead of wasting money on tax breaks,
loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the
wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in
working America. And it adds zero dollars to the national
As you can imagine, that was a lie. By the time 2022
rolled around, inflation was nearing its highest point since
the 1980s at 8.5%. Some speculated that it was even higher, as
the US government had been adjusting the way they measure
inflation over the decades so it would be more favorable.
Supply chains were also wrecked by both COVID restrictions
and a lack of people in the workforce, driving the prices of
consumer goods even higher.
The inflation didn’t go unnoticed by large
corporations, of course. Sensing an opportunity, massive
investment firms like Blackrock, as well as oligarchs like Bill
Gates, began putting their money in hard assets like real
estate in order to hedge inflation by taking advantage of the
spiking cost of land and homes. While this was a smart move

for them, it was to the detriment of working class Americans,
particularly younger adults who were in the market for
starter homes, as the wealthy land buyers would usually bid
over asking and thus raise all of the prices even higher.
The average working-class American was being
bombarded from every angle. Meanwhile, the ruling class
saw their influence and raw power grow with each passing
day. Governments could now rob people of their rights and
livelihoods with the simple stroke of a pen, and they could
print up more money at a moment's notice to give to whoever
they wanted. The end result was an effective dekulakization
of the American middle class. It’s a great time to be among
the elites, and a terrible time to be anyone else.
So what’s the deal? Was this all just a happy accident
that resulted in the same people benefitting over and over?
What about the whitepapers described at the beginning of
this chapter? Could this have all been planned from the very
beginning? I don’t have enough evidence to firmly claim such
a thing, and I won’t do so in this essay.
However, the mere existence of those whitepapers
shows that the ruling class knew what would happen once a
virus similar to the ones in their scenarios began to spread.

They knew how receptive the public would be to extreme
power grabs once they were sufficiently scared and
uncertain. They knew how to format their messaging, and
which messages would result in the most compliance. They
knew which pieces of information to boost, as well as which
ones to hide at all costs. They were ahead of the general
public every step of the way, and they made sure to take from
us as much as they could get away with, including our rights.
The ruling class largely views the underclass as
malleable, which is why they put so much effort towards
social engineering. Just think of how many well-monied
non-profit corporations are dedicated to manipulating the
public through propaganda (and who knows just how much
they’re doing behind the scenes). It’s not just GDP or stock
value on the minds of these people. In truth, YOU are the
product they truly want to invest in. Your mind is the most
valuable asset on the planet, and it’s one they will try to
obtain at any cost.
The COVID pandemic was an example of many
things, but the most important takeaway is how much havoc
can be caused by state and corporate propaganda. Powerful
entities took a disease that was slightly more deadly than

influenza and made it into one of the greatest power grabs
the world has ever known, and the ramifications will be felt
for decades, if not centuries. And while most of the
restrictions have been lifted at the time of writing, they could
just as easily be implemented again if you don’t push back.
Have you turned the news on lately? If you haven’t
noticed, crisis is now the language of our political discourse.
When the government or oligarchs want something, they will
create a new “crisis” in order to get it. COVID was their most
successful so far, but more are already following its lead.
Currently, the corporate media is focused intensely on
the conflict between Ukraine and Russia while reassuring the
public that looting the treasury in order to wage a proxy war
is good and necessary. Once that has played out or is no
longer effective, they will switch to climate change. The
looting will then commence once again, and you and your
children will end up funding the chains that will forever bind
Groups like the World Economic Forum are currently
pushing towards what they call the “Fourth Industrial
Revolution,” one in which humans like you will be the most
important product. They want you unhealthy, mentally

unstable, castrated, terrified, and reliant on them for any
kind of pleasure in life. They will take all possible forms of
generational wealth away from you, and leave you scared and
isolated. If we don’t speak out against this stuff now, and
work on improving ourselves in the process, it will be far
more difficult (perhaps even impossible) in the future.
As censorship becomes more rampant and our rights
are continually chipped away, we have found ourselves
nearing the edge of a precipice, one that we can’t back away
from without some considerable change. My wish is for
everyone to understand this, and play at least some small part
towards dismantling the power of the elites, whether it be by
spreading the word, or by simply turning off the corporate
media in their household. Even the tiniest actions can add up
to big ones.


















https://www.crf b.org/blogs/whats-19-trillion-house-cov



PART III: Malthusian Transhumanism

OR The Hideous Pseudo-religion of the

Global Elite

In the middle of a grassy field nine miles north from
the city of Elberton, Georgia stands a strange and mysterious
monument made from five large stone slabs. Each of these
slabs is engraved with a set of ten guidelines, which are
repeated in eight different languages. The guidelines read as

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual

balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with
tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external
disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for
nature — Leave room for nature.

On a tablet located near the guidestones is an
explanatory message, which reads “Let these be guidestones
to an Age of Reason.” While the apparently quite wealthy
creator of the Georgia Guidestones remains anonymous, the
Ideology that permeates every part of its message is very
clearly understood; it’s anti-human, Globalist, and in favor of
top-down control of population, societal organization, and
human nature.
This type of anti-Liberal Maltheusian belief system
seems to be everywhere these days, and has captured our
ruling class more than anything else. It threatens our
freedoms and the very future of the human race in countless
ways, and must be pushed back upon before it can wreak
unimaginable havoc on the world. To accomplish that,
however, we also need to understand it. So let’s go back to
the 20th century to see where it originated.
In Aldous Huxley’s famous dystopian novel “Brave
New World,” human reproduction has been relegated to
factories which alter the babies in various ways, increasing or
decreasing their intelligence as needed depending on their
designated caste. Through his story, Huxley presents to us a
society that is tightly controlled on every level, not through

mere iron-fisted hard power as in George Orwell’s “1984,”
but through the calculated conditioning of human beings in
order to make them love their own shackles.
Huxley took inspiration from the growing
industrialization of the world at the time, particularly from
the Ford corporation’s factory manufacturing techniques. He
envisioned a hypothetical future where everything was cold
and machine like, where humans are constructed in a manner
similar to automobiles. He also took inspiration from the
work of his famous eugenicist brother, Julian Huxley.
Julian and Aldous were the grandchildren of Thomas
Henry Huxley, an English biologist who championed Charles
Darwin’s theory of Natural selection within the English
Scientific community (this dedication earned him the name
of “Darwin’s Bulldog”). Interestingly, Thomas Henry was also
a member of a secret society known as the X Club, alongside
other notable scientists at the time. Being from such a highly
educated family, science was in Aldous and Julian’s blood,
and they took a great deal of interest in the future of
In 1968, Julian coined the term “Transhumanism” to
represent the future evolutionary trajectory of man as we

grow more reliant on technology and scientific advancement.
He explained the concept in an interesting essay titled simply
“Transhumanism,” where he claimed that “The human
species can, if it wishes, transcend itself - not just
sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual
there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity.”
He stated that mankind was on the “threshold of a
new kind of existence,” one that would be as far removed
from the lifestyle of the mid 1900s as that particular time
period was from the cavemen.
His logic behind this was that humans had “been
appointed the managing director of the… business of
evolution,” and thus had taken the place of the gods in a
more traditional worldview. He explains that humans could
be infinitely altered, beginning immediately after birth, to
have a more “well-developed” and “well-integrated”
personality,” but later adds the stipulation that this can only
properly be done if we construct a “more favorable social
environment” and stop the “present flood of
population-increase from wrecking all our hopes for a better
world.” [1]

Some of you may come away from this description
feeling chills, which is understandable. Many of us have been
trained to perceive this kind of materialistic Utopian
daydreaming with a sense of intense distrust, and rightfully
However, I also don’t want to paint all men who held
these beliefs as evil, because most of them from Julian
Huxley’s period of time were not, and many who fall into the
same line of thinking in the present day are not truly evil
either. In truth, it’s a fairly optimistic view of the future, one
in which unnecessary death and suffering can be minimized,
and people can be free to truly flourish.
However, it’s also naive, and society has learned a
great deal about the dangers posed by technological
advancement, particularly in just the past couple of decades.
Many of us are well aware that the simple embrace of it
without regard to human nature, health, and spirituality can
have catastrophic effects.
Also potentially cataclysmic is lending the ability to
manipulate the minds and bodies of humans to a select elite,
which is what we are beginning to see in the massive social

engineering campaigns being run by the government and
their oligarch masters.
Can anyone honestly say they are doing better now
that they have lost their bodily autonomy and are constantly
bombarded by corporate media propaganda via television
and the internet? By nearly all current measures, Americans
are physically and psychologically worse than they have ever
been, with the young adults being the most affected.
Many of these people have connected their entire
being, their very soul, to the online world, and thus cannot
extract themselves from the insane online political
environment that has been curated for them by corporate
forces. They have also been loaded up with insanely
unhealthy and highly processed foods that have stunted their
metabolisms and meddled with their hormonal makeup.
Even escaping to schools is no longer an option, as the
teachers there may fill their minds with toxic pseudoscience
like Critical Theory or Postmodern gender ideology.
But perhaps this is all part of a process. It’s much
easier to control a scared, mentally unwell, and unhealthy
populace than it is to control a strong and competent one.
Healthy and well-educated individuals may end up

sabotaging a previously successful subversion campaign,
particularly if they’re able to communicate efficiently to
those around them. They present too much of a risk to the
powerful. That’s why the public must be censored and
generally neutered before they can raise too much of a fuss.
Strength isn’t the only concern of the elites, of course.
There is also power in numbers. That’s where our next topic
comes into play…
Thomas Robert Malthus was an English Economist
who was active during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Born to a wealthy family, he took an interest in ameliorating
the problems of the impoverished during his studies. He was
an empiricist at heart, and would often write rebuttals to
more abstract and Utopian thinkers at the time. [2]
His most famous essay, bearing the incredibly lengthy
title of “An Essay on the Principle of Population As It Affects
the Future Improvement of Society, with Remarks on the
Speculations of Mr. Goodwin, M. Condorcet and Other
Writers,” was firmly in this category.
As you can likely tell from the title, this particular
essay includes arguments largely directed towards the
English philosopher William Godwin and the French

Mathematician Marquis of Condorcet. The primary issue he
raises against what he calls the “perfectibility of man” (a
Utopian idea somewhat similar to Julian Huxley’s
“Transhumanism,” in that man would one day escape his own
boundaries and reach his furthest potential if left to advance
for long enough) is that of population growth.
Luckily, since the essay was originally published in
1798, the copyright has long since expired. This means I can
reproduce an actual excerpt from the essay and you can read
his ideas in his own words instead of filtered through my
chaotic blender of a brain.
The following is a passage from the essay’s first
chapter in which he outlines the basic idea of his “principle
of population”:

I think I may fairly make two postulata.

First, that food is necessary to the
existence of man.
Secondly, That the passion between the
sexes is necessary and will
remain nearly in its present state.
These two laws, ever since we have had
any knowledge of mankind, appear to have been
fixed laws of our nature, and, as we have not
hitherto seen any alteration in them, we have

no right to conclude that they will ever
cease to be what they now are, without an
immediate act of power in that Being who
first arranged the system of the universe,
and for the advantage of his creatures, still
executes,according to fixed laws, all its
various operations.
I do not know that any writer has
supposed that on this earth man will
ultimately be able to live without food. But
Mr Godwin has conjectured that the passion
between the sexes may in time be
extinguished. As, however, he calls this part
of his work a deviation into the land of
conjecture, I will not dwell longer upon it
at present than to say that the best
arguments for the perfectibility of man are
drawn from a contemplation of the great
progress that he has already made from the
savage state and the difficulty of saying
where he is to stop. But towards the
extinction of the passion between the sexes,
no progress whatever has hitherto been made.
It appears to exist in as much force at
present as it did two thousand or four
thousand years ago. There are individual
exceptions now as there always have been.
But, as these exceptions do not appear to
increase in number, it would surely be a very
unphilosophical mode of arguing to infer,

merely from the existence of an exception,
that the exception would, in time, become the
rule, and the rule the exception.
Assuming then my postulata as granted, I
say that the power of population is
indefinitely greater than the power in the
earth to produce subsistence for man.
Population, when unchecked, increases in a
geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only
in an arithmetical ratio. A slight
acquaintance with numbers will shew the
immensity of the first power in comparison of
the second.
By that law of our nature which makes
food necessary to the life of man, the
effects of these two unequal powers must be
kept equal.
This implies a strong and constantly
operating check on population from the
difficulty of subsistence. This difficulty
must fall somewhere and must necessarily be
severely felt by a large portion of mankind.
Through the animal and vegetable
kingdoms, nature has scattered the seeds of
life abroad with the most profuse and liberal
hand. She has been comparatively sparing in
the room and the nourishment necessary to
rear them. The germs of existence contained
in this spot of earth, with ample food, and
ample room to expand in, would fill millions

of worlds in the course of a few thousand
years. Necessity, that imperious all
pervading law of nature, restrains them
within the prescribed bounds. The race of
plants and the race of animals shrink under
this great restrictive law. And the race of
man cannot, by any efforts of reason, escape
from it. Among plants and animals its effects
are waste of seed, sickness, and premature
death. Among mankind, misery and vice. The
former, misery, is an absolutely necessary
consequence of it. Vice is a highly probable
consequence, and we therefore see it
abundantly prevail, but it ought not,
perhaps, to be called an absolutely necessary
consequence. The ordeal of virtue is to
resist all temptation to evil.
This natural inequality of the two
powers of population and of production in the
earth, and that great law of our nature which
must constantly keep their effects equal,
form the great difficulty that to me appears
insurmountable in the way to the
perfectibility of society. All other
arguments are of slight and subordinate
consideration in comparison of this. I see no
way by which man can escape from the weight
of this law which pervades all animated
nature. No fancied equality, no agrarian
regulations in their utmost extent, could

remove the pressure of it even for a single
century. And it appears, therefore, to be
decisive against the possible existence of a
society, all the members of which should live
in ease, happiness, and comparative leisure;
and feel no anxiety about providing the means
of subsistence for themselves and families.
Consequently, if the premises are just,
the argument is conclusive against the
perfectibility of the mass of mankind. [3]

Upon first examination, Malthus’ main point seems

logically sound. If the growth of the human population
exceeds the growth of its ability to produce resources, as well
as the earth’s ability to provide said resources, then there will
no longer be enough to sustain the population and everyone
will end up suffering. However, as we all now know, Malthus
vastly underestimated how much advances in technology and
farming methods would increase our collective ability to
produce, and the global population has grown from around 1
billion to nearly 8 billion since the first publishing of
Malthus' manuscript.
Keep in mind that Malthus was no sadist or
misanthrope. He had written these things as a warning, as he
believed that the poor and downtrodden would end up

suffering the most from the deleterious effects of population
growth and wished to avoid such a disastrous fate. He had
also rejected measures like eugenics and castration outright
as both impractical and systematically impossible, stating the
following in chapter 9 of his famous essay:

The capacity of improvement in plants

and animals, to a certain degree, no person
can possibly doubt. A clear and decided
progress has already been made, and yet, I
think, it appears that it would be highly
absurd to say that this progress has no
limits. In human life, though there are great
variations from different causes, it may be
doubted whether, since the world began, any
organic improvement whatever in the human
frame can be clearly ascertained. The
foundations, therefore, on which the
arguments for the organic perfectibility of
man rest, are unusually weak, and can only be
considered as mere conjectures.
It does not, however, by any means seem
impossible that by an attention to breed, a
certain degree of improvement, similar to
that among animals, might take place among
men. Whether intellect could be communicated
may be a matter of doubt: but size, strength,
beauty, complexion, and perhaps even

longevity are in a degree transmissible. The
error does not seem to lie in supposing a
small degree of improvement possible, but in
not discriminating between a small
improvement, the limit of which is undefined,
and an improvement really unlimited.
As the human race, however, could not be
improved in this way, without condemning all
the bad specimens to celibacy, it is not
probable that an attention to breed should
ever become general; indeed, I know of no
well-directed attempts of this kind, except
in the ancient family of the Bickerstaffs,
who are said to have been very successful in
whitening the skins and increasing the height
of their race by prudent marriages,
particularly by that very judicious cross
with Maud, the milk-maid, by which some
capital defects in the constitutions of the
family were corrected.

Of course, none of this has prevented the Globalist

elite from bastardizing Malthus’ ideas and adopting them as
part of their strange pseudoreligion. The Georgia
Guidestones had population control as their first main point,
after all. If we use the guidestones as a representation of
affluent ideology, it’s clear that there’s a lot of emphasis
placed on the Malthusian idea of overpopulation.

Am I saying that the current crop of Globalist elites
wants to decrease the global population? I believe many of
them do. It’s not as if they’re quiet about the subject. Bill
Gates, one of the richest men in the world, has talked openly
about “reducing population growth,” and infamously
attended a 2009 meeting in New York to discuss population
control with other billionaires like Warren Buffett, David
Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, and Michael
Bloomberg. His non-profit foundation even funded an
institution called “Gates Institute for Population &
Reproductive Health.” [4]
You can also simply look at the politics being
advanced by the Globalist Left and see a clear theme emerge:
abortion, child mutilation in the name of gender ideology,
condemnations of masculitity, anti-family rhetoric…
Speaking of families, some of you may remember that the
“Black Lives Matter'' organization, which was championed
by the left-wing Democratic establishment, listed the
“abolition of the nuclear family” as one of their primary goals
on their website before it was discovered and blasted by
American right wing media.

Our friends at Davos haven’t ignored the topic either.
“Even as birth rates decline overpopulation remains a global
challenge,” trumpeted the World Economic Forum in an
April 2018 Twitter post. This message was paired with a
graph illustrating said decline in birth rates, captioned with
the phrase “Malthus didn’t see this one coming.” Indeed, he
did not.
“Agenda Contributor” for The World Economic
Forum and English broadcaster, David Attenborough, also
plainly said in an interview with BBC Newsnight “In the long
run, population growth has to come to an end.”
Famous for his proclamation that “history will end
when men become gods,” Israeli professor Yuval Noah
Harari has become a sort of priestly figure for the
pseudo-religion being pushed by entities like The World
Economic Forum, synthesizing the beliefs of thinkers like
Julian Huxley and Roberth Malthus into a cynical ideological
stew that is simultaneously anti-Liberal and anti-human. In
fact, Harari has not been shy about proclaiming that
Liberalism is an outdated form of societal organization, and
needs to be replaced with a global Collectivism.

“Liberalism is founded on the belief in human liberty,”
Harari states in an op-ed for The Guardian entitled “The
Myth of Freedom.” “Unlike rats and monkeys, human beings
are supposed to have ‘free will’... Unfortunately, ‘free will’
isn’t a scientific reality.” His reasoning for this is that
humans, similar to machines, are pre-programmed in certain
ways that they can't control : “Every choice depends on a lot
of biological, social and personal conditions that you cannot
determine for yourself,” he says later in the op-ed. [5]
This idea is pushed further with Harari’s claims that
governments will soon be able to “hack” human beings, both
genetically and through the use of conditioning technology.
“we need to leave behind the naive view of humans as free
individuals,” he claims. “and come to terms with what
humans really are: hackable animals.” His safeguards against
this are “questioning traditional assumptions of Liberalism”
and, as he stated in another op-ed for The Economist, the
creation of a “global agenda” and a “mass global identity” in
service of a “global order.” [6]
Now, I don’t want to simply condemn Yuval Noah
Harari as a despicable mastermind, because I have no
evidence that he truly is, and I’m far from a mind reader. The

prevailing theme in his writing is concern that future
developments will be abused by bad actors and petty tyrants.
He is not planning these technological developments, but
operating under the assumption that they will eventually
happen whether we want them to or not, and that it will be
necessary to take the proper measures and make sure they
can be used for the common good (however you may define
such a thing).
My concern, however, is that his outright rejection of
Nationalism and skepticism towards Liberalism are simply
more fuel for the Corpo-Globalist machine, who view
themselves as the potential saviors and future leaders of
mankind. It’s no wonder that Klaus Schwab, head of The
World Economic Forum, has taken such a liking to Harari’s
writing and philosophy.
After all, who will get to define the “mass global
identity” once the “global order” is established? Who other
than the rich and powerful Globalist elites? The “illuminated
ones?” More concerning is just how much power they would
have to be given in the process.
Placing such power in the hands of a shadowy cabal of
“global leaders” will end in nothing but the enslavement of

the human race, and likely a great deal of suffering and death
as they act on their bastardized Malthusean belief system by
systematically destroying fertility across populations and
perhaps even letting some of the less fortunate die through
starvation and other means. Societal control and population
management don’t end at rhetoric. They have to be thrust
upon the population by force to be enacted.
Sometimes, agents of The World Economic Forum will
simply say the quiet parts out loud. This was the case with a
speaker at the WEF 2019 India Economic Summit who goes
by the name Sadhguru, who said in an interview “all the
religious groups are against me because I’m talking about
population. They want more souls, I want less on the planet.”
Both he and the interviewer laughed aloud at this prospect.
Also worrying is how these kinds of ideas have been
adopted by fanatics in an almost doomsday-cult like fashion.
Extinction Rebellion is a notable example of this. The
network of activists, which expands from Europe to the
United States, believes that the planet will soon be rendered
unlivable thanks to our energy usage (although estimates of
when this will happen seem to range from a single decade to
several decades).

Extinction Rebellion is known for their unhinged
forms of protest in support of climate tyranny and ending
fossil fuel usage, many of which get their members arrested
(which is expected and considered part of said protests).
These include gluing themselves to buildings, blocking roads
with their bodies, spraying things with fake blood, and
zipping themselves into body bags. This has also drawn them
a lot of positive attention from the global elite, of course, and
they’ve received a great deal of funding from wealthy
members of the Kennedy and Getty dynasties.
What exactly are the demands of these zealots? Here is
the list published in their website, current as of April of 2022.
Other than formatting I have not altered any of it:


1. That the Government must tell the truth

about the climate and wider ecological
emergency, it must reverse all policies not
in alignment with that position and must
work alongside the media to communicate the
urgency for change including what
individuals, communities and businesses
need to do.

2. The Government must enact legally binding
policies to reduce carbon emissions to net
zero by 2025 and take further action to
remove the excess of atmospheric greenhouse
gases. It must cooperate internationally so
that the global economy runs on no more
than half a planet’s worth of resources per

3. We do not trust our Government to make the

bold, swift and long-term changes necessary
to achieve these changes and we do not
intend to hand further power to our
politicians. Instead we demand a Citizens’
Assembly to oversee the changes, as we rise
from the wreckage, creating a democracy fit
for purpose.

4. We demand a just transition that

prioritizes the most vulnerable people and
indigenous sovereignty; establishes
reparations and remediation led by and for
Black people, Indigenous people, people of
color and poor communities for years of
environmental injustice, establishes legal
rights for ecosystems to thrive and
regenerate in perpetuity, and repairs the
effects of ongoing ecocide to prevent

extinction of human and all species, in
order to maintain a livable, just planet
for all. [7]

The more observant among you may recognize some

of these points as being extremely similar to ones made by
similar Globalist or activist organizations. The second
demand, for instance, is ripped almost entirely from net-zero
climate goal of the United Nations and Paris Agreement,
except the deadline has been shortened by 25 years. The
United Nations posted the following passage on their own

Currently, the Earth is already

about 1.1°C warmer than it was in
the late 1800s, and emissions
continue to rise. To keep global
warming to no more than 1.5°C – as
called for in the Paris Agreement –
emissions need to be reduced by 45%
by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

Likewise, their call for a creation of an anti-nationalist

“citizens assembly” mirrors that of Yuval Noah Harari’s call
for a “global order,” while demand 4 espouses the same

Critical Race Theory-based ideology and support of
reparations that has been adopted by Globalist elites, the
left-wing Democratic establishment, and American
intelligence agencies over the past decade (the same one that
led to American politicians watching from the sidelines
while their cities were looted and razed to the ground during
the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots).
The latter half of the fourth demand is likely the most
problematic of the bunch, as it creates a new form of “rights”
for “Ecosystems” which overrides the human rights of
freedom and property ownership. This kind of logic could
easily be used to establish a sort of Eco-Fascism which
justifies robbing humans of their well being and liberty by
pointing to the abstract and ill-defined ecological health of
the planet. This would not be a scientific endeavor, mind you,
but a religious and political one. If you remember what
happened during the COVID pandemic in 2020, you can get a
decent idea for how such a thing would turn out.
Of course, Globalists have been jumping on the
“environment” and “climate” bandwagons for a long time
now. In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and
Development held an event called “The Earth Summit” in

Brazil, where they drafted what would eventually be known
as “Agenda 21.” This comprehensive plan detailed some of
what the UN considered to be the major global problems of
the upcoming 21st century, and proposed pro-Globalist
solutions to them.
Just like everything else produced by Globalist
organizations, the main proposition was the creation of
international organizations, pacts, and initiatives to help
protect the environment (with the UN as the centerpiece of
all of these things, of course). The beginning of the preamble
to the massive document lays out the overall mission

Integration of environment and

development concerns and greater
attention to them will lead to the
fulfillment of basic needs,
improved living standards for all,
better protected and managed
ecosystems and a safer, more
prosperous future. No nation can
achieve this on its own; but
together we can - in a global
partnership for sustainable
development. [9]

American conservatives were rightfully skeptical of
such an all-encompassing proposal, and right wing media
would condemn it for several decades. Even 20 years later, in
2012, the Nevada GOP would draft a resolution that
thoroughly slams Agenda 21. Here is an excerpt from the
scathing document:



BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nevada Republican

Central Committee, does hereby declare as

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a

comprehensive plan of extreme
environmentalism, social engineering, and
global political control that was initiated
at the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; and,

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is
being covertly pushed into local communities
throughout the United States of America
through the International Council of Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through
local so-called “sustainable development”
policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands
Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning
Projects, and other so-called “Green” or
“Alternative” projects; and

WHEREAS, this United Nations Agenda 21 plan

of radical so-called “sustainable
development” views the American way of life
of private property ownership, single family
homes, private vehicle ownership, individual
travel choices and privately owned farms; all
as unsustainable and destructive to the
environment; and,

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations

Agenda 21 policy, social justice is described
as the right and opportunity of all people to
benefit equally from the resources afforded
us by society and the environment which would
be accomplished by socialist and communist
redistribution of wealth; and,

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations

Agenda 21 policy national, state and local

sovereignty is deemed a social injustice;

WHEREAS, our Republican National Platform

rejects UN Agenda 21 as erosive of American
sovereignty. [10]

[End of excerpt]

Even though the Globalist New World Order cabal has

been hard at work for a very long time, you can see from this
passage that the opposition has also been putting in the
effort. While, legislatively speaking, this kind of document
may not have a very significant impact, it’s important for at
least one of our political parties, as well as any prospective
Populist candidates, to openly declare opposition to clear
Globalist power grabs, regardless of how flowery their
language is or how noble their justifications may seem.
Remember: once you willingly relinquish your
freedom, it’s likely that you will only get it back through
great struggle, and potentially even bloodshed.
While I will cover this in later essays, I implore you to
remain highly skeptical when the elites wax poetic about
their concern for “marginalized communities” or
environmental devastation. These are common smokescreens

meant to distract you from the important issues at hand, and
said elites almost never actually believe their own words
when it comes to these issues.
They invest in Chinese manufacturers who treat the
Earth as a garbage dump and preach pseudo-religious
garbage like Critical Race Theory to widen racial division
while they condescendingly chastise the general public for
our supposed bigotry and lack of care. They tell black
Americans that their white neighbors want them dead and
oppose practical clean energy sources like nuclear power
plants because there’s not enough money to be made in them.
They fly to “climate summits” on private jets and buy
massive estates while they claim the average American is too
greedy and needs to give up all of the modern luxuries they
selfishly cling to.
WAKE UP! While you are made to feel bad about all of
these things, your livelihoods are being looted and your
freedoms are being taken away in the night. Either begin
opposing all of this now, or you will be forced into it in the
future once you’re eating cockroaches as your main source of
protein because beef is too costly to farm and thus unfit for
low-status rabble like yourself and your family, and your

children have been placed on fertility-killing puberty
blockers, rendering them unable to have children of their
own once they have come of age.
Think that last example is too far-fetched? Estimates
over the past half a decade have placed the amount of
children who now identify as “transgender” in the US
anywhere from 750,000 to a over a million, with around 1 in 5
(or 20%) on “gender-affirming hormone treatment” like
puberty blockers. If we use the most conservative of these
figures, we can calculate an estimated 150,000 children on
this experimental “medical intervention.” [11]
Note that, regardless of the reasons for this increase in
“trans-identifying” children (likely social contagion,
grooming by predatory adults, and “Munchausen's by Proxy”)
there are no circumstances under which a child can give
informed consent to unnecessary and ideologically driven
life-altering procedures like these. In fact, it seems to me that
claims to the contrary are leading us down a dark path to the
normalization of arguments that children can consent to
sexual activity, but that’s a subject for another time.
While we are not even close to knowing the full
long-term ramifications of this puberty blockers, the Mayo

Clinic lists the following as confirmed side-effects of the

Possible side effects of GnRH analogue

treatment include:

● Injection site swelling

● Weight gain
● Hot flashes
● Headaches

Use of GnRH analogues might also have

long-term effects on:

● Growth spurts
● Bone growth and density
● Future fertility — depending on
when pubertal blockers are
started [12]

Mind you that these are only the effects that our
left-leaning institutions will admit to at the moment. There
is a concerted effort to push hormone treatment and even
“gender affirming surgery” or “sex change operations” (aka
mutilation) onto American and European youth. The most
common of these are mastectomies (the removal of breasts),

which are being performed on girls as young as 13 years old.
Some of the procedures mentioned in this paragraph have
even been funded using US tax dollars sent to the National
Institute of Health in the name of scientific advancement.
Don’t want your children sterilized or mutilated?
Agents of the state like public school teachers may call child
protective services to have your children removed from your
household. It’s been attempted before, with one notable case
in California where a woman named Jessica Konen claimed
that teachers at her 12-year-old daughter’s middle school
groomed the girl into identifying as “trans-fluid” (whatever
that means) through an “Equality Club, and then called CPS
to open up an investigation when Konen wouldn’t affirm this
new identity they had created.
While the investigation by CPS was mercifully
dropped, Konen would later speak at a board meeting and
rightfully dress the teachers down for what they did to her
family. A video recording of her speech went viral on Twitter.
A partial transcript is as follows:

You allowed these teachers to open

their classrooms, teaching predatorial

information to a young child… that
doesn’t even know how to comprehend it
all. How do you not know what was
going on on your own campuses? Did you
think that no parent would ever come
forward? You will not quiet me today.
I will stand here today and protect my
child, along with every other child
who has not come forward yet.

Do they have psychiatry degrees that I

was unaware of? Because I didn’t hire
them, okay? I did not hire them to sit
there and nitpick my child’s brain.
You took away my ability to parent my
child even before I even had any
knowledge. I didn’t even get to show
support. You asked for support, I
didn’t get a chance. You planted
seeds… Your job was to educate my
child in math, science, English,
etcetera. Do your job and let me do

You changed her personal

documentation; her gender, her name,
her email… I authorized an ‘aka’ added
to her attendance because I wanted to

be supportive. But guess what?... Her
medical record says her birth name,
and YOU changed it. Who administers
that now?... You guys did this on your
own accountability and you’ve gone too

They downgraded me in front of my

child and allowed me to question
myself as a mother. You sat there and
told me how my child was going to be,
and then you wrapped your hands around
her while I sat across the table and
cried because you thought you could be
there better than I, and I never had a
chance. [14]

I applaud Mrs. Konen for standing up against

insidious ideologues who want to influence her children. The
fact is that if we don’t reign this kind of tyranny in now, it
will most certainly metastasize and spread to all of our
institutions, and our children and their children (if they’re
lucky enough to avoid sterilization) will become property of a
sadistic state who wants to inflict all kinds of twisted
experiments on them in the name of “healthcare.”

It can get even worse than that though. Should
Transhumanism come to full fruition, every aspect of life will
be monitored and manipulated in service to an elevated elite
class, just as Aldous Huxley predicted in his novel “Brave
New World.”
Transhumans are no longer traditionally human, after
all, and thus the concept of “human rights” no longer applies
to them. No more will our “betters” be forced to chip away at
the bill of rights piece by piece as they have been doing since
the country’s inception. Instead, they will be allowed to
throw out the document completely, without any forced
As this essay has gotten far longer than I had
originally expected, I will wrap it up soon, but I want to leave
off with one more anecdote as a warning against accepting
the doomsday cult beliefs that the corporate elite is currently
parroting ad nauseum.
In September of 1996, a man named Marshall
Applewhite recorded a VHS tape in which he made the
following proclamation:

I'll try to just put it as briefly as

I can and as clearly as I can. This

planet is about to be recycled,
refurbished, started over. That
doesn't mean it's going to be
destroyed, it doesn't mean it's the
end of the world. But it does mean
that it is going to be spaded under.
Now, you can say, "Well, who are you
to say that?" And I'll tell you who I
am. As to whether or not you believe
who I am is up to you. And whether or
not you believe that this civilization
is going to be recycled or refurbished
is up to you. Now, the purpose of this
tape is to warn you that this is about
to happen, and that it's going to
happen very soon.

If I would title this tape, it would

be "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet
Earth Before It Is Recycled" - last
chance to evacuate Earth before it is
recycled. [15]

This man was the leader of a doomsday cult commonly

known as “Heaven’s Gate.” After recruiting members over
several decades, the cult rented a compound they called “the
monastery” in October of 1996 and began making

preparations for the arrival of the Hale-bop comet, which
they believe would be trailed by a UFO that could take them
to the next level of existence so they could avoid the
In March of the next year, 39 members, including
Applewhite, dressed in matching black tracksuits and black
Nike Decade sneakers, ate poisoned batches of pudding and
apple sauce, wrapped bags around their heads, covered
themselves in purple cloth, and waited for death. All of them
would pass away over the course of three days with the
expectation that their souls would be carried away on the
This is the power that apocalyptic beliefs can have
over people. Those under the influence can be so desperate to
escape the alleged doomsday that they’ll do anything for
salvation. They’ll pay any amount of money, perform sexual
favors, and ironically even ingest poison and await their own
It’s a common saying that if the state can accrue
power through crisis, it will inevitably create crises in order
to accrue more power. This is true, and a common sense view
of how power and corruption work in human society. While

we’ve been through countless different crises in just the past
few years, with the government being the main cause of
nearly all of them, this will only get worse unless we learn to
cut through the bullshit and tell the government “no.”
When politicians inflict iron-fisted authoritarianism
upon you and tell you that it is for your own good, don’t
believe them. Liberty is the greatest gift man can ever be
given, and to rob him of that gift is to inflict upon him death
of the very soul. Never let any petty tyrant crush your spirit in
the name of security and empty Utopian rhetoric. Should you
do so in a moment of weakness, you will certainly wish you





[4] https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-WHB-1322



[7] https://extinctionrebellion.us/demands








[15] https://www.heavensgate.com/misc/vt092996.htm

PART IV: March of The Pigs

OR “Some Animals are More Equal Than


George Orwell’s 1984 is often referenced in
modern-day political discourse, to the point where it has
become something of a cliche, but rightfully so. With as
much surveillance, censorship, and doublespeak as we
currently have in 2022, it seems as if the Dystopian world in
Orwell’s novel is constantly right around the corner.
However, I much prefer another of Orwell’s political works,
one that is still regularly assigned to school children as part
of their coursework. I’m talking about his satirical novel
Animal Farm.
For those unfamiliar, the premise of Animal Farm is
very easy to grasp. A group of animals on a farm one day
decide to overthrow the farmer, driving him off the property.
They attempt to create a new kind of farm where every
animal is equal, and call this idea “Animalism.” Every animal
will work according to his or her ability, and will receive
daily rations according to his or her need.
Obviously, problems start to arise as the pigs, the most
clever of the animals, begin to fill the power vacuum left by
the departure of the farmer and, by the end of the book, the
animals have found themselves in a worse situation than the
one they were in at the start.

The story is quite clearly a satire of Communism, and
the various attempts throughout history to build a
Communist Utopia, all of which eventually transformed into
authoritarian hellholes. It efficiently points out all of the
weaknesses within the Communist model and illustrates,
step by step, the process by which devastating
Authoritarianism can take hold, all with very simple
language and storytelling. In this way, the book is a work of
genius, crafted by an expert storyteller with a clear vision and
purpose in mind. It can also be used as a lens through which
to view creeping Authoritarianism under other
For the purposes of this essay, I would like to focus on
the most interesting characters in the story: the pigs. In the
very beginning, the pigs are in the same exact situation as the
other animals on the farm. All of the various species could be
described as equally “oppressed” by the farmer. After the
farmer is run off of his land, the animals make it a point to
keep it this way, or at least attempt such a thing. When they
codify the new rules of the farm, they put particular emphasis
on the concept of equality. Their 7 commandments are as

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Note that another important theme in these rules is

the separation of “us and them,” which goes from being fairly
simple in the beginning (human vs animal) to purposefully
more complex and confused later on. We’ll discuss this in
more detail further into the essay.
The separation between the pigs and other species
begins soon after the animals start working on the farm by
themselves, albeit in very small and unassuming ways. First,
the pigs, being generally more clever than the other animals,
teach themselves how to read and write, a skill that gives
them a unique advantage early on. They then appoint
themselves as leaders. Despite the fact that this leads to the
pigs doing less manual labor, the other animals gladly accept

this set of circumstances, as the pigs seem to be competent at
their managerial positions.
Right away, we can see a growing divide between
species. The pigs are the primary holders of certain
knowledge that most of the others are not privy to, meaning
they can communicate on a different level and thus exchange
information between themselves that is inaccessible to the
general population of Animal Farm. They are the
“illuminated ones” who have bestowed upon themselves the
responsibility of managing the bigger picture.
This privileged position also allows them to
rationalize the hoarding of luxuries. At first, they start taking
all of the milk and apples for themselves while assuring the
other animals that these are required to supply their brains
with the power necessary for their high-skilled leadership
positions. This escalates when the pigs start living in the
warm farmhouse, sleeping in the beds, and wearing ribbons,
all of which are in direct conflict with the rules originally
agreed upon by the animals.
In this sense, we can see a striking similarity to the
current global elite, who wish to enforce climate rules and
meat shortages upon the general population, yet constantly

indulge in luxuries like private planes, expensive meals, and
massive oceanfront properties (which would ironically be
underwater should their apocalyptic climate predictions
come true). Of course, according to the obscenely wealthy, all
of these things are entirely necessary for them to carry out
their role as advocates.
When pressed by news presenter Chris Wallace on the
use of private jets during his activism, Microsoft founder,
Environmentalist, and all-around social engineer Bill Gate
rationalized it by claiming that his activism would eventually
“offset” his massive personal carbon footprint. “I am
offsetting my carbon emissions by buying clean aviation fuel
and funding carbon capture and funding low cost housing
projects to use electricity instead of natural gas,” he
explained. In a moment of actual honesty, he admitted in a
2014 Reddit Q&A thread that his private planes were actually
a “guilty pleasure.” [2]
Also, let’s not forget the COVID regulations back in
2020 and 2021, which were widely supported by the elites and
mainstream institutions all over the world. As one would
expect, these rules were never adhered to by the ruling class.
From UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to California

Governor Gavin Newsome, to former US President Barack
Obama, celebrities, politicians, and bureaucrats everywhere
were caught attending expensive dinner parties with
absolutely no social distancing and not a single mask in
“We don’t need the fun police to come in and
micromanage and tell us what we should or shouldn’t be
doing,” said San Francisco Mayor London Breed in an
interview after she was caught maskless at a party. “My drink
was sitting at the table. I got up and started dancing because
I was feeling the spirit and I wasn’t thinking about a mask.”
At the time, San Francisco had some of the strictest COVID
laws in the country, including mask mandates. [3]
An even more egregious example of this was Missouri
Representative Cori Bush, who defended spending around
$70,000 on private security while simultaneously advocating
for the defunding of police in American cities when she was
asked about the issue by CBS News at a protest for a COVID
housing moratorium in 2021. “They would rather I die?” she
replied angrily. “You would rather me die? Is that what you
want to see? You want to see me die? You know, because that

could be the alternative.” She elaborated with the following

I have private security because my

body is worth being on this planet
right now. I have private security
because they, the white supremacist
racist narrative that they drive into
this country. The fact that they don't
care that this Black woman… has put
her life on the line, they can't match
my energy first of all…

So if I end up spending $200,000, if I

spend 10, 10, 10 more dollars on it,
you know what, I get to be here to do
the work. So suck it up and defunding
the police has to happen. We need to
defund the police and put that money
into social safety nets because we're
trying to save lives. [4]

Apparently, at least in Cori Bush’s smooth brain, she

is worth “being on this planet,” but those in impoverished
and crime-ridden communities (most of whom do not
support “defund the police” initiatives) are not. Such is the

mindset of a privileged pig (this is not meant as commentary
on Bush’s significant body mass, but you can take it as such if
you want to).
The pigs in Animal Farm justified their own blatant
hypocrisy by adding little addendums to the rules they had
set after their revolution. “No animal shall sleep in a bed”
became “no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” “No
animal shall drink alcohol” became “no animal shall drink
alcohol to excess,” and so on. These were all explained to the
animals via a pig named “Squealer,” who was particularly
gifted in the realm of speech, and was described as “being
able to turn black into white.”
Squealer played the role of the regime-approved
“expert” in the story, constantly citing facts and figures
which supported whatever narrative the pigs wanted to push
at the time. Even when the animals were starving, he would
present them with charts that claimed their harvest was up
several times from last year. The other animals couldn’t
question this. They had left the managerial duties to the pigs,
after all, so they simply assumed that the pigs knew more
about the subject than anyone else.

This mirrors tactics used by the American corporate
media, who will constantly parrot phrases like “experts say”
or “studies have shown” when they need to appeal to some
kind of authority. Keep an eye out for sneaky terms like these
and you’ll be amazed at how often they come up every single
day. Meanwhile, these same media outlets have been telling
Americans not to do their own research on subjects.
“Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole,” proclaimed the
title of a New York Times op-ed in 2021, written by a man
named Charlie Warzel. “Critical thinking, as we’re taught to
do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.” The
author goes on to (and I’m not joking) encourage readers to
use Wikipedia for their information. “As a journalist who can
be a bit of a snob about research methods, it makes me
anxious to type this advice,” he states. “Use Wikipedia for
quick guidance! Spend less time torturing yourself with
complex primary sources!” [5]
It’s also worth noting that the author cites a “media
literacy expert” in the piece. This is another common trick
I’ve seen. News outlets will also find so-called “experts” who
are willing to parrot any opinion the newspapers want. I’ve
seen descriptions like “extremism expert,” “misinformation

expert,” “disinformation expert,” and “whiteness expert” all
used several times over just the past few years.
This kind of blind appeal to authority is how we get
headlines like The Daily Beast’s “Hundreds of Doctors
Demand Spotify Act on COVID-19 Misinformation,” or The
Boston Globe’s “Dozens of former intelligence officials sign
letter warning Hunter Biden story could be Russian
disinformation.” The main focus of these articles isn’t that
the things these so-called “experts” are denouncing are
untrue or actually harmful (in the case of both of these
examples, the alleged outrage was over things that were
either known to be true at the time or later proven to be true),
it’s that there are a lot of “experts” saying they’re bad, so you
should simply take their word for it.
Even more problematic is the fact that, in many cases,
there are no real qualifications needed to be deemed an
“expert,” and journalists will often forgo doing their due
diligence regarding sources in the name of expediency. A
fantastic example of this is the case of Ryan Holiday, a
self-proclaimed “media manipulator” who was profiled in a
piece published on Forbes entitled “How This Guy Lied His

Way Into MSNBC, ABC News, The New York Times and
The article details how Holiday used a website called
Help a Reporter Out (HARO) to establish contact with
journalists and pose as an expert in wildly different fields. He
posed as a “long-suffering insomniac” for ABC news, made
up a story about being sneezed on while working at Burger
King for MSNBC, offered advice on winterizing boats for
ManitouBoats.com, and helped out with a piece about vinyl
records for the New York Times (despite having little
experience with them). [6]
Squealer’s changing of data in order to match his
assigned narrative is also reminiscent of the role Dr. Anthony
Fauci played when he was assigned to the COVID-19 task
force at the very start of the pandemic. Many people may still
vividly remember his denunciation of masks in an early
interview with 60 Minutes.
“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,”
he proclaimed. “When you’re in the middle of an outbreak,
wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and
it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the
perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often,

there are unintended consequences - people keep fiddling
with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
Despite how strongly worded his stance on this was,
he would later flip on the issue entirely once the CDC issued
mask guidelines less than a month later. He would pull the
same trick once again in January of 2021. After claiming that
vaccinated people were protected from the virus and thus
wouldn’t have to wear masks in public, he changed his mind
once again, and even advocated for “double-masking,” stating
in an interview with Today “... if you have a physical covering
with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes
common sense that it likely would be more effective.” This
time, however, it wouldn’t stick, and most Americans
wouldn’t adopt masks with as much enthusiasm as they did
before. [7]
Another manipulation tactic used by the pigs, mainly
the pig “Napoleon,” who becomes a sort of dictator of the
farm, is the use of a scapegoat to explain away the various
failings of their leadership. After the ousting of Napoleon’s
rival, Snowball, every weak harvest, defection, and shortage is
blamed on Snowball. He is turned into an almost mythical
figure who is everywhere all at once, plotting and scheming

to take down Animal Farm at all costs. When misfortune
befalls Animal Farm, some of the less clever animals are
coerced into admitting that they were working for Snowball
all along, and are executed by Napoleon’s specially-trained
While this was originally meant as a satire of the
USSR’s obsession with “wreckers” and “kulaks,” we can still
see something similar happen in modern-day America with
identity politics around race and gender, with the scapegoat
in this case being “straight white men.” This is mainly
because the white male demographic is most likely to hold
right wing Populist political views (and thus voted for Donald
Trump in greater numbers than any other demographic).
Considering the Populist right is the ONLY faction in
America that truly poses a threat to the pro-corporate
Globalist establishment, it’s only natural that they be
punished and demonized in some way.
As far as the United States federal government is
concerned, despite miles of city scape being razed to the
ground in black race riots and countless attacks on innocent
civilians by black-clad Anarcho-Communists (Antifa), the
number one terror threat to America is “white supremacy.” In

June of 2021, the Joe Biden administration directly stated as
much in a document called the “National Strategy for
Countering Domestic Terrorism”:

Today’s domestic terrorism threat,

as assessed comprehensively by
America’s intelligence and law
enforcement professionals in early
2021, involves a complex mix of

According to this assessment, one

key aspect of today’s domestic
terrorism threat emerges from
racially or ethnically motivated
violent extremists and networks
whose racial, ethnic, or religious
hatred leads them toward violence,
as well as those whom they
encourage to take violent action.
These actors have different
motivations, but many focus their
violence towards the same segment
or segments of the American
community, whether persons of
color, immigrants, Jews, Muslims,
other religious minorities, women
and girls, LGBTQI+ individuals, or
others. Their insistence on

violence can, at times, be
explicit. It also can, at times, be
less explicit, lurking in
ideologies rooted in a perception
of the superiority of the white
race that call for violence in
furtherance of perverse and
abhorrent notions of racial
“purity” or “cleansing.”

The document also flat-out admits that their

concentration is largely on those who hold
“anti-government” or “anti-authority” views, and place the
opposition to “Corporate Globalization” in the same category
of “extreme views” as Anarchism and Communism. They also
include “involuntary celibates,” or “incels,” which refers
exclusively to men who struggle to find sexual partners (once
again, it’s white men they’re targeting).
If you think I’m overreacting, here’s the passage in
question so you can judge for yourself:

Another key component of the threat

comes from anti–government or
anti-authority violent extremists.
This significant component of
today’s threat includes

self-proclaimed “militias” and
militia violent extremists who take
steps to violently resist
government authority or facilitate
the overthrow of the U.S.
Government based on perceived
overreach; anarchist violent
extremists, who violently oppose
all forms of capitalism, corporate
globalization, and governing
institutions, which they perceive
as harmful to society; sovereign
citizen violent extremists, who
believe they are immune from
government authority and laws; or
any other National Strategy for
Countering Domestic Terrorism
individual or group who engages in
violence - or incites imminent
violence - in opposition to
legislative, regulatory, or other
actions taken by the government.
Other domestic terrorists may be
motivated to violence by
single–issue ideologies related to
abortion–, animal rights-,
environmental-, or involuntary
celibate-violent extremism, as well
as other grievances - or a
combination of ideological

influences. In some cases,
individuals may develop their own
idiosyncratic justifications for
violence that defy ready
categorization. [8]

Since the issuance of this report, there have been

several high profile cases of terrorism (although they weren’t
legally classified as such) involving overt black supremacists.
These include an April 2022 shooting in the New York
subway by a man named Keechant Sewell, who holds virulent
anti-white beliefs, and also a november 2021 incident where a
man drove his SUV through a Christmas parade in
Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Sadly, the motivations behind both of these attacks
would actively be downplayed by the mainstream corporate
media, with the Christmas parade incident being the most
egregious of the two examples. I would elaborate on it
further, but luckily I don’t have to, as I already wrote about it
at length back in December of 2021 in an essay I titled
“Destroyed in the Name of Equity and Fairness”:

[Note: the following passage has been very minimally altered from
its original published iteration in order to better fit with the flow of
this essay]

The world [watched] in horror as a red SUV [plowed]

through a Christmas parade in the suburb of Waukesha,
Wisconsin, hitting around 60 people and killing 6 of them.
Videos of the incident are plastered all over social media,
resulting in anger and despair from every side of the political
spectrum (aside from some particularly rancid Leftists who
used the incident as a punchline, but that’s to be expected
these days).
By the next day, the apparent perpetrator had been
arrested and identified. However, you may not have known
this if you were watching mainstream media. For some
reason, the corporate media became very uninterested in the
killer’s identity and motives that drove him to commit such a
despicable act.
Even stranger, there were articles from very large
mainstream publications that seemed to try and excuse the
loss of life. “The suspect was fleeing another crime scene,
possibly a knife fight,” claimed CBS news. This would later
prove to be entirely false, with the police themselves
confirming that there was no active pursuit of the man. Other
news outlets suspected that the perpetrator had simply taken a
wrong turn while driving.

Some news outlets omitted the suspect from headlines
entirely. “Here’s what we know so far on the sequence of
events that led to the Waukesha tragedy caused by a SUV,”
Jeff Bezos’ personal rag, The Washington Post, had tweeted.
Good ‘ol CNN had their own version of this strange
wording, tweeting "Waukesha will hold a moment of silence
today, marking one week since a car drove through a city
Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring scores of
others..." Must have been one of those fancy self-driving
Of course, the reasons for this bizarre behavior become
immediately apparent when you see who the perpetrator in
question was. Darrell E Brooks, a black registered sex
offender with an incredibly long rap sheet, had been out on
bail after trying to run over the mother of his child with the
same SUV used in the parade attack.
While noticeably absent from most mainstream outlets,
this stuff was all over social media, particularly places like
4chan and Twitter. So too was his social media history, which
was overtly anti-white and supportive of political groups like
“Black Lives Matter.”
A few braver journalists, most notably anti-Antifa
writer Andy Ngo, were willing to report these details. Ngo,
along with Youtuber Tim Pool, were skewered for bringing
these inconvenient facts to light by corpo-leftist attack dog
The Daily Beast in an article entitled “How big-time

right-wing trolls Andy Ngo and Tim Pool tied the Waukesha
killings to Black Lives Matter.” [9]

[End of excerpt]

Many people who were not particularly in tune with

the political atmosphere at the time were understandably
baffled by the corporate media’s behavior. Those who were
sufficiently tuned in, however, understood their motivations
very well. The racial group the perpetrator belonged to was
not the designated problem demographic, therefore it was
not considered relevant to the case. If Darrell E Brooks was
white, it would be an entirely different story, and we would
see countless think pieces and Twitter threads from verified
blue-checks about the “deadliness of white fragility.”
Another tactic often used to demonize white people is
the parroting of academic concepts like “white privilege” and
“systemic racism,” which stem from pseudo-scientific fields
like “Critical Race Theory.” For the uninitiated, these terms
may be a bit confusing, as the definitions given by the race
hustlers who frequently use them are different every time,
and are subject to change depending on the argument at

hand. However, I believe I can sum the concept up fairly
“Systemic Racism” is the idea that difference of
outcome between racial demographics, regardless of context
or actual circumstances, can be attributed to all applicable
“systems” being built, either purposefully or inadvertently,
for the benefit of white people. “White privilege” is the
advantage that is theoretically derived from these “racist
systems” by the white people who are present within them.
These are simple, boiled-down definitions for these terms,
but I doubt even the Critical Theorists themselves would be
able to find many flaws with them.
Still, to be thorough, I want to include a definition
from actual Critical Race Theory practitioners. Here is
non-profit NGO “The Aspen Institute’s” definition of a
synonymous term, “Structural Racism” (note that critical
theorists often use interchangeable similar terms to make
their writings seem more erudite):

Structural Racism: A system in which

public policies, institutional
practices, cultural representations,
and other norms work in various, often
reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial

group inequity. It identifies
dimensions of our history and culture
that have allowed privileges
associated with “whiteness” and
disadvantages associated with “color”
to endure and adapt over time.
Structural racism is not something
that a few people or institutions
choose to practice. Instead it has
been a feature of the social, economic
and political systems in which we all
exist. [10]

I want to draw special attention to the last couple of

sentences, which specify that “Structural Racism” is largely
practiced without the participants knowing. Much like foul
ghosts or spirits in need of exercising, “Racism” is
everywhere all at once, invisible, and we need the eye of
specially trained “experts” in order to identify and address
the problem. Are you starting to see a pattern emerge here?
When we step back and get a look at the bigger
picture, we can get a clearer explanation for why the big
multinational corporations, left-wing politicians, and
American intelligence agencies have all adopted this
worldview. It is not only because it punished those in a

problematic demographic, but because it also gives them an
easy excuse for their many, many failings. Economic
inequality? Blame white men. Stock market crash? Probably
white men too. Violence in the streets? Most certainly white
men. Black men attacking old Asian people in coastal
cities?... Yeah, white men.
If that last example sounds like too far of a stretch,
you should know that it was most certainly attempted by the
media during the 2021 “Stop Asian Hate” campaign, another
subject I wrote about in my essay “Destroyed in the Name of
Equity and Fairness”:

… a particularly egregious instance of… feigned

ignorance and obfuscation is the mostly failed “Stop Asian
Hate” campaign from 2020 and early 2021. Looking to double
dip on ratcheting up racial tension in America after the
blazing success they had with Black Lives Matter, mainstream
outlets and social media pundits decided to essentially create
the Asian equivalent to the social movement.
This was incredibly short lived, however, as almost all
of the stories and video evidence depicted black on Asian
violence. These were, of course, memory holed and the whole
movement fizzled out fairly quickly. It turned out the media
wasn’t actually too keen on covering Asian hate if it meant
implicating a “marginalized” group of people. Asians are

higher in the Progressive stack, after all. Pointing out the race
of these particular attackers wouldn’t be FAIR or
Once again, none of this is new. I’m sure Colin
Flaherty predicted it, as he wrote an entire chapter about
black-on-Asian violence in “White Girl Bleed a Lot.” In it, he
described the many, many instances of seemingly unprovoked
and brutal attacks that happened around the time of the book’s
writing, as well as the media's insistence that there was
absolutely no racial angle whatsoever.
These days, the media is even less tactful… “How
white supremacy, racist myths fuel anti-Asian violence,”
wrote Washington State University for an op-ed. “White
supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US”
was the title for an article from a site called The Conversation.
“How racism and white supremacy fueled a Black-Asian
divide,” spewed the pseudo-Marxist agitators at Vox. Even
Time Magazine weighed in with a piece entitled “I'm Tired of
Educating White People About Anti-Asian Racism.”
Here we see yet another manifestation of the moral
innocence attributed to black people on behalf of the media
and pseudo-religious hack academics. Of course it’s not black
people’s fault that they disproportionately brutalize Asian
people in hate-filled attacks. It’s been those darn white people
the whole time! [9]

[End of excerpt]

The end result of this nonstop campaign of hatred
towards white people is the cultivation of a certain cultural
attitude towards them that blames them for all of their
failings, yet congratulates them for none of their successes.
In short, it breeds a very particular kind of sadistic
resentment and animosity. Here are just a few posts that I
found on Twitter today when I searched for the phrase “I
don’t feel bad for poor white”:

● I don’t feel bad for poor white folk; like

you just didn’t read the instruction
● I don’t feel bad for homeless/poor white
people. How you fail ina system that was
built for you to win? I’ll never feel bad
● & im sorry i don’t feel bad for poor white
ppl. have you have a head start and you
fumbled it
● I don't feel bad for poor white people if
you had racism on your side and you still
fumbled the bag that's on you
● i don’t feel bad for poor white people..
y’all LITERALLY have the upper hand

● I'm sorry I don't feel bad for the poor
White girl. Not when my people have
struggled & continue to struggle under YOU

And on and on it goes…

I feel I have sufficiently proven my point by now. In

the American establishment’s current treatment of white
people, there is a clear resemblance to Snowball’s role in
Napoleon's propaganda campaign in the book Animal Farm.
There was no problem or failure on which Snowball’s alleged
evil schemes couldn’t be blamed. For wicked power-hungry
regimes, there’s no get-out-of-jail-free card that can beat a
good scapegoat, especially if that scapegoat happens to be
your political rival (or, just as good, that rival’s voter base)!
It’s at this part of the essay that I wish I could simply
post the entirety of Animal Farm’s final chapter, since it’s so
well-written and drives the message of the story home so
effectively. However, although the copyright for the book has
expired in Europe as of last year, decades of corporate
lobbying has ensured that American copyright laws are still
draconian and all-around stupid, so I will have to simply
advise you to read the story on your own time when you get

the chance. It shouldn’t be too hard, as the novella is present
in pretty much every local library and can be found for free
through various sources online. I will simply continue to
summarize the events in the story from here, which should
suffice for the purposes of this essay, at least.
Under Napoleon's reign the 7 commandments from
the beginning of the story are all bastardized, and eventually
removed entirely, replaced with a single proclamation: “All
animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than
others.” At this point, the gulf between the pigs and the other
animals has widened to the point where their lives don’t
intersect at all. The pigs all live in the farmhouse, and raise
their children separately from the others, teaching them to
view themselves as superior.
Education is an important theme in the book, with the
most relevant subplot being the dogs that Napoleon
sequesters away to a private area to raise by himself. By
taking the pups away from their parents, he is able to fill
their minds with only the things he wants them to know, and
thus they grow up to be entirely loyal to him. After this, they
become both his bodyguards and executioners, meting out
his vengeance upon any who dare question his reign.

We can see clear parallels here to public education
systems in which children are separated from their parents
and taught state-approved curriculum. Eventually, should the
Transhumanists get their way, children will be raised entirely
without mother or father figures, and the state will be their
guardian. I can recall popular radio personality Alex Jones
stating recently that this is part of why Postmodern gender
ideology is being pushed so hard onto school children by
their teachers. According to Jones, If you can tie a core
identity like your gender to a political construct, the state
essentially “becomes your daddy.”
At the very end of Animal Farm, the pigs all emerge
from the farmhouse on two legs and strut around the
surrounding field, showing off their new ability to the other
animals, who watch in silent despair. At this point, the very
foundation of “Animalism” had been broken, but the animals
had already invested so much into their precious farm and
internalized the authority of the pigs to such a degree that
they found themselves unable to raise any objections

They were broken and beaten. The pigs had won, and
the others could do nothing but gaze upon their twisted
victory march.
So what is the final takeaway here? In my opinion, we
should be extremely skeptical of those who claim themselves
to be our rightful rulers, especially if those people claim that
all of their unsightly actions are for our own good. If tyrants
can convince you that their tyranny is actually a form of
justice, they’re free to do anything to you.
Be on the lookout for calls for things like “equity” and
“unity” from the current American regime, Globalist groups
like The World Economic Forum, or any kind of
Tranhumanist. Peel away the facade of benevolence from
these statements, and you may just find a fat greedy pig
grinning back at you.


[1] Orwell, George. Animal Farm. London, United Kingdom,

Secker and Warburg, 17 August 1945.










PART V: Yuri Bezmenov on Subversion

OR The Soviet Game Plan

After Trump’s election in 2016, the corporate media
began a ruthless onslaught of hit pieces and takedowns of his
administration, looking to sow hatred for Trump and his
supporters via their media hegemony. It worked… a little.
Those who were already predisposed to hating Trump
became even more unhinged and bloodthirst. They obsessed
over Trump and the threat of right wing Populism day and
night, and many believe the country to be on the precipice of
becoming Nazi Germany 2.0. This condition would later
become known as “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
Yet something unexpected began to happen. Trump
supporters, and even centrists who had no strong feelings
either way, began to distrust and even despise the media for
their sneaky and dishonest tactics and obvious political bias.
In every group outside of party-line Democrats, trust in the
news media fell to historic lows. This was also when many
were introduced to a man named Yuri Bezmenov.
Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, the son of a
high-ranking official in the Soviet Army, was a journalist
who was trained in the art of subversion by the KGB. His
specialty was in Indian culture, and he worked in India as a
translator for several years following his graduation. While

there, he developed a deep appreciation for the Indian people
and their rich culture, something that would later contribute
to his defection to the West.
After returning to Russia and working for the Soviet
state-run media outlet RIA Novosti in Moscow, he would
later be shipped off once again to his beloved India, where he
took on the role of a press-officer. While his job titles were
seemingly innocuous, his real job was, of course, as an agent
of the KGB. In his book, No Novosti is Good News,”
Bezmenov describes the Novosti press agency as being the
information arm of USSR, located in their embassies across
the world:

The geographical location of

Novosti Press Agency is a sort of
spatial trick: headquarters of the
APN is located at Pushkin Square,
right behind the ultra-modern
Russian movie theater in Moscow,
while the "branches” of Novosti.
according to the official Charter,
are located in the capitals and
major cities of 130 countries of
the world. Yet Novosti foreign
bureaus are in most cases not
called "Novosti" at all - for they

are attached to or constitute the
entirety of the Information
Departments of the USSR embassies
all over the world. [1]

He goes into more detail about how APN (the Novosti

Press Agency) operates later in the book, outlining their true
purpose and duties:

The Novosti Press Agency (APN) is

an extension or Agitprop Department
of the Central Committee,
established for propaganda,
subversion and intelligence

Posing as "independent", the APN is

in fact a direct and subordinate
extension of the Party-State
bureaucracy, which removes from
itself any responsibility for
knowingly illegal or immoral
actions of the APN.

The Agency facilitates, in the way

of propaganda, the implementation
of the USSR leadership's internal
and foreign policy, using
indoctrination and coercion on one

hand, and inciting hatred and class
struggle and terrorism on the

In the USSR; slandering and

downgrading everything foreign if
not under Soviet domination.

Abroad; presenting selected and

censored half-truths glorifying the
Soviet way of life, disinformation.

The sphere of Soviet information control experienced

by citizens of the USSR at the time was so tight that most
were sheltered from what was actually going on in the world,
with only the phony highly-processed government-approved
messages ever reaching their ears. Even as a supposed
“journalist,” Yuri Bezmenov was not immune to this.
In one passage of his book, he recalls tuning an
imported shortwave radio to foreign stations to try and get a
glimpse outside of the informational iron curtain:

While at home, my favorite medium

is a short- wave radio set,
imported by my father from
liberated East Germany. I spend
hours by the set. tuning to the

Voice of America, BBC and Deutsche
Welle for news from abroad; Radio
Luxembourg and Radio Teheran, for
music; All India Radio, for
nostalgia. But the most exciting
for me is Radio Svoboda (or Radio
Free Europe), the station that
informs me about happenings in my
own country It is an irony: I work
for a news agency

While in India, he continued with his propaganda

efforts as part of the USSR’s ongoing project to subvert
Indian culture and place the country firmly under Soviet
control. He eventually rose through the ranks and
spearheaded the Indian branch of a newly established
“Research and Counter-Propaganda Group.” However, as the
oppressive and brutal nature of the regime he worked for
became more and more clear to him, thoughts of defecting
inevitably sprang into his mind.
He explained his thoughts on the matter in a 1984
interview with famed Anti-Communist author and public
speaker G. Edward Griffin:

… When I started working for the

Soviet embassy in India, to my horror

I discovered that we are millions of
times more oppressive than any
colonial or imperialist power in the
history of mankind. That my country
brings to India not freedom, progress,
and friendship between the nations,
but racism, exploitation, and slavery
and, of course, economical
inefficiency to this country.

Since I fell in love with India, I

developed something which by KGB
standards is an extremely dangerous
thing. It’s called split loyalty. When
an agent likes a country of assignment
more than his own country. I literally
fell in love with this beautiful
country, a country of great contrasts,
but also great humility, great
tolerance, and philosophical and
intellectual freedoms.

My ancestors used to live in caves and

eat raw meat when India was a highly
civilized nation six thousand years
ago. So obviously the choice was not
to the advantage of my own nation. I
decided to defect and to entirely

disassociate myself from the brutal
regime. [2]

The straw that broke the camel's back would be the

discovery of files that listed the names of individuals who
would potentially be executed should the country fall under
Soviet control:

To my horror, I discovered that in the

files where people were doomed to
execution. There were names of
pro-Soviet journalists with whom I was
personally friendly… They were
idealistically minded leftists who
made several visits to the USSR. And
yet the KGB decided that, come
revolution or drastic changes in
political structure of India, they
will have to go… Because they know too
much. Simply because, you see, the
useful idiots - the leftists who are
idealistically believing in the beauty
of Soviet socialist or communist or
whatever system - when they get
disillusioned, they become the worst
enemies. [2]

After this, Bezmenov formulated a plan to defect that,
while almost cartoonish, managed to successfully let his
escape from the clutches of the KGB. According to
Bezmenov, there were “thousands of young American boys
and girls with no shoes, long hair, smoking hash and
These Americans were students who “sometimes
studied” Indian philosophy, but mostly just pretending. He
also added that they were something of a joke among the
native Indian population “because obviously they were
good-for-nothing students.”
Bezmenov studied these hippies for quite some time,
noting their behavior, the way they spoke, which drugs they
did, and where they liked to congregate. When he was finally
confident enough in his information gathering, he dressed up
like a hippie himself and simply joined in with them:

I was dressed as a typical hippie with

blue jeans, long kameez shirt with all
kinds of nice decorations like beads,
long hair - I bought a wig because for
several weeks I had to turn myself
from a conservative Soviet diplomat
into a very progressive American

hippie - and that was the only way
that that I could avoid detection. [2]

After managing to escape to Greece, he eventually

made it all the way to Canada, which became his new
permanent home. While there, he took on the alias “Tomas
David Schuman” to help him avoid detection from any
potential Soviet informants in the west.
Later in life, Bezmenov wrote several books on the
topic of Soviet espionage, and ended up teaching at the
University of Windsor. Even years after his death in 1993, His
model of Soviet Subversion is still used in analysis of
Communist activities by Universities and think tanks all over
the world.
This model presents four main stages in the
ideological capture of a country. They are as follows:

● Demoralization (15-20 years)

● Destabilization (2-5 years)
● Crisis (2-6 months)
● Normalization ("indefinite")

Videos featuring Yuri Bezmenov, particularly clips
from his interview with G. Edward Griffin and one of his
university lectures, went viral across the right wing internet
during the Trump years, bringing awareness of the man and
his teachings to new heights. For these netizens, the appeal
came from an increased awareness in the far-left sympathies
of the corporate media, as well as increasing mainstream
support for violent far-left terror groups like Antifa.
In 2017, CNN ran what was essentially a puff piece on
the organization entitled “Unmasking the Anti-Fascist
Movement: Left-Wing Activists Seek Peace Through
Violence” [Note: this title would later be altered to remove the
“peace through violence” part]. In it, they detailed every aspect
of Antifa, including their deliberate obfuscation of
organizational structure through the use of
loosely-connected cells. They mention that Antifa members
have no qualms with destroying private property, and are
quick to resort to violence against their ideological enemies.
The article also makes it clear that Antifa rationalizes
their violence as “self defense.” In their minds, anyone who
doesn’t explicitly support their brand of Communism is a
“reactionary,” and is therefore enabling the rise of “Fascism”

in America. “Violence against windows — there’s no such
thing as violence against windows,” one anonymous Antifa
member said in the article. “Windows don’t have- they’re not
persons. And even when they are persons, the people we
fight back against, they are evil. They are the living
embodiment, they are the second coming of Hitler.” [3]
Despite the media attention Antifa got at the time, the
Black Lives Matter riots of 2020 (many of which were spurred
on by Antifa members) would prompt a dramatic narrative
shift that did not go unnoticed by the general populace.
BOOGEYMAN DOESN’T EXIST,” a headline from Vanity
Fair smugly assured readers.
The article goes on to tell us “an exhaustive
investigation by the Associated Press has revealed that of the
hundreds of people arrested during the ongoing protests
against police brutality, almost none have had any links to
the organizing tactic known as antifa, which the president
has repeatedly insisted is a concerted left-wing group.” [4]
Congressman Jerry Nadler also repeated this
sentiment when pressed on the issue by a man named Austen
Fletcher in a viral video. Fletcher approached Nadler on the

street and asked him to disavow Antifa. “There’s violence
across the whole country,” he began. “Do you disavow the
violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right
now?” Nadler would reply with “that’s a myth that’s being
spread only in Washington, D.C..” [5]
Despite all of this denial of reality, Antifa groups like
Rose City Antifa and Riot Kitchen (an extremist group which
disguises themselves as a food distribution service), along
with Antifa’s various propaganda arms like Unicorn Riot and
ItsGoingDown, would not only issue statements of support
for the destructive riots, but many of their members would be
present at the ones in Portland.
Extreme Antifa-adjacent groups, namely Pop Mob
PDX, PDX Rising Tide, the Revolutionary Abolitionist
Group, Colectivo X, and Symbiosis PDX, issued a statement
encouraging people to join in on the violence on July 22nd of
2020. The statement is as follows:


We love that people are thinking about
the ways they can support the people
in this city, especially those who
have been pressing hard in the streets
for the past seven weeks in support of

the struggle for Black lives and for
freedom for all - and despite the
brutally repressive tactics of police
and federal forces. We want to accept
your support - and we say the best way
to support us is to take inspiration
from Portland and bring this fight to
where you are in any way you can.

Go as hard as you want, use every tool

in the toolbox, and employ every
tactic you can. Our fight is your
fight and we want to share it with
you. Our common struggle against
fascism and against the police and
federal officials defending white
supremacy are intertwined. The
movement is moving: solidarity is
spreading and the bigger we get the
faster we win.

We will stay in the streets until

every institution in our society
reflects the acknowledgement that
BLACK LIVES MATTER - and we hope you
will too. [6]

Throughout the rest of 2020, all of the groups
mentioned above, along with many others, used social media
to keep their fellow left-wing extremists informed on the
latest “direct action” (a euphemism for aggressive and violent
forms of protest). These were largely advertised as “marches,”
“protests,” or “rallies,” but usually devolved into property
destruction and violence.
“In solidarity with our comrades in portland there will
be a rally/march starting at broadway and pine on saturday
july 25th, we need as many bodies as possible so tell all your
friends! #seattleprotest #BlackLivesMatter
#PortlandProtests,” tweeted Seattle Youth Liberation Front,
another Antifa group, on the 21st of July. On the night of
their “rally,” rioters set fire to a construction site and threw
rocks, bottles, and even explosives at police officers. By the
end of the night, a riot had been declared and the police
cleared everyone out, arresting 25 rioters in the process. [7]
This was business as usual for Antifa. In fact, it
became so obvious how flimsy the mainstream media’s
obfuscation of the matter was that even Mayor Ted Wheeler
of Portland, who had previously marched alongside Antifa,

was forced to issue a statement condemning them during a
January of 2021 press conference:

My good faith efforts at de-escalation

have been met with ongoing violence
and even scorn from radical Antifa and
anarchists. In response, it will be
necessary to use additional tools and
to push the limits of the tools we
already have to bring the criminal
destruction and violence to an end…
It’s time to push back harder against
those who are set on destroying our
community and to take more risks in
fighting lawlessness. [8]

This chaos wasn’t relegated to Portland. In fact, the

most notable example of far left violence was the Seattle
“Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ), later renamed to
the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” (CHOP) when it became
clear that autonomy was neither possible nor desirable.
This “zone” was created when police officers were
ordered to stand down and give the Capitol Hill police
station (the East Precinct) over to protesters. This occupied

area grew to cover seven whole square blocks of inner-city
The “protestors,” led by Anarcho-Communist
extremists and violent gangs, occupied the area for several
weeks (from the 8th of June to the 1st of July). The place
quickly became infested with junkies, vandalism, and mob
violence, and the business owners in the area were harassed,
threatened, and extorted on a daily basis. Dozens of business
owners ended up filing a lawsuit against the city for their
insane negligence near the end of June, with the lawsuit
documents making the following claims:

This lawsuit is about the

constitutional and other legal
rights of Plaintiffs—businesses,
employees, and residents in and
around CHOP—which have been overrun
by the City of Seattle’s
unprecedented decision to abandon
and close off an entire city
neighborhood, leaving it unchecked
by the police, unserved by fire and
emergency health services, and
inaccessible to the public at
large. The City’s decision has
subjected businesses, employees,

and residents of that neighborhood
to extensive property damage,
public safety dangers, and an
inability to use and access their
properties… [9]

When asked about the dangers posed by the

“autonomous zone” by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on June
11th, Jenny Durkan notoriously postulated that it could end
up blossoming into a “Summer of Love.” [10]
The area was finally cleared out by the city after
several shooting incidents and two murders within the
“occupied protest.” Despite all that had transpired, the
mainstream corporate media would largely forget all about
CHAZ/CHOP, and the narrative that “right wing extremism”
was the most dangerous threat to America still dominated
the airwaves.
Documents were leaked over a year later showing that
former Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s administration actually
planned to legally sign the precinct over to “Black Lives
Matter Seattle-King County,” a local activist group. These
plans fell through when the activist organization, who were
apparently of sounder mind than the mayor, rejected the

officer. A June 8th, 2020 draft of the resolution read as

WHEREAS The East Precinct, located

at 1519 12th Avenue, Seattle WA is
located in the heart of Seattle’s
Capitol Hill neighborhood, a
neighborhood known for its
diversity and social activism. This
precinct houses Seattle Police
officers who patrol Seattle’s
Central District neighborhood and
has been seen as a symbol of police
oppression in one of Seattle’s
historically Black neighborhoods.
This property is valued in excess
of $5,000,000.

WHEREAS Black Lives Matter

Seattle-King County is a
grassroots, volunteer-run,
social-justice nonprofit
organization focused on the
empowerment and liberation of
Blacks and other people of color
through advocacy and direct action.
BLM Seattle centers leadership on
Black femmes, women, and queer
people organizing and taking direct

action to dismantle anti-black
systems and policies of oppression.
The core activists and organizers
of BLM Seattle King County is a
group of Black and other people of
color focused on dismantling
anti-black systems and policies of

NOW THEREFORE: The City transfers

permanent use of/ownership of 1519
12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122,
also known as the East Precinct to
Black Lives Matters Seattle-King
County Chapter, effective July 1,
2020. The City of Seattle agrees to
vacate the property and remove all
law-enforcement materials and
police- related facilities, such as
holding cells and all police
insignia, from the building before
vacating. The City of Seattle
commits to the ongoing maintenance
of the building as needed, to be
determined to Black Lives Matters
Seattle-King County Chapter. [11]

Outside of politicians and journalists running defense

for Anarcho-Communists, 2020 was filled with general

mainstream media support for the “Black Lives Matter”
campaigns of destruction nationwide that were responsible
for dozens of deaths, countless destroyed businesses, and
miles worth of American cityscape left in smoldering ruins.
Every day, members of the corpo-approved press seemed to
grow more chaotic and insane than the last.
During the Kenosha Wisconsin riots, CNN infamously
displayed a chyron featuring the phrase “fiery but mostly
peaceful protests after police shooting” alongside footage of
their correspondent standing in front of burning wreckage.
This became a sort of symbol for the 2020 riots on right wing
social media, as it perfectly encapsulated the news media’s
approach to the whole thing.
During an interview with late night talk show host
Jimmy Fallon, CNN’s Don Lemon, a disgustingly smug and
emotionally-performative mouthpiece for Corpo-leftist
America, stated the following in regards to the carnage
across the country:

I think that maybe it has to break all

the way down so people can fix it and
put it all back together, and I know
some people may think that sounds

ominous, but for me, that’s positive -
that’s a glass half full, because we
cannot go back to the way it was. We
can’t. [13]

All of this far-left insanity from the media, combined

with America’s completely broken education system, had a
measurable effect on the youth. “Socialism as Popular as
Capitalism Among Young Adults in U.S.,” touted a headline
from the pollsters at Gallup. According to their
measurements, capitalism was viewed positively by only 51%
of Millenials and Gen-Zers (or “Zoomers”), while 49% viewed
Socialism in a positive light. There was undeniably some
kind of Subversion at hand. [14]
In this kind of deranged political environment, it was
no wonder that Conservatives and Centrists seemed to
gravitate towards Yuri Bezmenov’s public speaking videos.
He seemed to pinpoint the specific weaknesses within
American society that were being subverted and exploited by
Corpo-leftists at every turn, despite having filmed the videos
several decades ago. Reality was apparently catching up to
Bezmenov in a terrifying way.

Still, many Leftists still decry Bezmenov as a fraud,
and repeat the USSR’s past narrative that he was a simple
clerical worker for news outlets who fabricated his
involvement and training with the KGB after the fact. While
we may never know the entire story behind Mr. Bezmenov,
there’s little doubt that the ideas his writing and lectures
communicated held undeniable truths, and can still be
applied to the political climate of today.
This is why I’m concluding this chapter with a lengthy
excerpt from Yuri Bezmenov’s 1983 lecture on subversion.
While dated in some respects, I believe you will find a lot
here to be very worthwhile. It certainly blew my mind when I
watched the video for the first time. If this excerpt has a
similar effect on you, I highly recommend seeking out the
entire thing.
While this lecture encompasses all four stages of
subversion, I will be reproducing a transcript for only the
first one, demoralization, as I believe it to be the most
relevant to this essay series. This excerpt was sourced from a
website called “Bezmenov.net,” and the full lecture transcript
is currently hosted there, along with a full transcript of his

interview with G Edward Griffin. It has only been slightly
altered by me.

[Note: English was not Yuri Bezmenov’s primary language. This is

meant to be a raw transcript that includes all of his grammatical
errors. However, I believe that he is still easily understood.]

Subversion is the term - if you look in a

dictionary, or criminal codes to that matter -
usually is explained as a part of activity to
destroy things like the religion, government
system, political economical system of a country.
And usually it’s linked to espionage and such
romantic things as blowing up bridges, side
tracking trains, cloak and dagger activity in
Hollywood style.

What I’m going to talk about now has absolutely

nothing to do with the cliche of espionage or KGB
activity of collecting information. So the
greatest mistake or misconception, I think, is
that whenever we are talking about KGB, for some
strange reason - starting from Hollywood movie
makers to professors of political science and
quote unquote “experts,” some on Soviet affairs
or “Kremlinologists” as they call themselves -

they think that the most desirable thing for
Andropov and the whole KGB is to steal blueprints
of some supersonic jet, bring it back to the
Soviet Union and sell it to the Soviet military
industrial complex. It’s only partly true.

If we take the whole time, money, and manpower

that the Soviet Union, and KGB in particular,
spends outside of USSR border we will discover -
of course, there are no official statistics,
unlike with the CIA or FBI - that espionage as
such occupies only 10-15% of money, time and
manpower. Fifteen percent of the activity of the
KGB. The rest, 85%, is always subversion. And
unlike a dictionary of English, Oxford
Dictionary, subversion in Soviet terminology
means always a destructive, aggressive activity
aimed to destroy the country, nation or
geographical area of your enemy.

So there are no romantics in there, absolutely no

blowing up bridges, no microfilms and Coca-Cola
cans. Nothing of that sort. No James Bond
nonsense. Most of this activity is overt,
legitimate, and easily observable if you give
yourself time and trouble to observe it. But
according to the law and law enforcement systems
of the Western civilization, it’s not a crime

exactly because of misconception, manipulation of
terms. We think that a subverter is a person who
is going to blow up our beautiful bridges. No.
Subverter is a student who come for exchange, a
diplomat, an actor, an artist, a journalist like
myself was ten years ago.

Now, subversion is an activity which is a two-way

traffic. You cannot subvert an enemy which
doesn’t want to be subverted. If you know history
of Japan, for example, before the 20th century,
Japan was a closed society. The moment a foreign
boat comes to the shores of Japan, the Imperial
Japanese army politely tell them to get lost. And
if American salesman comes to the shore of Japan,
I’d say 60 or 70 years from now back and says,
“Oh, I have a very beautiful vacuum cleaner for
you, you know, with good financing.” He says,
“Please leave us. We don’t need a vacuum
cleaner.” If they don’t leave, they shoot them.
To preserve their culture, ideology, traditions,
values - intact. You were not able to subvert

You cannot subvert the Soviet Union because the

borders are closed. The media is censored by the
government. The population is controlled by the
KGB and internal police. With all the beautiful

glossy pictures of TIME magazine and Magazine
America, which is published by the American
embassy in Moscow, you can not subvert Soviet
citizens because the magazine never reaches
Soviet citizens. It’s collected from the
newsstands and thrown in the garbage can.

Subversion can be only successful when the

initiator, the actor or the the agent of
subversion, has a responsive target. It’s a
two-way traffic. The United States is a receptive
target of subversion. There is no response
similar to that one from the United States to the
Soviet Union. It stops halfway some way. It never
reaches here.

The theory of subversion goes all the way back

2,500 years ago. The first human being who
formulated the tactics of subversion was a
Chinese philosopher by the name of Sun Tzu.
Twenty five hundred years B.C. He was an adviser
for several imperial courts in ancient China, and
he said, after long meditation, that to implement
state policy in a warlike manner is the most
counterproductive, barbaric and inefficient to
fight on the battlefield. You know that war is
continuation of state policy, right? So if you
want successfully to implement your state policy

and you start fighting, this is the most idiotic
way to do it.

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at

all, but to subvert anything of value in the
country of your enemy until such time that the
perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up
to such an extent that he does not perceive you
as an enemy. And that your system, your
civilization and your ambitions look to your
enemy as an alternative, if not desirable than at
least visible. “Better red than dead.” That’s the
ultimate purpose, the final stage of subversion
after which you can simply take your enemy
without a single shot being fired - if subversion
is successful. This is basically what subversion
is, as you see, not a single mention of blowing
up bridges. Of course, Sun Tzu did not know about
blowing up bridges. Maybe they were not that many
bridges at that time.

But the basics of subversion is being taught to

every student of KGB school in USSR and to
officers of military academies. I’m not sure if
the same author is included in the list of
reading for American officers, to say nothing
about ordinary students of political science. I
had difficulty to find the translation of Sun Tzu

in the library of a university in Toronto and,
later on, here in Los Angeles. But it’s a book
which is not available. It is forced to every
student in USSR. Every student is who is taught
to be dealing further in his future career with

What subversion is, basically it consists of four

periods timewise. We start from here and go this
way - time, right, this is the beginning point.
The first stage of subversion is the process,
which is called basically demoralization. It says
for itself what it is. It takes from, say, 15 to
20 years to demoralize a society. Why 15 or 20
years? This is the time sufficient to educate one
generation of students or children, one
generation, one lifetime span of a person, a
human being which is dedicated to study, to
shaping up. The outlook, ideology, personality -
no more, no less. Usually it takes from 15 to 20

What it includes? It includes influencing or by

various methods, infiltration, propaganda
methods, direct contacts - it doesn’t really
matter, I will describe them later - of various
areas where public opinion is formulated or
shaped. Religion, educational system, social

life, administration, law enforcement system,
military of course, and labor and employer
relations, economy. Okay? Five areas. I will not
write them down because we’ll not have enough

Some sometimes when I describe all the methods,

students ask me a question, “Are you sure this is
the result of Soviet influence?” Not necessarily.
Is it the tactic of subversion about which I’m
talking is similar to the martial art, the
Japanese martial art. If some of you familiar
with that tactic probably you will remember that
if an enemy is bigger and heavier than yourself
it would be very painful to resist his direct
strike. If a heavier person wants to strike me in
the face, it would be very naive and
counterproductive to stop his blow.

The Chinese and Japanese judo art tells us what

to do. First, to avoid the strike. Then, to grab
the fist and continue his movement in the
direction where it was before, right, until the
enemy crashes in the wall. So what happens here?
The target country obviously does something
wrong. If it’s a free, democratic society, there
are many different movements within the society.

Obviously, in every society there are people who
are against the society. They may be simple
criminals, ideologically in disagreement with
the- with the state policy, conscientious
enemies, simply psychotic personalities who are
against anything. Right? And finally, there is a
small group of agents of a foreign nation.
Bought, subverted, recruited, right? The moment
all these movements will be directed in one
direction. Right? This is the time to catch that
movement and to continue it until the movement
forces the whole society into collapse, into
crisis. So that’s exactly the martial arts
tactic. We don’t stop an enemy. We let him go. We
help him to go in the direction we want them to

So on the stage of demoralization, obviously,

there are tendencies in each society, in each
country, which are going in the opposite
direction from the basic moral values and
principles. To take advantage of these movements,
to capitalize on them, is the main purpose of the
originator of subversion. So we have religion, we
have education, we have social life, we have
power structure, we have labor relations, unions,
and finally we have law and order. One, two,

three, four, five, six. OK. These are the areas
of application of subversion.

What it means exactly in the case of religion:

destroy it, ridicule it, replace it with various
sects, cults which bring people’s attention,
faith whether it is naive, primitive, doesn’t
really matter. As long as the basically accepted
religious dogma is being slowly eroded and taken
away from the supreme purpose of religion, to
keep people in touch with the supreme being, that
serves the purpose. Therefore, replace accepted
and respected religious organizations with fake
organizations. Distract people’s attention from
the real faith and attract them through various
different faiths.

Education: Distract them from learning something

which is constructive, pragmatic, efficient.
Instead of mathematics, physics, foreign
languages, chemistry, teach them history of urban
warfare, natural foods, home economy, your
sexuality, anything as long as it takes you away.

Social life: Replace traditionally established

institutions and organizations with fake
organizations. Take away the initiative from
people. Take away responsibility from naturally

established links between individuals, groups of
individuals and society at large, and replace
them with artificially, bureaucratically
controlled bodies. Instead of social life and
friendship between neighbors, establish social
workers’ institutions, people on the payroll of
whom? Society? No, bureaucracy.

The main concern of social workers is not your

family, not you, not social relations between
groups of people. The main concern is to get the
paycheck from the government. What will be the
result of their social work? Doesn’t really
matter. They can develop all kinds of concepts to
show to the government and to the people that
they are useful. OK. Away from the natural links.

Power structure: OK. The natural bodies of

administration, which are traditionally either
elected by people at large or appointed by
elected leaders of society, are being actively
substituted by artificial bodies. The bodies of
people, groups of people who nobody elected,
never — as a matter of fact, most of the people
don’t like them at all - and yet they exist. One
such group is media. Who elected them? How come
they have so much power? Almost monopolistic
power on your mind. They can rape your mind. But

who elected them? How come they have the nerve to
decide what is good and what is bad for the
elected - by you - president and his

Who the hell are they? Spiro Agnew, who is hated

by the liberal left, called them a bunch of
enfeebled snobs. And that’s exactly what they
are. They think they know. They don’t. The level
of mediocracy in a big establishment like New
York Times, Los Angeles Times, major television
network, you don’t have to be an excellent
journalist. You have to be exactly a mediocre
journalist. That’s easier to survive. There’s no
competition anymore. You have you good nice
income. One hundred thousand dollars a year.
That’s it. Whether you are better or worse
doesn’t really matter anymore. As [long] as you
are smiling for the camera and do your job.
That’s it. No more competition.

Power structure. Slowly it is eroded by the

bodies and groups of people who do not have
either qualifications nor the will of the people
to keep them in power, and yet they do have
power. Together with that, there is another

Law enforcement: Law and order organization and
structure is being eroded. For the last 20, 25
years, if you see old movies and new movies, you
can see that in new movies a policeman, an
officer of the United States Army looks dumb,
angry, psychotic, paranoid. A criminal looks
nice, kind of. Well, he smokes hash and shoots
the whatever drug. But basically, he’s a nice
human being. He’s creative and he’s unproductive
only because society oppresses him, [whereas] a
general of Pentagon is always by definition dumb,
a war maniac. A policeman is a pig, rude
policeman. He abuses his power. A generalization
like that. The hatred, the mistrust to the people
who are supposed to protect you and enforce law
and order.

Moral relativity. The Angelo Buono process lasted

two years in Los Angeles and yet there are still
some lawyers who say, “Look, he’s a nice
character.” As a matter of fact, there was some
witness, also a criminal, who said, “Well, he’s a
nice guy. I asked him one day to burn a house of
my enemy and he wouldn’t do it. Nice fellow.” A
slow substitution of basic moral principles
whereby a criminal is not a criminal, actually.
He’s a defendant even if his guilt is proven.
There is still a doubt. To kill or not to kill,

to be or not to be. Thou shall not kill, yes. But
this line may not necessarily be applicable to a
murder. Thou shall not murder. That should be the
presumption, not that thou shall not kill. OK.

Labor relations: At this stage, within 15-20

years, we destroy the traditionally established
links of bargaining between employer and
employee. The classical Marxist-Leninist theory
of natural exchange of goods. Person A has five
sacks of grain and Person B has five pairs of
shoes. The natural exchange without money is when
they bargain between each other. And only with
the introduction of the third Person C, an
entirely third, foreign stranger who says, “No,
don’t give him five sacks of grain, give it to
me. And you give me or five pairs of shoes and I
will distribute it accordingly so that the
economy will go.”

This is the death of natural exchange, the death

of natural bargaining. Well, trade unions were
established a hundred years ago. The objective
was to improve working conditions and to protect
the rights of workers from those employers who
were abusing their rights because they had more
money. Objectively at that time, initially, the
trade union movement did work. What we see now is

that the bargaining process is no longer
resulting in a compromise which is leading
objectively to the detriment of working
conditions and increase of salary.

What we see is that after each prolonged strike,

the workers lose even if they have 10% increase
of their salaries. They cannot catch up due to
inflation and due to missed time. More than that,
millions of people suffer from that strike
because the economy now is interdependent. It’s
intertwined like one body. Previously, steel
workers, say a hundred years ago, could strike
and nobody would suffer. Now, it’s impossible
anymore. If a garbage collector strikes today,
the rest of the multimillion city is stinking. I
mean, there is no more service.

In Quebec, for example, we had the electricians

who were on strike in the middle of winter. You
can freeze your bottom and they still were on
strike. Did they catch up with the salary? No,
they lost. Who benefited? The leaders of trade
unions. What is the motivation for a strike?
Improving a worker’s condition? No. Obviously,
it’s not. Then what is it? Ideology. To prove to
these capitalists and the obedient horde of
workers like sheep, all of these people. And they

cannot disobey. Why? Because if they do, you know
what happens to them? Pickets, murders, shooting
truck drivers by picketers.

In Montreal, for example, I saw with my own eyes

when I was a correspondent of CBC International -
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - when the
workers of aircraft factory destroyed computers
and the equipment in the factory. And the
administration employed strike breakers. Their
cars were turned upside down and burned. Their
houses were burned. Their kids were intimidated.
And some victims were there, of that we can be
sure. Why? To improve conditions of worker? No.

OK, so this is what happens basically. It may or

may not happen without the help of the Soviet
Union, but the natural tendencies are being
greatly taken advantage of and capitalized on by
the Soviet propaganda systems. How? Whenever a
trade union strikes, we have an influx of
propaganda, mass media, ideological
dissemination, the “worker’s right.” And we
repeat it like parrots. “Yes, workers rights.”
Whose rights? Workers? No, the only freedom of
the worker — to sell his labor according to his
own desire and will - is taken away from him. By

whom? By the trade union boss. Unlimited power is
given [indistinct]… “I want to sell my labor not
for $2.50 an hour, but for $2.00.” I don’t have
the right.

My freedom is denied to me. I know that if I sell

my work for $2.00 an hour, not for $3.00 an hour,
I will compete better with the other guy who is
lazy and more greedy. I don’t need three dollars,
I need only two dollars. No. I was made to
believe by media, by business, by advertising
agencies that I need more and more and more. Have
you ever heard any advertising on TV to consume
less? No, no way. Whether you need a six cylinder
car or not, you have to buy it and hurry up.

When I was driving here on the local radio

stations, an excited announcer said, “You, hurry
up. Rush and save, save, save! There’s a
pantyhose sale! Save - by buying more!”

Of course, of course, it would be too naive to

expect the KGB makes that advertising agency to
do such a crazy commercial. No, of course not.
But what we did when I was working for Novosti
Press, we would snowplow editorial offices,
student organizations, religious groups with
literature of class struggle. If not directly

Marxist-Leninist propaganda, then propaganda of
the legitimate aspirations of the working class:
betterment of life, equality. Equality, mind you.

President Kennedy once said, “We will make

America believe that people are born equal.” Are
people born equal? Is there any mentioning in the
Bible or any other holy scripture in any
religion, any religion - if you don’t believe me,
go to the library and check it - there is not a
single word about equality. Just the opposite. By
your deeds, God will judge you. What you do is
important, the merit of your personality. You
cannot legislate equality. If you want to be
equal, you have to be equal - you have to deserve
it. And yet we built our society on the principle
of equality. We say people are equal. We know it
is false. It’s a lie. Some people are tall and
stupid. Others are short, bald, and clever.
[Note: Yuri is referring to himself here,
prompting laughter from the audience.]

If we make them equal by force, if we put the

principle of equality in the basis of our social
political structure, it’s the same thing as
building a house on sand. Sooner or later, it
will collapse. And that’s exactly what happens.
And we as Soviet propaganda makers are trying to

push you in the direction which you go yourself.
“Equality, yes, equality. People are equal. Land
of equal opportunities.” Is it true or not?

Think about it. Equal opportunities, should there

be equal opportunity for me and for a lazy
bastard to come here from some other country and
immediately registers as a welfare recipient? I
never received a single - sorry, I did receive
once - but I never applied for welfare. For
thirteen years I took any job. Security guard,
journalist, taxi driver, anything. Well, I was
restless but some people don’t like it. They
admit it. So why should we be it? Why should we
have equal opportunities? Why?

Woman: Equal opportunity to excel.

Equal opportunity in equal circumstances, yes.

But we know people are different. To excel, yes.
Provided we reach the same level of excellency,
perfection - which is a hypothetical distant
future - yes, maybe. But we know perfectly well
that even with the best intentions, people could
not be equal. Why should we have equality in the,
say, legal system? Myself, I’m considering myself
a law abiding citizen. And a person who comes
here to rob and shoot… The United States

administration under Carter imported thousands of
Cuban criminals. There were known criminals, yet
they were accepted. Do you think it’s fair if
myself and my wife from Philippines who work like
a, excuse me, horse as a lab technician in the
hospital should have the same rights as a
criminal came from Cuba? Why?

And yet we repeat as parrots, “Equality,

equality, equality.” And the Soviet propaganda
system helps us to believe that equality is
something which is desirable. Democracy, as it
was established by fathers of this country, of
this system in the last century, is not equality.
It is the system where different people, unequal
people, have a chance to survive and help each
other in constant competition and constant
perfection. Not in equality, which is
superimposed from a godfather or nice person in
Washington, D.C. And the absolute equality exists
in Soviet Union, quote-unquote “equality.”
Everybody’s equal in dirt. Except some people are
more equal than the others in polit-bureau.

So the moment you bring a country to the point of

almost total demoralization, when nothing works
anymore, when you are not sure what is right or
or wrong, good and bad, where there is no

division between evil and good, when even the
leaders of the church sometimes say, “Well,
violence for the sake of justice, especially
social justice, is justified in countries like
Nicaragua, El Salvador - well, maybe Rhodesia.”
And we listen to them and say, “Yeah, probably
it’s true.” Is it true? No, it is not true.
Violence is not justified, especially for the
sake of quote-unquote “social justice” introduced
by Marxist-Leninists. That is, my former
colleagues from Novosti Press Agency. Okay, so we
reached that point. [15] [16]

[End of excerpt]

As I stated before, you can readily find the rest of this

lecture on the internet should you wish to read the rest of it
or give the video a watch. It’s more than worth the effort.



[2] https://youtu.be/yErKTVdETpw



[5] https://youtu.be/B1Zu2fQ7jXw








[13] https://youtu.be/xWUF-zPosV0


[15] https://bezmenov.net/lecture/

[16] https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g

PART VI: Zombies, Goblins, and Clowns

OR “How Your Country Went Completely


In late may of 2020, the media was filled to the brim
with coverage of a certain viral video. The video in question
depicted a large black man being detained by police. One of
the officers knelt with one leg on the man’s neck, a maneuver
taught to the police officers during training known as the
“maximal restraint technique.” The man on the ground, who
would be identified as Minneapolis resident George Floyd, in
the midst of a drug-induced panic, shouted things like “I
can’t breathe!” before passing away on the pavement. [1]
Despite the ambiguity surrounding Floyd’s death, the
corporate media machine pumped out story after story about
the case. The corpo-leftists were the most energized, and
immediately began proclaiming that America was a racist
society and that its police officers were actively hunting
black men nationwide, despite this being incorrect on every
statistical level (more white men are killed annually than
black men, and a police officer is more likely to be killed by a
black man than vice versa). [2]

[Note: I was recently reminded that George Floyd’s body was taken
on a tour across the country in a golden casket while everyone
else’s funerals were being canceled due to pandemic restrictions.

This is probably a detail that will be left out of most history books,
but it’s 100% true, and I’m still shocked that everyone simply acted
as if it were completely normal at the time.]

When protests inevitably broke out and blossomed

into riots and arson, those same media outlets defended the
carnage. “All this nonsense about focusing on George Floyd
and this being about George Floyd, and ‘don’t do these things
that are destructive’ is nonsensical…” stated MSNBC
presenter Ali Velshi on Joy Reid’s show while standing in
front of wreckage from the riots that took place the night
before. “This is institutional and socio-economic injustice
and racism. That’s what's behind this. That’s why people are
prepared to come out and do damage to private property.” [3]
Despite apparently agreeing with these sentiments,
Joy Reid distanced herself from her seeming approval of the
violence on Twitter by parroting an insane theory that the
rioters were actually right wing provocateurs:

Let me repeat this for those inventing

the idea of “Black Lives Matter
riots.” BLM doesn’t “riot.” They march
against police violence. And note that
those caught setting fires, assaulting

and shooting people are consistently
of the RIGHT, not the left.

Others were not so subtle in their tacit approval of the

race-inspired chaos. NPR published a piece called “One
Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting.’” where they
advertise a pro-looting book by a far-left author named Vicky
“[Rioting] attacks the very way in which food and
things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it
attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over
their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a
boss,” the author states. “Importantly, I think especially when
it's in the context of a Black uprising like the one we're living
through now, it also attacks the history of whiteness and
white supremacy.”
NPR later updated this article and changed the
headline after they understandably received many
complaints. [4]
Despite footage of the violent flame-filled riots being
readily available online, they went largely ignored by many in
the general public, who instead posted black squares on their
social media (apparently in solidarity with the “Black Lives

Matter'' movement) and donated to nonprofit organizations
like the “Black Lives Matter Foundation.” People disobeyed
COVID restrictions to flood the streets in protest and, by the
end of 2020, cities had painted street murals for the Black
Lives Matter movement, named roads after it, and even
declared “racism” a public health crisis.
“Black Lives Matter” and George Floyd seemed to be
on everyone’s tongue for the entire Summer. In fact, those
who didn’t explicitly endorse the movement were often
looked at with suspicion, as detailed by an article from NBC
entitled “White silence on social media: Why not saying
anything is actually saying a lot.”
In the article, reality show star Rachel Lindsay
claimed that she was “taking note of which white friends and
public figures have gone silent,” and that she believed it was
every public figure’s “public duty” to speak out about the
issues in question.
Savala Trepczynski, the executive director of the
“Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice” at UC
Berkeley, stated "White silence is incredibly powerful… It's
not neutral. It acts like a weapon. It's not even silent. It
speaks volumes, right? And the people of color who are

around a silent white person, they hear the silence. And they
feel it. And they feel what it means, which is: I don't have
your back.” [5]
As time went on, it had become increasingly obvious
that this was all more than just a passing craze. It was a
full-on moral panic; one of the biggest in all of American
history. However, it would prove to be far from the last crisis
of this nature that we would collectively experience.
I explored this previously in an essay entitled “Don't
Let a Good War Go to Waste,” which was inspired by the
similar fervent nature with which the Ukraine-Russia
conflict was treated by both the public and mainstream
media in early 2022. Here is a relevant excerpt from that

The current state of American political conversation is

not only deeply unhealthy, but it makes honest and open
communication more and more difficult with every media
Think of all of the moral panics and crises we’ve had
since Trump took office, and think about how quickly the
corporate establishment and their media goons were able to
change the entire political zeitgeist seemingly overnight:

● Russiagate
● White Supremacy on the rise (e.g. the PewDiePie
● The MeToo movement
● The COVID pandemic
● ”Anti-vaxxers”
● Black Lives Matter and George Floyd
● Abolish the Police
● The mailbox paranoia (“Trump is stealing mailboxes!”)
● The Big Lie (aka the Sacred Election)
● January 6th
● ”Republicans want to erase American history”
● The Russia-Ukraine conflict

The end result of all of this was that the corporate

establishment was able to further accrue wealth and power
over the average citizen, as well as sanitize their image and
make the corporate elites and their political cronies out to be
stalwart heroes of Democracy and virtue.
Meanwhile, everyone who filled their head with the
constant stream of propagandistic diarrhea has only found
themselves more mentally ill, exhausted, and impoverished.
Think about it: how many of you (who aren’t in the
aristocracy or managerial laptop class) can honestly say that
your life has gotten better after these events?...
New memes have thankfully emerged from the
collective dissident consciousness that do a great job at

summing these phenomena up in a nice, easily understood
The most notable of these is [the current thing]. With
each new panic and crisis, there always seems to be a
contingent of the American population who absolutely needs
to show their support for some regime-approved force of
good, whether that be some flavor of minority, Ukraine, the
vaxx, or even the post office.
This is called “supporting [the current thing],” and it is
always subject to change whenever the corporate media and
establishment goblins decide they have something new to play
with. [6]

[End of excerpt]

While the above passage mentions the term “current

thing,” other terms have been used to describe it as well, with
one of the most popular being the “George Floyd Effect.” For
the purposes of this chapter, however, I want to call it
“Zombification,” as it’s the first piece of a three-part strategy
used by the ruling class to subvert the American populace.
the segments of this strategy are as follows:

1. Zombification
2. Goblinifcation

3. Clownification

The zombies mentioned here are the mindless NPCs

who believe everything the corporate press tells them and fall
for every psy-op crisis as they’re created. They’re the ones
who unquestionably protested in the name of “Black Lives
Matter,” despite the fact that all the movement accomplished
was more unnecessary death and the enrichment of a select
few professional activists.
While the corporate media is one vector through
which this “zombification” process can occur, another is the
influence of social media and “hashtag activism.” For more
detail on this, I would like to refer to a short essay I originally
published on June 9th of 2020 entitled “A Warning About
Hashtag Activism,” as I feel it explains the psychology
behind the phenomenon quite well:

[Note: The following has only been altered slightly from its
originally published form to improve stylistic consistency and
correct any errors]

A Warning About Hashtag Activism

The right wing has often looked upon hashtag activism,
or “craptivism,” with disdain and mockery. They deride it for
being lazy, self-serving, and ineffective at prompting any kind
of real change. All of these criticisms, of course, are accurate.
However, what if I told you that this hashtag activism served a
different purpose from what is blatantly stated by the involved
“activists,” a more insidious one?
Recently, the streets of many major American cities
have been flooded with activists and protesters who have
aligned themselves with a “movement” called “Black Lives
Matter.” The truth, however, is that this isn’t actually a simple
“movemement,” but also the name of the organization leading
the protests, as well as the platform this organization has
The activists (and perhaps even your friends and
family) may tell you that they support “Black Lives Matter”
because they want to see an end to police violence against
black people. This may sound noble on its face. I mean, what
kind of monster would support police brutality, right?
However, the problem with this declaration should be
incredibly obvious for anyone who has been paying attention.
The Black Lives Matter organization [Note: The actual name
is “The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation”],
as well as many affiliated ideologues (including those
associated with the controversial historical revisionist “1619
Project”) don’t see an end to police violence as the end goal.

Were that the case, they would be focusing much more on
steps that could be taken to accomplish said goal.
Instead, this organization has listed a litany of
intersectional talking points about race, gender, and sexuality.
The most startling of these is the goal of “dismantling the
nuclear family.” They even use the term “comrades” to refer
to their members.
In the news media, the Black Lives Matter activists,
aided by their “journalist” allies, parrot empty claims of
“systemic racism” (a catchphrase ultimately meaning nothing)
over and over, drilling this insidious demoralization into the
heads of Americans across the country.
“So then,” you may ask. “What does this have to do
with the hashtag or catchphrase ‘Black Lives Matter?’”
To fully answer that question, we must go back to the
early 1950s.
During the Korean war, American POWs in the care of
Chinese Communists were often invited to participate in essay
contests. They weren’t forced to, but rather encouraged with
the hope of winning small comforts like fruit or a pack of
cigarettes. The essays were usually political in nature.
However, the Communist Chinese knew that the men were
less likely to participate if pro-Communist essays won every
time. To ameliorate this, they would occasionally nominate
pro-American or pro-Capitalist essays.
This not only solved the problem of participation, but
gave these prisoners the illusion of free will. Eventually, most

of these essay writers would naturally begin leaning in favor
of Communism as a way to impress their captors. Many of
them would eventually defect entirely.
But why essays? Why did they not just make these
prisoners give a verbal vow to support Maoism? The answer
is simple: Writing something down is far more efficient in
activating what Psychologist Robert Cialdini called “The
Consistency Principle of Persuasion.”
“Writing was one sort of confirming action that the
Chinese urged incessantly upon the men,” Cialdini explained
in his book “Influence.” “It was never enough for the
prisoners to listen quietly or even to agree verbally with the
Chinese line; they were always pushed to write it down as
For this very reason, making any sort of political
statement (or really any statement about yourself) that you
don’t truly support is a dangerous game. It’s also why I
always avoid signing petitions that I don’t have extensive
knowledge of.
As Cialdini further explains: “From the inside, there is
a pressure to bring self-image into line with action. From the
outside, there is a sneakier pressure - a tendency to adjust this
image according to the way others perceive us.”
This is often called the “self-fulfilling prophecy.” One
consistently branded as a criminal, even though they have
never once committed a crime, would be more likely to
legitimately become a criminal. One viewed as “intelligent”

by everyone around them will be more likely to conduct
themselves as if they were a true intellectual. And so on…
When you write “Black Lives Matter” on your social
media account, you’re not only creating a certain perception
of yourself for others (one that you’ll be compelled to
conform to), but you’ll also be more likely to accept whatever
demands the movement, or organization, decides to make,
regardless of if they have anything at all to do with police
Using these hashtags and catchphrases in hopes of
receiving positive attention on social media, whether they be
“Black Lives Matter,” “defund the police,” or “ACAB,” may
have deep subconscious consequences. Just like the apple or
packet of cigarettes that were promised to the American
POWs, the positive attention, likes, and retweets are a small
payment for an extraordinarily large price.
Consider this a warning: Do not participate. If anyone
demands that you do, simply refuse. [7]


And thus the Zombification process eventually takes

hold of the general populace, and then we have the next step:
“Goblinification.” In this context, the “goblins” are the
violent pet extremists quietly courted by politicians, media
outlets, and large institutions. They’re the useful idiots who

will risk life and limb defending the causes of the wealthy
and powerful without ever realizing who they’re truly
fighting for.
I won’t spend too much time meandering through the
minutiae of this particular topic, as I have already gone into
quite a bit of detail in previous essays in this series. However,
there are some cases that I have not yet been able to bring to
your attention which I feel would be incredibly apt.
One of the most egregious examples is the case of
California’s supreme dullard, Representative Maxine Waters.
On June 23rd of 2018, in a rare show of immense negligence
and stupidity, Waters encouraged her supporters, in no
unclear terms, to publically harass members of
then-President Donald Trump’s cabinet during a speech.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to
show up,” she told the crowd. “And if you see anybody from
that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a
gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you
push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome
anymore, anywhere.” [8]
Later, on March 4th of 2020, Representative and
professional sleazeball Chuck Schumer appeared to threaten

Supreme Court justices over a case on abortion that could
potentially overturn the controversial 1973 decision Roe v
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you,
Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will
pay the price,” he yelled angrily. “You won’t know what hit
you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Being
marginally more clever than Waters, Schumer knew it would
be more beneficial to keep his threats as vague as possible.
His statement would finally come to fruition 2 years later. [9]
On May 3rd, 2022, a draft decision from the Supreme
Court that would overturn Roe v Wade was leaked to the
press. For those unaware, Row v Wade was the decision that
placed the legality of abortion under the jurisdiction of the
federal government through a very liberal interpretation of
the constitution’s 14th amendment. This means overturning
it would not outlaw abortion nationwide (which is what many
activists seem to believe), but would rather return the issue of
abortion to the individual states.
Just a few days later, the addresses of the Supreme
Court judges who agreed to the draft decision were already
being passed around pro-abortion activist circles, starting

what would essentially become an intimidation campaign
against the justices. In the following days, activists gathered
outside the private residences of several justices to scream
and chant. This is technically illegal under 18 U.S. Code §
1507 - “Picketing or parading,” which states:

Whoever, with the intent of

interfering with, obstructing, or
impeding the administration of
justice, or with the intent of
influencing any judge, juror,
witness, or court officer, in the
discharge of his duty, pickets or
parades in or near a building
housing a court of the United
States, or in or near a building or
residence occupied or used by such
judge, juror, witness, or court
officer, or with such intent uses
any sound-truck or similar device
or resorts to any other
demonstration in or near any such
building or residence, shall be
fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than one year,
or both.

Nothing in this section shall
interfere with or prevent the
exercise by any court of the United
States of its power to punish for

(Added Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024,

title I, § 31(a), 64 Stat. 1018;
amended Pub. L. 103–322, title
XXXIII, § 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13,
1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)[10]

[Note: Bolding added by me for emphasis]

However, this did not stop the Biden administration

from giving these protestors their approval, with Biden press
secretary Jen Psaki saying on May 10th “I know that there’s
an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been
peaceful to date, and we certainly do continue to encourage
that, outside judges’ homes, and that’s the president’s
position.” [11]
It is not often that a sitting president’s administration
encourages people to commit a federal crime, but such is the
nature of Anarcho-tyranny.

“Anarcho-tyranny” is a word many right wingers
became intimately familiar with during the riots of 2020 and
subsequent Capitol Building riot on January 6th, 2021. Not
only did many left-wing political figures give a sort of quiet
endorsement of the violence, some even promoted bail funds
to get rioters out of jail and back onto the streets.
One of the politicians who participated in this was
future vice-president Kamala Harris who, at the time, was a
presidential candidate. “If you’re able to, chip in now to the
@MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on
the ground in Minnesota,” she said on Twitter. Attached was
a link to said “bail fund,” which collected funds through the
Democratic fundraising apparatus “ActBlue.”
District attorneys also played a role in the
Anarcho-tyranny, the most notable of which was George
Soros-backed San Francisco attorney Chesa Boudin, the son
of Weather underground member David Gilbert. Under
Boudin, car robberies and shoplifting increased several fold,
with stores like Walgreens essentially rendered unable to
stop criminals from walking out with bags full of
merchandise. Violent crime rose as well, with some of
Boudin’s soft-on-crime policies leading to deadly outcomes.

A notable example of this is the story of Troy
McAlister, a 45-year-old parolee and serial criminal who was
freed by Boudin’s policies in April of 2020 while awaiting
trial for a 2015 robbery charge. He was given credit for the
five years he spent in jail, despite potentially qualifying for
life in prison for his various crimes, and was let loose onto
the streets. Throughout the remainder of 2020, he was
arrested several more times, but no charges were filed. In
December, McAlister stole a car and ran a red light, hitting
and killing two people in the process. [12]
This trend of siding with criminals over law and order
would fall to the wayside after the January 6th riot at the
Capitol Building, and many of the participants would end up
in solitary confinement while awaiting trial.
On February 22nd of 2022, Republican Representative
Marjorie Taylor Greene published a scathing Twitter thread
speaking out against the despicable treatment of the January
6th prisoners, an issue most other republican politicians
remained completely silent on.

Pretrial J6 defendant killed himself

in jail.

“Matthew Lawrence Perna died on
February 25, 2022 of a broken heart.
His community (which he loved), his
country, and the justice system killed
his spirit and his zest for life. Matt
was an amazing man!”

Very few Members of Congress,

Senators, and no one on the White
House has given a single ounce of care
at the grave injustices and extreme
violations of human rights happening
to PRETRIAL J6 defendants.

Now another J6 political prisoner of

war has committed suicide.

While all of us swear an oath to

uphold the Constitution and our laws,
hardly any of those who have been
elected and swore this oath will dare
to involve themselves to stop the
extreme hypocritical injustice, abuse,
and perversion of our justice system
and due process rights.

Those that are participating in the

political warfare and abuse of

PRETRIAL J6 defendants must be held

Punishing people to the point of

losing all hope to the point they kill
themselves means you all have blood on
your hands.

Prosecutors, judges, and the jails.

Whatever happened to innocent before

proven guilty?

If you hate rioters this much why

aren’t you hunting and persecuting
Antifa/BLM rioters until they commit

The hypocrisy is screaming and


Shame on every single one of you.

PRETRIAL J6 defendants awaiting trial

over a year in solitary confinement IS

Let these people go home to their
families to wait for their day in

No more abuse.

No more suicides.

This has to end.

After an entire year of violence and general chaos in

American streets, the corporate media and corrupt
politicians only decided to do something when it directly
affected them and was optically convenient for their political
I wrote a sort of vent post on this subject, which I
published on February 5th of 2021 under the title “Our
Leaders Have Become Disgusting.” This was mainly spurred
on by a February 4th hearing in the House of Representatives
regarding the events of January 6th. In it, several
congressmen and women (many of whom weren’t even
present during the breach of the Capitol Building) held what
could only be described as a public cry-session; not for the
dozens who died in the riots mere months ago, the coutless

businesses wrecked or razed to the ground, or the two young
men murdered in Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,”
but for themselves.
While my views have certainly evolved since the
writing of this piece, I still feel that it is worthwhile to
include here, as it accurately represents the emotions I felt at
the time, having witnesses so much chaos, government
incompetence, and corporate media insanity over the course
of a single year.

[Note: The version I am presenting here is complete and largely

unedited, outside of a few errors.]

Our Leaders Have Become Disgusting

Before a campaign speech In 1912, Theodore

Roosevelt was shot by a would-be assassin. The folded-up
manuscript and glasses case in his pocket slowed the bullet,
which kept it from reaching his heart and effectively saved his
Despite now having a bleeding wound in his chest,
Roosevelt (affectionately known by the American public as
“Teddy”), would still go on to give his speech. After greeting
the crowd, he removed his vest to show them his now
blood-stained shirt.

“It takes more than that to kill a bull moose,” he said
Doctors wouldn’t risk surgery to remove the bullet, so
it would remain in his chest for the rest of his life.
Fast-forward to 2021, over a decade later. On february
4th, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would hold a
glorified public group therapy session in front of the house of
representatives. The subject of this session would be the
break-in of an angry mob at the Capitol Building a month
Of course, none of the lawmakers participating in this
“sharing of trauma” had been harmed at all in the break-in.
While the news constantly repeated that “five people had died
in the riot,” the only death that was confirmed to be a direct
result of the violence that day was an unarmed woman who
was shot in the head by Capitol security (her family wouldn’t
get a chance to air their trauma over this execution).
Many of these lawmakers weren’t even in the building
at the time. Cortez herself was down the street, being escorted
to safety by security. She would only witness the actual chaos
on TV later on.
“Sadly, less than twenty-nine days later, with little to
no accountability for the bloodshed and trauma of the 6th,
some are already demanding that we move on,” she would
say. “Or worse, attempting to minimize, discredit, or belittle
the accounts of survivors.”
The “survivor.” in this case, was meant to be herself.

Another lawmaker, Representative Rashida Tlaib, went
up to the podium and broke down into tears. She was even
farther away from the carnage of January 6th, but that didn’t
stop her from putting on a show over it by sharing her
“As I saw it, I said thank God I’m not there,” she said
between sobs.
Just on its face, this entire spectacle was putrid. Some
of the most powerful people in the country were coming
together to explain why they’re victims and to tell their
constituents to feel bad for them (all on the taxpayer’s dime,
of course).
However, below this facade, the truth was even worse.
This wasn’t just group therapy, it was modern-day
campaigning. It was a disturbing attempt to use the power of
victimhood and “marginalized identities” to accrue political
clout and notoriety. It was feminized politics reaching its
To put it more plainly: it was disgusting.
To make matters even worse, this farce was conducted
mere months after the Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots
reduced entire blocks of American cities to rubble. People
were beaten in the streets, families were attacked by
marauding masked men, and business owners saw their
livelihoods razed to the ground overnight.
Seattle saw seven whole blocks of its “Capitol Hill”
area effectively held hostage by violent so-called protestors

for weeks. When asked about it, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan
laughed and called it a “Summer of love.”
Over thirty people died in the violence of America’s
“Summer of Love,” two of those in Seattle’s “Capitol Hill
Autonomous Zone” under Mayor Durkan’s watch. Both of
these were young men who were gunned down in cold blood.
The second murder was even caught on film, with one video
showing the “autonomous zone” guards bragging about how
they took the victim out by plugging his vehicle with
hundreds of bullets.
Mayor Durkan would never be held accountable for
this, and the media wouldn’t ask for such accountability. Why
would they? Most of our country’s “journalists” barely even
mentioned any of these events. As far as they were concerned,
none of this even happened.
So, after an entire year watching this kind of violence,
you can imagine my shock and disgust upon seeing the show
held by Cortez and her cronies on February 4th.
None of the parents of the Seattle murder victims were
asked to “share their trauma” in front of our lawmakers, nor
were any business owners who were reduced to paupers by
the media and government-backed looters and arsonists while
everyone else was stuck in quarantine. In fact, their
victimizers were let go by activist prosecutors, or by bail
funds advertised by our current Vice President herself.
None of the people dragged from their cars into the
street to be stomped into unconsciousness, none of the diners

who were accosted by angry mobs or had explosives thrown
at them for the crime of simply trying to enjoy a meal, none of
the independent journalists who got death threats for reporting
the truth, and certainly not anyone who was forced to act in
self defense against any of the roving bands of thugs that the
media affectionately dubbed “peaceful protestors…”
None of these people were given the same platform
that our lawmakers were, and will likely never have such an
opportunity to air their grievances. No one will protest their
deaths, or their trauma, or their loss.
They’ll be forced down the memory hole where they’ll
likely stay forever, and any of the awful things that happened
to them will be dismissed as a mere symptom of “Trump’s
America,” just a temporary speed bump on the road to our
glorious diverse and inclusive progressive future.
Often in modern discussions about politics, two names
will be frequently invoked: Joseph McCarthy and Watergate.
“McCarthyism” is an accusation leveled whenever anyone is
accused of having extreme views (whether they actually hold
those views or not), while every scandal is always touted by
the activist press (“jacktivists”) as “worse than Watergate,” a
reference to the 1972 scandal involving Richard Nixon’s
campaign spying on his political opponents.
Given this, it’s easy to see that Joseph McMarthy and
Richard Nixon are not very highly regarded by our current
crop of politicians and political pundits. Yet, it’s easy to forget
that Nixon was so popular he won his re-election with every

single state except one. It’s also easy to forget that McCarthy
was well respected outside of the left-leaning journalist class
or that the government in the 1950s was actually full of
Communist double agents, many of which were named in
McCarthy’s infamous lists.
Obviously, these two men were flawed, and didn’t
always do or say the right things. However, lawmakers like
Cortez and Tlaib aren’t fit to even shine their shoes (a fact that
should be brought up whenever those goblins utter their
Nixon and McCarthy came from a time where it was
understood that respect should be given to those who earned
it. A politician’s worth was in what they could do for the
American people, not in their status as a victim or their
“marginalized identity.”
But as I mentioned previously, our politics are
feminized beyond salvation. It’s about emotion now, not
action. It’s about saying the right things in the right way, with
just the right flowery language, instead of doing the right
One could bring about world peace or solve world
hunger, but unless they talk about it in the right way, and have
the media there to cheer them along the whole time, there will
be no thanks. Results in government no longer bring about
respect, so there’s no longer any need to work for them. All
this is required is playing the victim and crying in front of a
camera while pudgy news anchors cry along with you.

And so, over a hundred years after Roosevelt gave that
famous speech, our politicians have become thoroughly weak
and disgusting, and until the average person starts to feel
disgusted as well, it will only get worse from here…
And when it does, no one will care about a politician’s
“lived experiences” anymore. [13]

[End of essay]

Reading this piece back, one thing that I wish I had a

better grasp of back then was the idea that this
“feminization” of American politics was entirely purposeful.
All of the emotional posturing and weepy prose from
politicians and their goons in the corporate media is meant
to distract us from the fact that our country is constantly
being looted and subverted by the New World Order ghouls
who actually run the whole operation.
This is part of the third element of my subversion
strategy, which I call “Clownification.” The “clowns” in this
case are the media personalities and politicians who act as
the regime’s front-facing public relations wing, particularly
the more ridiculous ones.
The most prominent example is President Joe Biden,
an obviously weak-minded and demented old man who can

rarely get through a speech without spending a significant
amount of time stammering nonsense into the microphone.
At a 2022 White House Easter party, he was even seen being
herded around by a staffer in an Easter Bunny costume.
With such obvious mental decline, it’s easy to forget
that despite his bumbling, confused demeanor, Joe Biden is
an incredibly corrupt individual with severe anger issues.
During his vice presidency, he used his influence to funnel
millions of dollars from foreign powers in China and Ukraine
to his son, Hunter Biden (all of which was confirmed through
a laptop that Hunter had left and forgotten at a Delaware
repair shop). He was also caught on camera doing
questionable things like sniffing children and blowing up at
individuals who questioned his expertise.
At one presidential campaign stop, he shouted
obscenities at a factory worker at the Fiat Chrysler plant after
said worker had raised concerns about Joe Biden’s gun
control positions. “You’re full of shit,” Biden told the man.
“I’m not working for you. Give me a break, man. Don’t be
such a horse’s ass.” [14]
Some may feel sorry for Joe, as he is merely a
doddering old puppet being used by the Democratic elite and

their Corporate benefactors. However, I believe he deserves
none of this sympathy. He has always been a corrupt,
dishonest, and deeply unpleasant man.
Of course, being the circus that it is, the Biden
administration is filled to the brim with clowns. In late April
of 2022, they announced the creation of a “Disinformation
Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland
Security, claiming that the purpose of the board is to counter
“foreign disinformation” (for those not aware, the story
around Hunter Biden’s laptop was classified as “Russian
Disinformation” by many in the mainstream media, and even
by Joe Biden himself).
The person hand-picked to lead this board was a
woman named Nina Jankowicz, who had made a name for
herself through an organization called “StopFake.”

[Note: Although it’s not relevant to the primary topic of this essay,
it’s worth mentioning that “StopFake” was not only funded by the
US government, but also allegedly George Soros’ “Open Society
Foundation,” which claimed on its website that it “supported the
creation of Stop Fake, an initiative led by two university professors
dedicated to exposing lies and myths about Ukraine.” StopFake

notably published articles defending Soros himself while failing to
disclose this potential conflict of interest.] [15]

As worrying as the establishment of a real-life

“Ministry of Truth” is, the story fell into the background as
more details surrounding Jankowicz came to light. Back in
the 2000s, she apparently joined a Harry Potter themed band
called the “Moaning Myrtles,” where she sang about wanting
to have sex with the book series’ titular character:

Went looking for some prefects in the

bathroom one day
But instead I found Harry and so I
said hey
I helped him solve the mystery of the
But I’d like to solve the mystery
between his legs

She also currently has a TikTok account, which she

uses to show off her terrible song parodies. One particular
video from February of 2021, in which she sings the Mary
Poppins song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” with
altered lyrics about “disinformation,” went viral after the
announcement of the “Disinformation Governance Board.”

Information laundering is really quite
It’s when a huckster takes some lies
and makes them sound precocious
by saying them in Congress or a
mainstream outlet, so
disinformation’s origins are slightly
less atrocious!

All of this established her as not only a ridiculous

figure, but also one who resembles a ton of stereotypes about
affluent millennial women. She seemed to have been
purposefully chosen to be as annoying to the right wing
crowd as possible as a way to demoralize them, as well as
distract the general public from the creeping
authoritarianism under the Biden regime.
The aforementioned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is
another fantastic example of the clownification phenomenon.
She was a bartender who was hand-selected by political
NGOs to be the face of the “Justice Democrats” movement.
Prior to her successful campaign, she had no political
expertise or notable talents, outside of her ability to stir up
controversy on Twitter. She was merely an actress playing
the part of a politician, and all of her talking points were fed

to her by her handlers. This was why she could never sound
eloquent when discussing important political issues
Back in February of 2019, Cortez celebrated the
tanking of a deal between the state of New York and
Amazon, which would have brought the company’s
headquarters to Long Island in exchange for an estimated $3
Million in tax incentives.
“We were subsidizing those jobs,” she said. “Frankly,
if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we
could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we
wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our
subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount
of money if we wanted to.” [16]
As much as I dislike Amazon and its owner Jeff Bezos,
her assessment was completely nonsensical and displayed a
total lack of economic understanding. The tax incentives
were not made up of money given by the city, but rather
corporate income taxes foregone in return for other sources
of revenue (e.g. payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes etc.).
The amazon headquarters relocation would have resulted in
more revenue for the state and city, not less.

“The agreement we struck with Amazon back in
November was a solid foundation,” New York City mayor Bill
De Blasio wrote in an op-ed for the NY Times shortly after
the Amazon deal fell through. “It would have created: at least
25,000 new jobs, including for unionized construction and
service workers; partnerships with public colleges; and $27
billion in new tax revenue to fuel priorities from transit to
affordable housing - a ninefold return on the taxes the city
and state were prepared to forgo to win the headquarters. [17]
Of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is only the tip of
the clown iceberg. As opposed to politicians, media
personalities don’t have to be elected, so their threshold for
clownishness can be extremely high. News media personality
and political commentator Elie Mystal is one example of this.
Very rotund and sporting a perfectly spherical gray afro,
Mystal almost looks like a cartoon of a buffoonish race
grifting academic, and he acts like one too.
In March of 2022, Mystal appeared on The View (a
show which mostly features affluent leftist women
yammering nonsensically about current events) to discuss his
disdain for the US constitution. “It’s kind of trash,” he said
bluntly. “It was written by slavers and colonists, and white

people who were willing to make deals with slavers and
colonists. They didn’t ask anybody who looked like me what
they thought about the Constitution.” Thanks to his extreme
views, Elie Mystal has become a frequent guest on networks
like MSNBC, where he is used to push far-left talking points
with the hosts’ tacit approval. [18]
This is another benefit of “Clownification.” The
American left wing overton window acts as a “ratchet” in
that it turns in one direction easily, yet is almost impossible
to turn in the other. If you give your looniest and most
extreme lefties a big platform, you can plant the seeds for
their rhetoric to become normalized down the line, even if
most people are not yet receptive to it. Perhaps most will
think “that’s too extreme for me” upon hearing these things,
but they will then more readily accept a less extreme
compromise once it is offered, as it now looks more
appealing and reasonable in comparison.
“The constitution is trash,” says Eli Mystal. Perhaps
most party-line Democrats are hesitant to agree with this
right now, but they’ll gladly jump onboard with “maybe some
of the constitution is trash.” From there, it’s only a short
distance to “let’s throw the constitution out completely.”

Once that happens, say goodbye to any of your remaining
Years ago, even most Lefties thought the idea that
there are unlimited genders was incredibly ridiculous. Since
then, many have gladly accepted the concept of being
“non-binary,” even though it uses the same line of reasoning
as the original “infinite genders” concept. The left wing
ratchet works through half measures. Taking two steps
forward and one step back still counts as a single step
forward. This is a concept the American Corpo-leftists are
very well aware of.
The ratchet is still capable of breaking, however, if too
much force is applied all at once. This was the case with the
Twitter account “Libs of TikTok,” through which an
anonymous user shared videos from far-left TikTok
communities to conservatives on Twitter. The mere act of
taking these videos away from their original intended
audience and placing them in front of far more normal
individuals managed to cause quite a splash on social media,
and ended up spurring parents across the nation to become
more active in their children’s schooling.

“My kids from last year are now in 5th grade and come
visit me almost every day after school,” said an elementary
school teacher in a recent video posted by the account. “And
a lot of them are queer, because I am queer.”
Another video featured a slideshow prepared by a
teacher for their students. “Ms. Beaman is now Mx. Beaman”
it proclaimed. “Mix beaman and he/they: In class, instead of
going ‘Ms. Beaman,’ you will say ‘Mx. Beaman,’ and instead
of saying she, you can say they or he when talking about me…
I am transgender and non-binary. I was born in the wrong
body. Even though I was born a girl, I feel more like a boy on
the inside, but I don’t fully feel like either.”
The replies to all of these Twitter posts are full of
people saying “homeschool your kids.”
Still, it is obvious there is a concerted effort in the
mainstream media, and even in government, to normalize
extreme Leftist positions, and even the violence from
extremists themselves. The clowns on TV will keep pushing
and making their rhetoric more insane, further emboldening
the hateful goblins in our streets. Meanwhile, they will keep
the general public terrified and badly educated to make sure
they stay in their zombified state.

The main reason I wanted to write this book, other
than to document the many insane things currently
happening in our institutions, is to break people out of this
destructive cycle of subversion that only serves to weaken the
working class and further empower our sadistic bureaucrats
and corporate elites.
In conclusion, here is my advice to all of you: Stop
believing what you hear on the nightly news and start paying
more attention to the actual world around you. You might be
surprised with what you find.









[8] https://youtu.be/buTpoKpOceY

[9] https://youtu.be/qHGrzoS9AbE


[11] https://youtu.be/8tbnzFecCts








PART VII: The Problem Nobody Wants to
Talk About

OR “The Pedophile Problem”

On December 21st, 2018, a CIA agent named Andrew
Bustamante held an “Ask Me Anything” thread on the social
media site Reddit. The opener was as follows:

I am Andrew Bustamante, a former

covert CIA intelligence officer and
founder of the Everyday Espionage
training platform. Ask me anything.

I share the truth about espionage.

After serving in the US Air Force and
the Central Intelligence Agency, I
have seen the value and impact of well
organized, well executed intelligence
operations. The same techniques that
shape international events can also
serve everyday people in their daily
lives. I have witnessed the benefits
in my own life and the lives of my
fellow Agency officers. Now my mission
is to share that knowledge with all
people. Some will listen, some will
not. But the future has always been
shaped by those who learn. I have been
verified privately by the IAMA

One of the most upvoted questions asked “Are there
REALLY big secrets that you know, that could land you/the
country in terrible trouble if it came out to the public?” To
which Andrew replied “Yes. And I wish I could forget them.”
Worrying, but it gets worse. Another user, whose
account is now deleted, asked “Does the cia use child
prostitutes to control assets?” Andrew replied with the
following answer: “I plead the 5th. The things we use to
control assets are unsettling enough without going into
“That’s a scary fucking answer,” another user chimed
in. [1]
Just half a year later, in July of 2019, famous New
York-based financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on charges
of sex trafficking women as young as 14 years old, stunning
the nation… Well, most of the nation, at least. In so-called
conspiracy theory circles, the name “Jeffrey Epstein” had
been on people’s lips for quite some time.
Famous radio show host Alex Jones had this to say
after the arrest:

I knew about Epstein because 20 years

ago there’d be articles about this

group of billionaires who wanted to
save the world, with Warren Buffett,
Ted Turner, Bill and Melinda Gates,
and all these other people uh - the
only black person was Oprah Winfrey -
Meeting in New York and other areas to
create a quote alternative world
government - the one that’s already
there, I guess - to save the world
from overpopulation.

So I first saw his name involved in

eugenics, so that’s why, years later
when it came out that he was involved
in eugenics, I said “it didn’t come
out.” He was like running secret
breeding programs and weird facilities
and hospitals. The whole cover up was
for these rich billionaires having sex
with young girls and having their
kids, and I couldn’t figure out
exactly what for…

He was really running a scientific

blackmail ring to get all the
scientists in to then have sex with
the girls. They looked like they were
20, they’re really 16- Then it’s like

“hey now you really gotta join the
club, it’s a 12 year old.” [2]

Popular podcast host Joe Rogan would vouch for

Jones, claiming on his show “he was right about all this
Jeffery Epstein shit. That is a fucking fact. Alex Jones called
this years ago. Years ago…”
The New York Times seemingly confirmed at least
some of Jones’ suspicions in July of 2019 with an expose
entitled “Jeffrey Epstein Hoped to Seed Human Race With
His DNA.” “Mr. Epstein’s vision reflected his long-standing
fascination with what has become known as
transhumanism,” the article explained. “[Transhumanism is]
the science of improving the human population through
technologies like genetic engineering and artificial
They then go on to list some of his acquaintances from
the scientific community, a few of which he would meet with
regularly. These include Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss,
Murray Gell-Mann, Oliver Sacks, George M. Church, Jaron
Lanier, and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek. Another notable
associate was Steven Pinker, who would later describe
Epstein as an “intellectual imposter,” and was removed from

Epstein's circle after criticizing his pseudo-scientific ideas
too much.
Some anonymous scientific associates of Epstein
described a plan he had concocted to impregnate women at
his New Mexico ranch at a rate of 20 at a time. An unnamed
NASA scientist has claimed that this scheme was inspired by
“The Repository for Germinal Choice,” a sperm bank created
by eugenicist Robert K. Graham, which was meant to house
the seed of geniuses and Nobel laureates.
Virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier stated that he
suspected Epstein’s many meetings with scientists were
organized mainly for the purpose of finding potential
breeding stock for his twisted science experiment. [3]
But Epstein’s connections extend way farther than just
the global scientific community. As it turned out, many more
of Epstein’s partners and acquaintances were listed in a
“little black book,” potentially including those involved in his
child sex ring. This book was held by investigators after
Epstein was taken into custody, but was leaked to the public.
It held 1,571 names, and thousands of phone numbers,
addresses, etc. Notable names include:

● Bill Clinton
● Hillary Clinton
● Chelsea Clinton
● Donald Trump
● Ivana Trump
● Melania Trump
● Ivanka Trump
● Prince Andrew
● Tony Blair
● Bill Cosby
● Henry Kissinger
● John Kerry
● Rupert Murdoch
● Bobby Kennedy Junior
● David Koch
● Charlie Rose
● Barbara Walters
● Bob Weinstein (brother of the infamous Harvey
● Alec Baldwin
● Jimmy Buffet
● Alan Dershowitz

● Steve Forbes
● And many others… [4]

While it’s not known just how many of these

individuals were aware of Epstein’s pedophilic activities, it’s
quite clear that he was a very well connected man with the
contact information of many important people. He also had a
close connection with former president Bill Clinton, who
flew on Epstein’s private jet (nicknamed the “Lolita Express”
by conspiracy theorists) on at least four separate occasions
while allegedly conducting business for the Clinton
Foundation. [5] [6]
There is a photo of Clinton getting a backrub from
Epstein victim Chauntae Davies, which was circulated
around the internet after his arrest. Epstein also notably had
a painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress hanging up in
his multi-million dollar New York home, something that
many people don’t believe when I tell them. You can look it
up online.
With so many high profile individuals potentially
implicated in such hideous crimes,the Epstein story gripped
the nation. Everyone was on the edge of their seat in

anticipation of his trial and the revelations regarding the rich
and powerful that would inevitably come as a result. Sadly,
the trial would be canceled, as Epstein would die in his
prison cell on the 10th of August, 2019, from an apparent
suicide… At least that was the official story. Closer scrutiny
turns up many questionable details surrounding Epstein’s
A January 10, 2020 headline from the BBC reads
“Jeffrey Epstein: Jail CCTV erased by 'technical errors.'” In
the article, they list several facts that any reasonable person
would certainly find incredibly suspicious, even if the person
who died lacked such high-level political connections. They
are as follows:

● Footage of Epstein’s first alleged suicide attempt in

July was erased after the jail “mistakenly saved footage
from the wrong cell.”
● Footage of his second attempt and subsequent death
was destroyed due to a “camera malfunction.”
● Two prison guards who were assigned with regularly
checking up on him falsified records in order to cover
up the fact that they had abandoned their duty [7]

This obviously raised more questions, and the public
began speculating endlessly on the event. Did he really kill
himself? If he did not, then who was truly responsible? What
about his powerful connections? Could they have paid
someone to do it? Was the CIA or FBI involved somehow?
Considering the massive scope of Epstein’s network, it isn’t
too far-fetched to assume that the three-letter agencies, if
they were directly influencing Epstein’s operations, were at
least monitoring them closely.
It’s also not uncommon for federal agencies to work
closely with known pedophiles, as was the case with Sigurdur
Ingi Thordarson, or “Siggi the Hacker,” a key witness in the
case against Wikileaks’ Julian Assange. In an article entitled
“Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment,”
Icelandic news outlet Stundin described the man as having “a
documented history with sociopathy” as well as “several
convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging
financial fraud.”
The article detailed how Thordarson was recruited by
the US government in order to help them build a case against
fugitive journalist and whistleblower Julian Assange. While

Thordarson did volunteer to help raise money for Assange’s
website “Wikileaks,” he was not a very close associate of
Assange, and even embezzled funds from the Wikileaks
Despite the fact that he was facing charges for “sexual
violations against underage boys he had tricked or forced
into sexual acts,” The Department of Justice would offer him
immunity in 2019 in exchange for his help in attaining an
Assange conviction, emboldening him towards continuing
his crime spree.
Even though he admitted in 2021 that he had been
lying to the Department of Justice about his relationship to
Assange the entire time, the pro-intelligence agency
American news media stayed almost entirely quiet on the
subject (which is why you likely never heard about this story).
One outlet who did speak out about federal
involvement in child abuse was, surprisingly enough,
infamous clickbait pioneer Buzzfeed, who published their
article “Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes
Involving Children” in 2021. In the piece, they claim that the
CIA has, over 14 years, “amassed credible evidence that at

least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual
crimes involving children,” and that only one of these
individuals was ever charged.
Through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits,
Buzzfeed journalists Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier
were able to find hundreds of internal agency reports filled
with all sorts of sordid details:

One employee had sexual contact with a

2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was
fired. A second employee purchased
three sexually explicit videos of
young girls, filmed by their mothers.
He resigned. A third employee
estimated that he had viewed up to
1,400 sexually abusive images of
children while on agency assignments.
The records do not say what action, if
any, the CIA took against him. A
contractor who arranged for sex with
an undercover FBI agent posing as a
child had his contract revoked.

One particularly unnerving detail in the article is a

statement by Pentagon security official Daniel Payne from a

2016 symposium, wherein he claims that examination of
Pentagon workers’ computers uncovers “unbelievable”
amounts of child porn.”
The article also details an anecdote regarding a CIA
employee who “signed an affidavit admitting he used a
government laptop to view photographs and videos of girls as
young as 10 being abused by an ‘older guy.’” The employee
had a history of viewing child abuse material since college,
and used computers at the agency to view up to 1,400 such
images while on assignment. He told CIA internal
investigators that he was “truly sorry,” and that he “did not
understand that it was a violation of agency policy.”
The aforementioned employee who “had sexual
contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old” had a high level
security clearance, and he regularly used government Wi-Fi
to both download and distribute child abuse media. Despite
significant amounts of evidence against the man, prosecutors
from the Eastern District of Virginia declined to take up the
case against him, citing that the evidence had been
mishandled. [9]
When combined with Andrew Bustamante’s answers
in the Reddit “Ask Me Anything” thread, it seems as if

government agencies operate in an environment where child
sex abuse is almost normalized. The depravity doesn’t just
stop here, of course. This is only the tip of the iceberg. On a
podcast released in March of 2022, Republican representative
Madison Cawthorn claimed he had been invited to
cocaine-fueled orgies by other Republican congressmen:

The sexual perversion that goes on in

Washington … being kind of a young guy
in Washington, where the average age
is probably 60 or 70 – [you] look at
all these people, a lot of them that
I’ve looked up to through my life,
I’ve always paid attention to
politics. … Then all of a sudden you
get invited – ‘We’re going to have a
sexual get-together at one of our
homes, you should come.’ … What did
you just ask me to come to? And then
you realize they’re asking you to come
to an orgy. … Some of the people
leading on the movement to try and
remove addiction in our country, and
then you watch them do a key bump of
cocaine right in front of you. And
it’s like, this is wild. [10]

This kind of thing is nothing new. The “Bohemian
Grove” in California has been a well known meeting place for
American elites to gather and indulge their sexual appetites
for well over a hundred years. They also conduct a ceremony
where they worship a massive statue of a pagan owl god (this
has been confirmed and captured on video by Alex Jones
himself). Notable members of the Bohemian Club are George
H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and
Newt Gingrich. President Richard Nixon is on record calling
the Bohemian Grove “the most faggy goddamned thing you
could ever imagine.” [11]
Considering everything in this essay, I can confidently
state that there is a deep rot in America’s federal
government, one that goes all the way up to the highest
offices. Should another Trump-like outsider eventually come
to power, it would behoove them to take every measure
possible to eradicate this rot from the inside. There is no
reason we should be ruled over by people as disgusting and
despicable as these.
Sadly, outside of the Epstein case, much of this stuff
gets buried under the constantly shifting news cycle,

deboosted in favor of more culture war bullshit or the newest
megacorp media product. Next time you see a story like the
ones listed above, make sure to share it with other
like-minded individuals.
The more people are aware that these things are going
on, the closer we get to stopping them.



[2] https://youtu.be/6jtVrnchsXE






[8] https://stundin.is/grein/13627/



[11] https://youtu.be/JN2GS3b8cyU

PART VIII: The Digital Panopticon

OR “How You Are Being Watched”

As of the writing of this piece, the United States
Congress is currently deliberating over a new so-called
“anti-terrorism bill,” H. R. 350, which is described in the text
of the bill as “AN ACT To authorize dedicated domestic
terrorism offices within the Department of Homeland
Security, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation to analyze and monitor domestic terrorist
activity and require the Federal Government to take steps to
prevent domestic terrorism.” This bill was spurred on by a
recent shooting at a New York grocery store, which took the
lives of 10 people.
For those uninitiated in American political history,
“anti-terrorism” has always been the primary justification for
every expansion of our now-massive surveillance state. The
most famous example of this is the “Patriot Act,” which was
signed into law on October 26th of 2011 (nearly two months
after the attack on the twin towers).
That particular act enabled the federal agencies to use
what it called “enhanced surveillance procedures,” which
encompassed the tapping of phone calls to the interception
of electronic communications, all without the need for a

court-issued warrant (something that would have been
considered disturbing and Orwellian before the 9/11 attacks).
The newest bill, H. R. 350, if passed, will significantly
expand the size and scope of our federal agencies, including
the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of
Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), by
requiring the creation of new “domestic terror” units for
each. All of these will focus specifically on “white
supremacy,” and will require all of the aforementioned
agencies to interrogate their own employees for “white
supremacist” sympathies and submit their findings in a
bi-annual report.
The following is subsection “a” of section 3 of the bill,
which describes the new offices that would be created within
the DoJ, FBI, and DHS:

(a) Authorization Of Offices To

Monitor, Analyze, Investigate, And
Prosecute Domestic Terrorism.—


UNIT.—There is authorized a
Domestic Terrorism Unit in the
Office of Intelligence and
Analysis of the Department of

Homeland Security, which shall
be responsible for monitoring
and analyzing domestic
terrorism activity.


OFFICE.—There is authorized a
Domestic Terrorism Office in
the Counterterrorism Section
of the National Security
Division of the Department of

(A) which shall be

responsible for
investigating and
prosecuting incidents of
domestic terrorism;

(B) which shall be headed

by the Domestic Terrorism
Counsel; and

(C) which shall

coordinate with the Civil
Rights Division on
domestic terrorism
matters that may also be
hate crime incidents.

OF THE FBI.—There is
authorized a Domestic
Terrorism Section within the
Counterterrorism Division of
the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, which shall be
responsible for investigating
domestic terrorism activity.

(4) STAFFING.—The Secretary,

the Attorney General, and the
Director shall each ensure
that each office authorized
under this section in their
respective agencies shall—

(A) have an adequate

number of employees to
perform the required

(B) have not less than

one employee dedicated to
ensuring compliance with
civil rights and civil
liberties laws and
regulations; and

(C) require that all
employees undergo annual
anti-bias training.

(5) SUNSET.—The offices

authorized under this
subsection shall terminate on
the date that is 10 years
after the date of enactment of
this Act.

I want to draw extra attention to part 4(C), which sets

a requirement for “anti-bias training.” Note that there is no
firm scientific backing for such “training,” and it usually
consists of attempted indoctrination into pseudo-religious
belief systems like the race-based critical consciousness of
Critical Race Theory.
Ideological purity within these proposed offices will
be enforced by an “interagency task force.” This team of
inquisitors is described in more detail in subsection 5(a). Like
every other section of the bill, “white supremacy” and
“neo-nazism” are the only threats specified by name:

In General.—Not later than 180 days

after the date of enactment of this
Act, the Attorney General, the

Director, the Secretary, and the
Secretary of Defense shall
establish an interagency task force
to analyze and combat White
supremacist and neo-Nazi
infiltration of the uniformed
services and Federal law
enforcement agencies. [1]

Should this pass, we will see an at least 10-year-long

campaign of increased surveillance of white dissidents in the
United States. This is in line with the Joe Biden
administration’s constant demonization of the racial
demographic that voted for his political opponent, Donald
Trump, in the largest numbers.
At its very core, this is a form of both revenge and
intimidation, weaponizing the monstrous surveillance state
against a particular political interest group. If you can silence
all of your most fervent critics, there’s little you can’t do from
But this is simply the latest in a very long line of
“anti-terror” legislation that threatens the privacy of Unite
States citizens. In 2014, nonprofit organization “The
Electronic Frontier Foundation: (EFF) published a
comprehensive report on the subject of unnecessary

government surveillance. In it, they list many of the
programs developed by the three-letter agencies (most
notably the “National Security Agency,” or NSA), as well as
the laws that enable these to operate unimpeded.
The following passage is the most relevant to this
essay. If this subject piques your interest, you can read the
entire report on their website, EFF.org, by typing in this link:
I have made no changes to this excerpt aside from
slight formatting modifications. The parts enclosed in
brackets were footnotes in the original document. I have
moved them from the document’s footer to their applicable
place within the passage.

Known Ongoing Mass Surveillance Activities

The NSA is known to engage in the following

forms of mass surveillance of communications,
organized according to the purported legal
authority for each program. In addition to
raising human rights concerns for US persons,
an overarching issue, especially for the
international community, is that for each
program noted below, the US government takes

the position that any protections against
surveillance, such as the “minimization”
steps taken after the collection, are aimed
at protecting the rights of US persons only,
whose information may be collected as a
by-product of the collection of information
from non-US persons. Historically, the United
States has asserted no legal protection for
the privacy rights of non-US persons outside
of the United States and has not recognized
any normative limits on the US government's
ability to monitor these communications to
any extent and for any reasons and this
position should be soundly rejected.

FISA Section 702 (50 U.S.C. sec. 1881a)

Section 702 was added to the FISA by the FISA

Amendments Act in 2008. The US has asserted
that Section 702 authorizes the collection of
communications of “non-US persons” inside the
United States for foreign intelligence
purposes, and that it, in its efforts to
collect the communications of non-US persons,
may incidentally collect the communications
of US persons as well. The NSA has also
asserted that this mass collection of US and
non-US persons’ communications data is
consistent with Section 702 because it only
“targets” the materials pertaining to non-US

persons. The US government considers a
“target” a “non-US person” if it is more
likely than not that the person is not a “US
person.” (A “US person” is defined as a
citizen of the United States, an alien
lawfully admitted for permanent residence, an
unincorporated association with a substantial
number of members who are citizens or lawful
aliens, or a corporation incorporated in the
United States).

The FISC must approve general targeting and

minimization procedures—for example, any
search terms used to query the collected
data—but it does not review actual targets.
These minimization procedures are designed
primarily to protect US persons. The FISC
review is ex parte, that is, conducted
without the presence of an adversary, and the
approved surveillance is never made public.
Just recently, in response to concerns raised
by the Supreme Court, the government has
begun selectively notifying individuals who
are facing criminal prosecution that
information collected under the 702 program
has been used in investigating them.

[Source: “Udall, Wyden, Heinrich Urge

Solicitor General to Set Record Straight on
Misrepresentations to U.S. Supreme Court in

Clapper v. Amnesty.”

The following operations are only a small

subset of those publicly-known and operated
under the purported authority of Section 702:

“Upstream” - “Upstream” operations involve

the installation of fiber optic splitters at
numerous sites operated by private
telecommunications companies throughout the
US. The splitter provides the NSA with a
complete copy of all Internet traffic
(including communications content such as
emails, search and browsing records, and VoIP
communications) that passes through the

PRISM - PRISM was launched in 2007 as a means

of collecting stored Internet communications
data—such as email, video and video chat,
photos, VOIP, file transfers, and social
networking interactions—on demand from the
servers of Internet companies such as Google,
Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo!.

USA PATRIOT Act Section 215

Section 215, also known as the “business
records” provision, was enacted as part of
the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001, and then amended
in 2008 by the FISA Amendments Act. The law
authorizes the FISC to issue orders
permitting the FBI to collect “tangible
things” that are “relevant to an authorized
investigation,” as might be obtained via a
grand jury subpoena. Section 215 orders
cannot be directed at US persons solely on
the basis of activities protected by the
First Amendment.

The following are a small subset of

publicly-known programs operated under the
purported authority of Section 215:


• The US government, through the NSA, is

collecting the call detail records from
certain telephone service providers of every
domestic and international telephone call
made to or from their networks. The data
collected include the telephone numbers on
each end of the call, the time and length of
the call, and the routing information. It is
unclear whether specific location data is
also collected under this program or under

some other program. The content of the calls
is not collected (which is why the US labels
this data “metadata”). The records are
retained for five years.

• The program is subject to re-approval by

the FISC every 90 days. The database is
queried by way of “selectors,” such as
telephone numbers, for which there is a
“reasonable articulable suspicion” of a link
to terrorism. The database is queried to
identify every call made to or from the
selector, and then as a second “hop,” every
call made to or from those numbers. Prior to
January 2014, the analysis was carried out to
a third “hop” as well. Several hundred
selectors have been used since the beginning
of the program that have resulted in the
“selection” and further analysis of an
unknown number of calls, but likely well into
the millions.

Executive Order (EO) 12333

Executive Order 12333 authorizes surveillance

conducted primarily outside the United
States, although there are indications that
the government maintains that some amount of
US-based surveillance can also occur under
this authority.

[Note: Executive Order (EO) 12333 was amended
on January 23, 2003 by Executive Order 13284,
on August 27, 2004 by Executive Order 13355,
and further amended on July 30, 2008 by
Executive Order 13470. The resulting text of
Executive Order 12333, following the 2008
amendment, is available here

President Ronald Reagan issued EO 12333 in

December 1981 to extend the powers and
responsibilities of the various US
intelligence agencies that existed under
previous executive orders. The organizational
structure established by EO 12333 was revised
by executive orders in 2004 and 2008, the
latter of which consolidated power under the
President’s Director of National
Intelligence. The US government asserts that
programs conducted under the authority of EO
12333 do not require judicial approval or
non-executive oversight of any type.


The following is a small subset of
publicly-known activities operated under the
purported authority of EO 12333:

MYSTIC - Under this operation, the NSA has

built a surveillance system capable of
recording “100 percent” of a foreign
country’s telephone calls, enabling the
agency to rewind and review conversations as
long as a month after they take place. MYSTIC
has been used against one nation, according
recent leaks, and may have been subsequently
used in other countries.

[Source: Gellman, Barton and Ashkan Soltani.

“NSA surveillance program reaches ‘into the
past’ to retrieve, replay phone calls.” 28
March 2014.

MUSCULAR - This operation, which began in

2009, infiltrates links between global data
centers of technology companies, such as
Google and Yahoo!, not on US soil. These two

companies responded to the revelation of
MUSCULAR by encrypting those exchanges.

XKEYSCORE - XKEYSCORE appears to be the name

of the software interface through which NSA
analysts search vast databases of
information—collected under various other
operations—containing emails, online chats,
and the browsing histories of millions of
individuals anywhere in the world. The
XKEYSCORE data has been shared with other
secret services including Australia's Defence
Signals Directorate and New Zealand's
Government Communications Security Bureau.

DISHFIRE - The Dishfire operation is the

worldwide mass collection of records
including location data, contact retrievals,
credit card details, missed call alerts,
roaming alerts (which indicate border
crossings), electronic business cards, credit
card payment notifications, travel itinerary
alerts, meeting information, text messages,
and more. Communications from US phones were
allegedly minimized, although not necessarily
purged, from this database. The messages and
associated data from non-US persons were
retained and analyzed.

CO-TRAVELER - Under this operation, the US
collects location information from global
cell tower, WiFi, and GPS hubs. This
information is collected and analyzed over
time, in part, in order to determine the
traveling companions of targets.

In addition to these programs, the NSA also

surveilled messaging conducted through
“leaky” mobile applications, monitored the
mobile phone communications of 35 world
leaders, and monitored, for example,
approximately 70 million phone calls per
month originating in France and 60 million
per month originating in Spain. Also, the NSA
collected financial records—180 million in
2011—from SWIFT, the network used by
worldwide financial institutions to securely
transmit interbank messages and transactions.

[End of excerpt]

You may have noticed that the governments of both

Australia and New Zealand were mentioned in the “XKEYSCORE”
section. This is due to what is known as the “Five Eyes Alliance,”
an information-sharing partnership between five different countries
of largely anglo origin (Canada, USA, the UK, Australia, and New
Started in 1946, the goal of this alliance was to circumvent
domestic privacy laws by letting each county spy on the citizens of

the others’. They can then launder this information through
seemingly routine data sharing. Thus the outcome is the same as
if they had simply spied on their own citizens in the first place.
According to UK-based watchdog organization Privacy
International, this alliance has even occasionally extended to
corporations, resulting in a sort of public-private partnership.
They claim that some of the agreements, particularly ones
between the US and UK, “reveal the outsourcing of surveillance
activities to corporations without limiting their access to classified
information, contributing to the privatisation of espionage.” They
also mention that the documents governing the Five Eyes
intelligence partnership are “numerous, intricate, and secret.” [3]
So what conclusion can we draw from this? The answer is
simple: there is a distinct possibility that any of us could be
surveilled at any given moment, through any means of electronic
communication, whether it be through phone or the internet. In
essence, we are living in a digital panopticon where, if we are not
being watched, there is at least the expectation that we are.
Created by Jeremy Bentham in 1791, the “panopticon” is a
circular prison building, with cells lining the walls. In the center is a
rotunda from which guards can see all of the prisoners. The idea is
not only practical on a physical level. but a psychological one as
well. The awareness that there is always a chance that they are
being observed by the guards can create a crushingly and
pervasive feeling of paranoia that will help assure their continued
I believe that many measure like the anti-terrorism bill
mentioned at the beginning of this chapter serve to generate this
same type of emotion. They’re meant to keep would-be dissidents
in line.
Before we close out this essay, one question still remains:
where is this all going? The government seems to already be

tracking us in every possible way. How could they escalate from
In early 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
China had already begun using smartphone apps and facial
recognition towers to track its citizens, using them in conjunction
with their pre-existing social credit score system and other law
enforcement measures.
A year later, similar concepts began to manifest in Western
countries in the form of vaccine passports. Notable examples of
these are the European Union’s “Digital COVID Certificate” and
New York City’s “Excelsior Pass” system, the latter of which was
paired with a “blueprint” whitepaper meant to aid other localities in
designing their own compatible pass system.
“New York today is not the New York it was a year ago,” the
blueprint says in its closing statement. “Cities, states, and nations
are all adapting to a new world. Together, we must innovate how
clinical information and government services are delivered to
people in cities and states in the United States and countries
around the world. We believe government’s role in pioneering new
infrastructure - a digital infrastructure - is critical to our collective
reopening and recovery.” [4]
The concept of digital ID is nothing new. The Bill
Gates-funded and WEF-adjacent organization ID2020 has been
pushing for digital identification for years, and this concept, if made
real, will undoubtedly be used to enforce ideological conformity. A
2021 report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed
that firms are currently throwing around the idea that a review of
an individual’s “digital footprint” could potentially “improve loan
default predictions.”
This means that your browsing history could eventually
affect your ability to get loans. This by itself would be bad enough.

However, if something like this is in the works at this very moment,
what else could be coming down the pipe?
The World Economic Forum has answers to this. They
have also endorsed an idea similar to the IMF’s, which they call
“Alternative Credit Scoring” or “ACS.” “The new scoring (ACS)
works with artificial intelligence and social media, instead of
paper-based scoring methods that depend on consumers having a
bank account,” a 2021 article written as part of the WEF’s “Davos
Agenda” stated. “ACS ultimately leads to higher financial
inclusion.” [5]
But our friends at Davos have pushed this concept into new
and interesting (i.e. terrifying) territory as of late. At the 2022 World
Economic Forum summit in Switzerland, President of China’s
Alibaba Group J. Michael Evans claimed that his company was
working on a means to assign individuals a personal carbon score.
“We’re developing through technology an ability for consumers to
measure their own carbon footprint,” he said in a video that went
viral on Twitter. “What does that mean? That’s where are they
traveling, how are they traveling, what are they eating, what are
they consuming on the platform? So ‘individual carbon footprint
tracker.’ Stay tuned. We don’t have it operational yet, but this is
something that we’re working on.” [6]
Considering how in-depth and invasive such a system
would be, as well as who is funding the research going into it (the
Chinese Communist Party), it is reasonable to expect that the
adoption of it by Western countries would result in something
similar to China’s “social credit system,” but possibly far worse.
However, things can get even more invasive when biometric
surveillance is added to the mix.
In a March 20, 2020 Op-ed for the Financial Times, at the
start of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, the World Economic
Forum’s resident Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari predicted this

grim new direction, calling it “under the skin surveillance.” “... If you
can monitor what happens to my body temperature, blood
pressure and heart-rate as I watch [a] video clip” he said, “you can
learn what makes me laugh, what makes me cry, and what makes
me really, really angry.” [7]
Exactly how much of this will become reality is not yet
knowable (as I stated before, Harari absolutely believes that the
predictions he makes are an inevitability), but details for future
“under the skin” surveillance have already trickled out to the public.
The most memorable of these details in recent memory
comes from a video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the 2018 World
Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where he
describes a hypothetical means to enforce medical compliance in
a community: a kind of microchip which could be embedded in
pills: "It is a, basically biological chip that is in the tablet,” he said.
“And once we take the tablet and dissolves into the stomach,
sends a signal that you took the tablet. So imagine the applications
of that - the compliance.” [8]
Yes, imagine the “compliance.” Should this come to fruition,
we will not only be inside of a digital panopticon, but a biological
one as well.
Fight for your freedom while you still can.




[3] https://privacyinternational.org/learn/five-eyes






PART IX: The False God of Artificial

OR “Why AI Won’t Save Us”

For quite some time now, Technocrats and Futurists
have predicted a shift towards artificial intelligence (AI) for
decision-making purposes in various parts of society; social,
economic, industrial, political, etc… The logic behind this is
clear: if technological progression continues on the same
trajectory that it has been on over the past century, we will
soon have computers that are not only able to emulate the
thinking abilities of the human brain, but even surpass it in
many significant ways.
“Automation and its recent partner, cybernation, or
the wedding of the computer to production, have unleashed a
previously unseen rate of outflow of goods and services,”
wrote Utopian Futurist and creator of the Venus Project
Jaque Fresco in his book The Best That Money Can't Buy.
“The next step, underway now, adds artificial intelligence
(AI), computer programming that simulates human
decision-making and hypothesis testing, along with
self-correction. AI redesigns mechanical and electronic
systems to simulate and improve upon human performance.
As exciting as these developments are, they are only the
beginning.” [1]

In 2020, presidential hopeful Andrew Yang ran a
Democratic primary campaign that separated itself from the
others via a focus on issues surrounding the advent of
automation and AI-dominated industry. “... our economy is
being transformed before our eyes by technology and
automation,” he said in a speech announcing the end of his
campaign. “Americans know now that when you go to a
factory in Michigan, you do not find wall-to-wall immigrants
doing work. You find wall-to-wall robot arms and machines
doing the work that people used to do.” [2]
While it was perhaps too early to run a presidential
campaign on such things, Yang was right to at least prompt
early discussion on the issue, as tech startups in the field of
AI have raised record-setting amounts of money in just the
past few years, with investments totaling over $26 billion in
2019 alone. Considering this, the AI horizon seems to inch
closer with each passing day, and it would be prudent for
politicians to start considering ways to hedge against the
shockwaves that would inevitably be caused by such a
technological shift. [3]
There is, however, one looming concern that
politicians and scientists have made it a point to emphasize

over and over again, that being the struggle for “equity.” Keep
in mind that when I use the term “equity” in this essay, I
mean it in the Intersectional Critical Theory sense, meaning
total equality between the various Intersectional identities
around race, gender, sexual orientation, and physical and/or
mental ability.
Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway for those whose
brains have been thoroughly melted by pseudo-religious
academics), total equity between these identity groups is a
complete impossibility. Race is a social construct, but it is
one constructed on biological realities.
Gender is a social construct as well, but it’s based on
the even realer reality of biological sex. Homosexual
relationships will never be equal to heterosexual ones, as one
the latter is capable of producing offspring. As for physical
and/or mental ability… well, it’s fairly obvious why equity is
impossible in that realm.
Regardless of how nonsensical this goal is, many
global elites and those within the global scientific
community seem dead set on accomplishing it as of late.
They’re so determined, in fact, that they are occasionally

willing to sabotage their own projects in service of this
supposed greater good.
One fascinating example of this is a May 2022
meta-analysis called “AI recognition of patient race in
medical imaging” that examined how bone-analyzing
algorithms are able to determine a patient’s race with up to
90% accuracy.
“The deep learning models assessed in this study
showed a high ability to detect patient race using chest x-ray
scans, with sustained performance on other modalities and
strong external validations across datasets,” the study
claimed. “Race prediction performance was also robust
across models trained on single equipment and single
hospital location on the chest x-ray and mammogram
The study also found that said algorithms could
predict race even if the medial photos were distorted using a
high-pass filter and “degraded” until the images contained
no “recognizable structures” and “to the human coauthors
and radiologists it was not clear that the image was an x-ray
at all.” [4]

While a miraculous feat for sure, this apparently
worried scientists and journalists alike. ”#Medical #AI has
the worst superpower... Racism, “ tweeted researcher Lauren
Oakden-Rayner back in 2021 while the study was awaiting
review. “We've put out a preprint reporting concerning
findings. AI can do something humans can't: recognise the
self-reported race of patients on x-rays. This gives AI a path
to produce health disparities.”
In a piece for “Science Alert” entitled “AI Can Predict
People's Race From X-Ray Images, And Scientists Are
Concerned,” writer David Nield claimed that such AI
programs can mimic human thinking to spot patterns in
data, but warned that they can also “unwittingly succumb” to
human-like biases. “Worse still,” the piece continues. “Their
complexity makes it hard to untangle the prejudices we've
woven into them.” [5]
“We need to take a pause,” said Harvard professor Leo
Anthony Celi in an interview with the Boston Globe. “We
cannot rush bringing the algorithms to hospitals and clinics
until we’re sure they’re not making racist decisions or sexist
decisions.” [6]

To me, the response to this development seems…
strange, to say the least. Just 20 years ago, such a thing would
have been considered a technological marvel and studied
with a great amount of enthusiasm, but now it has scientists
scrambling in a mad panic while screaming about “systemic
racism.” This only makes sense when you realize how far
pseudo-religious and pseudo-scientific concepts like the
ones contained within Critical Race Theory have permeated
all of our institutiones, even the ones which usually concern
themselves with uncovering objective scientific truth.
Critical Race Theory, while all about generating a
racial consciousness in its adherents, also ironically
condemns the acknowledgement that there may be objective
biological differences between racial groups. To the believers
in this worldview, race is a social construct, but it’s also one
that is supremely important and must be focused on before
all else. So it’s not that the algorithms didn’t see enough, it’s
that they saw too much. The results they produced
acknowledged race in the wrong context, therefore the
computers were guilty of a strange type of heresy.
This is far from the most potentially damaging case of
AI-related racial panic, however. “Predictive policing

algorithms are racist. They need to be dismantled,”
proclaimed a headline for an article from the MIT
Technology Review. The piece, written by a man named Will
Douglas Heaven, describes the two types of predictive AI
technology used by law enforcement in America:
location-based and demographic-based.
While these algorithms legally cannot take race into
account, the article proclaims that they are undoubtedly
racist anyway. Why? Because all statistics show
disproportionate arrests of black individuals. Therefore, to an
adherent of Critical Race Theory who must view any
difference in outcome between racial groups as necessarily
the product of a racist system, these crime prediction
algorithms can only be used to uphold white supremacy.
“... arrest data encodes patterns of racist policing
behavior,” the article claims. “As a result, they’re more likely
to predict a high potential for crime in minority
neighborhoods or among minority people. Even when arrest
and crime data match up, there are a myriad of
socioeconomic reasons why certain populations and certain
neighborhoods have higher historical crime rates than
others.” This argument essentially boils down to “maybe

minority neighborhoods do have higher crime rates, but they
have good reasons for that!”
So what’s the suggested method to combat the
supposed racism we have built into the machines? One
solution discussed by the article is described as an
“algorithmic affirmative action.” This entails knowingly
programming a racial bias into the machines to create an
allegedly fairer outcome. “One way to do this for risk
assessment algorithms, in theory, would be to use differential
risk thresholds.” Heaven writes. “Three arrests for a Black
person could indicate the same level of risk as, say, two
arrests for a white person.” [7]
Keep in mind that these algorithms are not being used
to determine who gets arrested.They are used instead to
figure out where police should concentrate their efforts. If a
neighborhood is more likely to have high amounts of crime,
then that is where police need to be if they want to respond
to calls in a timely manner.
Building a racial bias into these programs that favors
black people means LESS POLICING in majority black
neighborhoods. If you believe, like many modern leftists do,
that all police are racist and that black communities should

police themselves, then this may be good news. For sane
individuals, however, it’s a recipe for certain disaster.
Having personally lived in a low-income, majority
black neighborhood before, I can tell you from personal
experience that most of the people there simply want to live
their lives without fear that they may be beaten, killed, and/or
robbed at any given time. The police are far from the biggest
threat to those communities. It’s the criminals who are the
threat, and their victims are always the most vulnerable and
Rich people can afford to live in well-secured houses
and gated communities, insulted from the rampant crime
that fills the streets of modern American cities. For the poor,
they need good policing if they want to survive. Taking that
away from them will only increase the risk. There’s nothing
“equitable” about this outcome, despite what some Leftists
may claim.
This plays out in data as well, with Pew research
determining that only around 23% of America's black
population wants to see any decrease in police finding,
despite large-scale campaigns from Leftists over the past
couple of years meant to convince the public that policing is

both overfunded and inherently racist. You can read more
about this subject in the next chapter.
Both the x-ray analyzing algorithm and the crime
prediction software highlight a very important fact about AI:
artificial intelligence will always be programmed specifically
to serve the ends of those programming it. The critical
theorists believe that all AI has the biases its creators built
into it. While this is true to a certain extent (exactly how
much is unknowable), it is overshadowed when biases are
being explicitly and purposefully built into the programs for
ideological ends.
As the globalist regime shifts more towards
governance via AI, we will have to be vigilant about these
things. They will claim that their AI is objective and fair, but
what they mean when they say words like “objective” and
“fair” is far different from what a normal person means.
When the Corpo-leftists and Globalists say them, they mean
“conducive to achieving our end goals, which we believe to
be objectively good and fair.”
Those aren’t the only euphemisms we will hear.
Recently, the Corpo-leftists have begun using terms like
“algorithmic justice.” The usage of this particular term

increased in frequency when Tesla Corporation owner Elon
Musk offered to purchase the social media site Twitter.
“Elon Musk and a handful of billionaires now have
dangerous influence over the most powerful online
platforms,” proclaimed Senator Ed Markey in a tweet. “They
can't be trusted, and self-regulation has failed. We must pass
laws to protect privacy and promote algorithmic justice for
internet users, especially for kids.”
But what exactly does this term mean? The non-profit
organization “Algorithmic Justice League” describes it as
creating “equitable” and “accountable” AI through
affirmative consent, transparency, and third-party oversight.
“Accountable AI requires continuous oversight by
independent third parties,” the group says on its official
website. “To support continuous oversight there must be
laws that require companies and government agencies
deploying AI to meet minimum requirements, for example:
maintaining on-going documentation, submitting to audit
requirements, and allowing access to civil society
organizations for assessment and review.” [8]
Perhaps this is preferable to the opaque, invasive, and
often sinister forms of AI we currently see being used by Big

Tech companies. However, there is a huge hole in this
concept that I can’t get over. To put it bluntly: I don’t trust
the third parties who will be hypothetically overseeing these
issues. In fact, I trust them little more than I do the odious
Big Tech firms themselves.
Non-profit organizations and other NGOs are just as
guilty of social engineering as for-profit megacorps. Many
NGOs are even built with this specific purpose in mind, as
we have seen with George Soros’ network. And the
government itself is certainly out of the question as far as
algorithmic regulation is concerned, for reasons that should
be obvious at this point in this essay series.
At the end of the day, artificial intelligence is often a
way to whitewash the decisions of powerful people and
institutions by shifting the responsibility to unaccountable
“systems” and “programs,” and it lets them do so while
simultaneously aiding in mass surveillance and data tracking
that lends the institutions even more power. If we let them
get away with this sleight of hand, it will become more and
more ubiquitous until there is no longer any possible way to
hold powerful people accountable. It’s all “systemic” after all.

It’s “baked in,” as the critical theorists like to say. This time,
however, it’s more than just a theory. It’s an explicit fact.
In summation, the MIT Technology Review article
may be correct in claiming that some forms of AI may have
to be dismantled, but this should be done to protect us from
the “ethicists” just as much as to protect us from the
government and powerful global institutions. I trust all of
you as far as I can throw you.









[8] https://www.ajl.org/learn-more

PART X: A Population in Peril

OR “How the Corpo-Leftist Regime Harms

Black Americans While Claiming to Help

The following essay was originally published on
Substack on the 14th of February, 2022. I thought it would fit
nicely here, considering it discusses many of the topics I have
mentioned in the other essays, particularly the issues
surrounding American racial identities, black-on-black
crime, and the way race is conceptualized by the corporate
media and political class.
It has been altered slightly from the original version to
better fit with the style of this book.

A Population in Peril

On the first of February, the production company

Showtime released the trailer for a new documentary series
entitled “Everything’s Gonna be All White.” The video is two
minutes and six seconds of people airing their resentment
towards the “white” race.
“I think what annoys me most about white people is
when they pretend to be the victim,” says one individual in the
trailer, who then pretends to cry in a show of mockery.
“What’s also annoying is when they- you know, when they
kill us.”
“Should white people today feel any responsibility for
slavery?” Asks an unseen interviewer. The interviewee, a

disheveled-looking black man, responds with “Hehe! Hell
Without a doubt, the entire thing is a sickening display
of hatred (one that is co-signed by a large corporate entity)
and the internet’s reaction reflected this, with the video’s
comments being swiftly disabled after it was bombarded with
criticism and dislikes (which, while automatically hidden by
YouTube, can be revealed using various apps).
While I certainly found the ordeal as outrageous as
anyone else (even going so far as to compare it to 1984’s “two
minutes of hate” on Twitter), I couldn’t help but think about
the other side of the issue and ask the question “does stuff like
this really benefit black people in any way?”
This was actually a question I found myself asking a
lot lately. Politicians these days are very quick to appeal to
black Americans as a marketing tactic, but nothing they
accomplish seems to benefit this particular demographic in
any way. In fact, it seems the opposite is usually true.
Recently, the Biden administration announced they
would be providing billions of dollars for safe drug-use kits in
the name of “racial equity.” The most notable aspect of this,
which conservative media gleefully ran with (and rightfully
so), was the crack pipes that would be included with these
Yes, you read that correctly. The federal government
planned on providing free crack pipes to help black
Americans. [1]

Another recent event that has been in the forefront of
my mind is the “Black Lives Matter” organization being
labeled “delinquent” by the state of California due to misuse
of their funds. And by “misuse,” I mean no one has any idea
where the money went, other than towards expensive personal
real estate acquisitions made by the group’s founders.
The New York Post elaborates on this issue in an
article entitled “Black Lives Matter is Imploding in Scandal,”
writing that “the outfit has failed to file taxes for 2020, the
year it raised tens of millions after George Floyd’s death at
police hands and the rioting and protests that followed. It has
no official leader overseeing its $60 million war chest after its
co-founder [Patrisse Cullors-Khan] resigned in May.” [2]
For those short on memory, this organization was
granted millions upon millions by corporations and politicians
in 2020 after the infamous George Floyd riots, which left
miles of American cityscape reduced to ash and rubble. Both
the organization and the riots were deemed beneficial to the
“Black community” despite the fact that it was largely black
neighborhoods which were being razed to the ground.
Many business owners who found themselves jobless
overnight weren’t even able to pay for the removal costs in the
fallout, leaving the rubble in place for nearly a year. The
millions thrown down BLM’s metaphorical toilet could have
gone to these people to help dig them out of the hole they’d
been thrown into, but that didn’t happen. Instead, a few people
became obscenely rich while many more suffered in silence.

Another scheme that was marketed on the back of
Black America was the “defund the police” campaign, in
which activists and politicians called for cities to decrease
their police budgets and instead use that money to support
“social workers” and activist organizations. Some even called
for a complete abolition of police completely, claiming that it
could be replaced with “community policing,” although what
exactly that means is still up in the air.
Nevertheless, many blue cities complied with these
demands, resulting in the worst crime wave since the 90s. In
what I can only assume was a bout of insanity, then Seattle
Mayor Jenny Durkan actually planned to transfer ownership
of one of the city’s police stations to an activist group. This
offer was shot down by the activists, who still needed to live
there after the carnage was over and would thus need the
building to stay a police station.

[Note: This case is covered in more detail in the previous

chapter entitled “PART V: Yuri Bezmenov on Subversion.]

The irony in all of this is that black Americans don’t

actually support defunding the police. In fact, they tend to
support it even less than white Americans do, which is evident
from polling done last year by Pew Research. [3]
I believe the reason for this to be simple: in
crime-ridden majority black neighborhoods, black people are
not only the main perpetrators of crime, but also the primary

victims. Having lived in one such community at one point in
my life, I can confirm that crime was a far more terrifying
prospect than interactions with police.
It’s easy to virtue signal from the comfort of a gated
community about how evil the police are and how they should
be defunded, but until you live in a neighborhood where you
can be robbed while stopped at a red light, or where a
crackhead may crawl through your window if you leave it
unlocked, you have no idea how bad the alternatives can be.
Still, even with all of this going on, the problems go
even deeper than sleazy politicians and bad government
policy. As of the writing of this piece, we are currently in the
midst of “Black History Month,” a month where Americans
are expected to focus on a race-specific version of American
history and recount the accomplishments of those considered
“Black Americans.”
The entire concept of “Black History Month'' has, of
course, been incredibly contentious since its very inception.
Conserva-boomers will often spout the same tired talking
points over and over: “Why do we need to focus on black
history,” they’ll say. “Isn’t it just American history?”
While I often mock the ineffectual bumper-sticker
arguments of this particular brand of conservative, there are
moments where they are more insightful than they appear at
first glance. This is one of those cases.
Likewise, the pro-Critical Race Theory Leftists will
claim that there can never be such a thing as a “White History

Month,” since “white” peoples’ history is just regular
American history. Ironically, this is correct as well.
The fact is that it’s impossible to truly have a
race-specific retelling of American history, since you can talk
about one group of people without also discussing their
relationship with everyone else. Black history IS white
history, and vice versa.
When you get past this semantic debate, however, the
real point of contention is the modern conception of “Black”
identity itself. The “Black history” in question essentially
begins at the slave ships and ends with George Floyd. Its
entirety is dedicated to cultivating a “Black” identity that is
centered around oppression and tragedy, as well as a culture
built out of the airing of grievances.
Imagine growing up and being taught to resent most of
the people around you, while also being trained to view
everyone as a proxy for their racial demographic. Imagine
being instilled with a sense of bitterness over circumstances
that can never be changed, because they happened long before
you were born, and then having a large part of your identity
based around that bitterness.
This is the type of punishment I would only want for
my worst enemies, yet it’s one that much of American society
is inflicting on innocent children every day.
Keep in mind, my point of view may be somewhat
controversial today, but just a mere decade ago, it was one
shared by much of the county’s left wing. Things have

changed for the worse since then and, ironically, the Left wing
now embraces the Jim Crow conception of race merely
because it benefits them to do so.
Recently, Doctor Jordan Peterson went onto Joe
Rogan’s (now infamous) podcast and their conversation
briefly turned towards the topic of race. In regards to the
“academic” Michael Eric Dyson referring to him as a “mean
white man,” Peterson responded with the following:

Peterson: “I’m actually kinda tan, and he was

actually not black. He was sorta brown…
Neither of us are white.”

Rogan: “The black and white thing is so

strange, because the shades are so- There’s such
a spectrum of shades of people, unless you’re
talking to someone who is like 100% African
from the darkest place where they are not
wearing any clothes all day, and they’ve
developed all that melanin to protect themselves
from the sun. You know, even the term black is
weird, and when you use it for people who are
literally my color, it becomes very strange.”

Peterson: “Yeah, mmhmm. This is true.” [4]

As I stated before, this conversation would not have
been out of the ordinary among liberals just a decade ago, yet
it drew a great deal of ire from Left-wing outlets. The most
notable of these was Trevor Noah, the host of Comedy
Central’s The Daily Show, who appealed to the antiquated
“one drop rule” as a way to define one’s racial identity:

... In America, they invented a rule that if you

had one drop of Black blood in you, that makes
you Black — which defined how you were
treated by the government and by society. Even
vampires wouldn’t bite you! [5]

It has become increasingly obvious that the American

Left, despite some protests to the contrary, does not want to
give up on antebellum racial identities. Far from it. Instead,
they want to make them permanent, hence their embrace of
Critical Race Theory.
This may give them an electoral advantage for now, but
I have to ask this of Leftists: how much division, hatred, and
suffering are you willing to tolerate for the sake of political
When Obama was elected in 2008, many expected a
great leap forward for American race relations. However, the
opposite was true and, in 2022, race relations are on an
apparent downward spiral, which is only made more evident

with programs like “Everything’s Gonna be All White” and
“Dear White People” playing on TV.
With so-called white Americans having been made into
an “oppressor class” (kulaks by another name), hatred and
disdain for them can be aired openly and, while some black
people are propped up as heroes and inspirations by
politicians, activists, and the corporate media, most still
languish in poverty, unable to find a reliable job now that
businesses are packing their things and moving away from
crime-filled cities.
For all the talk of “equity” from the Biden
administration, rest assured that there are no plans to fix any
real problems for the foreseeable future. In fact, I fully expect
things to worsen before they ever start to get better. Expect
more surveillance, more divisive and hate-filled rhetoric, and
more general insanity until this administration is gone.
Even then, of course, there are still the intelligence
agencies to worry about. They too trumpet “equity” and
“diversity,” but largely as a way to endear them to the Left
wing and discourage populist revolt against government
entities. “Why do you distrust the CIA so much? You’re not
RACIST, are you?!”
With all of this in consideration, I have one more major
warning for Black Americans: Be extremely cautious when
demonizing other demographics. Once the government sees
no more electoral usefulness in you, you will be next on the
chopping block.

And this may come sooner than later, as birth rates
among black women have fallen below replacement levels. As
more and more people from the third-world come flooding in,
your electoral power will shrink. Be prepared and reject the
divisiveness now rather than later. You will be happy that you







PART XI: The Deadliest Silent Weapon

OR “How Critical Theory Took Over the


If you were going to conquer an enemy country
without ever firing a single shot, how would you do it? Would
you cripple them economically? Socially? Mentally? Would
you turn them against their own national heritage and simply
wait for the inevitable implosion?
Allegedly found in a surplus copier purchased from
Boeing Aircraft in 1986, the manual “Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars: An introductory programming manual“
describes the concept of a “silent weapon,” as well as the
various weapons of this variety which had been developed in
secret by powerful institutions since the onset of the Cold
War between America and the USSR.
While the document’s veracity has never truly been
confirmed, the concepts it describes seem to hold a lot of
water, and the techniques could theoretically be
implemented for the purpose of subverting and subduing the
population of a country. Because of this, it has been
frequently referenced by conspiracy theorists (like myself) as
an example of theoretical social engineering methods.
The passage from the publication relevant to this
particular essay is one at the beginning that defines what a

“silent weapon” is. It it reproduced here without alteration to
the content outside of formatting:


Everything that is expected from an

ordinary weapon is expected from a silent
weapon by its creators, but only in its own
manner of functioning. It shoots situations,
instead of bullets; propelled by data
processing, instead of chemical reaction
(explosion); originating from bits of data,
instead of grains of gunpowder; from a
computer, instead of a gun; operated by a
computer programmer, instead of a marksman;
under the orders of a banking magnate.
instead of a military general.
It makes no obvious explosive noises,
causes no obvious physical or mental
injuries. and does not obviously interfere
with anyone's daily social life.
Yet it makes an unmistakable “noise,”
causes unmistakable physical and mental
damage and unmistakably interferes with daily
social life, i.o. unmistakable to a trained
observer, one who knows what to look for.
The public cannot comprehend this
weapon, and therefore cannot believe that

they are being attacked and subdued by a
The public might instinctively feel that
something is wrong, but because of the
technical nature of the silent weapon, they
cannot express their feelings in a rational
way, or handle the problem with intelligence
Therefore, they do not know how to cry
for help, and do not know how to associate
with others to defend themselves against it.
When a silent weapon is applied
gradually to the public, the public
adapts/adjusts to its presence and learns to
tolerate its encroachment on their lives
until the pressure (psychological via
economic) becomes too great and they crack
Therefore, the silent weapon is a type
of biological warfare. It attacks the
vitality, options, and mobility of the
individuals of a society by knowing,
understanding, manipulating, and attacking
their sources of natural and social energy,
and their physical, mental, and emotional
strengths and weaknesses. [1]

[End of excerpt]

While the “silent weapons” described in the rest of the

manual are largely economic in nature, the focus of this essay

is to bring to light an older, and far more successful, silent
weapon that has been quietly ravaging the post-industrial
world since the end of the second world war.
Beginning in the 1930s, the Institute for Social
Research, attached to Goethe University Frankfurt, began
finding ways to synthesize the Communist works of Karl
Marx with the psychological works of minds like Sigmund
Freud. [2]
Some of the primary philosophers who undertook this
mission were Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert
Marcuse, Walter Benjamin, Friedrich Pollock, Leo
Lowenthal, and Eric Fromm. The most well-known and
long-lasting product of this school is known as “Critical
Theory,” or “Critical Thought.” In his 1937 essay “Traditional
and Critical Theory,” Max Horkheimer describes the concept
like this:

Critical thinking is the function

neither of the isolated individual
nor of a sum-total of individuals.
Its subject is rather a definite
individual in his real relation to
other individuals and groups, in
his conflict with a particular
class, and, finally, in the

resultant web of relationships with
the social totality and with
nature. The subject is no
mathematical point like the ego of
bourgeois philosophy; his activity
is the construction of the social
present. Furthermore, the thinking
subject is not the place where
knowledge and object coincide, nor
consequently the starting-point for
attaining absolute knowledge… [3]

To boil this down to the most simple description:

Critical Thought is a rejection of “bourgeois” false
consciousness (considered by Critical Theorists to be the
mainstream default understanding of the world) in favor of a
worldview that conceptualizes each individual in terms of
their power relation to various societal groups and the people
The end-goal of this endeavor was to generate a new
type of revolutionary class capable of dismantling the
oppressive “bourgeois” society and building a new kind of
human civilization, something that Herbert Marcuse
described as the “collective practice of creating an
environment: level by level, step by step - in the material and

intellectual production, an environment in which the
non-aggressive, erotic, receptive faculties of man, in harmony
with the consciousness of freedom, strive for the pacification
of man and nature.” He further detailed the mechanics
through which this would happen in a 1969 “Essay on

Very different from the revolution

at previous stages of history, this
opposition is directed against the
totality of a well-functioning,
prosperous society – a protest
against its Form – the commodity
form of men and things, against the
imposition of false values and a
false morality. This new
consciousness and the instinctual
rebellion isolate such opposition
from the masses and from the
majority of organized labor, the
integrated majority, and make for
the concentration of radical
politics in active minorities,
mainly among the young middle-class
intelligentsia, and among the
ghetto populations… To the degree
to which the rebellion is directed
against a functioning, prosperous,

“democratic” society, it is a moral
rebellion… [4]

To put it simply: Critical Theory is a silent weapon

built specifically for the purpose of sowing discontent among
young academics and “ghetto population,” as Marcuse called
them, and prompting the systematic destruction of relatively
prosperous Liberal Democracies.
While the concepts of Critical Theory would go
through many different permutations after its inception in
the 1930s (the most prominent of which was “Postmodern
Critical Theory,” which was led by French thinkers like Jean
Baudrillard), it would be largely relegated to the dark pits of
academia until the 2010s, when a form of media criticism
rooted in Critical theory began to take hold of popular
culture in America.
Post 2012, “nerd culture” media outlets and social
media sites like Youtube became inexplicably flooded with
articles and video essays on “media tropes,” which described
various depictions of “marginalized” groups in fiction as
inherently problematic and in need of addressing. Although
these types of critics are usually incredibly vague in terms of

how this media should be addressed, their worldview spread
through various niche internet communities like wildfire.
Perhaps the most infamous of these internet
personalities, Anita Sarkeesian (who notably claimed that
“everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is
homophobic and you have to point all of it out”) made a name
for herself through the crowdfunding of a video series
entitled “Tropes vs Women in Video Games,” which
packaged up this strain of Critical Theory in a way that the
average viewer could easily understand.
“The problem is rarely with any single television show
or movie, but rather the recurring pattern of sexist
representations that works to reinforce harmful social
norms,” she wrote in an op-ed for Time back in 2015. “The
stories the media tells are powerful indeed; they help to
shape our attitudes, beliefs and values, for better or for
From here, it’s possible to see the through-line from
the Frankfurt School to the media critics. The end-goal of
both is to examine everything in terms of the power
dynamics between groups of people and communicate them
in the language of oppression narratives. They also both

characterize human beings as being infinitely malleable
according to the various narratives they are inundated with
by the world around them.
This is essentially the dichotomy between “false” or
“bourgeois” consciousness and “critical thought” described
by the original iteration of Critical Theory. However, it is not
usually given such a name by the media critics who have
adopted the concept, as they are known to downplay the
Marxist roots of the ideas they attempt to communicate
through their work. I elaborated in length on this subject in
an August 2021 essay entitled “The Sparrow Hunters”:

The core idea to this deconstructionist

philosophy is transparently influenced by
Marxist thought, and can easily be traced back
to the writing of people like Herbert Marcuse,
who sought to end the institutions and systems
of power that made up the modern world by
sowing discontent. It’s quite subversive in
nature, but also presents itself rhetorically as
just a kinder alternative to more liberal forms of

Most modern-day critical theorists, unlike the

self-avowed Marxists of the Frankfurt School,

tend to downplay the more radical aspects of
their beliefs in order to draw more people in,
particularly younger people. These beliefs are
still present, of course, if you look for them. The
notion that “stories shape our attitudes, beliefs
and values,” implies that, through critical
analysis, those parts of who we are will
inevitably be altered according to the whims of
whoever is shaping the media landscape. It’s a
belief that’s similar to Marcuse’s statements on
the malleability and potential “pacification” of
man and nature…

It’s worth noting at this point that most young

people who adhere to Critical Theorist ideas
know absolutely nothing of Herbert Marcuse
nor the Frankfurt School. They simply took the
ideas in through social contagion. A lot of
ideology rooted in Marxist thought is spread
through means other than lectures on Economics
(because who would read such garbage just for

This is why many Critical Theory advocates

style themselves as media critics who simply
utilize an Intersectional lens when describing
the oppressive narratives in the media they

critique. Because few people know anything
about how Critical Theory works or its roots in
Marxism, the “media critics” can simply say “all
media is political and we’re just looking at it
critically, unlike you shallow dumb dumbs.”
This is, of course, a red herring argument, as it’s
not the “political” nature of media that’s central
to the conversation, but the pseudo-Marxist
critical consciousness through which the media
is being analyzed. [5]

As I am writing this in 2022, our entire society is now

completely saturated with critical theorist ideas. Every
powerful American or global institution has seemingly
adopted some form of Critical Theory as part of their core
It has become so ubiquitous, in fact, that there is now
a commonly used slang term meant to denote its presence:
“woke,” or “wokeness.” If you have heard these terms being
thrown around during a recent bout of political discourse,
the topics discussed in this essay are what they are largely
referring to. The most notable strain of “wokeness” that has
infected institutions is “Critical Race Theory” which, as you

can probably guess, is centered around generating a
race-based critical consciousness on its adherents.
“To be less white is: to be less oppressive, to be less
arrogant, to be less trusting, to be less defensive, to be less
ignorant, to be more humble, to listen, to believe. Break with
apathy and break with white solidarity,” claimed a leaked
presentation from the Coca-Cola corporation originally
meant only for its employees. "In the United States and other
Western nations, whites are socialized to feel that they are
inherently superior because they are white… Try to be less
white." The presentation was made in conjunction with
popular Critical Race Theorist and author of the book “White
Fragility” Robin DiAngelo. [6]
Even white politicians with notably racist pasts like
Joe Biden have jumped onto the Critical Theory train,
parroting notions of “Intersectionality” in various
statements. “We must recognize the ways that racism, gender
discrimination, and other forms of marginalization intersect
with and compound one another,” claims a Biden
administration statement from March of 2021. “We will not
shy away from engaging in the hard work… of addressing
systemic racism.” [7]

Note that “Systemic racism” is the Critical Theorist
idea that any societal “system” that results in unequal
outcomes between racial groups is entirely racist and needs
to be dismantled and redesigned “level by level, step by step,”
as Marcuse would put it.
The ruling class adopting this kind of worldview
makes at least some sense. If you can create a moral axis
wherein one’s moral value is determined by qualities like skin
color or sexual orientation, you can essentially become an
arbiter of morality simply by virtue of how brown you are or
who you like to have sex with. There is no need to govern
responsibly or ethically, you simply need to “diversify” the
ruling class, and BAM! Problem solved! It’s just that easy.
Ironically, Marcuse predicted this tactic, which he
called the “convergence of opposites”: the “overriding of
competitive group interests” in order to preserve or accrue
power in the face of a common enemy. In essence, our
powerful Corporatist institutions have accomplished this
type of union with left wing Critical Theorists in opposition
to the looming threat of right wing Populism, which is
despised by both massive corporations and your average

It gets worse, however. Most worryingly, public
schools have quietly been teaching all of these subversive
concepts to their students for at least half a decade now,
something that anti-Critical Race Theory activist
Christopher rufo has been documenting extensively on social
media sites like Twitter. the following Twitter thread from
February of 2021 is just one of the many threads he has
written exposing American schools and teachers:

SCOOP: Buffalo Public Schools claims

“all white people” perpetuate systemic
racism and forces kindergarteners to
watch a video of dead black children
warning them about “racist police and
state-sanctioned violence.”

I've obtained whistleblower documents

that will shock you.

The story begins with the district's

diversity czar, Fatima Morell, who
developed a new antiracism curriculum
and told teachers they must become
“woke” and achieve “critical
consciousness,” a Marxist pedagogical

concept training students to identify
and subvert their oppressors.

In a presentation to teachers, Morell

claimed that America “is built on
racism” and that “America’s sickness”
leads some whites to believe that
black people are “not human,” which
makes it “easier to shoot [them] in
the back seven times if you feel like

Last year, Fox News reported on the

district's mandatory Black Lives
Matter curriculum, which required
schools to commit to “dismantling
cisgender privilege,” creating
“queer-affirming network[s],” and
accelerating “the disruption of
Western nuclear family dynamics.”

The individual lessons, which I have

obtained, are even more divisive. In
kindergarten, teachers require
students to watch a video that
dramatizes dead black children warning
them about the dangers of being killed

by “racist police and state-sanctioned

In middle school, students are told

that “all white people play a part in
perpetuating systemic racism” and that
“white elites work to perpetuate
racism through politics, law,
education, and the media.” Whites
derive their wealth from slavery and
are "unfairly rich."

In high school, students must begin

“confronting whiteness in [their]
classrooms,” with teachers asking
white students to atone for their
“white privilege” and to “use their
voices” for the cause of left-wing
"antiracism." They must become

Teachers within Buffalo Public Schools

tell me the new antiracism program
pushes “radical politics” into the
classroom and has devolved into
“scoldings, guilt-trips, and demands
to demean oneself simply to make

another feel 'empowered.'” Teachers
are afraid to speak out.

Buffalo Public Schools are a disaster:

by fifth grade, only 18 percent of
students are proficient in math and 20
percent are proficient in English;
one-third of all students fail to
graduate from high school. The new
“antiracism” program will do nothing
to improve these outcomes.

How did we get to this point? Things weren’t always

this way, obviously. Just a decade ago, it seemed like our
society was relatively normal and free from all of this
nonsense. What happened?!
I can’t answer that question entirely, but my history in
“nerd culture” and video game blogging gives me what I feel
is a unique insight on this particular topic, as I was able to
watch the mind-virus of Critical Theory gradually take hold
of those online spaces.
I want to wrap up this piece by reproducing, in full, an
essay I wrote back in May of 2021 called “A Kill Shot to Woke
Counter-Culture.” This particular piece was inspired by a
recruitment ad from the CIA which espoused Intersectional

Critical Theorist values, much to the horror of supposedly
“anti-establishment” leftists who suddenly found themselves
aligned with one of the most corrupt institutions in the
While this work does not illustrate the full breadth of
the issue at hand (not by a long shot), it may at least lend
some kind of insight into how we got to where we are today.

[Note: The following has been altered from its originally published
version to better fit with the format of this essay]

A Kill Shot to Woke Counter-culture

The late 2000s and early 2010s were an exciting time

in “nerd” culture. Video games were now mainstream and
bigger than ever, and the manga sections in bookstores were
growing bigger and bigger every month. Social media was
also gaining prominence, partially thanks to the invention of
the smartphone, and communities built around these niche
interests were being constructed at a rapid pace.
At the same time, the “new atheist” movement was
taking off. Videos where YouTubers “debunked” the bible and
mocked views like young Earth Creationism were all the rage,
even launching the careers (if you can call them that anymore)
of e-celebs like “The Amazing Atheist.”

Both of these movements, “nerd culture” and “new
atheism,” were materialist in nature, and had vague goals
outside of simply evangelizing themselves. Once they finally
both entered the forefront of public consciousness, there was
little else to do but keep consuming content. Because of this,
the communities had to change and evolve or risk burning out
As someone who was involved in “game journalism”
around this time, I had a front-row seat to the cultural shifts
that were taking place in “nerd culture.” In truth, there was
nothing cool or unique about playing games like Halo 3 or
Call of Duty. Everyone did that now. However, new
hot-button topics began creeping into the sphere: namely
“social justice” and “critical consciousness.”
Much of this was justified with the idea that serious
consideration of these issues would fix some kind of inherent
problem with “nerd culture” and the communities around it,
the result which would bring in some new untapped audience
of women and racial minorities that would revitalize the
now-weary consumer bases.
When one put some thought into this, however, it made
little sense. How could this even be accomplished when
“nerdy” mediums like video games and comic books were
nearly as mainstream as movies at that point? Furthermore,
was significantly expanding the consumer bases for
supposedly niche interests even an objectively desirable end
goal to work towards?

The real reason for the shift, I would suggest, was all in
the page view numbers. The truth was that an article about the
newest gray-colored shooter or “Halo killer” would be largely
glossed over by the gaming communities, but an article about
some kind of implied sexism in said game would do “Iron
Man numbers,” and the comment sections would always be
sizzling with heated discourse.
It was simply fun and exciting at the time, far more fun
than the usual rehashed discussions around game mechanics
or bland press releases touting the newest AAA title. It also
imbued these communities with a new almost spiritual
purpose, one that was more far-reaching than simple video
games. The nerds weren’t just blogging and consuming
anymore at this point, they were trying to fix the world!
This was embodied in the very sudden rise of people
like Feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian who, despite being
unpopular with most gaming hobbyists, became a games
media darling after launching a Kickstarter for a video series
on problematic video game tropes in 2012. This would
become one of the first big signs of the upcoming cultural
shift for video game news outlets, which would further
solidify with 2014’s “Gamergate.”
Likewise, a similar shift happened with the Atheist
communities. After all, one can only “debunk” bible verses
about talking snakes for so long before becoming bored and
pursuing something else.

In 2012, a new faction of the Atheist community
emerged, going by the name “Atheism Plus” or “Atheism+.”
The idea was to merge the now sizable skeptic community
with social justice by introducing critical consciousness and
intersectionality to atheism. This began to take hold after a
scandal in said community called “elevatorgate,” which
involved a guy asking a woman in an elevator if she wanted to
get coffee with him (no, I’m not kidding).
The woman who originally pitched the name Atheism
+, an activist blogger named Jen McCreight, described the
idea like this: “It’s time for a new wave of atheism … that
cares about how religion affects everyone and that applies
skepticism to everything, including social issues like sexism,
racism, politics, poverty, and crime.” [8]
All of this may sound like it doesn’t make sense, and
that’s because it doesn’t. Obviously Atheism, which is a
disbelief in God, has little to do with Critical Theory outside
of its deconstructionist tendencies. If one were to introduce
critical theory and related pseudo-marxist ideas to Atheism, it
would simply become those pseudo-Marxist ideas and the
Atheism part would be phased out.
As we can see from the current near nonexistence of an
“Atheist community,” this is what happened. The label
“Atheism+” failed to take off in any meaningful way, and the
online Skeptic community was largely abandoned in favor of
other progressive “Social Justice” causes.

By the end of the 2010s, no one cared if you burned a
bible or played Minecraft. The online communities built
around these things were now centered around critical
consciousness and other forms of left-wing politics. They’d
found a new counter-culture appeal in being able to
deconstruct everything and anything, and their influence with
younger generations was growing larger by the day. This was
the new path forward, and it was a “woke” one.
Fast forward to 2020…
In the wake of the George Floyd riots, something very
odd happened. One by one, large corporations began declaring
their allegiance to the Black Lives Matter movement, even
companies that had their buildings burned to the ground by
rioters. Social media began promoting racial activist causes
left and right and censoring many people who dissented
against them.
They brought in lecturers with sociology degrees to
subject their employees to segregated diversity and inclusion
lessons and “implicit bias training,” and filled their ad
campaigns with faux revolutionary imagery. Corporate
America, it seemed, was completely in support of the vocally
anti-Capitalist extremists that were trying to topple all of
America’s institutions.
It’s all quite baffling until you dig a bit deeper. When it
comes to corporate America, nothing is ever as it appears on
the surface.

In 2011, entrepreneur Jonathan Greenblatt gave a TED
talk advocating other entrepreneurs to pursue a new kind of
business, one that delivered value to customers while also
pursuing social change. “The mission,” he described, “is
encoded into the DNA.” This effectively creates a new form
of value for consumers and (more importantly) investors by
spurring on social movements and “challenging the status
quo.” He named this new parallel economic system the
“impact economy.” [9]
Greenblatt’s vision would eventually manifest itself as
a concept known as “ESG.” This is a metric focused on
environmental and social impact, as well as transparent and
“equitable” corporate governance. These concepts make up
the three letters of ESG: Environmental, Social, and
Governance. This all sounds like a vague and ethereal
concept, but it intersects with reality with “ESG scores” that
are assigned to companies by large investing institutions like
Blackrock, MSCI, and S&P Global.

[Note: I went into more depth on the subject of ESG in “PART I:

The Long March Towards Authoritarianism”]

Enterprises with the best ESG Scores are then

aggregated into funds to be pumped by socially conscious
investors, while low ESG corporations are left in the dust to
be dragged by critically conscious media outlets. The fact is
that it pays to work with social justice and critical theories,

even if the initial investment is steep. So what if you had your
store looted by rioters? You can get the inventory back. You
can’t, however, recover all the investors you’d lose by
condemning a toxic racial movement.
Ironically, even after all of this the critical theorists I
described earlier in this piece still very much viewed
themselves as counter-cultural rebels. So what if all of
America’s massive corporations were now catering to their
beliefs and sensibilities? That didn’t mean that America
wasn’t an inherently evil country with a corrupt government,
Fast forward again to 2021…
The CIA began a PR campaign called “Humans of
CIA,” which featured CIA agents describing their lives and
experiences working for the Central Intelligence Agency. One
of these ads in particular, released in April, raised a few
eyebrows. It consisted of a “Latina” woman listing off her
intersectional qualifications:

“I’m a woman of color, I am a mom, I am a

cis-gender Millenial who has been diagnosed
with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I am
Intersectional, but my existence is not a
box-checking exercise…” [10]

When this ad reached Twitter, it began spreading like

wildfire, particularly amongst the dissident right, who viewed

the ad as confirmation of the idea that the three-letter agencies
had been infected with some strand of Cultural Marxism.
Lefties, on the other hand, still denied that the CIA was truly
on their side. Just like the corporations, it was all pandering
that meant nothing. The CIA was still the enemy, as well as all
the megacorps that had pledged their allegiance to
intersectional thought.
Regardless of whether or not the CIA actually believes
in these ideas (I personally feel the answer is somewhere in
between), the fact is that the federal government has now
officially taken up the mantle of critical consciousness and
social justice, and the counter-cultural appeal of “Woke”
ideology was now buried. The CIA had essentially fired off a
kill shot. They’ve firmly established “Wokeness” as the
ideology of the ruling-class, and the tides will certainly begin
shifting sooner rather than later, no matter how much the
wokies cope and seethe over it.
Just like in the mid-2010s, everything is beginning to
change. The passion for critical theories and other social
justice ideas can’t last forever. Eventually, the rest of the
internet is going to get sick of hearing all of the talking points
and lectures from people who are now clearly upper-class
establishment mouthpieces, and any remaining “coolness”
inherent to “Woke” stuff will be placed on life support.
When the tables turn, however, let’s not repeat the
same mistakes we made last time.



[2] https://iep.utm.edu/critical-theory-frankfurt-school/







[9] https://youtu.be/Jk1Ady8H9fY

[10] https://youtu.be/X55JPbAMc9g

PART XII: On Gender Spirituality

OR “Excavating Ground Zero for Modern

‘Queer Theory’”

Since my original publication of the following essay on
June 3rd of 2021, exactly one year before the writing of this
introductory segment, the Postmodern ideology around
gender identity (now often called “Queer Theory” or
“Queerness”) has only become far more ubiquitous. In fact, it
is now so prevalent in schools that some states have taken
steps to restrict it from being taught for fear that children
will be groomed into the strange pseudo-religious belief
One tool that has been used by subversive teachers to
indoctrinate young children is an illustration called the
“gender unicorn.” Designed by activists Landyn Pan and
Anna Moore for the non-profit group “Trans Student
Educational Resources” (TSER), the graphic depicts a purple
bipedal cartoon unicorn along with various symbols: a
rainbow, a line of green dots, a strand of DNA, an orange
heart, and a red heart. These are meant to represent gender
identity, gender expression, “sex assigned at birth,” physical
attraction, and emotional attraction respectively.
Gender identity [is] one’s internal sense of being male,
female, neither of these, both, or another gender(s),” reads a
description on TSER’s official website. “Everyone has a

gender identity, including you. For transgender people, their
sex assigned at birth and their own internal sense of gender
identity are not the same. Female, woman, and girl and male,
man, and boy are also not necessarily linked to each other but
are just six common gender identities.” The page also
specified that biological sex should rarely be used due to “the
vagueness of the definition of sex and its place in
transphobia.” [1]
Needless to say, this sparked outrage among parents
whenever it was given to young children (and rightfully so).
However, this is far from the only way this kind of
indoctrination into gender-related pseudoscience happens.
In some cases, it’s fully integrated into the coursework for
children as young as 3 years old.
Anti-Critical Theory activist Christopher Rufo posted
a Twitter thread in April of 2022 that outlined a
gender-based curriculum for pre-kindergarten to third grade
classes in the Evanston/Skokie School District in Illinois that
combines “Queer Theory” with elements of Critical Race
Theory to form a toxic far-left ideological stew:

SCOOP: The Evanston/Skokie School

District has adopted a radical gender

curriculum that encourages PK-3
students to celebrate the transgender
flag, break the "gender binary"
established by white "colonizers," and
experiment with neo-pronouns such as
"ze," "zir," and "tree."

In pre-kindergarten, the children are

taught an "introduction" to the
rainbow and transgender flags.
Teachers then provide the basic
concepts of gender identity,
explaining that "we call people with
more than one gender or no gender,
non-binary or queer."

In kindergarten, the teachers explain:

"When we show whether we feel like a
boy or a girl or some of each, we are
expressing our gender identity ...
There are also children who feel like
a girl and a boy; or like neither a
boy or a girl. We can call these
children transgender."

The kindergartners read books that

affirm transgender conversions, look
at photographs of boys in dresses, and

perform a rainbow dance. At the end of
the lesson, the students are
encouraged to share their own gender
identities with the class. "Your
identity is for you to decide!"

In first grade, the teacher encourages

students to experiment with gender
pronouns such as "she, tree, they, he,
her, him, them, ze, zir, [and] hir."
The students read gender scripts and
the teacher reminds them: "Whatever
pronouns you pick today, you can
always change."

In third grade, students are told that

white European "colonizers" imposed
their "Western and Christian
ideological framework" on racial
minorities and "forced two-spirit
people to conform to the gender
binary." The teacher encourages them
to "break the binary."

The lessons conclude with an

encouragement to reject the system of
"whiteness" and write a letter about
becoming political activists. "Society

right now is very unfair,” reads a
sample letter. "I see a lot of marches
on the T.V. and I even went to a march
last summer."

The curriculum in the Evanston/Skokie

School District is the perfect
illustration of college-level Queer
Theory translated into
early-elementary pedagogy. Parents
have a right to be concerned and
legislators have a duty to ensure that
public schools reflect public values.

Massive megacorps like Disney have also come under

fire for promoting this kind of ideology. “In my little pocket
of Proud Family Disney TVA, the showrunners were super
welcoming . . . to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” said
executive producer Latoya Raveneau in a leaked internal
Disney video meeting. “Maybe it was that way in the past, but
I guess something must have happened… and then like all
that momentum that I felt, that sense of ‘I don’t have to be
afraid to have these two characters kiss in the background.’ I
was just, wherever I could, adding queerness… No one would
stop me, and no one was trying to stop me.” [2]

With the state, institutions of learning, and even large
corporations now fully on board with this stuff, an obvious
question is “where did all of this come from?” The following
essay describes a very early version of “Queer Theory,” one
that you could almost call a first draft of the belief system
and related coalition-building techniques that are extremely
common among today’s Leftists. While it is rarely discussed
today, it may help shed some light on this strange position
we have found ourselves in.

“MOGAI” and Gender Spirituality

You’ve likely seen a certain meme that was being

passed around social media for much of the 2010s. This meme
in question features two images. The first depicts a disheveled
looking young man with the caption “on all levels except
physical, I am a wolf,” and the second shows that same man
standing by the ocean with the caption “[barks].”
This man in question went by the name “Shiro,” and
the screenshots used in the meme were taken from a 2013
LogoTV documentary he was featured in entitled “What?!: I
Think I’m an Animal.” The documentary interviewed several
young adults who identified as “otherkin” or “therians,” words
that a select few of you may recognize.

For the uninitiated, “otherkin” and “therians” identify
as or with a certain animal or mystical creature, and attempt to
emulate their selected “kin.” This can be done by dressing up
with fake ears and tails or even crawling on all fours while
making animal sounds.
Some believe themselves to have the “souls” of the
creature they’ve chosen, creating an internal conflict between
their humanity and their bestial instincts, while others claim
that they were the creature in a previous life. A few take the
concept even further and “kin” fictional or historical humans,
taking on aspects of those people in the process.
The LogoTV documentary seemingly tried to depict
these people in a sympathetic light, but in the year 2013, these
kinds of beliefs were overwhelmingly viewed as silly or even
deranged, and the doc eventually gained notoriety as a freak
Even if you’re already familiar with this topic, you
may not be aware that “otherkin” would go on to be a small
part of a much larger movement that was being concocted
around the same time Shiro was frolicking around his local
parks in dog ears.
In the early 2010s, Tumblr was the most popular
destination for those who ascribed to Critical Theories and/or
the growing “social justice” crusade that had already begun to
fester in more insular corners of the internet. As anyone
familiar with “progressive” dogma knows, having “inclusive”
vocabulary is very important to these types of people. Because

of this, they had cycled through a great deal of new and
innovative alternatives for the popular “LGBT” label.
These more “inclusive” variants included the

● MGSRI (Marginalized Gender Sexual Romantic

● GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities)
● MGS (Marginalized Genders/Sexualities)
● MGRS (Marginalized Genders/Romantic
● MGSR (Marginalized Genders/Sexualities/Romantic
● MGARS (Marginalized Gender Alignments, Romantic
● MRSGA (Marginalized Romantic [orientations],
Sexualities and Gender Alignments)
● MOGA (Marginalized Orientation and Gender
● MGAO (Marginalized Gender Alignments and
● MORGA (Marginalized Orientation, Romantic, and
Gender Alignment)
● SMORGA (Sexualities, Marginalized Orientations,
Romantic [orientations], and Gender Alignments)
● MORGAS (Marginalized Orientations, Romantic
[orientations], Gender Alignments, and Sexualities)

● MORSGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Romantic
[orientations], Sexualities, Genders, And Identities)
● MOGII (Marginalized Orientation, Gender Identity,
● IMOGA (Intersex, Marginalized Orientation or Gender
● NHN (Non-Heteronormative)

Only one term would catch on for a significant length

of time, even if only among the gender-obsessed Tumblrites.
That term would be “MOGAI.” The website “Simple English
Wikipedia” describes the term like this:

MOGAI, sometimes known as IMOGA and

MOGII is an alternative acronym to replace
SAGA (sexuality and gender alliance) [Editor’s
note: Seems like I missed one…], sexual
minority and LGBT, standing for marginalized
orientations and gender alignments or identities
and additionally intersex.

Just from this description, it’s hard to see anything

particularly noteworthy about MOGAI. “Who cares,” you
may be thinking. “It’s just another buzzword to use as an
alternative to LGBT, right?” Sure… Kind of.
In truth, the community formed around MOGAI would
be inclusive. VERY inclusive. In fact, it could be considered

the most inclusive community to ever take up the mantle of
inclusivity. However, that was the entire problem.
When you form a community based on the idea of
accepting and validating everybody, you have to accept and
validate literally everybody, no matter how crazy, insane,
weird, or toxic they are. This includes the “otherkin” and
“therians” mentioned earlier, as well as “animesexuals,”
“emojigenders,” “antigenders,” and “multi-systems” (people
who claim to be several individuals inhabiting the same
Because of this “inclusivity,” the MOGAI community
essentially became a Jackson Pollock canvas onto which
teenagers and young adults could toss whatever gender or
sexuality-related idea came to mind. They were all racing to
become the first to coin a brand new gender name and to have
a unique and trendy label to slap onto themselves to show
everyone how special they are.
As the space became more and more saturated, the
“genders” that were being created had to be more abstract and
complicated, to the point where they made sense to absolutely
no one. Here are some examples of the various “genders” and

Genderhollow/Genderempty: a gender that is

present, but empty or hollow.

Hexagender: Experiencing six genders. A
subset of Multigender, so it encompasses
sextuple plurigender, (mono)genderfluid, and
polygender experiences.

Preidemsexual: The belief that if you identify

as a girl, you were a lesbian/sapphic in the past
life, but not in your current life are as a lesbian.
This can also be used for people who identify as
a boy (that you were gay/achillean in a past life,
but not in your current life, you are NOT a
gay/achillean man). This can NOT be used by
people who are a boy but think they were a
lesbian in a past life (same with girls: those who
are girls in this life but were a gay man in a past

Diversesexual: Attraction to identities and

presentations that stray from social norms.

Duplussexual: Having sexual attraction towards

people who have the same kin type as yourself.

Antiboy: A gender defined as the opposite of


As you would expect, almost none of the
MOGAI-created genders and sexualities would be used
outside of the community, with many only being used once in
the Tumblr post that created them. These newfound
“identities” would never leave the internet, and would be
solely confined to the digital space, an ornament to hang on
one’s carefully curated progressive avatar.
However, that doesn’t mean that MOGAI didn’t make
a significant impact on the rest of the world before it was
ultimately abandoned. MOGAIpedia, a site devoted to
preserving the absurdity of this now defunct community, has
this to say on the influence of MOGAI:

Since 2014, MOGAI has gone from the fringiest

of fringe movements to a true force shaping the
thoughts, identities, beliefs, and politics of
young people, LGBT or otherwise - even those
who haven’t ever heard the term. You can see
echoes of it everywhere. It can be seen in pushes
to de-medicalize transness, putting thousands of
trans people’s insurance-covered transitions in

It can be seen in claims that there are infinite

genders, and that it’s transphobic to choose sex
partners based on their genitalia rather than their
gender identity. You can see it in the upsurge of

people who believe that you don’t need gender
dysphoria to be trans, and that sexual orientation
and gender identity are both choices. You can
see it in the push for the normalization of
pedophilia as a marginalized orientation,
although most MOGAI supporters are (rightly)
very much against this. [3]

If I could compare MOGAI to anything, it would be the

2017 Evergreen University incident, in which student race
activists conducted unruly protests that culminated in them
taking over the school’s library building and essentially taking
faculty members hostage.
While the Evergreen incident was a microcosm of
Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what it can do to a
longstanding institution, MOGAI was a petri dish for modern
gender theory and the idea of intersectional coalition-building.
It took these concepts and brought them to their extremes for
everyone to see.
Seen through the lens of gender theory, the idea of
“gender” is less of a descriptor of one’s sex organs or
hormones and more of a spiritual idea. In this sense, “gender”
could be seen as one’s very soul. It’s their essence as a person
distilled down into a vague description and given a
meaningless name. At the same time, “gender” means nothing
and everything. This is also why “otherkin” can be included in
the MOGAI coalition, even though it has little to nothing to

do with gender. It’s essentially a spiritual belief; a descriptor
for one’s eternal soul.
Now more than ever, this pseudo-religious ideology
has taken control of gender discourse, particularly on the
internet and in academia, in the form of “queer” and
“non-binary” identities. Over the past year, we’ve seen a huge
push to catapult these ideas into the mainstream, despite their
ethereal and overwhelmingly spiritual nature.
Much like CRT, this form of Gender Theory is being
slowly but surely adopted into our blossoming state-religion,
and blasphemy against this faith is dissuaded through cancel
culture and social media bans. Most people don’t believe in
this stuff and likely consider it silly, but that doesn’t matter
when ideologically-driven big tech companies have firm
control of American narrative and thought.
I would suggest pushing back against this
pseudo-religious nonsense now before it becomes more
difficult. We’re already seeing it being inserted into schools
and children’s entertainment. In a few decades, you may not
have a choice but to join the gender cult and praise your local
emojigenders for their strength, beauty, and bravery.
As always, thanks for reading and happy Pride Month.

PART XII - Addendum

I neglected to mention in the first edition of this

publication that the true origins of “Queer Theory” and
modern social-constructivist gender ideology as a whole go
all the way back to a New Zealand-born Psychologist named
John Money.
Money was infamous for a long-term experiment he
conducted in Maryland during the late 1960s involving a
young boy named Bruce Reimer who suffered a botched
circumcision and, at Money’s direction, underwent sex
change procedures. [4]
He instructed Bruce Reimer’s (now renamed to
Brenda) parents to raise the child as female, and went as far
as to force Bruce Reimer and his twin brother to examine
each others’ genitals and simulate sexual activity with each
other (yes, this actually happened).
When Bruce hit puberty, he began receiving estrogen
injections at Money’s instruction. Money had deemed Bruce’s
“transition” a success, but the teenager was mentally broken.
At the age of thirteen, Bruce threatened to commit suicide if
his parents continued to take him to annual visits with Dr.

Money. When he was finally told the truth about his
condition at the age of fifteen, he reverted to identifying as
male and took on the name “David.”
Upon reaching adulthood, David went on testosterone
therapy and underwent surgical procedures to remove his
breasts and reconstruct some semblance of a penis.
Obviously, he would be sterile for the rest of his life, which
ended at the age of thirty-eight when he killed himself with a
shotgun blast to the head.
Money would never be made to pay for his heinous
acts, and would actually use his work with Reimer to justify
sex reassignment procedures for minors for the rest of his
career. He dismissed criticisms as the result of “right-wing
media bias and the antifeminist movement,” and continually
insisted that he was a champion for marginalized individuals.
"They say masculinity and femininity are built into the
genes so women should get back to the mattress and the
kitchen," Money insisted in a Rolling Stone interview
regarding his critics. [5]
Unlike his most famous patient, David, John Money
would live to the ripe old age of 84 and die peacefully.

While I couldn’t find a good way to fit this topic into
the prior section, I felt it still deserved a place here, as this
horrific tale is where all of this nonsense truly started.
Perhaps I will elaborate more on this in the future but,
in the meantime, I encourage everyone to read more on this
topic to better understand what we’re dealing with and to see
the dark places extreme Social Constructivist ideology can go
if left unchecked.


[1] https://transstudent.org/gender/


[3] http://www.mogaipedia.org/


[5] https://reason.com/2004/05/24/the-death-of-david-reimer/

PART XIII: On Media Deception

OR “How the Corporate Media is Able to

Make Inconvenient Stories Disappear”

The piece I am reproducing for this chapter, simply
titled “Media Magic,” was originally written on December
4th of 2020, while America was still reeling in the fallout
from the 2020 presidential election.
During that time, I had grown increasingly disgusted
with the mainstream corporate media and their blatant
partisanship. They had always been biased, that much was
obvious, but by 2020, they had abandoned all pretense of
bipartisanship and fairness and simply went full propaganda
mode without even a hint of shame. Since then, the state of
things has only gotten worse, and there have been multiple
shocking events that the corporate news media has tried to
gloss over or sanitize for their viewers/readers.
The most notable of these in recent memory was the
deadly heart inflammation and blood clots related to the
COVID-19 vaccines. To date, the CDC’s “Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System” (VAERS) shows over 10,000 deaths
as being possibly related to the shots. [1]
While this number is disputed, as the reports in the
VAERS system are not reviewed and are thus considered
unverified, it is also possible that the number could be vastly
unreported, as there is no incentive for reporting such

negative events to the CDC. In fact, people are actively
discouraged from pointing the deaths out, as some have been
marginalized for doing so.
This was the case with Ernest Ramirez, when his
16-year-old son, Ernesto Ramirez Jr, passed away from
sudden heart failure a mere five days after receiving the
vaccine in April of 2021. An autopsy would show that his
heart had expanded to double the normal size. “I love the hell
out of my country,” Ernest said in an interview, “but I do not
trust my government anymore.” Later that year, Ramirez’s
fundraiser meant to fund a campaign to raise awareness on
the issue of vaccine-related deaths was shut down on the
crowdfunding site GoFundMe, citing “prohibited conduct.”
“Let me clear one thing up,'' Ramirez tweeted after the
fundraising page was removed. “I am not telling anyone what
to do. You are all grown people all old enough to make up
your own mind. I’m just trying to tell people what happened
to me and my son.” Both the news of Ernesto Jr’s death and
the GoFundMe’s removal were almost completely ignored by
the corporate media, which overwhelmingly favored vaccine
mandates at the time, and the stories were only picked up by

a few independent outlets like Alex Jones’ InfoWars and the
Foundation for Economic Education’s “FEE Stories.”
“For people seeking to mandate vaccination, Ernesto
Ramirez Jr.’s story isn’t just problematic, it’s potentially
dangerous,” said FEE’s article on the subject. “This is why
Ernest Ramirez’s campaign to inform Americans of a
scientific reality - even effective vaccines that save lives come
with risks that can be fatal - is being met with hostility.” [2]
The media deception continued once the
Ukraine-Russia war began in February of 2022 and supposed
President Joe Biden began trying to blame the already
rampant inflation and record-high gas prices on Russian
President Vladamir Putin. Biden administration Press
Secretary and suspected lizard Jen Psaki even filmed a special
video solely to push this narrative onto the American people.
It it she said the following:

You may have noticed this week that

your gas prices have gone up. I want
to talk to you a little bit about why.
A lot of it has to do with Vladimir
Putin. The reality is that Russia is
one of the three largest oil producers
in the world. And the fact that they

have started this conflict, invaded a
foreign country, and they're such a
big producer of oil in the world is
the reason why the global oil markets
are disturbed right now and why your
gas prices are going up. [3]

Bear in mind that this was said after Americans had

already endured a year of crippling inflation and
steadily-rising gas prices. The idea that anyone would fall for
this obvious ploy was preposterous, but the left wing media
decided to run with it anyway. “Higher gas prices are a small
sacrifice to make compared to what the brave Ukrainians are
going through,” said PBS’ Jonathan Capehart. CNN’s Alisyn
Camerota also attempted to shift blame away from the Biden
administration, saying “politicians act as though it’s
President Biden that caused inflation and that he can fix
this.” [4]
Celebrities jumped in on the parade of stupidity, as
they are often known to do. George Takei, of Star Trek fame,
tweeted “Americans: We can endure higher prices for food
and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin. Consider it a
patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny.”
Late night talk show host and regime asslicker Stephen

Colbert also expressed this sentiment on his show, stating
that it was worth paying higher prices for a “clear
conscience,” and even joked that he’d be fine with a price of
$15 per gallon because he drives an electric car.
More recently, corporate media personalities have
been clutching their pearls over “replacement theory,” or the
idea that some politicians and other powerful individuals are
pushing policies that create a slow demographic replacement
that results in fewer white Americans and more of other
races, which are viewed more favorably by those in power.
While this demographic replacement is an objective fact
backed up by the United States government’s own census
data, the corporate media has tried to frame any discussion
of it, or the policies that are contributing to it, as “extreme
far-right conspiracy theories.”
“Replacement Theory, a fringe belief fueled online, is
refashioned by G.O.P.” cried a headline from the New York
Times. “Disturbing new poll data released by the Southern
Poverty Law Center reveals a majority of Republicans agree
with key tenets of the racist ‘Great Replacement’ theory,”
wept MSNBC. Corpo-leftist mouthpiece Vox also claimed
that replacement theory “inspires white supremacist

violence,” with the implication being that we should all
simply shut up about it and the problems will go away.
Despite all of this, the demographic replacement has
been touted not only as a fact, but as a success story by
Democrats, who believe that they will benefit electorally
from such a change. “In a couple of presidential cycles, on
election night you'll be announcing that we're calling the 38
electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for
president,” Democratic politician Julian Castro said in a 2013
interview with CBS. “It's changing. It's going to become a
purple state then a blue state because of the demographics,
because of the population growth of folks from outside of
Texas.” [5]
Joe Biden himself also weighed in on the subject in
2015, stating “Folks like me who are Caucasian of European
descent, for the first time in 2017, we’ll be an absolute
minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority.
Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then
and on, will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing.
That’s a source of our strength.” [6]
While electoral engineering is certainly a good
explanation for this demographic fixation, I believe there’s

more to it than just that, and focusing solely on elections is
missing the forest for the trees. Neoconservative political
pundit Bill Kristol gave some of this away at an event for the
American Enterprise Institute in 2017, where he claimed that
legacy Americans, namely the white working class, had
grown “lazy” and “spoiled”:

Look, to be totally honest, if things

are so bad as you say with the white
working class, don’t you want to get
new Americans in? You can make a case
that America has been great because
every - I think John Adams said this -
basically if you are in a free
society, a capitalist society, after
two or three generations of hard work,
everyone becomes kind of decadent,
lazy, spoiled, whatever.

Then, luckily, you have these waves of

people coming in from Italy, Ireland,
Russia, and now Mexico, who really
want to work hard and really want to
succeed and really want their kids to
live better lives than them and aren’t
sort of clipping coupons or hoping
that they can hang on and meanwhile

grew up as spoiled kids and so forth.
In that respect, I don’t know how this
moment is that different from the
early 20th Century. [7]

One major factor contributing to the replacement is

the Biden regime’s lax illegal immigration policies, which
have led to millions flooding across the Southern border
every year. 2021 alone saw over 1.7 million RECORDED
illegal immigrants, with an unknown amount remaining
unrecorded. [8]
While this kind of border crisis is something that
should probably be on the lips of every newsreader on a near
daily basis, it seems the journalistic class is relatively
unmotivated about discussing it. When anyone does attempt
to discuss it, they are often villainized as “racist” (as former
president Donald Trump frequently was) or even shut down
by the government themselves.
One instance that has stuck in my mind ever since I
learned about it was when a Fox News correspondent was
banned from capturing drone footage of a December 2021
immigration wave. I wrote about this at length in a Substack
article entitled “If We Can Talk, We Win:”

Since the very start of Joe Biden’s presidency, and the
effective removal of many of President Trump's border
policies, there have been rumblings throughout the media
regarding the massive amounts of illegal immigrants that have
been consistently flooding through the United States’ southern
border. In September of 2021, we would get a rare glimpse at
just how dire the situation was.
Fox News correspondent Bill Melguin and his team
went down to the border themselves and flew a drone over
thousands of immigrants from Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, and
Nicaragua camped out at the border in ramshackle tent cities.
For the American public, the imagery was staggering.
Everyone knew that the border was experiencing trouble, but
the extent of said trouble was finally revealed to them in stark
Obviously, the Biden administration was displeased
with this, so much so that they got the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) to ban drones from the border for two
weeks. The FAA released a statement justifying this move that
read “the Border Patrol requested the temporary flight
restriction due to drones interfering with law enforcement
flights on the border. As with any temporary flight restriction,
media is able to call the FAA to make requests to operate in
the area.”
While the FAA did indeed have an excuse, the timing
seemed suspect, and many Americans picked up on this

immediately, including Melugin’s fellow employees at Fox
“Why don’t they want you to see what’s happening on
our southern border?” asked Fox host Tucker Carlson. He then
went on to give the obvious answer: “This is shutting down
press coverage to hide your crimes. This show is not in
control of the company that we work for, but we hope that this
company, and all news companies, will ignore this. The US
government does not have a right to keep you from covering
what they’re doing. Period.”
The day after the FAA announced their ban, Melugin
was seen in a border patrol helicopter with a Fox News
camera, once again filming the chaos at the border. As the
saying goes: where there’s a will, there’s a way. In this case, it
certainly seemed that Bill Melugin had the requisite
willpower. [9]

[End of excerpt]
It’s good to know that some news outlets are still
intent on discussing real issues, but they seem to be part of
an ever-shrinking and too-often demonized minority these
days. The silver lining to this is that most of the public sees
the corporate media for what they are, and trust in the news
is down to record lows among every demographic other than
die-hard party-line Democrats.

However, some still cling to the old-fashioned view
that the large news outlets are somehow more trustworthy
than everyone else, simply by virtue of their money and
corporate backing. If you’re one of these people, I hope I have
been able to dispel that illusion at least a tiny bit.
I had deliberated quite a bit over whether I should
include the following piece in this collection or not, as I
dislike including personal anecdotes about myself in my
political work (of which this essay has several). However, I
believe it is still an insightful piece with a lot of points
relevant to the topics discussed so far, and thus worthy of
inclusion. I hope you find it both engaging and
thought-provoking. Note that the piece has been slightly
modified from its original version.

Media Magic

The practice of “illusion magic” has likely been around

just as long as humans have. Popularized as a mainstream
form of entertainment in the 19th century, this form of
“magic” has become more sophisticated over time, with
practitioners, usually called “illusionists” or “magicians,”
constantly trying to one-up those who came before them.

One of the pinnacles of illusion magic was achieved by
celebrity Illusionist David Copperfield in 1983, when he made
the Statue of Liberty disappear directly in front of a live
audience. While it’s an impressive feat to see in video form
(one can easily find videos of it with the help of a simple web
search), I’m sure it was far more impressive in person.
The trick went like this: In the dark of night, the
audience sits on a large platform across from the Statue of
Liberty. On the platform are two towers mounted with lights
that illuminate the audience (and Copperfield himself).
Around the Statue of Liberty is another set of spotlights that
help the audience see the statue’s location.
Copperfield raises a curtain with the use of the two
towers, waits for a moment, then drops the curtain to reveal
that the Statue of Liberty had indeed vanished, leaving only
the surrounding ring of spotlights that were placed there
before the show.
The illusion is puzzling, of course. How could
someone move something as big as the Statue of Liberty in
mere seconds? The answer, of course, is comically simple.
Copperfield didn’t move the statue. He moved the audience.
By simply turning the platform the audience was seated
on, Copperfield could use the illuminated towers on the
platform to block the statue from view. With a second ring of
spotlights set a short distance away from the original ones, it
appears to audience members as if the Statue of Liberty has

been sucked away into some kind of void through the power
of magic.
The lesson from this illusion is incredibly clear in my
mind: If you want to make something enormous disappear,
you merely have to turn away the heads of the audience
During the 2020 presidential election cycle, there was a
similarly impressive feat performed by the mainstream
American news media. Mere weeks before the general
election was set to take place, their politician of choice,
Joseph Biden, found himself in the midst of a potentially
devastating scandal.
It turned out that a computer repairman in Delaware
had come into possession of an old laptop belonging to Joe
Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. The computer contained a lot of
content that shed light on Hunter’s despicable character, with
pictures that depicted him using hard drugs and some leaked
messages implying sexual deviation that was possibly illegal
in nature.
More importantly, the emails implicated Joe in various
shady dealings with foreign entities, many of which were
closely tied to the Chinese Government.
Up until this point, Biden’s foreign business deals
during his time as Vice President, which used his son Hunter
Biden as a proxy, were an open secret in American politics.
The records were there to prove the existence of Hunter’s
various Chinese Communist Party-linked companies, like

Bohai Harvest and SinoHawk Holdings, as well as his
mysterious high-paying position on the board of Burisma
Holdings, a Ukranian energy company. [10]
While these were there for anyone with the slightest bit
of motivation to find, there was still the shield of plausible
deniability to protect the media-beloved “Lunch Bucket” Joe
Biden from accusations of corruption, and the media wasn’t
particularly kind to anyone who asked too many inconvenient
questions about these circumstances (especially when they
came from President Donald Trump).
This all came crashing down when the scandal hit… or
at least it should have come crashing down.
2020 was a year of big news stories, and the laptop
story should have been one of the biggest. However, most of
the mainstream media chose to ignore it almost completely,
and if they did dare mention it, they only did so with the
implication that the story was a foreign propaganda campaign
and that only whackjob conspiracy theorists could possibly
believe any of it was real.
U.S. Representative for California Adam Schiff
actually went onto CNN to claim that the laptop story was a
product of “Russian disinformation,” a sentiment parroted by
a fair amount of media outlets and Democratic supporters
throughout the rest of the election cycle. [11]
There was, of course, no evidence that this was some
kind of Russian project to sink the Biden campaign, and there
was a lot of evidence to the contrary. Tony Bobulinski, a

business associate of Hunter Biden, decided to take a
potentially life-threatening risk by conducting an interview
with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson where he confirmed the
authenticity of the laptop’s contents, as well as Joe Biden’s
involvement with the Chinese investment firms. [12]
One again, this interview was largely ignored, and
most Americans wouldn’t even hear the name “Tony
Bobulinski.” Much like David Copperfield, the American
news media had essentially turned the heads of their audience
to make something big completely vanish. It was like it didn’t
even exist.
This wasn’t a new tactic from the media, mind you.
The Biden laptop scandal is simply the most obvious and
in-your-face example of this phenomenon in recent memory.
The American news media, in fact, has a long history of this
kind of behavior (something that many who lived through the
Obama era know quite well). I wouldn’t say it’s a big
conspiracy that drives them to act like this. It’s more just…
ingrained in their DNA, so to speak.
Although I am hesitant to admit this under normal
circumstances (for fear of embarrassment), I had at one point
briefly studied Journalism in college. I’d had an infatuation
with the profession since being asked to write for a
“classroom newspaper” back in elementary school. I’d written
for my high school’s newspaper as well, and even dabbled in
blogging and video game journalism later in life (writing

several pieces that were published in a fairly large online
outlet at the time).
Nothing, however, would destroy my interest in the
field as quickly as studying it in college. The first red flag for
me was my classmates. Most of the other journalism students
were either frat bros hoping for a career in sports commentary
(about half of them), or women who just wanted a way to get
onto TV. Then there were a minority of wannabe leftist
activists who wanted a platform for their political beliefs.
For the most part, I found all of these students
incredibly dull. Speaking to them outside of class and trying
to get any interesting conversation from them was as futile as
training a chimpanzee to recite Shakespeare. There simply
wasn’t much behind the eyes, which is likely what a lot of
modern media outlets look for anyway.
If you’re wondering why blue checks on Twitter act the
way they do, now you know.
The next red flag came to me when I was given the
opportunity to speak with a producer for a fairly large news
station.The producer was an older gray-haired man with
decades worth of experience in the field, likely having been in
the business since the 80s.
There were a few things I found startling about the
conversation. The first was that he was very casual in
admitting his biases. He paid obligatory lip-service to
objectivity, then gave admissions like “we all prefer certain
politicians over others, if you know what I mean” (talking

about the Democratic bias of all of the journalists and
producers in the office).
He also gave us his personal philosophy for reporting
the news, which could be summed up in a single phrase: “if
people don’t watch it, it’s not news.”
There are several messages one could take away from
such a statement, but what he was trying to convey was this: if
one wants to be a successful reporter, a certain amount of
sensationalism is required. “When we report on anything, we
want the people at home to think that it will directly affect
them,” the producer said. “That’s the only way to get their
Even back then, this conversation left a bitter taste in
my mouth. Perhaps I still had some naive notion that
Journalism was a noble profession filled with brave people
who just wanted the truth to be known. Regardless, I dropped
my pursuit of Journalism shortly after this. Even still,
however, that evening with the producer rattles around noisily
in my brain, and his words have taken on a very different
“If people don’t watch it, it’s not news.” In other
words, the news stations get to decide what is news, and what
Indeed, if we go back to the example of the Hunter
Biden laptop, we can see this idea play out. The news
channels decided it wasn’t “news,” and therefore no one
would see it. Just a few days before the writing of this article,

undercover journalism outlet Project Veritas published
recordings of phone meetings between executives and
producers at CNN.
One of the clips published was of CNN President Jeff
Zucker directing his employees on how to handle the Hunter
Biden story after it was originally broken by The New York
Post. He claimed that The Wall Street Journal had reviewed
Hunter Biden’s corporate records and found no evidence that
Joe Biden was involved, and he considered The Wall Street
Journal to be more credible than The New York Post,
therefore the story wasn’t worth covering. [13]
There was, of course, plenty of evidence presented that
could have implicated Joe Biden, and Jeff Zucker certainly
knew this. However, he employed a feedback loop strategy
that has been used quite frequently as of late to disappear
inconvenient news stories.
It goes like this: News outlet A dismisses a story and
says the story is untrue. News outlets B and C can now also
say that the story is untrue, citing news outlet A as a source so
they don’t have to bother with any of the heavy lifting. News
outlets D, E, F, and G then cite B and C as a source to avoid
covering the story as well.
Does it then matter if news outlet A was correct in their
assertion? No, because the original source for this
“debunking” is now buried under several layers of journalistic
feedback, and most people will assume something is true if
several outlets are reporting the same thing. The only type of

person who would contradict such rock-solid debunking at
this point is a whackjob conspiracy theorist. You don’t want to
be one of THOSE, do you?
There’s also the alternative of simply citing no one at
all, and claiming something as debunked before the debunking
has even happened. This was what happened in the wake of
the 2020 election, when President Donald Trump had begun to
demand investigation into possible voter fraud.
In the weeks following election day, a mountain of
evidence had begun to pile up: videos of polling station
employees covering windows with bristol board and poll
watchers being forcibly removed from buildings, as well as
hundred upon hundreds of sworn statements from polling
station volunteers and postal workers, claiming that they had
witnessed strange occurrences and possible illegal behavior.
How did the pro-Biden mainstream media spin this?
They didn’t. They simply claimed that everything had been
debunked, and that no evidence existed at all.
One depressingly comical instance of this came during
a December 3rd Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee meeting
regarding possible election fraud, when a video of a Georgia
polling station was shown to Senators. The video showed the
station from several angles, so one could see all of the people
working. At the time of the video, there was an alleged water
pipe break in the building, and everyone was asked to leave.
However, the video proved that four vote counters had stayed
inside and continued to work, and even brought out what

appeared to be suspiciously hidden briefcases from under one
of the tables.
When confronted with such evidence, one of the
senators angrily stated “this has been debunked several times”
and demanded more evidence to counter these supposed
“debunkings” despite the fact that no one in the public had
seen this video up until that point. This was brand new
evidence being presented for the very first time. [14]
It is abundantly apparent that over the past year, the
word “debunked” has become just another to fall into
meaninglessness through rhetorical abuse.
With all of this said, the obvious question is “what can
be done to counter this?” Honestly, I have no idea if it can
truly be countered. No matter what kind of cultural climate
we’re in, this will always be a problem.
The news can’t cover everything at once, and so some
important stories will always fall to the wayside in favor of
dumb sensationalism. Antifa burning will be ignored in favor
of “murder hornets,” and stories about the murder rates in
Chicago will be put on hold so outlets can complain about
Trump eating too much McDonald’s.
The most important thing is that people know how
these news outlets operate and, instead of trusting them
blindly, put all of their assertions to the test. No one should
blindly trust the media, especially in a post-2020 world. To
think otherwise is pure lunacy.

So pay attention to the media next time they try to
make something disappear. Maybe you can be the one to point
out that the statue of liberty is right in front of you, hidden
behind a flimsy metal pillar.


[1] https://vaers.hhs.gov/












[12] https://youtu.be/2zLfBRgeFFo


[14] https://youtu.be/x-7E-71Av0k


CONCLUSION: A Feast for Pigs

OR “Politics, the World’s Biggest Grift”

“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a
country anymore.” That was the phrase that Corpo-leftist
new outlets used to accuse then-President Donald Trump of
inciting the January 6th, 2021 riot at the Capitol Building in
Washington DC. However, he was not inciting a riot. He was
making a prediction, one that would come true sooner than
anyone would have expected.
Since Joe Biden took office at the beginning of 2021,
the country has quickly gone downhill in innumerable ways.
Our streets are more violent, our citizens are more mentally
ill, our money is worth less, and our food is more expensive.
Meanwhile, our politicians have been using the current
conflict between Russia and Ukraine to loot the American
people even more, recently passing a bill to send $40 billion
to the small, yet corrupt post-Soviet country with no
oversight and dubbing anyone who dared to question their
actions a “Russian agent.”
While American cities see homicide rates on par with
places in Venezuela and Mexico, and the people who live in
urban centers can’t leave their homes without fear of being
bludgeoned in the street, politicians have been increasing
their personal security budgets (in 2021 alone, security

expenses for individual congressmen went as high as $600k).
While American citizens are burdened with exorbitant
hospital bills and massive amounts of student loan debt,
politicians take in millions from corporate lobbyists and
insider trading schemes.
Truly, politics has become a feast for pigs. It’s the
world’s biggest grift, and if you’re not playing the game,
you’re one of the people getting played.
There has been quite a lot of discussion within
political social media communities as of late over whether or
not the current national collapse is accidental or being
orchestrated on purpose as part of a larger scheme. As with
most things, I believe the answer is somewhere in the middle.
It’s not that our elites do not conspire together or craft
insidious plans in shadowy boardrooms. Those things do
indeed regularly happen (although the shadowy boardrooms
have been largely replaced with confidential Zoom meetings),
but these elites also aren’t nearly as smart as they think they
are. They can be quite dumb and detached from reality.
This is why we constantly see corporate CEOs and
various Technocrats say things like “we’re going to soon start

building computers into people’s bodies” or “in the future,
we’re going to conduct business in the “metaverse.’” It’s also
why the corporate media outlets (mouthpieces for the
corporate elite) are bombarding us with articles about why
living in “pod housing” and eating insects are good for us
and the environment.
These people have no connection to an average guy in
middle America who drinks cheap beer and fixes his pickup
truck with duct tape. They don’t work with their hands, and
few of the wealthier elites even do their own grocery
shopping or drive their own cars. How can they possibly rule
over a people who they don’t understand and usually even
despise? They set themselves up for failure from the very
beginning. They are not “illuminated ones” who are destined
to lead the people towards a secular Technocratic paradise
(although they may imagine themselves as such). They are
frauds, Nihilists, and degenerates.
In the end, however, it matters little how much of this
is intentional and how much is not. At a certain point,
extreme corruption becomes completely indistinguishable
from total incompetence. Meanwhile, their sycophants in the
corporate media have been working so hard to run narrative

control that they have successfully detached political
discourse in America from reality completely and placed it
firmly into the realm of hyperreality. This has fostered an
environment where speaking aloud even basic provable
truths is considered reprehensible.
No one is able to acknowledge that black Americans
commit more crime on average (and are victims of crime
more often on average) than other races [2]. Nor can they
point out the country’s demographic shifts and how public
policy is actively contributing to them without drawing the
ire of corporate smear merchants in the news media and
non-profit NGOs.
Even saying that biological sex is an obvious scientific
reality, as British author J. K. Rowling has, is enough to
provoke angry mobs of frothing Leftists.
So what is there left to do, other than simply watch the
nation crumble to dust in slow motion? We can complain, we
can shout, we can cry… but how much of this truly makes a
difference when it’s confined to only scattered interest
groups? The truth is that the American people as a whole
need to start taking their country and political system a LOT
more seriously. We need to get together and demand that our

ruling class and their media thralls stop their constant
looting and insane social engineering schemes, and instead
serve the people who gave them their power in the first place.
It’s not going to be quick or easy, but it will be a hell
of a lot better than the alternatives. If shit starts to really hit
the fan, you aren’t going to want to be there. Trust me.
Before I wrap up this conclusion, I want to first
address some criticism that I feel will inevitably be leveled at
my work. I will do this in a question-and-answer format and
attempt to explain my thoughts in the clearest way possible.

Why are you writing under a pseudonym? Shouldn’t you

stand by your writing if you truly believe in it?

I do stand by my writing, but there are risks associated

with opposing the corporate establishment that simply don’t
exist for Corpo-leftist regime sycophants. We risk losing not
only our jobs and social connections, but also our access to
banking institutions.
On top of this, people will inevitably attempt to
discredit everything I say by diggin up my identity and past
to “poison the well.” These days, aspects of one’s identity like

race and gender are used to characterize the things they say.
It’s cruel and unfair, but that’s simply the way it is, and it
doesn’t seem like it will be changing any time soon.
In short, I have nothing to gain by revealing my true
identity, and those who wish to discredit me have everything
to gain. I make no money off of my political work (I have a
good day job), and I am not doing this for mere fame and

You say you are right wing, but don’t you think your
criticism of the “elites” is a Marxist position?

At my core, I’m a liberal and supporter of Liberal

Democracy. However, I believe that such a form of
government cannot properly function as long as it’s being
weighed down and manipulated by a parasitic elite who has
no love for the people they are supposedly ruling over.
Criticism of a ruling class is also not exclusively the
realm of Communists. Concepts like “class” pre-date Marx
and have been taken up by various flavors of both the
political left and right.

I hate Commies as much as the next red-blooded
American but, in the end, it really doesn't matter if this can
be twisted into sounding like a Marxist position. It is simply
the truth.

You call yourself a “conspiracy theorist” in your writing.

Isn’t this a bad thing?

Liberal Democracies are politically made up of various

interest groups and their funding sources. As such, the
“conspiracy” could be considered a main function of such a
system. In fact, every system outside of complete and total
Anarchy has similar conspiratorial elements.
There’s nothing strange or crazy about suspecting
powerful entities of conspiring with each other, as it is
merely normal operating procedure. The “conspiracy
theorist” has only been demonized by the corporate media on
behalf of powerful individuals and organizations as a way to
stigmatize anyone who suspects them of malintent. You play
directly into their hands when you go along with this

Are you trying to provoke people into committing violence
with these essays?

Absolutely not. There is still a very good chance that

we could turn all of this around before it gets to that point if
we simply find the will to do so. In fact, I’m extremely
hopeful that this will indeed happen within my lifetime.
Despite the overwhelming negativity in these pages, I
am still an optimist at heart, and I think you should adopt
this attitude as well.

You bring up a lot of important issues, but very few

solutions. Why complain so much if you don’t have
answers to our problems?

The purpose of this book is to accomplish the first

part of problem solving, which is to understand that a
problem exists in the first place. Many people are still
unaware of most of the topics I have discussed, and they may
be inspired to become more active in politics once they are
sufficiently informed. In short, bringing problems to light is
probably the most important part of finding a solution.

If you want more answers, however, I have previously
published a short book called “A Hokusaist Thesis” which
contains more of my personal philosophy and advice on how
readers can better their own lives. I hope to publish an
updated version of this book some time in the next few
months, but it’s free on my old Wordpress site,
“Postmortem,” if you are interested. [3]

Now that all of that business is out of the way, it’s time
to conclude this essay series. I hope you have enjoyed The
Age of Pigs and have learned more than a few things along
the way.
Changing the world begins with every single
individual. If you have made it to the end of this project, I
trust you are one of the good ones. Our future is now in your
hands. Go out and create it with care.

Thank you all very much for reading.



https://ucr.f bi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-


ADDENDUM: Narrative Collapse

OR “Is This What a Collapsing Narrative

Looks Like?”

[Note: This section was added to the June 2022 second edition of
this book as a way to make it a little more current.]

“Psychologists say a good life doesn’t have to be

happy, or even meaningful,” claimed an August 2021 article
by the World Economic Forum.”New research suggests
there’s an alternate way to living a good life.It isn’t focused
on happiness or purpose, but rather it’s a life that’s
'psychologically rich.’” [1]
A far cry from their previous 2016 message of “you will
own nothing and you will be happy,” their current messaging
seems to lean towards omitting the “happy” part entirely. Is
it possible that the World Economic Forum is watching the
misery from the current global economic decline and simply
trying to maneuver around it?
This all happened under their reign, after all, with
many of their people still occupying high governmental
offices across the world. Maybe convincing people that
“happiness is overrated ackshually” is the only feasible
option in regards to rhetorical damage control. [2]
But this isn’t the only collapsing narrative that has
been illustrated prominently in the news media. The Biden

administration’s “green energy” agenda also seems to be
falling on its face. While gas prices skyrocket (with the
average now above $5 per gallon), Joe Biden and his buddies
seem to be constantly throwing their hands up in the air and
claiming that nothing can be done outside of funding green
energy some more. [3]
Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg had at least
one piece of helpful advice to working class Americans
struggling with high gas prices: buy an electric car!
“The people who stand to benefit most from owning
an EV [electric vehicle] are often rural residents who have the
most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and
underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher
gas prices and lower income,” he said in an interview on
MSNBC. “These are the very residents who have not always
been connected to electric vehicles that are viewed as kind of
a luxury item.” [4]
Perhaps corrupt bureaucrats in DC have no problems
affording an electric car, but when many Teslas cost as much
as an entire house in the American Midwest, it’s simply not
an option for the families struggling to survive. Many can
barely maintain their traditional cars at the moment.

Regardless of how incredibly unpopular and outright
reviled the ruling class has quickly become as of late, their
“Build Back Better” New World Order powers on regardless.
Joe Biden has openly admitted in a meeting with Japanese
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida that he views the current
American energy crisis as a “transition” to something more
in line with his globalist ideology:

“[When] it comes to the gas prices,

we’re going through an incredible
transition that is taking place that,
God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be
stronger and the world will be
stronger and less reliant on fossil
fuels when this is over.” [5]

“What exactly are fossil fuels being replaced with?”

you may be asking. It’s not nuclear power! The short answer
is “expensive garbage that can’t and won’t act as an effective
replacement, but will make a select few people extremely
Former candidate for the governorship of California
Michael Shellenberger published a fantastic Twitter thread
on this on June 15th that described the situation like this:

Many people think solar panels are
sustainable but the vast majority of
them require 300-600x more land than
conventional power plants, are made by
Uighur Muslims incarcerated in Chinese
concentration camps, and contain toxic
elements (lead & chromium) that won’t
be recycled.

It’s now clear that “ESG”

(environmental, social, governance)
investing, including solar panels, was
an elaborate scam.

Governments are cracking down. German

prosecutors just raided ESG
@DeutscheBank & SEC is investigating
ESG scams at @GoldmanSachs

Investors are fleeing.

Global elites enriched themselves

through ESG scams, financed by
taxpayers, while shutting down
conventional power plants in their
home nations, financing China’s

genocide of Uighur Muslims, and paying
for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. [6]

Through this lens, it becomes abundantly clear why

the ruling class (especially the financial elite) are shying away
from constructive solutions to our energy woes in favor of
wasteful and unproven strategies. There’s simply more
money to be made.
If you want more details on ESG, you can check out
my earlier essay “The Long March Towards
Authoritarianism, or ‘how our world was captured by a
twisted corporate elite.’” For now, I’ll give a short recap.
ESG is a “stakeholder capitalist” metric used by global
banking and investing institutions for measuring a
company’s “impact” on the world. While it has been
advertised publicly as a way to shift the market in a way that
benefits everyone across the globe, it has largely been used by
large and powerful entities like Blackrock and other
members of The World Economic Forum to pressure
companies into adopting their Globalist ideology and agenda.
More importantly, ESG metrics provided companies
with a money-making opportunity. By finding ways to tickle
the ESG calculations just right, corporations could be placed

on “ESG funds” and offered to investors as a “responsible” or
“sustainable” investment option. This offers a level of risk,
however, as any transgression against the dogma of the
Globalist elite can result in this extra funding being suddenly
Netflix recently received a warning shot from the ESG
cartel after their publication of the Dave Chapelle comedy
special “The Closer,” which was deemed offensive by
transgender activists. According to the site “Ethos ESG,”
their “LGBTQ Equality” metric currently sits at an F score.
In regards to energy, however, the path to more
investment capital is clear: buy “sustainable energy sources”
like solar panels, and your ESG rating will go up. On top of
that, governments like the American federal government
have been heavily subsidizing solar and wind energy, giving
companies the opportunity to rake in tons of cash with
minimal effort. With rewards this good, it’s no wonder that
options like nuclear energy have gone largely ignored.
“Why Is Solar Energy Getting 250 Times More In
Federal Tax Credits Than Nuclear?” asked a headline for a
December 2020 article from Forbes. The author, Robert

Bryce, goes on to elaborate further on the topic: ”[Tax credit]
extensions are diverting billions of dollars from the federal
treasury and into the coffers of foreign and domestic
companies who are wrapping themselves in the cloak of
climate change to justify their unending attachment to the
federal teet.”
He also discusses the government’s ongoing retreat
from nuclear energy. “It’s… clear that we must also preserve
and extend the operating lives of existing nuclear reactors.
That’s not happening. Instead, reactors are being shuttered
and their output is being replaced by natural gas-fired
generators.” [8]
Who benefits from this? It’s certainly not the average
citizen. Our lives have only become harder since the start of
this push for “renewable energy.” The actual activists don’t
benefit either, as our environmental impact seems to be
moving in the wrong direction.
The only ones who benefit are the corporate elite and
the Globalists, who get to claim more control over an
impoverished and disempowered populace. Perhaps “climate
lockdowns” are coming sooner than we think.

Speaking of ESG, the establishment narrative around
that also seems to be collapsing in real time. Shortly after
writing my last essay, I made the following observation and
prediction on Twitter:

Although ESG currently holds much sway

over the market, its power is really
only derived from the mystic qualities
that investors and banks have imbued
it with.

There could eventually be a hard

correction if ESG loses more of its
sparkle (which seems likely to me).

Less than 2 weeks after this tweet, my prediction

would prove to be incredibly prescient. “ESG ETFs suffered
their first monthly outflows for more than three years,”
claimed an article from Citywire USA entitled “BlackRock
reacts to the conspiracy theorists” (lol). “An ESG fund
actually closed after failing to win assets, advisors and clients
seem to be cooling on ESG,” the article elaborated.
“And most significantly of all, BlackRock is taking the
whole thing seriously enough to launch an ad campaign to let

people (specifically those people who work in Washington)
know that despite all the global-minded ESG talk, it is really
more about good ol’ American savings, and roads, and other
patriotic things.” [9]
As I stated in the above tweet, ESG, like all investment
products, is only sustained by the attitudes of investors.
While Blackrock and company have certainly worked hard at
pushing these metrics, they simply can’t sell them if their
investors say “no.” If that happens, what is the next step for
the NWO Globalists?
One solution can be to simply brute force their way in.
Blackrock owns a technology platform called Aladdin (Asset,
Liability and Debt and Derivative Investment Network) that
currently assists firms in managing a total of over $21.6
trillion in assets according to Insider.
“Aladdin… analyses and tracks investors' portfolios
and can help professional money managers spot risks,”
Insider says in their profile of Blackrock. “Today, it is a
juggernaut widely used in the money management industry
and beyond.” [10]
Since Aladdin uses algorithms and artificial
intelligence to assist investment firms in deciding what to

invest in, what’s stopping Blackrock from simply tweaking
their software to benefit their ideological allies over their
Another instance of brute forcing the NWO agenda is
the food crisis. Whether through intentional sabotage (as has
been suspected by the more conspiracy-oriented wing of
social media) or through general societal and economic
decline, food processing plants seem to be getting destroyed
at an alarming rate since 2021.
“Food shortages have been exacerbated by a string of
fires, plane crashes and explosions at nearly two dozen food
processing facilities across Canada and the US,” stated an
article from Canadian news outlet The Western Standard.
“The most recent happened on Thursday in Georgia when a
small plane crashed shortly after takeoff into a General Mills
plant just east of Atlanta.” [11]
Fox news host Tucker Carlson has also taken notice of
this strange and disturbing trend, addressing it in a
monologue on his show. “So industrial accidents happen, of
course, but this is a lot of industrial accidents at food
processing plants,” Carlson said. “At the same time the

president is warning us of food shortages, they’re getting hit
by planes and catching on fire. What is going on here?”
Regardless of the root of the problem, the Globalist
government of Canada has happily moved in to fill the void
with… crickets. Literally crickets. They want you to eat the
bugs. Through a non-profit arm of the Canadian government
called “Sustainable Development Technology Canada,” they
have funneled money to a corporation called “Aspire Food
Group” to build the world’s largest cricket processing plant
in London, Ontario. [12]
After years of trying to convince people to eat bugs as
a more “sustainable” alternative to meat through corporate
media articles, the WEF-led government of Canada is now
making it happen, whether you want it or not.
While it seems that the grand NWO Globalist
narrative is indeed collapsing (thanks in no small part to my
fellow “conspiracy theorists” and members of the dissident
right), that isn’t going to dissuade them from pursuing their
ideological end goals and constant hunger for control. When
soft power inevitably fails, we will likely see a slow transition
to hard power, and when there are no more alternatives, the

Globalist cabal will leverage their massive governmental
influence and force you to do what they want.
The only path forward towards a pro-human future is
to root the Globalists and their sycophants out and keep
them from ever taking power again. Doing this will require a
lot of time and energy on our part, but the easiest way to
make it happen is to simply spread the word and warn as
many people as possible about the Globalists and their toxic
anti-human ideology.
This is why I’ve decided to make The Age of Pigs free
for everyone. There is no copyright on any of my material
here, so you can do with it whatever you wish. Send it to your
friends in an email, post it to a message board, print it out
and give it away, etc. However you want to get the word out.
As always, thank you all very much for reading.








[7] https://www.ethosesg.com/companies/117






“And in the end, we caught our weevil bride
She was arranged in garments' genocide
We took her home to where our mirror stood
Like she knew we would
So she smiles”

-from “Weevil Bride” by Rishloo


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