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REAL BEASTWOLF Transformation Ritual Materials:

-Blue candle



-Cooking pot/metal bowl

This ritual is to be DONE under the FULL MOON. It is VERY important to bathe before any
ritual, this shows respect to the Gods and Goddesses. Once the ritual is complete, it is
PERMANENT and changes will occur during the next full moon cycle. Write the following prayer
on a sheet of paper:

"Lord Satakali, Bestower of Gifts, Lord Satakali, Eternal Comforter of Time, God Of Happiness,
Protector of the Supernatural, Satakali Satakali, may you hear my call, may you hear my plea,
Satakali Satakali, may you manifest for me, I kindly ask of thee, Almighty Lord Satakali. I beg of
you to please turn me into a Beastwolf, one with ____(color of eyes) and ____(color) fur, please
make the personality of my Beastwolf form be hyper, exhilarating, cunning, strategic, cheerful,
encouraging, compassionate, playful, wise, affectionate, patient, confident, bold, wild, and
fearless. May you bless my Beastwolf form to be 10 times bigger, stronger, faster, and cunning
than an average werewolf. May you bestow upon my Beastwolf form the abilities of having
Emotional empathy, sleeping empowerment, Physical empathy, Intuitive empathy, Plant
empathy, bug empathy, Gemstone empathy, Crystal empathy, insect empathy, Animal empathy,
Earth empathy, Flower empathy, blood moon empowerment, Reptile empathy, Aquatic empathy,
Clairsentience, Psychic empathy, comfort empowerment, regenerative muscle ability, planetary
empathy, star empathy, and sun empathy.

Bless my Beastwolf’s form with affection, comfort, love, muscle, happiness, playful, cheerful ,
protection, and pride empowerment. May you bless my Beastwolf form with K-9 Glamour, a
glamour that will trigger all K-9's around me to become overprotective of me. May the essence,
energy, and aura of my Beastwolf's form radiate an influence that desires others to feel
comforted by me and desire to form a wolf pack with me. May you bless my Beastwolf form with
a high boosted amount of Supernatural Adrenaline as if I was radiated by the blue moon. Please
bind my Beastwolf form to have perfect regenerating brain healing and health overall. May you
bless my Beastwolf fur, skin, teeth, claws, organs, bones, and muscles to be as strong as
chromium. May you grant me the stamina and lung capacity of a thousand cheetahs. This I
thank you forevermore."

Next, use the pin/needle to prick yourself on any part of your body, in order to AT LEAST get
one drop of your blood onto the paper. Then, put a drop of your saliva onto the same sheet of
paper. Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head. Fold the paper, let it burn in the fire of the
blue candle, then place it into a pot to let the paper burn itself out. At the end of the ritual, close
with the words "So mote it be." You can either let the candle burn out on it's own or blow out the
candles yourself, the ritual is now COMPLETE.

NOTE: The amount of blood or saliva DOES NOT matter, as long as ONE drop is on your sheet
of paper. The God Satakali uses your drop of blood to bind and link your beastwolf
transformation to the full moon cycles. If theirs ever a time where you do not wish to shapeshift
on the full moon(or just in general), just purchase a "Shifter's Suppression Bracelet" from my

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