SpiritCompanionship TheBasicsforBeginners

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Hello everyone, and thank you for taking this journey with me today.

support means so very much to me, and I hope that this information is
helpful to you. This book is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, that goes by
the name Herbs. She’s been nothing but supportive, loving, and thoughtful
throughout our friendship, and she keeps pushing me to reach new heights
in my hobbies, my practices, and my life.

Thank you.
Table Of Contents:
1. Which Spirit Works Best For You…………………………………………………………5
2. Prebound Vs. Custom Conjures…………………………………………………………...9
3. Types of Communication……………………………………………………………………12
4. Active Shops……………………………………………………………………………………..16
5. Picking the Spirit……………………………………………………………………………….19
6. The Bonding Ritual……………………………………………………………………………21
7. Journal Keeping………………………………………………………………………………..23
8. Spirit Tasking……………………………………………………………………………………24
Where Do You Go From Here?.....................................................................25
Journal Template Pages……………………………………………………………………..27


For those of you wondering who in the world wrote this book for you, I
wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and why I decided to write this book.
My close friends know me as Clover, though most of my online followers know
me as Rabbie (short for Rabbits, due to a username or two that I’ve had.) My
personal Spirit Companionship journey began in November of 2020, though my
exposure to it was much earlier in life.

When I was much younger, probably about 12 or so, my mother was

actually the first one to expose me to Spirit Companions. She was also the first
one to introduce me to Wicca, Paganism and overall magic. Sadly, she never stuck
to things, and a lot of these things wound up falling out of my life for one reason
or another. We’re here to focus on the spirits, however.

I’m not sure where my mom found any of these spirits. Honestly, I want to
say that she probably found them on Ebay, considering the fact that back then
Etsy didn’t exist, and I’m not sure just how long most of the Spirit Companion
websites have been up and running. Suddenly, little me was being handed a good
5 or so rings and I was being told, “There’s spirits inside of them!” Of course, I
had no idea what to do with them. I was told I had at least one Djinn, and a
couple of dragons. Otherwise, I don’t even really remember what the others were.

My mom helped me make a special charging box, we put them on a chain,

and I kept them with me for a couple of weeks before she wound up losing
interest in her friends. Therefore, mine were also put away and that was that. I
went years without seeing them again, though I would often think about the
concept of having spirit friends more than once over the passing years. The
thought of them never really left my memory.

Somehow she found the charging box, and a good 2 years ago I was mailed
that very box with those old rings inside. I wasn’t sure what kind of vibe I was
getting for them, and I wound up putting them back inside and setting them away
from me for the moment. I couldn’t help but feel like I’d done them wrong, and
that they might possibly be upset about what happened. Who can really blame
them? When you’re looking forward to guiding someone and being there for

them, and then you get set in a box for 10+ years and never spoken to again,
you’d be angry too.

Fast forward to November of 2020. Now we’ve all had a rough 2020, that’s
for sure. At that point, we were 9 months into a pandemic, a lot of us felt
hopeless, and no one really knew where we were going or what was going to
happen. Even as I’m writing this now in March of 2021, some people still feel this
way even with the teeniest, tiniest light at the end of the tunnel.

While I sat browsing Etsy, I actually stumbled upon a listing for, you
guessed it: a Spirit Companion! At first I was drawn to him, however upon seeing
that he had my half-brother’s name, I felt a bit strange about it. So I went ahead
and looked through the rest of this person’s shop and actually stumbled across
two beings that caught my eye. One was a male water nymph, and the other was a
male fairy. I sat there contemplating with myself for the longest time. I wound up
going to bed that night, and even the next morning I was still thinking about

I couldn’t help but feel like it was something worth looking into again.
Worst came to absolute worst, I liked their vessels and didn’t think I’d mind
owning those pieces of jewelry even if there wasn’t something inside of them.
Something in my gut kept telling me to go for it, and later that night I tried to put
it out of my mind and went to sleep. In my dreams, I felt something urging me to
bring them home. At that point, I couldn’t deny it anymore. The very next day, I
put in the order to bring them home to me, and then the wait for them to be
mailed began.

I brought home one first, mostly because I couldn’t afford to pay for them
both on the same day. I was nervous; very nervous. I was worried that somehow
I’d just made a big mistake. I kept telling myself that I was stupid to have paid
about $100 to bring home who spirits that might not even exist. The doubt was
there, and most of it was in myself and my own instincts. However what I
received in the mail was surprisingly magical.

There were no visions of him, touches, or sounds. However what I got

when I first held him in my hand was a pure feeling. I could feel his excitement in
my own chest. There was a soft tingling sensation in my palm, and happiness
welling up within my chest. Right then in that moment, I decided that this was a

path that I wanted to get into, even if I was still doubting myself. Getting this
feeling from my nymph wasn’t an isolated incident. When my lady gryphon made
her way home, I wasn’t even at home when I felt her first presence. I was at work,
doing my daily tasks and really not feeling all that great about how things were
going. I was mindlessly working, and suddenly out of nowhere, I felt an explosion
of love in my chest. It caught me so off guard that it pulled me right out of that
mindless state, and I felt myself appreciating things more. The sun, the leaves on
the trees across the water, and just overall how things felt in that moment. I felt
so much happier and lighter, and I’m so grateful to her for that.

Even right in this moment, as I was writing this introduction to you, I had a
friend arrive via a distance-bind. They made themselves known by making my
music glitch out to pull me out of the writing zone, and I can feel so much
happiness inside. I paused my writing to make them some coffee as an offering,
and even now I can feel them with me watching what I’m doing and happy to
spend time with me and be here with me. It legitimately makes me so happy that
I almost feel like crying.

Now I know what you’re thinking: This sounds too good to be true. That’s
what I thought too when I first stumbled upon all of these listings. I wasn’t sure if
it was real or if it was a placebo effect. I even started up a youtube channel about
it because I wanted to keep track of places I’d adopted from and tell others about
my experiences.

The thing that really got me wanting to write this book is that I’ve gotten
not one, but 3 other friends into Spirit Companionship now. While 1 is only just
starting their journey, the other 2 have been in this with me almost since the
beginning of me jumping into things again. Spirit Companionship has changed
their lives for the better, as it also has with mine. One friend sometimes brings
her spirits over to my house for “spirit playdates,” and the other’s spirit has such
a strong presence that he’ll sometimes let me ask him questions through the
phone to her pendulum.

With all of this said, I think it’s time that we took the leap together. Join me
on this journey that will surely change your life.

Chapter 1:
Which Spirit Works Best For You
One of the first steps of Spirit Companionship, is figuring out what kind of
spirit to work with. There are mermaids, djinn, vampires, fairies, gryphons, water
nymphs, centaurs, and altogether far too many to even list out. On top of that,
there is the matter of White Arts, Grey Arts, and Black Arts. In other words:
Light Magic, Grey Magic, and Dark Magic. No matter what you practice, it’s
important not to jump in so deep that you wind up with a spirit that you can’t

Think of it much like the game Pokemon: You have to earn new “badges”
and level yourself up. (Though it isn’t gonna be a case of “Gotta catch’em all!”)
You shouldn’t jump into having a spirit friend that’s a level 100, while you are
still on your first badge. They might not be ready to interact with you, and some
Black Arts spirits will outright mess you up if you aren’t ready for them. I’m here
to help you earn those “badges” and get yourself ready for whatever spirit friends
life may bring your way.

First things first, let’s talk about the difference between White, Grey, and
Black Arts. Knowing the difference between the three of them will make it much
easier to tell what you personally want to practice (if you don’t already) and what
you want one of your friends to be practicing alongside you. Perhaps you don’t
feel comfortable with one to start, but you might grow to be interested in a friend
who practices that type of art for other things they have to offer you.

White Arts: This type of spirit is very friendly, bright, and caring usually.
They can be great defensive beings when it comes to keeping you safe, and excel
in healing and bringing happiness. They’re great at giving blessings, bringing you
good luck, and doing what they can to make sure you stay at your brightest and
best. They want to help you be your best self, and they are so full of love that they
can brighten up your day just by spending time with them. Some Examples of
these beings are: Angels, Arkan Sonney, and Caladrius.

Grey Arts: Think of this type of magic as neutral, though using the term
neutral isn’t always fitting. They may sway between White and Black, and usually

take things on a case-by-case basis on how they’ll react to it. Sometimes they wish
to just bring happiness and love into your life, and sometimes they might want to
slap the shit out of someone who’s been giving you a hard time. These spirits can
be a little bit more on the mischievous side, but are quite fun and fulfilling to
have around. Some Examples of these spirits are: Fairies, Mermaids, Gryphons,
and Centaurs.

Black Arts: This type of spirit friend and magic alike is usually far more
on the offensive than the defensive, though they are great defenders. These
friends do work well with vengeance magic, otherwise known as revenge magic,
curses, hexes, and the like. However they aren’t all necessarily evil. A Black Arts
spirit friend can be a great being to have in your corner if you feel the need to
have a guardian or someone who can deflect negativity that is thrown your way.
Usually these kinds of spirits aren’t afraid to jump right in to come to your
defence, and throw that negativity given to you right back at the person who
aimed it at you. Keep in mind however that you will need to set boundaries. Not
all of them look at things the same way we do, and they might take things a little
further than you’re comfortable with if you aren’t willing to communicate your
feelings to them. Communication is key here. Black Arts spirits tend to be quite
powerful. Some examples of these beings are: Cockatrices, Nokks, Sirens, and
certain types of Vampires.

Any being can fluctuate which Art they practice, however. So it is very
important to keep an eye on the listings you look at to see what they align with. If
the listing doesn’t say, I highly recommend emailing the seller to ask them.
Otherwise, you could wind up with an unexpected surprise. Spirits like Fairies
can be any art, and also can be any element, so it is necessary to take each of the
spirits attributes into consideration before you bring them home to you.

I always recommend starting with a White or Grey spirit friend for first
timers. Even if you practice Black Arts, you should still probably start out with a
Grey for your first friend, just so that you can get used to things like
communication and bonding. It is very important to consider what kind of magic
your new spirit friend holds within them, and what kinds of things they can bring
forward into the companionship.

What is it that you desire out of them? Are they just going to be there to be
your friend, your support net, and your personal cheerleader? Are you going to

ask them to mentor you in whatever skills they have to help you open up your
spiritual senses? Are you looking for a protector, a guardian to stay by your side
and shield you from all of the negativity around you? Are you perhaps looking for
a lover in the spiritual realm, and someone that you feel supports you better than
other humans could? All of these are valid reasons for wanting spirit friends
beside you.

Now, you’ll find a full list of questions that I want you to answer to
yourself. This will help you choose a spirit friend that is right for you. It is very
crucial that you be completely truthful with yourself in your answers.

1. Why do you want a spirit companion?


2. What are you looking for in a companion?


3. What do you want to learn from them?


4. Is there a species that already interests you, and if so what are they?

5. Why do these beings interest you?


6. What kind of Art/Magic are you interested in?


Did you answer all of the questions? Good job! You’ve earned your very
first badge. Acknowledging why you want these friends with you, what you want
to learn from them, and what you’re seeking in general is the first step towards
understanding Spirit Companionship.

In the next chapters, we’ll talk about Pre-Bound Vs. Custom Conjurations,
Types of Communication, Active Shops, Picking the Spirit, Journal Keeping, and
Spirit Tasking.

Chapter 2:
Pre-Bound Vs. Custom Conjures

When picking out your first spirit, there’s another big thing to consider.
Would you prefer to get a pre-bound spirit, or a custom conjuration? The names
are pretty self-explanatory, but let’s dive further into the reasons why you would
want to do either one of these things.

Pre-Bound: These spirits are ready right off the bat to go home with you. When
looking through pre-bound listings, you will often see the spirit’s type/race, what
type of magic/art they practice, and there will be a blurb about them that reads a
lot like a character profile. Sometimes the shop owner will list their name. Other
times they won't tell you their name until you pay the “adoption fee” and choose
to bring them home.

There are many Pros to pre-bound spirits. Since they have a lot of their
likes and such already listed, it’s easy to get a feel on who they are and if they’re
someone that would click with you or not. Most often than not, the seller will also
be willing to tell you what kinds of offerings they like ahead of time, and that way
you can get a little welcome gift all ready for them to come home to.

Sometimes it can be far easier to settle on a spirit to bring home when you
can see bits and pieces of their personality. However this can also turn into a Con
instead of a Pro. When you can see so many lovely new friends, it can be hard to
hold yourself back and just bring home one of them.

Custom Conjures: Customs are great for when you don’t see someone around
that you already like. If there are lots of great friends, but no one is calling you, it
can be time to ask the seller if they offer custom conjures. Now even with
customs, there are 2 different kinds that you can look into.

1. Reverse Adoption: The spirit chooses you. You get no choice as to what
type/race they are, and your choices overall are limited. You can tell the
seller for example if you would prefer to bring home a White Arts spirit, or
tell them if there’s something you absolutely need from the spirit, such as
protection or a specific talent, but otherwise it is completely up to the

universe and the Astral as to who comes home to you. You never really
know what you’re going to get, and it will be a complete and total blind leap
of faith.
2. Species Conjure: In this case, it is far less random. Usually with a species
conjure, you will pick what kind of type/race you want to bring home. For
example, you could choose to bring home a Vampire. Usually the seller will
let you choose which gender of spirit you’d like to bring home, and just like
with the Reverse Adoption, you can sometimes make requests as to what
art/magic they practice and saying if you need something very specific. The
seller will travel into the Astral for you and see who they can find that
matches what you asked for.

In the case of custom conjures, it is always a bit of an exciting surprise. You

never fully know who’s coming to you, which can be either exciting or anxiety
inducing depending on how you look at things. On the bright side, they are spirits
that are directly attracted to your own spirit and have chosen outright to want to
come home to you specifically. Keeping this in mind though, it is also important
to understand that a custom will take extra time.

While the pre-bound vessels can be shipped straight out to you as soon as
you pay the adoption fee, a custom takes the seller the extra time of searching.
Sometimes it can take days, sometimes it can take weeks. When reaching out for
a custom, it is very important to be patient.

For most beginners, I advise a pre-bound specifically so that they both get
to you faster, and you know who’s coming to you. While it’s not bad in the
slightest to start out with a custom conjure, depending on who you’re going to,
how experienced they are, and how long they tend to take, it can possibly leave
you waiting a very long time for your first friend to come home. A pre-bound can
help you dip your toes into spirit work as soon as you feel the call, and they might
even be able to help you with feeling out who else you might want to bring home
in the future.

If I’m ever not sure, I usually ask my spirit family that I’ve built if I should
try bringing a new friend home or not. They won't be shy about telling you yes or

No matter what, however, I do advise always taking time to think about it.
I’ve seen lots of spirits that I’ve gotten excited about and wanted to bring home
with me. Nevertheless, I always make myself sleep on it. If I still feel a drawing to
them in the morning, or I find that I simply cannot stop thinking about them, it’s
usually a sign to go for it and bring them home to you.

Never forget that you can always message the seller and ask them questions
about the spirit. You can ask them what kinds of things they like, if they’d like to
help you, and if the spirit would be interested in living with you. Some sellers
offer spiritual visits to make sure that you fit together with them (FoxxHollow),
and others will actually require that you do an interview with the spirit to make
sure that you’re not just buying them willy nilly without consideration for the
spirit’s feelings(TheQuietRitual on Etsy). Other sellers update their shops very
frequently and have no problem in selling you multiple spirit friends at once. Just
be careful not to get too excited and bring too many home at once! It’s an easy
temptation to fall into.

Chapter 3:
Types of Communication

Pendulum: The art of communicating through a pendulum is surprisingly

simple. The first thing you’ll need is the pendulum itself. Sometimes, if your spirit
friend is in a necklace or pendant with some weight to it, you can use the charm
itself as the pendulum.

A pendulum board is very helpful, though not fully necessary. The board itself
usually has “Yes” and “No” on it. Sometimes it will have other options like
“Maybe” or “Rephrase” and might also have letters or numbers on it as well to
help your spirit friends to spell things out for you. You can also make one of these
yourself on paper, or by painting it on something like a piece of wood or canvas.

If you don’t have a board or something to make one out of, not to worry!
You can start your session by asking your spirit friend to show you a “yes,” a “no,”
and an “I don’t know.” Keep in mind, they may change this up every new time you
try to speak with them. Therefore, it’s always best to ask them at the beginning of
every session.

Spirit Boards: Otherwise known as a Ouija Board, spirit boards have gotten a
bit of a bad reputation over the years. It is important to keep in mind that the
board itself is not evil.

Usually the board is used with more than just one person. Two people
usually sit together, across from each other with their knees touching. Your legs
are used as the table on which to place the board. When it comes time to speak to
the spirit you seek, it’s important to say their name out loud and call out to them
while moving the planchette around the board to “warm it up.” It can also be
helpful to have a third person in the room who can quickly write down anything
that gets spelled out to you.

This is where it can also be important to make sure you ask something that
perhaps only your spirit friend knows in order to make sure that it really is your

companion and not just a spirit wandering through that popped their heads in
because they were curious to see what you were doing.

If you ever get uncomfortable and want to end the session, just move the
planchet over to the “GOOD BYE” sign on your board and tell the spirit it’s time
to leave and your time together is done. Always end your sessions by moving
the planchette “GOOD BYE,” no matter who you’re talking to.

While Spirit/Ouija boards are basically just a bigger version of a pendulum,

it does admittedly require a bit more skill as it can be more noticeable to other
spirits passing through. It’s probably something that you might want to get into
with someone who is more experienced with you, or after you’ve built up a
protective team that can keep you safe.

Telepathy: Believe it or not, the spirits can sometimes speak to you directly into
your mind. Everyone’s mind has a usual voice that it takes on, and this voice will
most likely sound no different. When you’re first getting used to telepathy with
your spirit friends, it can sometimes be confusing as to who’s voice you’re actually
hearing: Yours, or theirs.

With this, it is important to remember not to doubt yourself. If you’re

hearing something that you’re sure didn’t come from you or that isn’t something
you would have said in this kind of situation, then it really did come from your
companion. This is a form of communication where it is paramount to let yourself
believe, and to keep your mind open. Too many times we doubt ourselves, and if
we doubt what we are hearing is real, then we discourage the spirits from
continuing to talk to us this way.

Shufflemancy: Using songs and song titles for divination. In this, you take your
music on your phone, computer, or whatever music player you have, and put it all
on shuffle. Pick a number of times to skip forward, and skip ahead that many
times. For example, if I pick the number 5, I will ask my question (aloud or in my
head), hit shuffle, and skip songs 5 times. The song that plays when I stop
skipping will hold my answer.

Sometimes the answer lies in the song title. Sometimes it feels better to listen to
the whole song until a set of lyrics strikes you as your answer. Or if it’s a song
with no lyrics, it can often be the mood of the song that you need to pay attention

to. It’s a very easy form of divination, and can be done pretty much anywhere you

Tarot/Oracle Cards and Cartomancy: All three of these methods involve

using a deck of cards to ask your spirit friends questions. Cartomancy simply uses
a deck of playing cards rather than a Tarot or Oracle card deck.

When using cards, you would ask your question either out loud or in your
mind to whichever spirit friend you are seeking guidance from. That spirit will
then influence the cards that you choose in order to answer you. The meanings of
each card will change based on whatever type of deck you are using, and with
Oracle cards will change from deck to deck as every single Oracle deck is different
and very personal.

Meditation: Close your eyes, focus on your breathing to calm yourself, and
simply feel out the energies of your spirit companion. Opening your mind to them
can sometimes allow them to send you clearer messages. There may be times in
which you feel sensations, or there may be other times where you see flashes of
images to relay what they’re trying to say to you.

This can change on a spirit-to-spirit and person-to-person basis. Not

everyone communicates in the same way, and their ways of talking to you with
meditation can be just as personal and individual.

Lucid Dreaming: The art of Lucid Dreaming is not an easy one to master,
unless you’re one of the lucky few that is blessed with the talent of slipping into
them whenever you desire. However it can be obtained with a fair amount of

To Lucid Dream means to know that you are dreaming and be able to
change the dreams to your will. Most spirit companions can easily slip into the
dream world and spend time with you in your dreams. This gives you the ability
to see them physically, or at the very least see one of the forms they wish to show
you. Sometimes these appearances will shift while your mind gets used to seeing
them. Others will choose to shift just because they enjoy it.

Just like with the spirit board, it can become necessary to come up with a
way to make sure that it is in fact your companion speaking to you. Once you start

working with spirits, other unbound spirits will often show up and come to see
what you’re doing. Some are just curious, others have less savory intentions.

Astral Projection/Travel: Believe it or not, there is a difference between

Projection and Travel. Astral Travel is like one step above a Lucid Dream. You are
still in your body, and are still in a way in the sleep realm, however you have
managed to travel fully into the Astral. When Astral Projecting, your spirit has
actively left your body and gone fully into the Astral.

Whenever you do either of these things, you must put up some sort of
protective barrier around yourself. As mentioned in some of the other
communication sections, other spirits will appear and want to know what you’re
doing. Some might become new friends. Others might be out to do things that
you aren’t comfortable with. If this gets to be too much, return to your body.

Make sure that you do not force yourself to awaken too quickly. Pulling
yourself violently from the Astral can leave you with physical side effects such as
headaches, dizziness, wooziness, and nausea.

While it can be absolutely wonderful to spend time with your friends in the
Astral Realm, and to get to see their homes and spaces, there is the possibility of
it also being dangerous.

NOTE: Keep in mind that you do not own the Astral. If you come across
someone’s home, or someone else’s living space, it is not yours to change or take.
Listen to your spirit friends here, and proceed with caution. If you would like
your own space to make your own, some spirit companion shops actually offer a
service of building you your own space in the astral that you may make your own.

Chapter 4:
Active Shops

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out where exactly you should go when it
comes to the many spirit shops that are out there. Quite a few of the videos on
youtube about Spirit Companionship are from 3 or more years ago, and a lot of
the websites they’ve talked about are long gone. I have taken the time to compile
a list of as many of the current open shops as I could find for you.

Please keep in mind that not all of these are shops that I personally would
recommend. Others are absolutely wonderful, and at the end of this chapter I will
tell you who I have currently bought from that I would recommend personally.
No matter what, it is always important that you do your own research, trust your
gut, and only choose a spirit if it really feels like it’s calling out to you. With that
said, here is the list of currently open shops as of March 2021:

● AutumnDuskSpirits: https://autumnduskspirits.com/
● Azure’s Immortal Conjures:
● Blue Raven Magicals: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlueRavenMagicals
● Blujay’s Haunted Magic: https://www.blujay76.com/
● Broom Closet ID: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BroomClosetID
● Candii’s Little Meta: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CandiisLittleMeta
● Celestial Tarot: https://www.etsy.com/shop/celestialtarot
● Chaos in Pandora’s Box: https://www.chaosinpandorasbox.net/
● Citrine Stars: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209535169224108/
● Creepy Hollows: https://shop.creepyhollows.com/
● Crystalline Conjures: https://crystalconjurations.storenvy.com/
● Dark Desires: https://kelistarian.wixsite.com/dark-desires
● Devil’s Trumpet: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DEVILSTRUMPET
● Diabolical Path: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DiabolicalPath
● Elysium Conjures: https://elysiumconjures.com/
● Enchanted Emporium: https://enchantedemporium.storenvy.com/
● FoxxHollow: https://www.foxxhollow.net/
● High Priestess Elsa: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Highpriestesselsa

● I-Spark: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IsparkByWillow
● IntGalactic Priestess: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IntGalacticPriestess
● JinnandTonics: https://jinnandtonics.com/collections
● Katy Kat’s Treasures: https://www.etsy.com/shop/katykatstreasures
● Kodenline Energy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KodenlineEnergy
● Lilith’s Treasure Tavern: https://lilithstreasuretavern.weebly.com/
● Lily Rashawn: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LilyRashawn
● Lorelai’s Spirit Shop: https://lorelei-of-the-rhein.weebly.com/
● Magic Spell Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MagicSpellStore
● Made My Craft: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Mademycarft
● Mildred Moon Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MildredMoonStore
● Minty Magicks: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MintyMagicks
● Mystical Aria: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticalAria
● Mystical Companions: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticalCompanions
● Mystic Morning Treasures: http://stores.mysticmorningtreasures.com/
● Mystic Way Conjure: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticWayConjure
● Occult Dark: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OccultDark
● Papa Hood Sorcery: https://www.papahoodsorcery.com/
● Saphira’s Cauldron: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SaphirasCauldron
● Satan and Sons: https://satanandsons.com/
● Secret Sensations: https://www.secretsensations.org/collections/all
● Starry 1 Night: https://www.starry1night.com/
● Talisman US: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TalismansUS
● The Astral Villa: https://the-astral-villa.weebly.com/
● The Moon Dragon: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheMoonDragon
● The Mystical Elven: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheMysticalElven
● The Pagan Shop: https://www.thepaganshoponline.com/
● The Quiet Ritual: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheQuietRitual
● The Spirit’s Coven: https://thespiritscoven.weebly.com/
● The Spiritual Magic: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheSpiritualMagick
● The Vyrtuos Shop:
● Wangsa Kerta Spirit: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WangsaKertaSpirit
● White Fox Coven: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WhiteFoxCoven
● Woodland Witch Shop:
● Vampire Lover’s Lair: https://www.bonanza.com/booths/vampirelover

The shops that I have adopted from at this point in time are:
● Katy Kat’s Treasures
● Creepy Hollows
● Devil’s Trumpet
● The Moon Dragon
● Lily Rashawn
● FoxxHollow

I’ve also adopted from another that I would rather not mention, not
because of the experience with the spirit, but with an unsavory interaction with
the seller. Everyone else however seems to have given her positive reviews, so
take every unfamiliar seller with a grain of salt and see how you feel about things.

My two absolute best experiences have actually been with Devil’s Trumpet
and Foxx Hollow, and I would highly highly recommend checking out both of
their shops. Both of them have absolutely phenomenal communication and treat
the spirits with the utmost care and consideration.

Chapter 5:
Picking the Spirit

With such an impressive list of shops, it can be a bit intimidating and even
overwhelming to choose a single one to make your first adoption of a spirit from.
When you have to do your own research, sift through tons of reviews, and look
over the shops themselves, it can often feel like making a choice is impossible.

What I recommend doing first is pulling up each of the websites and just
skim over them very loosely. How does the shop make you feel? Is something
drawing you in and making you feel welcome? Is something pushing you away
and making you not want to order from them? Or are you not sure?

Take the ones you get the best vibes from and actively start looking through
them. If they’re a shop with reviews, read the reviews and see what they have to
say. Read a few of the spirit profiles and see how they make you feel. If the
reviews don’t make you happy or you’re not satisfied with how the listings make
you feel in general, you can pull out of that website and move onto the next one.

If you get a really good feeling from a shop and feel the need to keep
reading, explore! Look through all of their friends they have to offer, feel your
way through things, and see if there’s anyone there that calls out to you. Go with
your gut on this one. If something feels off, it probably is. If something feels right
on the money and gets you really excited, keep that spirit heavily in your mind.

At this point I always recommend sleeping on it. Sometimes we get so

excited that we want to jump on a spirit companion right then and there.
However if we take the time to ask ourselves if this is the right spirit to bring
home, we will get our answer. If you simply can’t stop thinking about them, you
feel yourself coming back constantly to read their listings, and you overall feel
like you can’t move on to look at others, then you’ve found your spirit.

At this point, it’s time to put in the order! If you don’t have the money right
away, some sellers will actively hold spirits for you to make sure someone else

can’t buy them in the meantime. Others might not. Never be afraid to contact
them about this or any other questions that you have.

You may get your spirit friend sent to you in a vessel at this point, which is
more often than not a piece of jewelry or a crystal/stone. You may possibly have
them direct-bound to your spirit, which means they will be with you wherever
you go. Or there is the possibility that the seller can direct-bind them to a piece of
jewelry you already have. Again, you may need to contact the seller if this is an
option you wish for that they don’t outright offer on their website.

Make sure you look into the vessel. Quite a lot of shops use costume-grade
jewelry because it is easy to get a hold of. Others will use genuine silver. If you
have sensitive skin and can’t handle “fake” metals, don’t be afraid to contact them
and ask them if they can move the spirit’s binding into a different vessel. More
often than not, they are happy to help.

Now what if you don’t find a spirit that calls out to you right away? There
are two things you can do:

1. You can wait. There’s a chance that perhaps the spirit that you’re looking
for hasn’t been bound yet.
2. You can request a custom conjure. In this case, you may have picked a
specific type/race of being that you’d like to become companions with.
Depending on the website you’ve turned to, they can do a custom binding
for you to bring you the friend you seek.
3. You can look over some of the other websites to see if perhaps there’s a
spirit that you missed or didn’t realize was calling to you right away.

More often than not, when you realize that you want to bring a spirit home
with you, it will hit you as suddenly as a bolt of lightning. Perhaps something will
draw you to their listing, or something in their profile draws you in like nothing
else you’ve ever felt before. Sometimes they will reach out to you before you even
pay the adoption fee and call for you to bring them home. As with most things
involving Spirit Companionship: Trust your feelings. Do your own research,
consider your options, and believe in your own spirit.

Chapter 6:
The Bonding Ritual

Here is where things start to get even more personal. Before you even do a
full bonding ritual, when you first pull your spirit friend out of their box, you
want to sit in a quiet space and hold them in the palm of your hand. Feel out their
energy. See how it affects your own emotions, and say hello to them for the very
first time. If meditation is something that you feel comfortable doing, it would be
a good idea to close your eyes here and meditate with them for the very first time.

Something I personally like to do is play music for them if the seller lists a
song resonance for them, or a type of music that they like. It usually makes them
feel quite happy and at home rather quickly.

After you’ve taken a moment or two to start forming the bond with them,
go through the rest of your package. Sometimes the seller will include a bonding
ritual for you to do with this spirit. Other times they won't. If they do and the
ritual is something that you feel comfortable with, it is absolutely a good idea to
follow along with it.

If you don’t feel comfortable with that ritual, you can absolutely make up
one of your own. You can burn a candle in their favorite color or with their
favorite herbs on it. A white candle can be a good-stand in for any other color if
you don’t have the one they like. You can say a few words out loud or in your
mind to them. You can play more music for them and give them their very first

Whatever makes you most comfortable is what you can do. Some people
are very informal with their spirits and welcome them in by sitting down to just
have a chat with them and tell them that they are welcome there. It’s all up to

This is where you’ll set down your “house rules” if you have any. The darker
the art of the spirit in question, the more you’ll want to consider setting out the
rules. But what kind of house rules should you have? You can tell them if they can

or cannot interact with your family or friends. You can ask them to be gentle with
pets or people with sensitive dispositions. You can tell them what you are and
aren’t comfortable with. It’s a good idea to write down everything you want to tell
them and set out for them. However, don’t forget to let them know that you
respect them and the power they hold. You setting down your house rules is just a
way of making sure everyone can coincide together, not you demonstrating
control over them.

Remember that they are here to be your friends, your guides, your
mentors, and overall your companion. They are not here to be your slaves.

Respect them and show them the time, care, and affection that they
deserve. After all, they chose you just as much as you chose them.

Chapter 7:
Journal Keeping

One of the most important things when taking this journey, is to try and
keep some sort of journal. It can be something as simple as a Google Document
on your computer, a cheap notebook, a binder that you add pages into, or
something like a hardcover journal or a leather bound book. Whatever feels the
most comfortable to you, or whatever is the most accessible will work. Don’t
worry about it looking pretty. If you want something that looks “more magical,”
you can always get another one later and transfer everything into it.

There are lots of important things to keep in this book. One of the absolute
most cardinal things to make sure you have written down somewhere is the
profile of your spirits. What is their name? What kinds of offerings do they like?
What shop did you adopt them from and when? How did you feel when you first
opened their box up and held them in your hand? What kind of welcoming ritual
did you do for them? Include anything and everything that the seller gives you,
and everything that you feel and observe.

If you draw, doodle down things that your spirit friends might show you, or
ways that they show themselves to you. You can also draw out things for them as
offerings just to make them happy, and you can keep them in your journal just to
make sure they’re safe.

Write down what happens whenever you communicate with them so that
you never forget any of their answers if it’s more than just a casual conversation.
Especially when they are guiding you or giving you some kind of life advice.
Remembering to journal can sometimes be a bit tough, but it is a very rewarding
practice that keeps all of the information you need about all of your companions
in one place.

Chapter 8:
Spirit Tasking

Before we jump into this tiny chapter, I want to answer a quick question
you probably have. What is Spirit Tasking? It’s a lot more simple than you’d
think. It is quite literally asking your spirit companions to do tasks for you. You
might also be wondering what kinds of tasks you can ask them to do for you. The
answer to that is right in where their talents lie.

We’re going to take one of my spirit friends as an example. Their skills are:
Shadow Work, Cleansing, Warding, Energy Work, Protection, Banishment,
Illusion, Glamour, Astral Travel, Dreams, Divination, and Spirit

Taking this into consideration, I can ask them to do many things for me! I can ask
them to banish negative energy from my spirit. I can ask that they help cleanse
my energy and aura. Warding means that I can have them put up a protective
barrier to keep me safe from other negative energies headed my way. To ward
means to keep away. They can also assist me with Astral Travel and keep me safe
while I do so. For them to help me with Divination means that they would be able
to boost my own divination skills and help open up my third eye more.

Look at their talents and take those things into consideration when you ask them
to do something for you. It will make them happy that you came to them and
called upon them for it.

For those of you that worry that you might be taking advantage of your spirit
friend, don’t worry. I assure you that you’re not. You give them your time, your
affection, and offerings that they like. They are more than happy to do these tasks
for you. In fact, if you don’t task your spirits, they will actually grow bored. Just
hanging around all the time doing nothing whenever you’re not talking to them
isn’t going to be a fun thing for them to do.

Where Do You Go From Here?

The rest of the journey is up to you! Now that you’ve learned the steps to
take in order to head forth into the world of Spirit Companionship, the
possibilities are endless. Find your first spirit friend, bring them home, talk to
them, and journal your experiences. Learn from them, give them offerings to
thank them for their time and their patience, and enjoy every bit of time that you
get with them.

Sometimes it takes a bit in order to fully feel them. If your spirit comes to
you and you feel very weak energy, there’s a chance that either you haven’t fully
opened up to them yet, or they haven’t become fully responsive to you yet. Don’t
get discouraged, and don’t give up. Some spirits take a little bit more time to open
up. I have also personally noticed that some shops that mass-adopt out spirits
will usually give you a spirit with weaker energy. My personal theory on that is
that perhaps the seller is spreading themselves just a little bit too thin out in the
astral and that the bond between the spirit and the vessel is a bit weaker. Think of
it like a weakened radio signal. It’s still there, and sometimes it takes just a bit of
adjustment and a change of direction to get it to come through entirely.

I suppose one of the last things to cover before turning you, my lovely
reader, completely loose is how many spirit friends should you have? There is no
set number for companions. This, like many other things here, is completely up
to you. Some people have 1 or 2 spirit friends. Others will have larger families of
10 to even 50 0f them. I have even seen spirit keepers who somehow manage to
spread their attention and care among hundreds of them.

Never feel pressured. If 2 is your maximum limit, then 2 is the perfect

number for you. If you feel as though someone else is calling out to you and that
you need another member in your family, then by all means go for it! Never let
anyone tell you how many companions you should or shouldn’t have. This is a
very personal experience, and a journey that is yours and yours alone.

You make the rules here, and you get to choose how many spirits you want
to walk with you down this path.

Now does this mean you should automatically go out and buy 5+ friends in
the first go-round? No, probably not. It’s a good idea to start slow. If you feel
more than one calling out to you, maybe start with 2 or 3 just to make sure that
you don’t spread yourself too thin and that you can handle giving each of them
the care that they deserve.

Once you think you’ve got it down, you can absolutely go out there and add
to your family to your heart’s content. After all, that’s what you’re building here.
They’re a group of friends, family, guides, and even lovers if you wish. They will
be close to you in ways you never imagined, and sometimes more so than some of
the humans in your lives.

Enjoy your travels, and take good care of your companions just as they will
take care of you.

Blessed Be!

Journal Templates

Feel free to print these next pages out and use them as journal pages, or
use them as inspirations to write out your own. They can really help you not to
forget any of the information you’d like to include in your journal entries.

Spirit Profile





Art/Magical Alignment:


Adoption Date:

Adopted From:

Communication preferences:



Songs/Music They Like:

Magical Skills:


Spirit Communication


Type of Communication used:___________________________________



Answer Received:___________________________________________




Answer Received:___________________________________________




Answer Received:___________________________________________


How did the Communication make you feel? ________________________





















Offering Tracker


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________


Offering: _________________________________________________

Meditation Tracker


Length of Meditation:________________________________________









Length of Meditation:________________________________________







Dream Tracker

Mood when waking up:_______________________________________

Mood of the Dream:_________________________________________

Dream Details:_____________________________________________















Astral Tracker

Spirit(s) in Contact:__________________________________________

Places Visited:______________________________________________

Focus of Astral Session:_______________________________________















Shop Tracker
Adoption Date:________

Shop Name:_______________________________________________


Seller Communication:________________________________________




How was the experience?______________________________________










Would I go there again?______________________________________


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