AAMR Final

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COURSE MODULE: Applied Areas of Marketing Research Unit Title Credit Points Date Validated Student Workload Applied

Areas of Marketing Research (AAMR) 3 credits May, 2010 Weekly contact will include lectures, discussions on academic papers and mini-case study exercises. For each lecture of 1 hour, students are expected to prepare for 1.5 hour additionally. Basic knowledge of Research Methodology and Consumer Behavior


Unit Description It is quite frequently required to apply the research knowledge in different areas of marketing. In course of time each of these application areas have developed some very specialized and unique tools and techniques of research. In some areas these tools of data collection is based on innovations of statistical tools while in the case of others it is based on sampling technique innovations. This will facilitate the learning of strategic deployment of research for marketing success. This course aims to introduce the students to such tools and techniques to make them research centric managers. AAMR module will develop an understanding of research concepts and principles as applied to different aspects of marketing. It will also provide an understanding of different methodological tools and techniques as utilized in the different aspects of marketing. Learning Outcome A. Understanding and Knowledge a. Understand the various applications of research tools and techniques within marketing context B. Cognitive Skills a. Differentiate between the application of various Marketing Research techniques to solve a Marketing problem C. Practical and Professional Skills a. Applying the theoretical concepts by using industry accepted specialized research tools to solve industry issues and develop strategy D. Key Skills a. Ability to grasp the strategic link between research and marketing decision making Areas of Study i. New Product Development and Simulated Test Marketing ii. Pricing Research iii. Market Potential Assessment iv. Stakeholder Management v. Key drivers and funnel analysis Teaching and Learning Strategy (linked to learning outcome) A. a. Lectures conducted by industry experts in respective fields will develop key marketing research concepts by discussing their application b. Practical demos of existing tools used to solve industry issues B. Case studies prepared using industry MR projects employing various techniques will be used for discussion

C. End term assignment of designing and executing a project in applied area of Marketing Research Assessment

Weighting 100% Group Project 60%

Individual take home assignment 40% Assessment Strategy This unit will be assessed through empirical research based group project only. The number of students per group will be 5 -6. The project will require each of the group to write a research paper on one of the application are of marketing research which will be allotted to them randomly at the end of the module. Each of the group will be interviewed regarding their paper and interview performance will be evaluated individually. Recommended Texts Reading material to be provided by the industry expert Marketing journals

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