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Unit 1 Grammar

Reported statements & questions Reporting verbs

1 Rewrite each statement in reported speech. 4 Complete the text using that or a verb from the
box in the gerund or infinitive form.
Claire said, ‘I’ve fallen out with my best friend.’
Claire said that she had fallen out with her best find look be take (x2)
Is it possible to make good friends for life? You may
1 Ali said, ‘Homework is a pain.’
have parents who still have friends now that they
went to university with, or even school. They may not
2 Pam said, ‘I’ll get the bus at 8.00.’
even live in the same area or see each other very
often, and yet their friendships have survived through
3 Kaz said, ‘I must make up with Annie.’
the years. How is this possible? We asked five adults
with long-term friendships how they did it.
4 ‘Gina shouldn’t gossip about Joe and Fiona,’ said
Luisa. Jade explained that she makes time every week to
_______________________________________ call her long distance friends, however busy she is,
_______________________________________ as she thinks staying in touch is the most important
thing for friends.
2 Read the reported speech and write the question.
Ruth told us (1) _____________ she found it was
Rufus asked what my best friend’s name was.
harder to stay friends when people started having
Rufus asked, ‘What’s your best friend’s name?’
babies (Ruth has never had a baby). She warned us
1 Fran asked if she had upset Karen.
how important it is (2) _____________ an interest in
‘____________________________,’ asked Fran.
your friends’ children.
2 Tom asked whether the teacher was joking.
Tom asked, ‘____________________________’ Ana agreed that (3) _____________ a good friend
3 Amira asked who would be invited to the party. means remembering your friends’ children’s
Amira asked, ‘____________________________ birthdays, and also your friends’ partner’s birthdays.
Ollie agreed and encouraged young people
4 The teacher asked when we had uploaded our
(4) _____________ something in common with their
friends’ partners. He said (5) _____________ he had
The teacher asked, ‘______________________
lost a good friend by not (6) _____________ the time
to get to know his friend’s new girlfriend properly.

Time and & place Lucy, however, said that she would advise young
people (7) _____________ for friends who share
3 Complete the sentences in direct speech with common interests, as then you will always have
one word in each gap. those interests, however much your lives change.
1 Ulla asked Yenko if she had enjoyed the lecture
the day before. Consolidate
‘Did you enjoy the lecture __________ , Yenko?’
2 My teacher said the essay I had written a few 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
weeks earlier had been my best so far that year. the verbs in brackets.
‘The essay you wrote a few weeks ___________ 1 You’re late! What _______________ (you / do)?
was your best so far ___________ year.’ 2 What do you think we ____________________
3 At the end of the exam, Mrs James said that we (study) in English next week?
had to stop writing then. 3 I’ve just seen Dave and Tara – when _________
‘You have to stop writing ___________.’ ______________ (they / get back) from France?
4 Karen said she had seen Lou there ten minutes 4 I ____________________ lunch yet! (not have)
earlier. 5 Do you think in 100 years’ time people ________
‘I saw Lou _________ ten minutes __________.’ ____________ how to write with a pen? (forget)


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