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Unit 2 Grammar

Uses of gerund & infinitive

1 Correct any mistakes. Two sentences are Dear Professor Graham,
1 Paul left without saying goodbye. As you are an expert on clocks, I was wondering if
______________________________________ you could possibly help me (1) ______________
2 Do you feel like to come for a walk this my project? The topic is: Clocks around the world.
afternoon? My parents inspired me (2) ______________ this
______________________________________ topic because we visited the large garden clock in
______________________________________ Surat in India last year, which was amazing.
3 She keeps posting embarrassing photos online. Unfortunately, we didn’t hear it (3) _____________
______________________________________ because it wasn’t working. But it made me want
______________________________________ (4) ______________ more about these fascinating
4 I think to read is one of my greatest pleasures. enormous clocks, and in my project I’m trying
______________________________________ (5) ______________ if there are any clocks in the
______________________________________ world which are bigger than the one in Surat. I know
5 I learned my verb tenses by to record them and that clock is very big, but perhaps you could let me
then to listen to them as I went to sleep. (6) ____________ if it is in fact the largest clock in
______________________________________ the world, and if not, which clocks are bigger?
______________________________________ Many thanks,
6 Liam ran down the road catching up with Celine. Katie
Future perfect
Verb with gerund or infinitive
4 Complete these sentences in your own words
2 Rewrite the sentences with the verbs in the box using the future perfect simple or continuous.
and a gerund or infinitive. 1 By 2030, _______________________________
stop forget try regret ______________________________________
1 I wish I had done more revision. 2 By the time I get home tomorrow, ____________
3 In three years’ time, ______________________
2 I make an effort to visit my grandparents every
week. ______________________________________
______________________________________ Consolidate
3 I only remembered I was meant to read the book
this morning. 5 Rewrite the conversation as reported speech.
______________________________________ 1 Izzy Last year went so quickly.
4 Jude hasn't eaten meat for three years. ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ 2 Jared
Yes, that’s true. I was going to do so
many things, but I hardly
Verb + object + infinitive or base form
managed any of them.
3 Complete the email opposite with the verbs in
the box with or without to. ______________________________________
discover choose know find out finish chime ______________________________________


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