JHON Lesson 6 AFA

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Lesson 6: Evaluation.

Name: JHON ANDREI B. SEMA Course & Year: 2ND YEAR Block: A

Date of Submission: May 10, 2021

Test I. Multiple Choice Direction: Write the correct answer before the number.

B. 1. A science that deals with the study of fishes is called _____.

a. Aquaculture b. Ichthyology c. Biology d. Fish culture

A. 2. The human effort of raising the maximum productivity of fish and other fishery products to satisfy
human needs is ______.

a. Fish Culture b. Fish Capture c. Fish Cultivation d. Fish Propagation

D. 3. When fishes are imported or introduced into the country they are classified as _____.

a. Endemic or Indigenous b. Native c. Wild d. Exotic

D. 4. A fishpond which is used by students in school is intended for:

a. commercial or business b. recreational or enjoyment

c. educational and cultural or scientific pursuit d. food production

A. 5. _____exists when the pond is overstocked and has lesser growth of natural food, a rivalry for food,
space and oxygen.

a. Spawning b. Competition c. Fighting d. Cannibalism

B. 6. When is the event of evident regular eating of fresh water fish?

a. 41,000 years ago b. 42,000 years ago c. 37,000 years ago d. 38,000 years ago

B. 7. Carved painting in the ______ was supported the evidence that fishing was occurring in the early

a. Stone b. Cave c. Wood d. Artifacts

A. 8. In what ancient country is famously known as the sea-side settlers and heavily dependent to

a. Egypt b. Macedonia c. Persia d. China

C. 9. In ancient times, for a larger catch of fish, fishermen used _______.

a. Fish Net b. Small Net c. Gill Net d. Fin Net

D. 10. Except primarily for food, fishing is used as _______ activity.

a. Leisure b. Professional c. Physical d. Recreational

B. 11. It deals with the scientific method of catching fish.

a. Fish Catching b. Fish Capture c. Fish Harvesting d. Fish Hunting

A. 12. It deals with the scientific method of preserving fish and other aquatic products to prevent
spoilage. a. Fish Preservation b. Fish Conservation c. Fish Reservation d. Fish Protection

C. 13. It is defined as natural or artificial method of promoting or enhancing reproduction and survival of
fish and other aquatic products.

a. Fish Cultivation b. Fish Culture c. Fish Propagation d. Fish Reproduction

A. 14. It is the rearing of fish and other aquatic products from very young stage like fry and fingerlings up
to the marketable size.

a. Fish Cultivation b. Fish Culture c. Fish Propagation d. Fish Reproduction

B. 15. It is the public control and various maintenance of the diverse fishery where fish and other aquatic
products are deprived.

a. Fish Preservation b. Fish Conservation c. Fish Reservation d. Fish Protection

C. 16. It is a part of the fish which connect the body and its tail?

a. Lateral Lines b. Anus c. Caudal Peduncle d. Operculum

D. 17. It is a part of the fish that covers its body.

a. Slime b. Fins c. Lateral Lines d. Scales

C. 18. What part of the fish is responsible for filtering liquid waste material from blood?

a. Liver b. Heart c. Kidney d. Pyloric Caeca

A. 19. It is a part of fish which assist digestion by secreting enzymes that break down fats.

a. Liver b. Pancreas c. Kidney d. Intestines

B. 20. It is a part of fish which is responsible for smelling.

a. Nose b. Nostril c. Snout d. Mouth

B. 21. What is a type of fish scales which resembles a miniature tooth?

a. Cycloid b. Placoid c. Shark-like Scale d. Sharp Scale

D. 22. What is a type of fish scale has a four-sided plate?

a. Cycloid b. Placoid c. Ctenoid d. Ganoid

A. 23. What is a part of fish scale which used for exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide?

a. Gill Filaments b. Gill Arch c. Gill Bladder d. Gill Filter

C. 24. What is a part of fish gill which used for straining food from water?
a. Gill Filter b. Gill Rake c. Gill Rakers d. Gill Strainer

C. 25. What is a part of fish gill which used for support and passing for blood to gill filament?

a. Gill Bladder b. Gill Rake c. Gill Arch d. Gill Strands

Test II. Essay

Direction: Based from what your own views, answer the following questions.

1. Does our archipelagic nation in fishery sector can suffice the needs of the people in our country?
Explain why or why not.

- The fisheries in the Philippines makes a significant contribution to the national economy in terms of
income and employment. Total fish production was estimated at 4.65 million metric tons, and the
fisheries sector contributed almost 4.33 billion dollars to the country's economy in 2015 (BFAR, 2016). In
which the suffice needs of the of our country is our economy. Being an archipelago, the Philippines
offers diverse natural resources, from land to marine to mineral resources. It is also the biggest producer
of copper in Southeast Asia and is among the top ten producers of gold in the world. This is a big deal of
us because of poverty and 35 percent of Pilipino people was conducted to farm through aquatic area
and this fisheries work. Breeding of fish here the Philippines is most cultivated by Pilipino fisheries. But
this is not enough to inflate our product in our market because of inconstant prices of fish. Our Pilipino
citizens who live in the coastal area mostly they work as fisheries. So that they adverted the economy
for our nation instead.

2. In what ways you can promote the Fishery industry to your barangay? Justify.

- Reduce Illegal fishing through catch documentation like poisoning, it can be obtained a significant to
promote in my barangay through cooperation as they follow the rules of fishing and laws of fishing in my
barangay. Avoid to catch small fish used “Kuryente” because, it can cause damage of our fish eggs. The
main reason of promoting fishery industry in our barangay. It is to manage and to care fishes in the pond
and in the rivers.

3. Why is it important to know and understand the importance of fishery branches?

- It is important to have fishery branches in our town. Were Sustainable, productive fisheries and
aquaculture improve for food and nutrition security, increase income and improve livelihoods, promote
economic growth and protect our environment and natural resources.

4. If you were given a capital to build or establish your own fishery business, in specifically what branch
of fishery do you prefer? Why?

- I prefer to be in near lake with a lot of fishes so you can make a profit when you sell a fish. Because
if you make a fishery in far from the fish pond it will be hard to travel to get fish and sell. Or else I
prefer to establish in the market so that my target market of my business is in the whole town in my

Sources: Learning modules in Agri-Fishery ArtS. PDF

: Green Empire Reviewer Books

: MSU Agri Fishery Arts Reviewer

***Disclaimer*** Most of the images and graphic illustrations taken from the online resources are
owned by the original makers and are used solely as support materials for academic purposes.

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