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Care of Mother and Child At-Risk or with

Problems (Acute and Chronic)- Lecture

Session # 9

Pilliteri, Adele and Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne (2018)
Maternal and Child Health Nursing, 8 Edition.
At the end of the lesson, the student nurse can: USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

1. Define Spontaneous Miscarriage its relation to pregnancy, Perry, Shannon, Hockenberry, Marilyn J.,
including pre-existing factors that contribute to its development. Lowdermilk Deitra Leonard and Wilson, David
(2015) Maternal and Child Nursing Care,6
2. Integrate knowledge of Spontaneous Miscarriage in relation Edition. USA: Elsevier
to pregnancy and nursing process to achieve quality maternal
and child health nursing care. Hockenberry, Marilyn and Wilson, David (2013)
Wong’s Essential of Pediatric Nursing,9th
Edition. USA: Elsevier


MAIN LESSON (50 minutes)

(Please refer to Chapter 21: Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Sudden Pregnancy Complication-Bleeding During
Pregnancy Spontaneous Miscarriage p. 529)
ABORTION- any interruption of a pregnancy before a Causes of Spontaneous Miscarriage
fetus is viable (> 20 to 24 weeks & weighs at least 500 g)  Abnormal fetal formation
 Immunologic factors: Rh/ABO incompatibility
 ELECTIVE ABORTION – medical termination of a  Implantation abnormalities
pregnancy  Corpus luteum fails to produce enough P to
 MISCARRIAGE- spontaneous interruption of a maintain the d. basalis (P therapy may be
pregnancy attempted)
 Early miscarriage occurs before week 16 & late  Infection (rubella, syphilis, poliomyelitis, CMV,
miscarriage between weeks 16 & 24 toxoplasmosis, UTI)- fetus fails to grow, P & E
decline causing sloughing off of the endometrium
 Trauma
 Incompetent cervix
 Maternal systemic diseases: DM, thyroid
problems, severe anemia
Classifications of Spontaneous Abortions/Miscarriages
1. Threatened Miscarriage Management:
Symptoms:  Assess fetal viability via UTZ; FHT
 vaginal bleeding- scant, usually bright red  Assess amount of bleeding
 Slight cramping or backache  Monitor VS; assess for impending shock
 No cervical dilatation  Provide emotional support
 hCG titer at start of bleeding & after 24h (if viable,
hCG doubles)

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 Avoid strenuous activity, CBR for 24 to 48 h
 Avoid stress
 coitus is restricted for 2 weeks after bleeding to
avoid bleeding & infection
2. Imminent or Inevitable Miscarriage Management:
Symptoms:  assess bleeding;
 + cramping or uterine contractions  save any tissue fragments passed
 + Vaginal bleeding  initiate IVT with an 18-gauge needle
 Cervix dilates & membranes rupture  If (-) FHT & UTZ reveals empty uterus or
nonviable fetus, D&E
 after D & E monitor bleeding (saturating > 1
pad/hour is heavy bleeding)
 RhOGAM as necessary
 Provide psychological support
3. Complete Miscarriage Management:
Symptoms:  Advise the woman to report heavy bleeding.
 the entire products of conception (fetus, placenta,  No therapy needed since the process of is
membranes) are expelled complete due to spontaneous expulsion of the
 Bleeding, cramping & expulsion of conceptus entire products of conception.
 Bleeding slows within 2 hours then stops within a
few days after passage of conceptus
 The cervix is closed & the uterus contracts
4. Incomplete Miscarriage Management:
Symptoms:  D & C or suction curettage
 Bleeding, cramping & part of the conceptus
(usually the fetus) is expelled but the rest are
retained; cervix is dilated
 danger of hemorrhage because the uterus cannot
contract effectively
5. Missed Miscarriage/ Early Pregnancy Failure Management:
Symptoms:  UTZ to establish fetal death
 the fetus dies in utero but is not expelled & the client  D&E
experiences decreasing signs of pregnancy  If > 14 wks AOG, Prostaglandin suppository of
 Cervix is closed misoprostol (Cytotec) to dilate the cervix, followed
 Dark brown vaginal discharge by oxytocin or
 Pregnancy test (-)  mifepristone
 Fundal height does not increase in size  Miscarriage usually occurs spontaneously within 2
 If conceptus remains in the uterus > 5 weeks, risk
for DIC and sepsis
6. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss/Habitual Abortion
 Three Spontaneous miscarriage that occurred at the same gestational age
 Defective spermatozoa or ova
 Poor Thyroid Function
 Septate or Bicornuate Uterus
 Resistance to uterine artery blood flow
 Chorioamnionitis or uterine infection
 Autoimmune disorders such as Lupus Anticoagulant and Anti Phospholipid Antibodies
Complications of Miscarriage
1. Hemorrhage Management
 complete spontaneous miscarriage- 1. Hemorrhage
serious or fatal hemorrhage is rare.  Monitor VS
 incomplete miscarriage or in a woman  Position flat on bed
who develops an accompanying  Blood replacement if necessary
coagulation defect (usually DIC)- major  D&C
hemorrhage becomes a possibility 2. Infection
2. Infection  Advise women to wipe their perineal area
 fever higher than 100.4°F (38.0°C) from front to back after voiding and

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 abdominal pain or tenderness particularly after defecation to prevent the
 foul-smelling vaginal discharge spread of bacteria that could cause
3. Septic Abortion- an abortion complicated by infection.
infection  Advise the woman not to use tampons
 occurs in women who have tried to self-abort or (stasis of any body fluid increases the risk
whose pregnancy was aborted illegally using a of infection).
nonsterile instrument such as a knitting needle 3. Septic Abortion
 fever and crampy abdominal pain; her uterus will  CBC, serum electrolytes and CREA;
feel tender to palpation. blood type and cross-match; and cervical,
 Left untreated, such an infection can lead to toxic vaginal, and urine cultures are obtained
shock syndrome, septicemia, kidney failure, and  Combination of penicillin (gram-positive
death coverage), gentamicin (gram-negative
4. Isoimmunization- whenever the placenta is aerobic coverage), and clindamycin
dislodged some blood from the placental villi may (gram-negative anaerobic coverage) is
enter the maternal circulation. If the fetus is Rh (+) commonly prescribed to combat the
& the woman is Rh (-), the mother may produce
 D&C or D&E
antibodies against Rh (+) blood & would attempt 4. Isoimmunization
to destroy RBC of the next infant while it is in  Administer RhOGAM or RhIg to all
utero. women with Rh (-) blood to prevent
5. Powerlessness or Anxiety buildup of antibodies in case the fetus is
Rh (+)
5. Powerlessness or Anxiety
 assess a partner’s or the extended
family’s feelings as well, or the potential
impact of their grief and possible lack of
support for the woman over the
pregnancy loss can be missed.
You will answer and rationalize this by pair. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed.

Multiple Choice

1. Naiza is in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives at a health care clinic and reports that she has been
experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the client regarding
management of care. Which statement, if made by the client, indicates a need for further education?
A. “I will maintain strict bedrest throughout the remainder of pregnancy.”
B. “I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last evidence of
C. “I will count the number of perineal pads used on a daily basis and note the amount and color of blood on the
D. “I will watch for the evidence of the passage of tissue.”
ANSWER: ________

2. It is a type of miscarriage wherein there is bleeding and cramping occur with the cervix closed and membranes
A. complete
B. inevitable
C. habitual
D. missed
E. threatened
ANSWER: ________

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3. It is a type of miscarriage wherein some of the products are expelled, but the placenta remains attached. Heavy
bleeding and cramping do not subside until entire placenta is removed.
A. habitual
B. missed
C. incomplete
D. complete
E. threatened
ANSWER: ________

4. What type of miscarriage that occurs with 3 consecutive pregnancies?

A. habitual
B. missed
C. incomplete
D. complete
E. threatened
ANSWER: ________

5. It is a type of miscarriage when the embryo or fetus dies but isn’t expelled. It’s often discovered by the
physician when no FHT is present. Fetus must be expelled within 6wks or DIC and/or infections can occur.
A. habitual
B. missed
C. incomplete
D. inevitable
E. threatened
ANSWER: ________

6. It is a type of miscarriage wherein all of the products of conception are expelled.

A. inevitable
B. complete
C. threatened
D. habitual
E. missed
ANSWER: ________

7. During a prenatal screening of a client with diabetes, the nurse should keep in mind that the client is at
increased risk for which complications? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Still Birth
B. Rh incompatibility
C. Gestational hypertension
D. Placenta previa
E. Spontaneous abortion
ANSWER: ________

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8. The following are causes of Spontaneous Miscarriage, SELECT ALL THAT APPLY:
A. Abnormal fetal formation
B. Immunologic factors: Rh/ABO incompatibility
C. Implantation abnormalities
D. Toxoplasmosis
ANSWER: ________

9. An abortion complicated by infection that occurs in women who have tried to self-abort or whose pregnancy
was aborted illegally using a nonsterile instrument such as a knitting needle.
A. Spontaneous
B. Complete
C. Habitual
D. Septic
ANSWER: ________

10. The following are types of abortion, SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
A. Threatened
B. Incomplete
C. Complete
D. Habitual
E. Early Pregnancy Loss
ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.

1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________
5. ANSWER: ________
6. ANSWER: ________

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7. ANSWER: ________
8. ANSWER: ________
9. ANSWER: ________
10. ANSWER: ________

LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

AL STRATEGY: Minute Paper

1. Your student will ask you to use index cards or half-sheets of paper to provide written feedback to the following
a. What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?
b. What question(s) do you have as we end this session?
2. After writing the instructor will collect the responses before you leave.

(For next session, review Chapter 21: Nursing Care of A Family Experiencing a Sudden Pregnancy Complication-
Bleeding During Pregnancy p. 537-541)

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